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newmonrumcrmanckswonacacrses st et Cg nn nt ca Se Di. + Bxamining language and symbols + Ersuring menage discipline WHATS A MESSAGE _Amexige sould cel define teins, connect io your target audenes, indie coue of acon. A strong message wl help your organization Shore bjctive-whsther that means changing publc plc. vlunier- {po tor providing parenting skis to teen mothers, of preventing sa hance abuse A message comprises ane or vo sentence an comnts STeomplcte ought Thnce mexeager one Yor Future Generations, one for ‘Planet 301 and one forthe Meridian HealthCare Clinica provided here estarting point. Future Generations: The ret gercraion should hve the oppo eel at care reblog 3 icpatey we can parte al woman have thetoy taking is happn. al 1-000 CHANCE Fane 3000 ows al acter tt ta how te ows rae ‘Mesidian HealthCare Clinic: People who parca t co eath car iv lng lees. Get Snot Get vee Cal han ithe ely ig sanding babe [FRAMING AN ISSUE ‘Astong messoge defines a problem or an isue in a specific way, delineating the cause of problem, which in tun wil dicate the solution, Some people ‘at cigaretic smoking a habit thats under the contol ofan indivigual—a Aeath problem that oy the individual can solve an for which the indivi se cs re tne at higher rate people (specially aan eee into experave Athed way took the ssue SONS tat society mat deal eth by weeding tout of hep seeming attra sophisticated This could be done eUopeope and ante sho contol popula cle € rryal of cgaete smoking. Format way of defining th problem centers onan individual olen the problem andthe solitons whe the second way defines the problem a UMeltonound be eddressd by changing public policy and creating systemic “ntnge: The thind way advocnts looking to the private sector fr an a pnt spon ued “Gncour country's history of individualism and the snow cratic approach towatd whats happening inthe 2 ea feadore—to find ways to fl the gap by taking evouteso find new ones, Obviously, Bow you {hecause ofthat problem will dictate not nly the sible forthe solution but hove the entire issue Many of ace’ pra violence—that are the foc of nonprogt ‘chat fom ether of thee ames as 1c policy fix or asthe problems of and molly or change thee behavior So ‘Publics imagination tthe same ime, ‘alidation. Other times, one fame Remember How you fame the problem wil cat what he soon and hw wl be acne (ce Es 3.0, WHAT'S THE CURRENT FRAME? THE MEDIA REVIEW “ounderstand howe something is curently famed in the publ’ conse ‘eand whether 4 message en ine with the dominant perspective OF “whether an organization news to “rtrame" thee by posing = fret perhap om pervasive prspctivecrganizatens usualy conduct aed Pet ie drat hays tote etercive,exheatve ox eperalve ane yo lot have to hire an expert todo although you wil probably want teview your findings with several people within the ogantzaton or who are familar with theese or program aea Wo realm Your interpretation and analysis of the media viewed Tsar Coens Fl ore nesta of prec cc he ‘Songer and han herbi ou oe oso Call 200 ACHONE Spemicpubl ply fae: al women ha acest prenatal ae the te Tana mon emt a aie ‘uring nw generation o heal cson or Ronan Al ess ‘age pe atc > Fane 2000 psexicperorl fame: wot soning ot cont, more lance Hee pomtle Lea haw tows of stare can cang orl tc pay fame atl eyes have re Heo lotto el anwar e eie th wong ow enka Te ii waite 8 ein Secicperort ame: Pepe who tcp in town esate can orn qty scr pet ay Gt cel ‘ony hig standing twee you td We” Srtencinslc poy fare Mop ta he 1 nce optician er teat can roe ay teers Cre aoe ha ance taps atc th anc proran sa THE CURRENT FRAMET THE MEDIA REVIEW seoct several media outlets that influence your inconats you may want to include lal and national news ‘canine dn pnt, aswell infotainment or entertainment progr ay haves particularly high impact on your target audiences and/@r in ‘Shmumuniy ll showes, while not necesarly “news,” can have 3 ‘fence on public opinion t9 which policy makers respond. e ‘Once you hve identi the lets and programs to monitor review the coverage of your fre, program, or concern for a specific amount of {ine tor ample, a andm week or two. You want enough soures to pro- ‘idea broad vit ofthe Sue or concer, yet not so many as to overwhelm {Jou and/or whoever s working on the task at hand. Organize the clips by ‘Sei by date or both to spot trends you go along, You may’ ‘wuld Bo pat of your eiew Wonder fr yout sc ow iy Peeve ty no spel sos age ond you are ooking ate probe 59 population you woul want to + What fn being sid? What is Being It outa tersby marginal aed or prtayeca les eglimate? + What ete emational ston ofthe coverage? + Whatimages Gf any) are weed tolls the story? + Whatand whose opinions ar featured and deemed valid orimporant? _Asyoudo this type of nays iti ely ta pater wil begin to merge the predominant fame ie complementary to your exganizatn’s postion, ‘you have a tong foundation on which o uid omentum. On fhe other Thad: ifthe coverage dows depict a problem, concern, orirucin away that fellas your organizations positon wakes, or undesanding ofthe pre ‘en you wil need to