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Dashboard / My courses / Mathematical and Computational Sciences / MA855 - 31315 / Quiz / Quiz 1

Started on Sunday, 9 April 2023, 9:20 AM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 9 April 2023, 9:45 AM
Time taken 24 mins 59 secs
Marks 19.25/20.00
Grade 9.63 out of 10.00 (96%)

Question 1
NoSql can be refereed to as

Mark 0.50 out Select one:

of 0.50
a. SQL undefined

b. Not only SQL 

c. SQL redefined


Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Not only SQL

Question 2
Which command in MongoDB is equivalent to “select” in SQL

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. find() 

b. document()

c. collect()

d. search()

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: find()

Question 3
Decision tree is a Unsupervised Learning method.

Mark 0.50 out Select one:

of 0.50

False 

Decision tree is a Supervised Learning method.

The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 4 Which of the following are the advantages of shared nothing architecture?

Mark 1.00 out Select one or more:

of 1.00
a. Memory is shared

b. Disk is shared

c. Scalability 

d. Fault Isolation 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: Scalability, Fault Isolation

Question 5 A software that automates the responses to customer queries is called a Chatbot

Mark 0.50 out Select one:

of 0.50
True 


Yes, A software that automates the responses to customer queries is  called a

The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 6
Which of the following method(s) is/are examples of Unsupervised learning?

Mark 1.00 out Select one or more:

of 1.00
a. Decision Tree

b. Regression model

c. Association rule 

d. Clustering 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: Clustering, Association rule

Question 7
Which of the following are correct with respect to Replication in MongoDB
Select one or more:
Mark 0.50 out
a. The replica set has a one primary and one secondary member 
of 1.00
b. Each write  request from client is directed to the primary

c. It helps to recover from hardware failure 

d. It provides data redundancy and high availability 

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 2.

The correct answers are: It provides data redundancy and high availability, It helps to
recover from hardware failure, Each write  request from client is directed to the
Question 8 Which of the following statement(s)  is(are) wrong?
Select one or more:
Mark 0.75 out
a. Replication factor can be configured at a cluster level (Default is set to 3) and
of 1.00
also at a file level. 

b. User data is stored on Local file system of DataNode

c. Block report from each DataNode contains a list of all blocks that are stored on
that DataNode

d. DataNode is aware of the file to which the blocks stored in it belong to. 

Your answer is partially correct.

You have selected too many options.

NameNode is aware of the file to which the blocks stored in it belong to.

The correct answer is: DataNode is aware of the file to which the blocks stored in it
belong to.

Question 9 2 Drugs : Drug A and Drug B are used to treat a disease. The effectiveness of the
Correct drug  and the payoff for different conditions are shown in Table. 
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00

Drug info
Decisions Mild Moderate Severe
Drug A
0.25 0.4 0.35
Drug A
10000 50000 25000
 Drug B
 0.2  0.5  0.3
 Drug B
 30000  40000  40000

Using the Decision tree model, The expected return in case of Drug A and Drug B
respectively are

Select one:
a. 95000, 40000

b. 36000, 37500

c. 110000, 38000 

d. 110000, 36000

Your answer is correct.

drug A 10000*.25+50000*0.4+25000*.35= 31250

drug B 30000*0.2+ 40000*0.5+40000*0.3=38000

Choice 1 is close answer 
The correct answer is: 110000, 38000
Question 10 Which of the following correctly defines MongoDB

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. Object Oriented DBMS

b. Document oriented DBMS 


d. Key-value store

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Document oriented DBMS

Question 11 In association rule mining, a larger dataset would give better analysis results

Mark 0.50 out Select one:

of 0.50
True 


The larger the dataset better will be the analysis result in Association rule mining
The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 12 Hadoop focusses on moving Data to Code


Mark 0.50 out Select one:

of 0.50

False 

Hadoop focusses on moving Code to Data

The correct answer is 'False'.

Question 13 Which of the following is not a NoSQL database?


Mark 1.00 out Select one or more:

of 1.00
a. SQL Server 

b. Oracle 

c. MongoDB

d. Cassandra

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: SQL Server, Oracle
Question 14 The save() method in MongoDB will insert a new document if the document with the
Correct specified id exist
Mark 0.50 out
of 0.50 Select one:

False 

The save() method in MongoDB will insert a new document if the document with the
specified id does not exist
The correct answer is 'False'.

Question 15 The core priniciple of NoSQL is


Mark 0.50 out Select one:

of 0.50
a. low availability

b. both High and low availability

c. provide  fixed Schema

d. High availability 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: High availability

Question 16 Which of the following performs the book keeping function in hadoop

Mark 1.00 out Select one:

of 1.00
a. Secondary NameNode

b. DataNode

c. NameNode 

d. Task Tracker

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: NameNode

Question 17 Which of the following are the features of NoSQL?


Mark 1.00 out Select one or more:

of 1.00
a. No support for ACID property 

b. provide  fixed Schema

c. Distributed 

d. Non Relational 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: Non Relational, Distributed, No support for ACID property
Question 18 A software that automates the responses to customer queries is called a Chatbot

Mark 0.50 out Select one:

of 0.50
True 


Yes, A software that automates the responses to customer queries is  called a
The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 19
Which of the following represents the correct sequence with repect Map reduce
Correct activity.
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00 Select one:
a. Mapper, Combiner, Partitioner,  Shufle and sort, Reducer 

b. Mapper, Combiner, Partitioner, Reducer, Shufle and sort

c. Mapper, Partitioner, Combiner,  Shufle and sort, Reducer

d. Mapper, Partitioner, Shuffle and sort, Combiner, Reducer

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Mapper, Combiner, Partitioner,  Shufle and sort, Reducer

Question 20 Consider the following reviews on a scale of 5 by two customers for different sellers.
Correct Compute the Pearson-Correlation-Coefficient for the given data to estimate the
Mark 2.50 out match between Alice and Bob.
of 2.50

Review table
AirVoice  Sangeeta mobile   Surabhi    Shree Systems   Binary systems
Alice 4.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.0
Bob 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0

Select one:
a. 0.92

b. 0.40

c. 0.89 

d. 0.64

e. 0.58

Your answer is correct.

Numerator 45-41.6=3.4
Denominator sqrt( 39-33.8) * sqrt(54-51.2)= sqrt(5.2)*sqrt(2.8)=3.815756


The correct answer is: 0.89

Question 21 Association rule mining is also refererred to as affinity analysis.

Mark 0.50 out Select one:

of 0.50
True 


Association rule mining is also refererred to as  market basket analysis or affinity
The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 22
Which of the following is equivalent to 
Select * from employees order by salary
Mark 1.00 out
of 1.00
Select one:
a. db.employees.sort({"salary:1"})

b. db.employees.find().sort({"salary:1"})

c. db.employees.find().sort({"salary":1}) 

d. db.employees.sort({"salary":1})

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: db.employees.find().sort({"salary":1})

Question 23
Which of the following is not a NoSQL database?

Mark 1.00 out Select one or more:

of 1.00
a. Oracle 

b. MongoDB

c. Cassandra

d. SQL Server 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: SQL Server, Oracle

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