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SILENT DEATH Revised & Expanded 2nd Edition by Uncle Fester Loompanies Us Port Townsend, Washington This book is sold for informational purpases only. Neither te aushor nor the publisher wil be held accountable forthe we or mise of the information contained in this book Silent Death, Revised & Expanded 2nd Edition © 1997 by Loompanics Unlimited All tights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced tf stared in any form whatsoever without the prior writen consent of the publisher. Reviews may quote brief passages ‘without te written Consent of the publisher as long as proper credits given. Published by ‘Loompaniss Unlimited PO Box L197 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Leompasies Unlimited isa divin of Loompanics Eneriss In Mustrations by Donald B. Parker and Raymond Boswort ISBN 1-85950-159.6 [Library of Congress Card Catalog 97-71320 Contents Preteen ati i Chapter One ‘Whit Makes A Good Poison? t Chapter Two Inorganic Poisons 5 Chapter Three ee 9 (Chapter Four ‘Nerve Gas: The Poor Man's Atom Bean. 0 Chapter Five ‘Time Deli Fie ie Chapter Six Poisons From Nature (Chapter Seven (CIA Stel To Chapter Hight “Tremble, (Chapter Nine Batulisa.. Chapter Ten ‘icine Kiteben mpeovised Devastiton vos LO Chapter Eleven Delivery To The Target. Chapter Twelve ‘Time Delay Poisons es Chapter Thirtzen Autopsy. Chapter Fourteen Chemical nn Bs 18 81 us Dedication This book is dedicated to my enemies, without whose cooperation it would not have been possible. PREFACE In ati, imple times, hen men lived in small bands close to ature, there existed in each band a very respocted and special Individual to whom wos enrusied the ancient knowledge of the naling and other special propertis ofthe plans which grew inthe area, This person was the shaman or medicine ma of te tribe, and itis one part of his craft wich we wll celebrate in his bonk, Tit book is a celebration of that ancient and fine ar, the art of poisoning. “The advance of medical and chenscal technology in rece times ‘nas mde socesful posing more dificult than twas inthe days ‘ofthe shaman. The simple and easly salable poisons soch 8 rat poison or arsenic can al be ely detected in the body ofthe victim fa thorough autopsy i done, Inte case of inocganic poisons such as arsenic, mercury, cadmium, etc, the tale traces of these substances can be found inthe body ofthe deoeased for as Jong as the remains axe sround tobe analyzed. IR makes no ciference if the body is embalined ce cremated, for thse substances are chemical clements and can't be destroyed by anything shor of muclar belize. For this reesa, the svecesful poisoner must avoid such ‘Quick fces and recun to his cultural rot, the knowlege of the shaman, if eis to avoid detection. ‘is # sad commentary on the brutish times wo ive in thatthe mse ‘of deadly substances as a means of hnmicie i virally unheard ‘of, Intead of the quiet dignity of an effoctive poise, those with Silent Death bwomical inten seem to impulsively reac for a gn, knife o cab, All these cre instruments leave no doubt as to the cause of death AS an old associate of mine once said, "What are we, swamp animals oe technological wariors7”T am afta that, in all too ‘many ease, the answer i the former, This book will atempt to cover, im simple language, the many aspects of suceessful poisoning, From the crado inccpanie (i, ‘mineral based) poisons which gt so many people a omevay tice ‘o the Big House, t the much more subtle and difficuk to detect ‘organic poisons, we will explore the methods used by atts skill in Ge craft avoid detection. We will also cover the procedures used in forensic toxicology labs to detect the presence of onic ‘substances inthe body ofthe vitim. For those realy big jobs, we will cover in detail the prodoction and use of some of the mare deadly war gas These gases wate 20 horrible when ticy were wnt in World War I that they have nic been used in a major war Since then. For those who have whole armies to conquer single handedly, Pm sure te section on the pruductcn and use of nerve ‘gases will interest you, These nerve guses have been called “the ‘Boe man's alom bomb,” with goed reason. They make the World ‘War I war guses lok lke kid" sm 'm suze you'll be surpisd bow easy tO mmke and use these lithe gems are. Read on and enjoy. [Chapter One What Makes Good Poison? 1 Chapter One WHAT MAKES A GOOD POISON? ‘When considering the large number of substances wich can exert a deadly effect on the human body, the question natarally comes up, "Whit makes one substance a good poison, and another ‘0 mot 50 good or actually bad” The answer to that question, of course, depends upon the circumstances in which the olson i 0 be used, What may be an excllat war gas may not be very suitable 'o the assassination of one person, and vice vera. Choosing the ight poison forthe jo isle calling the right play in facta. I reguies knowledge ofthe subject and use of psychology to make the right choice, There are, however, some general rule of thumb to follow which maketh subject considerably simple, ‘The first two general rules ace the golden rues of rat poisoning, Which is ony right, since most targets are rats anyway. Rule ‘number one is that the litle goodie to be delivered to the subjet ‘st not be overly unpalatable. This rule, of course, is jut common sease, but it is also the most violated rule of good poisoning. Ii unbelievable how often peop do stud ching like pt lye of cleaning uid in an inended tarps cffe, just to ave it spat sig ut. You can imagine the kind of somes this blader can lead 1, especially when the would-be pisooer is serving the rink A great deal of embarrassment can be avoided by paving some atetion to bow the intended age is likly to reac to the ‘deadly substance being offered. If the poison is going wo be administered by mouth, it may be wise to choose one of the Silat Death lusteless, odorless poisons deseribod in ths book. Allernatively, some of the trew muy be mixed up before, and small drop of the mixture tasted. This may at fest glance seem focthary, bot so long asi is immediately spot out wal the mouth thoaoghiy rial, itpones ite danger. A good mix for really foul-tstng poise i & shee of whiskey. Mare an this ner. ‘The second golden rule of mit elimination says thatthe material should mot cause bait shyness before «lethal dose is consumed, ‘Several factors come into play ere. Most import sth length of time between consuming the line goodie and the onset of the symptoms of poisoning. For example, let's say the mark is slow ater, and is being given one ofthe materials which shows some cuny effect such as mminess or burning ofthe nnath soon after any i consumed. This coud ado failure ofthe mision, and the ‘most die consequences for the would-be poisoner, This problem ‘becomes very tricky wien a large group isto be attacked wt once, since people naturally become very wary when they start to see ‘heir asocats keeling over. see several ways around this problem, Fist of al, one of the ‘low-acing poisons such asthe eqpicty bean or boli aay be Served. As an alert, oe of the many fine gases described in this book may be wed. [ would especially secommend phosgene, ‘arsine and phoophine inthis respect, because they don't have mach ‘ode a etal concentrations, and their effects re delayed 50 that sn etre groap can be taken ct if 9 dese ‘The third general rule of good poisoning is tht how quickly 2 ‘Poison act crucial to its value in any mission, To my way of thinking on tis subject, a poison should either cause death very ‘uleky before help cam be reached, or itt action should be very nich delayed to ease che victim to be unable to pinpoint the cause Of is distressing condition. In this respec, I fis! some of the