FCE Speaking - брошюра

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PART 1 2

Questions 2
Answers 3
Sevastopol 3
Hobbies/Spare Time 3
Plans for the Future 3
PART 2 5
Talking about the picture in relation to yourself 5
Holidays 5
Dwellings 6
Jobs 7
Eating In and Out 10
Sports and Health 11
City and Transport 13
Means of Transport 16
Computers 17
PART 3 19
PART 4 20
Food and cooking 20
Sport and Hobbies 21
At Home 22
Holidays 23
Entertainment 24
Education and Training 25
Town and Country 27
Travel and Transport 28
Work 29
Describing a Festival 31
The Family and Relationships 33

36 1
PART 1 (3’)


1. What’s it like living here? (adv./disadv.)

2. What is the most interesting part of your town?
3. What kind of jobs do people do in your town?
4. Where’s the best place to stay/do shopping/have lunch here?
5. Do you work?
6. How important is English for your work?
7. What do you enjoy most about your work?
8. Do you have a large family or a small family?
9. Do you have any hobbies?
10. How did you become interested in it?
11. Which do you prefer more, watching television or going to the
cinema? What sort of films do you like to watch?
12. What is there to do in evening in Sevastopol?
13. What kind of music do you enjoy?
14. How do you usually spend your holidays?
15. What country would you like to visit?
16. What sports do people play most in your country?
17. The most important people in your life.
18. Your best friend.
19. The most exciting thing you have ever done.

2 35

1. I can’t but mention its...
2. Once you’ve visited it, you’ll inevitably come back again.
3. Can spend hours exploring local
4. Immerse yourself in piece & quiet of …
5. You’ll be fascinated by...
6. Local cuisine will appeal to you
7. To my mind the best place to... is...
8. The only drawback I can think of is lack of water in summer &
lack of electricity in winter.

Hobbies/Spare Time
1 I’m interested in/fond of/keen on/crazy about... because I find
it relaxing/exciting/absorbing/fascinating.
2 I wish I had more spare time.
3 If I had more spare time, I’d...

Plans for the Future

1 I intend to
2 I’m sure I’ll
3 I hope I’ll
4 I suppose I’ll

34 3
1 peaceful спокойный
2 tolerant терпимый
3 patient терпеливый, снисходительный
4 skilful квалифицированный
5 witty ['wItI] остроумный
6 industrious прилежный, работящий
7 helpful ['helpf(q)l] услужливый, готовый помочь
8 easy-going С легким характером
9 sociable общительный
10 mature [mq'tSVq] зрелый, разумный
1 fussy ['fAsI] суетливый, нервный
2 naughty ['nO:tI] непослушный
3 impatient [Im'peIS(q)nt] нетерпеливый
4 hot-tempered вспыльчивый
5 bossy любящий командовать
6 unreliable ненадежный
7 irresponsible безответственный
8 impolite невежливый
9 moody поддающийся переменам
10 smug самодовольный

4 33
1. breath-taking scenery
2. popular with tourist
3. sea resort
4. you pay literally nothing
5. spectacular view
6. overcrowded beaches
7. posh hotel
8. wind-surfing
9. hang- gliding
10. roller-skating
11. parasailing
12. bungee-jumping
13. scuba-diving
14. water skiing

Candidate A.
Both pictures show us people who are on holiday. People in the first
picture are obviously sailing, they are really enjoying everything, they
are smiling and chatting... The yacht is grand and luxurious and the
weather conditions are superb.
And in the second picture I can see Sphinx - it's a famous landmark and
a popular tourist attraction in Egypt. And there are a lot of tourists at the
foot of the monument who are taking pictures...
Well, I'd rather choose a cruise on the yacht. In my opinion nothing can
be better than an opportunity to spend your holidays sailing and diving
and swimming and breathing fresh sea air and watching dolphins, sea -
gulls and other sea creatures and taking pictures and even making
new friends... And sailing is a perfect exercise for your body and
character as it calls for strength and stamina...
A tour to Egypt sounds interesting too but I really can't stand crowds of
people and staying in hotels and queuing up in airports and listening to
guides and so on...
So if I had a chance I'd go sailing with my friends.

