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341610(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Exam April-May 2020 (ew Scheme) (Pharmacy Branch) 11 \16\1 \CEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Time Allowed: Three hours Maximum Marks: 70 Note : Auempt any five questions. All questions are ‘carry equal marks. 1 Discuss Enzyme Immobilization Explain various metiods ‘of immobilization of enzyme with suitable exams. 2. Discuss hybridoma technology Explain in etal about production of monoclonal antibody sa1610061) 4 4 Fro ew 2, Wri notes on (4) What are tunity? Dicuss dtl cellar a uae nny , () Exphin Ag-Abrotction wah thi application, <7 4 Define Mcrobal Translormtion, Discs des of bie \easfomation process withroferenesto sors. 6 S. Wican Exhaustive note on concep nd apption of Recombitane DNA Tecnology. uw (6. Dein Fermentor. Discuss their design and proces of anyone fermenter with special reference to prouction ofSuepomyein pane csmuonline com 1 7. Write ote onthe allowing (any two) 247-14 (9) Plat sue eure techniques (©) Gene cloning and applications (© Hypenenstiviy rections (©) Hendin oy sereim (10) 9. What is microbial biotansformation? Clarify 10. Briefly elucidate about PCR, 114, Discuss in short about storage conditions and stability of officials vaccines, 12, Give details of design of a fermenter and its various 13. Write in short about biosensors. Princ Pages 10 341655141 B. Pharmacy (Slath Semestor) © April-May 20 wr seneme) PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ‘TueoRY «weeest) Time Allowed: Three hours Maximum Marks: 75 [Note :Atemp all parte as directed © Part 1520-20 Nore + Atempt all questions 1. Maliple Choice Questions ser6ss1) 0 @ wo wat What is the clinical application of monoclonal antibodies? () Biosensors (&) Transplant rejection (©) Infectious disease (@) Purification of drugs ‘Restriction endonucleases are most widely used in recombinant DNA technology. They are obtained! fom (@) Bacteriophages (©) Bacterial cells © Plasmids (@_ All prokaryotic cet Sterilization of tissue culture medium is dane by (8) Mixing the medium with antifungal agents (©) Filtering the medium through fine sieve (©) Amoslaving of medium at 120° for 15 min (€) Keeping the medium at -20°C w co} wa Micropropagation isa technique (@) Forproduction of many plants that are clones ‘of each other (©) For production of haploid plant (©) For production of somatic hybrids (@)Forproduction of somacional plants Plasmids are suitable vectors for gene cloning because (@) These can shuttle between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cols ape: crtuonline com (©) "These are small cireular DNA molecules with their own replication origin site (©) These are small cir DNA molecules, ‘hich ean integrate with host chromosomal DNA (@)_ These often cary antibiotic resistance genes Double stranded DNA denaturation with specified Timi of temperature is (2) Reversible reaction () Ireversibe rea saessts) ro wi, iy ow tay (©) Either (a) or (6) @ None of these Ina PCR reaction ater four cycles, each molecule ofa duplex DNA give rise to (@) 16 double stranded DNA (b) 16 single strands of DNA, (©) 18 single stranded of DNA, (@ 18 double stranded DNA ‘The PCR, polymerase chain reaction is becoming, the method of choice for (@) Alteration of gene (©) Screehing gene (©) Sterilization of gene (@) Allofthese The first immunoglobulin heavy chisn cass to be expressed on the surface of newly produced 8 calls « ) @ oo «iy bs @. MG. @ tM The eytoplasinic 1 a: IgM consists (@) A single H chain