12 House 12 Sign

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Ho usee No
No.. 1 Bo

The first house or what is commonly known as the Ascendant or Lagna is the most
important of the houses. In Vedic Astrology it is referred to as "Tanur or Tanu
Bhava", which means literally, "the house of the body". It signifies the birth,
 beginning of life, personality,
personality, personal features, lo
oks, body, character, temperament,
individuality, self consciousness and constitution in general. The Ascendant is always
an important factor in the matter of health as it also indicates the person's vitality and
vigor, his natural disposition and tendencies and struggle for life, his success or failure
in attempts, his fortune or misfortune, etc. It is the main factor in determining our
orientation to life as a whole. Hence this is of supreme importance.This house refers
to the first sign of zodiac, the Aries or the Mesha or Mesh. The natural significator of
the first house is the planet Sun. The parts of the physical body governed by 1st house
are the head and the upper part of the face and all the organs there in. As per Mundane
or State or Political Astrology, ascendant or first house signifies the people in the
country and general state of the country. The common people, public health, overall

condition and
signified by signifies
the ministrythe
ofmasses or a country or kingdom. It governs all the matters
home affairs.


Physical Body

Temperament and Personality

Ho usee No. 2 Wea

The 2nd house rules a person's finances, material resources, attitude towards and
ability for earning money, family, speech and self worth. The second house is the
house of money. It denotes the financial circumstances, fortune, profit or loss and
financial prosperity of the person. This house shows what the person acquires by
individual effort and the degree of prosperity which he will enjoy with all the
 possessions of extrinsic
extrinsic value bonds, stock
s, cash and bank balance etc. It relates
relates to

earning capacity, one's ability to provide for self in life. It does not indicate career but
indicate the financial success. In short, all that is acquired come under the purview of
this house. This is not limited to what one own, in terms of tangible things but also
one's feelings and emotions, as well as our inner selves, abilities, needs and wants in
short our self worth. This house also deals with family. It includes all close relatives
of the person without reference to any particular relationship. The immediate family
likes grandfather, grandmother, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, etc. Another
important influence of the second house is the one's ability to express his thoughts, the
speech or the voice. It also represents the vision or the power of observation. It is also
one of the maraka or death inflicting houses the other being the 7th house.This house
refers to the second sign of zodiac, the Taurus or the Vrishaba or Vrish. The natural
significator of the second house is the planet Venus and Jupiter. The parts of the
 physical body governed by by the 2nd house are the ey
es (generally 2nd house rules the
right eye and the 12th house rules the left eye), tongue, nose, teeth, cheeks, chin and
all the neck and throat area. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the
second house signifies national wealth, exchequer, revenue, banks, commercial
affairs, trade and activities and matters which concern revenue. It governs all the

matters signified by the finance, food and family welfare ministry.





Hou se No. 3 Bro
r, Sis

The 3rd house rules a person's communication and correspondence, short journeys,
younger brother or sister, cousins, and neighbors, courage, heroism valor, thoughts,
mental strength, inclination and ability, memory and the inherent propensities of the

mind and intellect. The third house is the house of all types of communication,
correspondence and information exchange that a person is engaged in by talking,
letters, fax, email, television, radio, news, media, phone etc. It also governs short
travel, inland journeys such as travel by cycle, bus, boat, rail and short air travel. It
governs younger siblings, all cousins and even neighbors. It indicates the property of
mind, its strength and weakness, thought power, mental interest and inclination,
courage and valor. The third house also governs change of residence.This house refers
to the third sign of zodiac, the Gemini or the Mithuna or Mithun. The natural
significator of the third house is the planet Mercury. The parts of the body ruled by
the third house are ears (generally 3rd house rules the right ear and the 11th house
rules the left ear), hands, arms and fingers, shoulder blade, collar bone, respiratory and
the nervous system. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the third house
signifies neighboring countries and treaties with them. It rules over transportation and
all the means of transit whether it is by land air or water, and the communication
system like postal, telegraph, radio, telephone, television and all the media. It also
represents libraries and public education generally. It governs all the matters signified
 by communications,
communications, information technology
technology,, broadcasting, transport, highways,

railways and tourism ministry.


Younger Siblings



Housee No. 4 Mot

Hous Mother
her,, Frie

The 4th house rules a person's house and home, mother, one's roots, domestic affairs,
acquiring of tangible assets and property like land, building, mines, farms and
vehicles, happiness, learning, conditions at the end of life and the final resting place or 
the grave. The fourth house relates to one's home, residence, domestic environments
and general condition of a person in the later part of his life. This house is also called
the grave or womb thereby relating it to mother and all that it is concerned with
hidden things such as private affairs and secrets. The fourth also shows one's landed
or immovable property including those which one takes on lease or rent as well as
those rented of leased out to other people. The fourth denotes whether one will have
vehicles of one's own or enjoy others vehicles. All permanent possessions such as
fields, farms, mines, real estate, gardens, buildings, dwellings, antiquities are
influenced by this house. This house has a bearing
bea ring on education and qualifications of
a person. In this respect the fourth house may be taken to indicate school and college
education.This house refers to the fourth sign of zodiac, the Cancer or the Kark, or
Karkat. The natural significator of the fourth house is the planet Moon. The parts of
the body ruled by the fourth house are chest, breasts and lungs. As per Mundane or
State or Political Astrology, the fourth house signifies the weather, agriculture, mines,

 public buildings
signified and theresources,
by the natural oppositionagriculture,
y to thepetroleum,
all the matters







Land property

Ho usee No
No.. 5 So

The 5th house rules a person's creativity

cr eativity and self creation, self-expression, children,
 poorva punya or virtuous
virtuous act done in past lives, romance, love affairs, speculati
hobbies, favorite activities, games and sports. The fifth house is the house of creativity
and includes everything one creates including progeny. It denotes whether one will
have children or not. The fifth house signifies the conception of pregnancy. The fifth
house presides over pleasure and social inclinations. It deals with tastes and fancies
artistic talents. The type of recreation, entertainment, amusements, sports, romance
and similar interest that appeal to a person is denoted by this house. It is connected
with all material and physical pleasures like games, sports, cinema, opera, drama,
music, dance and amusements of all sorts. The fifth house being a trine house,
indicating poorva punya shows what meritorious deeds one could have done in the

enterprisebirth. It is also
prompted concerned
by the with speculat
desire nature.speculative
ive affairs
All games andlike
of chance all matters of
cards, crossword
 puzzles, dice, horse, shares, lottery, gambling or betting
betting come under the dom
ain of the
fifth house. The native's love affairs, the degree of success or failure achieved in love
affairs, courtship and licentiousness, the legitimate and illegitimate attraction prior to
wedlock or after marriage come under this house. It may be said to represent the seat
of the physical and magnetic attractions between the opposite sexes.This house refers
to the fifth sign of zodiac, the Leo or the Simha. The natural significator of the fifth
house is the planet Jupiter. The part of the body ruled by the fifth house is the heart
and upper and middle part of back or spine. As per Mundane or State or Political
Astrology, the fifth house signifies matters relating to national affairs, envoys and
ambassadors. All places of entertainment and speculation like theaters, music halls
and places of amusement, education, stock exchange and race course. The child
 population and birth rate
rate of the country is also d
enoted by this house. IItt governs all
the matters signified by the youth affairs, entertainment, sports and education





Ho usee No. 6 En

The 6th house rules a person's health and sickness, diet, debt, labor, service, work,
daily routine, co-workers, maternal uncles and aunts, sin, wicked act and fear. The
sixth house indicates disease and sickness, the real state of the disease, recovery from
it and whether it is of a long or short duration. This is also related to food, dietary
habits and daily routine as most of ill-health is often due to improper management of
these. The sixth house is also connected with work and the service rendered by the
individual. It also denotes his employees, subordinates or servants —whether he is in
the service of others or he has others as his employees. The condition and faithfulness
of his inferiors is to be ascertained from this house. The sixth house is the house of
debt or borrowing. This house also governs pet animals and small cattle, domestic
creatures, tenants, dress and hygiene, sanitation, dietetics, food and clothing.This
house refers to the sixth sign of zodiac, the Virgo or the Kanya. The natural
significator of the sixth house is the planet Mercury. The parts of the body ruled by
the sixth house are the pancreas, stomach, intestinal tract, duodenum and the digestion
 process. As per Mundane or StateState or Political Ast
rology, the sixth house
house rules the
working class, sanitation and public health. It signifies the army, navy and aira ir forces,
which are the main line of defense of a country. It governs all the matters signified by
the ministry of health, defense, labor, employment and human resource development.





Ho usee No
No.. 7 Wi

The 7th house rules a person's relationships and partnerships, marriage, wife oror
husband, legal bondage, lawsuits, quarrels, divorce, open enemies. The 7th house
rules any person with whom the one interacts that is 'the other' it can be colleague,
client, layer, doctor or any one, the opponent. It also governs the niece and nephew.
The seventh house is the "house of union or earthy ties", it mostly means the marriage.
Besides the life partner, the partner in business and the degree of success achieved
through such partnership is also shown by this house. The seventh house also refers to
all those with whom the native enters into any contract or agreement, those with
whom the native is engaged in quarrels and comes into conflict, the native's
competitor in any undertaking, his rival in any contest. In a nut shell, the seventh

manner.is said to divorces,
Fines, indicate all those
legal with whom
bondage, the native
agreements, transacts
contracts etc.orare
deals in matters
other any
which are ruled by the seventh house. The 7th house shows break of journey. It is also
one of the maraka or death inflicting houses the other being the 2nd house. For
common signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, the 7th house is also the
 bhadhak or life obstructing
obstructing house.This house refers to the seventh sign of zodiac,
zodiac, the
Libra or the Tula. The natural significator of the seventh house is the planet Venus.
The parts of the body ruled by the seventh house are kidneys, middle and lower back
and vertebras. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the seventh house is
considered in matters pertaining to foreign affairs, relations with other countries, wars
and international disputes, foreign and international trade, enmity as well as treaties
and alliances, public reaction, the laws relating to partnerships, marriage and divorce.
It governs all the matters signified by the external and overseas affairs ministry.


Business Partnership

Ho usee No
No.. 8 De

The 8th house rules a person's longevity, defeat, insult, sorrow, scandal, obstacles,
impediment, transformation, regeneration, sexuality, unearned money, occult matters
and death. The eighth house is considered to have a direct bearing upon one's
longevity or span of life as this house conveys the type of death, whether a natural
death or an unnatural one such as by drowning, fire, accident or suicide or to chronic
diseases and whether it is a slow or sudden and violent death. All that is related to
inheritance, legacies, taxes, wills, insurance etc. The eighth house is related to his
unearned wealth or share of profit
p rofit or money that comes through inheritance. The
eighth house is also know as the house of mystery and misery, it has to do with
misfortune and mental anxiety, sorrow and strife, worries, delay, dejection,
disappointment, defeat, loss, obstruction, blame and ill-repute etc.This house refers to
the eighth sign of zodiac, the Scorpio or the Vrischik or Vrischika Rasi. The natural
significator of the eighth house is the planet Mars. The parts of the body ruled by the
eighth house are the prostate gland, reproductive system and the colon. As per
Mundane or State or Political Astrology, signifies matters relating to public mortality,

the death rate,

earthquake, themajor accidents
nation's exportsand
andcalamities likedepartment,
imports, tax flood, fire, debts
from foreign
countries, surrender or loss of territory to another country,
c ountry, public loans, debts and
interest rates, deficit budget, surgeons, medical officers, health inspectors, slaughter
houses and butchers. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of pensions
and atomic energy.


Secret Organs


Hou se No. 9 Spi

The 9th house rules one's teacher or preceptor, higher education and higher
knowledge, long journeys, luck, fortune, publicity, grand children, worship, penance,

dharma, prayer, spiritual initiation and inclination. This is the house of faith, wisdom
and worship. The 9th house rules religious and philosophical beliefs, weather a parson
is religious, devoted, charitable, orthodox or meditative all is to be ascertained from
this house. It is considered to be an auspicious house as it shows one's fortune in the
 present life as a result of past
past actions. The ninth is
is the house of intuit
ion and pure
reason it rules the higher education, higher knowledge and higher thought. The degree
of knowledge one may develop whether collegiate, academic, philosophical, religious,
literary, artistic or scientific - is to be deduced from this house. The ninth house
 presides over research, invention,
invention, discovery and exploratio
n. The ninth house governs
 publishing and all forms of advertising, lo long
ng journey, sea voyage, air travel,
travel, etc. It
determines the amount of travel in far-off places or countries and the success achieved
there. We can say this is the house related to broadening one's horizons.This house
refers to the ninth sign of zodiac, the Sagittarius or the Dhanu or Dhanush. The natural
significator of the ninth house is the planet Jupiter. The parts of the body ruled by the
ninth house are the thighs, hip and the buttocks. As per Mundane or State or Political
Astrology, the ninth house signifies law courts, judges, clergy, religious majority,
legal departments, matters relating to religion, temples, churches, publishing,

export of theand thoseItconnected
nation. governs allwith
the them, emigration
matters andlaw
signified by immigration,
and justiceimport and



Long Journeys




Hou se No. 10 Fath
er, Work

The 10th house rules a person's work, commerce, trade, business, success, fame, rank
or position in outer world. The 10th house is related to all matters affecting one's
name, fame, honor and recognition; it is described as the house of honor, dignity and
 public esteem. The chief
chief influence of the 10th hous
housee is on one's profession,
occupation or business. It is rightfully called the apex of the horoscope, since it
denotes a person's worldly attainments achieved through name and fame, power and
 prestige, credit and conduct, success and status, rank andand renown, respect and
reputation, and ambition and authority. One's public life and popularity, his worldly
standing in terms of material success and his connection with people in high position
should be judged from an examination of the strength of the 10th house.This house
refers to the tenth sign of zodiac, the Capricorn or the Makar or Makara. The natural
significator of the tenth house is the planet Saturn and Mars. The parts of the body
ruled by the tenth house are the gallbladder and the knees. As per Mundane or State or 
Political Astrology, the tenth house deals with government and its affairs and its chief

executive. It signifies
minister, also royalty, the head of
nobility, thethe State,
party whether
in office, monarch
the nationalorleaders,
theor prime
upper level
of society and those in authority, eminent and distinguished persons and the
aristocracy. It governs the nation's honor, integrity, credit, power and status among the
community of nations. This house provides the clue to the political situation
 prevailing in a country. ItIt governs all the matt
ers signified by the ind
ustries, public
enterprises and commerce ministry.


