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Case Study Analysis

Human Resource Management with Organizational

Behavior (COBSHUR)

Submitted by:

Capps, Lara Ysabelle

Castro, Kirsten Mae

Cruz, Khloe

Gugol, Chelcy Mari

Ulob, Kirsten Cassandra Tattiana D.

Yamson, Jenine Arianna H.

Submitted to:

Dr. Armand Aguado

What should Ludwig recommend to the team when they meet the next day? Make sure to

sufficiently justify your decision.

Considering the dilemma with the pros and cons of maintaining remote work, it would be

best to find a way to balance both ends of the spectrum, those in management and the workers

they manage. Given that FunctionFox is an information technology company, it would be alright

to maintain remote working. However, there would still be a need to address the present concerns

of both the management and workers for the company to have a more consistent flow of work

from both ends while still keeping in mind that the employees of FunctionFox love working

together, and the majority prefer remote work. Therefore, the company should return only part

onsite work for their employees.

Since this situation is in the context of the pandemic, both environmental and individual

aspects of work need to be considered. It is best to suggest that there should be a sector mainly

for remote working and a sector that can deal with hybrid work since it is more efficient to

maintain remote work either way. Hence, the more flexible approach to select is a Hybrid set-up

as it allows the company to check in with their employees while catering to their accessibility

and convenience.

In addressing management's concern regarding looking over the employees in the online

set-up, the company should appoint supervisors specifically for remote workers to ensure they

carry out their tasks while remaining engaged. Remote workers may continue to work in the

comfort of their homes and create group chats for other remote workers to communicate in for

work troubles or their own leisure. As for the hybrid workers, this may benefit the company by

again experiencing the bond that was before the pandemic while maintaining the balance on both

ends of the spectrum. However, FunctionFox should have a more elaborate management system
for the hybrid set-up, such as having weekly check-in or report to measure the performance and

engagement of the employees with their work and well-being.

With the core values of FunctionFox focusing on both their clients' immediate needs and

the growth of their employees to make their lives more convenient, it implies the vitality of

instilling all existing core values and systems of the company as they modify their working

environment, given that these factors greatly influence their primary objectives. The transition

from full-on remote working to a hybrid set-up can eventually boost employee productivity as

they gain social connections and further develop their communication skills.

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