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“Writ of the State”: in the light of Islamic Teachings

Ammar mohi ud deen

Visiting Lecturer, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
The purpose of this research paper is to describe “Writ of the State, in the light of
the state of Medina. Actually in Islam, Writ of the state depends on enjoining good
and forbidding evil. It does not take strength/power to command well, but it takes
strength/power to prevent evil. And its establishment was a part of the official
duties of Prophet-hood for which Muhammad (SAW) had devoted all his energies.
The Charter of Medina was implemented for this purpose; opposition from the
enemy eventually forced him to defend himself by being imprisoned inside
Medina, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) also missed four prayers while defending the
state. He also deported three Jewish tribes for violating the Medina Charter.
External forces also played a role in the deterioration of the Islamic State's internal
affairs. These were also remedied by Muhammad (SAW) and his Caliphates from
time to time.
Key Words: Writ of the State, Caliphates, enjoining good, forbidding evil, Jewish
tribes, Charter of Medina, External forces.
The reformed society, the survival of nations, the ruling culture has the most
importance in every fraudulent construction and development, and any
constructive culture needs power for its collective efficacy and the establishment of
equality in human rights, while the history of human history. According to the
statement, there have been cultures in the past which were brought into existence
for the sake of fulfillment of desires and desires. The representative of this type of
culture was Hammurabi (Nimrod), the ruler of the era of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.),
and in contrast to him, the most The first and proud educational authority (which is
also mentioned in the Holy Qur'an "Surah Yusuf") was created in Egypt by Prophet
Yusuf (as) and its public utility can be estimated from the fact that at such a time
when the Egyptians There was a famine in all the surrounding countries, the
economic policies of the Prophet's time were providing livelihood to people
without discrimination of religion and nationality. Another example of
philanthropic culture is the incident of Hazrat Dawood (AS) in "Surat Soad: 38/20-
26" in the Holy Qur'an, according to which a powerful government was established
by giving Dawood (AS) the power to decide and the importance of public utility
was assessed. It can be inferred from the incident that happened to Hazrat Dawood,
peace be upon him, that he used to engage in worship, on which Allah Almighty
explained as a parable that we have given you the power to establish the justice
system. Justice is important. When Dawood realized this, he asked God for
forgiveness. These two events clearly show that the government and its policies are
the best means to protect the rights of the people and to make them willing to do
their duties. Or was the era of national governments. When the society moved
towards globalization and the need for an excellent constructive culture was greater
now than in the past, the Holy Qur'an informed about this responsibility at three
places by commanding the Messenger of Allah to establish a universal system of
ْ ‫ق لِی‬
)1( َ‫ُظ ِہ َرہُ َعلَی ال ِّدی ِْن ُکلِّ ِہ َولَوْ َک ِرہَ ْال ُم ْش ِر ُکون‬ ِّ ‫ہُ َو الَّ ِذیْ َٔارْ َس َل َرسُولَہُ بِ ْالہُدَی َو ِد ْی ِن ْال َح‬
“It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make
him prevail over all religions, even though the polytheists are unhappy”.
ْ ‫ق لِی‬
)2( ً‫ُظ ِہ َرہُ َعلَی ال ِّدی ِْن ُکلِّ ِہ َو َکفَی بِاہَّلل ِ َش ِہیْدا‬ ِّ ‫ہُ َو الَّ ِذیْ َٔارْ َس َل َرسُولَہُ بِ ْالہُدَی َو ِد ْی ِن ْال َح‬
"It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make
it prevail over all religions, and Allah alone is sufficient to reveal the truth."
ْ ‫ق لِی‬
)3( َ‫ُظ ِہ َرہُ َعلَی ال ِّدی ِْن ُکلِّ ِہ َولَوْ َک ِرہَ ْال ُم ْش ِر ُکون‬ ِّ ‫ہُ َو الَّ ِذیْ َٔارْ َس َل َرسُولَہُ بِ ْالہُدَی َو ِد ْی ِن ْال َح‬
"It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, so that he
may prevail over all religions, even if the idolaters find it evil."
The word religion is used in Arabic, as opposed to the English word culture. That
is to say, it means that the prophet's duties include that by abolishing the system of
government (culture which is called capitalism in today's language) based on the
desire to gather personal interests, this religion (culture) based on utility should
prevail over all other religions (cultures) that are being revealed to them. And he
fulfilled this duty by establishing an Islamic state in Madinah.
Much of human history has been spent under the oppression and violence of this
system of capitalism and even today humanity is suffering from the oppression of
this system, this system is established on the basis of wealth and power and the
specialty of such power is based on the sovereignty of Allah and the absolute
denial of human rights. Whether it is the position of Prophet-hood or those related
to this position, their responsibility has always been to protect the fundamental
rights of human beings on the principles of Allah's sovereignty instead of this
oppressive system. This was the main background of Abraham's confrontation with
Nimrud, Moses with Pharaoh, and Abu Jahil with The Prophet (s), that is, the
change of the system. Therefore, when the Holy Prophet (s) stood up to create a
humanitarian society based on divine principles in order to fulfill his duty, the
opposing forces were certainly facing threats to their social and political power had
to do. These classes were disbelievers in Makkah, Jews and hypocrites in Medina.