Life and Activity





Ho use No. 11 Pro

The 11th house rules a person's friends, social circle, profit, gain, income of all kinds,
acquisition, desire and wish fulfillment. The 11th house is related to friends. It stands
for all those who are allied to the native by likeness or sympathy of interest in society,
community, clubs etc. It includes well-wishers and close acquaintances. It also
includes one's hopes, wishes and aspirations and their realization. The 11th house
governs success in any undertakings, whether it is in profession or business, higher
studies or election, litigation, speculation, health, etc. It indicates varieties of income;
the 11th house is commonly referred to as 'Labha-sthana' denoting profit or gain. It is
through this house that incoming wealth is to be expected. One has to investigate the
11th house to ascertain how far one will succeed in social and financial matters and

and at all hefor
his interest will succeed.
social Thisas
activities house reflects
distinct fromthe native'saims
personal attitude towards society
and ambitions. It
also relates to reformative and unconventional activities. It governs elder brother or
sister, paternal uncle. The 11th house is the bhadhak sthana or the house determent to
longevity for persons born in movable signs or chara rasis viz. Aries, Cancer, Libra
and Capricorn.This house refers to the eleventh sign of zodiac, the Aquarius or the
Kumbh or Kumbha. The natural significator of the eleventh house is the planet Sun.
The parts of the body ruled by the eleventh house are calves and ankles. As per
Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the eleventh house signifies the parliament,
House of Commons, legislation, associates or allies of the nation.


Elder Siblings



Hou se No. 12 Expe

The 12th house rules a person's bondage, confinement, imprisonment, expenses, loss,
 poverty, misery, phobia,
phobia, staying abroad, final em
ancipation, left eye and let leg.
leg. The
12th house shows final emancipation from the chain of births and deaths and his
merger with the divine and the future state of his existence. The 12th house deals with
loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses and
loss. Whether such expenses will be pleasant and expected or unpleasant and
unexpected will depend upon this twelfth house and transits and planetary periods in
operation. It governs all types of purchases, investments, donations, charity and
association with philanthropic institutions. Sorrow, sins, obstacles and impediments in
one's way, misery and misfortune, poverty and persecution, intrigue and
imprisonment, phobia, secret toil of mind, inferiority complex, anxiety, suspicion,
silent suffering, self-undoing, secret working of the mind, secret enemies, plots and
schemes, conspiracy, cunningness, envy, malice, fraud, treachery, and deception all

and underunselfish
shows the influence of the house
deeds.This 12th house.
refers This
to theistwelfth
also thesign
house of the self-sacrifice
of zodiac, the Pisces
or the Meen or Meena. The natural significator of the twelfth house is the planet. The
 parts of the body ruled by the twelfth house are the feetfeet.. As per Mundane or State or
Political Astrology, the twelfth house signifies prisons, hospitals, asylums,
reformatories, charitable institutions, criminals, spies, secret forces and secret
enemies. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of planning.


Foreign Travels

Sexual Enjoyment




Sexual Enjoyment

------------------ SIGNS
Aries - Mesh (FIRST) Lord: MARS Nature: MOVABLE Element: FIRE

This is the positive sign of Mars, the first

f irst sign in the zodiac, and the cardinal
c ardinal fire sign.
Its symbol is the ram, and certainly the head-butting nature of the ram is evident in
This sign. The martial qualities of Mars shine through here, but often times, Aries
types will be more prone to argument, using their heads as a weapon, so to speak, than
resorting to physical violence. The Aries is aggressive, headstrong, passionate,
adventurous, skillful, and independent. They posses a keen perception and have

logical and scientific

development of ideas.abilities
The Arieswhich
tendthem abilities
toward in the fields
a self-centered of research
attitude and and
insensitivity, but depend on relationship to achieve balance. They relish teamwork and
the exponential results achieved by working together. Aries is the first sign of the
zodiac. It shows the masculine nature of Mars – expressing himself in an external,
aggressive way. By aggressive, it doesn’t mean that they are always aggressive
 personally or emotionally,
emotionally, but their way of life iiss very assertive and init
iating. As
 being the masculine expression
expression of Mars, an Aries person will like to take on a lot of
external challenges, they can be quite competitive, not just in sports and in activities
 but in conversation and just in life in general. This enthusiasm for li life
fe and lust for life
is very important to their growth process.The real power of Aries is that childlike
enthusiasm that no matter what happens, they can bounce back and pick it up again
with a lot of zest and enthusiasm, quite incredible. Their ruling planet, Mars, also
rules the eighth house of ups and downs, breaks and changes, sudden catastrophes and
the Aries person is conditioned to see life This way and realize their enthusiasm is
going to create some stress but that’s just the way it goes.The motto of the Aries may
 be if you want to make an an omelette, you got to b
reak some eggs and they are alwaysalways
looking to make omelettes of some sort and breaking a lot of eggs in the process.
Aries must learn to cultivate more patience, learn to deal with people a little bit better
and integrate things that are related to the sign of Libra, which has to do with a little
more manners and paying attention to others as well. All of the goals that Aries wants
to achieve and all the enthusiasm that they are bringing into the world meets with
resistance when they act with autonomy and act like a dictator so integrating the
qualities of Libra is very important for an Aries person. Once they do This, then they

are naturally enthusiastic and passionate nature will become blended with a sense of
appreciation for others and the bigger picture, rather than just winning all the time.
They are full of courage and confidence and are eager to take risk.Aries rules the
head, the body part of the head, which shows they are always following their
inspiration that they can be a little bit stuck in their head, however. It is hard
h ard for them
to feel into situations. They can be disconnected from their heart for This reason. So
instead of the Aries always following their head, they need to drop into a more
sensitive approach to life and combine that with their naturally enthusiastic and
 powerful nature. Aries or Mesh
Mesh is the first sign of the
the Zodiac. It is indicated by
by a Ram.
The symbol of Aries is indicated by Ram's horns. In heavens it starts from 0 degrees
and extends up to 29 degrees. The Sun stays in Aries from 14th April to 14th May as
 per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrolo
gers and from 21st March to
20th April as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and
exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some
years.Aries is ruled by planet Mars, its cardinal, fiery, masculine sign, governs head,
 brain, and the first house of the horoscope. Its characteri
stics are vitality, courage,
strong physical energy, strong personality, strong will and egoism. It symbolizes

 building of energy fortyprimal
personality prim
initiation, n.Aries
individuation.Aries need
is the for personal
point of al actual
alll beginning. ization
The and
 person with his sun inin Aries is in the process o off building a new personality.
personality. All the
energies are self-centered and self-directed. The Arian assumes authority quickly, but
must resist the impulse to "ram" ahead, pushing whoever is there out of the way. It is
natural for the Arians to assume authority and responsibility. They can be inspired
forces within a group. They are an inspiration to others. Ideas and creative projects
seem to flow from them in a never-ending stream. They are full of energy and never
lack courage. However, they can, also, project the negative traits of their sun sign.
 Negative traits come intointo being when the person m misuses
isuses his positive traits. Because
of This, you will find Arians who are self-centered. They are apt to forget that other
 people may have good ideas ideas and can assume responsib
ility, too. This m makes
akes it
difficult to form a partnership with an Arian. It is, also, difficult for an Arian to be an
employee. Their natural instinct is to be the employer. They have a tendency to start a
 project, then to suddenly
suddenly lose interest in it if the progress is slow o orr things have
 become complicated.Aries like all other zodiac sign signss contains three Nakshatra or lunar lunar 
mansion, which are Ashwini Nakshatra, Bharani Nakshatra and one forth of the
Krittika Nakshatra.Aries House in Natal Chart indicates: Germinating time, new
growth, learn to gather insight and knowledge in every energy pattern of this house.
Be a pioneer and explore many new things, water the seeds of intuition, patience and
compassion here.


malefic: null
 benefic: Aries loves the chase
chase and being flirt and wil
willl do whatever it takes to get the
 prize they want. Aries is seductive
seductive and will prove hard
hard to resist. The demandi
ng and
 passionate Aries needs an equally
equally self-possessed lover to to stimulate them aand
nd set them
on fire. Aries can be fiercely loyal, yet self-centered at the same time, so their partner
needs to exhibit confidence and a sense of when to give them the space they need. The
aura surrounding those born under Aries is one of intensity and intrigue, so many will
 be tempted to step upup to the plate. Aries wil
willl stick with a relations
hip as long as it's
exiting, but if things start to cool down, it won't be long before they move on. The
ideal Aries soul mate may be someone who is never, ever dull. As long as Aries
remembers how to share and the beauty of 'we' rather than 'I', things can go far.

 benefic: As fire can be a fleeting thing, so can be the friendship

friendship of an Aries. If you
want to call an Aries up for a night out, you will have an exciting companion, but do
not try to make plans for next week. Aries needs variety in their friendships. If you
can not keep up with their constantly changing interests, they will move on to new
friends. The Aries is well liked for their edge, so making new friends is never a big
 problem. Friends are nice,
nice, but not exactly necessary for independent
independent Aries. Ruled
Ruled by
the First House of Self and selfishness can sometimes take the upper hand when it is a
choice between people and possessions. On the other hand, the Aries can be very
warm toward their friends. As long as Aries feels that they are the number one friend
in your life, you can count on having an exciting whirlwind of fun.

malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be confident,
confident, action oriented, outg
oing, forceful, active, stro
adventurous, enthusiastic, expansive, lively and optimistic.
malefic: You will be confident, action oriented, outgoing, forceful, active, strong,
adventurous, enthusiastic, expansive, lively and optimistic.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are enterprising
enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates
initiates change and make things
happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into the

world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles. They
like changes and reform.
malefic: You are enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates change and make
things happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into
the world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles.
They like changes and reform.

 benefic: Energetic, Honest, Pioneering, Courageous, Confident,
Confident, Dynamic, Hones
Self-reliant, Spirited, Enterprising.
malefic: Energetic, Honest, Pioneering, Courageous, Confident, Dynamic, Honest,
Self-reliant, Spirited, Enterprising.

They posses a keen perception and have logical and scientific abilities which give
them abilities in the fields of research and development of ideas.
 benefic: They posses a keen perception
perception and have logical and scientific
scientific abilities w
give them abilities in the fields of research and development of ideas.
malefic: They posses a keen perception and have logical and scientific abilities which
give them abilities in the fields of research and development of ideas.
malefic: null

Taurus - Vrish (SECOND) Lord: VENUS Nature: FIXED Element: EARTH

As the second sign, the sign of fixed earth, Venus' negative sign shows the capacity
for relationship. Its symbol is the bull, the ever potent and powerful beast, content to
sniff flowers in the pasture, but dangerous when provoked. Aries shows the head, but
Taurus is the face and neck, including the throat. Many Tauruses are excellent
vocalists, capable of expressing their art and feeling through their voice. Taurus
individuals are often artistic, and value stability, beauty, the commitment of
relationship, and the comforts of life. They are earthy and like to work with their
hands. A strongly Taurian person may be prone to materialism, but on the other hand,
will value love highly and will be very devoted. Fixed in their ways, it may be
difficult to get a Taurean to move from their place of comfort. Slow to anger, they
may also be slow to forgive. Taurus is ruled by Venus expressing her feminine side.
It’s the earth quality of Venus which shows a very strong sensual nature and a nature
that is interested in gathering and holding on to pleasure and happiness. Venus is the

 planet of happiness and pleasure,

pleasure, and through the sign
sign of Taurus, she reflects upo
these ideas and creates an inner environment of duty and order. Venus also rules the
sixth house from Taurus which shows they can be very hard-working, loyal,
dependable people willing to take on difficult tasks as long as there’s a sense of
 purpose and potential to create beauty and harmony in in process.But Venus ruli
ng the
sixth house also shows where Taurus can be their own worst enemy by having a lot of 
sensual weakness. Taurus must overcome their desire to experience pleasure just for
themselves, they must learn to share. It is a sign that can be greedy and
a nd not necessarily
able to see beyond their own needs and desires and the things that they’ve made a
commitment to emotionally. It’s very much a sign of comfort and peace and family
and it can be quite possessive as a fixed Earth sign, it can be one of the most
 possessive signs in the whole zodiac.This is also the sign where the m moon
oon is exalted so
it shows the fixed Earth quality, it’s very good for the moon which is our emotional
state. The nature of Taurus to rule the mouth and face and sensual organs is very
 profound because Taurus shows
shows where we want to take in enjoyment
enjoyment and experience
 pleasure, it also shows a quality of respect and val
ues that we want to extend to
others.A Taurus person will go into situations and want to create stability and
structure and order but they must be careful not to cling too much to form and the
things they’ve made an emotional commitment to. Many times a Taurus person is
very resistant to change and they can cling to situations that they would better be let
go of. They can often place more importance on stability more than growth and they
must learn to let go of things once their time is done. Taurus is ruled by planet Venus,
its fixed, earthly, feminine sign, governs throat, and the second house of the
horoscope. Its characteristics are endurance, sense for values and material, stability,
tradition and sensuality. It symbolizes will for
fo r goal achievement, practical ambition,
fertility, basis of self-consciousness and ability to materialize.Taurus is the sign of
 production yield. It embraces all that concerns inst instruments
ruments of monetary va
Possessions and material things are of great significance to Taurus. This is because
they do not feel emotionally secure unless they can see and touch the objects they
own. This intense need to possess and enjoy with the senses can drive Taurus to be
extremely productive. Taurus people work at a slower pace but always finish
whatever projects they start. Because of SignEnum.TAURUS, they are trustworthy,
reliable, careful, and steadfast. It takes a lot to really anger a Taurus. But when in a
rage, they have a strong desire to throw things and they remain angry for a long time.
These individuals have a talent for giving others a feeling of security. In times of
crises, they are of great comfort, for they are willing to give advice which is practical,
realistic, and to the point. By misusing his positive traits, the Taurus can become
 possessive, jealous, lazy, stubborn, and extravagant
extravagant.. These negative qualiti
es are
motivated by their fear of loss.Taurus like all other zodiac signs contains three
 Nakshatra or lunar mansion,
mansion, which are three forth of the Krittika
Krittika Nakshatra, entire
Rohini Nakshatra and half of the Mrigashira Nakshatra.Taurus House in Natal Chart

indicates: Means where you have: Invigoration, productivity, perseverance, power to

shape. Enjoy being the producer in this house and watch how shipshape you can make
it. Cultivate grounding and plant the seed of centering and spiritual perfection within.


