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Printed Pages— 9 Roll No. «0... 341651(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, Nov.-Dec., 2021 (PCI Scheme) MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY-III THEORY (BP601T) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks: 75 Note : The question paper consists of three section ie. A, Band C. Section-A consists of 20 MCQs of 1 mark each. All questions are compulsory. Section-B consists of 3 questions out of the which 2 questions should be attempted, 10 marks each, Section-C consists of nine questions out of which attempt 7 questions. 5 marks each. Section-A 1x20=20 (Multiple Choice Questions) Note ; Attempt all questions. 1. Multiple Choice Questions : 341651(41) PTO 21 (@ Cephalosporin contains (@) purines (b) pyrimidines (©) thiazolidines (@ libydrothiazine i) The beta Jactum antibiotics are (@)_ Penicillin (b) Cephalosporin (©) Imipenem @) Allof: the above. i How many chiral carbon are present in structure of penicillin : (@) One (&) Two (o) Three (d) Four (iv) Aminoglycoside acts on (@) 30sribosome (o) 50s ribosome 34165141) 13) © Both (a) and (b); @_ None of the above (¥) Yellow discoloration of teeth is caused by : (@ Chloramphenicol (6) Tetracycline (© Macrolide @) Amino glycoside (vi) Pamaquine contains : @ — Quinoline ring ©) __Tsoquinoline ring (©) _ Indole ring (@ _Allofthe above (vil) Isoniazid is: (a) Pyrimidine derivative (b) Pyridine derivative (©) Purine derivative @ — Guanidine derivative (ii) Fluconazole acts on : 341651(41) 4a (@) _ Mycolic acid (0) Cytochrome P450 enzyme 14 alpha demethylase (@ COx (@ _Allof the above (x) Mechanism of sulfonamide is inhibition of: (@) DNA polymerase () PABA (© Both of the above (@) None of the above () The fll form of CAD is : (a) Central approach of Drug Design (b) Common attribute of Drug Design (©) Computer Aided Drug Design (@ None of the above (si) Quinine is obtained from (@) Cinchona bark (b) Cinchona leaf 34165140) © (5) Both of the above (d) None of the above (xi) Amino glycosides gives : @ &) © @ Bactericidal effect Bacteriostatic effect Fungicidal effect None of the above (xii) Which linkage is found in amino glycoside ring and sugar : @ o) © @ Covalent bonding ‘Hydrogen bonding Gilyeosidic linkage All of the above (xiv) Adverse effect of chloramphenicol is : @ (b) © @ Gray baby syndrome Fanconi syndrome Ototoxicity Red man syndrome ES 41651(41) rid’ 16) (av) Nalidixic acid acts on : (@ _ Myoolic acid (b) DNA gyrase (© Cox (@)_Allof the above (i) Griseofulvinis @ Benzofuran (6). Troxane derivative (©) Guatidine derivative @ ‘None of the above (xsi) Which one is benzitni (@) Praziquaniel siaeeudi (b) Mebendazole (© Surin @ All of the above Desosamine is : @ Acidic ring (b) Basicring s41s1a) idazole derivative : i1 ©, Neutral @ None of the above (soe), Drug of choice for Rocky Mountain spotted fever is @ Chioramphenico! (®) Tetracycline ©) "Streptomycin @ Allof the above G0) Sulphonamides inhibits PABA (@_ Competetively . (©) Non-competetively (©) ~ Propoitionaly* ‘~ @ None of the above Section-B "(Long Answer Type Questions) 2x10=20 Note : Attempt any two questions, All questions carry equal marks. 2, ‘Discuss the etiology of inalaria. Explain the SAR of 34yesan) PTO 4. 