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AROUND 100+ HOURS SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction

1 Discuss the questions. 5 Match questions 1–6 to phrases A–F.

A How do you usually communicate with people online? 1 Do you work or are you a student?
B How many people did you message yesterday? 2 Where do you live?
C What will you use your phone for in the next 24 hours? 3 When do you usually chat to your friends?
D How many times do you check your messages in a day? 4 What do you chat to your friends about?
EXTENSIVEDoEXAM ANDto communicate?
you like using technology LANGUAGE 5 E Building block 2 SECTIONS IN CLASS
Have you ever chatted to someone online in English?

6 How often do you upload photos to social media?
Around 100 hours
Listen to five people answering the questions in
Ex 1. Which question (A–E) does each person answer?
Use all the Coursebook content, Test 1.9
A Probably a few times a …

GRAMMAR: Present tenses


and Teach sections from the Exam

1 Look at the photo. What is the man doing?

2 Discuss the questions.

Use the Coursebook in class and the

1 Can you whistle? How good are you?
2 How many different situations can you think of when

1 4 B I work / I’m a student. I’m a … at … / I study …

people whistle?
3 What kinds of thing can people communicate by whistling? 5 Read some comments on the article. Choose the correct

Trainer and Digital resources.

SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction
3 Read the article. Decide if the sentences are true or false.
verb forms to complete them. 1
1 It is possible that whistling languages existed before What an amazing story! I (1) think / ’m thinking it’s
1 Discuss the questions.
languages that use words. 5 Match questions a1–6 to phrases
fantastic idea A–F.
to teach these ancient languages to

2 5 C Different things. For example, …

A 2 Whistling
How do you usually languages
communicate can onlyonline?
with people communicate simple
1 Doideas. children.
you work or are Too many languages (2) have disappeared /
you a student?

Exam Trainer for homework

3 Modern
did you technology is replacing whistling languages in do you live?
are disappearing over the last 50 years.

• on
B How many people message yesterday? 2 Where

/ in / at … students to the
some places.
C What will you use your phone for in the next 24 hours? 3 When do you usually chat toare
Languages yoursofriends?
important because they (3) teach /
4 No young people on La Gomera are now learning
D How many times do you check your messages in a day? 4 What do you chatare teaching us about
to your friends about? different cultures. I (4) ’m reading /
Silbo Gomero.
E Do you like using technology to communicate? 5 Have you ever chatted’ve read to about
someonethis online
whistling language before, and I really
in English?

3 D Usually
hope the people manage to keep it alive.

Saving Silbo Gomero

6 How often do you upload photos to social media?
2 1.9 Listen to five people answering the questions in
Thank you for this article. I usually (5) go / am going to
Ex 1. Which question (A–E) does each person answer? A Probably a few times a …
Spain for my holidays, but now I want to go to La Gomera
1 Whistling languages
4 1
have existed for thousands of years,
B I work / I’m a student. I’mthis
a …amazing
at … / I whistling
study … language for myself!

relevant exam part for the lesson

to hear
2 usually in mountain
5 areas, where people need to communicate
C Different things. ForI (6)example,
look / ’m… looking at flights right now!
across valleys, over long distances. Whistles travel better than

E Yes, I have. / No, I don’t think so.

3 D Usually on / in / at …
shouts or calls. If you 3have whistled to a friend across the
E Yes, I have. / No,
street, you will know this takes a lot less effort than shouting! 6 I don’t think so.
Complete the email with one word in each gap.
EXAM FOCUS F In a place / area / town called …
Some experts believe people have used these languages

EXAM FOCUS Coursebook and Exam TrainerF In a place / area / town called …
since the time of the first humans, before spoken languages From: Jo
Answering questions 6 1.12 Listen to exam candidates Jorge and Marta
developed. But this does not mean that they are simple. answering the questions and check your answers.

and refer to the Exam file.

In this part of the speaking exam, you don’t need to give Hi Jen,
They are often complicated, with different sounds for different
Did each speaker give any extra information?
very long answers. However, you should answer the question
and add a little morewords, so peopleeach
information can time.
have This
full conversations
allows the using just whistles.
Which speaker isWe (1)
better? having an amazing time right
examiner to assessUnfortunately,
your level of many whistling languages are dying out.
English. now on La Gomera! We (2) been
Fewer peopleyesterday?
now live in mountain areas, and the people7 Workwhoin pairs. Take
upturns to ask
into the and answer
mountains the
a few questions
times, but unfortunately
A: Who did you talk to online
do 4are using text messages to communicate, rather thaninthe Ex 5. Use the prompts to help you and try to give more
the weather (3) not been brilliant

can be used inAnswering

different questions
ways depending on the overall
B: My friend Anna. We talked about what we’re going to do next information.
weekend. We’retraditional whistling language. But theofpeople
days. of La Gomera,

• Integrate
thinking of going away for a couple so far, so we’ve also spent quite a bit of time in the

Listen to examGrammar, Vocabulary,

one of the Canary Islands, 5believe it is important to save hotel! I (4) sending you a video of
The only question where you don’t need to do this is when the
Silbo Gomero, their traditional whistling language. They have EXAM BOOST p26

examiner asks you for your name. someone using Silbo. (5) you heard

candidates Jorge and Marta

decided to start teaching it to children in schools. Children in

Complete Exam fi ofleit? Our guide
A on make
page 26.all kinds of different whistling
primary schools now study the language and they 6practise the
traditional sounds to communicate different things – I really do
3 1.10 Read the Examwhistles everylisten
focus. Then week.toThe
answers hopes that in
EXAM TASK (6) know how he does it! But I think
in Ex 2 again.this way theyanswer
can keep their language
person and
giveculture alive.

length of your exam preparation course andneed

how much
What short does each
to answer the question? it’s important to keep languages like this alive. What

answering the questions and check your answers.

8 1.13 Work in A/B pairs. Listen, and when you hear

Writing and Exam file reference

(7) you think?

In this part of the speaking exam, you don’t to give

4 Look at the4 bold verbs in the text. Match them to your the questions, tell your partner the answer. Give a little
See you soon,
2 meanings 5 A–F. Read the Grammar file on page 78more and information each time.
3 check your ideas. Jo
9 Discuss the questions with your partner.
A regular actions or habits

Did each speaker give any extra information?

4 1.11 Listen again to the extra information the speakers 1 Did you each answer the questions correctly?

very long answers. However, you should answer the question

7 Discuss the questions.

class contact time and homework time you have available. Which speaker
things that are always true
B questions.
give. Answer the
2 Did you give a little more information each time?
C things happening now 1 Do you think it is important to save old and unusual

and practice.
1 When exactly does he check his messages? 3 How could you both improve next time?
D use that started in the past and continue in the present languages? Why? / Why not?
2 When does she her email?
E to at an unknown past time 2 What languages would you like to learn?

is better?
3 What did he chat people about?

and add a little more information each time. This allows the
opinions 3 How can technology help with learning new languages?
4 F about
What worries her newortechnology?
feelings (state verbs)

5 How else will he use his phone?

If you have a 100—120-hour course, you might decide to


examiner to assess your level of English. • Integrate photocopiable

7 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions
M01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 10 03/12/2020 15:42

use all parts of A:theWho Coursebook in class

did you talk to online and use some
yesterday? EXAM FILE
in Ex 5. Use the prompts grammar
to help you and try to give more EXAM TRAINER
p73 Exs 1–3

sections from the B: My friend Anna. We talked about what we’re going to do next
Exam Trainer to consolidate exam skills information.
presentations, videos or unit/
M01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 11 03/12/2020 15:42

weekend. We’re thinking of going away for a couple of days.

for homework.The Here we are providing an example for
only question where you don’t need to do this is when the progress/practice
around 100—120 hours.
PRACTICE 4 Put the verbs in brackets


examiner asks you for your name.
tests as required. REFERENCE Present perfect

1 Match the sentence halves. What verb form A GREAT

Complete Exam file SECTION A on page 26.
We use the present perfect to talk about: is used in each sentence? Why?