pick apart the current postoning or fame. Look tthe sumptions, arguments, or atonal. What nae to be highlighted or {pained to move the seue ins new deta? What information and/or ‘Shofionalcntent i nosded to shit the public's perception ofthe problem “The Berkeley Media Studies Group, 2 public health media advocacy “organization that epeilizes in framing analy, looked in September 195 at Iw cildeen and youth were ame a U5 newspapers in anti © help lens organizations get arse puctare of how cde, youth, and “isos elated tothe were being defined by the pre to the pulie—in Hs ae aligns ort ifletla who rad newspaper. The earch ‘porte that chien and youth, when portrayed in he conte of iret ‘ws incident, mor aay appeared ics I artis abot "adul public policy ions, chidren’s cence and vulraalty ere high Feet th wre crops or intray» al acces teens youth were cited as examples in here aries, twas always ina REE ative light! ‘Although the researchers drew ¢ numberof conclusions, perhaps the mast disturbing for onganizations working to improve the ives of chien in this country wae that the findings suggested at such ongeizaions ace a priculr challenge in moving culdren’s issues nto dhe news-and into the Iinds of policy makers—in s substantive way. Children ae wed fo ease ‘Sympathy for iasves that have relatively ite fo do with them, while those Programs thatin fact are very relevant to thei lives such s Media remain define fly as aul ssues”* The key hee to remember tha the primacy sutene of advocates is policy makers and policy maker are influenced By ‘Be Mt ratio nad iS pp Spee 85. ‘lash 9 1 ine SCT amt ee oft cet ne og Jone pullopat he pct end cat anew fame FOUR KEY THEMES =| Sh What this dows give the organization several ways to spond tothe is all which ener the ectve of guaran prenatal cate fr low anstne Ig Po) ae npr gy pon fe Se premfalcare Using tee themes he spokesperen mgt ina variety of way, To latte this, ee cramps ve provi. |The nen generation should have tw pportniy tobe bm fe fem ‘oc heath cre prblon nd log ery changing pu {oli we can porch women ine aces a penal ee _ Keyso making argon” | women ad co pre cae het enhance tron dlr into yr See weno gen tea ciesfor ean Alcs ge np page| | Woe wo have prenatal caren ony bce hele dng he ‘ thy rain healt aed gv tho eae babe By _ Rrra yin pag we cpa ae SS ere ot ont pn ebay ce DEVELOPING HHECTIVE MESSAGES THE {HE UMBRELLA MESSAGE: WHY IS IMPORTANT TO SOCIETY ‘Tis isthe universal messagethe one that thos issn ce Exbat 3.). Tt as dhe DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE THE MESSAGE TRIANGLE SS Poke mae Ts component is fen the same fr several audience Soaps Sens may te ps asa one se“ Sees aking scmmeme fo bn at cmatingcferenty Oovouly ‘Seceacrenroy Na peel menage may fe meredificult ome non ay shit or an ese over ANY Sees ba may not seat any concrete actin ake of Mat Ip metvidain polcy maker other stakeholder Indo hs le: ‘Sintat be menge squstion ay change over tne a the pita, Sasa er emerames Lanta changes [eet ten the menage is geared tothe action component of your comm ‘pestons pl for more sormation, ak you local PTA, vole YES on Scere 71 change your dit acs nt stb postive, persuasive, tet pom. Each ofthe exanpis une the meunge iano to orgaize the seer ‘Foture Generations Wats By changing public policy, we can guraniee tat all “women have sees to prenatal are ‘het it mons The next generation should have the opportunity tobe ben fe from conc healthcare problems and leaning, abies What todo ‘The key to making this happen: Call1400-ACHOICE. Planet 3000 Wate [Natural comystems have nurtured life onthe planet or milons o ears. nc HRI TM at wd 70 rere HATO Sav fearing the rome of your erganzation prominently in your message may othe mesesary or advanagcos eos eampl, the Pane 2000 message speaks tothe foing of many po plo ot “ets pewung out of conical” and ws this 6a way to build rap- Bt wth te target nuicne The soltion for many people would Be to ‘Rene “bulance” in ir lives, This eed ote values of Planet 3000 in ts ‘ict wo gti to apply the nes of mature to reat balance in he ives endinthe comunity, Whie th audience would agree with the ogo ations perspective an the problem, ight nt agree withthe solution xt the onariraton in eeting the message in away that msonates with the fudenc'sown cxperence, one sep closer to moving the eudince toward the proposed solution. [MATCHING THE MESSAGETO THE AUDIENCE (en what you want individuals to do about the problem, su, concer | Sewhy thy should pay stenton changes rom audience fo audience. For _ Brame you were targeting young pregnant women for prenatal service would want thera cal your organization for prenatal care Ifyou wero ing policy make to provide additonal funding t support prenatal Services, you ight want him or hero cosponso epislation. 