Embedded Pole

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Foundarton Design for DL ely Embedded Single Poles by Richard 4. Braga! 2 Anthony M. DiGioia, Jey, Fellow ASCE Vito J. Longo: Abserace An improved model has been developed for foundation analysis/desiga of direccly eubodded, single-pole eleccric transmission structures subject co high overturning aooents. The mode! uses @ sulci-spring, nonlinear subgrade modulus approach co predice the load=deflection response and ultinete capacity of direct embednent foundations placed in pulti-layerad subsurface conditions, and vith unifore or aulti- Layered annulus backfill. To verify the predicctve capabilities of che model, cen full-scale lareral load tests were conducted on directly embedded cransmiesion poles. The developnenc of che subgrade odulus and bearing capacity expressions are daserided. Comparison of che fSeld load ceses, and model predictions of the ultivace overcurs= ing moment cepscity and losd-deflection behevior are presented. Incrodvetion Directly embedded single wooe poles have long been used by che eleccric utility indusery in che constructton of distribucton and Eranswission lines. However, vide spread use of directly enbedded wood, concrece or steel single poles for che cansccuction of more heavily losded transmission lines has, in general, been liniced. This Ae aainly due co a lack of base knowledge concerning the performance of the directly enbedded poles subjected co a high overturning moaent ar che ground line and due te the lack of 2 design methodology for computing che ultiuste capacity and load-deflection behavior of che embedded portion of the cransmission pole ubich has been verified wich well-documented load test data. ‘This paper presencs an analytical aodel suitable for che analysis and design of direct eabedded pole foundations subject co laceral loads (cowbinacion of oment and shear). The model vac developed by modifying the four-spring nontinear subgrade sodulus mode) for drilled shaft foundacions developed for the Electric Power Research Inseicuce Leroject Engineer, GAT Consultance, Inc-, 570 Beatey Road, Honroeville, PA 15146 Ppresident, GAI Consultants, Inc., 570 Beatty Road, Monroeville, PA 15146 Sproject Manager, Electric Systems Division, Eleccric Fover Research Inscituce, 301? Hillview Avenue, P.0. Box 10412, Palo Alto, CA $4303. 160 DIRECTLY EMBEDDED SINGLE POLES ot (EPRI) under Projece RP-1280-1 (1) and described by DIGiols, Davidson, and Donovan (2). 4 field testing program, consisting of 10 fuli-scale foundacton load teses in soll, was conducted co cest che predictive capabilicies of che modified codel. The developaent of the direct embedzene foundation codel and comparisons of model predictions vith che observed field load cece results are presented Review of the Four-Spring Drilled Pier Hodel Direct embeduent foundacions aay be described as a cylindrical ahefe eype foundacion conserueced by augering a hole in che ground, ingeecing che cransmisston pole, and backfilling che annulus becueen the surface af the pole and the in-place oil. Due co che siailerity in geomecry, loading conditions, and the wode of resisting applied loads to drilled chafe foundations used co eupporc single pole type trensaission structures, che four-spring nonlinear subgrade modulus drilled shsfe sodel developed for EPRI Projecc AP-1280-L (1) vas selected as a starting point for che development af a direct embeduent Foundation design/analysis model. Referring to Figure 1, the four-spring subgrade modulus model characterizes che soil-foungaclon inceraction through the use of four discrace secs of springs. Laceral cranslational springs ave used co characterize che laceral forcedisplacement cesponse of the soil. Vertical side shear springs are used to characterize the veretcal Shear stress-vertical displacement responze at che perigecer af che pier. A base cranslacional spring {s used co chataccerize che horizontal shearing force-base displacement response, snd 5 dase ponent spring is used to characterize che base normel force-ratation response. Figure 2 shows schenacic represencacions of che various springs and gives expressions for the corresponding subgrade soduli Since, che lead-deflection relattonship for laterally Leaded aeilled ehafes Is highly nonlinear, che relacfonship between laceral pressure and deflection vas modeled