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Hi everyone

Welcome to B100!  I’m your tutor for this module and wanted to get in touch to introduce
myself and give you a bit more information about how we’ll work together.

B100 has proved to be an extremely popular course, mainly I think, because it provides a
very approachable and relevant look at business.  I hope, as you receive and look through
your module materials, that you see what I mean.  All of us come from very different
business backgrounds and it is this experience, in conjunction with the materials,  that is
going to prove invaluable to your learning.  Of course, we need to share our experience and
this is where the tutor group forums will be particularly useful.

The tutor group forums (TGFs) are a place where we can discuss various course issues. 
There is a main Tutor Group Forum (which you are now in) and then there are Activity
Forums, one for each block.  After we have done our introductions I will mainly use the
Activity Forums, but I’ll post up more info about that shortly.  I’ll be posting activities in the
Activity Forums for us to discuss, these activities will not take you long to complete and will
help your general business understanding.  The activities will relate to the work in your study
books and it’s worth noting that your participation in these forums is required as parts of the
assignments will be linked to this work and what you have learnt from participating. 
I’ll also use the main TGF to post other information about the module e.g. any points to note
about the assignments.  Don’t be daunted by the forum, it’s very much like a chat room, the
best thing to do is have a go and keep practicing.  I would like you to post a message on the
TGF, say a bit about yourself, what you’re looking forward to and what you may be nervous
about, then respond to someone else’s message (the forums may not open until just before
the module starts).

In terms of tutorial, the university has implemented a Group Tuition Policy.  In practice this
means tutorials online will not necessarily be run by your own tutor – so you may or may not
actually meet me.  However, I am your point of contact for any module related questions e.g.
how to tackle an assignment etc.  Don’t forget that you also need to book onto the tutorials
and should have been sent info on how to do this.  Look for the 'tutorials' tab on your B100
module page.  The tutorials are not compulsory but will be helpful.  There are currently only
online versions, but you have some flexibility re: dates they run. 

The university has also put together some useful info here
study This includes key dates and deadlines, induction materials for the qualification or
subject you’re studying and the ‘Being an OU student’ orientation short course on

I’m here to help and support you so please don’t worry in silence if you have a problem.  I
will normally be able to answer emails within 2 to 3 to as I check for messages a number of
times a week.  My OU email address is  You can also contact
me on Skype: 0117 9888078 during office hours.  If my home number is made available to
you, please note that I no longer have a landline.

And now a few words about myself.  After leaving University I worked in Marketing for a
number of firms but then decided to lecture in Business & Marketing. I have a permanent role
at the OU as a Student Experience Manager for law and business undergrad and postgrad
modules. I’m also a tutor on B207 and a Practice Tutor for students following the
Apprenticeship programme

Please have a go at the TGF activity I mentioned above.  The reason for me contacting you in
this way is to ensure that you have got online and can use the TGF okay.  I keep track of who
has used this facility at this early stage so see how you get on.  I’m looking forward to
meeting you and talking via our forums/email/phone and am confident that you will enjoy
this module and gain a lot from it.

All the best


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