• Use initial Test and

Formula_B1_CBK_EF_CVR.indd 1 23/09/2020 16:17

an action or experience at some time in 1 I’ve seen

Present simple
(you / ev
the past, where the time is not known or 2 I play tennis
somewhere and wanted to k

Building block 11.10COMPONENTS

We use the present simple: not important. We often use it to talk about 3 My sister lives
an action that happened at some time in it? I’ve now got an app on m
to talk about regular repeated actions, routines and habits in the present. 4 I think that’s


our lives. (help) me do this. I 3
Read the Exam focus. Then listen to the answers
8 For each question, ch

EXAM TASKTeach sections from the


I meet my friends every weekend. 5 Matt’s talking
Have you read this book? now and I 4
It doesn’t often rain here in the summer. 6 3 Putata the
I’ve worked wordcompany forbox together with
in the first
I’ve seen this film before.
(hold) yo
to talk about permanent situations, or things that are always true. 7 a word
My brother in the second box to create a
is studying MOBILE
in Ex 2 again. What short answer does each person give
WORDLIST an action that started in the past but is not noun phrase.
app quickly 6
My aunt and uncle live in New York. 8 Have you ever and the singer. I 7
finished and is continuing now. We often
Exam Trainer to develop
She doesn’t speak + prepositions Entertainment and media
use it with for orCommunications
since. and In fact, right now I 8
technology A five years. air a car a film a horror a litter

to answer the question?


add to audience ((n))

with verbs that describe feelings, opinions and states (state verbs). for describes the length of the action. a messaging public social
The design of(play)
our moin
app (n) B in a flat in London.

begin with film-maker (n) I canabout
easily fiscience. Design

Students 1
I think it’s amazing! nd out what it is

1.13 Work in A/B pairs. Listen, and when you hear

Max has worked for the company for
communicate (with) (v) C to Ella at the moment.
suchas possible,
app –so they c
Sara agrees with me. to film-making (n) six months. a great you shou
-maker alarm app bin film

examtellawareness and
consist of horror (n) messaging app (n) D that film before. For example, the nois
ALSO SUITABLE FOR THE CAMBRIDGE B1 PRELIMINARY FOR SCHOOLS EXAM I don’t own a bike. since describes the starting point of media pollution transport

(be/go) online (adj/adv) E every weekend. message, or the three

depend on orchestra (n)

your questions, your partner the answer. Give aWRITING

little Other state verbs include disagree, hate, hear, mind, need, prefer, the action.
FORMULA is the flexible, unique and enjoyable route to Cambridge exam success. Using Pearson’s trusted
sign up (v) F a really interesting idea. 2
with is typing

exam know-how, FORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY takes a fresh approach to topics, units and components focus on perform (v) I’ve lived in this apartment since 2012. 4 Which syllable in each noun phrase in
promise, seem, smell, taste, understand, want.

to create an effective exam-focused package whatever your teaching and learning scenario. Its truly flexible
social media (n) G tried rockExclimbing? things, our brains pro
COURSEBOOK and Interactive eBook

components are designed to work independently for short and intensive preparation or in combination rely on (see a) play (n) 3 has the main stress?

5 Is each
for longer exam courses. Adaptable for the classroom, independent study and blended to fully digital past actions with ever and never. verb inalso
bold stres

provide exam
time. training.
We might feel so

more information each

• Coursebook 2or the
learning environments – create your own FORMULA for exam success. PRELIMINARY + I/You/We/They eat meat.
think about professional (singer) (adj) talk face-to-face (v phr) H medicine at university.

5 We use ever and never unstressed verb pronoun

FORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY Coursebook and Interactive eBook include eight units with each unit linked to a
He/She/It eats meat. recording (n) voice (n)with the present 5 1.2VF Listen and check. Then, listen message will give go
different sense. With senses as the broad theme, the topic changes lesson by lesson making learning more dynamic
and maintaining students’ interest throughout the course, as well as providing a more authentic exam experience.
Part 1 Email
Verb phrases perfect to mean ‘(not) at any time in your life’. 2 Choose the
repeat.alternatives. 1 These
success areofstarting
a phon
– Unit
I/You/We/They don’t eat meat. scene (n)
concentrate p38,
onUnit 7 p66 We usually use Places: Town and
ever in questions. city
We use 1 I’m sorry, I don’t agree / ’m not agreeing 2 Paul doesn’t
know likehappeni
what’s romanti
FORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY Coursebook without key provides:
He/She/It doesn’t eat meat. silence (n)

disturb someone never to make aairstatement
(n) Both of 6
with you.

• A dynamic approach to exam preparation with • Review sections including four, full length 1.3VF Listen to a talk about music in 3 Myignore it,have
parents bought
we need to
new topics lesson-by-lesson. Reading Part 5 and Part 6 tasks. FORMULA is the flexible, unique and enjoyable route to Cambridge exam success. Using Pearson’s trusted
? Do I/you/we/they eat meat? silent (adj) them come before the main
car alarm (n) verb.

Interactive eBook with

exam know-how, FORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY takes a fresh approach to topics, units and components go off (e.g. an alarm) 2 I’m sure I fi’m
Why does
/ ’vethe presenter
seen say music
that woman Even if checking thewh

9 Discuss the questions with your partner.

• A part of each paper in each unit with an Exam • A Vocabulary file practising topic vocabulary and to create an effective exam-focused package whatever your teaching and learning scenario. Its truly flexible
studio (n) 4 They haven’t decided
focus, strategies for improving performance and lexical sets for each unit.
You Yes,
mustI/you/we/they indo. No, I/you/we/they don’t. Have you ever complain
tried windsurfi
(v) ng? is important?
EXAM TRAINER and Interactive eBook

components are designed to work independently for short and intensive preparation or in combination
full exam task. for longer exam courses. Adaptable for the classroom, independent study and blended to fully digital dohave a (good/bad)
the task Part 1. memory
You read an email with notes on it and write somewhere before.
5 AreFew
us willfor
with key

• A Grammar file including both reference and

• A fold-out Exam file in the back of the book practice for each unit. learning environments – create your own FORMULA for exam success. PRELIMINARY Does
a reply. he/she/it
You toeat
have quiet
keep meat?
include Travel
four main points in your email and
and transport
write about My dad has never travelled
complaint (n)outside Europe. 3 I know / ’ve known Steph since we were
with bite-size exam part information and Are you
exam-ready? checklists.
• A Writing file providing models and exam tasks FORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY Exam Trainer and Interactive eBook are unique, full colour components
100 words. litter (n)
7 1.4VF Choose the correct 6 Have you finished your p
for each part of the Writing paper. which can be used independently or in combination with the Coursebook. The Exam Trainer uses a Test, make adoes.
Yes, he/she/it decision No, he/she/it doesn’t. distance (n) at school.
+ I/You/We/They have finished. alternatives. Then, listen and check.

• Exam boost sections consolidating exam and • Smart answer key* for all exam task exercises. FOR EXAM SUCCESS COURSEBOOK
Teach, Test approach to exam preparation for each part of the exam. An introductory practice task tests with key A do Listen and
1 1.1GF ha
6 B che

1.11 Listen again to the extra information the speakers

mess (n)

Digital resources
language focuses from every lesson. learners to see what they already know and allows reflection on current performance. A teach section make a noise explore (v) 4 Oh, no! It rains / ’s raining again!
• A complete digital package including fully
He/She/It has finished.

1 Did you each answer the questions correctly?

• A Speaking or writing activity in each skills Interactive eBook, Digital Resources and App provides practice of strategies and skills to improve learner performance and allows them to approach the
1 Music plays an important part in sentences.
2 A telling B sa
lesson offering flexibility to teachers for class or containing course audio, exam videos and exam with confidence. The final exam-compliant exam task tests Interactive eBook
andhow well they can apply the strategies Present continuous
ring (e.g. a phone) go camping (v phr) public transport (n) 5 play / ’re playing
We often film-maker tennis together
homework activities.
– I/You/We/They / film-making.
stresshaven’t finished.
grammar practice activities. and skills they have practised.
Read (n) 3 A knowledge B str
* with key only We usethis
present from your English
continuous off) teacher,
to talk about:Mrs James, and
hire (v) the notes you have at the weekend.
2 A soundtrack is music played by an

give. Answer the questions.

FORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY Exam Trainer with key provides: made. hasn’t (adj)
He/She/It untidy finished. 7 Make
4 A questions
B the
actions happening think ofnow. (something) (be) keen on (adj + prep) 6 I stay / ’morchestra
staying with
whichmyweaunt until
hear I can
• Easy-to-use preparation in the order of the exam • Speaking boost tasks provide extra practice for
present tense.
Sheila Dignen & Lindsay Warwick

For teachers For students

? Have I/you/we/they finished? find my own flat. / scenes. 5 A focuses B de

2 Did you give a little more information each time?

with key

thinka (something) through local (adj)

and App
from Reading and Use of English Part 1 to the Speaking paper.
Jake’s watching film in his bedroom. scenery


• Teacher’s Book with Presentation Tool, • Coursebook and Interactive eBook*, Speaking Part 4. • Tips from exam experts on how to approach
From: Mrs James Yes, I/you/we/they have. Have 3youThis go / been
evermusic to New 1 What
6 A songs
call / you / listen
7 to / York?
Digital Resources and App including: Digital Resources and App
• A Test, Teach, Test, approach for each part of the exam. scenery (n) is added begun with the B tak
- Test package • Exam Trainer and Interactive eBook*, each paper. • Smart answer key* for all exam task exercises. temporary
Subject: Useful
End-of-course phrases
happening trip around now. No, I/you/we/they haven’t.
- Photocopiable activities Digital Resources and App
• About the exam sections give comprehensive FOR EXAM SUCCESS EXAM TRAINER with key stay (n/v) 8 film grow
These plants / are
because growing
it helps best
to tell instory.
the 2 How long / you / know /
• A complete digital package including fully
I’m staying with some friends
I (honestly) have no foridea.
the summer.

1 When exactly does he check his messages?

• Coursebook Interactive eBook*, Digital Resources
- Grammar presentations
and App
information about each exam part. Interactive eBook, Digital Resources and App Dear Students, take a cruise (v phr) Great! Has he/she/it finished? dry conditions.
4 The music can make the audience / 3 VOCABULARY
you BOOS
/ ever / try / bungee
Interactive eBook

3 How could you both improve next time?

- Guides on dyslexia, classroom • How did you do? sections help students identify containing course audio, exam videos and
and I’m looking forward to it.