Commenting on this state established in Medina, the famous Orientalist Wilhausen
(Germany, May 1844-January 1918), scholar of Biblical studies writes a very
valuable sentence as follows:
“ The first Arabic community with Sovereign power was
established by Muhammad in the city of Medina, not only bases of the blood which
naturally tends to diversity but upon that of religion binding on all.”(4)
The same requirements of the Prophet's position dominated the politics of the
Rashida Caliphate and the Umayyad period. Throughout the Muslim era, which
spans fourteen hundred years, the same goals of the state and politics and the same
rules and regulations of the various institutions of the state were kept in mind,
which were founded during the era of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Rashidah
Khilafah. The moral thinking and social pluralism trends within the state also
remained the same. The main goal of the conquests also remained the exaltation of
the word of Allah, the positive attitudes towards other nations remained the same.
The ethics of wars and the agreements and treaties with the opposing parties were
made on the same principles that had been settled in the era of the Prophet (PBUH)
and the era of the Rashidah Khilafah. It was as described in the Holy Quran See
(Qur'an 110/3) Therefore, maintaining the existence of this state, its economic
interests and its peace and order was declared the responsibility of the individuals
of the state and the individuals of the state were prohibited from any such activities
that would lead to the establishment of this state. In this regard, for the sake of the
Writ of the State, the steps taken in the state of Madinah will be reviewed in detail:
Writ of the state in the time of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W):
States have always existed on the basis of the use of force by the powerful and they
ruled it based on their desires and those desires which cannot be justified. In the
past, the states of Hammurabi, Pharaoh, and Greece, etc. It was created on this
basis. The final thing that can be said about the existence of states is that,
according to the Western perspective, man is essentially a social creature.
According to Islamic point of view, man is a more moral creature than a social
creature. It cannot be challenged anywhere in the world.
Therefore, Huntington has described this in his book "Clash of Civilizations" as
“When civilization lack Core states the problems of creating order within
civilization or negotiating order between civilizations become more difficult.” (5)
In order to understand the claimant and purpose of the establishment of this Islamic
state established in Madinah, it is necessary to keep in mind Al-Imran 110/3)
which we have quoted above, as well as this statement of the Holy Qur'an, in
which it is said:
)6(‫ُوف َونَہَوْ ا ع َِن ْال ُمن َک ِر‬
sِ ‫ بِ ْال َم ْعر‬s‫صاَل ۃَ َوآتَ ُوا ال َّز َکاۃَ َؤَا َمرُوا‬
َّ ‫ض َٔاقَا ُموا ال‬
ِ ْ‫اَلَّـ ِذ ْينَ اِ ْن َّم َّكنَّاهُـ ْم فِى ااْل َر‬
"Those whom We will give the government in this world, let them observe prayer
and pay Zakat and enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds."
Each of the two statements of the Holy Qur'an shows that
1. Here the sovereignty will be given to Almighty Allah, the Creator of all and
the Almighty, because for him, all his creatures, whether they are infidels or
Muslims, have equal rights, in this case, the humanistic classism or
nationality ends.
2. The mentioned verseَ‫صاَل ۃ‬ َّ ‫ ال‬s‫ َ اقَا ُموا‬is essential for the moral training of human.
3. The commandment of “َ‫ '' َوآتَ ُوا ال َّز َکاۃ‬in the above-mentioned verse provides a
guarantee of guaranteeing the economic rights of human beings.
4. The remaining part of the above-mentioned verse, “ ‫ُوف َونَہَوْ ا َع ِن‬ ِ ‫َؤَا َمرُوا بِ ْال َم ْعر‬
‫”ال ُمن َک ِر‬provides a guarantee of the protection of the moral values of the
In Islam, the fame and greatness of the state (Writ of the State) depends on mutual
cooperation in good deeds and desire in undesirable deeds. The presence of
undesirable elements in society can create threats to this code of cooperation and
prohibition, and to eliminate these threats, force is needed. The Treaty of Madinah
was implemented for the same purpose. Defensive wars were fought for the same
purpose, the opposition of the enemies finally forced them to defend themselves by
being confined inside Madinah, and while defending the state, they also performed
four prayers and the three Jewish tribes, for violating the covenant of Madinah,
deported from the state. Which is mentioned in detail below:
When the series of wars started with the biggest enemy the Muslims were the Non-
Muslims of Makkah, the infidels of Mecca, the first battle, the Battle of Badr was
fought 80 miles south of Medina, the Battle of Uhud was fought three miles from
Medina, and the Battle of Khandaq. It was fought inside Madinah. In Madinah, the
attitude of the Jews in general was hostile towards the Prophet (PBUH). The most
powerful force against him was the Jews. Their history shows that they have also
been murderers of their prophets (which is supported by both the Bible and the
Qur'an). Due to their anti-prophet nature, Banu Nazir plotted to kill the Messenger
of Allah (PBUH) in 4 Hijri, due to which he was transferred to Khyber.
Therefore, in 5 A.H., when the Bani Mustaliq raid took place, on this occasion, the
hypocrites of Madinah not only raised the slogan of expelling the Muslims from‫ئ‬
Madinah, which is mentioned in Surah Al-Manafiqun of the Holy Quran, “‫َآ‬ ‫لَ ِْن َّرج َعْن‬
َّ َ‫اْل‬ ُّ َ‫خ َّ اْل‬
)7( ”‫ ِالَى الْمَ ِد ْين َ ِة لَيُ ْرج َن ا عَز مِ ن ْـهَا ا ذل‬It has come from the words of, rather, he tried to
provoke her by slandering Mother Aisha Siddiqa r.a, which made the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) very sad.