32 5
1. detached, semi-detached, mature garden, block of flats
2. in the suburbs, on the outskirts, in the middle of the nowhere
3. spectacular view from the window
4. lack of privacy, expensive
5. expensive to run

Picture A shows two semi-detached houses. They are quite

traditional and probably located in the suburbs of a city. They appear to
have only very small gardens and driveways where the cars are
Picture B shows a detached house in the countryside where there
are a lot of trees, and it’s got a very big garden. The house doesn’t look
very old, but it has been built in traditional style. It looks fairly spacious.
Picture C and D.
The large detached house in picture D is probably the closest to my
ideal home. It looks spacious, with nice big windows and it’s also got a
big garden. The other house, the cottage in picture C, would probably
get too hot in summer with it’s thatched roof and small rooms. I
definitely think that the house in picture D would be perfect.
I live in a flat with my family, and sometimes it can get a bit crowded. It
doesn’t have a garden although there is a big park nearby. Living in a
flat in the city can get a bit noisy, whereas the houses in the
photographs look quite and peaceful. Having a flat in the city is more
convenient for my dad’s job and my school as there are better transport
facilities, but in the future I’d like to move to the country and buy a
proper house.
The house in picture D is closest to my family’s needs because we are
a large family, my parents, grandparents and three brothers. We also
have two cars, which means we need a garage.

1. fixed hours – flexible hours
2. It requires common sense / stamina / ability to work as a
member of a team / ability to work under pressure

6 31
They’re always at each 3. chances of promotion, good perks
1 9 She broke the engagement off. 4. to work shifts
other’s throats.
They’re devoted to each 5. employer, employee
2 10 I think we’ve grown apart. 6. to retire, to fire, to quit
7. salary, wage
3 I can’t stand him. 11 He walked out on her.
8. tedious, boring, tiring, monotonous
4 We’re firm friends. 12 He’s constantly nagging me. 9.
We’ve never really hit it
5 13 I’ll always stand by you. A cashier must be honest because he/she deals with money. He /
She must also be reliable and polite because he/she deals with people.
That’s a very
6 14 I’m quite fond of her. To be a cashier you don’t need any particular school qualifications.
condescending attitude.
A cook has to be creative because they have to think of new
I’ve got a soft spot for dishes. To be a good cook you might have to go to a school for chefs.
7 15 We’ve fallen out.
him. To be a waiter you have to be patient and accurate so that you
8 He’s fallen for her. 16 They’re like chalk and cheese! make sure that the customer is happy and gets what he/she ordered.
You don’t need any qualifications.
Make some true statements about yourself using some of the above Businessmen need to be ambitious and dedicated
expressions: because the world of business is very difficult. To become a
businessman it helps to have attended a good school and have
university qualifications.
………………………………………………………………………………. A ballet dancer must be fit and strong because the training is
………………………………………………………………………………. hard. She must also be quite ambitious and competitive because there
………………………………………………………………………………. are so many girls who want to be ballet dancers. A ballet dancer must
go to ballet school.
A designer must be creative in order to come up with new and
Can you list any other ways of describing successful and original ideas. He /She has to work long hours though.
unsuccessful relationships? A salesman must be persuasive in order to sell his products and
Successful Relationships Unsuccessful Relationships make commission. It’s a tiring job though.
…………………………………… ……………………………………… A police officer has to be courageous because he / she has a
risky job, but he / she must also be polite in dealing with the public. He /
……………………………………. ………………………………………
She has to attend a police academy.
…………………………………… ……………………………………… Journalists have to be assertive in getting a story or interview and
…………………………………… ……………………………………… also creative and good at writing. They have to attend university.
Lawyers definitely need to be persuasive in order to win their
case. They must also be dedicated because it is a competitive career.
They have to have university qualifications.

30 7
Doctors need to be patient and polite when dealing with patients What makes a relationship successful?
and accurate in their diagnosis. They have to have university Why do relationships fail?
In order to be a teacher you have to be dedicated as there is a lot
of work involved, and patient and imaginative with the children. In the Past the family unit was much bigger / children used to respect
Teachers have to have university qualifications. their parents / ………………………………………………………………
Vets need to be flexible as they could be called on at any time to look ……………………………………………………………………………….
at a sick animal. They also have to be fit and dedicated as the work can Nowadays one-parent families are more common / there seem to be
be exhausting, especially in dealing with farm animals. They need more problems with discipline / ………………………………………….
university qualifications.
To be an architect you need imagination, creativity and dedication if ……………………………………………………………………………….
you want your designs to be successful. Architects have to have
university qualifications.
Mechanics have hard and often dirty work so they must be
dedicated and quite fit. They also have to be reliable and accurate if
they want to have a good reputation. Some school qualifications are

