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Subj fe Test -1(INMO ) Question 1 17 Marks Prove that for every irrational real number a, there are irrational real numbers b and b’ so that a + b and ab' are both rational while ab and a + b’ are both irrational. Question 2 17 Marks In a triangle ABC. points M and N arc on sides AB and AC. respectively, such that MB = BC = CN. Let R and r denote the circumradius and the inradius of the triangle ABC. respectively. Express the ratio MN/BC in terms of R and r. Question 3 17 Marks Ina circus, there are n clowns who dress and paint themselves up using a selection of 12 distinct colours. Each clown is required to use at least five different colours. One day, the ringmaster of the circus orders that no two clowns have exactly the same set of colours and no more than 20 clowns may use any one particular colour. Find the largest number of n clowns so as to make the ringmaster’s order possible. Subjective Test - 2 ( INMO ) Question 1 17 Marks If a, b, care pairwise distinct real numbers, show that the value of the expression —* 4 © 4 js never equal to zero. P Trab Tre * Trea 4 " Question 2 17 Marks Consider the functions f : No + No, where Np is the set of all non-negative integers, defined by the following conditions: (i) f(0) = O, (ii) f(2n) = 2f(n) and (iii) (2n+1) = n + 2f(n) for all n=O (a) Determine the three sets L: {n| f(n) < f(n + 1)}, E: = {n| f(n) = f(n+1)}, and Gs={n| f(n) > f(n+1)}. (b) For each k 2 0, find the formula for ay: max {f(n): 0 sn < 2k} in terms of k. Question 3 17 Marks Let ABC be an acute angled triangle with . BAC = 60° and AB > AC. Let | be the incenter, and H the orthocenter of the triangle ABC. Prove that 22 AHI = 3. ABC. Subj ive Test - 3 ( INMO ) Question 1 17 Marks Show that there do not exist four successive integers whose product is 1993 less than a perfect square. Question 2 17 Marks Let ay, az, a3, a4, as be real numbers satisfying the following equations: a “ Sy th = 1 fork =1, 2,3, 4,5. Find the k+l kad we43 kya kess ke value of a, 43 S+S4S4+5+5 > (Express the value in a single fraction.) Question 3 17 Marks Let ABC be a triangle with 2 A< 60°. Let X and Y be the points on the sides. AB and AC, respectively, such that CA + AX = CB + BX and BA + AY = BC+ CY. Let P be the point in the plane such that the lines PX and PY are perpendicular to AB and AC, respectively. Prove that « BPC < 120°. Subjective Test - 4 ( INMO ) Question 1 17 Marks We say that a triangle ABC is great if the following holds: for any point D on the side BC, if P and Q are feet of the perpendiculars from D to the lines AB and AC, respectively, then the reflection of D in the line PQ lies of the circumcircle of the triangle ABC. Prove that triangle ABC is great if and only if « A= 90° and AB = AC. Question 2 17 Marks A triangular prism is a pentahedron whose two parallel faces ("top base" and "bottom base") are congruent triangles and the remaining three faces are parallelograms. We are given four non-coplanar points in space. How many distinct triangular prisms having the four given points as vertices are there? Question 3 17 Marks Let Z* be the set of positive integers. Determine all functions f: Z+ + Z* such that a? + f(a)f(b) is divisible by f(a) + b for all positive integers a and b. ive Test - 5 (INMO ) Question 1 417 Marks Determine all functions f: R > R, where R is the set of all real numbers, satisfying the following 2 conditions: (1) There exists a real number M such that for every real number x, f(x) xy? + y?23 + xz3. Subjective Test - 6 ( INMO ) Question 1 17 Marks: Let ABC be a triangle, AC # BC. Assume that the internal bisector of angle ACB bisects also the angle formed by the altitude and the median emanating from vertex C. Show that ABC is a right triangle. Question 2 417 Marks For every positive integer k show that the polynomial Py(x) = (x4 - 1) (x3 - x? +x-1)F+ (x +1 )x1 js divisible by the binomial x5 + 1. Question 3 47 Marks Consider an alphabet consisting of three symbols a, b, c. How many n- character words with the following properties (1) and (2) can he composed? (1) the word should begin and end with an a; (2) neighbouring positions must he occupied by different symbols. Subjective Test - 7(INMO ) Question 1 17 Marks Let p =5 be a prime and let r be the number of ways of placing p checkers on a p* p checkerboard so that not all checkers are in the same row (but they may all be in the same column). Show that ris divisible by p°. Here, we assume that all the checkers are identical. Question 2 17 Marks Let x, y and z be positive real numbers such that vet vrt Vz =l1. Prove that ace ety _ 5 1 Vimora Ia) ~ Question 3 17 Marks Let P be a point in the interior of a triangle ABC, and let D, E, F be the point of intersection of the line AP and the side BC of the triangle, of the line BP and the side CA, and of the line CP and the side AB, respectively- Prove that the area of the triangle ABC must be 6 if the area of each of the triangles PFA, PDB and PEC is 1. Subjective Test - 8 ( INMO ) Question 1 17 Marks Let ABC be an acute triangle with altitudes AD, BE and CF, and let O be the center of its circumcircle. Show that the segments OA, OF, OB, OD, OC, OE dissect the triangle ABC into three pairs of triangles that have equal areas. Question 2 17 Marks Find all function f : R*— IR* such that (z + 1)f(x + y) = fx (z) + y) + flyf(z) + x), for all positive real numbers x, y, 2. Question 3 17 Marks Into each box of a 2012 x 2012 square grid, a real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1 is inserted. Consider splitting the grid into 2 non-empty rectangles consisting of boxes of the grid by drawing a line parallel either to the horizontal or the vertical side of the grid. Suppose that for at least one of the resulting rectangles the sum of the numbers in the boxes within the rectangle is less than or equal to 1. no matter how the grid is split into 2 such rectangles. Determine the maximum possible value for the sum of all the 2012 x 2012 numbers inserted into the boxes. Subj Question 1 17 Marks Let ABC be an acute triangle. Denote by D the foot of the perpendicular line drawn from the point A to the side BC, by M the midpoint of BC, and by H the orthocenter of ABC. Let E be the point of intersection of the circurcircle [ of the triangle ABC and the half line MH, and F be the point of intersection (other than E) of the line ED and the circle [ . Prove that a = a must hold. Here we denote by XY the length of the line segment XY. Question 2 17 Marks Let $ be a set of 9 distinct integers all of whase prime factors are at most 3. Prove that S contains 3 distinct integers such that their product is a perfect cube, Question 3 17 Marks Define a sequence fo(x), f(x), f2(x),.... of Functions by fo(x) = 1, fix) =x, (fa(x))? -1 = fr4100fp-100), for n 21. Prove that each f,(x) is a polynomial with integer coefficients.

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