On the occasion of the Battle of the Trench (Khandaq) in 5 A.H., the Jewish leader
of Banu Nazir, Hayy bin Akhtab, played an anti-state role and included the Banu
Qurayzah Jewish tribe of Madinah in this conspiracy to support the infidels of
Makkah, and Banu Qurayzah signed the Treaty of Madinah. (Under which the
protection of Madinah and all its units while living in Madinah was necessary).
This raid also took place as a result of the negative activities of the infidels of
Makkah and the Jews of Medina against the state of Madinah, as a result of which
after this raid, the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬spoke to them about the anti-state
activities of the Banu Qurayzah, which he turned to his side. appointed Saad Ibn
Mu'adh, the chief of the tribe of Aws, as an arbitrator (because the relations of the
tribe of Aws had always been harmonious with the Banu Qurayzah), upon which
Sa'd Ibn Mu'adh, according to his religious book Torah, decided that all the Banu
Qurayzah Nine young men should be killed and their women and children should
be enslaved, and they should be expelled from here. So at that time between 600
and 700 Jews were killed in this crime (9). But according to some researchers, this
tradition is weak because the Jews used to ransom their prisoners (10). Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) never recommended such a severe punishment
for anyone in the Surah Tayyaba. The reason for this was that as a result of the
success of this conspiracy of the enemy, both the existence of the state and the
existence of Prophet Hood could be in danger.
Then in 7 Hijri, on the occasion of the Battle of Khyber, a Jewish woman named
Zainab from the same tribe invited the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) and offered him poisoned meat. But one of his Companions who was
eating with him was martyred because of this poisonous meat. The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
used to feel the effect of this poisonous meat sometimes in his life. So, according
to tradition, on his deathbed, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) said that even today I feel the effect of the poison that was given in
Khyber. (11). Apart from this, among the Jews of Madinah, Ka'b bin Ashraf also
plotted to kill the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and tried to spread evil in Madinah,
due to which the Prophet (PBUH) ordered to kill him.(12)
Before the arrival of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in Madinah, all the tribes of
the Jews had recognized Abdullah bin Abi as their unanimous leader. Abdullah bin
Abi was very worried about this change, but he and some of his people remained
against the Holy Prophet until the end, so he separated three hundred of his men
from the Muslim army on the occasion of the Battle of Uhud. He and his group
used to make conspiracies against the Messenger of Allah the Qur'an has used the
words “)13( ‫" ْال ُمرْ ِجفُوْ نَ فِى ْال َم ِد ْينَ ِة‬.
A fourth and greatest enemy on the outer frontiers was the Roman Christian
government. Caesar Rome knew that he had come to Madinah. Although he was
fully convinced of Abu Sufyan's prophet hood because of his embassy, he did not
believe it. At the military level, he faced his forces at the place of Mutta in 8 AH.
Mutah was a region of Syria and at that time Syria was a part of his empire.
At the level of the Roman government, there was a possibility of an invasion of
Tabuk in 9 A.H. The Muslims were informed that the Christian army was coming.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached
Tabuk with an army, but no army came from the Christians and the Muslims
returned without fighting. Thirty thousand people were involved in this expedition
because it was a period of famine and rides were reduced for such a large number.
Leaves had to be used, despite the scarcity, camels had to be slaughtered and water
from their stomachs and intestines had to be used. Because of the shortage of
equipment and conditions in this battle, this battle is also called "Jaish al-Asra".
In fact, the emergence of a social structure in the form of an Islamic state was
definitely shaking the power of some powerful forces of that era, which is why
these forces opposed the Muslim state in a full way for their survival. The
opposition of the forces can also be estimated from the fact that when the
hypocrites did not join the battle of Tabuk, they began to be truthful in front of the
Prophet by giving false excuses, except for three companions (Ka'b bin Malik,
Hilal Ibn Umayyah, Marara bin Rabi'ah) who They did not participate in the war
without excuse. On this, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) expressed his displeasure
with them and boycotted them. Later, the three Companions repented and repented.
After fifty days of continuous displeasure and boycott, Allah accepted their
repentance. (14). During this boycott and displeasure, Ka'b bin Malik received a
letter from Rais-e-Ghasan from Syria, in which he wrote: "I have come to know
that your Sahib (i.e. the Holy Prophet) has started to abuse you.”(15). Allah Ta'ala
has not created you a disgrace that your right should be lost, you come to us, and
we will treat you better. Similarly, when the confrontation between Sayyidna Ali
and Sayyidna Muawiya was at its peak, the king of Rome came to the borders with
a large army and sent a message of extending the hand of friendship to Muawiya.
This clearly shows that the internal enemies of Islam and the Islamic State, as well
as the external enemies, were keeping a close eye on this rising political force that
seemed to be a major threat to their power. It can be said with certainty that
external forces certainly had a hand in the deterioration of the internal conditions
of the Islamic State, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
and the caliphs after him continued to do from time to time.
Along with the establishment of the state, its internal law and order and external
security are also a Shariah order, according to which it is the responsibility of the
state to keep the internal law and order and the situation at the borders peaceful.
The cultural status of the state taken is well understood. It also shows that no one
can be allowed to threaten the basic principles of the establishment of the state.