18) Quinolones, Write the synthesis and uses of Chloroquine and Pamaquine. Dischss in detail the Nomenclature, Steteochemistry, classification and structure activity relationships of B - lactum antibiotics. (Classify the anti tubercular drugs with example. Write the synthesis, MOA and structure activity relationship of isoniazid and para amino salicylic acid. ‘Section-C 7x5=35 (Short Answer ‘Type Questions) Note: Attempt any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks. Explain the docking techniques with examples. Discuss the classification, structure and mechanism of action of tetracyclines. Discuss about Combinatorial Chemistry, Classify, antiviral drugs with example and write the synthesis and SAR of acyclovir. 19) 9. Write an exhaustive note on Prodrug design. 10. Discuss the classification of MOA of Biguanides. 11. Describe the classification of SAR of Sulfonamides with example 12. Classify the anthelmintics with example and write the synthesis and SAR of Diethylcarbamazine 13, Classify the ant fingal agents with example. Weite the structure and MOA of any one drug. oor 34165141) Printed Pages — 9 RONG: & sssssssscasavevesavesivass 341651(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, April-May 2022 (PCI Scheme) (Pharmacy Branch) MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY-H1 (Theory) (BP601T) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 75 Note : The question paper consists of three sections i.e. ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’. All questions are compulsory. Section-‘A’ consists of 20 MCQs of I mark each. Section-‘B’ consists of 3 questions out of the which 2 questions should be attempted, 10 marks each, Section-'C’ consists of nine questions out of which attempt 7 questions, 5 marks each.. Section-‘A’ (Multiple Choice Questions) 20x 1=20 Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 341651(41) PTO 21 131 1. Choose the correct answer (iv) In penicillins, beta lactam ring is fused with Thiazolii (i) Benzylpenicilin isthe chemical name for which of @ wees the following penicillin? (b) Piperidine (@) Penicillin G (©) Pyroliine () Pericilin V (@ Pyrimicine ©) Peskin (Which ofthe following penicilin drug is a prodrug? (@ Phenethictin (a) ‘Tiemeitin Gi) Streptomycin is produced by which of the following (©) Bacampeillin organisms? (© Anpiciin (@) Streptomyces noursei @ Carbenicilin Strepte (©) Streptomyces nodosus oe ae (©) Streptomyces fradiae osama (@) 4-aminoquinolene (@) Streptomyces griseus () 8-aminoquinolene (ii) Which of the following inhibits protein synthesis (© Quinine Methanol by combining with the SOS subunit ribosome? (@ 2, 4-diaminopyrinidine (a) Streptomycin (6) Tetracyoline (vi) Common tests to diagnosis TB are : (©) Chloramphenicol (@ Heaf test (@) Peniciliin (b) Mantoux test 341651(41) 341651(41) PTO iil) (00), © i (©) Tuberculin test @ All of the above A single drug most effective in TB is (a) Rifampin (6) Isoniazed (©) Rifabutin @ Eiionamide Which of the following terms refers to the mole- cular modelling computational method that uses equations obeying the laws of classical physics? (@) Quantum mechanics (b) Molecular calculations (©) Molecular mechanics (@) Quantum theory ‘What is meant by docking? (a) The process by which two different structures are compared by molecular modeling. (b) The process by which @ lead compound is 341681(41) (x) (xii) is] simplified by removing excess functional groups. (©) The process by which drugs are fitted into their target binding sites using molecular modeling. (@) The process by which a pharmacophore is, identified. Corticosteriods are contraindicated in (a) Miliary TB (b) Meningeal TB (©) Intestinal TB (@) Renal TB Acidic urine augmerts the antibacterial action of following drugs (@) Ciprofoxacin (>) Cotrimoxazole (©) Gentamicin (@) Nitrofurantoin 341651041) Pro Co) (xiv) @) (xvi) toy Anti Microbial used orally for UTIs : (a) Nalidixic acid (©) Azithromycin © Bacampicitin (@ Peftoxacin ‘Idoxuridine is indicated in : (@) Herpes Simplex Keratitis (b) Herpes Zoster (©) Chickenpox @ Allof these Which of the viruses is most suceptible to Acyclovir? (@) Herpes Simplex Type 1 (b) Herpes Simplex Type IT (© Varicella Zoster @ Epstein Barr Zidovudine inhibits which virus : (@ HIV (b) Cytomegaloviris 341651(41) 71 (©) Hepatitis B (@ Both (a) and (b) (sii) Which drug acts by inhibiting HIV protease enzyme? (@) Zaleitabine (b) Biavirenz (©) Stavudine (@ Nelfinavir evi) Clotrimazole is used for (@ Monilal Diarthoea (©) Monti Vaginits, (© Otomycosis (@ Tinea cruris (xix) The only azole antifungal drug having acticity against moulds like Aspergillus = (@) Itraconazole (b) Fluconazole (©) Miconazole (@ Ketoconazole 341681(41) Pro 3. 4, 181 (8) Tinidazole inhibits (a) Anaerobic bacilli (b) Aerobic bacilli (© Gram positive cocci (@ Gram negative cocci Section-“B’ (Long Answer Type Questions) 2x10=20 Note: Answer any two questions, Each question carries 10 marks. Discuss in detail the nomenclature, stereochemistry and SAR of f -lactum antibiotics. Define combinatorial chemistry, Discuss in detail Solid Phase Synthesis. Define Anti-Malarial agent. Write the nomenclature, stereochemistry and SAR of Chloroquine. 341681(41) 19) Section" (Short Answer Type Questions) 75-35 Note: Answer any seven questions, Each question carries 5 marks. 5. Give the basic concepts and application of Pro-drugs design. 6. Write the MOA and SAR of Mebendazole. 7. Discuss the structural classification of Anti-tubercular drug, 8, Discuss the chemistry of Ciprofloxacin. 9, Write the MOA and SAR of Acyclovir. 10. Give the classification and SAR of Sulfonamides. 11. Explain Hansch analysis. 12, Discuss the steps of Lead Identification. 13, What is Pharmacophore modeling? 100] 34165160) Printed Pages— 9 Roll NO. oo eecececeeseseseese 341651(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, April-May 2021 (PCI Scheme) MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY-IIT THEORY (BP601T) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 75 Note ; Attempt specified number of question from each section. Section-A 1x20=20 (Multiple Choice Questions) Note : Attempt all questions. 1. Multiple Choice Questions : 341651 (41) PTO 0 ) Gi) (1 The streptomycin structure is containing (@)_ Streptidine (b) Streptose (©) N-methyl glucosamine @ Allofthe above Which of the following is not a natural aminoglycoside : (@) Streptomycin ()Netilmicin (© Neomycin @ Kanamycin The heterocycle present in the B -lactam ring is (@ Aziridinone (&) Azapine (© Azetidinone @ None of the above Phenoxy methyl penicillin is also known as : (@) Penicillin-V 341651¢41) 1} Ww) (vil) ii (b) Penicilin-G (© Amoxicilin (@ Phonethicitin The reaction of 2, 6-dimethoxy benzoylehloride with 6-Aminopenicillanic acid will give which of the following drug? (@) Ampicillin () Amoxicilin (©) Methicitin @ —Carbenicitin Which of the following heterocycle is fiased with lactam ring in the structure of cephalosporins. (a) Thiazine (b) Thiazole © Thiadinzole (@ Thiadiazine ‘The nomenclature Cepham lead molecule is. (@) S-thia-1-a2a bieyeto [4.2.0]-Oct-2-ene (b) S-thia-2-a2a bieyelo [4,2.1]-Oct-2-ene 34165141) Pro (viii) &) © 14) (©) 4-thia-2-a2a bieyelo [4.2.0]-Oct--ene (@ _ S-thia-1-22a bicyclo [4.2.0]-hept-1-ene ‘The example of semisynthetic tetracycline is (@) Chlortetra cyctine (b) Doxyeycline (©) Methaeycline @ (and (c) both ‘The fundamental required structure of tetracycline is (@) Linear arrangement of the 4 rings (b) Phenolic diketone system of ring BCD (©) Tricarbonyl methane of ring A @ Allofthe above