constini region domain ©) Atightctain : (© 110.aine weids (8) 3 amino decide Which of the following is considered an sutoimmune disease (@) Rheumatoid ates ais © scp (9 Avominsegdebialis its A maosplant baece Haiti of different aie species is termed as, ©) yea (6) Faterogat (a) Xenogratt ver (2) HIV bas a high mutation ate due wo the imprecise ‘operation of ts: @) Viral membrane ©)” Revers tmnseripene™ ©, Protease @ “Disnutase (iv). Electroporation is also used footie up theDNA by the cell. It constitutes of . (©) _ Inserting the DNA into the cells via an electric shock” ) Increased efMicieney than both ral and chemical methous (©) Causing the least amount of damage in ‘comparison to other methicils (2) Decreased efficiency tian both natural and chemicg) methods (cv) Which ofthe statements hold iru for cn @ Conjugation is the natural provess of transferring DNA from one species to another saressiany um (©) -Itisthe artisicial process in case the cells ‘are not able to take them up naturally (©) The plasmids are transferred from ont cell {© another by physical contact ‘The plasmids are transferred fron one cell to another by chemical means © (evi) The addition or deletion of a nucleotide base pair involves: (@ Point mutation (©) Silent mutation (©) Nonsense mutation (@)_ Frame shitl sation Govid The final electron acceptor in Lactic acid fermentation is 6) Onyeen 0) Lactic acid (©) Pyruvtte NAD (ev Paste effect discave 1S in 1887. 8 aansasedt) @ ing effect of oxygen on the fermentation process (b) Aerating yeasted broth causes yeast cell growth to decrease, while conversely, fermentation rate increase © Gand @) @ Allorthese (xix) EFB class 4 consists of (@) Low-risk microorganisms (©) High-sisk microorganisms (©) Medium-risk microorganisms @)_ Environmental-rsk microorgnnisms (2%) Which of the following fermenters are characterize by height to diameter ratio. (@) Tower fermenter (&) Aint fermenter (©) Hollow fibre (@) Perfusion bioreactor satesscst) ren Part Long Answer Questions 210-20 Note: Attempt any ewo questions. 2. Deseribe methods of enzyme immobilization and applications 3. Explain in detail application of DNA technology and penetc engineering inthe production of hepatitis vaccine, 1. Discuss and illustrate production of penicillin by fermentation technology, Pare Short Answer Questions 745-35, Note: Attempt any seven questions Waite a note on types of mutants (6. Explain souutem blotting 7. What is hybridoma technology? Discuss in brie 8. Define immunity and diseuss types of fonmuasty i stom Printed Pages~ 10 Roll No. 341655(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, April-May 2020 x WEI Scheme) PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY THEORY-(BP605T) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 75 Note : Auempt all parts as directed. © Part 120-20 Note : © Attempt all Questions. 1. Multiple Choice Questions : 341655(41) Pro o @ @ am ‘whats the clinical application of monoclonal saver? (0) Bisewrs (©) Taggart reeton (9) Ineo nese (©) Posiiaton of rus Reston endomucen ement widly sein recombinast DNA tectloy. Tey ae chine fm Bassons (Bact cas (© Plamis @_Allpolanetic ct ‘Serilition of tise cute madam is dane by: (6) Miningthe median with nian as (©) Fiterng be median dough fe seve (2) Autoctaving of meaiom at 120" for 18min () Keeping the medium a-20°C ‘senesscat) Br (6) Micropropagation isa technique ° Cc) @ ® © o Forprohcon of mary plas th elves ofeach ter For production of haploid plant or production of somatic hybrids For podution ofsomacloal lants Plasmids are