cancer-causing agenls covered in this book are very appealing, ‘Their use rues patience, but the knowledge that & tine bomb ‘hs been plated in the mark and is ticking away can be veey satisfying, Chapter One What Mates A Good Poison? ‘The fourth general rule of good poisoning it thatthe material sould be avaiable without leaving & tal of suspicious purchases ‘Jad the finger of guilt pointing beck tothe perpetrator. Por this ‘eas, poisons which can be obtained from plans ae exyosized in this book. Many very beautiful plants have very deadly effets. Growing 8 few of them would raise absolutely no suspicion. In ‘addtion, thee are many wild plants which are also deudly poisonous. A good field guide book, avalable at any Hbeary ot ‘oak store, won reveal o the reader a whole new werld of which the was previously woaware. It's also impetan tat the mera be lclly available. T can see lite value in substance wich one must travel elf way sound the word to oeain, In this same vein there are many fine deadly substances which can easily be soln or "boeromed” if & ‘eson know were to lok for thm. See Geli a the ed of this ‘book ofthe chemicals mentioned inthis Book alng wih the major ‘ndurrial and commercial uses for hints on where to look for these deadly substances. ‘Te fifth and foal general re of good poisoning dictates that the substance used should he very dieu to dest inthe boy, both before death to frustrate teament, and fice death, 0 frustrate the easing investigation. To meke this easier, the ‘symptoms and appearance ofthe body should mic ove ot more narra diseases, so that death may be attributed to this disease at tutopry (see Chapter Thirteen). It is also important that Ue sulstance being und is effective in very small amounts, 80 that ts Dresence does not jump out at the person doing the lab tests at ‘utopsy. Much more on this ater, bot suffice io say now tha i the substance is exotic, it snot kel to be lok fr inthe corpse at autopsy, and if they do not ook for i,t wil nx be found. Along this line, T once agnin have to sing the praises ofthe time-delay Poisons, These wonierfa ite gems, ike the cancer-causing pens Which can be extracted from plants, or obtained from industrial sures, oc cooked up on your owi, guaranie almest complete aafty ofthe poisoer, So log ashe doesnot boast of his cunning, ‘Silent Death ‘or gx caught in the act, 1 see no way fo his deeds 1 land ima bbhind bars. After all, if the cause ofan individual case of cancer could be proven, the tobacco companies would have been sued into bankruptcy years ago, ‘One quick word hace before we move on. It is natural buna lendency to belive thi lite is good, mare must be better. This ‘could not be farther from th tut in the fie of good poisoning. ‘The human stomach isa sensitive organ and may very well rebel against being given a megadoee of any substance. Aa untimely attick of vomiting could very wall Jad failure of the mission, ‘with the most die consequenes for thse involved. A good peneal rule sto ever se more than twice the recommended dose, unless the victim is ery fut, There i an added benefit in cis, 8 amar dosages are more dificult to detect Iter. Chapter T90 Inorganic Polis 5 Chapter Two INORGANIC POISONS Inorganic poisoas, as was meutioned earlier, are micerl based substances capable of causing death, Most of these are wiat ‘popularly come to mind when somecae merous poisons. Exanples fate arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and Huaridos. These, a sue, are really bad poisons, with a couple exceptions which will be ‘amined in detail in this chapter. Tae best ting which can be sald but these icrganic poisns is ha they do the job wel, meaning ‘that the victim dies, andthe are prety easly available if you kaw ‘where to lok. Qa the ba side, they are too easy to detec and the sietim knows pretty quickly tbat he bas been poisoned. It usually takes a goed while forthe vititn to de, so be as pleny of ime to say where he was served his fatal past, Why even cover these Infecior substanoat? Because quick coverage of dose bad poisons will help the reader to appreciate the qualities that a goed pose fas. Fluorides ‘The Muri are common, exsily avilable cbemicale wih Jot of uses in indstry and gublic heat Two of the moet common Duceides ace sodium uorke, NaF, and sodium fhusbeas, NagSiFe They lok 3 Jot ke ble sit, 60 ther appearance dee sot cause alsem in the victim, After being servd a fatal dose of ore, the victim bepins to throw up and gets cramps. These Silent Death ‘ramps worsen untl the vim has convulsions and wns a blue sey color. Finally he des, because thee stops the enzymes in ‘he body from functioning: Think abou that when drinking ‘occidated water, The body gets rid of fluoride vey slowly, so ‘when the body is examined at autopsy, most ofthe orignal dase is still here to be found. A quik test for Duorine i a standard part of ‘most every autopsy where poisoning is suspected. The fetal dose of ‘dium fuerde is about S grams, for sod Daorosiicae the fatal ‘ose is shout 1 gram They wil have no poblem detecting these ‘quanies. You can read more about ford poisoning in The American Journal of Medical Science, Volume 191, page 625 (1938). The muhor is Getter Heavy Metals ‘These materials have mothing to do with rock music, ksted itis ‘a termuse to refer to mercury, lad, cadmium an the compounds that they form. Since noe of de heavy metals are sory found inthe body in any lage amount, finding them at autopsy vill be ‘evidence encugh 10 prove poisoning. A test for the presence of [ncavy metal isu standard pert of every autopsy where poisoning is ‘suspected. Mercury is prety representative ofthe wile group, 301 ‘wil jus deseribe i effets without geting ato lead and cadmium, ‘Most of us are probably falar with mercury metal the silvery liquid that fils some thrrcmetecs. Ici called quicksive, and is ‘ot parictlaly dangerous, excep forts vapor, That i because dos not dissolve into the watt in the oy, soit can’t get around, ‘odo its work. The saks of mercury are mich more peisonous, and of these, comosive subimate, HgCiy is probably the wort. A person whe swallows some imedinely notices a harsh real taste ‘in his mouth, followed by a burning feling inthe stomach. Soon ster that, bloody vomit stars coming, and late, bloody diarrhea ‘The Kidneys stop working, 0 the flow of urine comes to a hale ‘Death can occur within one hour fos big dose bat itis mere Chapeer T0 Inorganie Poisons Uiely to occur days liter rom exhaustion. The fatal dase depends ‘0 hov soon after ating the poison the vietim hogins to vom. If vomiting does ot occur, 2 gram will be enough to cause death For mioe information, se The Americem Journal of Medical Science, Volume 185, page 149 (1933). The autor is Peas ‘Oxalates Oxalate sre compounds conning gxalic acid. These poisons are alot beter than the-ones mentions so far because oxalic eis ‘is made from carbon and oyzen two very commen cements in the body. Fortis rnton, ey ae nt so bas most of he ret ofthe inorganic sons, A eromated bry wil carry 0 trace of pion a 1th ashes. In spite of this, i is stil bad poison because such lange dae is neded (about 10 grams) to couse death also leaves the Kidneys plogged up with calium deposits, and these will sek ‘out Ike 8 sore thumb at aviopsy. Oxalates are what make risa leaves poisonous, so they are relly easy to get hold of. Serving then & anelber mater. Far more informtion, sao Journal of Physiology, Volume 16, page 476, (1898), by Howel, Arsenic ‘This od stnd-by tos eng passed the time when it was of any se used to have going for tthe fact cat the victim could be _Sowly poisons, making € sem that he was inthe exis of some pelongediliness. Now, however, its all oo easy to detect asec ‘a te bods. "Tha most deadly arsenic comapand is senile