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q 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Cytometry Part A 65A:148–157 (2005)

Selecting the Right Fluorophores and Flow

Cytometer for Fluorescence Resonance Energy
Transfer Measurements
G ath,1 Mikl
abor Horv os Petr 
as,1 Gergely Szentesi,2 Akos F an,1 John W. Park,3
Gy€ 1
orgy Vereb, and J anos Sz€ osi *
oll} 1,2
Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology, Medical and Health Science Center, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
Cell Biophysical Research Group of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for Molecular Medicine,
Medical and Health Science Center, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
Division of Hematology/Oncology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California
Received 21 December 2004; Revision Received 8 February 2005; Accepted 10 February 2005

Background: Fluorescence resonance energy transfer dependent parameters were calculated for all matching
applied in flow cytometry (FCET) is an excellent tool for pairs of seven fluorophores on the three commercial cyt-
determining supramolecular organization of biomolecules ometers. The most crucial parameter in determining the
at the cell surface or inside the cell. Availability of new applicability of the donor-acceptor pairs was the normal-
fluorophores and cytometers requires the establishment ized fluorescence intensity and the least important one
of fluorophore dye pairs most suitable for FCET measure- was the spectral overlap.
ments. Conclusions: On the basis of available laser lines, the
Methods: A gastric tumor cell line (N87) was labeled for optimal dye pair for all three cytometers is the Alexa546-
major histocompatibility complex class I heavy chain and Alexa647 pair, which produces high energy transfer effi-
b2-microglobulin with antibodies conjugated with fluores- ciency values and has the best spectral characteristics
cein- and indocarbocyanine-like fluorophores and analyzed with regard to laser excitation, detection of emission, and
in FCET measurements on a cell-by-cell basis using three spectral overlap. q 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
flow cytometers: FACSCalibur, FACSDiVa, and FACSArray.
Results: Normalized fluorescence intensity values were
measured and normalized energy transfer efficiencies, Key terms: fluorescence resonance energy transfer; flow
spectral overlap integrals, and crucial dye- and instrument- cytometry; donor-acceptor pair