Picture A is obviously one of a doctor because he is wearing a

white coat and has a stethoscope in his pocket. He’s probably a doctor
in a hospital and spends his time walking around the different wards
checking on all the patients. He may work shifts which means that
sometimes he works in the day and other time through the night. His
job is very stressful because he is responsible for people lives and he
may have to make difficult decisions. He has become a doctor after
many years of study and has a lot of knowledge. He has a high income
but has to work long hours.
Picture B is of a ballerina or ballet dancer. She’s dressed in a tutu
which is worn when ballet dancers perform on stage. Ballet dancers
earn their living by performing different ballets like “Swan Lake” and
“Coppelia” in theatres. They have to attend ballet classes every day
and keep very fit and healthy. When they are preparing for a show, they
have to rehearse long hours so that by the time of the performance,
everything is perfect. They usually perform at night so their job can
affect their social life. They have to start training from a very young age
but their career isn’t very long and most ballet dancers stop dancing in Decide whether the following comments are positive or negative
their thirties.

8 29
The festival is held ………..………………………………………... To be a doctor you have to be caring, patient, helpful and be able to
deal with all kinds of people. You must be able to make quick and
takes place …………………………………………….
sometimes life-saving decisions and have the ability to recognise and
is organized …………………………………………… diagnose different illnesses.
…………………………………………………………… A ballet dancer must be dedicated because many hours are spent
rehearsing and working in a dance studio. They must also be very
It commemorates …………………………………………………. graceful and creative.
I would like to be a ballet dancer because it must be exciting to dance
celebrates …………………………………………………. in beautiful ballets with big orchestras in front of live audience. It’s also
We are not sure when / why the festival started but …..…………. a wonderful opportunity to travel and see different places. It must also
………………………………………………………………………………. be very tiring and difficult to have a normal social life.
I wouldn’t enjoy being a doctor because I would find it too upsetting to
work with ill and sick people. I also don’t think I’m dedicated enough to
Preparations begin many weeks beforehand. spend so many years studying and working long hours.
Floats have to be decorated.
Decorations Pictures C and D.
put up.
……………………………………….. I find the job of the police officer more interesting because I think it
would be more varied and enjoyable. You don’t know what incidents
you will have to deal with every day and you may be assigned to
The streets are decorated with ………………………………….. different jobs like crowd control or protecting an important person. It is
lined with ………………………………….. of course a dangerous job sometimes, especially if you have to deal
crowded with ………………………………….. with a crime but it must be very rewarding to know that you’re helping
and protecting the public.
………………… …………………………………...
I would choose to be a police officer because I would enjoy the variety
of jobs that I would be doing and the knowledge that I was doing
People come the surrounding district to see all the events. something worthwhile that was helping the community. The fact that I
from all over the world ……………….……….. would be working outdoors also appeals to me. The worst thing about
……………………………. …………….………….. being a businessperson would be the fact that I would probably be
working in an office for most of the day. I wouldn’t enjoy the routine of
They wear ……………………………………………………………. the work and the stressful environment.
dress up in ……………………………………………………. Money is more important to me than fame because with money you can
take part in …………………………………..……………….. enjoy a better lifestyle.
I think that if you want to get a good job, with prospects, you do need
make their way to …………………………………………….
qualifications at least for certain professions such as being a doctor or a
…………………………………………………………………… lawyer.
The Family and Relationships Eating In and Out
How has family life changed since your grandparents were young?