 benefic: True and steady Taurus
Taurus can appear a bit lazy on the out
side. Deep inside is a
smoldering lover waiting for the right cues. The Taurus wants and needs to be safe
and pampered. Taurus is a sign very responsive to a wink, a smile and a tender touch.
Material pleasures are also important to Taurus and they will create a den of delight
sure to dazzle their lover. Seeing how important security and possessions are to
Taurus, someone who provides these things will quickly make it to the top of their
list. The Taurus is nothing if not committed and will make a wonderful partner for the

right person.
unfaithful A slow
partner andkiss
is the steady courtship
of death whereis the
most pleasing
Taurus to the Taurus.
is concerned. An enjoys
the one-on-one of a close relationship and the affection and intimacy this provides.
 benefic: When a Taurus says he is your best friend forever, they mean mean it. They take
friendship oaths seriously. Their friendship stands the test of time, and many Taurus
friends have been this devoted since childhood. Constant, steady, loyal and devoted,
this friend will stand by you through life. If you need to call someone to pick you up
in the middle of a snowy night because your car broke down, Taurus will be there in a
flash. Be warned, though, this is only if you have proven yourself to be as loyal a
friend to them as they are to you. Taurus makes a steady friend, but be careful not to
arouse their jealousy. You will find a wonderful friend in Taurus, so long as you do
not cancel any plans at the last minute.

malefic: null
malefic: null
malefic: null

Temperament and Personality

 benefic: You will be resonsible,

resonsible, reliable, organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady.
malefic: You will be resonsible, reliable, organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are focused and determined
determined and have stamina for per persistence
sistence action.
Once your mind is focused on a thing you will tenaciously pursue it in practical
manner with will power till it is completed. You are very firm in your attitude and
once an opinion has been formed you are not likely to change it
malefic: You are focused and determined and have stamina for persistence action.
Once your mind is focused on a thing you will tenaciously pursue it in practical
manner with will power till it is completed. You are very firm in your attitude and
once an opinion has been formed you are not likely to change it

 benefic: Endurance, Patient,
Patient, Thoroughness, Harmony. Reliable, Persistent, W
hearted, & Determined.
malefic: Endurance, Patient, Thoroughness, Harmony. Reliable, Persistent, Warm-
hearted, & Determined.

 benefic: Many Tauruses are excellent
excellent vocalists, capable of expressing
expressing their art and
feeling through their voice
malefic: null

Gemini - Mithun (THIRD) Lord: MERCURY Nature: DUAL Element: AIR 

This sign is mutable air, sign number three, and the positive sign of Mercury. Its
symbol is the twins or a couple, which to me represents a somewhat dual, changeable
nature. The related body parts are the arms and shoulders. The Gemini possesses an
unparallel agility of mind, a restless nature, and a vast source of nervous energy that
may drive them until they drop. They love knowledge, interchange, and
communication, becoming poets, writers, computer programmers, secretaries, or
scientists. Their mobility extends into the realm of relationships, and they may tend
toward the need for the stimulation of new partners. A Gemini may have strong sexual

orientation, but should take care not to dissipate their vital energy, which they tend to
spread thinly over their many projects and pursuits. Their quick minds may lead to a
deceptive nature, or they may be unreliable or hard to pin down. If they turn their
desire for knowledge inward, they tend to become quite spiritual. Gemini is the
masculine of a nature of Mercury. This is where Mercury expresses himself externally
in the world. Mercury is the planet of communication, ideas, flexibility, variety, and
through the sign of Gemini Mercury acts with a lot of skill and initiates these
attributes into the world. Gemini is a very communicative sign. They like to speak,
 but not only words, they’re
they’re very creative and self expressive
expressive in many ways.Mercury is
a very creative planet. He is the one who likes to put things together and play with
them and build them and try anything, as anything is possible, and so a Gemini person
will try many things because they enjoy them and this is a big issue with the Gemini is
the sense of enjoyment that comes from just exploring their interests.The Gemini may
have many interests but not really develop any of them very well and wind up being b eing
that sort of jack of all trades, master of none that is often attributed to them. This is
not always the case though because a Gemini person, once they find something
important, will bring enormous amount of skill and creativity to it.Gemini’s do very
well in careers and situations where managing a lot of details and especially speaking
skills are favored: such as lecturers and teachers and other professions where the
 power of words become important.
important. This also inclu
des sales and other kinds of detail
oriented work. The problem with Gemini is they may just play around and not take
things seriously. They enjoy learning and trying new things a lot more then they enjoy
making a commitment to doing something important with them.The ruling planet,
Mercury is debilitated in the 10th house. This shows a sort of aversion to
responsibility and pressure that can make the Gemini person just want to stay
immature and foolish and not step up and be powerful and accounted for. Gemini
rules the area of the body that is related to the neck, shoulders, hands, and arms. It is
where we turn our head from side to side and consider many options rather than just
the things in front of us. Also, when we see these options we want to reach out and
grab a hold of something and start playing with it and figuring out what it means to us.
So this curious playful approach to life comes from Gemini. It has a lot to do with
children and their curious nature. Gemini is ruled by planet Mercury, it is mutable,
airy, masculine sign, governs lungs, hands, and the third house of the horoscope. Its
characteristics are flexibility, intellectuality, analytic thinking, various interest,
communication, duality and youthfulness of mind. It symbolizes analysis of ways to
achieve goals, self-analysis, and valuing of own abilities, sisters and brothers,
learning, relationship with environment and short travels. Gemini people enjoy work
with variety. They like anything to do with a number of different environments or
travel. Their minds are thirsty for intellectual satisfaction. They read extensively and
communicate widely in order to satisfy this longing for mental stimulation. This can
make them to jump from one thing to another, searching for the golden opportunity

which never appears. These individuals are perceptive, intuitive, and logical. They
thrive on activity, new situations, and new people. Too many activities, however, may
make them perpetually late to appointments. Gemini has the ability to see both sides
of a question, which often leads them to fluctuate back and forth between the two
opposing views. They use their mind rather than their heart. Logic and reason are their 
guidelines. They have great ability to use their hands and many times are
ambidextrous. Misuse of their positive traits causes them to be undependable, fickle,
indecisive, naggers, and big dreamers. Concentration can become difficult. Above all,
the Gemini needs to learn to channel or control his energy and his mind. Instead of
 being a "jack-of-all-trades" and
and master of none, he can be thethe master of many.Gemini
like all other zodiac signs, contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which are half
of the Mrigashira Nakshatra, entire Ardra Nakshatra and two third of the Punarvasu
 Nakshatra.Gemini House in in Natal Chart indicates
indicates:: This is where you wil
willl have
vivification, curiosity, blossom time. This is where your conscious mind functions.
The human and divine dual aspects of ourselves need harmonizing here. Many growth
experiences are a result of our curiosity. Water the seed of “stillness” and allow peace


malefic: null
 benefic: The Gemini is both
both fun and funny and lo
ve to laugh, play and rom
p. They are
 possessed of a very active mind,
mind, which can lead to a short
short attention span. T
he best
way to keep the Gemini around, and aroused, is through mental stimulation. Gemini
also values adventure and travel, so a certain footloose and fancy free-ness will help
this romance bloom. The duality of the Gemini allows them to see both sides of an
issue, so in times of stress, they are much likelier to be a lover than a fighter. A union
with Gemini can be many things, but it is certainly never boring. The Gemini’s lover
must be able to keep up in the fast-paced game of life, lest they get bored and move
on. Variety of expression and certain openness are things which will stimulate the
Gemini and keep them around.
 benefic: Gemini is the
the social butterfly of the Z
odiac and has lots of friend
s. One side
of a Gemini will want to go hang-gliding and run around outside, while the other is
keen on sitting cozily at home and playing a board game. Their friends need to be as
diverse as they are in order to keep up, or they just need to know when to let Gemini

go free. If you can match their pace and temperament, you and your friend will have a
 blast. Take along your Gemini
Gemini friend and enjoy ththee new perspective they give to even
the most ordinary situations. If you can match wits with this one, they will respect
your intellect and work to develop this friendship. The Gemini can bond well with lots
of different kinds of groups. If they get bored with one set of people, they always have
a few more groups that will be more interesting, for awhile.

malefic: null
malefic: null
malefic: null
malefic: null
malefic: null
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be communicative,
communicative, quick-wit
ted, adaptable, versatile, flexi
relationship oriented, cooperative, sociable, balanced, tolerant and original.
malefic: You will be communicative, quick-witted, adaptable, versatile, flexible,
relationship oriented, cooperative, sociable, balanced, tolerant and original.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are adaptable, changeable,
changeable, flexible and versatile.
versatile. You adapt themselves
as per their surroundings and current needs.
malefic: You are adaptable, changeable, flexible and versatile. You adapt themselves
as per their surroundings and current needs.

 benefic: Adaptable, Witty,
Witty, Versatile, Communicat
ive, Intellectual, Lively,
Lively, Eloquent &
malefic: Adaptable, Witty, Versatile, Communicative, Intellectual, Lively, Eloquent &

 benefic: They love knowledge,
knowledge, interchange, and communi
cation, becoming poets,

writers, computer programmers, secretaries, or scientists. Gemini’s do very well in

careers and situations where managing a lot of details and especially speaking skills
are favored: such as lecturers and teachers and other professions where the power of
words become important. This also includes sales and other kinds of detail oriented
work. The problem with Gemini is they may just play around and not take things
seriously. They enjoy learning and trying new things a lot more then they enjoy
making a commitment to doing something important with them.
malefic: null
 benefic: Voice signs coinciding
coinciding with the second h house
ouse and placement of Venu
Venuss in it
suggest voice suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest
career related to voice like singer, ventriloquist, commentator,
commentator, mimicry artists, etc.

Cancer - Kark  (FOURTH)
 (FOURTH) Lord: MOON Nature: MOVABLE Element: WATER 

Cancer, sign number four, extols the stability of that number by representing the home
and the mother. It is the sign of the Moon, cardinal water, symbolized by the ccrab rab and
in ancient times the cat, an animal fit to show the comforts of home. Cancer rules the
chest or breasts. The Cancer is nurturing, caring, and open, ready to cook for you,
welcome you into their home, or lend a sympathetic shoulder. They can be strongly
imaginative, intuitive, and deeply connected to the subconscious, perhaps making
them overly emotional. Cancers may be shy, dependent, or defensive, but once they
reach a level of connectivity, they become confident and powerful, which allows them
to project their love and care to others, much like the Moon.Cancer is ruled by the
moon. It’s the sign of the zodiac which is related to the breasts and the feeling and
emotions in our hearts. Cancer is in many ways, the most sensitive and vulnerable
sign in the zodiac. They feel very deeply, but they’re not sure of what to do about
their feelings.The moon is a part of us that is just innocent and wants to feel good. We
don’t really know what to do when we don’t feel good. What we should “do” is
“nothing”. We should just sit with what is. Instead we reach out from a place of
confusion, usually involving others in our drama – in an attempt to feel better .We
reach out into the world to try to feel some sort of peace and connection. And usually,
we just create some sort of stress, clinging, longing and emotion. At best we may
satisfy our desire in the moment to feel more peaceful, but we are often creating a lot
of attachments that are painful. The sign of Cancer exhibits a lot of these traits. The
 person will feel others emotions
emotions very powerfully
powerfully,, and their emotions overwhelm
overwhelm them
 pretty much all the time.
time. Every day they feel a lit
tle different, and they’re not sure
how they’re going to feel one day to the next. They would like to merge and flow with