Investigation of protein-protein associations is impor- of the FRET process is the decrease of donor fluorescence
tant in understanding the structure-function relations in in the presence of an acceptor in close vicinity (1–10 nm),
living cells. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer which is accompanied by an increase of fluorescence of
(FRET) based methods are excellent tools for determining the acceptor (if the acceptor is a fluorescent molecule).
association patterns of biomolecules at the cell surface or The FRET phenomenon has been adapted for microscopy
inside the cell. With the help of FRET, molecular dimen- (3–6) and flow cytometry (7–9) and several biological
sions can be measured and determined in functioning, live
cells, thus providing information that would be impossible Contract grant sponsor: Fogarty International Collaboration Award;
Contract grant number: 1 RO2 TW00871-01A2; Contract grant sponsor:
to obtain with other classic approaches, e.g., electron
European Community; Contract grant number: EU FP6 LSHB-CT-2004-
microscopic methods. 503467; Contract grant sponsor: Hungarian Ministry of Health; Contract
The theory of FRET was introduced by F€ orster in the grant numbers: ETT 524/2003 and ETT 532/2003; Contract grant spon-
late 1940s (1); however, it did not become widespread in sor: Hungarian National Research Fund; Contract grant numbers: OTKA
biomedical studies until Stryer’s popularizing article (2). T030399 and T037831; Contract grant sponsor: Hungarian Ministry of
Education; Contract grant number: B ekesy Fellowship to G.V.
The FRET process is a long-range dipole-dipole interaction *Correspondence to: Janos Sz€ oll}
osi, Department of Biophysics and
in which an excited donor fluorophore transfers its energy Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Medical and Health Science Center, Uni-
to a neighboring acceptor molecule in a nonradiative way. versity of Debrecen, P.O. Box 39, Nagyerdei krt. 98, H-4012 Debrecen,
The main application of FRET as a spectroscopic ruler is Hungary.
based on the fact that the rate of energy transfer depends Published online 11 April 2005 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.
on the inverse sixth power of the separation of the two
interacting molecules. The most apparent manifestation DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.20142
15524930, 2005, 2, Downloaded from by Centro De Investigacion Y De Estudios Avanzados Del Instituto, Wiley Online Library on [26/01/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
structures have been successfully investigated: receptors CO2 atmosphere) to confluency. For flow cytometry, cells
involved in immune response (10–12), growth factor were harvested by treatment with 0.05% trypsin and
receptors on tumor cells (13–15), determination of pro- 0.02% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
tein conformation (16,17), and lipid microdomain struc-
tures (9,18,19). Several reviews are also available for bio- Conjugation of Antibodies With Fluorescent Dyes
medical and clinical applications of FRET (8,18,20–24).
One of the first FRET approaches carried out in flow The W6/32 (against MHC class I heavy chain) and L368
cytometry was the flow cytometric energy transfer (FCET) (against b2-microglobulin) antibodies were a kind gift
method with two-color excitation and proper handling of from Francis Brodsky. Aliquots of antibodies (1 mg/ml
spectral crosstalk between fluorescent dyes (7,25). This concentration) were conjugated with the succinimide
method was developed for a classic cytometer equipped derivative of fluorescein-like (Alexa546, Alexa555,
with 488- and 514-nm lasers suitable for the frequently Alexa568, Alexa633, and Alexa647; Molecular Probes,
applied fluorescein and rhodamine dye pair. During FCET Eugene, OR, USA) and of indocarbocyanine-like (Cy3 and
measurements, these excitation wavelengths are not opti- Cy5; Amersham Biosciences, Freiburg, Germany) dyes, as
mal for the fluorescein and rhodamine pair because of the described previously (27). In the experiments, the W6/32
substantial crosstalk between the dyes in various detec- antibody was labeled with donor fluorophores (Cy3,
tion channels. In new versions of flow cytometric sys- Alexa546, Alexa555, and Alexa568), and the L368 anti-
tems, which usually incorporate 488- and 635-nm laser body with acceptor fluorophores (Cy5, Alexa633, and
excitations, the fluorescein and rhodamine pair cannot be Alexa647). The labeling ratios (L) were in the range of 1 to
applied because the 635-nm excitation is outside the spec- 5, where concentration quenching does not yet have a sig-
tral range of rhodamine and the spectral overlap between nificant effect on the fluorescence quantum yield of the
fluorescein and a typical dye excitable at 635 nm is mini- donor and acceptor dyes.
mal, practically prohibiting the FRET process. However,
recently developed dye pairs (Cy3-Cy5) were successfully Labeling Cells with Fluorescent Antibodies
adopted to a newer, bench-top cytometer (FACSCalibur), Freshly harvested cells were washed twice in ice-cold
and the analysis procedures were improved to consider phosphate buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4). The cell pellet
autofluorescence on a cell-by-cell basis by means of an was suspended in PBS at a final concentration of 4 3 107
otherwise unused detection channel (26). cells/ml, and then 25 ml of conjugated antibodies was
In recent years, the availability of cheaper diode and added to 25 ml of cell suspension and cells were incubated
solid-state lasers with higher power output and matching for 30 min on ice. The excess of antibody was at least five-
fluorophore pairs, which span the entire visible spectrum fold above saturating concentrations during the incuba-
reaching the far-red region, raised the question of select- tion. The same procedure was used for FRET samples, in
ing the ideal dye pair for the instrument in FRET studies. which a mixture of donor- and acceptor-labeled antibodies
In our study, we investigated the performance of fluores- was added to the cell suspension. The labeled cells were
cent dyes: Cy3, Alexa546, Alexa555, and Alexa568 (FRET washed twice with excess cold PBS and fixed with 1% for-
donors) and Cy5, Alexa633, and Alexa647 (FRET accep- maldehyde and PBS.
tors) in studying molecular associations with the help
of various flow cytometers: FACSCalibur, FACSDiVa, and Flow Cytometers
FACSArray. Some other types of fluorescent molecules
were not included in this investigation, but their general The FCET measurements were carried out on three
roles and usefulness were also considered. In this study, commercial cytometers: FACSCalibur, FACSVantage SE
we have summarized the results obtained for all matching with DiVa option, and FACSArray (Becton Dickinson,
pairs of the seven fluorophores on three flow cytometers Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). The FACSCalibur is equipped
and established parameters crucial for FCET measure- with a 488- and a 635-nm laser and three detectors were
ments. Taking into consideration all the significant para- used: FL2 (585/42 band pass), FL3 (670 long pass), and
meters that influence the magnitude and accuracy of the FL4 (661/16 band pass filter). The FACSDiVa features a
FRET efficiency value measured, we determined the most 532-nm diode-pumped solid-state laser, a 633-nm air-
suitable donor-acceptor pair for FCET measurements in all cooled HeNe laser, and a 488-nm Ar laser for forward scat-
cytometers tested. ter triggering. The emission filters were a 585/42 band
pass filter and two 650 long pass filters. The FACSArray is
shipped with a 532-nm solid-state laser and a 635-nm
MATERIALS AND METHODS diode laser, and for FRET measurements the detectors
Cell Lines with 585/42 band pass (yellow), 685 long pass (far red),
and 661/16 band pass (red) filters were used.
Human gastric cancer cell line N87 with high major his-
tocompatibility complex (MHC) class I expression level
Theory of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection
(Rockville, MD, USA) and grown according to the manu- The FRET phenomenon is a dipole-dipole interaction in
facturer’s specification (in RPMI containing 10% fetal calf which an excited donor fluorophore transfers its energy
serum, 2 mM l-glutamine, and 0.25% gentamicin in 5% to a neighboring acceptor molecule in a nonradiative way
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(28). This interaction manifests in the decrease of lifetime

of the donor molecule. The measure of FRET is the effi-
ciency (E) of energy transfer:

