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Angele Everling

Mr Linville
Summer school

Pedestrian GW Quiz

- Inference
Poster 1: (Zhijain Chen’s BP)
- Man is walking in the first box
- This shows that they think that the exposition is the beginning of the story
when Mr Mead is walking.
- The man gets pulled over
- Inter. conflict illustration shows a man comparing his actions to others.
- This shows that their internal conflict paragraph will be about how he is
conflicted with the fact the others don't have the need to be active but he
does making him different.
- Exter. conflict illustration shows the man getting pulled over
- This shows that their external conflict is about man vs. society.
- Not very colourful

Poster 2: (Aiden Clara’s BP)

- The third box shows the car telling the man to get in.
- This shows that their climax is when Mr Mead gets arrested.
- Different thesis than the others I have read
- Inter. conflict shows a brain and words floating around it.
- This shows their Internal conflict is about how his own thinking makes him a rebel
- Exter. conflict shows the police car
- This shows their External conflict is about how the police car and Mr Mead were
the main focus of the conflict.
- Very colourful

Poster 3: (Carlos Anaya’s BP)

- The fourth box shows two cars
- This shows that their falling action is when the car is leaving with Mr Mead inside
- A bit sloppy
- Inter. conflict shows the man and the cop car
- This shows that their Internal conflict will deal with how Mr Mead feels before and
after he is approached by the car
- Exter. conflict shows the man, houses, and the cop car
- This shows that their External conflict will deal with the actual interaction Mr
Mead and the police car had.
- Sloppy but you can tell what everything is supposed to be

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