Annual 1ST Level

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Cycle / Level:


Textbook: Link it 1


English is without doubt, one of the best ways to have access to the latest academic and technological information, as well as news and other issues. In this context we guide the students in their process of acquiring the

language in order to develop in a future social the Learning English as a foreign language is a key for success which facilitates the latest technological, scientific and academic advances, as well as to connect different

realities and contexts among the students.

Therefore, we seek to develop the appropriate acquisition of the English language, to facilitate their effective integration into the global world by expanding their access to academic, technological, scientific, cultural

and social opportunities. In this sense, the profile of graduated students of secondary education favors for the development of this language through a variety of skills. In the area of English, social use of the language

and the socio-cultural perspective are considered to promote and facilitate the following competencies:

● Oral Comprehension and Production

● Reading Comprehension

● Written Production



Communicates orally through various types of texts in English. The student infers the subject, the intention, the facts and the conclusions from the implicit and

explicit information and interprets the intention of the interlocutor. It is expressed adapting the text to formal and informal communicative situations using
The student speaks effectively in order to
intelligible pronunciation and intonation; organizes and develops ideas about a topic and relates them using cohesive resources, varied vocabulary and pertinent
communicate and comprehend what they listen in a
grammatical constructions. The student uses non-verbal and para-verbal resources to ensure the relevance of the message. Reflects and evaluates what is heard
variety of contexts
using the knowledge on the subject. In an exchange, participates by formulating and answering questions on known and usual topics and evaluates the

responses heard to contribute taking into consideration others‘ point of view.

Reads different types of texts in English using some complex constructions, varied and specialized vocabulary. Integrating contrasting information located in

The student reads a variety of texts as a foreign different parts of the text. Interprets the text to construct the global meaning from relevant and complementary information. Reflects on the forms and

language contents of the text stating a position; evaluates the use of the language, the textual resources as well as the effect/influence of the text taking into account the

knowledge and socio-cultural context when it was written.

Writes different types of texts (wide extend) in a reflexive way. Adapts the text to the receiver, purpose and register from his/her own experience and different

sources. Organizes and develops his/her ideas based on a main topic and constructs it into paragraphs and sub-titles. Establishes a relationship among his/her

The student writes a variety of texts in English as a ideas through the use of some cohesive elements/resources (synonyms, antonyms, pronouns and connectors of addition, contrast, time, condition, disjunctive

foreign language and cause) using vary and pertinent vocabulary associated to the topic and using medium complex grammatical constructions. Uses correct spelling which allows

the coherence in his/her written production. Reflects on the text that he/she has written and evaluates the uses of the language to improve the text which is

being written.


● The student obtains explicit, relevant and complementary information from ● Countries and nationalities

The student obtains information specific data in oral texts, with varied, relevant and precise, recognising the o Subject pronouns

from oral texts. communicative purpose in the context. He/she integrates information when it is
o Possessive adjectives

given in different moments or by different interlocutors.

o Be: Simple present: affirmative

● The student deduces information identifying characteristics of beings, objects,

The student communicates in
places, facts, meaning of words, phrases and complex expressions in context.
● Family
English as a foreign language o be: Simple present: negative;
Also, the meaning of logical relationships and hierarchies in oral texts.
interrogative and short answers
The student infers and interprets
● o Question words + be
information from oral texts. The student explains the topic and the communicative purpose. He/she identifies
o Demonstratives: this, that, these,
relevant from complementary classifying and synthesizing data relating texts with
personal experiences using verbal, non-verbal and para-verbal resources to give

meaning to the oral text.