E¼ ð1Þ
kT þ kF þ kn

i.e., the fraction of absorbed photons that are transferred

without radiation to the acceptor, where kT is the rate of
energy transfer, kF is the rate of fluorescence of the donor
without an acceptor, and kn is the sum of all nonradiative
decay rates of the donor except of energy transfer. The
rate of interaction can be described as follows:

kT ¼ ðkF þ kn Þ ð2Þ

The combination of these two equations provides the

distance dependence of FRET efficiency:

E¼ ð3Þ
R06 þ R6

where R0 is the so-called F€

orster distance, i.e., the distance
at which FRET efficiency is 50%. The following term was FIG. 1. Normalized excitation spectra of donor and acceptor fluoro-
phores. The three laser lines used in our flow cytometric setups are indi-
derived for R0 (nanometers): cated by vertical lines as wavelength of excitation.

R0 ¼ 978  ðQD k2 n4 JDA Þ1=6 ; ð4Þ Flow Cytometric Energy Transfer Measurements
The easiest way to measure FRET in a flow cytometer is
where QD is the donor quantum yield in the absence of to use the background corrected fluorescence signal of
acceptor dyes, n is the index of refraction of the convey- the donor from a donor-only labeled sample (IDD) and a
ing medium (usually 1.4 is used for cell surface antibody donor- and acceptor-labeled sample (IDDA) and to calcu-
labeling), k2 is the orientation factor (its value is 0 to 4 late FRET efficiency (E) as:
and equals 2=3 for dynamic averaging of isotropic transition
moments) (29,30), and JDA is the overlap integral (28). IDDA
The JDA overlap integral (moles per cubic centimeter) can E ¼1 ð7Þ
be calculated in the knowledge of the donor emission and
acceptor excitation spectra:
The disadvantage of this ‘‘donor quenching’’ method is
Z 1 that the mean fluorescence intensity of two separate sam-
JDA ¼ fD ðlÞ«A ðlÞl4 dl; ð5Þ ples is used and these intensities are not corrected for
0 spectral crosstalk from the acceptor, and corrections for
antibody competition also have to be considered.
where fD(l) is the normalized fluorescence spectrum of To make corrections for spectral crosstalk and be able
the donor dye: to measure FRET efficiency on a cell-by-cell basis, one has
to detect three independent signals (7):
FDl ðlÞ
fD ðlÞ ¼ R 1 ð6Þ S4
0 FDl ðlÞdl I1 ðexcD ; emD Þ ¼ ID ð1  EÞ þ IA S4 þ  ID Ea ð8Þ

The overlap integrals of the dye pairs applied in this I2 ðexcD ; emA Þ ¼ ID ð1  EÞS1 þ IA S2 þ ID Ea ð9Þ
study were calculated from spectroscopic data available at
the Web site of the manufacturer (http://www.probes. S3
I3 ðexcA ; emA Þ ¼ ID ð1  EÞS3 þ IA þ  ID Ea ð10Þ
com), except for Cy3 and Cy5, which were measured on a S1
FluoroLog-3 spectrofluorometer (Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ,
USA). The excitation spectra of the fluorophores can be The equation set contains the direct donor excitation in I1,
seen in Figure 1. the acceptor sensitization in I2, the direct acceptor excita-
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Table 1
Normalized Fluorescence Intensities and Molar Extinction Coefficients of Donor and Acceptor
Fluorophore Imeas L Inorm emax (1/M* cm) eexc (1/M* cm)
Donor (488 nm) — 8a
Cy3 124 3.56 33 150,000 28,000
Alexa546 100 1.85 50 112,000 8,000
Alexa555 147 3.46 40 158,000 23,000
Alexa568 29 4.19 5 88,000 5,000
Acceptor (635 nm) — 1a
Cy5 411 2.91 158 250,000 187,000
Alexa633 80 1.06 75 159,000 154,000
Alexa647 1054 5.2 202 250,000 141,000
Donor (532 nm) — 27a
Cy3 1737 3.56 481 150,000 86,000
Alexa546 2094 1.85 1118 112,000 37,000
Alexa555 2215 3.46 632 158,000 78,000
Alexa568 280 4.19 61 88,000 30,000
Acceptor (633 nm) — 8a
Cy5 1130 2.91 386 250,000 174,000
Alexa633 392 1.06 362 159,000 159,000
Alexa647 2954 5.2 567 250,000 129,000
*Imeas, measured fluorescence intensity (in arbitrary units); L, labeling ratio of antibody (W6/32 in
the case of donor and L368 in the case of acceptor labeling); Inorm, normalized fluorescence inten-
sity; emax, molar extinction coefficient at maximum intensity; eexc, molar extinction coefficient at
excitation wavelength.

