QTII Bcom2019

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QP CODE: 19101417
ll11111111111111111111 Reg No
19 1014 17


Fourth Semester
(Commo n for B Corn Model 11 Computer App lication s ,B.Com Model II Finance & Taxa tion ,B.Com Model 11
Marketing ,B.Com Model II Travel & Tourism ,B.Com Model Ill Office Management & Secretarial Practice
.B.Com Mode l 111 Taxation ,8.Com Model Ill Computer Applications ,B.Com Model Ill Travel & Tou rism ,B.Com
Mode l I Com pute r Applications ,B .Com Model I Co-operation :s .Com Model I Marketing ,B.Com Model I
Fina nce & Ta xation ,B.Com Model I Travel & Tourism ,B.Com Model II Logistics Management)

2017 Admission onwards

Maximum Marks: 80
Time: 3 Hours
Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks .

1. Wh at is a Correlaiion Graph?

2 Wh at is co ncurren! devi ation method?

3. Wnte a note on probable error.

4. Why the line of regression analysis are called' line of best fit

Construct the
. regression
. equa t·,on s of x on y and y on X from the following information . Arithmetic mean of X and Y is
6 and 8 respectively, bxy is -1. 3 and byx is -0.65.

6. 1/fna t do you mean by Index Numbers?

7. E,1 c !ain Paasche 's method of constructing index numbers.

· Base Index Number?·

IM-.at do you mean by C harn

8 V/ riat is meant by Time Series Ana Iys1


10 Brief1 y eYploin the free hand cu rve method

11 Wha t ,s c0m ;::,l1ment of an event

12 .
· In how rna n1 ways can the letters o f ttie w ord "ASSASS INATION " be arranged?

(1 0x2=20 )
P~rt B
An swer any six ques tions .
Ea ch question ca rries 5 marks

13. . analy sis?

What are the utilities of co rre Iation
l l l !S~~1mrw1
14 . Given :

X Series Y Series

No. of items 10 10

Total of devia tions -170 -20

Total of the squar es of devia tions 8288 2264

Total of the produ cts of devia tions from their • d mean 3044 Find the Kerl Pearson's C o-effi c
respe ctive assum e - ie nt of
Corre lation

·15 . Expla · · · ·
in the conce pt of regre ssion and prnnt out ,ts f
use u 1ness• tn deali ng with busin ess probl e m s .

From the fol lowing data , const ruct index numb

16 . ers unde r Simp le Aggre gate Expe n ditu re meth
od a nd Average of
Relative Meth od .

Comp ute weigh ted arithm etic mean of price relativ

es taking PDQ 1 as weigh ts of the items

1a. What are the comp onent s ot Time Serie s Analy


20 . Two six faced dice with face numb ers

1,2,3,4.5,6 are th rown simultaneously once. Find
the proba bility that i) b
dice would show 4; ii) One of th em would show 0th th
'3' and the other '5' and iii) the sum of their face
va lue works t e
The sum of the numb ers is an even numb er. o be 8· .
. , iv)

21 · The odds again

st A speaking the truth are 4:6 while th e odds
in favou r of B speaking the truth are 7:3. i)VVha
probability t.
that A and B contr adict each other In stating the
same fact? ii) If A and B agree on a statem ent th
,•. h ts e
probability that this statement is true? ' vv at ·
Part C
Answer any two questions .
Each question carries 15 ma rks.

From the following data relating to the marks secured by a batch of candidates ascertain the rank correlation co-
efficient and interpret results.
Ca ndidates A B C D E F G H J
Marks in Statistics 55 40 50 35 37 18 30 22 15 5
Marks in Maths 58 60 48 50 30 32 45 37 42 52
Marks in Economics 70 68 75 40 80 50 30 85 25 90

'-.J, ,
Given the bi-variate data

i[ 7
[ j~ JI
X 2 4 L__ S
!I :1 8

ii 18_JL 12
II 10
I~ ] i
I 'I

1. Fit the t\vo regression lines and estimate Y when Xis 10 and X when Y is 8 5.
2. Interpret the regression Co-efticienls.

_ Below are given the annual production of X Ltd .
!:=:==== = = = == =::;/! 20 10·- _,__ il2011J1(__,2012 !'2013 !Go14 l[ 201
__,J_ ::___ L:______ -·--.. .s. . 1I!-20---1~

!IProduction (in tonnes)

.. .
II 70 lj 75
_Jt.__....l - - -
I[ 90
~L:.JL:~ !I 91 !I 95 !~~
(1J Fit a straight line by the method of least squares tabulate the trend values.

(u) Estimate the production for the year 2017.

(Ji iJ Eliminate the trend using Additive Model. What components of the time series are left over•)
( ivj Convert annual trend equation to monthly trend equation.

25 . Suppose, a black ball has been drawn from one of the three bags, the first containing three black balls and seven
white, the second five black and three white, the third , eight black ba,lls and fou r white. What is the probability that it
was drawn from the first bag?

(2x 15=30)

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