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In my point of view, one should 

use recycled and eco-friendly products such as paper or jute bags instead of
plastic bags. Throwing of plastic bags by the roadside only makes our surroundings dirty and unhygienic.
Plastic bags are not soluble so they clog drains and cause water logging. So as I wanna say is: Avoid littering
and properly dispose of waste as much as you can, which is an essential measure against land pollution both
for households as well as for industries.

For the solutions to phone addiction in children, here are something I wanna say to parents. You need to be
strong and strict with your children. Explain to them the dangers of spending too much time on their phones,
and set limits on how much time they can spend on their devices daily. And don’t forget to encourage them
to find other activities for occupying their time, such as playing outside, reading, or spending time with family
and friends.

I’m sure that with everyone’s help, together, we can kick the habit and lead to a healthier and happier world

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