using 2 variant of che so-called pry curves developed ny Keese (3) and his coworkers et che Universicy of Texas. Referring co Figure 2a, che reculeane nonlinear pry expression for che laceral translational speing ts (1): ogy? Fone) pr 06 by, a) where puig tf the uleteate Lacersh bearing pressure and ky 1s che laceral “Sbgcade sodulus. The ocher chree springs of the folr-epring sodel vere sodeled as elastie-perfectly plastic as shown 0 Figures 2b, 2e, and 28 The uleimace laceral capactey for che fourmspring aodel vas decermined using a wechodology sinilar co that proposed by Ivey (4), but idcorporseing che vleimace laceral bearing cspacity theory of Hengen (5) co determine-che ulcimace lacecal pressure, pyjg, tn che above pry expression. The ultiaace vercical side sheat omeat is derived Zroo the vector resultant of vercieal and hockzonta) shearing stresses corresponding to che fully aobilized chear strengeh at the «wa TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS FOUNDATIONS FRRRCUA roma SPRING (iyo) -yennen si0s BENGE TARRSLA MORAL PCE 1.—-Four Swrine Suberade Hedalus Hoel Argosce e (A) LATERAL senINes (Bi) VERTICAL SIDE SHEAR SPRING 0.4 ig 70-24 € BOs (©) BASE sREAR SPRING (D) BASE MOMENT SPRING FIGURE 2.-~Schanatic Representation of Springs DIRECTLY EMBEDDED SINGLE POLES 163 pier-soil incerface. The viciaate shearing force and moaent ac the bose of che shafc were determined from an equation of vertical equilibrino combined wich assumptions concerning che percentage of the base in contaec wich che subgrade and che distribution of che base normal stresses (1) The model described above vas Incorporated {nto a compucer progeas PADLL (Pier Analysis and Design for Laceral Loads) (1) vhich has geo- cechntcal design and analysie capabilicies for drilled chafes subjected co high overturning nomencs and lacecal loads and eabedded tn eulti-layered soil profiles Proposed Model for Direct Eabedmenr Foundations The aajor difference becween the geometry of direct embedment foundsesons and drilled shaéc foundocions 1s che presence of che backfilled annulus surrounding the periserer of the direct embedded structure. The influence of this aterial on the sciffness and ulei~ mate capacity of the lateral teanelational spring and che vertical Side shear mosent apcing qusc be considered wher che gerengch and deforastion propercies of the backfill differ from those of the sur rounding soil. Consequently, the four~spring drilled pier wodel vas aoditted for direct embedaent foundations by adding cvo addictonal apring seta. A Laceral cranslacional spring and a vereten! side sheat aowent spring aodeling che load-deflection characteristics of che annolus backfill vere added in sertes co che previously existing laceral cranslacional spring and verciesl side chesr mowenc eptings of the drilled shafe model. The relacive coneriburions of che four springs to che lead resistance of 14 prototype drilled shaées tested during EPRI Projece 1280-1 were decermined (1). Based on the resules of this study, che base chear and base oment springs vere decerained co provide only @ celecively. swsll covtribution to che overall stiffness/ ulcinace capacicy of che drilled shafts. Therefore, chese springs have, for the present, noc Seen included in che dixece embedaent foundation model. Figure 3 provides » schezacic representation of the revised four-spring gode! for direct enbedeent toundacions. Subgrade Moduli.--Ia che case of che lateral cranslarionad spring, the nonlinear prensure-defleccion velatfonship given by Equecion (1) vas saintained. However, the sudgrede aodulus, &,, required cevision to account for the presence of an annulus aaterial having a different aodulus of elascicity (E,) from chat of the in-place soi) (E,)+ Figure & presencs an {Llustracton of a direct embednenc foundation in cross-seccion. when E, equals =, che coabined stiffness of the annulus laceral spring ‘and che {n“place soll laceral spring should approach che sciffness of che corresponding lateral spring for 3 drilled shafe of éfamecer By. When E, ie auch greater than E,, the coobined laceral spring stiffness should approach che Lateral spring stiffness for a drilled shaft having a diameter of 8. 