• Exam Trainer2orWhen
• Exam Trainer Interactive eBook*, Digital Resources
management and mindfulness for exams where they are in their learning. grammar practice activities.
+ I’dI’m
like to take
trying our class on a weekend trip to celebrate
to work! the end of
visit (n/v) Yes, he/she/it has. performers have certain feelings. 4 What / you / usually eat /

thedoes she use her email?

and App
• Detailed Strategies and skills input and activities * with key only
loads of (something) 3 Correct one error in each sentence.
* available with and without key to boost exam performance Part-by-Part. the course.
You’re/We’re/They’re sitting in the kitchen. No, he/she/it hasn’t. 5 We don’t always consist of / think about 9 Complete each defin
(It) Sounds good to me. 5 How often / you go / to t
Sheila Dignen & Jacky

1 Are they own their own

whenhome? category in the wordl
We could either go to a town in our area or the countryside. Which say which I prefer the music we watch a film.
For teachers For students Sheila Dignen & Lindsay Warwick
He’s/She’s/It’s playing music. 6 you / watch / any good fi
would you prefer? 2 Have 6youThat’s
been because
ever to Berlin?
we usually focus / rely

Use the Exam Trainer

• Teacher’s Book with Presentation Tool, • Coursebook and Interactive eBook*,
– I’m notPRACTICEenjoying this party. 7 Why / access
you study / English
/ connect to
Digital Resources and App including: Digital Resources and App
What kind of activities should we do on the trip? 3 This foodon the
is tasting delicious!
actions of the actors.
suggest Whereinstall password

Interactive eBook
3 Whatwith
- Test package • Exam Trainer and Interactive eBook*,
You/We/They aren’t sleeping well at the moment. 8 / your parents / liv
- Photocopiable activities Digital Resources and App
kind 1 of – Part
1.1VF Listen1 toIntroduction
do you think we should stay
eight speakers. Match each speaker in on 4 Does 7TomThere
still sleeping?
are times when it’s better for the
Formula_B1_CBKKEY_CVR.indd All Pages 11/11/2020 11:14
2 Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from
did he chat to people about?
• Coursebook Interactive eBook*, Digital Resources
He/She/It isn’t looking for a new job.

- Grammar presentations
Saturday evening? 5 orchestra
I’m having this coldtoforkeep
two /weeks
make now!
quiet. 8 Write
1 Whenyouryou
answers to the

- Guides on dyslexia, classroom

and App to the topic they are talking about below. tell
the Mrs James

• Exam Trainer Interactive eBook*, Digital Resources

management and mindfulness for exams ? Please
Am I working
reply soon! with Avril? 6 8 Recording
Jan don’t / Silence in a film can make
like rap music. it’s ready to use.
and App

page references from the

* available with and without key
Yes, I am. No, a visit
I’m app an orchestra camping litter 1 I don’t read a national newspaper but I do read our a moment more powerful.
Mrs James 7 I never hear their music before. 2 A is
one. asks you questions about things

Digital resources
In Speaking
Are you/we/they public Part 1, theby
travelling examiner
silence asks
train? you
traffi c and your partner In Phase 2, the examiner
3 When you

4 What worries her about new technology? Jacky Newbrook
individual questions about yourselves. There are two 2suchI’masnotyour hobbies, what you on sweet
like orfood, solike,
don’t I don’t
you 8 Mia isn’t here – she travels to London with
Write Yes,
email tothis are.James
Mrs No, using
you’re/we’re/they’re not. about 100 words.
all the notes. Write some friends. phone or computer.
phases to
Speaker part.
1 likeitto do often.
very with your friends and so on. You should give
Is he/she/it sleeping? 4 When you
In Phase 1, the 2questions are very easy and factual –
Speaker 3longer answers
I’ve met to these
that man questions.
before but I have

Formula_B1_ETKEY_CVR.indd All Pages 11/11/2020 11:10
Yes, he/she/it
your name, is. where
No, he/she/it isn’t. 5 A is
Speaker 3 you come from or live and what you do. Youwhat
should his not
name talk your partner in this part of the test.

5 How else will he use his phone?

and App
You only need to give short answers to these questions. Use the correct greeting. in to use a program o
78 Dear Mrs James, Speaker 4 4UseThethisfood
to relax and start
so awful, I hadtotoenjoy the test. about
it to the waitress. 6 When you end a pho
Thank you forSpeaker your email.5
It will be fantastic to go on a trip at the Strategies and skills

We won’t belike
We’veingot of time. 7 When you
Practice task
Speaker 55 What do you your free time?
end of our78course. I’m6really looking forward to it. 6 AGive your preference. some bikes and go cycling. Answering questions to call it.

• Use selected exercises

Z01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd Let’s 03/12/2020 15:47 Z01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 79
Speaker 7 Playing tennis.
I think 8 When you
1 I’d preferS01 go Read
Speaker 8
to athese
city like MadridPart
Speaking because there is more for
1 questions. 7 BThe I like playing
Give reasons.
will any sport, especially their tennis.
latest songs at TIP: In the exam, you should start your answer to a
us to do.Then listen
The countryside can bethe
and answer fun, but not in
questions bad weather.
yourself. I think concert
Ca charity tennis isina May.
really good game. question as naturally as possible. Your answer does 10 Write two or three se
Why don’t we spend
What’s the day at an amusement park? Everyone
your name? 68 What did really
My flat’s you do yesterday? . I haven’t had time to not have to repeat any of the question. For example: Try to use words from
Make suggestions.
I went
Aput thingstoaway.
the cinema. Q: What are you studying at the moment?
would love that!
Where doOryou
go to a museum.

from the Test, Teach,


B I usually go to the cinema at the weekend. A: I’m studying science and technology and I’m
I think 94 you be
would work or are
good you in
to stay a student?
a youth hostel because that

I went
CGive yourtoopinion.
the cinema yesterday and watched a film enjoying both subjects very much.
RELIMINARY would beWhat do you
cheaper do/study?
than a hotel. about the future.

Best wishes,
What do you like doing in your free time? 7 Is there a city you would like to visit in the future? 1 Cross out the unnecessary part of the answers
LSO SUITABLE FOR THE CAMBRIDGE B1 PRELIMINARY FOR SCHOOLS EXAM Z02 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 94 Use the correct ending. 03/12/2020 15:47 Z02 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 95
A I went to New York last year. below to make them sound more natural.

Test sections.
What did you do yesterday?
ORMULA is the flexible, unique and enjoyable route to Cambridge exam success. Using Pearson’s trusted B I think I would like to visit New York.
xam know-how, FORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY takes a fresh approach to topics, units and components Is there a city you would like to visit in the future? 1 Where do you live?

C New York.

• Presentation tool and/or Coursebook

o create an effective exam-focused package whatever your teaching and learning scenario. Its truly flexible
omponents are designed to work independently for short and intensive preparation or in combination Do you use social media very often? I live in Genoa, in Italy.
TEACHER’S BOOK with Presentation Tool, Digital Resources and App

or longer exam courses. Adaptable for the classroom, independent study and blended to fully digital 8 Do you use social media very often?
earning environments – create your own FORMULA for exam success.
A It depends, but usually every day. 2 What do you usually do in the evenings?
ORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY Teacher’s Book with Presentation Tool, Digital Resources and App gives
eachers the flexibility to create dynamic lessons and courses from 30 to 100 hours and beyond. Teachers are PRELIMINARY
How did you do? B What is social media? In the evenings I usually chat to my friends online.
iven guidance and support on how to use the two core components either separately or together, along with
C No. 3 What’s your favourite sport?
range of resources to customise classes depending on course length and specific exam and language needs.
2 Look at the Part 1 questions again and some student
My favourite sport is definitely football because

Teacher’s Book and Digital resources

ORMULA B1 PRELIMINARY Teacher’s Book with Presentation Tool, Digital Resources and App
answers (A–C). Choose the best answer for each 3 S02 Listen and check your answers.
rovides: question. I love team sports.
An introduction to the course and how it works • Downloadable teacher’s notes for the Exam Trainer
4 Think about the other answers in Ex 2. Choose the best 4 How often do you look at your mobile phone?
Classroom teaching ideas with methodology • Coursebook and Exam Trainer audio and
1 What’s your name?
sections including mindfulness for exams audioscripts 112 A My name is Caroline but my friends call me Caro. reason why each of these answers is not so good. I look at my mobile phone probably every ten
Teaching notes with extra ideas for fast finishers, • Test package
B Caroline. • It doesn’t answer the question. minutes or so!
alternative approaches and suggestions for • Grammar presentations
dyslexic students
• Photocopiable activities
C My partner’s name is Caroline. • It is too simple. 5 What did you do last weekend?
Integrated answer key with smart answers for all
• Accessibility and inclusion resources Z04 Formula CB B1 20106.indd
2 Where 112 do you come from? 03/12/2020 15:48 Last weekend I went to the beach with my family.
exam task exercises
Speaking and writing success criteria to help • About the B1 Preliminary exam videos and
FOR EXAM SUCCESS TEACHER’S BOOK A Paris. 5 S03 Listen again. Think about your own answers to
6 Who is your best friend?
sample speaking test videos
determine what makes a ‘solid’, ‘good’ and
with Presentation Tool, Digital Resources and App the questions in Ex 1. Answer the questions below.
‘acing it’ exam answer • Pearson Practice English App containing B Paris, which is in northern France. My best friend is Julia – I’ve known her for years as
Presentation Tool for the Coursebook and course audio, exam videos and grammar
C I live in Paris. Did you: she lives next door to me.
Exam Trainer practice activities

3 Do you work or are you a student? • answer the questions?

or students A I’m a student. • give interesting answers and not just simple ones? 2 S05 Listen and check your answers.
Coursebook and Interactive eBook*,
B Student.
Digital Resources and App
6 S04 Listen to the questions in Ex 1 again. 3 Match questions 1–6 with answers A–F.
Exam Trainer and Interactive eBook*, C I enjoy being a student.
Digital Resources and App Answer them using the checklist in Ex 5.
4 What do you do/study? 1 Do you work or are you a student?
Coursebook Interactive eBook*, Digital Resources
and App A I study English at college. 2 How often do you go to the cinema?
Lindsay Warwick

Exam Trainer Interactive eBook*, Digital Resources

and App
B I like to study English. 3 Where do you usually meet your friends?
* available with and without key C English.
4 Are you good at sport?
5 Do you go on holiday abroad every year?
6 Do you have many brothers and sisters? Lindsay Warwick
p72 A Every weekend if I can.