28 9
Restaurant You have seen an advertisement for an English-speaking guide to take
advantages smartly-dressed staff, romantic atmosphere, groups of tourists around your country. Write a letter of application for
freshly cooked food, good wine list, background the job.
music, varied menu
disadvantages formal surroundings, tend to be expensive I think I would like to be a(n) …………………………………………..
Picnic site
because ……………………………………………………………………
advantages close to nature, nice view, enjoy the open air
disadvantages you have to rely on the weather, prepare food
beforehand and clear up afterwards I would like to apply for the job of tourist guide, as advertised in
Pictures A and B At present I am studying …………………. at ………………………..
If I were celebrating a special occasion, I would choose to go to the
restaurant in Picture A because it’s much more comfortable and and I hope to ……………………………………………………………...
luxurious than the fast food place in Picture B. The food is of better
quality and there is waiter service. For the last …………. years I have been working as a(n) …………
People choose different places according to their needs. If they want to for ………………………………………………………………………..
relax in style, they go to a restaurant. If they are in a hurry, they visit My duties include (+ ing) ……………………………………………….
fast food places and when they are travelling they stop off at mobile
canteens or motorway stations or they pack a picnic.
In restaurants you can expect to enjoy varied and high quality food and I have had experience in (+ ing) ………………………………………
drink, including alcohol, whereas in fast food places the food is often In previous jobs I have had to …………………………………………
greasy and not as healthy. Also you can usually only choose soft
My family would rather eat at a restaurant because they enjoy the
I can speak / write / understand English …………………………….
varied menu and the freshly prepared food.

I am applying for the job because ……….…………………………….


I would be available for an interview …………………………………

Sports and Health
Pictures C and D I hope you will consider my application favourably.
Picture C shows a wrestling match. It’s a very physical sport and needs I look forward to hearing from you.
a lot of strength and skill. You don’t really need any special equipment.
Picture D shows a horse and its rider takes part in a show-jumping Describing a Festival
event. Riding, and especially show-jumping, needs a lot of skill and Describe an annual festival held either in your town or another part of
some strength. It is also a very expensive sport to learn because all the your country or describe a national festival or holiday.

10 27
Have you ever had a bad experience when traveling somewhere? If so, equipment and the horses are very expensive. It is also a very time-
what happened? consuming sport as it takes so much preparation.
I’d prefer to learn to ride and take part in the show-jumping event,
because it’s not a barbaric sport. It’s very civilized and it demands hard
The main (dis) advantage of traveling by ….……………… is that training. You also have to have a good relationship with your horse.
Or I’d prefer to learn to wrestle, because it’s more useful being able to
can …………………………………………………………………
fight another person rather than riding a horse. I like physical sports
you can't ……………………………………………………………….. and wrestling is very skilful.
(don’t) have to I don't think sport has to be competitive. Sport should be about keeping
On the other hand, if you travel by ……………………………….. fit and having fun. The desire to win is a basic human instinct. But don’t
forget that some of the most enjoyable sports aren’t competitive: wind
However, ………………………………………………………………. surfing, jogging, roller skating etc.
The worst thing that has ever happened to me while traveling Sport is very important in our lives as so much of our time is spent
was when I ……………………………………………………………….. indoors working behind desks, and so it’s important to get outside and
work out all our built-up aggression. Competition covers all aspects of
………………………………………………………………………………. our lives, in the office and in sport. Sport can be the focus for people
when they are not working. People become very passionate about
many sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball. It's very exciting to
watch your team playing.
Jogging: I like jogging because you don't need any special equipment
and you can go jogging anywhere. However jogging can get
monotonous and it is a bit of a lonely sport. It is time-consuming, and is
also tiring.
Fishing: I don't like fishing because I think it's monotonous and boring,
and you need special equipment which is expensive. However some
people find it very rewarding and relaxing, even though it can be a
lonely sport.
Skiing: In the winter I like to go skiing in the mountains, because it's an
exciting and fun outdoor sport. At the moment it's also very fashionable.
There are problems with this sport because it costs a lot of money as
you need special equipment. Not only is it expensive, but it is also
dangerous and you need to be highly skilled.
Karate: I find karate an exciting sport, although it can get a bit violent as
Work it's a contact sport. It is also useful as you can train to protect yourself.
If you have a job, descried it and say what you like / dislike about it. However even though lessons are not too expensive you have to have
If you could do any kind of job, what would you most like to be? a lot before you become really skilled, and so it's quite time-consuming.