tion in I3, the unquenched donor fluorescence (ID), and the RESULTS
pure acceptor signal (IA). All intensities are background cor- Establishing Factors That Influence
rected. To solve the equation set, one has to determine the FCET Measurements
S1–4 spectral overlap factors in separate measurements with
We found four parameters that are relevant for deter-
donor- and acceptor-only labeled samples. Thereby the fol-
mining the practicality of FRET dye pairs, namely normal-
lowing equation can be derived for FRET efficiency:
ized fluorescence intensity (Inorm), overlap integral (JDA),
normalized energy transfer efficiency (Enorm), and the efr
A¼ coefficient.
1E The fluorescence intensity is very important in FCET mea-
1 S1 S2 ½I2 ð1  S3 S4 Þ  I1 ðS1  S2 S3 Þ  I3 ðS2  S1 S4 Þ surements because one measure of FRET efficiency is the
¼  :
a ðS1  S2 S3 ÞðI1 S2  I2 S4 Þ decrease of donor signal in the presence of an acceptor.
ð11Þ Thus, it is preferable that the donor signals are at least twice
as high as the background intensities to detect donor
quenching. In these measurements, the fluorescence intensi-
The a-factor is determined empirically according to the
ties were at least three times, but mostly fifty times, above
following formula:
background intensity. The background subtracted intensities
were corrected for labeling ratios to obtain the fluorescence
I2A LD BD «D intensities for the same number of fluorescent dyes (Table
a¼  ð12Þ
I1D LA BA «A 1). The Inorm values were in the ranges of 5 to 200 and 60 to
1,100 for FACSCalibur and FACSDiVa, respectively.
where I2A is the I2 signal of acceptor-only labeled sample and Because the rate of energy transfer is influenced by the
I1D is the I1 signal of donor-only labeled sample, L is the label- F€orster distance of the dye pair, which contains physical
ing ratio of the antibodies, B is the mean number of recep- constants distinctive for the dyes (see equation 4), this
tors labeled, and e is the excitation coefficient of the dyes at parameter should be a good tool for characterizing the
the donor excitation wavelength (the D and A indexes refer FRET dye pairs. Unfortunately, the quantum yield highly
to donor and acceptor, respectively). The ratio of molar depends on the environment, so it is difficult to tell the
extinction coefficients of the fluorophores at the donor exci- value of QD for a given donor dye under measurement
tation wavelength (eD/eA) is the so-called efr coefficient. conditions. However, it should be noted that R0 is mostly
The E transfer efficiency values are calculated on a cell- sensitive to QD in the range of 0.0 to 0.3 (28), which is the
by-cell basis with AFlex software (31) and are presented characteristic range for cyanine dyes, whereas the Alexa
as mean values from approximately normally distributed, dyes have quantum yield values about or higher than 0.3
unimodal energy transfer histograms of 20,000 cells. in our experience (data not shown); for further informa-
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Table 2 portional to the labeling ratios (or the a-factor) but the A
Overlap Integrals of Donor and Acceptor Dye Pairs* value is, the A 5 E/(1 2 E) values have to be used for nor-
Acceptors malization to LD:LA 5 1:1. The normalized efficiencies
Donors Cy5 Alexa633 Alexa647
(Enorm) listed in Table 3 were calculated with the formulas
derived from equations 11 and 12:
Cy3 5.5 5.5 5.2
Alexa546 8.1 7.2 7.8
Alexa555 8.7 7.4 8.6 Anorm ¼  ð13Þ
Alexa568 14.6 10.5 14.9 LRnorm 1  E
*Overlap integrals (JDA; 1013 M/cm3) are calculated from emis-
sion and excitation spectra with equation 5 as explained in Mate- where LRnorm 5 1. Then, the obtained Anorm values were
rials and Methods. converted to normalized transfer efficiencies:

tion, please see Shapiro (32), pp. 336–338. In the present Anorm
Enorm ¼ ð14Þ
study, the actual distances were not important, so we used 1 þ Anorm
the overlap integral rather than the F€orster distance. The
JDA overlap integrals for the 12 combinations were calcu- Dye pairs containing Alexa568 as a donor showed the
lated as described in Materials and Methods and are pre- highest FRET efficiency values; on one occasion, for the
sented in Table 2. The JDA values were in the range of Alexa568 and Alexa633 pair, the normalized FRET effi-
5–15 3 10213 M/cm3 and were the highest for dye pairs ciency value was even close to 0.80 on the FACSDiVa
containing Alexa568 as a donor and lowest for pairs con- instrument. The lowest normalized FRET efficiency values
taining Cy3 as a donor. (about 0.22) were obtained for dye pairs containing
The actual measured FRET efficiency (E) also has to be Alexa546 dyes as a donor on the FACSCalibur instrument.
taken into account to find a good dynamic range for the E FRET efficiency histograms for the dye pairs containing
value. Low E values compromise the statistical accuracy Alexa647 as an acceptor are shown in Figure 2. The high-
of the measurements and hinder monitoring changes in est mean value of the FRET efficiency distribution histo-
the association pattern. High E values are also error prone, gram was obtained for the Alexa568-Alexa647 pair, but
especially above 90%, because of the way E is calculated the width of the distribution curve was also the largest for
from the experimentally determined A parameter (E 5 A/ this pair.
[1 1 A]). The E values were obtained by detecting all Another important factor is the a-factor or the efr coeffi-
three intensities in equations 8–10, solving for equation cient. Because the a-factor contains parameters that may
11 on a cell-by-cell basis, and tabulating the means of vary in each experiment, we found that the efr coefficient
unimodal efficiency distribution histograms. To compare provides a more reliable means to characterize FRET dye
the efficiency values between dye pairs, they have to be pairs. The efr coefficient is given by the ratio of molar
normalized for their excitation spectrum, quantum yield, extinction coefficients of the fluorophores at the donor
and the donor-acceptor ratios of the dyes. The excitation excitation wavelength (eD/eA). Because this physical para-
spectra are already considered in the a-factor, although meter cannot be reliably obtained from observing the
the quantum yields are not known, but the correction for absorption spectrum of the dyes, another possibility is to
donor-acceptor ratios can be easily implemented. In our determine the FRET efficiency from equation 11 and
biological system, the light and heavy chains of MHC class change the efr factor (or the related a-factor) until the effi-
I molecules are expressed constitutively on the cell sur- ciency value equals the one obtained by the donor
face, and only a small portion (<10%) of the heavy chains quenching calculation (corrected for antibody competi-
stands alone. So it can be surmised that almost all donor- tion) and/or the unquenched donor fluorescence intensity
labeled antibodies are in close proximity of 1 and only one (ID) equals the fluorescence intensity of the donor-only
acceptor-labeled antibody. In such cases, only the ratio of labeled sample. The efr coefficients determined this way
the labeling ratios (LD/LA 5 LR) has to be considered are summarized in Table 4 for two cytometers (FACSCali-
because the ratio of the number of antibodies is approxi- bur and FACSDiVa). The efr values were in the range of
mately 1. Because the FRET efficiency is not linearly pro- 0.2 to 17 and were the highest for dye pairs containing