Cause the arrival or cause a person to rebel against the government or to challenge
the basic regulations of the government or to start such ideological lexicons in the
country that create a threat to the ideological values of the state, all this falls under
the category of Writ of the State, it cannot be allowed to any person. For this, one
should prepare oneself in such a way that the fear of Muslims remains on the
internal and external enemies and no enemy can dare to attack.
Regarding the external stability of the state, refer to the following statements from
the Holy Quran:
1. Regarding the preservation of the geography of the state, the Qur'an has
decreed as follows:
ِ َّ‫م ِّمنَ ْال ُکف‬sْ ‫ٰیٓا َ یُّہَا الَّ ِذ ْینَ ا َمنُوْ ا قَاتِلُواالَّ ِذ ْینَ یَلُوْ نَ ُک‬
َ‫م ِغ ْلظَۃً َوا ْعلَ ُموْ ا َٔا َّن ہّللا َ َم َع ْال ُمتَّقِ ْین‬sْ ‫ار َو ْلیَ ِج ُدوْ ا فِ ْی ُک‬
“O people of faith! Fight with the infidels near you and let them find in your
hard work and fighting strength. And know that God is with the pious."
The second order in this regard was given as follows: (Surah Infal Surah 8, Ayat

ِ ‫اط ْال َخ ْي ِل تُرْ ِهبُونَ بِ ِه َع ْد َّو هَّللا ِ َو َع ُد َّو ُك ْم َو‬

“ ‫آخَرينَ ِمن دُونِ ِه ْم‬ ْ ‫“ َوَأ ِع ُّد‬
ِ َ‫وا لَهُم َّما ا ْستَطَ ْعتُم ِّمن قُ َّو ٍة َو ِمن ِّرب‬
( .‫ل‬17(
“O you who believe, prepare your strength as much as you can to fight against
them (enemies) and establish your fear through them on the enemies of Allah and
on your enemies and on others besides them.”
2. Allah almighty says:
َ ‫ َو‬s‫ٰیٓا َ یُّہَا الَّ ِذ ْینَ ٰا َمنُوا اصْ بِرُوْ ا‬
)18(. َ‫ َواتَّقُوا ہّللا َ لَ َعلَّ ُک ْم تُ ْفلِحُون‬s‫ َو َرابِطُوْ ا‬s‫صابِرُوْ ا‬
"O you who believe! Be patient and be strong in times of conflict and be
steadfast, and fear Allah that you may be saved."
"Rabat" means to guard the borders by staying awake at night. The importance of
the state during the Prophet's (PBUH) period can be estimated from the fact that
the prayer, which is not excused under any circumstances, was performed by the
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) on the occasion of the Battle of Khandaq. Four
prayers have been omitted prayers for the establishment of the state. (19). Due to
the battle of Tabuk, Madinah's whole social structure was devastated, and an order
was made to guard the state's boundary geographically. In this regard, the three
persons who committed negligence were socially boycotted in such a way that
their wives were also ordered to stay away from them. (20).
In the history of Sirat Tayyaba, this is the only example of such a heavy
punishment for failure to protect the state of Madinah. In other words, the
importance of the state in terms of Shariah is that negligence in its protection is
absolutely not tolerated and obligatory prayers can be delayed for the sake of its
interest. From these prophetic orders, it is clear that the protection of the state is
very important according to Islamic teachings.
Importance of internal peace and order of the state and Islam:
In principle, the Islamic state was and is a socially pluralistic state, according to
which the people of every religion in this state had the right to live according to
their culture and civilization and to live freely according to their culture. Unity can
be created in the way that Muslims have created 1400 years ago. It is very difficult
for the people of the West to create this kind of unity in this type of society that has
been created in the West today. See Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations".
But the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his successors maintained this unity. For the sake of this
social unity, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬never took any disciplinary action against the
hypocrites of Madinah, whose infidels were Muslims. Not even realizing the
infallibility of the Messenger, some of the Companions requested to take action
against these hypocrites, upon which the Prophet (PBUH) said, "If I take any
action against them, people will say that Muhammad (PBUH) has resorted to
violence against his own people."
In order to keep the society internally peaceful, the Prophet (peace be upon him)
gave importance to people's attitudes more than his desires, which is evidenced by
the case of Hateem. The Prophet (PBUH) also mentioned this to his wife Hazrat
Ayesha, and he said: Ayesha if I had not been afraid of discord in your people, I
would have added the portion of Hateem to the Kaaba again. (21)
Similarly, the martyrdom of the three caliphs in the center of the Khilafah and
Sayyidna Usman's bloodshed for the murder of the murderer of Ameerul
Momineen by Hazrat Ubaidullah Ibn Umar, all was for the protection of social
pluralism. It is a fact that the concept of full and equal economic rights protection
of non-Muslims in this state, which was the first and most incredible example of
respect and humanity in human history, always encouraged the anti-state elements
who sought to redress and redress. Ultimately, it was Sayyidna Muawiya who did
The status of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not that of Muhammad Ibn
Abdullah, but Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. On the occasion of the
conquest of Makkah, he (PBUH) announced a general amnesty, but declaring the
blood of the nine major criminals to be in vain, he ordered that if they were found
under the veil of the Kaaba, they would be killed. So they should be killed. Among
them, four persons were killed, which are as follows: (1) Abdul Uzza bin Khatal,
who was hanging by holding the veil of the Kaaba, was killed. (2) Muqays bin
Sababah who was killed because he was an apostate. (3) Harith bin Nafail bin
Wahib, who used to torture the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) in Makkah, was killed by Hazrat Ali (4) Two concubines of Ibn
Khatl, who used to sing the praises of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him), one of them was killed and A bail was sought for the other.
