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1.1 What is Spring?

1.2 Initializing a Spring application

 Initializing a Spring project with Spring Tool Suite

 Examining the Spring project structure

1.3 Writing a Spring application

 Handling web requests

 Defining the view
 Testing the controller
 Building and running the application
 Getting to know Spring Boot DevTools

1.4 Surveying the Spring landscape

 The core Spring Framework

 Spring Boot
 Spring Data
 Spring Security
 Spring Integration and Spring Batch
 Spring Cloud
 Spring Native 

2.1 Displaying information

 Creating a controller class

 Establishing the domain
 Designing the view

2.2 Processing form submission

2.3 Validating form input

 Declaring validation rules

 Performing validation at form binding
 Displaying validation errors

2.4 Working with view controllers

2.5 Choosing a view template library

 Caching templates

3.1 Reading and writing data with JDBC

 Adapting the domain for persistence

 Working with JdbcTemplate
 Defining a schema and preloading data
 Inserting data
3.2 Working with Spring Data JDBC

 Adding Spring Data JDBC to the build

 Defining repository interfaces
 Annotating the domain for persistence
 Preloading data with CommandLineRunner

3.3 Persisting data with Spring Data JPA

 Adding Spring Data JPA to the project

 Annotating the domain as entities
 Declaring JPA repositories
 Customizing repositories

4.1 Working with Cassandra repositories

 Enabling Spring Data Cassandra

 Understanding Cassandra data modeling
 Mapping domain types for Cassandra persistence
 Writing Cassandra repositories

4.2 Writing MongoDB repositories

 Enabling Spring Data MongoDB

 Mapping domain types to documents
 Writing MongoDB repository interfaces

5.1 Enabling Spring Security

5.2 Configuring authentication

 In-memory user details service

 Customizing user authentication

5.3 Securing web requests

 Securing requests
 Creating a custom login page
 Enabling third-party authentication
 Preventing cross-site request forgery

5.4 Applying method-level security

5.5 Knowing your user

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