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1. What role do pets play in your life, and how do you prioritize their well-being alongside your

studies and other activities?

2. Can you describe a typical day in your life as a college student and how your pet fits into

your daily routine?

3. How do you currently stay updated about your pet's health and activities? Is there anything

you find challenging or would like to improve in this regard?

4. What are your main concerns and aspirations when it comes to taking care of your pet? Are

there any specific challenges you face as a student pet owner?

5. How important is technology in managing your pet's well-being? Are there any specific

features or functionalities you would like to see in a device designed for pet owners like


6. In what situations do you feel the most anxious or worried about your pet's safety or health?

How do you currently address or alleviate those concerns?

7. Have you ever faced an emergency situation with your pet? If so, how did you handle it, and

what kind of support or information would have been helpful to you in that moment?

8. How do you prefer to receive notifications or alerts related to your pet's health or safety? Do

you have any preferences regarding the frequency or format of these notifications?

9. Are there any specific factors such as cost, convenience, or sustainability that influence your

decisions when it comes to purchasing pet-related products or services?

10. Can you share any experiences or instances where technology has positively impacted your

relationship with your pet or made pet care more convenient for you?


Persona 1: Dishita Reddy - The Caring Cat Owner

• Demographics: Female, 19 years old, student at Nitte School of Architecture

• Background: Dishita is a responsible and caring cat owner. She treats her cat as
a companion and wants to ensure its health and safety at all times.

• Goals and Motivations: Dishita aims to monitor her cat's daily activities,
including exercise, sleep, and overall well-being. She wants a device that can track
her cat's vital signs, provide insights into its behavior, and alert her during

• Challenges and Pain Points: Dishita is often worried about her cat's health when
she is away from home or attending classes. She desires a reliable device that can
give her real-time updates on her cat's health and behavior, helping her take prompt
action if needed.

• Behaviorus and Preferences: Dishita prefers user-friendly devices with intuitive

interfaces. She values accuracy, comfort for her pet, and the ability to customize
settings to match her cat's specific needs.

• Persona 2: Kaushik - The Active Dog Owner

• Demographics: Male, 18 years old, student at Nitte School of Architecture

• Background: Kaushik is an active individual who enjoys outdoor activities and

owns a high-energy dog. He believes in providing his dog with ample exercise and
wants to track its fitness levels accurately.

• Goals and Motivations: Kaushik aims to monitor his dog's activity levels, track
distance covered, calories burned, and provide real-time updates on his dog's
health. He seeks a device that can help him keep his dog active and ensure it
receives appropriate exercise.

• Challenges and Pain Points: Kaushik finds it challenging to track his dog's
activity levels accurately during their outdoor adventures. He desires a reliable
device that can withstand outdoor conditions, accurately track his dog's
movements, and provide detailed activity reports.

• Behaviors and Preferences: Kaushik prefers durable and waterproof devices that
can withstand rigorous outdoor activities. He values precise tracking, long battery
life, and the ability to share his dog's achievements on social media.

• Persona 3: Khushi Jadhav - The Concerned Small Pet Owner

• Demographics: Female, 20 years old, student at Nitte School of Architecture

• Background: Khushi is a pet owner of a small animal, such as a rabbit or guinea

pig. She is deeply attached to her pet and wants to ensure its well-being and

• Goals and Motivations: Khushi wants to monitor her small pet's health, activity,
and environment to ensure it is comfortable and safe. She seeks a device that can
track temperature, humidity levels, and provide her with insights into her pet's

• Challenges and Pain Points: Khushi often worries about the temperature and
humidity conditions in her pet's enclosure, especially when she is away. She
desires a device that can alert her if the environmental conditions become
unfavorable for her small pet.

• Behaviors and Preferences: Khushi prefers compact and easy-to-use devices that
can be easily integrated into her pet's enclosure. She values accurate
environmental monitoring, real-time alerts, and the ability to remotely access
data through her smartphone.

• Persona: Kailash 4- The Dog Enthusiast

• Demographics: Male, 19 years old, student at Nitte School of Architecture

• Background: Kailash is an avid dog lover and owns a playful and energetic dog. He is
dedicated to providing the best care for his furry friend.

• Goals and Motivations: Kailash wants to monitor his dog's activity levels, track exercise,
and ensure the dog's overall well-being. He seeks a device that can help him understand
his dog's behavior, set fitness goals, and receive real-time alerts for emergencies.

• Challenges and Pain Points: Kailash often worries about his dog's safety and health when
he is away or attending classes. He desires a device that can provide him with peace of
mind, track his dog's location, and notify him of any unusual behaviors or emergencies.


• Behaviors and Preferences: Kailash is tech-savvy and enjoys using the latest gadgets. He
prefers a device that is durable, waterproof, and can withstand the dog's active lifestyle. He
values accurate activity tracking, GPS functionality, and the ability to easily share his
dog's achievements with others.

Persona 5: Chinmaya - The Responsible Dog Owner

• Demographics: Female, 20 years old, student at Nitte School of Architecture

• Background: Chinmaya is a responsible dog owner who treats her dog as a beloved family
member. She is committed to providing the best care and attention to her furry companion.

• Goals and Motivations: Chinmaya wants to ensure her dog's health and safety at all
times. She seeks a device that can monitor her dog's activity levels, track vital signs, and
provide her with real-time alerts for emergencies.

• Challenges and Pain Points: Chinmaya finds it challenging to keep track of her dog's
health and well-being, especially when she is busy with her studies or other
responsibilities. She desires a device that can provide her with peace of mind, notify her of
any unusual behavior or health issues, and offer insights into her dog's overall fitness.

• Behaviors and Preferences: Chinmaya prefers a device that is user-friendly and integrates
seamlessly into her daily routine. She values accurate health monitoring, user-friendly
mobile applications, and the ability to easily share her dog's information with her


• Real-time Health Monitoring: Provide continuous monitoring of vital signs such as

heart rate, respiration rate, temperature, and activity levels. This data can
be accessible via a mobile app or a web portal.

• Emergency Alerts and Notifications: Implement an alert system that instantly

notifies pet owners in case of any irregularities or emergencies related to their pet's
health, allowing them to take immediate action.

• Customizable Alert Thresholds: Allow pet owners to set personalized thresholds for
vital signs and activity levels, enabling them to receive alerts when their pet's
readings fall outside the normal range.

• Location Tracking: Incorporate GPS technology to track and monitor the pet's
location in real-time. This feature can help owners locate their pets if they wander
off or go missing.

• Geo-Fencing: Enable users to define virtual boundaries or safe zones for their pets.
If the pet crosses these boundaries, the device can send an alert to the owner.

• Medical Records Storage: Provide a secure platform for storing and accessing pet
medical records, including vaccination history, medication details, and veterinary
visit summaries. This feature can help pet owners keep track of their pet's health
history easily.

• Integration with Veterinary Services: Establish partnerships or integrations with

local veterinary hospitals or clinics, allowing pet owners to contact nearby
veterinary professionals directly through the app in case of emergencies or for
quick consultations.

• Behavior Monitoring: Include functionality to analyze and interpret pet behavior

patterns over time, providing insights into changes that may indicate discomfort or

• Social Community: Create a community within the app or online platform where pet
owners can connect, share experiences, seek advice, and participate in pet-related

• Compatibility with Multiple Pet Types: Ensure that the device is suitable for various
types of pets, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and more, accommodating different sizes
and breeds.

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