In summary, four of these nine were killed for the crime of harming the greatness
of the state and five were spared. In fact, the basic moral value of the state was
denied. (22). Another great example of the survival of the internal peace and order
of the state and the ideological superiority of the state during the reign of Sayyidna
Siddiq Akbar RA was the forceful decision expressed by Sayyidna Siddiq Akbar
RA as the Caliph of the Muslims on the departure of the claimants of Prophet
hood, Zakat preventers and Lashkar-I-Osama. It is great proof of his mental and
nervous strength (the right decision at the right time and its correct
implementation) and his inspired insight into the affairs of the state, which resulted
in internal stability during the reign of Hazrat Umar.
Writ of the state in the era of the Caliphs (R.A):
During the era of Siddiqui, there were three types of groups within the state of
Madinah, one was the group that was directly trained by him, the other was a group
of new Muslims who had become new Muslims, but the reality of Islam and its
requirements were completely unknown. But they did not understand and the third
was the group which included non-Muslims, ie Hindus, Jews, Christians,
polytheists, and hypocrites. Therefore, in the era of Siddiqui, some similar people
created problems for the peace and order of the state of Madinah. War was
declared against Manayin Zakat because zakat is an important part of Islam, if it is
not paid, the importance of Islam will surely decrease, so full action was taken
against them so that no letter is mentioned on Islam. In addition, during the era of
Siddiqui, also against the false claimants of prophet hood. Took action and killed
them so that in the future no one could dare to make a false claim of prophet hood,
and no one could raise a finger in the name of Islam and the greatness of the
Islamic state.
When the series of conquests began in the era of Faruqi, and Bayt al-Maqdis and
Iran were conquered, many non-Muslims came to Madinah even as prisoners,
some accepted Islam to strengthen themselves under the demands of the situation,
and some preferred to stay on his religion by paying Jizya. Likewise, the nine
Muslims in Madinah were Ka'b al-Ahbar, who was formerly a Jew, and Harmzan,
who was formerly an Iranian ruler and a member of the ruling family. This is why
the presence of all these shows was the Rabbi of the Jews that the three groups
mentioned above were present in Madinah at that time. All these people must have
existed in the same state, but they were not of the same disposition and opinion. It
is a fact that every nation has its own distinct mood and the nation is recognized by
this mood, just like the Jews have a conspiratorial mentality, whose conspiracies
have also been described in the Holy Quran at many places. But the Arabs were
proud to die for their principles, but they did not have a conspiratorial mentality. It
was probably difficult for the Arabs to understand the temperament and habits of
any group that was different from the culture of the Arabs. All the people who
entered Arabia at that time had different temperaments. Although Hazrat Umar
Farooq had made conquests, as a result of this, the evil and conspiracies of the
prisoners and non-Muslims still existed in Madinah. In fact, one of the
requirements of the rules of the Islamic state is that no action can be taken openly
against the caliph, nor can his authority be challenged, but the new Muslims, non-
Muslims, and prisoners of the Arabs. They did not understand this mood, so they
did not consider the rules of the Islamic State.
It cannot be denied that every nation has an attachment to its culture and its land.
Not all people of any nation have the ability to adapt to the demands of changing
conditions or positive change and cultural values. Bring change within yourself
under the circumstances that come under your understanding. The addiction to
nationality or national culture is such that it does not end despite all the flaws. The
example of India is in front of us that nothing in Hindu civilization is valuable in
terms of human basis like the humiliation of Shudras etc. But despite all the flaws,
Hindus have not left their civilization they are attached to their civilization. We see
the same situation among the Romans and Iranians. During the era of Farooqi,
Islamic conquests were achieved, but as a result of these conquests, there were still
those elements who were holding their cultural values close to their chests. And he
is not accepting this new cultural force wholeheartedly, and the second element
was those who accepted Islam immediately with heart and soul, and thirdly those
who accepted under the demands of the situation. In this regard, Abdullah bin
Saba, Harmzan, Ka'b Ahbar, Abu Lulu, Jafina and Ibn Muljum, etc. are among the
same type of people during the era of the Rashidah Caliphate, while Hazrat
Abdullah Ibn Salam is among those who He accepted Islam with his heart and soul
and the services are obligatory for Islam. But the ambitious and crude-minded
Muslims and the mischievous non-Muslims who did not understand the true nature
of Islam did not use force to control the violence, due to which sedition and riots
and the conspiracies of the opponents rose to such an extent. That the Writ of the
State could not stand as a rule, which resulted in the martyrdom of the three caliphs
and great companions of Zubair, Talha, and Ammar bin Yasir, the Battle of Jamal
and the Battle of Safin, in which the Muslims stood against the Muslims. Why did
this happen? We can never say that the Companions of the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) failed in this regard. The real reason for this was
that the Arab people were frank and did not hesitate to risk their lives for the sake
of achieving their goals. Nations are neither conspiratorial nor can they quickly
understand conspiracies. Behind this disturbance was the power of the Jews in
Kufa who had been transferred there from Madinah by Hazrat Umar, including
those Jews who were taken captive in the Banu Qurayzah campaign and sold in
Syria, and among whom some of them were bought by the Companions of
Madinah. The number of these prisoners is said to be more than 1000 as Imam
Muqrizi has written in his "Umta'a-ul-Isma".(23)
It may be called a weak aspect of our history or the result of Islam's protection of
social pluralism that the Muslim rulers did not understand this change in national
mood and did not address it. If this had been prevented, it might not have happened
that three of our caliphs were martyred one after the other. The main reason for the
martyrdom of these three caliphs was that the Arabs were not in the mood for
intrigues and conspiracies. The Arabs could not understand the intrigues and
conspiracies of the people.