8, while cd for prenatal cae servicer—remaine the same why the cris important tote two audience changes, ae well a what You Want ntlences to do about (Not, Homiver, thatthe two messages do notin fay contrat each other Indeed, they could arguably be sttched into message with ne supporting the other) ‘Obviosly the key spect of a message address your audience's most {cncem. you di your homework, what it means to the audience wil onan emotional ae wll as ational level 5, while the reasoning I be based on truth and facts, the context and language should be emo> tionally charged _ nfl point to remember i that audiences are people fist and aude ces second Besse of hs thee interpretation ofthe message goes beyond ; ‘Rin a vacuum. First, there ae other messagursome tat ate In | cont thes that have nothing to do with your message bt are pat of he ons environment vying for atention These messages may Be ‘eneway oF they may be delivered as part of an ongoing dialog between __therecpient and other people who mayor may not be connected othe org "nization. This ongoing njtiation of the message by audience members is key LANGUAGE: SIMPLE, SYMBOLIC, AND EMOTIONAL ses important that messages be teuthfl as well as clear, ons The language we use conveys more than the simple ‘won Language suggests the images that will be sed o conv ‘Inge, Some words tigger an emotional response, ‘ped fora more rational approach Note that some word {postive feeling in some audiences while a the same | ‘hepatve or uncomfortable emotions in others Far ‘evs welcome thing to some people because Mim thes it nay cate uncertainty for Peete ime others. Know how a eae ae : et lo we hat have ben {hey ntl tennant web, ens psn Tiers los the en Diplomat, lig (ech acc, very ody ofthe biggest challenges when developing message is the tendency 9 ms common to's given field, These terms mean something ous working in that eid but to everyone ese, the words aren't "undergo and nck resonance (hey are nt common to the audience consideration when creating messages isthe four social at invence how individals respond to information and creat opin- al, Dever, Amable, and Expressive (se Exhibit 3-4). Two ele- 1 Does the person process information analytically o intuitively? 2. Does the person ten tobe more assertive or less assertive? + Exresie: This typeof person is alo assertive buts more comfort flit emotional mesa ges and prefers itute reasoning ke his “Think about the language tht would msonate wih cach ofthese four soi ipl the fxming sn cal to ation that they would respond wn some [Pence lent prt ofa single revenge ny ssonae with inline from each ofthe our soil styles In any menage, te theres Will ata op’ tention andthe language wll clr the rearing othe message Ft atrial fo cnc ofthe four sci syles (ce Xb) anil go ough your messages once more and se whether you ean ‘imply th langusge 0 hae your suche understands exactly What You re saying without your having to explain what you mean. eal somecne “han ept- grad reading level should eae to understand what You {ating about and what you mean TESTING MESSAGES “When messages rach the marketplace of ideas, they take on a fe oftheir ‘wm People atach ther own expersences etions and Opinions to the “riginlssage an belcve that he revised version ithe “real” o org =| == | ey WsHING MESSAGES iy” of others and has along fom on ‘noi shat whe tis senmatton with tet ow atitades, celta norms {avons hese shadings can alee ‘Baking more foe than + Mow ho they trata the message mete ae Frmeed vera ater its Be ctosus “Wah dh you orm aout hw they pereive the prem and why Bey hat me ops” + Pat anyone eventually “ths owner” of any af he meseager—or Geman lhc messager fr exemple, da pope say thse back (Sogep in thew own os What wae thet attode and ody an page eten they Salas “Tas type of cues, no mates how unit valuable if for no other fen hos fat) you've tested your menage ae ound out where the Te apec om anc you've met prope eho are actualy representative of Fos tips sndiences wham you can ow holdin your mind's eye a8 YOU ator mach out to tose suience rou MESSAGE DISCIPLINE “Once you've decided on your strongest messages, you need to make sure that ‘Sitar alated withthe organtation now What the messages are cans them i ther own words i cesar, and understand the importance of “king to those messages when the sou, program, or concer discussed ‘ee witien about This canbe done by cculting the messages—and a fe ‘Eiing points or each message that helpalesk out the message—-ona regular tbat with «ceinder to st, Boar, ane volunteers that these messages ‘Should guide how they present the matter In aston, any media Your OS ‘zation produces—newsletcrs, brochures, videotapes, Web site, and 0 ‘opshould repet and enforce these messages “Wile your and your colleagues nay get tired of he same message, dont ‘acsume tht your audience has asmulate it According to marketing gue Jay Levinson, 2 mowage needs to be seeive venty-seven times bear it ‘cally registers with the recipient Indeed, commercial companies spend ilions of dollas to reinforce slogans and jnges that aze heard and seen ‘again and again and ony after much exposure does the inividual ree ber the words and attabution. So much more 30 for messages dealing with ‘complex social sues! Once you've come this far, you owe to Your Organ “ation, to your mission and o your stakeholders tse message discipline to enforce “staying on message” by everyone connate to your organization,

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