everything, but when they try to do that they realize others do not want to merge and
flow with them. And in fact, there’s a lot of illusions around This. They tend to feel
like they love everything and everyone, but it’s impossible to maintain because love
of adults is reciprocal. It must be reciprocated.The love of Cancer is actually the
selfless love of the mother, and that’s the only correct expression. Cancer love is that
selfless love that a mother has for a child, that love that is not based on any kind of
reciprocation. So, Cancer people are excellent mothers.They’re excellent with
nurturing others and wanting to feed others and give selfless love, but they are often
very emotional, difficult to understand and even emotionally demanding. Once they
 become attached to an idea oror feeling toward a person, they want
want it to be reciprocated,
and when it’s not, they can be very emotionally passive-aggressive and play
emotional games to try to get attention, validation etc.Cancer must learn to base
decisions on things other than just their emotions. There are very few things in life
where we need to make emotional decisions, and the Cancer person needs to learn to
 be more practical and rational
rational about situations an
d realistic about themse
lves and
others.Cancer or Karka is the forth sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a Crab. The
symbol of Cancer is indicated by the breasts. In heavens it starts from 90 degrees and
extends up to 119 degrees. The Sun stays in Cancer from 16 July to 16 August as per
sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 22 June to 22 July
as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit dates of
the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some years. Cancer 
is ruled by the Moon, it is cardinal, watery, feminine sign, governs stomach, breasts,
nutrition, digestion, uterus and the fourth house of the horoscope. Its characteristics
are feeling for support and maintaining, developed feeling nature, traditionalism, love
for family, nurturance of others and introversion. It symbolizes basic conditions and
material support for achieving the goals, yearning for security and endurance, womb,
ground of personality.Cancer people enjoy any work connected with the sea, liquids,
catering for public tastes, or supplying domestic needs. They respond to life through
their emotions rather than their mind. They are like psychic sponges, absorbing any
atmosphere around them without realizing it. Since Cancer people live in their
feelings and affections, they unconsciously seek sympathy from others. Their
 purposes, like their moods,
moods, are changeable. Someti
mes their firmest decis
ions are
abandoned without apparent reason. They are noted for their excellent memories.
They are home loving, fond of family life, and domestic tranquility, but they also
enjoy travel and adventure. They are quietly tenacious and work hard for the welfare
of their family. Basically, Cancer are conservative. Unfortunately, they are, also, born
worriers. Their tendency to keep all their problems and worries to themselves is the
reason many of them suffer from ulcers. They do not like to show emotions
outwardly. But they unconsciously project how they are feeling without realizing
it.Cancer like all other zodiac signs contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which
are one third of the Punarvasu Nakshatra, entire Pushya Nakshatra and entire

Ashlesha Nakshatra.Cancer House in Natal Chart indicates: This is where you have:
Fecundation, nurturing. Here is where lessons, education, knowledge becomes
wisdom. You must allow others and yourself the space to grow and learn through
experience. Here is where we must plant and water the seed of love for all our sisters
and brothers. The Cancer house is where we must watch the flowering of our positive
sun sign energies.


 benefic: Where the romance is concerned,
concerned, the Cancer enjoys being
being the initiator. Once
love is in the air, Cancers will prove themselves devoted lovers, protective,
affectionate and helpful and sympathetic. Romance here often involves a beautifully
 prepared meal, since those born
born under the sign of Cancer h
ave an innate feel for the
comforts of home and the joys they can bring. SignEnum.CANCER love of physical
and emotional well-being, which the Cancer must have, is a duty which a partner must
help to fulfill. If SignEnum.CANCER is not achieved, the Cancer might retreat into its
shell. When Cancer is at its best, they can make their lover feel like the center of the
universe, and might feel the same way themselves. Cancer's charm and magnetism are
qualities which will prove most alluring to a lover and, coupled with their nurturing
need, will prove hard to resist. The Cancer loves to feel secure, so a lover who
remembers birthdays and other special days will be rewarded with tenderness and
affection. If the Cancer tests a lover with occasional bouts of jealousy, it's only
 because a stronger emotional
emotional response is craved.
 benefic: The Cancer is likely
likely to send you frequent invitations
invitations to dinner o
orr just to
spend time at home, but they love it when you come over and complement them on
their house, decorations and excellent cooking skills. They make loyal friends, so long
as you do nothing to betray their trust. If you can handle a super emotional friend
likely to call you up and cry into the phone for no reason, you will have a devoted
 buddy. As a friend of a Cancer, you will never need to worry
worry about recording
important events. Your favorite Cancer friend will always be there with a camera. A
Cancer who is hurt hurts deeply and for a long time, though, so take care with the
fragile emotions of your friend.
 benefic: Any of these signs
signs on 5th house cusp wi
thout any affliction to it or to its lord
and Jupiter in natal horoscope is indicative of several children being born, numbers of
which will depend on how strong the concerned houses and planets are.

malefic: null
malefic: null
malefic: null
Pituitary Gland
malefic: null
malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be sensitive,
sensitive, sympathetic, domestic, compassionat
e, benevolent,
intuitive, artistic and receptive.
malefic: You will be sensitive, sympathetic, domestic, compassionate, benevolent,
intuitive, artistic and receptive.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are enterprising
enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates
initiates change and make things
happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into the
world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles. They
like changes and reform.
malefic: You are enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates change and make
things happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into
the world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles.
They like changes and reform.

 benefic: Sympathetic, Sensitive,
Sensitive, Tenacious, Lo
ving, Imaginative & P
malefic: Sympathetic, Sensitive, Tenacious, Loving, Imaginative & Protective.

 benefic: All occupation related
related to Moon and the fourt
h house thus it ind
 Nursing, Fisherman, Tavern
Tavern Owner, people working or dealing
dealing with Real Estat
Estatee and
Mine business, Home appliances, house-furnishings, Sailors, Liquor Dealers, Cheese
Manufacturers, Boat Owners, Brewery Workers, Brewers, Dairy Farmers, Household

Help (Female), Chinaware and Glassware Midwives, Milkmen, Obstetricians,

Restaurant Proprietors and Workers and the like are within its guardianship.

Leo - Singh (FIFTH) Lord: SUN Nature: FIXED Element: FIRE

The sign of fixed fire, ruled by the Sun, is Leo, and is symbolized by the lion, king of
the beasts. As sign number five, it evokes the need for harmony and order surrounding
a central purpose. In the body, Leo is the heart and the solar plexus. A Leo individual
may carry the air of nobility or royalty in some way, much like the lion, and is often
found at the center of attention, much like the Sun. The sense of will, self, and
character is strong and pronounced. Leos shine like the Sun and love attention, which
their generous radiance attracts. They have the tendency to subordinate others and
make satellites of them; this desire to be surrounded by admirers could be described as
vanity. They value honor, respect, and prestige. If Leo can control his pride and need
for attention, the strength and nobility of his warm heart can lead him to greatness of

soul and very

They’re character.
awareLike the individual
of their sun, a Leo strengths
a radiant
wants,and powerful
to express personality.
that in
everything they do. They are also very aware of other people’s strengths and power
and would like to help them feel strong as well. Unfortunately, Leo often, in their
enthusiasm, will start advising others about how they could be more powerful. Many
times, this will make the Leo person appear boastful or conceited, when in fact,
they’re usually just trying to be helpful. A Leo person must be careful about
overstepping their boundaries in this way.Leo is the sign of the king and they must
remember to be generous, like a good king. A bad king will take all of the wealth of
the kingdom for himself, and may even invade other people’s kingdoms. This is the
way Leo can be at times also. They must not invade other people’s kingdoms by
giving unwanted advice and criticism, and they also must make sure to share the
wealth of their power with others, rather than seek the power of others in the form of
approval and admiration. This is the lower Leo nature which mistakes their
 personality for their true strengths.Leo
strengths.Leo rules the stomach,
stomach, which is the pl
ace of
satisfaction and contentment when we feel full of life in a healthy way. A sense of
dignity pervades the sign as well, as the sun is very dignified, as a king would be. The
sun and Leo is not usually prone to a lot of anger and hostility, rather, the nature of the
sun, as it expresses itself through Leo, is to be more of a tyrant and dictator when in
anger. The king will just dismiss you, whereas Mars would fight with you. Leo must
learn to use the power they have to be generous, rather than to exploit others and to
dominate them. Power struggles are the downfall of Leo, so they must learn to
empower others, rather than to compete with them in useless power struggles. Leo or
Simha is the fifth sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by head of a Lion. The symbol of

Leo is indicated by Leo's mains. In heavens it starts from 120 degrees and extends up
to 149 degrees. The Sun stays in Leo from 17th August to 16th September as per
sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 23rd July to 23rd
August as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit
dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some
years.Leo is ruled by the Sun it is fixed, fiery, masculine sign, governs the heart, back,
spine, and the fifth house of the horoscope. Its characteristics are self-consciousness,
courage, desire for dominance and self-realization, egocentrism, vitality and
creativity. It symbolizes achievement of self-consciousness, building of personality,
achievement of goals, and triumph of self-realization.Leo people enjoy work that
gives them scope for their creativity, their organizing ability, or for self-exploitation.
At their best, Leo are affectionate, cheerful, optimistic people who can be counted on
to bring sunshine into other people's lives. They are exceptionally generous. They
have a pronounced flair for drama and enjoy telling stories and jokes at parties. Leos
love to have a good time. The theater, arts, and sports are of special interest to them.
Leos like to visualize broad schemes, even if they know they can't possibly afford
them or that their ideas are not practical. Their leadership potential is hindered
 because of their dislike for
for paper work. They have vitality
vitality and good health, wit
strong recuperative powers. They are seldom depressed, but when they are, they are
devastated. Fortunately, their resilient powers are excellent, so they are soon sunny
and happy again. There is a need for them to receive attention, praise, and recognition
from their fellowman. Their most frustrating trait is that they have closed minds. They
cling to their opinions stubbornly and cannot be appealed to either emotionally
e motionally or with
reason. Any new idea must be mulled over privately. Then, they consider the pros and
cons until they reach a conclusion.Leo like all other zodiac signs, contains three
 Nakshatra or lunar mansion,
mansion, which are Magha Nakshatra, PurvaPurva Phalguni Nakshatra
and one forth of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.Leo House in Natal Chart indicates:
This is where you must produce Maturity of the seed. Self-expression, need for

and their development.
various energyThis
his is where
andyou are on
thereby target and
achievingand developing
your your
"giveaway" powers
touching others with your beauty. Nurture the seeds of genuine warmth and love for


 benefic: The strength and amorous
amorous prowess that Leos possess
possess makes them a natur
leader in love. Affairs of the heart will quickly take on a 'me first' quality with the

Leo, since they truly believe they are the best and must come first. Leos love to feel
good, so they will respond exceptionally well to pampering. While Leos love to be
admired and adored, they can also take the lead in romance, since they believe their
strength and power will win the day. A relationship with the daring, yet devoted, Lion
will rarely prove dull. This showy cat may need
n eed to be lavished with attention, but can
also ravish a lover with riches in return. The fiery Leo requires a lover who can keep
up with them and certainly one who can match wits. The ideal Leo soul mate
understands the pleasure principle and will work hard to keep
ke ep their mate satisfied. The
Leo may test a lover from
f rom time to time to check how much you love them. Love is a
most attractive state for Leos, since the pleasure and fun of the love are
ar e all qualities
which make the Leo glow.
 benefic: The Leo is happiest
happiest when people surround them,
them, as they are likely to be the
center of attention. Leo has a ton of friends. The Leo makes a great friend; though as
they can be playful as a kitten and are always ready to spread their sunshine around.
Beware of their competitive side, though. As your friend, Leo wants to be proud of
you and will do everything in their power to ensure your success so long as you don't
outshine them. Everyone can be friends with a Leo. They don't really discriminate,
 preferring to have a big mix
mix of people to play wit
h. Leo always wants the best and
might take you out for fancy dinners and such. Do not worry if you can't afford it the
generous Leo is quite willing to pay. A friend who is not appreciative enough of the
Leo's charms and generosity may not get the chance to show it later.

malefic: null
malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be confident,
confident, action oriented, outg
oing, forceful, active, stro
adventurous, enthusiastic, expansive, lively and optimistic.
malefic: You will be confident, action oriented, outgoing, forceful, active, strong,
adventurous, enthusiastic, expansive, lively and optimistic.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are focused and determined
determined and have stamina for per
sistence action.
Once your mind is focused on a thing you will tenaciously pursue it in practical
manner with will power till it is completed. You are very firm in your attitude and
once an opinion has been formed you are not likely to change it
malefic: You are focused and determined and have stamina for persistence action.