suitable vectors for gene loning boca @ » © © “These can shut betwen prokaryotic and canoe el “Teac asl colar DNA lle ith thc nn repation origin ste “These ar smal rela DNA molecules, ‘wich can imate with ost chromosomal DNA, ‘These fen ay ano resistance genes Doble sated DNA destin with specified Lint oftemperatie is: @ ® Reversible reson inverse econ sues) 10 ® ra (0) Bitber or) (None ofthese Ina PCR ration afr four ec, cach molele ‘of duplex DNA give rise to (@) 16 double stranded DNA (©) 16singe sounds of DNA (9) singe sanded of DNA (@) 18 double sanded DNA, “The PCR, polymere in rection is becoming the method of hoe fr: (@) Alien of ene 0) Screg ene (6) Stilton of gene @ Allortese “The imnglobatin ay cain cso be cexrosed onthe mares OF newly produced B- cals @ Ww © aasasen) ao) oi) Pee ee} @ = ‘The cytoplasm yim of rice IgM consis 2 ne (Angeiol dia ©) Alight chain = 10 Liao (6) Smoot ‘Which of the following is considered an sine dee ith i 2, AE ce ce © SOP vin otnes (@., Apert, Arp i tt in OS NS Sonne ATO, ato ing Hon ni (©) Emerogit ¥ Xena | sees, ro, | ver (63) HIV has high tation mat due oe ingecie operation fs iad « o ©, © Vir membre even ieriae “HT Prtcse Dee apts oF (ah) leroporaion is i ed oti up beDNA bythe call. consti af nes? @ » © @ Inserting the DNA into the eels via an slootie ato Terese ficiency tan bth oral and temic mans Causing the lest amount of damage in ‘comparison oher mets Decreased effi that end ceria sta (0) Which ofthe statements old rw for coniupion’? @ Conjugation i the naira! prodess of transfering DNA fiom! én species to sober snes) ® ° ® m isthe arial proces in ese the ells eno able to take them up maturaly “The plasmids are ranfere fen oo cell ‘o another by psi coat “The plas are ante ft one cell ‘0 uote by chemical means (604) The aon or deletion of amulet base pair a « » © ® Pott mutation ‘Sint maton Nonsae mito Frame si sation fi) The fom electron seseptor in lactic acid ‘amecaton ie @ ® © @ Oyen Lag aid Tyne NAD’ (i Pasteur eet disovered in 1857, = suit) rr i (9) Inhibiting effect of oxygen on the ementtion process (©) Aerating yastd broth causes yout cll growth to decrease, while conversely, mention miners © Wade (9) Allofthese (0) EPB cas 4 consis of (Lowi mioorgnions ©) High micoorpanis (© Mesum micwergnisns (@)Eavionlsis moons (62) Which oti foving emer acai byhoght to diameter ati: (@) Tower ermeier 0) Ait mene (9) Holo fee (Person bioreactor sateen) wr Part Long Answer Questions 2410-20 ‘Note: Attempt ony ve questions Describe methods of enzyme immobilization and sephicaions. "plain in til ppliation of DNA technology ad nc enginerngin th prt of apts an. Discuss and illustrate production of penicilin by Simeon conn Pace Short Answer Questions 718-35 [Notes Attempt any seven questions Writes note pes of mutans pli soho bling 1 Whats hybridoma technology? Discus in bit Defoe immunity an dss types first shar sas) 10 110) 9. What is microbial biotransformation? Clarify. 10. Briefly elucidate about PCR. 11. Discuss in short about storage conditions and stability of officials vaccines, 12. Give details of design of a fermenter and its various controls, 13, Write in short about biosensors. 100) 348656(41) Printed Pages —4 RollNo. : . 341655(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, Nov.-Dec. 2021 (PCE Scheme) PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ‘THEORY (BP60ST) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 75 Note : Attempt all sections as directed. Section-"A’ (Multiple Choice Questions) 210=20 Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal (2 * 10) marks. 