This situation necessitated the presence of this type of state system which was not
at all appropriate to the Islamic spirit but would have proved to be an obstacle for
the two elements in the society closest to it so that the existence of the state would
not be in danger.
During the Umayyad period, this aspect of the state attracted the nations. After the
martyrdom of three caliphs one after the other due to Jewish conspiracies in the
Caliphate, internal disturbances, and the cessation of the series of conquests, as a
result of the administrative policies of Sayyidna Muawiya, not only internal peace
and order was established, but he was the most effective in suppressing rebellions.
First, the administration (Establishment) corrected the rebellions, and restored the
social pluralistic atmosphere through which mutual brotherhood was restored
among the people without discrimination of religion and nationality. He improved
the unemployment allowance which was established by Sayyiduna Umar during
the Rashidah Caliphate, increased their stipends in order to create an atmosphere of
love and devotion to Banu Hashim, and further improved the situation of public
welfare, the system of justice and justice. It was built on the same lines that were
established in the Khilafat Rashidah. Established various new departments, and
established an atmosphere of freedom of writing and speech in the country,
however, any kind of violence against the state was absolutely prohibited. At the
same time, he improved the military system for the sake of conquests and started
the series of conquests again, which not only created fear in the external states
(adversary elements) but also increased the income of the state significantly.
Public role in connection with Writ of the state:
The state of Madinah was established on the basis of permanent universal moral
values, not on the basis of religion alone. The religion of Islam refers to universal
moral values. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not
explain anything new in his entire twenty-three years of prophetic life, but the
prophets of the past. A summary of his teachings has been described to the world.
The excellence of his Prophet (PBUH) is that he (PBUH) did not present any
political or moral code to the world, rather he established a state based on the
political and moral codes of the past, which lasted for fourteen hundred years
stayed up. No one has been able to do this work before and no one else will be able
to do it until doomsday. This state is the best state in terms of its culture and moral
values, which will always be an example for the world.
Similarly, in any Islamic state, the society is established and developed on the basis
of divine moral codes, therefore, no one is allowed to speak against the cultural
codes established for the establishment of internal peace and order and the
protection of the state. Spreading obscenity in Muslim society is strictly prohibited
by principle as stated in Surah Noor:
)24( ‫ِإ َّن الَّ ِذ ْینَ یُ ِحبُّونَ َٔا ْن تَ ِش ْی َع ْالفَا ِح َشۃُ فِی الَّ ِذ ْینَ ٰا َمنُوْ ا لَہُ ْم َع َذابٌ َٔالِ ْی ٌم‬
"Indeed, those who wish that there should be the talk of iniquity
among the believers, for them is a painful punishment."
An Islamic state is by its very nature an institution of moral training, so in this
state, social media, newspapers, and electronic media are not allowed to spread
nudity and obscenity in the name of freedom or culture show or to do any program
that has the effect of The moral values of the people or the society appear negative.
Therefore, the Holy Quran has also described a crime among Pharaoh's crimes that
he did not protect the moral education of the people and the moral values of the
‫ض َّل فِرْ عَوْ نُ قَوْ َمه َو َما ه َٰدى‬
َ َ‫َوا‬
“Pharaoh led his people astray and did not guide them on the right path”
The Holy Qur'an has described Pharaoh's second crime as saying that due to his
government policies, the people's decision-making power had ended, due to which
that nation also deserved punishment.
َ‫َف قَوْ َم ٗہ فََٔاطَا ُعوْ ہُ ِإنَّہُ ْم َکانُوْ ا قَوْ ما ً ٰف ِسقِ ْین‬
َّ ‫فَا ْستَخ‬
“So he made his people fools, then they obeyed him because they were wicked
This clearly shows that the protection of the moral values of society is also the
responsibility of the state. In relation to the protection of these moral values, along
with the state, the people are also involved. The people should refrain from any
action that may spread immorality or obscenity in society or spoil the mood of
individuals. It should be remembered that the greatest threat to the moral values of
Muslim society has been from the eternal enemy of humanity, the Jewish nation, In
accordance with the traditions of the past, the disgraceful programs of the Jewish
network "Focus Life" television channel and the obscene films shown on the
Internet are proof of Jewish immorality. In terms of moral degradation, Israel ranks
first among the countries of the world. Tel Aviv is a major center of nationalism.