Once your mind is focused on a thing you will tenaciously pursue it in practical
manner with will power till it is completed. You are very firm in your attitude and
once an opinion has been formed you are not likely to change it

 benefic: Affection, Nobility,
Nobility, Generosity, Loyalty, Dignity, Leadership, C
Enthusiasm & Broad-minded.
malefic: Affection, Nobility, Generosity, Loyalty, Dignity, Leadership, Creative,
Enthusiasm & Broad-minded.

malefic: null

Virgo - Kanya (SIXTH) Lord: MERCURY Nature: DUAL Element: EARTH

This is Mercury's other sign, mutable earth, and is symbolized by the Virgin, or as I
 prefer to call her, the Harvest Maid. Virgo's bodily domains
domains are the hands and the
intestines, and as sign number six(2x3),it shows the need for balance, especially
 between body and mind.
mind. This need manifests as tw
twoo sides of a coin; on o
ne hand
Virgos can tend to have a weak constitution, can be prone to illness caused by nervous
disorders, may be chronically sick, and may suffer from weak digestion and
elimination. Conversely, as disease often leads us towards healing, Virgos make
excellent doctors or healers, or may enjoy practices that require balance and
discipline, such as Hatha Yoga. They are intelligent, possessive of keen memories,
and can use their vast store of factual information to diagnose and analyze many types
of problems, especially when it comes to the connection of body and mind. A Virgo is
discriminating, and prefers order and cleanliness. The earth element lends to Virgo an
inherent sense of line and form, and they may become artists, and being practically
oriented, may show skills as a craftsman or draftsman. This earthy mutability gives
the Virgo talent as an actor or impressionist, easily able to discipline his or her
expression. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, reflecting upon the details. Mercury is the
 planet that makes us aware
aware of the many details in life.
life. The internal quality — the
 psychological reflective quality
quality of Mercury — is expressed
expressed through the sign o off Virgo.
This means we internalize and ponder all the many things in life that we must
organize. At times, this makes a Virgo person worried about the many things that
must be managed, including themselves. Virgo must be careful about not feeling like
it’s totally up to them. And they must learn to trust the bigger picture and that things

will work out, and things are working out, in a larger sense, in spite of their efforts. A
Virgo person tends to feel excessively responsible for themselves and their own sense
of growth. This makes them very responsible and accountable, but also, a bit anal in
their approach. They have a hard time delegating tasks to others, as they feel like they
are the experts in all sorts of task-oriented duties.The ruling planet, Mercury, is also
the ruler of the tenth house of career and responsibility. This is another indicator of
how responsible the Virgo person is. They need to learn to develop more of the traits
of Pisces, which has a sort of let-it-all-hang-out attitude. The other good quality of
Virgo as it relates to Mercury, is Virgo is serious, what’s called a Tamasic sign, which
means it’s oriented towards managing difficulty and trouble. So the playful nature of
Mercury becomes much more serious in this sign, because it’s a bit worried about all
the many details. What if one of the details gets by us? That may be the one that really
does us in. So Virgo needs to lighten up a little bit, not worry so much about all the
things that need to be done and all the details that need to be managed, and all the
things that need to be put in their place.They often have a weak physical constitution
that requires they pay attention to all of the details in life, such as their diet and their
health routines. This is why they’re a little bit worried. They often have this weak
constitution. So learning how to relax into larger themes and trusting that things will
work out, is a big life lesson for Virgo.The reflective nature of Mercury brings about
an integration of the details in the world and a desire to manage them and organize
them in the best, most efficient possible manner. Mercury is actually exalted in this
sign because it slows down his speed and also makes him concentrate on things that
are important and serious, rather than just enjoyable and fun. Virgo or Kanya is the
sixth sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a Virgin. The symbol of Virgo is indicated
 by the feminine sexual parts.
parts. In heavens it starts from
from 150 degrees and extends u
p to
179 degrees. The Sun stays in Virgo from 17th September to 16th October as per
sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 23rd August to 22nd
September as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and

exit dates of is
years.Virgo the Sunby
ruled forthe
particular zodiac
Mercury it issign dose vary
mutable, by feminine
earthy, one day during
sign, some
governs stomach, nervous system, digestive tract and the sixth house of the
horoscope. Its characteristics are thoroughness, yearning for perfection, criticality,
analytics, servitude, sense for details, practicality. It symbolizes analysis of achieved
goals, instinct for questioning achieved and self-criticism.Virg
self-criticism.Virgoo people have inquiring
minds, with keen analysis and remarkable memories. They enjoy analyzing problems.
This is a major reason for their wanting to know how, why, when, and where. They
are hard workers who are practical, with a flair for detailed work. Their nervous
energy causes them to become involved with a lot of activity. However, this nervous
energy also causes them difficulties, for they find it hard to relax. They can, usually,
rise above defeats. Their ever-active mind seeks new ways to find success. A Virgo
can generally be depended upon to fulfill a promise. They have a flair for organization

and enjoy setting up schedules. There is an inborn love of order and harmony. They
have a tendency to look for perfection in others. If they find it lacking, they can
 become critical and faultfinding.
faultfinding. As a general rule, Virgo
Virgo dislikes anything cru
de or
coarse. They do not enter friendships lightly, but have a sincere interest and a loyalty
to those they make their friends. They are very reserved, shy people who find it
difficult to talk about their inner thoughts or feelings with comparative strangers.
They have very few enemies because of their quiet, gentle manner. Virgo is a sign of
worry. This tension can affect their health, causing intestinal disorders, skin eruptions,
and ulcers. They need to develop a positive outlook on life, as this has a direct affect
on their health. If they become too anxious about life, they can become
hypochondriacs. They are generally healthy and are always looking for new ways to
take care of themselves. Their ruler ship over the sixth house causes them to feel that
service to others is imperative. They do this willingly, thoroughly, and without
fanfare.Virgo like all other zodiac signs, contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion,
which are two third of the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, entire Hasta Nakshatra and half
of the Chitra Nakshatra.Virgo House in Natal Chart indicates: Means it is the time of
the Harvest, service, analyze. You must analyze your feelings with honesty and "Heart
to Higher self" communication. It is in this house your emotional body needs
discipline in controlling your lower self, until you manifest in your higher self. The
seeds of tolerance, humility, and emotional control must be planted and watered daily.


 benefic: Virgo's nature makes
makes for a reliable and steady sort who relishes the

the to be helpfulAtorelationship
perfect relationship. their partners.
withThose bornyet
a strong under Virgopartner
sensitive tends to strive
is one for
guarantees success. The independent and never clingy Virgo may seem ultra-cool on
the outside, but inside smolders a red-hot ravisher waiting to release potent charms on
a deserving partner. A natural state for Virgo in love is to analyze the situation while
exploring it deeply. This will show off the Virgo as steady, solid and far from a flirt. It
is one lover at a time for the loyal Virgo, who reveres a relationship blessed with total
honesty lest jealousy and feelings of inadequacy come to the fore. Love comes to
Virgo slowly, carefully and sweetly, and the desire to learn all about their lover makes
those born under this sign ideal lovers themselves. The ideal Virgo soul mate is well-
dressed, empathetic and dying to show their Virgo a good time.
 benefic: The Virgo is the most helpful friend you'
ll ever have. They will hel
p you

work out at the gym every day, they will help you remember not to gorge on junk
food, they will remind you to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and they are there
to assist in the planning of the minute details of your life. All this helpfulness might
drive you batty. At the same time, if you ever actually do need something, Virgo will
 be right there for you. They
They give excellent advice and are fast on their feet in crisis
situations. Their practical outlook will help you through the rough times, so long as
you don't embarrass them with any big displays of emotion. If you can handle your
Virgo buddy jumping up to do the dishes as soon as dinner is over, you will have a
loyal and intelligent friend for a very long time.

Digestive Process
malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be resonsible,
resonsible, reliable, organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady.
malefic: You will be resonsible, reliable, organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are adaptable, changeable,
changeable, flexible and versatile.
versatile. You adapt themselves
as per their surroundings and current needs.
malefic: You are adaptable, changeable, flexible and versatile. You adapt themselves
as per their surroundings and current needs.


 benefic: Modest,
Discrimination &Meticulous,
Meticulous, Reliable, Practica
Hygienic. Practical,
l, Diligent, Intelligent
Intelligent,, Analytical,
malefic: Modest, Meticulous, Reliable, Practical, Diligent, Intelligent, Analytical,
Discrimination & Hygienic.

malefic: null

Libra - Tula (SEVENTH) Lord: VENUS Nature: MOVABLE Element: AIR 


Here is the positive sign of Venus, cardinal air, sign number seven, showing the need
for leadership and command of ideas. Libra's symbol is the scales, which evoke
 balance, and its domain inin the human body is the
the lower abdomen. Libras ha have
ve a strong
sense of history as a whole, seeing
se eing the need for balance in the larger picture. They
show profound human sensitivity coupled with an idealistic need to create heaven on
earth. They are charismatic, and often sexually attractive, giving them the power to
influence people. Libras may choose politics, art, or drama to project their idealism,
and will enjoy the fame that may accompany those pursuits. A person strongly
influenced by this sign may be a revolutionary or prophet, a person with a love of
truth and a desire for balance and harmony. Not too attached to the realm of home and
family, a Libra, influenced by the energy of Venus, feels at home when surrounded by
 beauty, in the form of people,
people, places, and things. Libra
Libra is ruled by Venus, expressing
herself in a masculine way. The external nature of Venus is related to the element of
air, and show us initiating contact with others and initiating harmonious
communications and connections. Through the sign of Libra, Venus wants to initiate
 beauty as well. The nature of Libra
Libra puts a high impo
rtance on partnerships and all sort
of intellectual connections. This includes social contacts, work contact, business
contacts, and global connections as well.A Libra person will inherently want to make
everyone happy. This is why they are notorious for hesitation. The hesitation of a
Libra person comes from the fear that if they make a decision, someone might be
disappointed, and they would like everyone to feel taken care
ca re of. They don’t want to
disappoint anyone, but of course that’s not possible. In life, we must do our best with
the information we have and then make a decision and live with it. But many times, a
Libra person will hesitate, if they’re not sure how everyone can get their needs met.
This hesitation tends to make the situation even worse, especially if they’re in the
 position of authority.Libras
authority.Libras often will then bbecome
ecome frustrated with the situation
situation and
act in a very impulsive way, as a way to bring in the opposite qualities of the sign of
Aries, which is also impulsive. Libra is very good at diplomacy and jobs that require

this kind of values.

everyone’s interpersonal skill are
So Libra’s because
oftenthey’re so aware
very good of everyone’s
negotiators, needs
able to find theand
important needs and qualities of each person in a negotiation, and then satisfy
them.But the nature of Venus makes Libra a sign of high desires, and learning to
manage their desires, as well as accommodate the desires of others is the big growth
 process for them in this lifetime. Venus show
showss our desire for happiness and through
Libra, we activate that by interactions with others, interactions with the world of
 beauty and form and culture,
culture, but we must also balance that need to compromi
compromise se and
interact harmoniously with honoring our own individual strength and power. Libra or
Tula is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a pair of Scales. The symbol
of Libra is indicated by the setting Sun halfway below the horizon. This is becasue
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and its natural placement is in the west hence
the setting Sun. In heavens it starts from 180 degrees and extends up to 209 degrees.

The Sun stays in Libra from 17th October to 15th November as per sidereal zodiac
which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 23rd September to 22nd October as
 per Tropical Zodiac followed
followed by Western Astrologers. The
The entry and exit dates of the
Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some years.Libra is
ruled by the planet Venus it is cardinal, airy, masculine sign, governs kidneys and the
seventh house of the horoscope. It characteristics are yearning
ye arning for harmony, pleasure
and partnership and the consciousness of balance. It symbolizes relationship with
others, their goals and characteristics and our picture for others.Libra people have
natural charm, they are excellent and thoughtful hosts. Their homes reflect their love
of harmony and are comfortable and attractive. Since they enjoy people so much,
Librans have a difficult time being alone. Because of SignEnum.LIBRA, they need to
share their life with someone. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to be "in love with
love," because of their romantic and sentimental natures. Thus, they could easily rush
into marriage without forethought and end up in a difficult relationship. They find it
almost impossible to remain emotionally stable if there is discord around them. This
leads to their wanting peace at any price, which allows others to take advantage of
them. Indecisiveness is certainly one of the hardest problems for Librans to overcome.
If they wait too long to make a decision, they may miss many excellent opportunities.
Librans must guard against allowing others to sway them to their opinions. They are
quite creative, which is reflected in their home and
a nd in their manner of dressing. They
always try to look their best at all times. They are highly mental. This mental agility is
usually not seen by others because of their easygoing, friendly appearance. They like
to take charge in their own way. They may move with caution, but they steadily move
towards their goal. When Librans want something, they know how to use subtle
techniques to get it. Their intuition, diplomacy, and pleasing personality are valuable
assets. Although they are even-tempered and calm, if they are pushed too far, they
will surprise you with their sudden temper. They find it hard to accept that some
 people may not like them.Libra like all othe
otherr zodiac signs, contains tthree
hree Nakshatra or 

and mansion,
third ofwhich are second
the Vishakha half of the Chitra
Nakshatra.Libra HouseNakshatra,
in Natal entire
Chart Swati Nakshatra
indicates is
where you need Balance, adjustment in nature's economy. You have to balance the
scales. Past lifetimes are seeping through with their previous imbalances. Attend to
the planting of the seeds of harmony, tranquility, and decision making.


 benefic: Those born under Libra
Libra sign love to talk and
and find agreement with a par

as opposed to angrier alternatives. Romance, for these folks, can often be a sexy tug-
of-war, with Libra letting someone get close, but not too close. Courtship, where
Libra is concerned, is a beautiful affair, as this sign is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of
Love, Beauty and Pleasure. While Libras can appear cool, calm, even aloof to a lover,
they are incredibly playful and romantic once they relax. A lover who plays fair is a
must for Libra; if not, subtle manipulations, despite their best effort, may surface. In a
relationship, Librans can alternate between being the dependant and dominant partner,
 based in part on what their
their sense of fair play tells them.
them. The ideal Libra soul mate
talks a great game and has the confidence and good looks to deliver the goods.
 benefic: A Libra friend may makemake you wait, but Libra is is a great friend to have. They
can charm the socks off even the stodgiest of people, and, as their friend, you will
never be able to stay mad at them for very long. Libra hates being alone so expect
your friend to be a bit demanding of your time and attention. Libra will be aable ble to talk
their way into the swankiest restaurants and hottest clubs. If you ever need anything,
they know exactly who to call and the person on the other end will feel honored to
help them out. Even if they do need to stand in front of their closet for hours,
whatever they wear will be in perfect taste, and you can count on them to help you
look just as great. Do not worry if your Libra buddy seems a little down at times.
They will leap out of that soon enough, ready to take on another fun adventure.

malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be communicative,
communicative, quick-wit
ted, adaptable, versatile, flexi

malefic: Youoriented, cooperative, sociable,
will be communicative, balanced,
quick-witted, tolerant and
adaptable, original.
versatile, flexible,
relationship oriented, cooperative, sociable, balanced, tolerant and original.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are enterprising
enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates
initiates change and make things
happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into the
world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles. They
like changes and reform.
malefic: You are enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates change and make
things happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into
the world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles.
They like changes and reform.

 benefic: Balanced, Artistic,
Artistic, Charming, Courtesy
Courtesy,, Hopefulness, Attractive, Di
Justice loving, Easy-going Sociable & Peaceable.
malefic: Balanced, Artistic, Charming, Courtesy, Hopefulness, Attractive, Diplomatic,
Justice loving, Easy-going Sociable & Peaceable.

malefic: null
 benefic: Voice signs coinciding
coinciding with the second h house
ouse and placement of Venu
Venuss in it
suggest voice suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest
career related to voice like singer, ventriloquist, commentator,
commentator, mimicry artists, etc.

