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Lab 7

Linux 1 (MIT 416)

Instructor: - Apurv Patel
July 6, 2023
 Questions must be in Word Size 12 and BOLD for the questions and same size with
normal font for answers.
 Every line must be indented with a proper documentation.
 In the header, write your student ID and Page number in the footer.
 File’s name must be STUDENTID_LAB.docx.
 You need to make appealing headings including your subject name, your name and
student ID, lab number etc.
 Write these commands in CLI and take a screenshot.
 Write few line for the same screenshot, that how does it work.

Package Management
Part 0: Change your hostname
1. Run the command hostname w{your student number} for example, hostname

Part 1: Looking up information on a package
1. Save all the answers of this documents in ~/lab6.txt 
2. Run the command apt info tmux 
3. What is the version number of tmux? __________ 

4. Now look up tmux online, what is the latest version? _________ 

5. Lookup the info on the php package.  What is the version available? ________ 
6. What is the latest version of php available? _________ 

7. Lookup the info on apache web server (the apache2 package)? _________ 

8. What is the latest version of the apache web server? _________ 

Part 2: Install packages with apt
1. Install apt-file using the command apt install apt-file 
2. Accept installing the extra packages by typing y followed by Enter 

3. Install htop using apt 

4. Verify htop is working by running the htop command (Press F10 to quit or play
around to learn a bit about htop). 
5. Verify the installation by running the command apt-file update 

6. Install mlocate using apt 

7. Update the locate database by using updatedb 

8. Install the wget package using apt 

Part 3: Listing packages using apt
1. Run the command apt list --installed 

2. Noitce how there are more packages then available screen space?  Pipe the output
of the command to less like: apt list --installed | less 

3. What if we want to know how many packages there are? Well notice the first line
just says “Listing” so we want to skip that, so instead of piping to less, pipe to tail -n+2
this will show all lines starting from the 2nd line. Next 
pipe the output of that command to wc -l 
How many packages are installed? ____200_____ 

4. List all available packages with apt list.  How many are there? _____

5. Find the apache2-bin package, what version is it?  ______

What is the architecture that is supported? _________TREE________________ 

Part 4: Searching for packages in apt

1. Using apt search with or without the --names-only argument to search for a package
that provides SSL.  If the results are too long don’t forget to use less. 
2. Which package provides “Secure Sockets Layer toolkit – cryptographic utility”?

3. Is that package installed (Use apt info to find out, look for the fields APT-Manual-
Installed.  Remember if it is yes you manually installed the package, if it is no it has been
installed as a dependency)?  ___________ 
4. Now find a package that has the file bin/ifconfig command using the apt-file search

5. What package provides ifconfig? ___________ 

6. Is the package installed? _____Yes_________ 
Part 5: Removing a package with apt and install a package using dpkg
1. Remove htop using apt remove htop 

2. Now download Rclone 


3. Next we want to install the latest version of rclone using dpkg 

dpkg -i {file you just downloaded … USE TAB TO AUTOCOMPLETE} 

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