Table 3
Normalized Energy Transfer Efficiencies (Enorm) of Dye Pairs*
Donors Cy5 Alexa633 Alexa647 Cy5 Alexa633 Alexa647
Cy3 0.341 0.327 0.298 0.345 0.326 0.244
Alexa546 0.236 0.213 0.202 0.311 0.412 0.258
Alexa555 0.366 0.382 0.393 0.388 0.537 0.451
Alexa568 0.574 0.641 0.585 0.655 0.796 0.657
*The E values were normalized to labeling ratios of donor and acceptor dyes.
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lower JDA and efr values, but its Enorm was remarkable. So
none of the acceptors should be excluded.
For a more thorough investigation, Alexa546 and
Alexa555, as donors, and Cy5, Alexa633, and Alexa647, as
acceptors, giving six dye pairs, were used.
First, we analyzed the intensities (Table 1) and found
that Alexa546 had a fluorescence intensity that was two
times as high as that for Alexa555. Among the acceptors,
we found no great differences and the intensities fluctu-
ated a bit from one cytometer to another. Nonetheless, it
should be noted that Alexa647 has the highest intensity
and Alexa633 the lowest intensity. So the Alexa546-
Alexa647 pair is the best choice when considering fluores-
FIG. 2. FRET efficiency distribution histograms of donor fluorophores cence intensity.
with Alexa647 as an acceptor measured on a FACSDiVa flow cytometer. Second, we examined the overlap integrals (Table 2)
The FRET efficiency values were calculated on a cell-by-cell basis by equa-
tion 11 as described in Material and Methods. because they determine the range of sensitivity of energy
transfer via the F€
orster distance. In all cases, Alexa633 as
an acceptor produced the smallest overlap integral and
Cy3 as a donor and lowest for pairs containing Alexa568 Alexa555 as a donor had the highest overlap integral. The
as a donor. other two acceptors, Cy5 and Alexa647, produced similar
values, although the value for Cy5 was a bit higher. Thus,
in this respect, the Alexa555-Cy5 pair was the best dye
Selecting the Most Suitable FRET Dye Pair
pair, but the other dyes should not be excluded because
Because of the large number of combinations between of the small differences between dye pairs (JDA values
the four donor and three acceptor dyes, we wanted to nar- were in the range of 7.2 to 8.7 3 10213 M/cm3).
row the scope of our search to obtain the most suitable Then we investigated the normalized FRET efficiency
dye pair. The relevant approach seemed to be to focus first values (Table 3). For the two donor dyes, we obtained
on the overlap integrals and FRET efficiency values to fairly similar values on both cytometers, so we do not
sieve out the less favorable dyes. As can be seen in Table believe this is a decisive factor in either case. However,
2, Cy3 has the worst JDA characteristics and is known to there were larger differences between the acceptor dyes,
have the lowest fluorescence quantum yield (see product and Alexa633 had the highest FRET values, whereas
description), although the Enorm and efr values are quite Alexa647 had the lowest. Thus the Alexa555-Alexa633
high and the intensity is average. Another striking feature pair is the most effective when viewing the normalized
is the very high JDA and E values for the Alexa568 dye. FRET efficiency values. It should be noted that the Enorm
However, these values should be contrasted with the values measured on FACSDiVa (532- and 633-nm excita-
extremely low intensity and efr values, which result in less tion) were higher in all cases than those measured on
reliable FRET efficiency histograms (broad distribution) FACSCalibur (488- and 635-nm excitation), although they
and render FCET measurements practically useless with should be the same independent of the instrument. This
this dye. For a comparison of FRET efficiency distribution difference is most likely due to the better signal-to-noise
histograms of donor dyes with the acceptor Alexa647, see ratio of the donor fluorescence because the 532-nm exci-
Figure 2. Thus, two donor dyes, Cy3 and Alexa568, should tation is more suited for the donors than is the 488-nm
be excluded from further investigations. Looking at the excitation.
data of acceptor dyes, we found no significant differences. The last factor we investigated was the efr coefficient
Although Alexa647 had slightly smaller Enorm values, it (Table 4), and the largest differences occurred in this data-
produced the highest intensity, whereas Alexa633 had set. The efr coefficients of Alexa555-containing dye pairs

