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Word Part of Phone c Synonym Antonym Meaning Sentence

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206 policy n. /ˈpɒl.ə.si/ methodology disorganisa o นโยบาย Honesty and truth is the best policy.
207 carriage n. /ˈkær.ɪdʒ/ transport possession รถ The house and carriage is at the door.

208 including prep. /ɪnˈkluː.dɪŋ/ containing excluding รวมทัง My partners excluding I were ruined.

209 excluding prep. /ɪkˈskluː.dɪŋ/ excep ng including ไม่รวม Tim,excluding his friends ,is drawing a picture.

210 either adv. /ˈaɪ.ðər/ /ˈiː.ðər/ each both แต่ละ Either she or you are going to answer the telephone.

211 neither adv. /ˈnaɪ.ðər/ none each ทัง Neither you nor I am to go now.

212 content adv. /kənˈtent/ gra field discontent เนือหา Neither the house nor its contents were insured.

213 emigra on n. /ˌem.ɪˈɡreɪ.ʃən/ departure immigra on ย้ายถินฐาน What kind of emigra on controls they have?

214 heap n. /hiːp/ pile bit กอง There's a heap of mackintoshes in the flower room.

215 plenty adv. /ˈplen. / wealth poverty มากมาย I got plenty of gold.

216 variety n. /vəˈraɪ.ə. / assortment alikeness หลากหลาย They were prone to a variety of problems.

217 punish v. /ˈpʌn.ɪʃ/ penalise pardon ลงโทษ Together we will punish these creatures.

218 ca le n. /ˈkæt.əl/ cows en ty ปศุสตั ว์ The ca le mu la ons.

219 poultry n. /ˈpəʊl.tri/ birds vegetables สัตว์ปีก Now that's what I call poultry in mo on.
No. Word Part of Phone c Synonym Antonym Meaning Sentence
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220 vermin n. /ˈvɜː.mɪn/ pest chanpion น่ารังเกียจ And the vermin of the world inhabit it.

221 economics n. /ˌiː.kəˈnɒm.ɪks/ finance - เศรษฐศาสตร์ Degree in economics from Princeton.

222 poli cs n. /ˈpɒl.ə.tɪks/ civics carefulness การเมือง Their poli cs are confined to bread and salt.

223 mumps n. /mʌmps/ paro s - โรคคางทูม I'm afraid she may have the mumps.

224 measles n. /ˈmiː.zəlz/ rubeola - โรคหัด Measles can be quite dangerous.

225 ashes n. /ˈæʃ·əz/ slag cystal ขีเถ้า His ashes are burned here.

226 alms n. /ɑːmz/ dona on injury ขอทาน Alms for the poor?

227 breeches n. /ˈbrɪtʃ.ɪz/ pants - กางเกง Two pairs of breeches that need cleaning.

228 wages n. /ˈweɪ·dʒəz/ salary debt ค่าจ้าง You're hiding your wages in a n can, Annie.

229 spectacles n. /ˈspek·tə·kəlz/ glasses secrecies แว่นตา He took off his spectacles.

230 biceps n. /ˈbaɪ.seps/ upper arms - กล้ามเนือแขน Your biceps are huge!

231 tongs n. /tɒŋz/ pincers - คีมด้านยาว I'm going to a ach the tongs now.

232 bellows n. /ˈbel.əʊz/ shouts whispers เครืองสูบลม We work those bellows all night long.

233 pincers n. - forceps - คีมปากนกแก้ว A pincer move.

No. Word Part of Phone c Synonym Antonym Meaning Sentence
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234 billiards n. /ˈbɪl.i.ədz/ - - บิลเลียด For my first day of billiards class.

235 arms n. /ɑːmz/ armaments harmony อาวุธ A strike at the arms factory.

236 suds n. /sʌdz/ bubbles calm ฟองสบู่ He smelled like ground chuck and soap suds.

237 sheers adj. /ʃɪər/ swerves straightens เลียง It might be sheer luck.

238 tweezers n. /ˈtwiː.zəz/ tongs - ปากคีบ Do we have tweezers?

239 trappings n. /ˈtwiː.zəz/ benefits lack เครืองยศ I need to keep the trappings.

240 entrails n. /ˈen.treɪlz/ bowels - ลําไส้ Her entrails start appearing.

241 dings n. /ˈtaɪ.dɪŋz/ informa on ignorance ข่าว I am able to send dings.

242 assets n. /ˈæs.et/ belongings liabili es ทรัพย์สนิ Evaluate the assets of a company.

243 amends n. /əˈmendz/ repara on penalty ค่าชดใช้ He made amends for his mistakes.

244 cha els n. /ˈtʃæt.əl/ belongings lack ทรัพย์สนิ My cha els are beau ful.

245 victuals n. /ˈvɪt.əlz/ food drink เสบียง Victuals for our Christmas repast.

246 whiskers pl.n. /ˈhwɪs·kərzˈ/ bread smooth skin เครา Your whiskers are like knives.
No. Word Part of Phone c Synonym Antonym Meaning Sentence
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247 eaves pl.n. /ivz/ rim cavity ชายคา The eaves are dripping.

248 means n. /miːnz/ method paucity วิธี By means of psychology.

249 bowels pl.n. /ˈbɑʊ·əlz, bɑʊlz/ entrails exterior เครืองใน I have trouble with my bowels.

250 embers n. /ˈem.bər/ ashes cystal ถ่านทีกําลังคุ With the dying embers of the fire

251 trout n. /traʊt/ virago - ปลาเทร้า En re place used to be trout farm.

252 commi ee n. /kəˈmɪt.i/ board employee คณะกรรมการ He has been asked to sit on the commi ee.

253 jury n. /ˈdʒʊə.ri/ adjudicators - ลูกขุน The jury will now re re.

254 cabinet n. /ˈkæb.ɪ.nət/ cupboard individual คณะรัฐมนตรี Maybe even get you a cabinet post.

255 government n. /ˈɡʌv.ən.mənt/ administra o chaos รัฐบาล Government aid to higher educa on.
256 fleet n. /fliːt/ agile entertainment กองเรือ I'm a fleet admiral too.

257 crew n. /kruː/ group individual ลูกเรือ It's true one of the crew members is ill.

258 responsible adj. /rɪˈspɒn.sə.bəl/ trustworthy irresponsible รับผิดชอบ A man is responsible for his deeds.

259 mend v. /mend/ repair break ซ่อม He got his wife to mend his shirt.

260 unwise adj. /ʌnˈwaɪz/ foolish sensible ไม่ฉลาด I felt that the plan was unwise.

261 impress v. /ɪmˈpres/ wealthily ordinarily ประทับใจ He gave us his impression of the poem.

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