tod, ‘AO Ihae a fant sweet taste, and a fatal dose of 2 pram Cyanides Tasca of pach and leave nb doubt at oth outcome ofthe meter, but ever sine the Tylenol murders, coroners have cyanide on the bran, A person who has been fe sedsum. or ‘Silent Dent ‘ats cyanide will have the characteristic snl of cyanide on thr breath, ao to mation moce of sl ath stomach The sas, Iyéoge cyan, i rch ess obvious or dtectble, bus ‘nt eal sube ie. Ifyou have rad The Por Man's James ‘Bond nd fe lie fokng stu wih hyropen epee ICN) 1 st wur you that the apparatus shown fr making yoga cyanide is nt upto the tac iquetying the as and heping a 2igid until used. HCN tls at 26° C, which is noma room, ‘erperture Even well below that temperature i evaporite of fumes ike emzy. If you have ever fooled around with eter, yo low whit mean These fumes are yry deadly, on par er 2000 airs dedly concentration Ifyou mist foo around with the stuf, ‘Organic Syoheses reports that if you smoke a cigar wile sound HCN, the ase of smoke wil Boome uplestaat fyou fare brenhing in any FCN. The etal dose of sau potassium ‘mde is about -1 gam. For HCN iti about .05 gum (30 milgams). This litle ove Vs ofa quar of gs, fined let Carbon Monoxide Abe that beet coverage of some ofthe bad poison, it's move ‘on to the good ones. Carbon monoxide i a poison I can rely get ‘Xcitedabont, to paraphrase my favorite TV salesman. I's no hat ‘carbon moaoride isso hard to detect that makes itso good. On the contrary 8 prety cbvious. The beaiy of carbon monoxide hat san attack with carbon monoxide can so easily be made to ok ike ‘an accident. ive in the northern part ofthe coon), and during te old weather season itis a very common event for people «0 be fverwome by carbon monoxide in tir Domes. This 3 wouslly because ther furnace was nol buraing ts fel propel, or because ® squicel or some ater creature decided to build anes in the exhaust fue, These facts can be taken advareage of by the Chapter Too Inorganie Posons 8 resource poisons tp make am atack appear to bean usfortunate seccdent ‘Carton monoxide is 2 colorless, odorless, astless ga withthe clrial formal CO, 1s formed by burning marils when they do rot get enough air to bur completely to carbon doxide I is ‘iso flammable, so care aust be taken wen handing large ‘moun of te gas. ‘Carton monoxide 38 poisonous Decause Mt pets ino the blcodsiream where it combines with the beoglobin inthe blood. This combination is ot able to cany oxygen saymeKe, 80 the sei suffoates. The fist symptom ofcarhen monoxide iting is a headache, which is followed by weakness, mausea and farina, leading finaly vo ¢ come and death. The sin of the ‘ili is cherry re, a sure sign of carbon monoxide poisoning. ‘Thor is a formu to use i cleulating the fatal dase of carboa ‘moxie, I is pretty simple, but Iwill explain how (0 use i, for ‘veryene who slept through math cats. The fori x oars exposure) (parts CO per 10,000>15 ‘This means thu if the hours thatthe vit is exposed wo carbon ‘monoxise, times parts CO per 10,000 srs yreater tha 15, a fata dese fas been absorbed by the target. Far example, lt say that the mark i ina trailer home (they have sctoriously bad heaters) measuring 50 fet lng, 15 fax wide ant 8 feet high, This mens thar the wile nas a volume of 6000 cubic feet, Because the formala for finding the volume of borlhe object i eng tines ‘wid times hep Plugin tis igure ino ths crgiol formal for 4 ove hr exposure, we get 6000 divided by 10,000 times 15 ‘uals 9. Any amount of earbon mance over 9 cubic fet is 2 lethal dose in one hour's time. With etwo hear exposure, the lea dose anything over 4 and one al cubic fet 1 is very important bere that the attacker resist the normal Inman impulse to poe too match of the gas into the target. AL autopsy, the ameunt of carbon monoxide in the blood will be 10 ‘messured, and anything far ubove te etal range wll be exus9 for suspicion. [think that, aking ato account creation cf tes ir ineo the target, not mare than double the lethal dose of carbon rmonanide should be used. Ifthe arg buldng is sealed up for cle weer that amount should do dae job well, 4s you can se, carbon monoxide isa very sneaky and versatile poison. The question which naturally follows iat “How does the cache deliver the carbon monoxide (the targee?" The answe to (ati hat he has several option. The simplest, and in many ways ‘Oe best courses for tho aacker to simply plg up the exh lve forthe trge’s heating stom. This wotks best for matical pas Fated buildings, ess well with fuel oil Heated acgets, and of ‘course, not at all for eeerally heated bulking. IF the target is lectically heated, the car attack scheme that follows may be resorted to. In plugging up the exhaust flue of the target, the attacker tes care ts use dings Uke dry Faves, plat sens, and smal plastic object, These are ypical materials used by wild ‘reatres to make ness fr themselves in a warm place like an ‘eshaust ue, This plan of action has the advantage thst whatever tragic events casue a all enily explained ox investigation at ‘imply an unfeetnate accident If ths sate form af arack fais, the determined poison then mast sesoct to a move sles stack. "This is done by actually ‘pumping some earbon moaexde into the target bulking. Here is how itis done: ‘The attcker cigs up the apparatus (ahown onthe next pags) in ‘te ge or siilar building He takes caret rmke sue hat a fans et up in a window, blowing outward, to keep carbon moxie fr: building upin tha ating. ‘You se inthe diggram onthe mext pase, a system wish ea be used to make pure carbon moaoude, and then pump it ato en sulomobile tire foe stonage std teaisportation. Till start by ‘explaining the set of glasswice seen inthe upper Left band potion, othe system, since tis particular rg wil be sen few mor ies Jnthis book. Chaper T0 Inorganic Poisons uw A Sulfuric ae sais surrouncing ‘rom pump. roaute ti Individual parts not drawn 10 scale ‘These two pieces of chemical ghinsware ase very wseful for aking gases. They have ground glss joins whic fit 1ogaher tightly, preventing dangerous gat sks. ‘The valve on he separatory Funne! allows chemicals to be ran fom the Funnel into the flask without taking par the rig, causing gas to spew oat ito the ar. These wo pisos of alascware ran aboot $50 each, and are well worth it To my way of thinking, no home i complet withoot some laboratory equipmeat laying around. These (v0 pies are casily avulable fram sciomific supply houses (ay favorte is ‘Sucgen-Walch in Skokie, IL 60077). No suspicion wil fall an 2 person who orders these two pisces of equipment, expecially not Slleat Death R sospicion of poison gas manufeeture. A very pur substioué for these tv pees would bea large champsene bot withthe plastic tubing coanected to the top of the hore. This i, however, very poe subsite which makes a mockery of the deadly serious Tusinss which poisoning is It also adds large danger tht the risoer may become the poisonee. S-necked task ‘Separatory funnel Now for how this system works. You se the separatory funnel a the dingram has been stock int the ridile nec: ofthe 3-cked ‘ask, For his conection to be air ght, the ground last joints mit be ofthe sume siz. My favorite size i 2440, bat say sae ‘ll a You wil also notice dat one of the necks of the 3-necket ‘atk has eon sippered (a cork wil do fr this, some bubble gun will lp seal i up), and finally, into the third neck of the lak, 2 Chapter Two Inorganic Poisons B scion of cur plastic tubing has bee inserted. The diameter of ‘his thing should be big enoeg to i tgtly into te noc of the ‘ask and frm a tight seal. Some bubble gum can also help to seal ‘his op. Now notice the plstc bag tha tis tubing leads to "This bag surrounds bieyle tre pump fora foot rype pump will wor: as ‘well which is connected to an