● The student adjusts oral texts to communicative situation maintaining the ● House and furniture

register and the cultural background, considering the type of texts, context and o Prepositions of place

o Plural nouns: regular plurals;
The student adjusts, organizes
spelling variations; irregular
and develops ideas from oral texts
● The student expresses ideas, emotions and experiences about a topic with
in a coherent and cohesive way. o There is / isn’t, there are / aren’t
coherence, cohesion and fluency according to the level, classifying in order to
o Is there…? / Are there … ?:
establish different logical relationships, developing data in a relevant way.
interrogative and short answers
o Some / any
o They’re / their / there
● The student uses strategically gestures, body language, eye contact and
The student uses non - verbal and
movement to emphasize what is being said and maintain interest of the
para –verbal resources
audience. He/she adjust rhythm, volume of voice and intonation with proper ● My things
pronunciation supported by audio-visual and concrete material. o have: Simple present: affirmative;

negative; interrogative and short

● The student takes part in different communicative situations interchanging roles answers
The student interacts with
as a listener or speaker to ask, answer, clarify, contrast, complement ideas, make o The possessive ‘s
different interlocutors
relevant comments, adapt answers to interlocutor needs and persuade using
relevant vocabulary. He/she respects rules and courtesy according to the context.
● Daily routines

● The student expresses, as a speaker and listener, content and communicative o Simple present: affirmative;

The student reflects and evaluates purpose of the oral texts and, intensions of the interlocutors and the effect on spelling variations
o Prepositions of time: at, in, on
form and context of an oral text. them. He/she justifies position on the texts meaning from personal experiences
o Adverbs of frequency
and context.

● ● Food and drink

The student obtains explicit, relevant, complementary and opposing information
o Simple present: negative;
integrating data found in different parts of the text or in different texts with inter-
interrogative and short answers
textual reading, containing complex elements and structure and varied
The student obtains information
o Question words + simple present
of a written text. vocabulary, in different written text.
o How often …?
o Object pronouns

● The student deduces different logical relationships and hierarchies in written ● Sports

texts from explicit and implicit data. He/she identifies characteristics of beings, o can (ability): affirmative and

objects, places, facts, words, phrases and expressions meaning in context. negative: interrogative and short

o Imperatives
The student infers and interprets
The student reads a variety of o Adverbs of manner: regular
information of a written text.
texts as a foreign language ● The student explains the topic and communicative purpose differentiating adverbs

relevant from complementary data, classifying, synthesizing information and

o Why? / Because

relating the text to their personal experiences and knowledge, languages and
● Clothes
contexts in order to find the sense of the written texts.
o Present progressive: affirmative;

negative; interrogative and short

● The student expresses opinion in an oral or written way about the content,
textual resources and text organization, as well as the communicative purpose o Question words + present
The student reflects and evaluates and the author´s intention using their personal experiences and context. He/she
the form, the content and the compares texts in order to point common textual types and discursive genre

context of a written text. characteristics.

● The student adjusts written texts to the communicative situation considering the

The student adjusts the text to textual type, some discursive genre characteristics, format, argumentation and
The student writes a variety of
the communicative situation purpose.
texts in English as a foreign
organizing and developing ideas in
a coherent and cohesive way.
● The student produces written texts based on a topic with coherence, cohesion

and fluency according to the level. He/she hierarchies them stablishing different

logical relationships and expanding data in a relevant way with proper


The student uses written language ● The student uses language conventions such as complex grammar and vocabulary

patterns pertinently. resources to clarify and strengthen the sense of the written texts.

● The student evaluates texts to improve them considering grammar, vocabulary,

The student reflects and evaluates spelling aspects, and textual types and discursive genre characteristics, as well as

form and context of a written conventions linked to written language used precise and in a relevant way to give

text. sense to the text.


The following methodologies are used:

Communicative Approach

Students learn the language through using it to communicate as language learning is learning to communicate - not learning about the language. Authentic and meaningful communication is the goal in the classroom,

being fluency an important issue for the students’ development of the language. Communication involves the integration of different language skills (speaking, listening reading and writing). Contextualization is basic

because function, meaning and content is considered in the teaching-learning process.

Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP)

The teacher presents the language to be taught, students practice the language and finally produce by answering questions orally and doing written exercises.

Task-Based Learning

Language is used to accomplish a concrete task and necessary vocabulary, expressions and grammatical structures are pre-taught.


● Oral Comprehension ● Rubics

● Oral Production ● Checklists
● Reading Comprehension ● Exams
● Written Production



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