168 TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS FOUNDATIONS Wn a ANNULUS LATERAL SPRING ~ ipeAce NATURAL Ly Sot tavenaL semN0 te ANNULUS VERTICAL, i FORCE SPRING i IW-PLAGE NATURAL SOIL VERTICAL FORCE Leji SPaING ia Se BASE MOMENT SPRING. BASE SHEAR FORCE SPRING Direct Eabeduent Foundation Model FIGURE 3. BACKFILLEO ANNULUS FIGURE &.--Cross-Section of Direct Embedaent Foundstion Ustog these tuo lisiting conditions and the concept of combining che annulus and in-place soil springs in series, yielded che following expresston for the annulus spring scifiness (f,,) 8 ee, (/B,) @) = A) DIRECTLY EXIRFBDED SINGI F PCL ES 165 and che following exyression far che (n-place soll apring aciffness ns 5.028, ()" wheres 9 and @ are canacancs, snd b fe che depeh below the ground Surface te Che poke of baceresc. A revised expression fox che Lacetal subgcade modulus (k,) for Aieacz aabedmane foundactons for use fo Zquacion | vac obesined by aachematieslly combining the sxoeession for che annulus siting in series wien che {e-pisee soll apeing and dividing by the dlanctee of the foundactsn [85) co w 40. ilar onalycical procedure vas conduccet co produce 9 revised subgrade modulus value fer che vertical side shea soaene spring. Ike vertical sige shear menent spring ues cnostdeted to consist of toa vercical force springs contacted in series by a rigid link; one spring Ceuresented che annulus stiffsess asd the second apriog represented the in-place avil, with boch speings coneidered to be elastic” perfectly plactiz, Agzin considering che cuo lizictng conditions suck Thee £,8, and £598, and combining the cao socings in series cosuleed an the’ following explesclons fer the annalug seiffnccs (Wy,) and the in-place anit srlenees | (y,) ¢ 2 ceo) and Ro = OSSE, 8 rc) Os Machenacicolly combining these exprasctans {a caries and cacreanptng ta obrain s subgrade nodulus (¥,) far the combines vertical side shear aomene spring cesulced fa che’ folloving expressiou: ooo Ba, a) ate @ (Bday? FEE) = A vhece £,. Eg. 8 and By, are as defined pravtousty. Sor the Condicion ‘ubere Ey C2 greecar thin f, the axprauxtons for ky, and ky reduce to corvespond(ag tubgrad? gidvlus values for the alloulus backfill ag che E, to E, racSo approzeher infinity. 16 TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS FOUNDATIONS Uieimace Capactey.--For direct embednent foundations, che computation of the ulcimace capacity (lateral pressure), pyye, of the lateral spring must consider several potential conditions; 1) che failure eechanise aay be contained within the tacerior of the annulus (erg, when the annulus macerial is @uch veaker chan che inmsicy soil), 2) the annulus aacerial aay act as pare of the foundation and che failure wechanism will be located exclusively in che in-sicu soil (e.g. when an annulus backfill such as concrete is auch stronger than the in-eicu coil), and 3) the (allure wechamicw involves both che annulus backfill and che in-situ soil. For the second condition, the foundation nay effectively be designed as a drilled shafe foundation and Hansen's (5) solution used co decerwine pj, In the case of the third condicion, it i¢ arcumed that che percshtage of che foundacion failure mechanisa (failure surface) concained within che annulus will be very saall since che annulus thickness is generally on che order of less chan 1 foot Therefore, Wansen's equarion may also be used co determine che ultimate laceral pressure using the scrength propercies of the in-situ soil and 2csuming the effective diameter of the foundation to be ecual co the dianeter of the embedded structure. An approxinace solution for the wicimare Laceral pressure hased vpon a failure mechanism concained within the annulus (Condition 1) vas developed based upon the simplified geowetry shown in Figure 5 The circular cross-section of a direct embedmenc foundation and annulus were represented by concencric squares and a failure surface consisting of a series of rigid wedges was assumed. The expression obtained for the altinste pressure was arranged in che foro of Pure" %e Koa * Ss Kem ° vinere Gy 15 the efteccive overburden pressure ate given depeh in che annulue™backfill, ¢, 1 the cohesion af the annulus backEA)1, and Kou MacisP capactey faccore vere adjusted to provide the saee ocerteal Values! Cor hat. as the Hansen soiveton (5) ‘uhen ene eacio of 8 te By ule was Large: In the ease of che verticel side shear aoment spring, tc « ssused cher tuo pocenciel failure curfaces ouse be considered due co the zanner of construction