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Chapter 2.

6 Lecture - Related Rates Related rates are used when the rate of change of one function influences the rate of change of another function. Example 1: Suppose x and y are both differentiable functions of t and are related by the equation y = 2 x 2 + 6 x + 1 . Find dx =2. dt dy at the moment in time that x = 1 dt

and Solution:

The phrase Suppose x and y are both differentiable functions of t means that both x and y can be written in terms of t and both dx dy and exist. dt dt

At the moment when x = 1 , y = 2 ( 1) + 6 ( 1) + 1 = 9 .


Take the derivative with respect to t of both sides of the equation. d d d d d [ y ] = 2 x 2 + 6 x + 1 = 2 x2 + [ 6 x ] + [ 1] dt dt dt dt dt

d dx dx dx [ y ] = 4 x + 6 + [ 0 ] = [ 4 x + 6] dt dt dt dt

Now replace x with 1 and

dx with 2. dt dy = 4 ( 1) + 6 ( 2 ) = 20 dx

Example 2: A pebble is dropped into a calm pond causing ripples in the form of concentric circles. The radius r of the outer ripple is increasing at a constant rate of 2 foot per second. When the radius is 5 feet, at what rate is the area of water contained in the ripple changing? Solution: The area of a circle is A = r 2 . The rate of change of the area can be symbolized by the expression change in area dA = . change in time dt change in radius dr = . change in time dt

The rate of change of the radius can be symbolized by dr =2. dt

Given: At the moment in time that r = 5 and

Take the derivative with respect to t of both sides of the equation. d d d dr [ A] = r 2 = r 2 = 2r = 2 ( 5) ( 2 ) = 20 square feet per second. dt dt dt dt

Example 3: Suppose we want to determine how the volume of a conical tank is changing with respect to time. Solution: 1 2 We first write the formula for volume, V = r h . We have three variables here and all 3 are changing: volume, radius, and height.

Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to time. d d 1 d 1 1 d [ V ] = r 2 h = r 2 h + r2 [ h ] 3 dt 3 dt dt 3 dt dV 2 dr 1 dh = r h + r2 dt 3 dt 3 dt

We cannot determine the change in volume at a specific point in time unless we know the radius and the height at that point in time and the rate at which the radius and the height are changing at that point in time.

dr represents the rate at which the radius is changing with respect to time, dt dh represents the rate at which the height is changing with respect to time. dt

Example 4: Suppose we are pumping air into a spherical balloon. Both the volume and the radius are increasing with time. If we let the volume be represented by the symbol V and the radius by the symbol r , we can write the formula 4 3 for volume as V = r . 3 Differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to t . d d 4 [ V ] = r3 dt dt 3 dV 4 dr dr = 3r 2 = 4 r 2 dt 3 dt dt

When we find a rate of a changing quantity, we are taking a snapshot in time. Suppose that in the above example, the radius is changing at a rate of 2 inches per second, when the radius is 24 inches. dV 2 = 4 ( 24 ) ( 2 ) = 4608 inches3 per second dt The volume is changing at a rate of 4608 cubic inches per second.

Example 5: How rapidly will the fluid in a right circular cylinder container drop if we pump the fluid out at a rate of 3000 liters per minute.

Solution: The amount of fluid in the container refers to volume, so the phrase pump the fluid out at a rate of 3000 liters per minute can be represented by the equation dV = 3000 . dt

The minus sign indicates that the volume is decreasing because we are pumping fluid out.

We are interested in the rate at which the depth of the fluid is changing. This means we have to find a relationship between the volume (in liters) and the depth of the fluid (in meters). In a right circular cylinder, the radius is not going to change; so treat the radius as a constant.

We cannot mix the units of liters and meters. Use fact that one cubic meter equal 1000 liters.

The volume of a right circular cylinder (can) is V = 1000 r 2 h .

Take the derivative of both sides with respect to time (t) and remember to treat r as a constant. d d [ V ] = 1000 r 2h dt dt dV dh = 1000 r 2 dt dt

3000 = 1000 r 2 dh 3 = 2 dt r

dh dt

If the radius is 4 meters, then the fluid is dropping at a rate of dh 3 = meters per minute. dt 16

If the radius is 10 meters, then the fluid is dropping at a rate of dh 3 = meters per minute. dt 100

Example 6: A hot air balloon rising straight up from a level field is tracked by a range finder 500 feet from the lift off point. At the moment the range finders angle of elevation is

, the angle is increasing at a rate of 0.14 radians 4

per minute. How fast is the balloon rising at that moment? Solution: Sketch the diagram of the problem. In this case, it is a right triangle with the range finder at A, the balloon at C, and the ground directly below the balloon a B. The angle of elevation is at A. We are given that the distance between A and B is 500 feet. We

need to find a relationship between the angle of elevation, ( ) and the height of the balloon, BC ( h ).

A A 500 B

tan =

h 500

When =

h , then tan = 1 = , and h = 500 . 4 4 500

To find the rate at which the balloon is rising, we have to find h . 500

dh . We do this by using dt

the Chain Rule to differentiate tan =

d d h d 1 [ tan ] = = h 500 dt 500 dt dt

sec 2

d 1 dh = dt 500 dt

dh = 500 ( 0.28 ) = 140 feet per min. dt We can say that the balloon is rising at a rate of 140 feet per minute.

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