autamobile tr, Iis very important ‘hat is bag not esi, and that ube pamp may be work without wrecking the bag. This i all checked aut before the detersined poisone starts to make carban monoid. Finally, the automobile cre must have an inner tabe init. Tis is ‘0 that tdoes aot ea while fling i, ad so so thatthe atacker say star witha deflated inner tube. This rakes calelating the amount of cathen mooatde i the ie mach simpler than sting with tre that already has arin it "Now tht all these things have been checked out the poison ‘aly to slart making carbon monoxide. nm the 1600 wl 3-necked Sask is placed $00 mi of formic acid. Tas usual grade of omic id is 88% pure, and works quite vel Into the separatory fonae is place 100 ml af concentrated sufi acid. Good eye protection, ike a pair of somgles, is alvay’s worn by the person osing these chemicals, because strong chemicals lke thee can easly cause blimness if splashad scsideraly in the eyes. With hi eye ‘protection in place, the gsser opens up te valve em the separatory fumpel and lts about half of the 100 mal of concentrated sulfuric ‘cid flow it te formic acid, ad silt arcu! 0 mix tito the formic acki. A ble bubbling may star mow, but a8 & re, the ‘mixture mst be heated to get production af carton monoid: ping. To do this, the 3-nockel flask ip putin a pan that just ile Digger around thay the ask is, the yan i cen fled a file over ‘lf full of water, ane the pau and ask are put on a single burner hotplate buffer range wit infinite temperature cemol nob. One ‘ofthese costs about $20 at ce Heal hardware store, The Beat is fumed on oe pan, and the water is brought toa Somer As the Silent Death 4 sid into eats up in the ask, bubbling ou of earban monoxide {208 ging well. The reaetion going on het is carbon menor. Sulfuric acid acts asa catalyst for this rection by soaking up the water formed in the reaction ‘So ay the carbon monoxide begins filing up te plas bag, ts ‘pomped jote the automobile tire. This could cequie some fast ‘pomping a fist 1 keep up, but soon the sulfuric acid-will have sked up about a reh water as icean, and the bubbling out of carbon monoxide gas will tow down. Then itis time for the ‘oisorer to ad the nest of the sfc acid fem the separaimry funnel no the lik, an cise the valve ‘The pressure in the tre ast be followed closely afer it bein to eto fal pressure, From 500 of formic acd, up to 10 cubic feet af carbon monoxide can be formed, Now te velume of he average aut tre (15 inc rim, $ int diameter inner tube) Cealeulae at shout 21 exbic fot If tis inflated to 45 Tbs. pressure, which [ think is abou the upper limit of safer, that mcs i 1 holding je normal atmospheric pressure, and so means that i is holding triple the 2.1 eubic fat af catbon monoxide, oF 63 cubic fet of carbon monoxide. This means that te tre Weil be pumped up to ‘maximum pressure about halfway through the restos, and afresh ‘oe must be ready to 0 to od the remaining carbon manoxde. The exact ameunt of cavbon monatide in esch tice can be cakulated by finding the volume ofthe inner tbe, measuring the pressure ofthe gas inthe ire with tire gauge, and plugeing these foobers into this formula: Chapter Two Inorganic Posone pressure in ire —— __X volume of tire = volume of gas in tre ‘Bibs per sq Inch So the pressure ofthe carbon monoxide in te tre, divide by the ‘normal atmospheric pressure of 15 Ibs. por sguate inc, cies the volume of tie tie is the volume of the carbon manonid gs im the tire, ‘Right eound the tte change time, to rate of bubbling may slow up aguin. Tis means ic is time to adel anos doe of sulfur aid ‘9 the misre. Put another 100 mal of concentrated sult acd imo the separatory funre, ans Ie ico io the peek ask. ‘This will ex things going again, especially ater it gets swirled to ‘So now that ur determined posoner us this supply of ‘convenietly bat carbon monoxide, what does he do with i? He ‘moves tothe stack, and delivers tothe mark, The easost way for ‘im todo this is to deve upto the target with the chon monoxise file cies inthe trunk, rol thea upto the dling to be anid, nde the earbon monoxide out of them through & section of rabing into the dwelling, sal ick taken out of the corner of & window works fine for inoducing the gas ino the tart, Since cirbon ‘mannii very clase tothe same weght as ai, wil mix evenly ‘with ll the sir inthe target eventual). A nice wel to elp cover \cecks after the jb so obstruct the furnace exhaust before leaving the scene “A aseful variation on this scheme is for the victim's cir to he ‘tacked instead of his home This his the antag tha the car is ten easier to get to than a man's home. Locked cos are esily pene with a thin strip of metal, and the gas piped in befere closing the car beck up. This works best won the target i ging to be taking fist long tip withthe ar, so that sucha large amount ‘of eazbon monoxide need no bo used att cuases suspicion, The resling tafe mh is ey tobe fatal, even the gs ant. The ‘Silent Death 16 ‘question which must be answer before enarking on this plan is ‘whether the elimination ofthe victim is 0 importne tat iis wrth ‘exposing innocent people to risk when ths target becomes drowsy ‘onthe wed, ‘Carbon Dioxide Carton dione (CO; is aot usually thoogit of as x deadly poison by the general publi, but it is, in my opinion, one of the ‘best of ll poisons. The autopsy ona person who had been poisoned ‘with carbon diatide wouk! show nothing, just thatthe victim bad stopped breathing and had suffocated. Not the forcible sufocation ‘wih a pillow or whatever that s een so often in od movies. No, ‘tat is 20 obvious because a person who is being strangled or suffocated wll voit up into his ngs ina vain attempt to clear his sicwuys. He wil also inhale fibers of whatever i being wie to seffocte fim All this can be found quite encily at autopsy. “Instead, the person win breathes in too much CO; actually drowns ‘in the gus. Upon examinadon ofthe Boy, i wil appear that the viet stopped breathing in his slew. This is noc ht rare an occurrence. People who suffer from a condition called apres. wil ‘often ein thet hep because they Zorgt to keep bceating, othe Jack of ar can enuse # art attack. Peeple who ave upmea usually donot know that they stop breathing in thir sleep, unless ther bod ‘partner tells them ef the condition. I is a commen canse of carly and mysterious death. An attack with carbon dixide can exsily Tk ike death fom spac, ‘COs as two main drawiacks tit ue a poison. First of al, large amount of it must be used to cause lethal effects. The ‘generally accepted lth dose of carbon drwide i 4%, over a fly long period of time. To be sute ofthe job, the attacker wuld want to duuble this level to 8% CO, This isa large amount of gas, ‘especilly if large are i to be passed. The large ameunt which rst be used alo makes it dificult for all ofthe gas t dissipate Chaper Two Inorganic Porson ” ut of ce attack area before the body is uiscovered. A finding of "did in his seep of natural cases” 8 aot be expected when the people who discover the body Keel over shortly aftr eteing the Seconily, only a sleping person can te easily attacked with (€0,. A person who is awake would notice the hecdache,dziness, and rapid beating caused by carbon dionde, As a eoasequence of these two drawiscks, it may be dilicakt or impossible to mount a ‘acack with CO; on 8 target who slegps holed up in a heavily fovifies Puchrer bunker (COs is protably the most easily avilable deadly substance, Is ‘wo most common forms areas dy ice and asa pressurized i in ‘ylnders. The eyinders are moxt commonly seen in welding shops, and hooked up to bee Kegs to keep them from gone Hit ccs thy Ie been tapped. Many liquor steres carry these cylinders for thes Jeg beer ousomers. (One pound of COs in either the fem of