341655(41) PTO a Anse all the questions 0) Deine Pramaceuic Bitaogy © Wonisennme mediation (Witte orm of POR, (0) Wit dona the ype fmt (0) What vsti? (6) Wat ite fi orm oF ELISA (0) Witte pes of matin (08) Defoe emematn (6) Woes me of immunoblot eigen (©) Wiehe om of HC asa (Cong Anewér Questions) 210-20 Note: Atempt ary to questions. Bach question caries 10 marks suas ww 2 Discuss fermentation on the bass of fermentation ruses & enipmens, 3 Wite a dit ot on Hybridoma technology 4. Write «dei ot oa Biosensors Section? (Short Answer Questions) 71535 [Note Anempt any seven questions. Each guesion caries § marks, 5. Wite shor noteon roduc of ease, {6 Discs the aplzation of DNA testaoog. 7. Write down the bse rine of yeni ngnering 4 Esplin bypass reactions, 9. Diss mutation in shor. Write x short note on Blood Prod 11, Give the gona method ofthe preparation bacterial cies ary). aussi) Fro 41 12, Write a short note on Microbial genetics. : 13, Give the general method of the preparation of bacterial vaccines 100] 341685(41) Printed Pages -8 RollNo. 341655(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, April-May 2021 (PCT Scheme) PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY THEORY (BP605T) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 75 Note : Attempt all sections as directed. Section-‘A’ (Multiple Choice Questions) _1x20=20 Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal (1% 20) marks. 341655(41) PTO a 1. Choose the corcet answer 0 wo “Te ful frm of ELISA is (@ Enzyme nd iamunaasay (©) Eezymetved inmunowsty ‘The ful farm of MC (8) Minor Hybridome complex (8) Major Hitoconpaiy complex ‘The ful form of PCRs Polymer chine resor (©) Polymerase chin rearion Change in DNA sequence ofan organisms is own as ANA (6) Mion © None “Types of DNA uation (9) aso ubsituion @) Deeons saessan « ww oa ® wi © inerion © AN@, @)and ©) imooogSbulns ae knowns ato: (9 Fae © te (© Now ‘ype: offmminogobns ae 9 te 1go © wD (© Both (a) and.) @ None ‘An overssion ofthe Inemine ster to an nig ca ‘ (9 Hypeneastiviy (©) Irmumosoppresion (None Aplylitc Hyperensty Bn BE @ tev . satessan) m0 0 @ ow = re) © Dpem (© Bret Stmustory Hypesenty PE. © Tet © pet © Trev ‘Tho tem vaccine was orgy derived fromthe Iain world "Wace? @ The 0) Fate (© None Pharmaceutical suspension or solutions of a Immunogenesubtance tne once active setviy is known as: @ Prose (©) Vaccine (@ Nops (Cholera acne is ype Of. ine (@) Live memes sess Co) wo oi) oo”) i ©) tact (None “The short em of monoclonal abodes (@ Maa, & MaBS (9 None Direc gene tras i the introduction of DNA fiat plant cll without involvement of any bio- Joga agent (The 0) Pate (9 Nowe Biosensors rere cctrode te ©) Take © Nowe zyme inmobization methods a: (@) Adsorption and Covet boning sarees) ro oe 6) te (© Ensrapment a Enspeltion (© Both) and) © @ony (Gone tear canbe done by (9 Lipofectin (©) Maco ination © Both (a) and 6) ‘The design of fermentation process can be alegre in shoo (@) Submerged ope (6) Downsreanicg (© Both) and) Antibiot are produced indus by ermen- he © Fae © None sere) om Section B* (Long Answer Questions) 210-20 Nate Auemps any evo questions. Rach question caries 10 mars. ‘ite deal ne on Immunity. ‘Wt a dea ate on Recombinant DNA Tecnology Disses fermentation methods in del with eee Antic production Section? (Short Answer Questions) 75-38 Note: Arempt any seven questions. Each question caries 5 marks: Wit ashor note on Hytidoma technolo, Discuss Microbial ransfomation and appiaon 7 Dein Hypersensitivity an dusts 17, ‘What are immo gle? Wite dow by rypes fit sass) 10 18) 9. Write a short note on Immuno blotting techniques. 