CVR.indd All Pages 18/11/2020 14:48

EXAM TRAINER p73 Exs 1–3
11 B
I work. I’m a teacher at a college.
Different places. For example, the local café or the
shopping mall.
D Not always, but most years.
E No, I don’t think so, to be honest.
F No, just one brother.


M01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 11 03/12/2020 15:42

The notes for each lesson provide:
M04 FMLA ETB1 WKey 20144.indd 72 16/11/2020 16:04

• a Unit overview which summarises the content in each Building block 4 DIGITAL RESOURCES
• a list of extra Formula Digital resources Grammar presentations, photocopiable worksheets, tests,
• a dyslexia focus which highlights tasks which dyslexic videos, app
students might find challenging and provides ideas for
making suitable adjustments Example teaching scenario
• a warmer task to focus students’ attention and get them
Depending on the number of classes within the
ready for the lesson ahead, and a cooler task to round
100—120-hour course, you could provide single or
off the lesson
multiple skill lessons. For example, you may have
• detailed teacher’s notes for each exercise as well as
60 × 2-hour classes.
embedded answer keys
• alternative approaches to some exercises A 2-hour class may consist of the following: Grammar
• flexible follow up to extend the previous activity and Speaking — Part 1 Introduction. A lesson of this
type would enable recycling of language from previous
For the fastest path, use the basic notes; to extend the lessons, a full introduction to this part of the exam and
lessons, use the activities in the tinted boxes. extensive language input and practice.


F01_FMLA_TB_B1GLB_20168_PLIM.indd 24 19/01/2021 10:21

Create your own Formula

GRAMMAR (45 mins) B1


1B Tell me about …

Use Photocopiable 1B to recycle ask concentrate disturb go have keep make ring switch think

language from earlier in the unit. 1 2 3

START … about someone you … about a time when
it is polite to GO FORWARD
Tell me …
know who
a good memory. quiet.

7 6 5 4
… the best place to
… something that visit on holiday that … about an occasion when
helps you to you can GO BACK ONE you have fun and
on your work. lots of noise.

8 9 10 11
… about things that
… what time your
… if you find it easy to sometimes
decisions. you when you’re
off in the morning.

15 14 13 12
… about a time when
… what time you
it’s important to
SPACES your phone off at TWO SPACES
something through

16 17 18
… what you … who is most likely
to be calling you when GO BACK ONE
your phone
for as a gift for your SPACE
last birthday.

Use the Coursebook Presentation PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020 3

tool for each page.

Students carry out
GRAMMAR: Present tenses

1 Look at the photo. What is the man doing? activities 1—4.

2 Discuss the questions.
1 Can you whistle? How good are you?
2 How many different situations can you think of when
people whistle?
3 What kinds of thing can people communicate by whistling? 5 Read some comments on the article. Choose the correct

Use the teacher’s

verb forms to complete them.
3 Read the article. Decide if the sentences are true or false.
1 It is possible that whistling languages existed before What an amazing story! I (1) think / ’m thinking it’s
languages that use words.

notes to give you

a fantastic idea to teach these ancient languages to
2 Whistling languages can only communicate simple ideas. children. Too many languages (2) have disappeared /
3 Modern technology is replacing whistling languages in are disappearing over the last 50 years.
some places.

some ideas on how

Languages are so important because they (3) teach /
4 No young people on La Gomera are now learning are teaching us about different cultures. I (4) ’m reading /
Silbo Gomero.
’ve read about this whistling language before, and I really

to approach the
hope the people manage to keep it alive.

Saving Silbo Gomero Thank you for this article. I usually (5) go / am going to
Spain for my holidays, but now I want to go to La Gomera
Whistling languages 1have existed for thousands of years,
usually in mountain areas, where people need to communicate
across valleys, over long distances. Whistles 2travel better than
to hear this amazing whistling language for myself!
I (6) look / ’m looking at flights right now! activities.
shouts or calls. If you 3have whistled to a friend across the
street, you will know this takes a lot less effort than shouting! 6 Complete the email with one word in each gap.
Some experts believe people have used these languages
since the time of the first humans, before spoken languages From: Jo
developed. But this does not mean that they are simple.
They are often complicated, with different sounds for different Hi Jen,
words, so people can have full conversations using just whistles. We (1) having an amazing time right
Unfortunately, many whistling languages are dying out.
Fewer people now live in mountain areas, and the people who
do 4are using text messages to communicate, rather than the
now on La Gomera! We (2) been
up into the mountains a few times, but unfortunately If students are struggling with the
the weather (3) not been brilliant
traditional whistling language. But the people of La Gomera,
one of the Canary Islands, 5believe it is important to save
Silbo Gomero, their traditional whistling language. They have
so far, so we’ve also spent quite a bit of time in the
hotel! I (4) sending you a video of grammar, you might like to use the
someone using Silbo. (5) you heard
decided to start teaching it to children in schools. Children in
primary schools now study the language and they 6practise the
traditional whistles every week. The community hopes that in
of it? Our guide can make all kinds of different whistling
sounds to communicate different things – I really do
Grammar presentation 1: present tenses.
this way they can keep their language and culture alive. (6) know how he does it! But I think
it’s important to keep languages like this alive. What
(7) you think?
4 Look at the bold verbs in the text. Match them to the
See you soon,
meanings A–F. Read the Grammar file on page 78 and
check your ideas. Jo

Students carry out activities 5—7.

A regular actions or habits
B things that are always true 7 Discuss the questions.
C things happening now 1 Do you think it is important to save old and unusual
D things that started in the past and continue in the present languages? Why? / Why not?

E experiences at an unknown past time 2 What languages would you like to learn?

F opinions or feelings (state verbs) 3 How can technology help with learning new languages?


M01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 10 03/12/2020 15:42

If time, direct students to the

Grammar file on page 78 and UNIT 1 GRAMMAR FILE PRACTICE 4 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.



carry out the practice exercises
Present perfect
We use the present perfect to talk about:
1 Match the sentence halves. What verb form

is used in each sentence? Why?
I’ve seen
an action or experience at some time in 1
(you / ever / hear) a song while you’re out
Present simple