Scorpio - Vrischik  (EIGHTH)
 (EIGHTH) Lord: MARS Nature: FIXED Element: WATER 

This mysterious and misunderstood sign is sign number eight, Mars' negative sign,
which has the need for stability and balance on a deeper, subconscious level. Scorpio
rules the sexual organs. It is fixed water (which reminds me of ice), and its symbol is
the scorpion, or, as a symbol for transformation that this sign evokes, the eagle. Much
like an Aries, a Scorpio may be an orator or a skilled debater, and able to express
 powerful emotions; he or or she may even be a poet, actor
actor,, or artist. Scorpio prefers to
express martial energy on a physical level and may be drawn to professions such as
 policeman, soldier, or
or athlete. Mentally developed,
developed, they make good scien scientists,
researchers, or surgeons and are often attracted to occult studies, as they are interested
in what lies beneath the surface. A Scorpio is bound to have an interest any form of
direction of energy, and also a perception of life as a battle between light and dark,
good and evil. Comfortable with the subconscious, they are able to take on and battle
negative forces. Undeveloped, the Scorpio may show perversity, vice, and violence.
Certainly, those under the influence of this sign are passionate, sexual, and intense.
Scorpio is ruled by Mars reflecting upon himself. The nature of Mars is to bring
strength and for Scorpio, Mars brings strength to the emotions. Scorpio is a water sign
which is related to the emotions and it’s also a fixed sign which wants to stabilize.
Somehow Mars tries to stabilize the watery emotions through Scorpio. Of course, this
is very difficult because the emotions are always changing and those who we have
invested in emotionally are also always changing. So Scorpio tends to worry about
those things they are emotionally involved in and try to control those situations and
 people. They are notorious
notorious for being able to penetrate deeply
deeply into the emotion
emotionss of

others and know exactly how to reach into their psyche and keep them under control,
 but of course this only lasts for so long.Even
tually others may get ti
red of the
emotional power struggle and Scorpio can lose the war. When this happens, the
dreaded emotional loss feels like a loss of self entirely, so Scorpio needs to learn how
to manage their emotions rather than try to control them or the emotions of others.
Learning to truly be strong emotionally means not being afraid of their change and
their fluidity. Through the nature of Scorpio, we all learn how to concentrate our
emotional power on something more than just feeling good and that’s the real genius
of Scorpio.Once Scorpio makes an emotional commitment to something, they are
tenacious and will not let go until they feel they’ve exhausted that. Scorpio needs to
learn a more calm and easy approach to life and learn to find contentment in the things
they’ve done. These are traits associated with the sign of Taurus. Scorpio tends to
mistake emotional intensity and difficulty for growth. They need to learn that
sometimes growth can happen in a very easy way. It is not necessarily something
that’s full of upheaval and drama with everyone’s guts on the floor.Once Scorpio
matures, they can be a great advocate for personal evolution for others and
themselves. You will often see Scorpio people helping others strengthen their
emotional responses. This is a sign that is excellent for counselors and doing deep
transformational work where others are afraid to enter. Scorpio or Vrischika is the
eighth sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a Scorpion. The symbol of Scorpio is
indicated by masculine sexual parts. In heavens it starts from 210 degrees and extends
up to 239 degrees. The Sun stays in Scorpio from 16 November to 15 December as
 per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrolo
gers and 23 October to 22
 November as per Tropical Zodiac
Zodiac followed by Western AstrAstrologers.
ologers. The entry and
exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some
years.Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars and Pluto (as per modern western astrology),
it is fixed, watery, feminine sign, governs sexual organs and the eighth house of the
horoscope. It characteristics are deep mystical personality, strong emotions,

transcendental drive, attractiveness

symbolizes personality of beyond
that is attracted and death, passion
to self-destruction and depth. Itof
and transcendence
limitation of physical existence; goal is transcendence of corporal, and material self-
consciousness.Scorpio is one of the most powerful signs because of their strong will
and determination to accomplish whatever they attempt to do. Their analytical mind,
strong intuition, reasoning powers, perception, long-range planning ability,
magnetism, and energy are assurances of success. As a fixed sign, they have very
definite opinions. These opinions can be so rigid that no amount of persuasion will
make them change their minds. Since their unconscious mind is more in control than
their conscious mind, they lose all sense of judgment under criticism. Under attack,
they make effective use of both silence and sarcasm. Unfortunately, their sarcasm can
 become vindictive. They can, and will, wait a long time in order to get eve even.
n. It is hard
to deceive a Scorpio. Their intuition enables them to understand the motives of other

 people. They receive very strong

strong first impressions of others
others experiencing either a
liking or a dislike for the person involved. Any work a Scorpio becomes involved in
must be important, or appear to be important. Trivialities bore them. They want to
 become totally engrossed
engrossed in any task. Like their eelement,
lement, water, they are deep and
mysterious. They are considered the most highly sexed sign in the zodiac. It would be
far more accurate to describe them as individuals whose intensity of feelings projects
them into whatever they are doing. This could be their work, their politics, their fun,
or their love life. This emotional intensity, when properly channeled, gives Scorpio
great endurance. They battle against seemingly severe odds. Sometimes, in their
 battles, they trample on others in the process. This
This is why they are classi
fied as saints
or sinners. Basically, they are self-sufficient, but not necessarily self-assured. They
are generally healthy, but can be inclined to overindulgence in food, drugs, sex, and
alcohol.Scorpio like all other zodiac signs contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion,
which are one third of the Vishakha Nakshatra, entire Anuradha Nakshatra and entire
Jyestha Nakshatra.Scorpio House in Natal Chart indicates: You need Endurance, deep
involvement. Here is where you may have placed many of your emotions and
intensities. Even secrecy is part of this particular energy patterns. Be aware that you
may be dealing with sub-conscious needs. Place of transformation. The seeds of self-
control, non-combativeness, and discipline in allowing others their space, need
abundant water and sunshine.


 benefic: Scorpio want someone
someone fearless, who is will
ing to create the ultimat

works, theone which will
Scorpion's take them
passions to greater with
are unleashed heights than ever
hurricane before.
force. When this
If, however, the
romance fails then bouts of jealousy may be the unwelcome result. Ruling planets
Mars and Pluto might prompt Scorpio to think that romance is a clash of wills.
Scorpions are possessed of a steely determination and a strong sense of what is best
for them. Thankfully, this often takes into account their partner, and they are quick to
 be giving with the right
right lover, and to make ttheir
heir life very easy. As long aass the
Scorpion wins, there will be harmony in the mating game. When in love, the Scorpion
can be intensely passionate, a rush of fluid feelings in keeping with this Water-born
sign. A lover who is willing to discover what's really beneath the surface will serve
very well.
 benefic: The mysterious Scorpion may turn out to be the best friend you have ever had

or your worst enemy. The first rule of friendship with a Scorpio is that you never, ever 
cross them. Their sting is strong, and they never forget a wrong done to them. That
said, it's fairly easy to keep your Scorpio friendship intact, and, as soon as you prove
that you are worthy of their devotion, they will be a loyal comrade. You will never
know what is on their mind, and you y ou may not have any idea where you stand with
them, but their secrets will always fascinate you. Scorpio does not have too many
friends, but they hold on tight to the ones they do. Friendship is not the most
important thing in their lives, but they will stay true to a long-term companion.
Friendship with the Scorpion will always be full of surprises.
 benefic: Any of these signs
signs on 5th house cusp wi
thout any affliction to it or to its lord
and Jupiter in natal horoscope is indicative of several children being born, numbers of
which will depend on how strong the concerned houses and planets are.

Prostate Gland
malefic: null
Reproductive System
malefic: null
malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be sensitive,
sensitive, sympathetic, domestic, compassionat
e, benevolent,
intuitive, artistic and receptive.
malefic: You will be sensitive, sympathetic, domestic, compassionate, benevolent,
intuitive, artistic and receptive.

 benefic: andfocused
You are Personality
and determined
determined and have stamina for per
sistence action.
Once your mind is focused on a thing you will tenaciously pursue it in practical
manner with will power till it is completed. You are very firm in your attitude and
once an opinion has been formed you are not likely to change it
malefic: You are focused and determined and have stamina for persistence action.
Once your mind is focused on a thing you will tenaciously pursue it in practical
manner with will power till it is completed. You are very firm in your attitude and
once an opinion has been formed you are not likely to change it

 benefic: Regenerative, Resourcefulness,
Resourcefulness, Investigative, Determined,
Determined, Forceful,

Intuitive, Powerful, Passionate, Magnetic & Survival Instincts.

malefic: Regenerative, Resourcefulness, Investigative, Determined, Forceful,
Intuitive, Powerful, Passionate, Magnetic & Survival Instincts.

malefic: null

Saggitarius - Dhanu (NINTH) Lord: JUPITER Nature: DUAL Element: FIRE

Jupiter's positive sign, mutable fire, and sign number nine (3x3) shows the need for
completion, full harmony, and grace. In the body, it is the area of hips and thighs, and
is symbolized by the centaur or horse. Sagittarians are positive, warm, and generous
with a lawful, philosophical, and religious disposition. They feel comfortable within
the bounds of social convention, but may tend to become too rigid in their views,
dogmatic, or moralistic. Expansive in nature, they may be unable to recognize their
own limits. Enjoying athletics, but not being necessarily competitive, these people
 prefer playing in the great outdoors,
outdoors, and love nature and
and wild places. They love to
share with friends, are excellent folks to have as participants in any venture, and often
carry with them an air of enthusiasm and celebration. Sagittarius is the Sign
expressing the masculine nature of Jupiter, the planet of expansion, hope, wealth and
all sort of growth. Through Sagittarius, Jupiter expresses himself into the world. You
will notice a Sagittarius person because they’re often optimistic, perhaps even
cheerful, in spite of difficulty. They tend to focus on the larger picture, on the larger
meaning and on things that are bigger than just what makes them happy (or sad) in the
moment. However, many times a Sagittarius person will miss the moment entirely

from thethey are preoccupied
moment.Many times,with
wit h some
due to thebig ideaoforJupiter,
nature big hope
hope that
they tryisto
rise above a
situation, in their heart and mind, as a way to avoid facing it. Sometimes years after a
difficult situation has existed, a Sagittarius gets a rude awakening when someone
leaves them or some situation that has been in disrepair suddenly fails. Even though
the Sagittarius may have known this the entire time, they choose to look at the bigger
 picture, look at the bright
bright side, and explain the
the difficulty away with som somee philosophy.
Of course, they may also do this with people in real time. Rather than deal with the
unpleasant emotions and the drudgery of working through difficulties with people, a
Sagittarian will often explain it away with their big philosophy, a sort of laissez faire
attitude that dismisses the other person as “just not understanding” the real picture or
the bigger picture.But this is also the greatness of Sagittarius: in spite of all setbacks
they are great at moving forward with hope and optimism. It’s literally the sign of

religion and the unshakable faith that there’s something bigger than just our worldly
life, something higher is guiding our sense of purpose. This comes from Jupiter and
 becomes activated through
through the fiery quality of Sagittarius.
Sagittarius. Their sense of mea
ning and
 principal is admirable;
admirable; this makes them exce
llent teachers and guides and parents
parents and
advocates for truth, such as lawyers or public defenders or any other type of activity
that seeks to bring righteousness into the world. But they need to balance that
righteousness / high-mindedness with a practical down-to-earth nature. Rather than
rising above people and situations, they also need to get down and process things on a
micro level. Sagittarius or Dhanus is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a
figure of half horse and half man. The symbol of Sagittarius is indicated by an arrow.
In heavens it starts from 240 degrees and extends up to 269 degrees. The Sun stays in
Sagittarius from 16th December to 13th January as per sidereal zodiac which is
followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 22nd November to 21st December as per
Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit dates of the Sun
for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some years.Sagittarius is
ruled by the planet Jupiter, it is mutable, fiery, masculine sign, governs buttocks and
tights and the ninth house of the horoscope. It characteristics are love for philosophy,
travels and consciousness development, optimism, religion, mysticism and foreign
countries. It symbolizes ecstasy through transcendence of personality, higher
education and states of consciousness beyond personal.Sagittarians are outspokenness,
sometimes to the point of bluntness. Usually, their zeal for the truth makes them blurt
out just what they are thinking. Nevertheless, even when they are being extremely
outspoken, others do not necessarily take offense, simply because the Sagittarian
manner generates a unique attraction that prompts people to like them, regardless of
their undiplomatic remarks. Sagittarians are interested in many kinds of sports. Even
when they do not actively participate, they enjoy watching. Invariably enthusiastic
and optimistic, Sagittarians go through life always looking for something else that will
add new dimensions to their life. This can cause them to overextend themselves with

too many
 but they canactivities
run intoand to usedue
trouble up to
their e nergygence
overindul too rapidly.
overindulgence in foodThey are ordinarily
and drink. Sa healthy,
gittarians are
noted for their friendliness, helpfulness, and subtle humor. They are good
conversationalists and enjoy debating merely for the sake of debating. They have a
real gift for making friends, and the typical Sagittarian can go anywhere in the world
without ever feeling lonely, for they acquire friends along the route. They nearly
always have the desire to travel. Their physical restlessness impels them to get out and
go somewhere, even if it is only to the store and back. They are extremely
independent, with a real need for personal freedom. This is why they are reluctant
re luctant to
get into total commitment situations and often shy away from marriage. If they feel
trapped, they become moody and restless. Lack of concentration and too much
restlessness can hold them back from realizing their full earning
ea rning potential. The
Sagittarian may overlook small details, but their overall sense of planning is excellent.