10, Define mutation and write down the types of mutation. 11. Write a short note on Enzyme immobilization. 12, Write a short note on Genetic Engineering. 13. Write a short note on ‘Biosensors’, 100 341655(41) Printed Pages- 9 Roll No. ) 341655(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, ‘April-May 2022 (PCI Scheme) PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY THEORY (BP60ST) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 75 Note : Attempt ail parts as directed. Part-A 20x1=20 Note : Attempt all questions. 1, Multiple Choice Questions : 341655(41) PTO mm u i) Wich of the following immunogobais ae © BLISAis (a) Using ratioabeod second antbody seartory and present inthe ik? () Usage of RBCs @ iG (6) Using complementmeiate ess © (@)Aision of strate that is converted into ow ‘coloured end produ @ wa (0) Tred of dg tought rm sy ‘seated (a) Pharmwcogeneic Souter boing i (@)_Avacmest of robes to DNA Fragments (Q) Transfer of DNA fragments from clewopboric to a ircsuse bet (0) Phammoogeetis (6) Compainon of DNA fragments 10140 © Geonics some (© Censnboatic* : (6) Taser of NAfngmtso esopboec spl fom celuloxe membrane (6) hetero” ihe Latin word whi fs The aman goons pojst was ced inthe a een = (© Wiig the ess 1980 (©) Outside the ib o 7 @ Ouside te © 19% beet 8 (6) Which pe of ypeicstivy ection i uo ima ‘sexesaany om oo i © Besopntin D &) Typed (©) Temsformation (©) Typed (@ Transduction © Tew (a) Ae nig es pre ie mest coma ened coil (0 Fob tan aids partie rai 0 Pempn ofan sity oe (©. Onin ih cin cain (© Onn yi © com oo (ay Anat meter (0 Ainge eng (0 Widhenmisuatipinogthe dre (Aut rm te cons preotDNA mee? wr (© Dil ony in pe 0 tom (©. Atmore (0) Endomuclease . a oo (Te ay Ma nace ih — (0) GalRemion Ay vee ©, Chin eintn Rn 60) ods cis DNA et @ nar catego cad © wR (© tmsteesion (in) Whi ofthe following salem eu « © © © ter A vector sul hve a rg of epcation A veto shoud have selectable makers A vector shold hve urique etition ses All ofthese (69) In pBR 322, pBR stand for ® ® © @ Pha bacterial recombination Phan bacteria repiaion hamid Bove rd Rodriguez Pls Bakimor an Rogue: (20) Geve Coningrefres tothe « » © o Prodstion of lage mabe f copies ofthe _gene bing cloned Prods of seul progeny ram single ings o cal Both (a) and ©) None ofthese (0) DNA Fingering rele on. @ Diference in pnteras of genes between invite — m ©) Disference in order of genes berween ‘nis (©) Dittaenceiajnk DNA parerasberweos indus @ Atlorthase (Whats rue for monoclonal antibodies? (a) These antibodies obtained fom one parent nd for one agen (0) These obtain fom many pret and foe any anions (©) These obs fom dierent parents an focone angen, (@) Thea oid foo one pase or may satis (6a) Wich ofthe aowing detergent in conmonty se ‘o elas iar proteins om its membranes? Ue (Tin xI00 (©) Cymogens bromide © Dimaty spose seni = 1 (6x) Which ofthe owing microbe is wey wed in te renova finda wastes? (0) Asperger (©) Tiokodema sp (0) Peeudomonas puta @ Atlofihese Part B (Long Answer Questions) 210-20 Note: Arsanpt any to question. 22. Whats enzyme imabiizaon? Expl the dient techniques fen obi in dtl. Ao te shout the eppleaton of enzyeinmobization. 23, Wi do you mean by Hyperenstiviy Resctions? What isthe eitirence beeen Type, Type, Type nk ‘Type fopersenstvty reaction? 