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A natural beauty

A natural beauty, where else would you find a natural beauty than in the places where you grew
up? The lands that you’ve seen through a child’s eyes, as well as an adult’s, and the ones you dreamt
about with fairytales, and the ones you had nightmares about because of the villains in them.

I used to spend my summers with my grandparents. Their small village was the best
environment I could have asked for while growing up, but it wasn’t the people or the town that formed
me into who I am, it was the forest near it.

I loved that forest, and I still do, it’s ten acres of wonder. As you leave through the backside of
my grandparent’s house, you are met with a patch full of dark green, almost making you back out of
your adventure, but as you step in, and wonder through the dense nature, you begin to realize that the
loudest thing surrounding you is your own heartbeat. There are sunrays sneaking through the leaves,
allowing you to see everything, from the birds that understand the quiet and the animals that
understand the peace, to the leaves that dance with the wind. Slowly, as you continue on this path,
more and more flowers appear. To be on the level, I am not the biggest fan of this part because of my
allergies, but as a whole, it is one of the most peaceful places I had the chance to relax in. However, the
jewel of this forest is in its heart. If you are persistent enough, you will find the most beautiful waterfall
you have ever seen; and it’s not for the size of it or the clear water that I find it enchanting, but the
absence of humankind, the way that every little part of it is nature and nature alone. Even though the
water makes a handful of noise, it is somehow one of the quietest and most peaceful of places.

I have never encountered bears or wolves; the only animals I’ve had the pleasure of seeing were
rabbits, squirrels, mice, and, once in a blue moon, around the waterfall, a deer would adventure around

It takes a long time to reach this wonderful waterfall, so, how could we improve its accessibility?
To be honest, I don’t think the presence of more people is what this place needs, I have the fear that it
will perish at the hand of humankind. However, I have thought of a possibility through which it could be
easily accessed. Without damaging too much of the forest, a bridge could be built, not very high, just a
couple meters off the ground, on which people could also experience the forest, as well as have a
pleasanter road. Personally, I wouldn’t like the destruction of even a squared centimeter of this forest,
but I know, like the waterfall gave me a peaceful space, that it would benefit more people.

At last, I think this place is worth all the trouble to get to it, its colours, scenery and peace
making it a natural beauty.

In this proposal I will assess the need of a work experience element in the course I am currently

There were several issues arising from the last event, which was not a success because of lack of
experience. My colleagues and I have arrived at the conclusion that, being at an advanced level on the
course of Law, an experience of work would be beneficial; seeing the experience of working lawyers,
and the process of researching would help us improve our skills as future law workers.

Thus far, the course has instructed us in almost everything law related, but it is not long until we
will have to turn over a new leaf and join the workforce. Therefore, I have constructed a survey in which
all students concerning this course could express their opinions.

In the light of the results of the questionnaire, the experience of assisting a worker at a law firm
would seem to be the best solution. Most of the answers were based on the possibility of having an
internship, until the end of the year, at a law firm, which would help us learn to apply the theory this
course has given us, as well as create connections in the law environment, which would help us in
finding work after graduation.

In conclusion, I believe that the area which is covered by my proposal is the one that is most in
need of improvement. If these suggestions are implemented, I believe they would have the support of
all our students.

Dupa ce a pus in balanta ceea ce stia despre el, a juns la concluzia ca nu are rost sa se indoiasca de
loialitatea lui. A pus lucrurile cap la cap si bunul simt l-a ajutat sa vada drept/ correct.

3. After he balanced between what he knew about him, he reached the conclusion that it’s not worth
casting doubt on his loyalty. He laid everything end to end and common sense helped him see straight.

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