dry ise oe side @ cylinder, wil, when expanded ino the ar, take up a volume of a litle over 8 cubic fet. So to calulate the amount of COs nosed 19 produce a deadly conceération of COs in room, we just find the ‘olume ofthe ream, snd divide it by 10 to get how much CO, is ‘eed io prodoceu 10% coneeateation of COs in the target Fer example, if room is 15 by 15 by 8 fet, che volame ofthe rom is 1800 cubic Ext. One tenth ofthat is 180 eabic fet Sinse «ne pou of COs is aboat 8 cubic eet, we divide 180 by Band ger le answer of 22.5 pounds of CO; seated to produce 2 10% ‘concentration of CO; in the roc. In dealing with eyhinders, i is ‘itll important that pounds of pressure showing on gauge wot ‘be mistaken for how many pounds of CO, ae nthe cylinder. Chapter Three War Gases 1B Chapter Three WAR GASES ‘The sene is France, 1915, and the amie of Europe ae locked in bloody, stalemated trench warfare, In an effort 10 break this ‘deadlock, the German Army called upon the most powerful segment fof its economy, the chemical industry and the belie chemists behind it, to give thom a weapon far victory. This was born the modem er of chemical warfare, ‘The fir chemical used was chlorine. The rawlit on the unprotected Allied soles were spectacular. Thousands of slliers vwete citer killed or seriouly inj in one attack. Chlorine, however, ns a serious drawback. I is very unpleesaat to breathe, and ao gives a waring to the people being gassed. Iti, in fact, prety nasty at concentrations much ie low to cans inry over & short period of time, The only way people could be gassed with chlorine is if they could mot escape frm the cloud of gus. You ean rove this to yourself if you want, by mixing a small amexct of Dlesch and Sani-Fhsh ina toilet bow, jut before Mashing it down and escaping the area. The powerfl bie of chlorine i impossible to ‘ignore. Phosgene To overcame this pole, ew and nich mare power ‘was introduced, phosgene, Phospene ended up causing more death ‘nd fajury than any other gas vaed in World War Lt was very Silent Deata 2 nite RS a dea pers ‘with phoogeoe, and its effets were often delayed fora day or (wo. A. Bien te serene: aera ee, nee rege men oe pape error errs eae ae ener ee ertamanet emer eared Bo Saenger ita i: eat ie aE lS eT ee ee ee ey eae et ee eee ee er eee ieee een oor ree ree eee ee ree ier eerie ares meee arcs eee een one See aa Seer ete eee eres ee ree eee Se ae reer eer aan ee eee Se ae ae ere ae ‘phosgene, or one of the other war gases described in this book. Why erie tee ees ‘speaks pocely for the quality of mercenary fighting going on these eee e en Se cli eae Se ea nee ee etek See anton Chapter Three War Cares a has the chemical forma COC, It it aga at nocmal room ‘emperatue because it oils at about 8° C, but with a ite extra Pressure becomes a quid at room temperature. For tis reason it ‘i offen stored and shipped as iui in cylinders, in riod tak ‘ars ti noe hard to imagine the havoe which would be wreaked if ‘one of these tank cars blew wp while passing throagh a populted area, Phosgene has fut smell which has been decribed as like ‘musty bay o€ green con, Phos is very poiscnous, but just how paizonous iti hat act, ‘been agreed upon. Depending cn which source you belive, the fal ose of Phosgene for a 30 minute exposure 8 anywhere ftom ome ‘rt in milion air to one pat in 50,000 sic. Tae figure T pot the ‘most faith im sys one pati 100,000 ai foc 230 minute exposure. Phosgene has some quicks which must be taken ito account 0 effectively use i. First of all, ts quite bit heavier tr, so i ‘ill snk It would not be very effective to just pipe some of it ino 3 room, and expect it to make it around the targs sea from there nwodveng it into the ventilation system would be much more effecive. The meestity of introducing it into the vnilationsyatera could be avoided if fans or other active methods of keping the ic ‘moving inthe target bing are i ue. Phosgene also has a strange effect on the taste of tobacco smoke. 1 makes whit woold normally be «fie smoke taste like rolled up hay, Whether this would alert the mark{s, or just make than curse heir brand of smokes is dificult to say, but this propery of Phosgene shouldbe kept in mind. The attackers could use this to their ‘ndvanage 1 war them when they are being exposed to phoogene. ‘The change intobaco tases expecially ranouncat in pipes. Phosgene ls another strange property in that i wil rst metal ‘objects when it gets out in te ae. Tis in because Phosgene reacts with the water inthe ar to make hydrochloie acid, which then rts ‘met. This rust takes ate while to develop, so twill ct alert the ‘victims, butt coukl be of help to investigarrs late, to deteinne the ‘te of the atack. This reaction of phosgene with water makes Phosgene useless a any weather, Silent Death 2 ‘The mial effects of phosgene are very interesting. At the commended concentration about one part in 100,000 sc, the ‘itm does not notice anything. Perhaps 2 sight tingle in the throat ‘or smarting in the eyes, but this very quickly passes anc all seems ‘wal tothe mark. Phosgene ga has no color s there is nothing he ‘would see which would Up him off. Fllowing the exposure to the at, the vii feels fin. He may, infact, feel euphoric. Lite dos ‘he vitim know that his Jungs have been seared, and ae ling up vith Quid, while be is feeling 20 good. Thea, uafoctnstely for the ‘argo, he begins to fe! sick Jaut how Jag it takes 1 begin feting sok dopends en bow large a dose of the gas the victim reoeived. With smaller doses, t ould tke as Jong as 2 days. ‘The victim finds that tbe mest insignificant effort will send is julie trough the roo, nn hie trtured ngs acing for breath. The perso itealy begin o down in sid sping frm hs ung tissues. comes up the mouth a a wary fd with some blood int, The victim may gurple up half «gallon ofthis stuff per hou, wail he finally loses the stength to cough i up. This could take a log as todays t0 40. ‘Naturally, « person dying this way is probably not going to be ‘ited os a atural death. The question i, what will tbe listed as? People with fang heat often die with thir Ings filled with Di, as do heroin junkies sffecing from overdose bat thei ngs are not ‘seared like the phosgene victim. Unles the vc liked to siff glue and ater strange thing, i isa god bee that an investigation would ‘be lanebed after death to determine wiser the viet accidently ‘camo ito contact with someting, which seared the surface of his lungs, or was murdered. Because this is such an exotic way 10 de, cos are going to faver the finding of acetal death, unless some sttong bit of evidence shows up (ce, withestes, insurance o other rmetve, or finding the phoxgene-usted ga sie) to show that the vitim was mardered. Of course, puciases of phosgene by # suspect ‘would be dann evidence, “How then docs « person get some phage? Fx sme, it may be simplest to steal some or to have i evento them fram a camection Chapter These War Gases 3 {in the chomicl industry who cam beit it for then. Phosgene is waed a Jotin the dye industry, and toa lesser extent thoughout the chee ‘manufacturing industry. 