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Polya’s 4-Step Method

George Polya, one of the most remarkable mathematicians of the 20th century, is known as the
father of problem solving as he did extensive studies and wrote numerous mathematical papers
and books that have made a major contribution to his work in problem solving.

He was the author of the classic works How to Solve It, Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning,
and Mathematical Discovery, which encouraged students to become thoughtful and
independent problem solvers. In this book, he identifies four basic principles of problem solving.

Understand the Problem

This seems obvious that it is often not even mentioned, yet students often stop putting
efforts to solve problems simply because they do not understand it fully, or even a part of it.

- First, you have to understand the problem.

- What is unknown? What are the data? What is the condition?

Devise a Plan (translate)

Polya mentions that there are many reasonable ways to solve a problem. The skill at
choosing an appropriate strategy is best learned by solving many problems. You will find
choosing a strategy increasingly easy. Here is a partial list of strategies:

● Guess and Check

● Look for a Pattern
● Draw a Picture
● Use a Model
● Work Backwards
● Use a Formula
● Solve an Equation
● Use Direct Reasoning

- Second, find the connection between the data and the unknown.
- You should obtain a plan of the solution.
- What is the number sentence? What operations are to be performed? Have you taken into
account all essential notions involved in the problem?

Carry out the Plan (solve)

Persist with the plan that you have chosen. This is usually easier than devising the plan.

- Third, carry out your plan.

- Carrying out the plan of your solution, check each step. Can you clearly see that the step
is correct? Can you prove that it is correct?
- Solve the problem based on your translation (2nd step).

Look Back

Polya mentions that much can be gained by taking the time to reflect and look back at
what you have done, what worked, and what didn’t. Doing this will enable you to predict what
strategy to use to solve future problems.

- Fourth, examine the solution obtained.

- Make sure that you have solved the problem correctly and accurately.
- Check if you have used all the information correctly and that the answer makes sense.
- Make sure that you write your final answer with the correct labeling.

Here’s an example of how to solve word problems involving integers using algebra tiles.

In Paris, France, the temperature was -1°F in the morning. If the temperature dropped 7°F,
what is the temperature now?

I. Understand the problem

What is being asked? The new temperature.

What are the given facts? Morning temperature of -1°F; Temperature dropped at

II. Devise a plan

What is the number sentence?

Current Temperature = Morning Temperature - Temperature Drop

Current Temperature = -1 - 7

What operation is to be performed? Subtraction

III. Carry out the plan


Current Temperature = -1 - 7

= -1 + 7 Change the operation to addition

= -1 + (-7) Get the opposite of the subtrahend

Using algebra tiles,

Current Temperature = +

IV. Look back

The morning temperature was -1°F. Since the temperature dropped 7°F, it’s integer
equivalent is -7.

Therefore, the current temperature using algebra tiles is

°F or -8°F.

Here are some examples of solving word problems using Polya’s 4-step method.

1. A local food store reported losses of at least PhP 2,000 per day since the pandemic
began last March 2020 to March 2021. How much was the loss for a year?

I. Understand the problem

What is being asked? How much was the loss for a year.

What are the given facts? A loss of PhP 2,000 per day; One year

II. Devise a plan

What is the number sentence?

Loss for a year = Amount of money×Number of Days

Loss for a year = 2000 ×365

What operation is to be performed? Multiplication

III. Carry out the plan


Loss for a year = 2000 ×365

= 730,000

IV. Look back

There are 365 days from March 2020 to March 2021. The reported loss per day is
PhP 2000.

Therefore, the total loss for a year was PhP 730,000.

2. Mount Everest, the highest elevation in Asia, is 29,028 feet above sea level. The Dead Sea, the
lowest elevation, is 1,312 feet below sea level. What is the difference between these two

I. Understand the problem

What is being asked? Difference between the two elevations.

What are the given facts? Mount Everest has an elevation of 29,028 feet above
sea level; The Dead Sea has the lowest elevation of 1,312 feet above sea level.

II. Devise a plan

What is the number sentence?

Difference = Highest elevation - Lowest Elevation

Difference = 29,082 - 1,312

What operation is to be performed? Subtraction

III. Carry out the plan


Difference = 29,082 - 1,312

= 27,770

IV. Look back

The highest and lowest elevations are 29,082 and 1,312 feet above sea level,

Therefore, the difference between these two elevations is 27,770 feet.

3. Margaux bought 4 shirts that cost PhP 399 each. How much change will she receive if she
paid PhP 2000?

I. Understand the problem

What is being asked? Amount of change.

What are the given facts? 4 shirts that cost PhP 399 each; Budget of PhP 2000

II. Devise a plan

What is the number sentence?

Amount of change = Total Budget - Total Expenses

Amount of change = 2000 - (399 ×4)

What operations are to be performed? Multiplication, Subtraction

III. Carry out the plan


Amount of change = 2000 - (399 ×4)

= 2000 - 1596

= 404

IV. Look back

Since each shirt costs PhP 399, 4 shirts will have a total of PhP 1596.

Therefore, the amount of change Margaux will receive is PhP 404.

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