of direct embedment foundactons; 1) the interface between che foundacion and the annulus aacerial and 2) che Ancerface berueen the annulus backfill and the {n-situ soil. The developnent of expressions co determine che ultinace vertical side eheur moment folloved explicitly the forquletian developed for the Grilled shafe four-spring model (1). Appendix B suamarizes the reletionships for ulcimate vertical side shear force (V,) and ultinace side shest gowent (jy1,)- The influence of construction wechod on che available shear éerengen at the two interface locecions is secownodated by the inclusion of screngch reduction factors a.) and a, shown in Appendix 8 DIRECTLY EMBEDDED SINGLE POLES 167 AT-REST EARTH PRESSURE ANNULUS BACKFILL — ASSUMED RIGID BOUNDARY >) "2 IN-PLACE NATURAL, SoiL mas (A) CROSS-SECTION OF FOUNDATION ~ ANNULUS SYSTEM [AT-REST PRESSURE RESULTANT (8) ASSUMED FAILURE WEDGES ANO FORCES. FIGURE 5.--Simplified Model for Failure Surface Concatned Toeally Wichin the annulus The direce embedaenc foundacfon aodel and che original PADUL Arilled shafe model are contained in a new EPRI compucer program MFAD (Momence Foundacion analysis and Design). Thus, MFAD_ has desiga/analysis capabilicies for och drilled shafe’ and direct eabedacac foundacions (6). Fleld Testing Prograa Im order to obcain comprehensive daca on che serformance of direct ewbedmenc foundations subjected co high overcuraing monents, 2 series of 10 foll-seale direct embedsent foundation load tests were conducted ac various cese sites Subsurface Invescigacion.--In order to characterize subsurface conditions and selece stiffness and strengch pacanecers for design and analysis of the test Coundations, eve borings vere typically drilled ac each test sice. The initial boring ar a cach site included ecandacd penetracion testing, pocket penetroneter testing, and visual classification. Following the deterainacion of che stratigeaphy ac each cese sice, a second boring vas drilled in close proxtwity co the firse. Pressureneter tests vere conducted at selected intervals and undisturbed sol] samples were excracced for laboracory cescing- In addition, samples of backfill aaterials were obtained prior co design of the cest foundations for laboratory cesting co obtain strength and deformation paragecers which could be used im conjuneeton vith the model co degign che case foundacions. The backfill macertal 168 TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS FOUNDATIONS consisted of either compacted native soil excavated during the augering of the foundacton hole or select uaterial (crushed stone). Instcusentation.--Surface instrumentation, consisting of 6 dsal soges, for che field load cescs war inecalled ac che grouné-line co. measure displacement and rotation of the foundation in che plane of and perpendicular to the direction of the applied loads. Survey aeasurenents were made with a ccansit co determine the deflection of the cop of the pole and co weasure large ground-line wovewents. The below-ground instrumentation consisted of strain gages bonded co che scael of concrete poles a: various inrervals below che ground surface. The strain gages were used to decerwine the below ground bending moment distribucion in the foundation. No strain gages were aounted on the ont wood pale cested Loading of all of the tests poles was accouplished by attaching 2 cable at a convenient location rear the cop of che pole. Teec loads were applied to the cable by means of a winch pounced on a dozer or truck. The applied load was measured using either tuo dynamonecers mounted in series or @ dynamonerer amounted in series with an eleccronic load cell connected to the loading cable (ss well as by dack-caleulacing the applied load Erom che aeasured deflection of che cop of the pole) Foundation Teer Design.