1 is usualy found in gas cylinders under Dressre hough tis sometimes found asa solutin in tolone. For thse of us who don't ave the comectons to get phosgene fr 1s, it wise fo mike some up frem seraich It is not paticulcly fhard, noe dangerous if some basic precautions are taken. As always, take care, work while yobe, wad safety fs! Phosgene was frst made in 1812 by Joba Davy by mixing ogee carbon monoxide and chlorine, and Jeting the mixture sit in. the sunlight This is bow phosgene po iis name, “phos” meaning light ‘and gee meaning made from. This sun intersting rection, bot it {is just not practical for cooking some up because the amount of produce made is s0 low. You measly get back the carbon mance and chlorine you started with; only & small amc of phosgene is ‘mode, ‘The giam chemical manufucturers make phosgene by passing 2 ‘pisture of chlorine and carbon monoxide over a specially made catalyst of charcoal This is a good. cheap mthod, but it is not sible forthe hom experimenter, The Poor Man's James Bond class tat phosgene can be made by seting 2 pan fled with carbon taracherse (dry cleaning id) ‘om. radiator and leting i sit. Sorry about his, Ket, bu i jas ain't 50. The carbon terachloie wil ust heat up units boiling point of| 76°C is each, then it wil just bol away. No measurable amounts ‘of phosgene can be muds by. this method. Pechaps this misunderstanding got started because if carbon terachlide is splashed ont red hot meal, afair amount of phougene is made. This 1s on of the dangees of using a fse extinguisher charged with carbon tetrachloride, and could peas be used in an emergeney 10 make some phosgene. You can bet that yeu will never seo that one ex ‘MacGyver! ‘The best way for phosgene to be made ona finy small scale is by reacting faring sulfuric acid with carbon tetachloride. Carbon texachlocie is filyexslyavalabe atthe hardware store ata very Silent Death 1 heap prise. Is becoming scarcer lately because it has been found ‘that peoionged exposure 19 carbon teachers ean cane liver Drolems, but # ean ail be found at these easy sources. Fuming Sulfuric acid isa fatty common laboratory chemical costing soot S535 per pine when purchased in small amounts. Is « mixture of sulle tlie in ular acid, with the ssa concentration f sar twioxde ($0), abo called oleum) in the sulfuric acié being in the range of 29%. ‘The reaction that actualy kes place set ween the slr trioxide inthe fuming sulice acid, andthe carbo tecachorce. SOs CCh —__p COCh + 280sH01, sulfur carbon phosgene chloro- ‘Wioxde tetrachloride sulfonic ace Phosgene is produced, and bubbles out of the mixture. The hloresulfonic ack prevaoed as a byproduct stays as a liquid ‘isgolved in the ureactd sulucc acid, No heating is aeeded to make this cton g, so production of pbosgee is very quick and simple. Grenades producing phosgene can azo be devised Tomake phosgene, the same combination of separatory funnel ead Seecked flask is used as was shown in the section on carbon ‘mowoxide. astead of the tre storage system used for carbon monoxide, however, we have instead used length of viny) bing leeding to the target. This is because phosgene does vabliovable things to rubber, ike turning it ina an oly gpo. For this reason, the insgene mast be direct pumped ints the yenilation system of whatever buikng is to be attacked. The sir intake of an sir conditioner is a very convenient place to inode gases into a biking The dat that the conditioner makes will Belp to keep the phosgene sted up inte ai, rather than leting it sete into th low pins of te biking. Chapter Three War Gares 2 ‘Sep funn {containing fuming Ye g— Silurie aes ~ section a tubing leasing otarget A convenient sired tach of phoxgene to show bow this syste woris is aboot 7 of cubic foe of phogene Tht it enh ‘howgene to make one pat in $000 conctaion of phosgene in 4 bulling 33,000 cubic fect large. In acting the amount of gs sstually dived to the target it mst be remembered thatthe $5 First has fill up the flak arb length of ting. 80 te woh of their spce eft above the cemical in he fas, an ho velums of the inside of the length of tubing must be braced Sr the total amount of zs proce. "Now to begin. To make 7 cubic foot of phosgene, 100 ml of ‘extbon tetrachloride is patito the S-aecked fake The section of tubing, oper, ant separ fue we all po securely i place. “Then 230m of fuming sulfur: acid pu in he separtry fone (Carta! Fuming sulfrc ac is even were than replat sic teid. Always wear glows and eye prowcion) The vale ofthe separir) fama ie oped tle, nd a slow seam of fing ‘lfc oi is allowed to flow int the 3-nckal las. I swe ‘round to help mix ti, and alneet immediately phogsme begins to ube out ofthe misture. Tho ete of ation of fuming elie cd shoud be conto to keep th amount af phosgene bubbling ‘uta any time under contra. The ection s pest wel done bout Sinus fe th lst fhe fring safe sid hs Dorn ew the eon teach, so lng nthe mixing was OK. Th igi Jette ask an thn be ase cut wi water (watch out fo mace oes! the whole system packed up aad moved oo of the ara. Sent Death 26 [Now for a few notes on this proses. The amount of fuming sulle aid sed was ealeulat on having the 20% sulfur trioxide {ype of fuming sulfuric ad te fuming sulfuric ack was intend 40 sulfur texide, then only half as moc would have to be used. ‘Thnx is also no need to sick t thes eubic foce sind butch. A ‘ich of any sie can be made, To muke half as much, use lf a uch of beth ebemias. Finally it is vital tat only fing sulfuric acid be use inthis repction. If eedinary concentrated sulfuric acid se, thereat takes another couse. Hyogen clarde gas (HCD 5s proved along wit the phosgene, and hiss very unslistactory brause the fnease bite of HCL wen breathed in wool alert tae vicums. The reaction done this way also requires heating, amd the auktion of infusorial earth asa catalyst. (See Chemical Abitracts, ‘Vol. 17, page 1395, sad VoL. 13, page 2492.) ‘A grenade for phosgene would be a very handy thing. The swacker(s) could then just drow it tthe target an takeoff, instead ‘of having to stick around to supervise the delivery of phosgene to the urge. Ths commotion caused by throwing a grenade wll probably ruin the semen of surprise and stealth fr the stacker, tut these are jamais where this is justified. For example, 2 grande dropped ‘down argo vetiacon sha: would probably never be noticed until it was to late, In designing. 2 grenade for phosgene, we coms to sever Aificules. First of all, bh ingredients used in the making af ‘Phosgene ace Liuids. This makes the disign of a rene moce complicated than if one of the ingreiems was sli. Secondly, foming sulfuric acd i a really nasty substance. I gives off fumes that dovelop pressure if i warm, I is also telly corrosive to a wide vanaty Of substances. To complicate things farer, te two lngredemss must be bel together in one place Tong eacugh for ther to mix and tar to ract. "The design you S00 on the next page solves these dificuties, and works razcoably well Chapter Three War Gazer Hole dries cap serowed onto =< al ‘Section of ‘threaded pipe 4 Ceramic vase fits with fuming sulfuric acid stoppered with cork totes with wax + — coramic vas fils with CCA, stoppered sth core Botiom of pipa loved —m ‘The dea here is for the fragile cerunic vase to be shttorad when the greande hts paydrt, allowing the chemicals to mix, spewing ‘Phosgene out the hole dried in the top of the pipe. For this to woek ‘every time, thecontinrs inside te pipe mast have some room fly srourd inside the pipe no tht they are sure tobe abatered on impact. ‘The cork in the conniner of foming sulfuric acid must be costed with ‘wax to keep the acid from dissolving the work while te grenade isin storage. AS an eltemative, the CCL, could just be poor nue the pipe Intead of kept ina container inthe vase. This woul help sbrink the ie ofthe grenade for easier throwing, The disadvantages of doing ‘this are: (L) the grenade would huve 0 be kept upright 10 keep Fc, ‘piling the CC, nd (2) the pool of liquid coud acta cushion for Silent Death 2% the'yase comining the fuming solfue acid, preventing it from breaking on impact. This design could be sealed up for use as a ‘bomb 10 be dropped from airplanes, The greaade sboud contin at Teast euice us mich fing slfue aid as earbon tees hrise, st swith the gas generator, Arsine ‘Acsne (Ast, als called arsenirettad hydrogen) is a very ood general porpoce poison. That's no o say that itis a perfect poise. 