on page 79.
the past, where the time is not known or 2 I play tennis
somewhere and wanted to know what it’s called and who sings
We use the present simple: not important. We often use it to talk about 3 My sister lives
an action that happened at some time in it? I’ve now got an app on my phone that 2
to talk about regular repeated actions, routines and habits in the present. 4 I think that’s
our lives. (help) me do this. I 3 (have) it for a few weeks
I meet my friends every weekend. 5 Matt’s talking
Have you read this book? now and I 4 (think) it’s amazing! You simply
It doesn’t often rain here in the summer. 6 I’ve worked at the company for
I’ve seen this film before.
(hold) your phone up to the music and the
to talk about permanent situations, or things that are always true. 7 My brother is studying app quickly 6 (tell) you the name of the song
an action that started in the past but is not
My aunt and uncle live in New York. 8 Have you ever and the singer. I 7 (use) it a lot at the moment.
finished and is continuing now. We often
She doesn’t speak English. use it with for or since. In fact, right now I 8 (sit) in a café and a song
A five years.
with verbs that describe feelings, opinions and states (state verbs). for describes the length of the action.
(play) in the background. It’s great to know that
B in a flat in London.
I think it’s amazing! Max has worked for the company for I can easily find out what it is. I 10 (never / have)
C to Ella at the moment.
Sara agrees with me. six months. such a great app – you should definitely try it!
D that film before.
I don’t own a bike. since describes the starting point of
E every weekend.
Other state verbs include disagree, hate, hear, mind, need, prefer, the action.
promise, seem, smell, taste, understand, want. I’ve lived in this apartment since 2012.
F a really interesting idea. Pronunciation
G tried rock climbing?
past actions with ever and never. 5 Is each verb in bold stressed or unstressed? How is each
+ I/You/We/They eat meat. H medicine at university.
We use ever and never with the present unstressed verb pronounced?
He/She/It eats meat.
perfect to mean ‘(not) at any time in your life’. 2 Choose the correct alternatives. 1 These shoes are starting to look old now.
– I/You/We/They don’t eat meat.
We usually use ever in questions. We use 1 I’m sorry, I don’t agree / ’m not agreeing 2 Paul doesn’t like romantic films.
He/She/It doesn’t eat meat. never to make a statement negative. Both of with you. 3 My parents have bought a new car.
? Do I/you/we/they eat meat? them come before the main verb.
2 I’m sure I ’m seeing / ’ve seen that woman 4 They haven’t decided where to go.
Yes, I/you/we/they do. No, I/you/we/they don’t. Have you ever tried windsurfing? somewhere before.
5 Are you waiting for someone?
Does he/she/it eat meat? My dad has never travelled outside Europe. 3 I know / ’ve known Steph since we were
6 Have you finished your pizza?
Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t. at school.
+ I/You/We/They have finished.
4 Oh, no! It rains / ’s raining again! 6 1.1GF Listen and check. Then, listen and repeat the
He/She/It has finished. sentences.
Present continuous 5 We often play / ’re playing tennis together
– I/You/We/They haven’t finished.
We use the present continuous to talk about: at the weekend.
He/She/It hasn’t finished. 7 Make questions using the prompts. Put the verbs in the correct
actions happening now. 6 I stay / ’m staying with my aunt until I can
? Have I/you/we/they finished? find my own flat. present tense.
Jake’s watching a film in his bedroom.
Yes, I/you/we/they have. 7 Have you ever go / been to New York? 1 What songs / you / listen to / at the moment / ?
temporary situations happening around now. No, I/you/we/they haven’t. 8 These plants grow / are growing best in 2 How long / you / know / your best friend / ?
I’m staying with some friends for the summer.
Has he/she/it finished? dry conditions. 3 you / ever / try / bungee jumping / ?
+ I’m trying to work! Yes, he/she/it has. 4 What / you / usually eat / for breakfast / ?
3 Correct one error in each sentence.
You’re/We’re/They’re sitting in the kitchen. No, he/she/it hasn’t.
5 How often / you go / to the gym / ?
1 Are they own their own home?
He’s/She’s/It’s playing music. 6 you / watch / any good films / recently / ?
2 Have you been ever to Berlin?
– I’m not enjoying this party. 7 Why / you study / English / ?
3 This food is tasting delicious!
You/We/They aren’t sleeping well at the moment. 8 Where / your parents / live / ?
4 Does Tom still sleeping?
He/She/It isn’t looking for a new job. 5 I’m having this cold for two weeks now! 8 Write your answers to the questions in Ex 7.
? Am I working with Avril? 6 Jan don’t like rap music.
Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
7 I never hear their music before.
Are you/we/they travelling by train? 8 Mia isn’t here – she travels to London with
Yes, you/we/they are. No, you’re/we’re/they’re not. some friends.
Is he/she/it sleeping?
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

78 79

Z01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 78 03/12/2020 15:47 Z01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 79 03/12/2020 15:47


F01_FMLA_TB_B1GLB_20168_PLIM.indd 25 19/01/2021 10:21

Create your own Formula

SPEAKING — Part 1 Introduction (1 hour 15 mins)

SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction


In Speaking Part 1, the examiner asks you and your partner In Phase 2, the examiner asks you questions about things
Use the Exam Trainer Presentation tool for
the page.
individual questions about yourselves. There are two such as your hobbies, what you like or don’t like, what you
phases to this part. like to do with your friends and so on. You should give
In Phase 1, the questions are very easy and factual – longer answers to these questions.
your name, where you come from or live and what you do. You should not talk to your partner in this part of the test.
You only need to give short answers to these questions. Use this part to relax and start to enjoy the test.

Strategies and skills

Practice task 5 What do you like doing in your free time?
Answering questions

A Playing tennis.
1 S01 Read these Speaking Part 1 questions. B I like playing any sport, especially tennis. TIP: In the exam, you should start your answer to a
Then listen and answer the questions yourself.
What’s your name? 6
C I think tennis is a really good game.
What did you do yesterday?
A I went to the cinema.
Use Exam Trainer Teacher’s Notes for
question as naturally as possible. Your answer does
not have to repeat any of the question. For example:
Q: What are you studying at the moment?
Where do you come from?
Do you work or are you a student?
What do you do/study?
B I usually go to the cinema at the weekend.
C I went to the cinema yesterday and watched a film
about the future.
enjoying both subjects very much. Warmer, ABOUT THE TASK and activities 1—6.
A: I’m studying science and technology and I’m

What do you like doing in your free time? 7 Is there a city you would like to visit in the future? 1 Cross out the unnecessary part of the answers
A I went to New York last year. below to make them sound more natural.
What did you do yesterday?
B I think I would like to visit New York.
Is there a city you would like to visit in the future? 1 Where do you live?
C New York.
Do you use social media very often? I live in Genoa, in Italy.
8 Do you use social media very often?
A It depends, but usually every day. 2 What do you usually do in the evenings?

Students carry out the Test activities 1—6 as a

How did you do? B What is social media? In the evenings I usually chat to my friends online.
C No. 3 What’s your favourite sport?
2 Look at the Part 1 questions again and some student
answers (A–C). Choose the best answer for each My favourite sport is definitely football because
quick introduction to the exam task.
S02 Listen and check your answers.
question. I love team sports.

4 Think about the other answers in Ex 2. Choose the best 4 How often do you look at your mobile phone?
1 What’s your name?
A My name is Caroline but my friends call me Caro. reason why each of these answers is not so good. I look at my mobile phone probably every ten
B Caroline. • It doesn’t answer the question. minutes or so!
C My partner’s name is Caroline. • It is too simple. 5 What did you do last weekend?
2 Where do you come from? Last weekend I went to the beach with my family.
A Paris.
5 S03 Listen again. Think about your own answers to
6 Who is your best friend?
the questions in Ex 1. Answer the questions below.
B Paris, which is in northern France. My best friend is Julia – I’ve known her for years as
C I live in Paris. Did you: she lives next door to me.
• answer the questions?
3 Do you work or are you a student?
• give interesting answers and not just simple ones? 2 S05 Listen and check your answers.
SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction 1
A I’m a student.

Use the Coursebook

B Student.
6 S04 Listen to the questions in Ex 1 again. 3 Match questions 1–6 with answers A–F.
C I enjoy being a student. 1 Discuss the questions. 5 Match questions 1–6 to phrases A–F.
Answer them using the checklist in Ex 5.
4 What do you do/study? 1 Do you work or are you a student?

Presentation tool for the page.

A How do you usually communicate with people online? 1 Do you work or are you a student?
A I study English at college. 2 How often do you go to the cinema?
B I like to study English.
B How many people did you message yesterday? 2 Where do you live?
3 Where do you usually meet your friends?
C English. C What will you use your phone for in the next 24 hours? 3 When do you usually chat to your friends?
4 Are you good at sport?
D How many times do you check your messages in a day? 4 What do you chat to your friends about?
5 Do you go on holiday abroad every year?
E Do you like using technology to communicate? 5 Have you ever chatted to someone online in English?
6 Do you have many brothers and sisters?
6 How often do you upload photos to social media?
A Every weekend if I can. 2 1.9 Listen to five people answering the questions in
Ex 1. Which question (A–E) does each person answer? A Probably a few times a …
B I work. I’m a teacher at a college.
1 4 B I work / I’m a student. I’m a … at … / I study …

Students carry out activities

C Different places. For example, the local café or the
shopping mall. 2 5 C Different things. For example, …
D Not always, but most years. 3 D Usually on / in / at …

1—7 including reading the

E No, I don’t think so, to be honest. E Yes, I have. / No, I don’t think so.
F No, just one brother. EXAM FOCUS F In a place / area / town called …
72 Answering questions 6
Exam focus box.
1.12 Listen to exam candidates Jorge and Marta
In this part of the speaking exam, you don’t need to give answering the questions and check your answers.
very long answers. However, you should answer the question Did each speaker give any extra information?
M04 FMLA ETB1 WKey 20144.indd 72 16/11/2020 16:04 Which speaker is better?
and add a little more information each time. This allows the
examiner to assess your level of English.
7 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions
A: Who did you talk to online yesterday?
in Ex 5. Use the prompts to help you and try to give more
B: My friend Anna. We talked about what we’re going to do next information.
weekend. We’re thinking of going away for a couple of days.
The only question where you don’t need to do this is when the

Use the teacher’s notes to

examiner asks you for your name.
Complete Exam file SECTION A on page 26.

3 1.10 Read the Exam focus. Then listen to the answers

give you some ideas on how to

in Ex 2 again. What short answer does each person give
to answer the question?
8 1.13 Work in A/B pairs. Listen, and when you hear

check their understanding.

1 4 your questions, tell your partner the answer. Give a little
2 5 more information each time.
9 Discuss the questions with your partner.
4 1.11 Listen again to the extra information the speakers 1 Did you each answer the questions correctly?
give. Answer the questions.
2 Did you give a little more information each time?
1 When exactly does he check his messages? 3 How could you both improve next time?
2 When does she use her email?
3 What did he chat to people about?
4 What worries her about new technology?
SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction 5 How else will he use his phone?

SECTION B Students can go to the fold-out
Giving reasons
Exam file and carry out Exam
SECTION A In this exam task, you can get a higher
Answering questions boost
mark if you add more detail
to your Section A on page 26.