They have good memories. If disciplined, they are capable of great things.Sagittarius
like all other zodiac signs, contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which are Mula
 Nakshatra, Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
Nakshatra and one forth of Uttara Ashadha
 Nakshatra.Sagittarius House
House in Natal Chart indi
cates: This is where you mmust
ust have
Expansion, Mental comradeship, higher mind and its spiritual mystery. This is the
space of expanding and evolving. Time for exploration mind wise. The energy
 patterns of your experiences may
may be new. In previous lifetim
es these house affairs
were neglected. The seeds of conservative view, evolvement, growth, and prosperity
must be watered daily.


 benefic: A good time is important to Sag
ittarians, so playful date
datess will be the right
appetizer for this zesty lover. Possibly the sexiest part of the game for the Sagittarian
is maintaining a sense of independence in the face of a blooming relationship. A
Sagittarian lover is also a best friend. Love can be hard for the Sagittarius, since a fear 
of intimacy often swirls around them. For this reason, a friendship first is often the
 best way to encourage a love relationship
relationship with them
them.. Their eagerness to learn can
make them a very curious love. Relationship will them will be active and spirited,
filled with adventures as well as exotic fantasies in the bedroom. Traveling has never
 been more fun than with thethe Sagittarian. Their enthu
siasm comes with a keen sense
sense of
loyalty for a deserving partner, but the Sagittarian's lover must be careful not to make
the mistake of becoming boring or possessive. The ideal Sagittarius soul mate is well-
read on everything from philosophy to sex.

Friends The Sagittarius is keen on having anyone or anything around that w

 benefic: will
 provide just a little
little more insight or educat
ion with regards to life iin
n general. Because
of their fascinatingly intellectual and adventurous nature, your Sagittarius friend is
likely to be constantly surrounded by comrades and acquaintances. Often the class
clown, their sense of fun and love of madcap exploits draws people to them. As a
 bonus, their knowledge of travel, philosophy an and
d culture makes them fascina
conversationalists. If you meet a Sagittarius while hiking through the Himalayas with
a pack strapped to your back, you've made a friend for life. Looking to discover more
and more about the world around them, the Sagittarius will make friends with people
from all over the world and from every walk of life. In return, however, you should
keep your sense of adventure intact and be ready to run with the Archer wherever
their whims lead them.

malefic: null
malefic: null
malefic: null
Sciatica nerve
malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be confident,
confident, action oriented, outg
oing, forceful, active, stro
adventurous, enthusiastic, expansive, lively and optimistic.
malefic: You will be confident, action oriented, outgoing, forceful, active, strong,
adventurous, enthusiastic, expansive, lively and optimistic.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are adaptable, changeable,
changeable, flexible and versatile.
versatile. You adapt themselves
as per their surroundings and current needs.
malefic: You are adaptable, changeable, flexible and versatile. You adapt themselves
as per their surroundings and current needs.

 benefic: Optimistic,
Optimistic, Jovial, Good-humoured, H
onest, Generous, Straightf
Intellectual & Philosophical.
malefic: Optimistic, Jovial, Good-humoured, Honest, Generous, Straightforward,

Intellectual & Philosophical.

malefic: null

Capricorn - Makar (TENTH) Lord: SATURN Nature: MOVABLE Element:


Capricorn is the negative sign of Saturn, cardinal earth, sign number ten, showing
complete order, organization, and power. Its symbol is the crocodile, the goat, or the

mythological sea-goat, and its bodily domain is the knee. Serious, hardworking, and
 persevering, the Capricorn usesuses his skills to m
anifest his power in th
thee material world.
This energy can come through on different levels, as the simple son of the earth, the
farmer toiling lifelong, or as the determined businessman saving up for his goals, or as
the spiritual aspirant able to project his realizations into his or her practical, daily life.
Obstacles riddle their path, and their progress is slow, but their hard work allows them
to fully appreciate the fruits of their difficult labor. It may behoove the Capricorn to
take their efforts a bit less seriously and move beyond the outer form of their efforts.
Their earthy motivation makes them good candidates for beginning projects and
working through them. They may be too conventional or emotionally detached.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, expressing his feminine nature. So, the reflective quality
of Saturn is what Capricorn refers to. Saturn is a planet of time in our determined
efforts over time. The awareness that we need to be safe and protected into the future
comes from Saturn. We not only need to eat food today, or need a place to sleep
today. We need a place to sleep and food to eat tomorrow and for the rest of our life.
This awareness comes from Saturn. It’s also the awareness of the past and what has
happened to us, and how we may hang onto the past and have it dominate our thinking
in the present.The enormity of time keeping us stuck or keeping us moving forward is
the nature of Saturn and through Capricorn, we reflect upon This. We seal it in our
mind and heart. The Capricorn is always a little bit scared of making mistakes, yet
they are very calculating and rational about where they’re going and where that they
must build something of importance. Capricorn is an earth sign which is related to
structure and materiality. Saturn also rules the second house of wealth and resources
from Capricorn. So, a Capricorn person may be a little bit greedy at times. They may
also tend to see others through This material bent. They want everything to be useful
and practical and Rational, and may also look at people in their lives as Commodities.
So, a Capricorn person must be careful about now looking at others in a materialistic
way, once they say “your my partner”, or “you are my child” or “you are my

amount then, they have
of domination, fear aand
stake in your outcome
control.Capricorn and This
needs to becan
lesscreate a certain
rational and more
connected to their feelings and emotions. Capricorn inherently is afraid of these
emotions, because if we start acting emotionally, rather than rationally, we could lose
everything. Because, when we start acting emotionally, we are not in control anymore.
We’re not in control of time, we’re not in control of structure. The emotions are ruled
 by water and water dissolves
dissolves earth.Capricorn needs to balance
balance This rational approach
with a more emotional approach. Things related to the sign of cancer, which has to do
with selfless love and nurturing. But in general, Capricorn is a hard working sign that
is good with their family, they’re good providers with a strong ethical foundation.
They must be careful about clinging to those principals and values out of fear, and
learn to be more in flow with their heart. Capricorn or Makara is the tenth sign of the
Zodiac. It is indicated by a Sea Goat. The symbol of Capricorn is indicated by goat

with a twisted horn. In heavens it starts from 270 degrees and extends up to 299
degrees. The Sun stays in Capricorn from 14th January to 12th February as per
sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 22nd December to
20th January as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and
exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some
years.Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, it is cardinal, earthly, feminine sign,
governs teeth, bones and the tenth house of the horoscope. It characteristics are
yearning for peaks and ultimate realization, ambition and eagerness for renouncement
to achieve something. It symbolizes ultimate realization, merging of personal with
absolute, complete renouncement of personal pleasures, materialism and
 pragmatism.Capricorns want to see all sides o off an issue before reaching a conclu
They like to plan in advance and
a nd weighing all the pros and cons. Decisions are never
made rapidly. They are dependable, particularly in a crisis.
c risis. They are, as a rule, not
aggressive people, but only express hostility as a defense when attacked. They need
 people, but have a tendency
tendency to isolate themselves from people due to their reser reserve
ve and
fear of being hurt. They are very selective in choosing their friends, with only a few
intimate ones. They are conservative in their thinking and attitudes, as well as in dress
and social mannerisms. They believe in law and order and respect tradition. It is
unusual for them to adopt radical ideas. They are natural organizers and have good
leadership ability, which they can use to good advantage. They have strong self-
discipline and nothing will sway them from their course if their mind is made up.
They will give up many enjoyments in order to reach their goal. But, they must not
overdo, or they will suffer physical exhaustion. Their strong desire to succeed at
whatever they do enables them to be hard working and patient in the pursuit of their
goals. If necessary, they will bear considerable hardship in obtaining these goals.
Their inferiority complex demands they produce concrete results from their
endeavors. Thus, their most spare time is also spent on practical projects instead of
entertainment.Capricorn like all other zodiac signs contains three Nakshatra or lunar

mansion, which
 Nakshatra areof
and half three
the forth
ishta Ashadha Nakshatra,
Nakshatra.Capricorn entire
House Shravana
in Natal Chart
indicates: Indicates This is where you must do restoration, crystallization, social
foundations. Merit is the name of the game here. You must earn your respect here.
Many times there are frustrations with This particular energy patterns. Find joy in
 planting the seeds of patience,
patience, relationships, and kindness.



 benefic: Love can at times be difficult for Capricorn. TheThe measure of mistrust might
well be attributed to a fear of losing oneself in affairs of the heart. The good news is
that with the right one, the Capricorn positively blooms in love, and is a loyal and
devoted partner. When they give their love is total and which they will work hard to
keep. The often traditional, somewhat reserved and usually cautious Capricorn is
certain to take some time to size up the stakes in the game of love. Capricorn knows
what they want, and once they fix their eyes on the prize, will work hard to get it.
Where the 'us' thing is concerned, Capricorn keeps the rules pretty simple: Those with
money, power and the trappings of success should step up to the plate. If their lover
can throw in a dash of excitement along the way, all the better, since the Capricorn
loves a splashy social occasion and the chance to flash some finery. A bit of solidity,
along with excitement and passion, is just the right mix.
 benefic: If a Capricorn thinks
thinks you can not do anythi
ng for them, it may be di
fficult to
 break into his inner circle.
circle. If, however, you have something
something to offer, the Capricorn
will embrace you for life. Expect yours to be a structured friendship. If you make
 plans, your Capricorn buddy
buddy will schedule an itiitinerary
nerary for you. At times, the
Capricorn may seem to you more like a parent figure than a friend. They might think
they have all the answers and will try to impress you with their knowledge on any
 practical subject. If you have
have impeccable manners, are successful
successful in your own right
and manage to win the affections of Capricorn, you will find that you have earned an
extremely devoted friend. A Capricorn who has once had their trust betrayed, by
anyone, takes a long time to heal.

malefic: null

Teeth null
malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be resonsible,
resonsible, reliable, organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady.
malefic: You will be resonsible, reliable, organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are enterprising
enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates
initiates change and make things
happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into the

world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles. They
like changes and reform.
malefic: You are enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates change and make
things happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into
the world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles.
They like changes and reform.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be introvert.
malefic: You will be introvert.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be receptive.
malefic: You will be receptive.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be resonsible,
resonsible, reliable, organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady.
malefic: You will be resonsible, reliable, organized, practical, realistic, ambitious,
hardworking, methodical, disciplined, analytical, stable and steady.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are enterprising
enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates
initiates change and make things
happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into the
world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles. They
like changes and reform.
malefic: You are enterprising and outgoing. You take initiates change and make
things happen. You are interested in promoting change and bringing new things into
the world. You like to take charge of situations and do not like subordinate roles.
They like changes and reform.


 benefic: Justice, Organization,
Organization, Caution, Econom
y & Authority.
malefic: Justice, Organization, Caution, Economy & Authority.

malefic: null

Acquarius - Kumbh (ELEVENTH) Lord: SATURN Nature: FIXED Element: AIR 

This is the positive sign of Saturn, and sign number eleven shows the need for

exploring individuality and the group. It is fixed air, and is symbolized by the water
 bearer; Aquarius is the calves
calves and ankles of the human body.
body. Most of those ru
led by
this sign could be described as eccentric or bohemian. Evolved Aquarians are readily
willing to sacrifice their own personal needs for the good of the group, being strongly
humanitarian. They possess immense faith and will readily surrender to the Divine.
On a lower level, they may be too willing to denigrate themselves before others,
 becoming subservient andand unwilling to prote
st against injustice b
rought upon them.
They have compassion for the rejected, oppressed, and outcast members of society.
Champions of brotherly love, they are selfless, yet may feel great guilt or tend to
 blame themselves tootoo much. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, expressing hi himself
mself in an
external way, in a masculine way. The external nature of Saturn brings the awareness
of time into existence. Once we become aware of the enormity of time, boundaries,
structures and limitations – when they become externalized – we see how all of the
qualities of smaller self must be let go of. We must concentrate on something bigger
in order to grow something bigger in our lives. Culture, politics, the sciences and
other things that are much larger than our individual needs and much longer than our
individual lifetime are all related to Aquarius. This is why Aquarius has a
humanitarian bent to it.Saturn brings humility and a connection to humanitarian
causes here, as it’s his energy that pushes down the glory of the individual in order to
show our larger context. Through Aquarius, Saturn rules the 1st and the 12th, which
literally shows a loss of confidence, a loss of self. This is why the Aquarius person
naturally has a weak self-image. But Aquarius needs to be careful mistaking
“humility” for a lack of confidence. May times, an Aquarius seems to be humble, but
actually, it’s just a lack of confidence in disguise. This kind of Aquarius energy leads
to bitterness and resentment in old age because they never expressed themselves
 powerfully.Aquarius needs to to aspire to express traits more
more associated with the sign of
Leo, which is a healthy connection for confidence and individual personal power.
There’s nothing glorious or dignified about a subservience disguising or
masquerading as humility. But in general, an Aquarius person will have an innate
sense of the enormity of time and the willingness to let go of all of our ups and downs,
gains and losses, victories and defeats. An Aquarius person sees how everything fits
into the larger scheme on Earth and how ultimately, we are not of this Earth, so we
must make peace with the laws of karma and the march of time. Aquarius or Kumbha
is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a Water Bearers. The symbol of
Aquarius is indicated by waves of water. In heavens it starts from 300 degrees and
extends up to 329 degrees. The Sun stays in Aquarius from 13th February to 14th
March as per sidereal zodiac which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 21st
January to 19th February as per Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers.
The entry and exit dates of the Sun for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one
day during some years.Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn and Uranus (as per
modern western astrology), it is fixed, airy, masculine sign, governs ankle and blood