1No, ft lives trices which could conccivably be detec ‘These ‘rages are vx sigh, however, 30 they may not be connected to the ory condition ofthe mari. ‘The trace that asine Faves i «small truce of arsenic inthe urine Whrtber ths wo! be eng 0 allow the coroner to plese togethe the clues amd diagsoxe arsine woul depend upon the sil ofboth the coroner and the poisone. After al ‘we all have some arsenic in our bods lng with traces of every ‘er eletnent kao. becomes matter of judgment say a¢ wht point th level of substance in the body becomes abaocma. "Now tha yon've heard te bad stuff about ain, lets move on to is god points. fk very deadly pus. A concentration of one parti 100,000 aera few hours is daly. Over sorter periods of time, the exact lethal dose in a mst of debate. The figures given here are tom The Texicalogy of Inderal Inorganic Poisons, which sates that ooe part in 2000 air vera few minutes is deadly. Over a period of aboot half an hou, one part in 4000 is deal. Over a period of an our, ane prt in 60,000 ean cane deat ‘Asie also very exarc. This isan importa. pont in ts Fave, ‘because it means (atte core soto src ks Hely to come to the mints of the people deing. any post-nartent investigation. Poisoning by aniae is ogcasionlly seein industria accidents, but rot ofen enough to keep it athe frefont of the ands of exons. favo never heard of case of boseidal poioning with arsine. That alone is eno to recoramend it Chapter Three War Gate ~ ‘The symptoms of esi poisoaing do not help much in dngnsing 4 To stare wit, it is ne iitucing tothe subject whe be is being ‘deed withthe gas. A the high concentrations needed for lea elfet ‘over a fw minutes time, ther isan aval smell like gsi, bt atthe ‘ower concetrations i is noting that woul cause alarm or stick out ‘in his memory. After being dosed, there i latent pti of upto & ay ora before any symptoms sbow up. ‘When the frst symptoms appear, they don't mean very moch. The subject fel loury has trouble bresthing, vomit, and a Mood in the urine because his red blood ces are belag dissolved. "Eventually, his kidneys ebut down because they gt plonged up with ‘debris fiom those broken up red bod cel, Tis breklowm ofthe ea blood calls is called hemolysis, and is a symptom of 4 wide variety of conitons. Finally, arsine is & very easy poison to make and we. The Ingredients are cheap and plncifel (except for arzenic trioride, ‘AeiOs. wich would be most wisely eisted) ant safe to handle unt thoy are mixed together to-make arsine A grenade for arsine is mich simpler ane more productive than the phosgene grenade. ‘There ae wo cally good methods for making urine. One ie abot 1 good asthe othe, and the method chosen depends om wich raw materials the attacker can most easly get bit hance on. Method ‘number ove is based upon the rection tha takes place between zine ‘Power and hydrochloric acid. Many school ys have found out hat ‘wten you mix these two togetber, the zinc fizzes like crazy, producing hydrqgen gas. Whilo zine is undergoing thie reaction, i Decomes whats termed a powerful mdver, If sme arsenic trioxide 4s mined ito the bnew, it wil get reduced, which inthis case means its orygen atoms get replaced with hydogen atoms, and asin is produced alg with whatever hydrogen doesn't get used up. Szn + BHC] + AsO, ~2AsHy + SZnCk, zine hydro —arsonic arsine chlotic acid toxide Silent Deh Eo This is sowhere near so complicated as it may seem. In ft sally doing isso simple that I'm sure a mtcakey could be tained todo it To ge going making sume arsine the Sum: type eeerator ‘sed to make carbon monoxide and phxpene 1S used. (Aci you dt belive me when T said vo home is complete witout one?) Exo the ask part of dhe set-up is placed 30 prams of arsenic wine and 200 grams of zinc powder. These two ingrdens sbould be maxed together as thoroughly as posible before puting them inthe flask. “Then ancther 70 grams of arsenic trioxide is weighed cat und tis dssolved in bydeochlric acid. ‘The byérochlvic acid T would ‘recommend for this purpose canbe obsied frm the lca hardware store and is 28% hydrochlode acid. Ie may be sold under the ame ‘music acd. Seven tnd} (700) ml of i wil be needed, to the ‘attacker will measure ou that much and put the 70 prams of ANDO: in it The aci-arsaic mixure is then poured imo the separatory vane, and when the atacke is reidy (0 make arsine, te valve an the soyaratory funnel is opened, and the mixture is allowed to run down om the ine powder in te Mask. ‘When the acid hts te zinc, gs is proud ike eray. Some of it is hydrogen, and some of it arsine. Ie can be piped im the target ‘with a section of tebing, ori can be stored in. sm autabil tire. “because of the extremely poisonous nature of asin ths may only ‘be atampied under the best cndions of ventilation. The polsonse ‘could al too easly become the poisonee tying to fill tice with facsine witout excellent venation, The amount of arsine produce otoedng these directions is about cab fo, ‘A gromde for arsine using thse chemicals is prety easy 0 put together, ad could be a lot of fim. See the diygram on ce next page. ihen the bote breaks, the chemicels mix together, ans clood of ‘sin is prodice. Tae results can be devastating in an enclosed rea, One drawback that arsine has as an assault poison is that it ‘oes not have good Kneck-down power. ts effets ate delayed for a day of so. A wise tactician wil keep this in ind when planing an assault War Gaves a ‘The outside of the botie A tragilether sized bottle file wth 800 mi of 200 grams of zine powder, hhyroctioic acid and 100 grams of AO, facnh ‘The ote good method for making arsine is by reacting ited sulfuric acid with zine arsenide (ZmAs). Zine arsenide rssy be life to find, but it has the advantage tha arsine is simpler to make witht To make 14 cubic fet of arsine, 350 grams of 20)A5y Js placed inthe flask, and then aboot a quart of baltery acid (avadable a bardware stoves and garages) i rn down ono ftom a ‘separitry funnel with swclng of the flask to mix them tothe, A grenade using these chemicals would have the botle fille with the Dbanery ae, the bot would then be wrapped with Zoi, and the ‘pe tom he btn el wel ile th 95 ame ef ass, ‘Silent Death 2 [Now fra last few woeds on arena. Arse is a flammable gs, 30 it yould atch om Bie if stroam of it was spewed into a ignition source Kis alo quite ait heavier dha ai, so it will settle into “shatever low areas it en ind, unleas heat inthe tangs area is Kept ‘mowing with o fan or something similar For more information on tine aod phosgene, see The Medical Aspects of Chenlcal Warfare by Bard Vedder. This fine book gos nto real detail on just what these chemical warfare agents will do tothe human body, an! also ‘mes io some detail on the Clute in the ease of arsine) mesial ‘teatments used forthe vietims of theses pases Phosphine Ina lite Known gar named phoshim, we encounter wht is ‘without 4 doubt, the very bes gas for producing “death by causes Cinknown.” This sbiley that phosphine has fr evading the coroner's temps to find the cause of tbe mus domise is 9 seangely umder- ‘epate, vet excting ability, Those “in the know” seem to think that it wold be reckless and xesponsble 10 Jet dhe public know jest wnt ae the limits o thee bites. Foc them its uc beter to et the public believe i thee infalibiity and cumisience. This typical of the way tha the power structure inthis suppose fee country ‘manipulates the flow of infomuaton to the public. To their credit, ‘you have to admit hat they doa cally masterful jo of manipulating ‘the moda and the resulting Now of information, since the vast jority of the population, and even the media swine thomselves do tt notice the liners they wear. After ll propaganda is wh they et in Rusia, Here we get the “news. Phosphine’s abiliy to