--The full-scale cese foundaciene were selected frou available cvansuission poles owned by the utilities Sponsoring the load cests. The eobeduenc depths for che cesc fou dactons were computed using the design capabilities of che compucer program NPAD for an applied ground~line nonenc equal the vitiaace ground-Line capacity of the transmission pole divided by a feccor of sofecy of 1-5; so that geotechnical failure of the foundation would occur well before structural fatlure The load cesting progran included 7 cubular steel poles, 2 prestressed concrete poles, and one Cimber pole. The tuo conctece poles were embedded using native soil (silty clay) as backEilL aatersal and che remaining & load casts utilized various crushed scone backfills. The cest poles varied from 65 co ILS feec in lengeh, 27 co 3B imches in diameter, and che embedded Lengchs varied from 7.7 co 11.5 feet. In general, the beckfill was vell-compacted, with che exception of one ceet using mative soil backfill and one cest using gelect backfill in which the backfill was aot conpacced or only Lightly camped, respeccively. The cesc loads vere applied co che pole in inerewente keyed to percentages of che ulticate onent capacity of che foundation pre~ dicted by the model. Each load increment vas molntained on the tose foundation until the rate of ground-line deflection decreased to 0.01 inches/hour. Typically, cheee losd-unload cycles were applied prior co reaching the predicted wlt{uace foundation capacity. Figure § shows 2 typical load cese curve (applied ground-line monent vs- ground-line deflection) obtatced fros che testing progras. The losd Ceste were concluded vhen an applied load ineresent could noc be sus~ caiogd and large ground-line deflections occurred (the exception 1s Test'No. 10 in which the applied womenc was increased until the factor DIRECTLY EMBEDDED SINGLE POLES 169 of safety oo che scructure) capacity of che pole was reduced co approximately 1.1 without reaching # Lialting geotechnical load). Conzequently, the aaximua applied sosent vas adopted aa che ultimate capacity of the foundscion. In the case of Test No. 10, che ultinace capacity was estinaced by extrapolating che load-defleceion curve couard 2 limiting value. Model Predictions Versus Field Load Test Data,—The prisary purpose of the field cescing program vas to provide a ata base far evaluation of the predictive capabilities of the direct eabeduent foundation codel wich respect co ulttmace foundation capacity and che lead- deflection and load-roration behavior at loads less chan the uleinace eapacicy. Consequently, che compucer program MFAD was used co design the fouadations and, thereby, also provided a predicclon of the foundation's pecforaance prior to the losd casts. Adjustaencs vere aade to the predicctons subsequent co the tests, as appropriate, co accounc for che as-constructed augered hole sizes and che actual’ ine place densicy of the compacted annulus backfill. Figure 7 provides a graphical cosparison of the predicted wltinace cozent (i,y—) capacity versus the aavimue applied grouné-1ine.souene (Mge,) fot the 10 tose foundactons. The each of Mery to Mey ranged ESEL.o4 co 0.66 wien an average value equel co OLE ThefBfores tn fenecal, the odel, tended to underptedtce the ulciaae geotechnical Eipectty of che’ toundactons ‘by. approwtastely 20" percent. on” the steae A comparison vas also sade of che applied (M,) versus predicted ground-Line aomenc (H,) values obcained from nowent-defleccion and nouent-rocacion curve? developed from che load cest results and compucer predictions, respectively, Figure 8 preseats a graphical comparison of M, and H. for daca points taken at 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 inches of defletcton afd Figure 9 presents a similar plot for daca poLacs taken ac 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 degrees of rotation for all of the load cescs (excepe Teacs L and 4 uhich had very loose backfill and, thus, were noe considered in che deflection/rotation data base). In the case of defleccion, che aean value of 4,/M,, the standard deviation and coerFicient of variation of Mp/M, eQual 1-16, 0.16 and 18.6 peccenc, respectively. The corresponding values for the mean of Mp/My, the Seandard deviation and coefficient of vartatton for the rotation data are 1.08, 0.15, and 15-6 percent, respectively. Summary and Conclusions A semi-empicical aodel for compucing che vlcteace lsceral load capacity and load-displaconent response of direcc eabedwenc founds- Cions was presented. Couparizone of load cest results with aodel predictions Indicate chac che aodel conservatively underprediets vletoace sosenc capacicy by approximately 20 percent. Comparisons of the ratio of predicced woment to applied aomenc for deflection/rocs~ clon ac 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 inches/degrees Indlcste good carrelacten. For deflectisn, che aean value of My/M,, the standard deviation, and conffleient of variacion are P18, 0.16 and 18.6 percene, 10 TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS FOUNDATIONS 1800p PPPLIED CROUND-LINE MOMENT (K-F1D DE-LEGTION AT GROUNB-LINC tw) Typical Applied Moment /befreccton curve Cresc Me. 3 $ ; AMM APPLIED MOMENT, baner. FT) FICURE 7 Pradlevd Wleinace Copaciry ve Maximun apolied Honore D RECTLY EMBEDDED SINGLE POLES PAGURE 8.49 Dee lee APPLIED montatt,h plied vs. tredicced Hamenc ac Ground-Lice otions af 0.5, LO ang 2.0 Tnchas saa bands | eet FIGURE 9.