Which of the following material can be used to synthesize chloramphenicol (@) _ P-amino phenol (b) _Prnitroacetophenone (©) Menitroacetophenone (@ 2-6 dinitroacetophenone 341651(41) ist (4) Which of the following is mode of action of chloramphenicol : @ ® © @ Freeze initiation of codon reading Bind with the 305 ribosomal subunit Inhibition of peptidy transferase enzyme Destruction of translation assembly (aii) Azithromycin is N-methylated derivative at 9th position of following drug, ® ) © @ Clarithromycin Erythromycin Roxithromycin None of the above (xiii) Pamaquine belongs to which class of antimalarial drugs @ () © @ 8-amino quinoline 4-amino quinoline Quinine methanol e (xiv) Chloroquine can be synthesize from 34168141) PTO @ ) © @ (1) Chloroquine belong to which ofthe following class : @ Ct) © @ (svi) Nitrofuntion drug is containing which heterocycles + @ ® © @ (6) meehloro aniline and acetyl acetone p-chloro aniline and ethyl oxalo acetate m-chloro aniline and ethyl acetoacetate m-chloroaniline and ethyloxalo acetate Cinchona alkaloid 9-amino acridine 4-amino quinoline 8-amino quinoline Imidazole Pyrimidine Pyridazine Pyridine (avi) 9- [(2-hydroxyethoxy) methyl] guanine is the nomenclature of following drug : (@) Zidavudine ()) Vidarabin 341651(41) (71 (©) Dedanosine @) Acyclovir (vil) Isoniazide drug can be synthesized from (xix) (x) (@) Nicotinic acid (b) Pyridine (© FPicoline @ _ Benaoic acid ‘What does the symbol ‘p * represents in QSAR equation @ pH (b) Plasma concentration (©) Partition coefficient @ None of the above What does a negative value of ' 0’ signify for a substituent (@) Electron with drawing (b) Electron donating (©) Neutral (@) Hydrophobic 34165141) PTO 1a) Section-B (Long Answer Type Questions) Note: Attempt any twa questions. 2, Classify the penicillin antibiotics. Write the mode of action, SAR of penicillins with synthesis of any one drug, 3. Write malaria cycle. Give the chssifiction of antimalarial drug. Discuss the mechanism of action and synthesis of chloroquine, 4, What is QSAR? Write the methodology and different parameters involved in QSAR. Section-C 7x5=35, (Short Answer Type Questions) Note: Attempt any seven questions. 5. Write the significance of B -lactase inhibitors along with the structure of clavulanic acid and salbactum, 6. Write a note on macrolide antibiotics, 341651(41) 2*10=20 19) 7. Classify the tetracyclines with structure and its mechanism of action. 8. Write the synthesis and mechanism of action of sulfacet amide, 9. Classify the antifungal drugs. Write mode of action and synthesis of Tolnaftute, 10. Give the classification of antitubercular drugs. Discuss the synthesis and mode of action of isoniazide. 11, Explain the synthesis and mechanism of action of metronidazole. 12, Classify the antiviral drugs along with the sythesis of acyclovir. 13, Write a note on prodrug, 100) 4165141) Printed Pages— 9 Roll No. «0... 341651(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, April-May 2020 (PCI Scheme) MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY-IIIT THEORY (BP601T) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 75 Note : Attempt all parts as directed. Part-A 1x20=20 Note : Attempt all questions. i. Multiple Choice Questions : 341651(41) PTO 121 @ Which of the following drug is an aminoglycoside drug: (a) Erythromycin (b) Kanamycin (©) Doxycycline (d@)_ Ethambutol (i) Neomycin drug isolated from ........... : (a) Streptomyces griseus (b) Streptomyces fradiae (c) Streptomyces lividans (d)_ Streptomyces ambofaciens (ii) Azithromycin is semisynthetic derivative of which drug: (a) Streptomycin (b) Clarithromycin (©) Exythromycin (d) Gentamicin (iv) Macrolide compounds act by inhibiting protein synthesis of bacteria after binding with ........... : 341651(41) @) i) (vii) 131 (a) 30S ribosomal subunit (b) 50S ribosomal subunit (©) Transpeptidase enzyme (d) None of the above Natural penicillin which is the precursor for synthetic penicillin is ........... ‘ (a) Phenethicillin (6) Phenoxy methyl penicillin (©) Piperacillin (d)_ Benzyl penicillin _ Which of the following drug is f -lactamase inhibitor : (a) Salbactam (b) Aztreonam (©) Cloxacillin (@) Tebtoxin Penicillins are contain which of the following heterocyclic ring : (a) Dihydro metathiazine 341651(41) PTo (viii) & ® 14] (6) Tetrahydrothiazine (©) _Dihydrothiazole (d) _Tetrahydrothiazole Which of the following drug is an example of fourth generation cephalosporins : (a) Cephaloridine (b) Cefoxitin (© Cefpirome (d) Cefoperazone The antimalarial drug belongs to 8-aminoquinoline category is : (a) Chloroquine (6) Mefloquine © _ Primaquine @ Quinine bat ih} The synthetic precursor the synthesis of chloramphenicol is: i¢'.::-, a “ae (a) P-amino acetophenorte 42> 4 (b) P-nitroacctophenone’\ eis t 3at6sic4i) i) xii) xiii) 15] (©) _ P-chloroacetophenone @) __ P-nitrobenzophenone Which of the fluoroquinolones not belongs the first generation ; (a) Ciprofloxacin (b) Ofloxacin (©) Norflbxacin (d) Levofloxacin Nitrofurantoin contains which of the heterocyclic ring: @, Imidaznlidinedione ; (b) Oxazolidinedione ©. ‘Thiazolidinedione (d) _ Pyrazolidinedione Ciprofloxacip act by inhibiting .......... enzyme : (@ DNA Ktlicase (b). DNA phiymiernse (c) DNA pyres (d) Reverse transoriptase 341651(41) PTO 161 (xiv) Which of the following antifungal drug is a natural drug : (a) Fluconazole (b) Tolnaflate (c) Griseofulvin (d) Flucytosine (xv) Antiprotozoal agents are used for the treatment of : (a) Emesis (b) Dysentry (©) Malatia (@)_ Tuberculosis (xvi) Which of following drug not used as anthelmintics : (a) Thiabendazole (b) -Niclosamide (c) Ivermectin (d) Tinidazole (xvii) Cotrimoxazole is the combination of the following : (a) ‘Trimethoprim + Sulfamethoxazole (b) Trimethoprim + Sulfamethizole 341651(41) 171 (c) . Trimethoprim + Sulfisoxazole (@)_ ‘Trimethoprim + Sulfatriazole ‘(viii) Fluconazole contains which heterocyclic ring : (xix) (xx) (a) Imidazole (b) Pyrazole (©) “Atiazole @ Pyridine Acyclovir is wens t (@) Adenin analog (b) Cytosin analog (c) Guanin analog (d) Thiamin analog Hammett’s value indicate the following physico chemical property ; (a) Partition coefficient (b) Steric property (©) Molar refractivity | (d) Dissociation constant 34165147) PTO 4. 1. 18] Part-B 2x10=20 Note: Attempt any two questions. Discuss the malaria cycle. Give the classification of antimalarial drugs along with MOA and synthesis of chloroquine. Describe the classification, MOA, chemistry and SAR of penicillins. Write the classification of sulphonamide along their SAR. Discuss the MOA and synthesis of sulfacetamide. Part-C 7*5=35 Note: Attempt any seven questions. Give the structural classification and MOA of tetracyclines. Write a note on monobactams. Discuss the structural requirements and MOA of macrolides. Write the synthesis and action of Isoniazide. 341651 (41) 191 9. Explain the MOA and synthesis of acyclovir. 10. Discuss the classification of antifungal drugs along with the MOA and structure of miconazole. 11. Describe the synthesis and MOA of chloramphenicol. 12. Write a note on Hansch analysis. 13. Discuss the approaches of combinatorial chemistry. 100] 341651(41)

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