44 Define erent. raw a ithe gram fo an ides! fermenter and exp is erres in dt Also write the dere fists wich intunce fermentation —_— wr Parc (Short Answer Questions) 725-35 Note: Attempt any seven questions Historical couibuons inthe ld of Bitectaaogy: (6 What re biosensors? Dios th working psp, ype and vsicusaptation of loses : 71 Wt «detailed note on Reconbians DNA Tecnology 4. Write the deinton, procedure, steps invlved and appliation of PCR. 9. Wit inde bout Inmunoglbuls's Bas Sucre and Clasifation) 10. Define Biotrnsformation along with important biotrnsfomation estos and epson: 1 Wie short noe on Southern Blog 12. Discus the produson process of Cite Acid 13, Wt shr ott on Innunosuppress's ‘a —. Printed Pages ~ 9 Roll No. 341653(41) B. Pharmacy (Sixth Semester) Examination, April-May 2020 (PCT Scheme) (Pharmacy Branch) HERBAL DRUG TECHNOLOGY - THEORY (BP603T) Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 75 Note : Questions paper has three parts A, B, C. All the questions in Part-A are compulsory. Part-B is Jong answer type questions, It contains 3 questions of which attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. (2x10 = 20 marks). Part-C is short answer type questions. It contains 9 questions, of which attempt any seven questions, Each question carries 5 marks. (7x5=35 marks). 341653(41) PTO a ‘an ging isi to wht evi (@) Japan and Hong Kong 0) Rasa Cn © Thandie Glveyrrhica glabra s posi @ 10 (0) Stevi aalids © Stevo eosides oy ° m © Bane £0 ©) Now oft soe Inte Rig Via, Anas mie dob teagan wth pie. Wa plat rei ered oi? ssi (Rawle © Ses sin © oblate “Te chemical obi Bom cysatbeoum ht has mec! ropes cada ©) peti @) pyrethroid © pattogm (hg) ei Pt coutnl atnllitd (0 pede gis” “fe Ateieine © Afr te pest arse destroy the pan 41653441) ™ ira] © Bek the destructive age of te pee Abeta to the i 0p is aed a a) i before plang (Prepare ® © @ Presnergenc herbicide Polat heise ; Postecerpence hebicie iy mt eto ta © Kanadtens ©) Shite Aiwa © Dranant the funder of 0 Atom ©. thwart a © Aer yu ovation omeopatic susan, rr) a i ee ns piaholer ates (wed in = ey (© ee dntn otrindent) | tannin | rien PO wn (8) World investment Polcy Organization (©) Wed Intelctal Property Organization 62 Wie lin a Pang raion (World Institute fob prevention of Orgasinnd Crime atest ape can be dia ni by ©) Tread Few tovesor (0) signs oft ovenoe 6 {91° Lag epeetatio oft rector @ Alitheabove : Takano sheng 341683(41) PTO oy 16 wes end in @ 1886 ® in © 10 a esi) 200s is sed a atone preparation © Cpscun iene too, (0... Aster, Cates he (© Yoweri (Yew lems © Yow © Resonant Ws elf ep ctein ot indigenous plats hy corstions to pent them ae (oa 6) nese) © ©) Biamngite © b @.lciventy Phospholipid re sudan @ FagYok ©) Plan seas Bothy & (None ofthe above ‘What we cal othe va of rates probs tat re consumed rey? (@) Productviy ae, ©) nieve . ©. Nonsoopempsi sab, @ Conumpive vie Which of he follwing sa organi Faring racic hat helps mann soiled (0). . Some Stl, We Syberia (© Monociture aiexan os) tr © Crop Rotation ‘The herb andrographis paniculata, popula in ‘Aruvedie metic, is sometines known 88 “Mahasia" which tants into agi hat? ( KingorBiten 0) Baby Blood © La -Bo.0m © Deady igs Para 2 Long answer ype questions (Answer wo oof se) 210-20 o @ @ ‘Witean istrative esay on WHO guidelines for good april practices for medical isis? Deseret bas piles nd piosophy oF Sdn system of mein? Din PR, wrt about its components, Ao lacs about abi testng of heb drugs sas) acortng 0 ICH guides ® o © 6 o « ® oa « Parc uesions (Any Seven) Herbal omnes Pn sete Pn bites Ath ad Spt a tacts Het-Foot erations Hera colorants and Davouring ets Case dy oF Cura Pytosomes -Autertiton fbr eri anes

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