--Applied ve. Brediecs: Moment ar Ground-Line Retecdons of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 Degeees nm 2 TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS FOUNDATIONS respectively. For vatacton the carraspenAing walnec are 1.0R, (1.18 and 15.6 percent, reepectively. Acknowledgneats The research described herein eas cosponserel by che Eleccelc Poway Research Inetiture, Pale Alts, Cal;foraia (Peoyeer RF 1280-3), Eapize Seote Clectie Energy Research Corporstion (Pre jeer 85-33), Delmarve Pousr Company, Jersey Ceacval Power & Ught Company, New York Scace Electric & Gaz, PenneyJeanis Power & Light Company, Tocomac Siectric Comany, Virginia Eleceric Power Company, Kansas tas and Electric Goapanj, and Purdie Service tleccriz # Gas Company: References Ls GAL Conguicancs, Inc-, “Lacerslly Lesded Deillad Pier Restarch, Velumes 1 and ‘IT, Eleceric Power Research institute Repore U-2197, Project 1220-1, Pale Alco, Ca:ifernia, January 982. 2, MiGtota, A.H., Davidson, #.L., snd Donovan, T.E., “Lacerally Leaded Drilled Piers, Design Model,” Precendings of Drilled Piers and Caisacns Seesion, ASCE National Convention, St, Lowa, Misgourt, Detoher 28, 1881, np. 132-143. 3. Reese, LC., and Wedleh, 5., "Lateral Leading of beep Foundstiens in SLE? Clay.” Jovzoal of Geocecnaical Fagincering Diviston, ASCE, Vol. 101, No. G17, July (ls, pp. es Edy. 4 tex, D “thaony, Racerance of a Drilled Shafi Fearing ca Qverturning Loads,” " Texas Transparcation Imsclrare, Recanreh Revore Mo. W0S-i, Februsrs 1958. Bensen, J. Brinch, "The ULesueee Resistance of Righd Files against Transverse! Forces,” The Uanish Geotecknical Ingeiture Bulletla, No. 12, {$61, pps S-8e oe Fingt Report, EPRT Kesearch Project 180-3, Volue 1, “Rerears> Documencacion,” Electrie Fower Research Institute, Pale Alco, C4. DIRECTLY EMBEDDED SINCLE POLES m Apmendix a - Rearing Capaciey Factors Fot Approxinate Solution te Uletaate Lateral anqulus gesting Pressure The earch peagcure castficients for ovecbucdan preseura (Ky) s0d cohesion (g,) see dateratvad a¢ Fallows: * Nga 7 oa? tata Kew — OF ly * Fag) be (vsa o /feng +2 van 9.) here: 2, 7 MULE GC Internal Eviction for he annulus basket Soy 7 Coestactene ot acceese eaeth pressure = I-sin 4, (Sin J+ Tang, Cos §) (1 + Tao 4, Tas a ww" Yor e= Ting, Sie Clan a> Tada) = baaring Capacity Corraccion Factor for Ovarturdas Prascure Tere . =o when a =o = 0.552 x19? + 9.2309, - 0.289 x 10° t 9? so.21e x 107! 4? iv o-pee x 10° 5.3 tana , (84 Tea ay Coe 2) ana * él = 0.681 x 10) when 9, 9 6 (Tan acTan 4.) Tan ot (1+ Tan 9, Ton a) Tien a = Tan 8) Bearing Capacity Cacreecion Faecar for Cehesies Terw = 1.233 49.103 4, - 0.020 x 10? 4,7 + 0.196 x 10? 9? ~ 0.653 1 4,4 + 0.801 10% 98 3 sled «as? (33) ye . 15% unen (BYer + tan (45) + = en (Ea tn os a4 a8 4 a= as) = Benen Bypttan 43° + ptyitan 45" - TB +t ay fran (48 8 ye * oe oS SEP Jane rte 2 $8 ne we a 4, repre cas" - 33) oan Pitan as? = Aen TRANSMISSION LINE TOWERS FOUNDATIONS, 114 TBoezsouT 1r05_TeanzeR-nyMY aaeyzeauT SHi 93ey251UT TTOS TerOTEN-MnZMULY 20 2039F4 WoTaZTFY WIHWEIOg = Ele BORJETU] WO HEpUNO JIN NUUY 4B) J¥sD¥5 UD) 1OKpEY acy ug go uszaziza Twuartun ye eTsuy ey Jo uopzaTag [wuRTaUL Jo ot Suy 1805 [randeg yy uopeouos Jera93¢d SnTRvUY Jo UD}S9U09 em ouuy jo zez0Mey) 9PTE900 uordepnnes Jo azaamera, 1795 ys qepasaen « ue 9 a 4 F8a7ye Ty braou 40 AIsmaquevey =X (worsypeneg yo ua¥eot 27ue aedy Suouok asus opts sammsain wR (ue taepures Je ssuay Tue Gad) #9203 aesilg Seis esta, ag2uTarn | =Pa, aeapayzea coyaupuses ue Suyaay B88a2g yeusoy wHMy rE 2 doromtsaa uoyaupune: we seuvozay 3 aways jeauozTaoy auerzneoy wy aoasupsag vpowwpuncy oem, rtay Oy ho e220q Teway qOMaTOSey a SuOFAspUnDA IVaUPSWwY 399410 36] AVRMOW auAUS |PTE aIeUTITA 94a BUTW2z7eG 2 sUaLsserdyg — g x¥pUaddy

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