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Sea urchin barrens have replaced kelp forests in multiple areas. They are “almost immune to
starvation”. Lifespans can exceed 50 years. When stressed by hunger, their jaws and teeth enlarge,
and they form "fronts" and hunt for food collectively.[55]

See also
Algaculture – Aquaculture involving the farming of algae
Seaweed fertilizer
Algae fuel – Use of algae as a source of energy rich oils
Edible seaweed – Algae that can be eaten and used for culinary purposes
Aonori – Type of edible green seaweed
Cochayuyo – Species of seaweed, a form of kelp used as a vegetable in Chile
Hijiki – Species of seaweed
Kombu – Edible kelp
Mozuku – Species of seaweed
Nori – Edible seaweed species of the red algae genus Pyropia
Ogonori – Genus of seaweeds
Wakame – Species of seaweed
Marine permaculture
Sea lettuce – Genus of seaweeds
Seaweed cultivator – machine that grows and harvests seaweed
Seaweed dermatitis – Species of bacterium
Seaweed toxins

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Further reading
Christian Wiencke, Kai Bischof (ed.)(2012). Seaweed Biology: Novel Insights into Ecophysiology,
Ecology & Utilization. Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-28450-2 (print); ISBN 978-3-642-28451-9
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External links
Michael Guiry's Seaweed Site (http://www.seaweed.ie/) information on all aspects of algae,
seaweed and marine algal biology
SeaweedAfrica (https://web.archive.org/web/20110514190554/http://www.seaweedafrica.org/),
information on seaweed utilisation for the African continent.
Seaweed. A chemical industry in Brittany, in the past and today. (http://histoires-de-sciences.over-
AlgaeBase (http://www.algaebase.org/), a searchable taxonomic, image, and utilization database
of freshwater, marine and terrestrial algae, including seaweed.

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