Table 4
The efr Coefficients of FRET Dye Pairs*
Donors Cy5 Alexa633 Alexa647 Cy5 Alexa633 Alexa647
Cy3 17.0 10.4 14.8 8.5 3.7 7.1
Alexa546 9.0 7.1 8.1 4.2 1.3 3.3
Alexa555 12.7 6.8 9.2 6.0 1.3 3.1
Alexa568 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.2 0.4
*The efr coefficient is the ratio of molar extinction coefficients (eD/eA) of the fluorophores at
the donor excitation wavelength (488 nm on FACSCalibur and 532 nm on FACSDiVa). The values
were determined empirically by comparing the FRET efficiency values obtained on a cell-by-cell
basis with that obtained by the donor quenching method.
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were higher than those of the Alexa546-containing pairs, The difference in signal-to-noise ratio also had a great
which should have been the other way if only the excita- effect on the FRET efficiency values. Signal-to-noise ratio
tion spectra had been considered (Fig. 1). However, the and FRET efficiency were higher on the FACSDiVa than on
values with Alexa633 were (almost) the same on both cyt- the FACSCalibur for all tested dye pairs, although in princi-
ometers, and on FACSDiVa the Alexa546-Alexa647 pair ple the FRET efficiency values should be independent of
had a higher efr value than did the Alexa555-Alexa647 the instrument. This discrepancy challenges the compar-
pair. The efr values for the acceptors tested increased in ability of FRET results measured at the different research
the order Alexa633, Alexa647, and Cy5 independent of centers and/or on diverse equipment. In general, FRET
the donor on both cytometers. Therefore, when consider- efficiencies (even the distribution histograms) should be
ing the efr values, the Alexa555-Cy5 pair seems to be the quite similar if measured on the same instrument or the
best choice for FCET measurements. same type of instrument, and the differences that arise
The three instrument-dependent parameters were also can be attributed to the biological variance of the samples.
determined for the Alexa546-Alexa647 dye pair on the This argument is probably also valid for the instruments
FACSArray. The normalized fluorescence intensities were with similar excitation laser lines, optical filters, and
5,356 and 20,852 (with background intensities 83 and 11) detectors. However, the change in the excitation wave-
for Alexa546 (LD 5 4.05) and Alexa647 (LA 5 4.54), length of the donor can seriously influence its quantum
respectively. These values were even larger than those yield (this physical parameter is usually not independent
obtained with FACSDiVa, probably due to the cuvette sys- of the wavelength, except in special cases), which in turn
tem. The normalized FRET efficiency value was 0.352, has a large effect, via the F€
orster distance, on the value of
which was larger than those for FACSCalibur and FACS- FRET efficiency. A more ideal excitation wavelength also
DiVa. The efr coefficient, determined as described in Mate- increases the donor signals and highly narrows the instru-
rials and Methods, was the same (3.3) as that for the FACS- ment-dependent variance of the FRET efficiency distribu-
DiVa, which can be explained by the similar laser lines tion histograms, which can manifest in altered mean FRET
and detection optics. efficiencies. Thus, a feasible strategy to match data from
different laboratories should at least include the compari-
DISCUSSION son of fluorescence intensities and normalized FRET effi-
In our study, we selected seven recently developed ciencies and, if possible, quantum yield data of the fluoro-
fluorescent dyes, Cy3, Alexa546, Alexa555, and Alexa568 phores in use.
(FRET donors) and Cy5, Alexa633, and Alexa647 (FRET The JDA and efr coefficient values presented in this
acceptors), for flow cytometric energy transfer measure- report may be useful in other experiments. Because the
ments. The measurements were carried out on two cyt- overlap integrals were calculated from known excitation
ometers, FACSCalibur and FACSDiVa, and the Alexa546- and emission spectra of the dyes, these values can be used
Alexa647 dye pair was also tested on a FACSArray, with to calculate the F€orster distance in the knowledge of the
excitation and detection characteristics similar to those donor quantum yield. The only problem may be the inser-
used for the FACSDiVa. To elucidate the comparison of the tion of k2, which in special cases can be estimated if
fluorophores and cytometers, we characterized and mea- enough evidence is supplied. The most important feature
sured four parameters that influence FCET measurements: of the efr coefficient is that these values are transitive
normalized fluorescence intensity, overlap integral, nor- between the same types of cytometers and can be used
malized FRET efficiency, and the efr coefficient. for FCET measurements on any cytometer with the same
If we compare all datasets obtained on the three cyt- optical setup (this mainly stands for the commercial con-
ometers, the most significant feature is the pronounced figurations of FACSCalibur and FACSArray). These coeffi-
fluorescence intensity (and signal-to-noise ratio) with the cients can also be derived from the excitation spectrum of
532-nm donor excitation, which is not surprising in view the fluorophores, but they are not so reliable because of
of their excitation spectrum. However, the normalized the small signal-to-noise ratio of the fluorescence of accep-
fluorescence intensities measured with different flow cyt- tor dyes at the donor excitation wavelength. It should be
ometers cannot really be compared even if the detector noted that the efr coefficients obtained in this work and
and laser energy profiles are known because of the differ- those derived from the spectra are different, and the ones
ent excitation and light harvesting conditions. One might presented in this work are more valid for measurements
also note large differences between intensities due to the on biological systems.
different digitization schemes of the instruments, e.g., the During the analysis of the results, two donor dyes (Cy3
FACSCalibur uses 10-bit analog-to-digital conversion, and Alexa568) were left out from thorough investigation,
whereas the FACSDiVa, for pulse peak area, uses 18-bit but they certainly can be considered with different cyt-
analog-to-digital conversion. Therefore, to increase the ometers and in other applications. Despite its large popu-
sensitivity of FCET measurements, we can state that it is larity in genomic research, we recommend the use of Cy3
not enough to use fluorophores that emit in the red region as a FRET donor for protein studies only if the expression
of the visible spectrum (where the amount of autofluores- level of the molecule in question is high. However, the
cence is smaller) as was previously described (26), but the Cy3-Cy5 dye pair is an ideal candidate for microscopic