disappear in the body can be explined prety simply. The chemical forma for phosphine is PH, meaning 4 composed of one stom of pnosphoroas, and tee atoms of hydoyen. As Tim sure all of you now, your body hs a lot of ‘phosphorous floating around in i, for builing teeth and bones, and tw perform & wie vr of eter functions inthe cells. Most of this Chapter Three War Gases 3 phosphorous isin the form of phogpte (PO) sn pyrophosphate (P.0}). When phosphiae is absorbed ino the body, i frst does ts diny work, producing sympeoms similar to arsine, then it ges ‘oxidized to the forms normally seen in the body. For this reason, ‘when Quincy and his ghoulish brothers at the morgue start examining the boy Muid of vietim of phosphine, there i nothing fr them to see. Phospine certainly comes closet perfection asa poison! Perfection, ofcourse, has it price. Tati the way ofthe wold. In (he cas of phosphine, the price i thai is eificult wo make, deliver, ‘or sore safely. Tat ia not to say chat he tack is impossible. Quite ‘the contrary. It is val within the ability of almost everyone to use ‘phosphine effectively. It just amst be understood up froat hat ‘Phospine cuir more care ia ts we than any ether substance scused inthis book, withthe exception a he neve gases. ‘The cause of this dfcuty is dhe fact tat phosphine, as normally ‘Prepared. will burst into flames when ic comes i contact with i ‘This desuoys the phosphine, making the tack fue. ‘The resuking flames could also injure the woul be atiacker, and sgl ay ements theater may he ad sag fx ‘Phosphne iseif does not spontansously burt into Oames in st, ‘but an unavoidable byproduct of making it, diphosphine (EL) does, and i the spark that sets off the whole mixture. The method given here for prdicing phosphine overcomes tis iiclty, allowing the : necked task, halt fl of wator and phosphorus Hotplate Parts not drawn to seale Chapter Tee War Gases 0 ‘This input net gas wil dilute the phosphine down to abet 2 or 3 pereet of the otal miscure. When iti his At, i is mo longer able to be detonated wen the ciphosphine in it igtites en contact ‘wih i. In this way, phosphine can be made and used Silly, with ‘69 saisfying ress. ‘This same apparatus can be used i» make phosphine from other ‘chemicals. Exteminstors miy havea chemical called zine phxphie, oof, fr dating with as. Is x gray poe. If 260 grams of i x placed in te I-necied flac (n0 water in the Mas’) aad pint of | hatdware store hyrochcic acd is run down cota it from the Separatcry funnel, about LN cubis fox of phosptine will be made ‘Natur, the lowe of inert gas is required with this method aso Foe more information on the effects of phon, se The American Journal of Medical Science, Volome 208, page 223 a9as) Chapter Four ‘Nerve Gas: The Poor Man’s Atom Bomb 8 Chapter Four NERVE GAS: THE POOR MAN’S ATOM BOMB [Bre since the detonation of to first atomic weepon in 1945, the {op prioity of ach navon that came to possess these weapous has ‘een to ep oer “less responsible” nations frm gaining acess to ‘ese weapons, and abave al to prevent rfl into the hands ‘of private “cco.” The Very ides of some group puting together a “basement nuke” and dangling this weapon of decision ‘over tbeir heads isthe ukimate nightmare for these “reaponsible” ‘tear eximinals. All this concorn is quite understandable since miclear weapons are extraordinarily spectacular und vecy macho, However, thete is another weapon of macs desrucion tat is just as devastating to mama life. A well-placed nerve gas bomb of sufficient size could inflict «death toll on a ety congarable to that of a medium-sized ‘uke. ‘With llth scrambling that has taken place over the years by various groups and nations for the moclear weapons of uss destruction, why has the chemical weapon of decision been $0 roundly ignored? 1 believe that combination of factors ate ‘esponsble fo this situation. First ofall, nerve gas isnot loud and spectacular Hike a mctear bomb i, soit does not icapice in the popular conscioumess the perception af power and feclings of terfor that a nuke does. Since the pesetion of power is just as Jimporant to the psychology of poical struggles 1s sctully Siteat Death 0 porscsing it thin isa commiting factor towards the orbaning of {hese chemical weapons. ‘Secondly, nerve ets snd other chemical weapons have not been ‘populaizs! and romaniiciasd by our cullae the way that pokes have been, To illustrate my point, just consider the ptbora of movies and books dealing with tome aspect of nuclear devastation fc its aRermoth. Tit list i nely endless. Ad to this the many ressure groupe whose sole purpse ist agitate forthe dismantling ‘Of mucear weapons and power plants. There is just no counterpart to this for chemical weapons, in spite oftheir amazing destructive tbiliies, The sole exception (o this that I'am aware of is a movie called And Millions Will Die starring Richard Basehart, made in 1973, This movie deat with a nerve g3s bomb planted in Hoog ‘Kong and the effort of authorities to defuse it ‘Finally there is de almost universal belie thatthe only way any ‘person or group could obtain a neve-gas bomb i to steal one from ‘sc Army stoctpile. Te origin ofthis strange belie 3s prety hard foe me to fathom, but ic has probably been plate in the popalar foomciousnese by the goverament throgh their lackeys in the ‘media. ‘Theft may be the only way amy grovp sboxt of major ‘gvreramenal status coud obtain a nuk, bot tis is definitely not the cate for nerve ga. Afterall, nerve ga is just a chemical, and net vey complicted or dificult substance to make. The expecience in modern times with clandestine drug laboratories ‘shonld be enoggh to wake clear my point that just becouse a ‘chemical i wot available through regular chanels doesn’t make rorking aspire “This section will concentrate on the mansfactre of Sarin, with cay passing reference made to the mamafacture ofthe on nerve goes. Thare are soveral practical nesses for this. Sarin is considerably more potest than Tabun, yet aot appreciably more ‘iffcut 10 make. Tabun uses in is manoficwre the chemical ‘whitleblower’s dalight, eyune, soi Bs best to stay away from it Soman is «litle more potent than Sarin, but good, reliable tnetions fo its preparation jastbave not been published, to the best of my Imowisdge. Iwill ner nuke some specultons on its ‘auntie that fel 30 sure of that I would bet my bottom dolar they are conect. Even $0, it is bast fo sick to te sure ting, I'm se you will agree wih my logic. ‘Very goed cirecios fo the symbess of Tabanan be found in ‘an antl by Holastedt in Acta Physiol. Scandinavia, poge 25 of Chapter Four [Nerve Gas: The Poor Man's Atom Bomb a ‘Supplement $0. Aso of iotrest in the same aril is compound that is few times mere potent that Tabun called dimetyimido- isopropony-phospbory! cyanide. Directions for is manufacture are found on page 27 of same stick ‘The synthesis of mother also-ran nerve. ga, called DPF, is described in detail by its inventor in a very fine book ied Same Aapecis of the Chemistry and Toric Action of Compounds of ‘Phosphorous and Fluorine by B.C. Saunders. More detail of ts reparation arc covered in an artick in the Joumal of the ‘Chemisry Sacer of London, page 695 to 699 (1948) by Saunders tt Suey, DP omay wet ta Tab bt oak is good reading as it covers ow industial-scale production problems were oFercame. Sarin was made in Germany daring World War 1 by the following proces: tt. ae 3 on pie (CH,PCL, + NaF + ‘CH,CHCH,— Cu.CHCH, F ee a ee ee. ‘This method was workable, lhough the yields were Iow and the product was always contaminated wih bypeodocts, Puc is next {0 Godliness even in ave gas! This process could stil be made 1 work todsy, since the starting mateil, methylphosphonic

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