circulation and the eleventh house of the horoscope. Its characteristics are originality,
 progressive attitudes, love
love for freedom, intellectua
l, and spiritual. It sym
bolizes next
step toward absolute, personal boundaries are transcended, sense of community and
universal values.Aquarius people have the ability to attract others to them, even
though they are often seldom understood. They are considered different, because they
do not fall into any known pattern. They are friendly, but detached. They have
warmth, yet they are distant. They are far more concerned about humanity as a whole
than any one particular individual. Aquarius people want to change the world by
 bringing new ideas to old
old conditions. They have a profound desire to bring about about
advances in art, science, politics, and literature, and to establish a new type of human
understanding. They have good powers of concentration and are able a ble to assimilate a
lot of information. But there is a tendency to be absentminded. They can be extremely
stubborn. They are not frightened of the bizarre, the irrational, or the unknown. If
destructive, they will rebel for the pleasure of it, striking out blindly in all directions.
They will deliberately do things in an attempt to shock people. They like to participate
in group activities, and are soon found changing the established structures of these
groups for the better. Most of them prefer not to be bound by schedules and
regulations. They are rarely found doing dull, routine work. They have many friends,
 but only a few intimate
intimate ones. The typical Aquaria
n is not easy to classif
y, for they are
constantly adapting themselves to ever-changing circumstances. Since they are not
concerned as to what other people think of them, they often do not bother forming
opinions about other people's behavior. They should be sure to get sufficient exercise
for good blood circulation, eat properly, and find some type of pastime to help them
relax.Aquarius like all other zodiac signs, contains three Nakshatra or lunar mansion,
which are half of the Dhanishta Nakshatra, entire Shatabhisha Nakshatra and two third
of the Purva Bhadra Nakshatra.Aquarius House in Natal Chart indicates: that is where
you must have liberality, and reforming. Off with the old and on with the new. Must
 breakdown old habit patterns
patterns that are no longer usable
usable.. Water the seeds of love and
co-operation, and "Spirit of Love" attitude towards others.


 benefic: Sociable Aquarius
Aquarius rules the House of Friend
s, which means that man
courtship may begin in a group setting. Once the Aquarius zeroes in on a target,
though, an offbeat and zany romance is likely to ensue. A progressive nonconformist
is a blessing to the Aquarians, and if they can give them the space they crave, even
 better. Aquarians are so often busy
busy caring for the masses that
that they forget about

themselves. A lover who can help the Aquarians get in touch with their innermost
feelings will tap into a torrent of emotion waiting to be released. The analytical
Aquarian approaches the love slowly, methodically and deliberately. The challenge in
love for the Aquarians is intimacy, the emotional and empathetic aspect of love.
Without it, love is incomplete, so Aquarians must find that space where they can feel
and trust. If that is achieved, love with Aquarius can soar to the stratosphere.
 benefic: Aquarius rules thethe natural Eleventh House of Friends
Friends in astrology, so it's no
wonder that they appear to be friends with absolutely everyone. Though they have
many acquaintances, Aquarius rarely lets people get to know them on a deep level.
They are somewhat aloof when it comes to their actual feelings. They are, however,
very generous individuals and happy to help anyone in times of need. Do not let
SignEnum.ACQUA RIUS make you too clingy. If an Aquarian sees a possible loss of
freedom they are bound to exit. Be sure to keep an open mind, and they will take you
to some exciting new places. The perfect Aquarius companion is one with whom they
can make an intellectual connection. If you give them their space while keeping
conversation lively, they will be your friend forever.

malefic: null
malefic: null
Spinal Cord
malefic: null
malefic: null
malefic: null
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be communicative,
communicative, quick-wit
ted, adaptable, versatile, flexi
relationship oriented, cooperative, sociable, balanced, tolerant and original.
malefic: You will be communicative, quick-witted, adaptable, versatile, flexible,
relationship oriented, cooperative, sociable, balanced, tolerant and original.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are focused and determined
determined and have stamina for perpersistence
sistence action.
Once your mind is focused on a thing you will tenaciously pursue it in practical
manner with will power till it is completed. You are very firm in your attitude and
once an opinion has been formed you are not likely to change it

malefic: You are focused and determined and have stamina for persistence action.
Once your mind is focused on a thing you will tenaciously pursue it in practical
manner with will power till it is completed. You are very firm in your attitude and
once an opinion has been formed you are not likely to change it

 benefic: Humanitarian, Cooperation,
Cooperation, Reformative, P
rogressiveness, Inventive,
Idealism, Objective & Altruism.
malefic: Humanitarian, Cooperation, Reformative, Progressiveness, Inventive,
Idealism, Objective & Altruism.

malefic: null
 benefic: Voice signs coinciding
coinciding with the second h
ouse and placement of Venu
Venuss in it
suggest voice suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest
career related to voice like singer, ventriloquist, commentator,
commentator, mimicry artists, etc.

Pisces - Meen (TWELFTH) Lord: JUPITER Nature: DUAL Element: WATER 

The last sign of the zodiac is mutable water, Jupiter's negative sign, and number
twelve, showing the complete array of possibilities although not necessarily their
integration. Its symbol is the fish and its related body parts are the feet, the end of the
line. The watery nature of Pisces comes out in the emotional sensitivity of these

 people. Friendly and

 but are vulnerable andexpansive,
pansive, they communicat
not understand e wellJupiter's
boundaries. with many types of
influence people,
through as a love of ceremony, ritual, and music. This mutable sign may tend to flavor 
 people with a changeable personality
personality that, chameleon-li
ke, fits the current situa
making them hard to pin down or define. Highly imaginative and intuitive, if the
Pisces is able to develop discrimination, he or she is able to channel and express the
creative joy of the soul. Pisces is the internal reflective nature from Jupiter. Jupiter is
the planet of expansion and growth and through Pisces, we expand and grow
internally in a psychological way. This makes for a very mystical and creative mind
set. Pisces is the 12th sign of the Zodiac, which shows the need to let go of our
attachment to the world. In this sign, we have a sense that no matter what we do,
everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to. This gives us a great
 potential to just relax
relax and go with the flow
.However, it may also create a lotlot of

complacency and make the person feel at the mercy of life, rather than in the drivers
seat. Many times the Pisces person can feel like a victim as they are just sort of
floating through their own existence. This is the dangerous quality Pisces must
overcome. They must integrate the qualities of Virgo, which is opposite Pisces. This
sign has a lot of responsibility for itself. So, through the sign of Virgo, we take
responsibility for ourselves. Pisces needs to integrate those qualities in its life, rather
than just floating and hoping that some great miracle is going to save them.Within that
however, the Pisces person is a great
gre at humanitarian, especially as it relates to those
who have spiritual crisis, those who would be like a lost sole. Pisces feels the need to
serve, especially those who have no voice and those who are victimized and their
society has abandoned them. In general, the Pisces person must do good work in life
and they must be oriented towards an important purpose because their ruling planet
Jupiter is the planet of growth and teaching and high minded values and purposes. If a
Pisces person simply tries to live a life of worldly happiness and personal pleasure,
they will often just escape into complacency. So, making a firm commitment to
something of the world is the best thing a Pisces person can do, because this orients
their naturally mystical mind with something tangible of the world. In that way, they
are able to actually do the work to complete the cycle of karma rather than thinking
and hoping that somehow, someway God or the universe will just sort of take care of
it all and take care of them. The fish can be swimming directionless if they are not
careful. Pisces or Meena is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. It is indicated by a pair of
fish swimming in opposite directions. The symbol of Pisces is indicated by two fish
 joined together by a cord.
cord. In heavens it starts from 330 degrees and extends up toto 359
degrees. The Sun stays in Pisces from 15th March to 13th April as per sidereal zodiac
which is followed by Vedic Astrologers and from 20th February to 20th March as per
Tropical Zodiac followed by Western Astrologers. The entry and exit dates of the Sun
for any particular zodiac sign dose vary by one day during some years.Pisces is ruled
 by the planet Jupiter and Neptune (as per modern wester
n astrology), it is mutable,
watery, feminine sign, governs feet, toes, lymph glands and the twelfth house of the
horoscope. Its characteristics are the need for complete transcendence of material,
strong idealism, impracticality, psychic depth, spirituality, empathy, and self-sacrifice.
It symbolizes ultimate ending of self-confinement to material and personal, merging
with absolute, sea, ocean and the subconscious.Pisces people are creative, self-
sufficient people. They have a natural ability for understanding complex material, but
this is accomplished by "absorbing" the knowledge rather than studying it. Their
minds are extremely active, due to their strong imagination. They sense and feel
things that others are not aware of. This trait makes it very difficult for people to lie to
them, for they intuitively know when they are being deceived. Pisceans are congenial,
adaptable, and versatile people, but they do not have strong willpowers or a dynamic
approach to life. This insecurity causes them to seek reassurance from others. Pisces
are sensitive, sympathetic, usually gentle, with an inborn reluctance to hurt others or

to face any sort of confrontations. Because of SignEnum.PISCES

SignEnum.PISCES,, they can become
involved in very difficult emotional situations which they find extremely difficult to
 break. They intuitively know they are being used, but seem unable to get tthemselves
out of their predicament. This difficulty stems from the fact that Pisceans think with
their heart rather than their head, so are easily "used" by others. They are very
sympathetic toward the helpless or downtrodden. Their inborn desire to escape from
 physical living can be
be used constructively ththrough
rough creativity. If in troub
le, they may
attempt to rationalize their way out, rather than face the consequences of their
 behavior. They are generous withwith their time in hel
ping other people. But, uunless
nless they
are evolved, they will expect something in return. They always feel their best when
they are serving others in some capacity. By using their compassion outwardly for
others, they will not become moody and introverted. Their greatest need is to learn to
understand their emotional ups and downs. The higher aspect would see them rising to
great heights of self-denial and attainment.Pisces like all other zodiac signs contains
three Nakshatra or lunar mansion, which are one third of the Purva Bhadra Nakshatra,
entire Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra and entire Revati Nakshatra.Pisces House in Natal
Chart indicates: This is where you must have Faith, redemption, synthesis. Intuition
and faith must guide you with this particular energy patterns. Once you function with
your higher self, you will have all the faith you need. Bring great peace within by
 planting the seeds of insight,
insight, joyful hum
an experiences and faith.


 benefic: The magical mystery
mystery of romance with Pi
sces can be most unpredictable
unpredictable,, with

hearts and flowers one day and games with veils the next. Either way, they will
definitely serve their lover, for this is something which brings them great joy. Pisces
exhibit an easygoing, go-with-the-flow quality, which is a boon to relationships. As
with so much of Pisces' life, if love can be a dreamy state of fantasies and play, a
magical tour of mind, body and soul, all the better. These spiritual folk like to
combine the real and surreal, so that love with the Pisces becomes a creative hyper-
state where almost anything is possible. There is a quality to the Pisces that makes
them almost magnetic in love. Pisces can love completely, for this sacred state is
about the best that life on Earth can bring. When it's right, Love is likely to transcend
all limits and reach a brave new world. A lover who can protect them and make them
feel safe is ideal. Giving is also paramount wiht Pisces, yet sometimes they risk of
giving too much. The ideal Pisces soul mate is more grounded than they are but still
loves to play.

 benefic: Pisces may seem to be wandering about in their
their own little world sosometimes,
 but Pisces is one of the most caring friend. Pisces
Pisces has emotions to spare, so prepare
yourself for long evenings of heart-to-heart talks with your Pisces friend.
f riend. This friend
will truly want to know the real you. They are a great friend when you are in need.
Watch out, though, as Pisces can be easily manipulated, and their feelings can be hurt
 by the misguided comment
comment from a friend. What tthey
hey need is for you, as their
their friend, to
reassure them and help them past their insecurities. They will always be open with
their emotions, so the biggest favor you can do for them is return that trust by
revealing yourself. You will never be bored with your creative Pisces buddy if you
 just keep an open mind
mind and let them whisk yoyouu away into their world for a while.
 benefic: Any of these signs
signs on 5th house cusp wiwithout
thout any affliction to it or to its lord
and Jupiter in natal horoscope is indicative of several children being born, numbers of
which will depend on how strong the concerned houses and planets are.

Lymph Gland
malefic: null
malefic: null
malefic: null

Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You will be sensitive,
sensitive, sympathetic, domestic, compassionat
e, benevolent,
intuitive, artistic and receptive.
malefic: You will be sensitive, sympathetic, domestic, compassionate, benevolent,
intuitive, artistic and receptive.
Temperament and Personality
 benefic: You are adaptable, changeable,
changeable, flexible and versatile.
versatile. You adapt themselves
as per their surroundings and current needs.
malefic: You are adaptable, changeable, flexible and versatile. You adapt themselves
as per their surroundings and current needs.

 benefic: Intuitiveness, Imaginative,
Imaginative, Inspiration, Compassion, Recepti
ve, Visionary,
Spiritual Wisdom & Universal Love.
malefic: Intuitiveness, Imaginative, Inspiration, Compassion, Receptive, Visionary,

Spiritual Wisdom & Universal Love.

malefic: null

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