In addition, Israel is a major center for buying and selling women, as evidenced by
the article published in the Lahore-based Urdu weekly "Nadai Millat", according to
which: "Here (Israel) the girls are brought from all over the world, especially from
Russia, whose price ranges from one thousand to four thousand dollars. Women
are also provided for rent. 150-300 and 5000 shekels in Israeli currency for half an
hour. While this country is also a big center of drugs, AIDS, and money
laundering. (26)
From our above statement, it becomes very clear that whether it is the
establishment of law and order or the problem of protecting the moral values of the
state, the people are equally involved in the fulfillment of this duty along with the
rulers. While considering the commandments, a Muslim's concern trembles to see
that nations have been punished for not fulfilling this duty. Such government
policies of the rulers or such political programs of private and public institutions
are intended to create social unrest and have negative effects on social peace and
the decision-making power of the people, the basic principles of the Islamic state
do not allow it. Values and peace are more valuable than the basic rights of
individuals. There is no concept of basic human rights that weakens the moral
values of the state. The geographical position of the state is harmed, fear and panic
spread, false rumors are spread, or intellectual debates are started through
electronic and print media which affect the thinking and action of the people.
A strict promise has been made in the Qur'an about this type of behavior:
َ َّ‫لَِئ ْن لَّ ْم یَ ْنتَ ِہ ْال ُم ٰنفِقُوْ نَ َوالَّ ِذ ْینَ فِ ْی قُلُوْ بِ ِہ ْم َّم َرضٌ َو ْال ُمرْ ِجفُوْ نَ فِی ْال َم ِد ْینَ ِۃ لَنُ ْغ ِریَن‬
)27(.‫ک بِ ِہ ْم‬
"If the hypocrites and those who have disease in their hearts and
those who spread false news do not stop in Madinah, then we will put you behind
Another example of this chain is that of Abu Amir, a monk in a tribe of Khazraj in
Madinah. He continued to fight against the Holy Prophet until the Battle of
Hunain, and when Banu Hawazin was defeated, he left for Rome and became a
Christian. From there, Abu Amir wrote a letter to the hypocrites of Madinah that I
am trying in Syria to get the king of Rome to attack Madinah and exterminate the
Muslims. . But for this work, it is necessary that you should form a front of your
own so that when the king of Rome attacks, you can help him from within. He also
suggested that you build a building called a mosque to be used as a center of
rebellion, store weapons secretly in it, and consult with each other here, and if an
envoy comes from me, he stays here too. So the hypocrites built a mosque,
regarding which verses 107 to 110 of Surat al-Tawbah were revealed, in which the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was informed about the impure intentions of the hypocrites that the
real purpose of this mosque is Harm, i.e. harming the Muslims, that is why it It
came to be known as "Zarar Mosque". Therefore, he ‫ ﷺ‬ordered some
companions to demolish this mosque and set it on fire because it was intended to
make conspiracies against the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and Islam, which is against
the Writ of the State. So these gentlemen burnt this mosque to ashes. (28). This
type of initiative of the Prophet (peace be upon him) shows that this type of state-
avoiding negative trends is strictly prohibited because it is harmful to the
intellectual abilities of the people, which has direct effects on the welfare of
society. There are negative measures that the state takes for the protection of the
moral values of society.
Where the peace and order of the state are necessary for the ideological protection
of the state, the state of peace and order is also very important for the economic
development of the state. Therefore, the political structure of the Islamic state is
also theoretically different from other political systems. For example, in a
democracy, the people have the right to choose their ruler. The result of this
principle is that the ruler is bound by the will of the people rather than following
any moral code or reliable political principle. For example, when the law about
homosexuality was passed in Great Britain, some people objected that it was
immoral, on the government formed a committee known as the Wolfenden
Committee. This decision was left on the report. The committee wrote in its
decision that although the code of ethics does not allow it, the constitutional
structure of the United Kingdom is based on the traditions of the United Kingdom
and not on morality, so it is allowed. (29)
Apart from this, due to the same characteristic of democracy, the ruler runs the
government according to the will of the people and the people can remove him
from power whenever they want. They do not have the concept of respect for the
ruler as it should be, despite the fact that in Britain the Queen of Great Britain is
respected as the religious head of the British Church that even the Prime Minister
bows down to her with great respect. This is not a contradiction in the Islamic
political system, the Caliph has respect, the Caliph cannot be slandered, and no
attitude against respect can be adopted for him. So there is a tradition of Bukhari
whose words are:
‫ویتقی بہ فان‬
ٰ ‫من یطع االمیر فقد اطاعنی ومن یعص االمیر فقد عصانی و انما االمام جنۃ یقاتل من ورائہ‬
)30( ‫امر بتقوی ہللا وعدل فان لہ بذالک اجرا وان قال بغیرہ فان علیہ‬
"The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said:
He who obeys his Amir has obeyed me, and he who disobeys his Amir has
disobeyed me. And the Imam is the shield through which Jihad is waged and
through him, Protection is obtained. If he acts justly and justly based on the fear of
Allah, then he will be rewarded for it, and if he deviates from it (principle of
justice). If he does, he will be a sinner because of it. "
There is another hadith in this regard in which the Messenger of Allah, peace be
upon him, said:
)31(‫ بالصیف قائنا من کان‬s‫من ارادا ان یفرق امر ٰھذا االمۃ وھی جمیع فضرب‬
"When the ummah agrees on an individual emirate and someone
else tries to break this agreement, then kill him, whoever he is."
In this regard, another hadith is narrated, the meaning of which is that speaking the
truth in front of an oppressive ruler is the best jihad. People did not understand this
hadith correctly. Of course, speaking the truth is Jihad, but speaking the truth
should be done in a manner that does not insult the ruler, whereas in the present-
day democracy, holding rallies against the rulers, challenging the rulers, cursing
and blaspheming against the opposition party. This is his favorite pastime.