In this exam task, you should answer the question and then give a little
more information. 4 Does each speaker below add p73 Exs 1–3

a reason, an explanation or an
1 Complete each answer with a word below. example?
M01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 11 03/12/2020 15:42

definitely depends get idea 1 I sing a lot when I’m driving. It’s
because I can sing as loudly as I
mostly not something to
want and no one can hear me!
1 ‘How often do you do sports?’ ‘ very often.’ 2 I sing in our local choir. There are
about 30 of us between 15 and
2 ‘Where do you usually buy your clothes?’ ‘I get
85 years old. We sing fairly modern
them online.’
songs and give concerts in the
3 ‘Who do you spend the most time with each day?’ local area.
‘It what day it is.’
3 I don’t sing much as I have the
4 ‘What’s your perfect weekend activity?’ world’s worst voice. If I sing, dogs
‘ fun but also relaxing.’ start barking!
5 ‘Do you think you’ll use English in your job in the future?’
‘I will.’
Watch the B1 Preliminary
I can sing pretty well, but I only do it
on special occasions. Last year …
6 ‘How do you travel to college each day?’ ‘I the bus.’
7 ‘Where did you go for your last holiday?’ ‘ a little
Speaking Test 1, Part 1 video in
I’d love to be a professional singer.
I like the idea of singing in front of

fishing village on the coast.’
‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘I have no !’ happy. the Digital resources.
lots of people and making them

6 I once sang on stage with my dad’s

2 Now decide which extra information A–H completes answers 1–8 band. I was in the audience and
in Ex 1. he got me up to sing with him. SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction
A I have a stressful job, so I don’t want too much excitement at the I can’t sing very well so it was pretty
embarrassing but I guess it was
beach or going to a spa. Students read through the Exam reference in the Exam
weekends! I like meeting up with friends, going for a walk on the
fun, too.

• There are two examiners. One speaks to you, and the other one just listens.
About 2 minutes

Answering personal
file before starting
There’s a stop quite close to my house so it’s really convenient. It’s
too far to walk but by bus it’s just 30 minutes. It’s fairly cheap, too.
5 Correct part
the mistake in eachof the lesson. This will give •

You and your partner answer personal questions in turn from the examiner.
You will answer questions about personal details, daily routines, likes and dislikes, etc.

sentence. • You don’t need to speak to your partner in this part. You just speak to the examiner. Marking takes place

them information about the specific exam part as well

throughout the whole
C I can’t stand places with lots of people in them and so I find it easier speaking test

to order things on the internet and get them delivered to my home. 1 I sing in the shower because of no
What is being tested?
one can hear me.
as which particular
I have to send things back sometimes, but that’s OK.
music has all kinds ofand skills are important.
This part of the exam focuses on your ability to give basic information about yourself.

The examiners mark you all through the test on your use of:
D I’ll probably go and stay with a friend in a nearby town. We usually 2 Classical
• Grammar and vocabulary. Try to use a range of simple sentences accurately. Try to use more complex sentences as
go out on our bikes so I expect we’ll do the same this time. sounds which is what I like it. well, but don’t worry about making mistakes.

3 I don’t often listen to live music. • Discourse management. This means answering the question by giving more than just a one- or two-word answer,
E The company I’m working for now has a lot of international even if you hesitate. It also means linking ideas using a range of linking words.

customers, so I already use English at work. In the future, we’ll I think it’s since I don’t live in a • Pronunciation. This includes individual sounds, word stress and sentence stress, but the important thing is that you

probably have more customers from abroad so I’ll need to use big city. can be understood easily.
• Interactive communication. This means responding to and interacting with another person. In Part 1, this means
English more. 4 I can’t stand loud music. That why listening carefully to the examiner and answering their questions.

F During the week, I probably spend most of my day with the two I don’t like heavy metal. How do you do it?
colleagues I sit with. At the weekend, I probably spend most time 5 I gave up playing the guitar because BEFORE THE TASK

with my sister. We like similar things so we do a lot together. my sister. She told me I was terrible! • Take a deep breath and try to relax.
• Get ready to listen carefully to the examiner.
G I went there with my family. It was pretty but a bit quiet for me. • Remember that the examiner is interested in what you have to say. Imagine you’re having a normal conversation
with them.
My parents liked it though so I was happy about that. They don’t
travel much so it was nice to see them somewhere different.
• Listen carefully to the question. If you don’t hear it, ask them to repeat it.
H I know that I should, but I’ve never found one that I particularly • The first questions will always be about your name, where you’re from and your work/studies. The examiner will then
ask you further questions on different topics.
enjoy. I enjoy watching it on TV though, football in particular.
• Answer each question and give a little more information. You don’t need to give very long answers, but make sure
they’re more than a few words.
3 Work in pairs. Write down your answers to the questions in Ex 1. • Try to speak without too much hesitation and with appropriate pronunciation.
• Try to use a range of everyday vocabulary, and grammar without too many errors.
• The examiner will ask you and the other candidate in the room questions separately. You don’t need to talk to the
other candidate.

Are you exam-ready?

Did you …
26 … listen carefully to the examiner’s questions? .............................................................................................................
… answer the question? ....................................................................................................................................................
… give more information to extend your answer? ........................................................................................................
… speak without too much hesitation? ...........................................................................................................................
INS Formula EF B1 20106 Booklet.indd 26 03/12/2020 15:42 … use a range of everyday vocabulary? .........................................................................................................................
… create simple sentences with good accuracy, and try to create some complex sentences? ..............................
… pronounce words correctly, and use appropriate stress and intonation? .............................................................

Are you ready for Speaking Part 1? Identify an area to improve. 27

INS Formula EF B1 20106 Booklet.indd 27 03/12/2020 15:42


F01_FMLA_TB_B1GLB_20168_PLIM.indd 26 19/01/2021 10:21

Create your own Formula

SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction 1


1 Discuss the questions. 5 Match questions 1–6 to phrases A–F.

A How do you usually communicate with people online? 1 Do you work or are you a student?
B How many people did you message yesterday? 2 Where do you live?
C What will you use your phone for in the next 24 hours? 3 When do you usually chat to your friends?
D How many times do you check your messages in a day? 4 What do you chat to your friends about?
E Do you like using technology to communicate? 5 Have you ever chatted to someone online in English?
6 How often do you upload photos to social media?
2 1.9 Listen to five people answering the questions in
Ex 1. Which question (A–E) does each person answer? A Probably a few times a …

Students can now complete the

1 4 B I work / I’m a student. I’m a … at … / I study …
2 5 C Different things. For example, …
3 D Usually on / in / at …

Yes, I have. / No, I don’t think so.
In a place / area / town called … Exam task in the main unit using
Answering questions 6
the guidance they have found
1.12 Listen to exam candidates Jorge and Marta
In this part of the speaking exam, you don’t need to give answering the questions and check your answers.
very long answers. However, you should answer the question Did each speaker give any extra information?
and add a little more information each time. This allows the Which speaker is better?
examiner to assess your level of English.
A: Who did you talk to online yesterday?
B: My friend Anna. We talked about what we’re going to do next
7 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions
in Ex 5. Use the prompts to help you and try to give more
in the Exam file, the Exam focus
and the video to help them.
weekend. We’re thinking of going away for a couple of days.
The only question where you don’t need to do this is when the
examiner asks you for your name.
Complete Exam file SECTION A on page 26.

3 1.10 Read the Exam focus. Then listen to the answers

in Ex 2 again. What short answer does each person give
to answer the question?
8 1.13 Work in A/B pairs. Listen, and when you hear
1 4 your questions, tell your partner the answer. Give a little
2 5 more information each time.
9 Discuss the questions with your partner.
4 1.11 Listen again to the extra information the speakers
give. Answer the questions.
Did you each answer the questions correctly?
Did you give a little more information each time?
Students can complete activity
SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction

9 with a partner.
1 When exactly does he check his messages? 3 How could you both improve next time?
2 When does she use her email? ABOUT THE TASK
3 What did he chat to people about? Giving reasons
In Speaking Part 1, the examiner asks you and your partner In Phase 2, the examiner asks you questions about things
4 What worries her about new technology? individual questions about yourselves. There are two such as your hobbies, what you like or don’t like, what you
phases to this part. like to do with your friends and so on. You should give
5 How else will he use his phone?
TIP: If you practise adding ‘because’ or a similar
In Phase 1, the questions are very easy and factual –
longer to toyour
answers these questions.
answer so where
your name, that you
give aorreason,
from thisyou
live and what will You
to say more.
not talk to your partner in this part of the test.
You only need to give short answers to these questions. Use this part to relax and start to enjoy the test.

Strategies and skills

word or phrase below can’t be used to give a reason?
5 What do you like doing in your free time?
Answering questions

A Playing tennis.

Use the Coursebook teacher’s

1 • S01as Read these Speaking Part 1 questions. • because
B I like playing any sport, especially tennis. TIP: In the exam, you should start
Then listen and answer the questions yourself. C I think tennis is a really good game. question as naturally as possible. Y
•What’s main reason is
your name?
• so 6 What did you do yesterday? not have to repeat any of the ques

Strategies and skills after

•Where that A I went to the cinema. Q: What are you studying at the m

notes for Cooler.

do you come from?

