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(CBCSSUG) - (June 2022 Admission onwards)

Common Course-English ENG2 A03:


Time: 2.5 hours Maximum: 80 Marks

I. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (2 marks each)

1. What is Objectives Resolution?

The Objectives Resolution is a declaration containing the guiding principles for drafting
the Constitution of India. It was introduced in the Constituent Assembly by Jawaharlal Nehru
on the fifth day of its first session (on December 13, 1946). The Preamble to the Indian
Constitution is based on this resolution.

2. What was Salihan doing when Saliha came to inform her about the attack of British
Salihan was working in the fields along with the other Adivasi women when a
youngster from their village Saliha came to inform her about the attack of British police.

3. "I hear your bedlam, democracy". Explain briefly.

The poet says that he can hear the loud noise and confusion arising out of the daily
violence and bloodshed.
4. According to Chandra Bhan Prasad, what would unfold the secrets of the
Chathurvarna order'?
A cursory reading of the Manu-dharma sastra would unfold the secrets of the
Chathurvarna order. It says that occupation and marriage are the two foundations on which the
social order stands.

5. From where did Vandana Shiva learn about ecology?

Vandana Shiva learned about ecology in the forests of the Himalayas. Her father was a forest
conservator and her mother, a farmer.

6. Why do most people have a hard time digesting modern science?
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Most people have a hard time digesting modern science because its mathematical
language is difficult for our minds to grasp. The findings of science often contradict common

7. What did the seven-year-old Nigerian girl ask for at the mall in "Dear Ijeawele?
When the seven-year-old Nigerian girl saw a toy helicopter that fly by wireless remote
control, she was fascinated and asked for one.

8. What is the theme of the poem 'The Fish' by Elizabeth Bishop?

'The Fish' is a famous poem by Elizabeth Bishop about ecological awareness and the
celebration of the beauty of nature. The narrator catches a tremendous fish, gets fascinated at
first, and finally releases it back into the water.

9. What was one of the dramatic Chipko actions that took place in the Himalayan village
of Adwani?
A village woman named Bachni Devi led a resistance against her own husband who
had obtained a contract to cut trees. When forest officials arrived at the forest, the women held
up lighted lanterns in broad daylight and told them they had come to teach them forestry.

10. What made the author pleasantly surprised at the visit to the University of Berkeley
in "Entre-vous to Adulthood"?
The author was pleasantly surprised at the University of Berkley when she found so
many electric wheelchairs there. Wheelchairs had the right of way. The traffic came to a halt
just to let them cross the road.

11. Why was Meera Bai poisoned twice?

Meera Bai was poisoned first by her in-laws who were angry that a rajput woman had
the courage to join lower class people and sing bhajans in public. The second poisoning was
for getting inspired by the genius of the great dalit saint, Ravidas, and declaring him as her

12. Why did Sylvia climb the great pine in "A White Heron"?
Sylvia climbed the great pine to look for the nest of the white heron.

13. Why does Chimamanda Adichie consider 'Gender-neutral' as silly?

Chimamanda Adichie considers 'Gender-neutral' as silly because it is premised on the
idea of male being blue and female being pink and “gender neutral” being its own category. It
is silly to associate a colour with a particular gender.

14. Explain: "l can never unzip my skin/and step into another".
Hiromi Goto says that choice is a position of privilege. So, she will never change the
colour of her skin. She is happy with her colour, and she is proud of her culture as well.
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15. Why did Ayah ask the narrator to change her name in "Accept Me!"?
Vidya wanted the name to be Preeti. Ayah said that earlier there had been with her a
Preeti who died young. So, the name Preeti was considered as a bad omen in her new home.
Hence, she accepted the name Vidya.
(Ceiling 25)

Prepared by:
Prof. Murukan Babu C.R.
(formerly) Associate Professor of English
Panampilly Memorial Govt. College

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