It is very important for the stability of the Islamic state that the "Writ of the state"
should be maintained. But it is a pity that every small and big politician, religious
group, media, and even everyone in our country has made storm. There has been a
division due to which the state is being affected and the name Pakistan is getting a
bad name in the whole world.
Today in Pakistan there is a need to establish the Writ of the state, the moral
society of Pakistan should be protected, the economy should be protected, and
there should be a rule of law, but every person in our society from the top to the
bottom is corrupt and this crime I am an equal partner. Protection of the state is one
of the basic requirements of Islam. If this country and its economy and ethics are to
be preserved, then we have to establish the Writ of the state.
The bottom line is that when an Islamic state comes into existence, no one has the
right to spoil its image, whether it is a Muslim or a non-Muslim. The one who
spoils the image of the Islamic state will be entitled to punishment. The importance
of a state can be estimated from the fact that prayer which is not excused under any
circumstances. Four prayers have been performed for the sake of qadha. That is,
the importance of the state is that obligatory prayer can be delayed for the sake of
its interests. No one has the right to harm the society, economy, morality, and
social culture of the state, whether he is big or small, rich or poor, powerful or
It is a pity that in our country, every small and big politician, religious group,
media, and even Haradare has created a storm of bad distinction, which is affecting
the state and the name of Pakistan is getting a bad name all over the world. Today
in Pakistan it is necessary that the writ of the state should be established, the moral
society of Pakistan, the economy should be protected, and the rule of law should be
there. Therefore, the provincial and central governments of our country should
immediately strengthen the tradition of peace and security, then this country will
go on the path of development.
1. Quran: 9:33
2. Surah Fatah: 48:28
3. Qur'an: 61:9
4. Williams, Henry Smith(1943) , “The Historian History of the world”
Outlook Company,New York, 1902,Vol. 8/291
5. Huntington, Samuel, P. "The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of
World Order", touchstone Rockefoller Center New York USA, 1997,
6. Quran: 22:41
7. Qur'an: 64:8
8. Scripture: Numbers 31:6-35
9. Ibn Hisham, Abu Muhammad bin Abdul Malik, "Al-Sirat al-
Nabawiyyah", Mustafa al-Babi Misr, 1375 AH, 2/237
10.Barakat Ahmad, "Rasul Akram and Jews of Hijaz", Maktaba Al-Alia,
Lahore, p. 143
11.Ibn Qayyim, Shams al-Din, Abu Abdullah, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr,
Hafiz (751 AH), "Zadam al-Ma'ad", Mas'isat al-Rasalat al-Masriya, 1347
AH, 2/139-140.
12.Al-Hamiri, Ibn Hisham, Abd al-Malik, "Al-Sirat al-Nabawiyyah", Dar al-
Fikr, Beirut, 2/51-57
13.Quran: 33: 60
14.Muslim bin Hajjaj, Al-Qashiri, Imam (261 AH), "Al-Jami' al-Sahih for
Muslim", Kitab al-Tawbah, Number of Hadith 7016, Dar al-Salaam for
publishing, Wal-Toozee, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
15.. Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail, Imam (256 AH), "Al-Jami' al-Sahih of
Bukhari", Kitab al-Maghazi, Hadith 4418, Dar al-Salaam for publication,
Al-Tawzi, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
16.Ibn Kathir, Ismail, Imad al-Din (774 AH), "Al-Badabatu wal Nahaya",
translation of "Tarikh Ibn Kathir", Dar al-Sha'at, Karachi, 8/119.
17.Al-Quran: 9: 123, (17A);-Quran 8/60
18.Al-Quran: 3: 200
19.Al-Najdi, Abdullah bin Muhammad, Al-Shaykh (1242 AH), "Abridged
Biography of the Prophet", Al-Muttabah al-Salafiyyah, Misr, 287.
20."Al-Jaami al-Sahih for Muslim" Kitab al-Tawbah, Hadith 7016
21."Al-Jami' al-Sahih by Bukhari", Kitab al-Hajj, Chapter Virtues of
Makkah and Banyanha, Hadith: 1584.
23.Al-Maqrizi, Taqi al-Din, Ahmad bin Ali, "Umta'a al-Isma'a Bama
Lalnabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam min akhwal wal-hafda al-muta'a", Dar
al-Kitab al-Ulamiya, 1420 AH, 1/253
24.Al-Quran: 24: 19
25.Muhammad Ahsan, Butt, History of Modern Israel, 78, Darul-Khivat,
26.Israel has become a global mafia center" Muhammad Anisur Rahman,
22, weekly Naday Millat, May 1-7, 2008, Lahore.
27. Al-Quran: 33: 60
28.Maududi, Abul-Ala, Syed (1979), "Tafhim Al-Qur'an", Idara Tarjaman
Al-Qur'an, Lahore, 2/233.
30."Al-Jama'i al-Sahih for Muslim", Kitab al-Jihad, chapter Yaqatal min
zarah al-Imaam wa Yatqi bah, No. 2957
31."Al-Jami' al-Sahih for Muslim", Kitab Al-Imarat, Chapter Al-Wafa
Babi'at al-Khalifa Al-Falawal, No. 4776

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