B I usually go to the cinema at the weekend. A: I’m studying science and techn
Do you work or are you a student?
C I went to the cinema yesterday and watched a film enjoying both subjects very much
p73 Exs 1–3
11 Answering questions What do you do/study?
5 Rewrite the sentences using the words and phrases from Ex 4. about the future.
7 Is there a city you would like to visit in the future?
What do you like doing in your free time? 1 Cross out the unnecessary part
I went to New York last year.
M01 Formula CB B1 20106.indd 11 03/12/2020 15:42 TIP: In the exam, you should start your answer to a 1 The reason
What did you do Iyesterday?
like films is I think they’re fun. A
B I think I would like to visit New York.
below to make them sound mo
Is there a city you would like to visit in the future? 1 Where do you live?
question as naturally as possible. Your answer does IDolike
use social media very often? I think they’re fun.
C New York.
I live in Genoa, in Italy.
8 Do you use social media very often?
not have to repeat any of the question. For example: The What do you usually do in the e
you do?I haven’t visited other countries is I don’t have time.
2How A It depends, but usually every day.
B What is social media? In the evenings I usually chat to
Q: What are you studying at the moment?
2 ILook
don’t have
Part 1 much
questionstime I haven’t visited other
C No. 3 What’s your favourite sport?
at the again and some student

For homework, students can complete A: I’m studying science and technology and I’m
enjoying both subjects very much.
answers (A–C). Choose the best answer for each
3 1 IWhat’s
need toname?
your practise my music more but it’s not easy.
4 Think

about the other answers in Ex 2. Choose the best

S02 Listen and check your answers.

My favourite sport is definitely
I love team sports.
How often do you look at your

Speaking Part 1 — Introduction p72, p73

A My name is Caroline but my friends call me Caro. reason why each of these answers is not so good. I look at my mobile phone prob
I don’t practise my music more
B Caroline. • it’s not easy.
It doesn’t answer the question. minutes or so!

1 Cross out the unnecessary part of the answers C My partner’s name is Caroline.
4 2 IWhere
can’tdoget to college because my car has broken down.
• It is too simple. 5 What did you do last weekend

Exs 1—3 in the Exam Trainer.

you come from? Last weekend I went to the bea
below to make them sound more natural. A Paris. 5 S03 Listen again. Think about your own answers to
6 Who is your best friend?
The I can’t get to college isthemy
B Paris, which is in northern France. car has
questions in Ex 1. Answer the questions below.
My best friend is Julia – I’ve kno
1 Where do you live? broken down.
C I live in Paris. Did you: she lives next door to me.
3 Do you work or are you a student? • answer the questions?
I live in Genoa, in Italy. A I’m a student. • give interesting answers and not just simple ones? 2 S05 Listen and check your

2 What do you usually do in the evenings? 6 Look at the questions below. What extra information
B Student.
6 could you
S04 Listen to the questions in Ex 1 again. 3 Match questions 1–6 with answ
C I enjoy being a student.
add to the answers? Complete the answers with
What do you do/study?
your own
Answer them ideas.
using the checklist in Ex 5.
1 Do you work or are you a stude
In the evenings I usually chat to my friends online. A I study English at college. 2 How often do you go to the cin
1 A: How do English.
you travel to work every day? (Why?)
3 What’s your favourite sport? B I like to study 3 Where do you usually meet you
B: By bus because
C English.
. 4 Are you good at sport?
My favourite sport is definitely football because 5 Do you go on holiday abroad e
2 A: Do you like going out in the evening? (Why?)
I love team sports. 6 Do you have many brothers an
B: I do as . A Every weekend if I can.
4 How often do you look at your mobile phone? I work. I’m a teacher at a colleg
3 A: Do you have a lot of free time during the week? B

I look at my mobile phone probably every ten C Different places. For example, t
B: Not much. shopping mall.
minutes or so! D Not always, but most years.
A: Why not?
No, I don’t think so, to be hone
5 What did you do last weekend? B: I work hard so .
F No, just one brother.
Last weekend I went to the beach with my family. 472 A: Do you usually prefer to travel by bus or by car? (Why?)
6 Who is your best friend? B: By car as it’s .
My best friend is Julia – I’ve known her for years as M04 FMLA ETB1 WKey 20144.indd 72
5 A: What’s your favourite kind of television programme? (Why?)
16/11/2020 16:04

she lives next door to me. B: I really like as .

6 A: Do you ever go to the theatre?
2 S05 Listen and check your answers.
B: Not very often.

3 Match questions 1–6 with answers A–F. A: Why not?

B: The main reason is .
1 Do you work or are you a student?
2 How often do you go to the cinema?
Adding information to your answer
3 Where do you usually meet your friends?
4 Are you good at sport? TIP: You should answer the question you’re asked but try to
5 Do you go on holiday abroad every year? make your answers interesting by adding extra information.

6 Do you have many brothers and sisters? You can add details or examples to your answers.
A Every weekend if I can.
7 Complete the table with the words in the box.
B I work. I’m a teacher at a college.
C Different places. For example, the local café or the also and as well as for example
shopping mall. for instance like on top of that such as
D Not always, but most years.
E No, I don’t think so, to be honest. giving more details giving examples
F No, just one brother.


Building block 4 DIGITAL RESOURCES M04 FMLA ETB1 WKey 20144.indd 73 16/11/2020 16:04

Before class SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction


In Speaking Part 1, the examiner asks you and your partner In Phase 2, the examiner asks you questions about things
Need something extra or a
Exam Trainer Test section change of pace
individual questions about yourselves. There are two such as your hobbies, what you like or don’t like, what you
phases to this part. like to do with your friends and so on. You should give
In Phase 1, the questions are very easy and factual – longer answers to these questions.
your name, where you come from or live and what you do. You should not talk to your partner in this part of the test.
You only need to give short answers to these questions. Use this part to relax and start to enjoy the test.

Strategies and skills


Practice task

on p72. Video: About B1 Preliminary:

5 What do you like doing in your free time?
Answering questions

A Playing tennis.
1 S01 Read these Speaking Part 1 questions. B I like playing any sport, especially tennis. TIP: In the exam, you should start your answer to a
Then listen and answer the questions yourself. C I think tennis is a really good game. question as naturally as possible. Your answer does
What’s your name? 6 What did you do yesterday? not have to repeat any of the question. For example:
A I went to the cinema. Q: What are you studying at the moment?
Where do you come from?
B I usually go to the cinema at the weekend. A: I’m studying science and technology and I’m
Do you work or are you a student?

Speaking, About B1 Preliminary:

C I went to the cinema yesterday and watched a film enjoying both subjects very much.
What do you do/study? about the future.
What do you like doing in your free time? 7 Is there a city you would like to visit in the future? 1 Cross out the unnecessary part of the answers
A I went to New York last year. below to make them sound more natural.
What did you do yesterday?
B I think I would like to visit New York.
Is there a city you would like to visit in the future? 1 Where do you live?
C New York.
Do you use social media very often? I live in Genoa, in Italy.
8 Do you use social media very often?

Speaking Part 1, B1 Preliminary

A It depends, but usually every day. 2 What do you usually do in the evenings?
How did you do? B1
B What is social media?
C No. 3
In the evenings I usually chat to my friends online.
What’s your favourite sport? PRELIMINARY Grammar
2 Look at the Part 1 questions again and some student
answers (A–C). Choose the best answer for each My favourite sport is definitely football because
3 S02 Listen and check your answers.
I love team sports.
4 How often do you look at your mobile phone?
1D Present tenses – Perfect transformations
1 What’s your name? 4 Think about the other answers in Ex 2. Choose the best
reason why each of these answers is not so good. I look at my mobile phone probably every ten

Speaking Test 1, Part 1.

A My name is Caroline but my friends call me Caro.
B Caroline. • It doesn’t answer the question. minutes or so!
C My partner’s name is Caroline. • It is too simple. 5 What did you do last weekend?
2 Where do you come from? Last weekend I went to the beach with my family.
A Paris. 5 S03 Listen again. Think about your own answers to
6 Who is your best friend?
This is the first time that my cousin has travelled by My friend bought a tent a year ago. FOR
B Paris, which is in northern France.
the questions in Ex 1. Answer the questions below. plane. NEVER
My best friend is Julia – I’ve known her for years as My friend has owned a tent .
C I live in Paris. Did you: she lives next door to me.
• answer the questions?
My cousin by plane before.
3 Do you work or are you a student?
A I’m a student. • give interesting answers and not just simple ones? 2 S05 Listen and check your answers.
B Student.
6 S04 Listen to the questions in Ex 1 again. 3 Match questions 1–6 with answers A–F. (has never travelled) (for one/a year)
C I enjoy being a student.
Answer them using the checklist in Ex 5.
4 What do you do/study? 1 Do you work or are you a student?
I haven’t been on holiday for a long time. SINCE The plane arrived recently. JUST
A I study English at college. 2 How often do you go to the cinema?
B I like to study English. 3 Where do you usually meet your friends? It’s a long time been on The plane .
C English.
4 Are you good at sport? holiday.
5 Do you go on holiday abroad every year?
6 Do you have many brothers and sisters?
(since I’ve/have) (has just arrived)
A Every weekend if I can.
SPEAKING – Part 1 Introduction B I work. I’m a teacher at a college. I visited one museum this morning and another one I still have to pay for the tickets. YET
C Different places. For example, the local café or the this afternoon. HAVE
shopping mall.
I haven’t paid for .
SECTION B I two museums so

Why not try?