flow cytometer has to be also equipped with lasers that acceptor photobleaching FRET experiments (33,34)
provide optimal excitation of these fluorophores. because Cy5 is highly susceptible to photobleaching, and
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with the available detection filters and mercury arc lamps (32). We found that the FC500 (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton,
or 543-nm laser excitation Cy3 is very practical. The CA, USA) and the CyAn (DakoCytomation, Fort Collins, Col-
strong argument for entirely excluding the Alexa568 dye orado, USA) have characteristics similar to the FACSCalibur;
was its insufficient excitability with the 488- and 532-nm they share the same light sources, detection filters, and cuv-
lasers of our cytometers. However, if a cytometer is ette system, so the results presented in this report are pre-
equipped with a laser light source that has a characteristic sumably valid for these two instruments and for two other
emission line closer to the maximum of the excitation instruments from Becton Dickinson, the LSR II and FACS-
spectrum of the dye (e.g., the 543-nm line of a HeNe laser Aria. There is also the CyFlow instrument (Partec GmbH,
or the 568-nm line of an Ar/Kr laser), then Alexa568 M€unster, Germany), which can be equipped with a whole
would be a far superior FRET donor fluorophore. Similar range of diode lasers, so it is possible to build a system that
lasers are already used in confocal microscopes, so the is even more suitable (regarding optics) for FCET studies
Alexa568-Alexa647 pair (see JDA values listed in Table 2) than the commercially available setups we investigated.
might be the most suitable FRET pair for intensity-based FACSArray, a relatively cheap and incredibly fast instru-
FRET microscopy (4). ment, seems to be a great asset for large-scale FCET mea-
The two remaining donor fluorophores, Alexa546 and surements because it combines flow cytometric analysis
Alexa555, were quite similar in every aspect of our investi- with FRET to yield a powerful, high-throughput assay for
gation, but Alexa555 was superior in most cases. In our the detection of molecular associations in intact cells.
model system of highly expressed surface antigens, differ- Some other sets of fluorophores were also discarded
ences in signal-to-noise ratios of donor fluorescence were from this report, namely the phycobilin proteins, variants
not prominent with these two dyes, but the low fluores- of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), and quantum dots.
cence signal of the donor dye on a low-expressed antigen The phycobilin proteins, R-phycoerythrin and allophy-
can unfavorably influence the variance of FRET distribu- cocyanin, and their tandem conjugate derivatives are
tion histograms and seriously limit the sensitivity of FRET very popular in immunofluorescence studies because
measurements. Thus the most important parameter in the their exceptional excitability (2 million 1/M* cm for R-
case of a donor dye is its fluorescence intensity and, phycoerythrin) allows for the detection of hundreds of
hence, signal-to-noise ratio in the donor fluorescence antigens (35). However, the size of these proteins is
channel, which makes Alexa546 a better partner for FCET comparable to that of antibodies and thus renders them
experiments. (Here the higher normalized fluorescence inaccurate or even impractical for detecting small mole-
intensity can only be attributed to the better quantum cular distances. Another consequence of their size is
yield of Alexa546.) In the case of an acceptor dye, the that they move relatively slowly and cannot rotate as
degree of spectral crosstalk to the donor fluorescence freely as small fluorescent molecules, which has a tre-
channel and the overlap integral is more important. In this mendous effect on their orientational freedom. This
respect, Cy5 seemed to be the best choice and Alexa633 inability manifests in such k2 values, where the range of
the worst choice as a FRET acceptor and Alexa647 is very FRET efficiency is impractical (36).
similar to Cy5. The only reason we think Cy5 should be When fluorophores conjugated to antibodies are used
considered as a less favorable fluorophore is its low quan- as donor-acceptor pairs in FRET studies on live cells, these
tum yield and weak photostability, which have to be taken approaches are often restricted to the extracellular part of
into account if we want to expand our observations over molecules and depend on the availability of appropriate
microscopic and fluorometric studies. antibodies. The recent development of GFP variants suita-
After analyzing the relevant four parameters (normal- ble for FRET has expanded the utility of this methodology
ized fluorescence intensity, Inorm; overlap integral, JDA; by permitting the study of intracellular and extracellular
normalized energy transfer efficiency, Enorm; and efr coef- processes (37–39). However, despite their known advan-
ficient), we found that the Alexa555-Cy5 and Alexa546- tages and recently gained importance, there are several
Alexa647 pairs have the best characteristics. The real disadvantages that render them difficult to use in
Alexa555-Cy5 pair exhibits the highest overlap integral FRET studies. Combining GFP variants to form good FRET
and FRET efficiency, whereas the Alexa546-Alexa647 pair pairs takes some amount of prudence because the excita-
has the highest fluorescence intensity. Because the most tion and detection ranges are usually quite close so that
important parameter in fluorescence measurements is the spectral crosstalk may hinder the accurate determination
excitability and detectability of the fluorescent dye, the of FRET efficiencies. These difficulties caused by spectral
Alexa546-Alexa647 pair is the most suitable fluorophore overlap can be overcome by the detection of the entire
pair for FCET experiments. In contrast, in some micro- spectrum and mathematically unmixing the components
scopic techniques the photodestructibility of the fluoro- (40,41). Another limitation is that most available laser
phores is also important, so the Alexa555-Cy5 pair (from lines are not optimal for excitation, and the GFP variants
the set of dyes we tested in this study) is the best choice mostly cover the lower part of the visible spectrum,
for acceptor photobleaching FRET measurements (9). where autofluorescence greatly limits the sensitivity.
Unfortunately, we could not test flow cytometers other Nonetheless, some new variants emitting in the red region
than those from Becton Dickinson, but we have assessed (DsRed) may be successfully applied for FRET studies
other cytometers from different manufacturers available (42). A great disadvantage is the need for cotransfection of
on the market; for a thorough list, see chapter 8 in Shapiro two proteins. This difficulty can be circumvented by
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