Exercises 2nde Et Premiere 3

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F. Here is an interview between Caroline Mukoto and a journalist. Complete it by giving
the right questions or question tags. (0.5 x 4 = 2 marks)
Journalist: Mrs Mukoto, your project is working for African women’s empowerment, 13……....?
Mukoto: Obviously!
Journalist: 14………………………………………………………………………………?
Mukoto: I’ve been working for this project for eight years now.
Journalist: 15 ………………………………………………………………………….?
Mukoto: Africa can only be developed if women are educated and given more responsibilities.
Journalist: So, we can say that African leaders don’t help their women at all. They don’t show
them how to do things, 16…………………………?
Mukoto: That’s true! And it’s a real pity for all Africans!
G. Choose the right preposition from the ones in brackets to complete the following
(0.5 x 4 = 2 marks)
If African women are empowered, they will participate 17 ……… (in– for– tat- from)
development of their continent. African women need to be educated because education is the key
18 ………. (to - of - for - at) success. Governmental authorities are partly responsible 19………
(to – of – for - at) this situation. Let’s hope that the International Women’s Day which is
celebrated every year 20.................. (to - on - in – at) 8thMarch will one day bring a solution to
this problem.
H. Reordering: Reorder the words so as to make meaningful sentences (1x 2 = 2 marks)
21. development / needs / achieve / Africa / women / its / to /.
22. chance / leaders / African / women / give / to / much / their / don’t /.


E. Fill in the blanks with the suitable pronouns. (0.5x4=2 marks)
Saliu was a courageous talibe he left the hardship of the daaras three years ago and now he is
selling in Kaolack central Market. Every year 11............. goes to Dubai to buy clothes and
12............... sister Aida stays at the shop. Saliu and Aida are twin 13..................... work together
and make a lot of money every year. 14.................clients like the high quality of products in the

F. Choose the right answer to complete this dialogue between Saliu and his Marabout
Ndiaga (0.5x4= 2 marks)
Ndiaga: Saliu! Saliu! Come here! Where is the money of your begging?
Saliu: Baba, would you excuse me? Today I 15 (didn’t/ don’t have)………………… money.
Ndiaga: You’re a liar! You have got much money. Where do you hide it?
Saliu: I never tell lies to you. I haven’t hidden 16 (no/ any /some) ………………….money.
Believe me.
Ndiaga: How can I believe you? Everybody has brought money except you. You cannot stay in
this daara without giving money.
Saliu: Please Baba. I 17 (know/not know /don’t know)……………………… anybody here.
Ndiaga: You’re the youngest “talibé” in the “daara” and the most impolite. 18 (Anybody/
nobody) ………………………..can trust you. You can no longer stay here.
G. Complete the dialogue between Aisha, a “ndèye Daara” and Saliu, a “talibé”.
(0.5 x 6= 3 marks)
Aisha: 19. ...................................................................................................... ?
Saliu: I’m 7.
Aisha: 20. …………………………………………………….................... (you /get up)?
Saliu: I usually get up at 5 a.m.
Aisha: 21. ………………………………………………… the Qur’an (you /read)?
Saliu: Yes, I read the Qur’an.
Aisha: 22. .........................................................................the Qur’an ?
Saliu: I read the Qur’an every morning.
Aisha: But Saliu your clothes are very dirty. 23
…………………………………………………………… (you /take) a bath every day?
Saliu: No, I don’t take a bath every day.
Aisha: 24. From now on, I want to be your “ndèye Daara.” If you come tomorrow, I 24.
…………………………… (give) you lunch and you can take a bath.
Saliu: Thanks you very much my aunt. See you tomorrow.


E. A journalist is interviewing President Macky Sall about solar energy in Senegal.

Complete the interview meaningfully (0.5x5= 2.5 marks)

Journalist: Solar energy is very important for Senegal, 14 ............................?

Macky Sall: Yes of course.
Journalist: 15.....................................................................................................................?
Macky Sall: Because it permits us to produce 120 megawatts which's one fifth of the capacity in
the country.
Journalist: 16 ......................................................................................................................?
Macky Sall: The other source of renewable energy which is important for Senegal is wind
Journalist: 17.................................................................................................................... ?
Macky Sall: Yes these two sources of renewable energy can help fight against climate change.
Journalist: How can they help in 18............................... (fight) against global warming?
Macky Sall: Simply because they are clean energy which means they don't cause pollution.
Journalist: Thank you President!
Macky Sall: You’re welcome!

F. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words in brackets (0.5 x 3= 1.5
The quantity of energy that the world 19 …………………. (year) consumes can be provided by
solar power. Solar power is a renewable energy which is very 20 ……………………… (benefit)
to people. Thanks to it, remote villages can have access to electricity. So, we must encourage its
use in order to 21………………… (solution) the electricity problems for good.

G. Complete the following paragraph by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct tense
or form. (0.5x4= 2 marks)

Over the past few years, Senegalese authorities 22 ............................................. (install) solar
panels all over the country. That's why the country 23……………………... (receive) a great
amount of solar energy. Yet, during the electricity crisis in 2012, the authorities at that time
24 ........................... (not/ think) about 25.............................. (produce) solar power as an


E- Complete the following dialogue meaningfully between Fatim and Penda about fake
news. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense or form (0.5x5=2.5 marks)

Fatim: Hello Penda! I've got some news. People say President Sall 16............................. (visit)
Kaolack tomorrow.
Penda: Really? I 17 ............................ (watch) the news on TV yesterday but I didn’t hear
anything about it.
Fatim: How come? I have read a lot of information about it in the internet.
Penda: It's not true my friend! It's fake news. 18 .............................. (you/ ever/ hear) about fake
Fatim: No, I'm sorry. What is it exactly?
Penda: It consists in 19………………………….. (disseminate) false information for political or
personal reasons. People frequently resort to fake news in the internet now. So, believe in
everything you read or listen to, and anyone 20……………………….. (can) mislead you
F- Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list below (0.5x6= 3 marks)

A few They Little Nothing Them All A little

In the past, 21 ......................... was known about fake news but nowadays, with the rise of
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), they have invaded 22 ..................... social
media. Unfortunately, 23………………. of them can easily be spotted. As teenagers are too
dependent on internet, we know that 24……………… spend 25….…................... time reading
books or newspapers. So, they should be given at least 26........................ education to face the
dangers of fake news.

G. Word ordering: Reorder the following words to make a meaningful sentence (0.5 mark)

affected / have/ Fake news / in / African countries / democracy / poor / severely


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