D Not always, but most years.
EXAM BOOST far today.
Giving reasons E No, I don’t think so, to be honest.
F No, just one brother.

Less time
(have visited) (the tickets yet)
SECTION A In this exam task, you can get a higher
mark if you add more detail to your I stayed in that hotel before. ALREADY Are you still messaging your family back home? YET
Answering questions
In this exam task, you should answer the question andM04then give a little I in that hotel. Haven’t you finished messaging

A photocopiable activity from the

FMLA ETB1 WKey 20144.indd 72 16/11/2020 16:04
more information. 4 Does each speaker below add
a reason, an explanation or an

Ask students to
1 Complete each answer with a word below. example? (’ve/have already stayed) (your family yet)

definitely depends get idea 1 I sing a lot when I’m driving. It’s The guide started working in the museum five years My friends got on the train earlier. ALREADY

Digital resources.
because I can sing as loudly as I ago. FOR
mostly not something to My friends have the train.
want and no one can hear me! The guide has worked in the museum
1 ‘How often do you do sports?’ ‘ very often.’ 2 I sing in our local choir. There are .

complete the
about 30 of us between 15 and
2 ‘Where do you usually buy your clothes?’ ‘I get (for five years) (already got on)
85 years old. We sing fairly modern
them online.’
songs and give concerts in the Is the journey over? YET I started exploring this area two weeks ago. HAVE
3 ‘Who do you spend the most time with each day?’ local area.
‘It what day it is.’ Has the journey ? I exploring this area for two
3 I don’t sing much as I have the weeks.

Grammar file
4 ‘What’s your perfect weekend activity?’ world’s worst voice. If I sing, dogs
‘ fun but also relaxing.’ start barking!
5 ‘Do you think you’ll use English in your job in the future?’ (finished/ended yet) (have been)
4 I can sing pretty well, but I only do it
‘I will.’ on special occasions. Last year … You can’t be tired! The trip only started a few minutes Is this your first time on a cruise? BEFORE
6 ‘How do you travel to college each day?’ ‘I the bus.’ 5 I’d love to be a professional singer. ago! HAS
Have you taken ?

activities and the

7 ‘Where did you go for your last holiday?’ ‘ a little I like the idea of singing in front of You can’t be tired! The trip .
fishing village on the coast.’ lots of people and making them
8 ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘I have no !’ happy.
(has just started) (a cruise before
6 I once sang on stage with my dad’s
2 Now decide which extra information A–H completes answers 1–8 band. I was in the audience and
in Ex 1. he got me up to sing with him.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020 5

Exam boost at
A I have a stressful job, so I don’t want too much excitement at the I can’t sing very well so it was pretty
weekends! I like meeting up with friends, going for a walk on the embarrassing but I guess it was
UNIT 1 GRAMMAR FILE PRACTICE 4 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.


beach or going to a spa. fun, too. PRESENT TENSES

B There’s a stop quite close to my housePRESENT
so it’s really convenient. It’s
REFERENCE Present perfect

5 anWeCorrect
use the present perfect to talk about:
the mistake in each
1 Match the sentence halves. What verb form

is used in each sentence? Why?
I’ve seen
too far to walk but by bus it’s just 30 minutes. It’s fairly cheap, too.
Present simple
action or experience at some time in 1
(you / ever / hear) a song while you’re out

We use the present simple:
the past, where the time is not known or
not important. We often use it to talk about
I play tennis
My sister lives
somewhere and wanted to know what it’s called and who sings

C I can’t stand places with lots of peopletointalkthem and

about regular soactions,
repeated I find itandeasier
routines habits in the present. an action that happened at some time in
4 I think that’s
it? I’ve now got an app on my phone that 2

to order things on the internet and getIItmeet

them my friends every weekend.
delivered to my home. 1 I sing in the shower because of no
our lives.
Have you read this book?
5 Matt’s talking
(help) me do this. I 3
now and I 4
(have) it for a few weeks
(think) it’s amazing! You simply
doesn’t often rain here in the summer.
one can hear me.

Quick homework
6 I’ve worked at the company for 5
(hold) your phone up to the music and the
I’ve seen this film before.
I have to send things back sometimes, tobut that’s
talk about permanentOK.
situations, or things that are always true.
an action that started in the past but is not
7 My brother is studying app quickly 6 (tell) you the name of the song

My aunt and uncle live in New York.
I’ll probably go and stay with a friend in
Shea nearby
doesn’t town. We usually
speak English.
2 Classical music has all kinds of
finished and is continuing now. We often 8 Have you ever and the singer. I 7
In fact, right now I 8
(use) it a lot at the moment.
(sit) in a café and a song
use it with for or since.

go out on our bikes so I expect we’ll doIwith

the same this time.
verbs that describe feelings, opinions and states (state verbs). sounds which is what I like it.
for describes the length of the action.
five years.
in a flat in London.
(play) in the background. It’s great to know that
think it’s amazing! Max has worked for the company for I can easily find out what it is. I 10 (never / have)

E The company I’m working for now has Iadon’tlot of international

Sara agrees with me. 3 I don’t often listen to live music.
six months.
to Ella at the moment.
that film before.
such a great app – you should definitely try it!
own a bike.

customers, so I already use English at work.

Other state In
includefuture, we’ll
disagree, hate, hear, mind, need, prefer,
I think it’s since I don’t live in a
since describes the starting point of
the action.
E every weekend.
F a really interesting idea. Pronunciation
promise, seem, smell, taste, understand, want. big city.
I’ve lived in this apartment since 2012.

Pearson Practice English App

probably have more customers from abroad so I’ll need to use
+ I/You/We/They eat meat.
past actions with ever and never.
tried rock climbing?
medicine at university.
5 Is each verb in bold stressed or unstressed? How is each

English more. He/She/It eats meat. 4 I can’t stand loud music. That why
We use ever and never with the present
perfect to mean ‘(not) at any time in your life’. 2 Choose the correct alternatives.
unstressed verb pronounced?
1 These shoes are starting to look old now.

F During the week, I probably spend most He/She/It

of mydoesn’t day with the two
eat meat.
– I/You/We/They don’t eat meat.
I don’t
We like
usually use ever heavy
in questions. metal.
We use 1 I’m sorry, I don’t agree / ’m not agreeing 2 Paul doesn’t like romantic films.
never to make a statement negative. Both of with you. 3 My parents have bought a new car.
colleagues I sit with. At the weekend, I probably spend most time
? Do I/you/we/they eat meat?
Yes, I/you/we/they do. No, I/you/we/they don’t.
5 I gave up playing the guitar because
them come before the main verb.
Have you ever tried windsurfing?
2 I’m sure I ’m seeing / ’ve seen that woman 4 They haven’t decided where to go.
somewhere before.
with my sister. We like similar things so weDoesdo a lot
he/she/it together.
eat meat? my sister. She told me I was terrible!
My dad has never travelled outside Europe. 3 I know / ’ve known Steph since we were
Are you waiting for someone?
Have you finished your pizza?
Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t. at school.
+ I/You/We/They have finished.
I went there with my family. It was pretty but a bit quiet for me.

Unit 1 activities.
G He/She/It has finished.
4 Oh, no! It rains / ’s raining again! 6 1.1GF Listen and check. Then, listen and repeat the
Present continuous 5 We often play / ’re playing tennis together
My parents liked it though so I was happyWe use about that. They
the present continuous don’t
to talk about:
– I/You/We/They haven’t finished.
He/She/It hasn’t finished.
at the weekend.
6 I stay / ’m staying with my aunt until I can 7 Make questions using the prompts. Put the verbs in the correct
travel much so it was nice to see them Jake’s
actions happening now.
watching a film in his bedroom.
? Have I/you/we/they finished? find my own flat. present tense.
Yes, I/you/we/they have. 7 Have you ever go / been to New York? 1 What songs / you / listen to / at the moment / ?
H I know that I should, but I’ve never found one that I particularly
temporary situations happening around now.
I’m staying with some friends for the summer.
No, I/you/we/they haven’t. 8 These plants grow / are growing best in 2 How long / you / know / your best friend / ?
Has he/she/it finished? dry conditions.
enjoy. I enjoy watching it on TV though,+ football in particular.
I’m trying to work! Yes, he/she/it has.
you / ever / try / bungee jumping / ?
What / you / usually eat / for breakfast / ?
3 Correct one error in each sentence.
You’re/We’re/They’re sitting in the kitchen. No, he/she/it hasn’t.
5 How often / you go / to the gym / ?
1 Are they own their own home?
3 Work in pairs. Write down your answers– to the questions in Ex 1.
He’s/She’s/It’s playing music.
I’m not enjoying this party.
2 Have you been ever to Berlin?
you / watch / any good films / recently / ?
Why / you study / English / ?
3 This food is tasting delicious!
You/We/They aren’t sleeping well at the moment. 8 Where / your parents / live / ?
4 Does Tom still sleeping?
He/She/It isn’t looking for a new job. 5 I’m having this cold for two weeks now! 8 Write your answers to the questions in Ex 7.
? Am I working with Avril? 6 Jan don’t like rap music.
Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
7 I never hear their music before.
Are you/we/they travelling by train? 8 Mia isn’t here – she travels to London with
Yes, you/we/they are. No, you’re/we’re/they’re not. some friends.
Is he/she/it sleeping?
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.
26 78 79

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