26 11
It's also very competitive because everybody wants to get their black What do people do there (work, spare time)?
belt. Compare life in a town or city with life in the country.
Motor racing: I like to watch motor racing as it is very exciting because .........is in the north / south / east / west / middle of my country.
the cars go so quickly, and it's highly competitive. However, I could
by the sea / on a river / in the mountains .........…………..
never take part as it's so expensive and dangerous.
Cricket: I like cricket as it's a leisurely game and you play it with a team. ……………………………………………………………..………
However, it can get very monotonous and boring as matches can take It has a few / several / a lot of ......................................................…..
up to three days. ………………………………………………………………………….…….
American football: American football is an exciting team sport. It is also
very competitive and as a contact sport it can get very violent. It's a It’s famous for its ….……………………………………………………..
very fast-paced sport, but with a lot of breaks. You can't just play it ………………………………………………………………………….…….
anywhere as a lot of special equipment is needed, as well as a lot of The people who live there work in offices / restaurants. …………
space and a team!
In the evening they usually / sometimes …………………………….
I like swimming because it's a very healthy sport and it exercises all
your muscles. It's nice to swim in the sea in the summer, but in the ……………………………………………………………………………….
winter it's difficult to find somewhere nice to swim. Indoor swimming
pools can be dirty and crowded.
Roller skating is a fun sport, because all you need is a pair of roller City life less relaxing than life in the country
skates. You can do it anywhere. However, it can be a bit dangerous, is (much)
because if you're not very skilled you can fall over easily and hurt more strenuous
yourself. …………………………… …………………………………
A lot of businessmen play golf because it is a relaxing sociable game, …………………………… …………………………………
but it also requires some skill. However one game takes such a long
time that I think that it must get quite boring. It's also quite an expensive
game to play as you need a lot of golf clubs. In the country: While in the big city:
I like football as it's an exciting fast-moving game. However, I don't like
going to watch games as there are a lot of problems with the fans being people have time to talk to you people are always in a hurry
violent. ……………………………………… ……………………………………
I like horse-riding as it's a sport which can take you into the countryside. ……………………………………… ……………………………………
You have to rely on the horse as much as yourself. However, it's a very
……………………………………… ……………………………………
expensive sport, as not only do you need a lot of expensive equipment
but you also need a horse and somewhere to keep it. ……………………………………… ……………………………………

City and Transport

1 traffic jams, congested roads, contaminated cities Travel and Transport
2 exhaust fumes, polluted air What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by car, coach,
3 public transport, rush hour plane, ship and train?

12 25
What did/do you like about school? Why?
What did/do you dislike about school. Why?
If you were a teacher, what would you do to make your lessons Pictures A and B
interesting? Picture A shows a traffic jam in which the cars are crammed together
What would you do with pupils or students who kept disrupting your and probably moving very slowly. It must be rush-hour in a busy city. In
lessons? Picture B we see someone using an aerosol spray, like hairspray. Both
situations lead to pollution of the environment and the destruction of the
First, make a list of your school/college subjects: ozone layer.
The fumes emitted by the cars create smog and are poisonous. The
………………… ……………… ……………… ……………… carbon dioxide they contain also creates acid rains which can destroy
………………… ……………… ……………… ……………… trees, buildings and monuments. The build-up of both these types of
………………… ……………… ……………… ……………… pollutants in the atmosphere also increases the greenhouse effect.
………………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Aerosols destroy the ozone layer.
In order to reduce this type of pollution, catalytic converters can be
installed in cars and we can use ozone friendly products. Also, by
My favourite subject was/is …………………………………………… encouraging the use of lead-free petrol and boycotting aerosols,
What I really like(d) was/is ................................................................ everyone can campaign for a cleaner, healthier atmosphere.
because .............................................................................................. Everybody can do something to help protect the environment. All
people should care about the environment and do everything they can
to protect it.
We can all begin by marking good use of the recycled products around
I'm no good at .....................................................................................
and not wasting recyclable or biodegradable products such as paper.
I've never been any good at .............................................................. We could also start using bottle banks and recycling bins where we
would put our rubbish, and convert our cars to lead-free petrol.
What I found/find really boring was/ is ............................................ Pictures C and D
because…………………………………………………………………… Pictures C and D make me very depressed. It is sad to see the wildlife
of the land or sea suffering as a result of man-made pollution. The piles
of rubbish in most cities are also disgusting to look at and unhealthy for
If I were a teacher, I'd try to make lessons interesting by ............... the environment. I get angry at people's carelessness and thoughtless
………………………………………………………………………………… attitudes that lead to these situations.
In order to stop the death of sea life from pollution, we need to impose
If a student disrupted the class, I'd ................................................... stricter measures on factories which dump their waste into the ocean.
Better navigation of oil tankers could also prevent oil spillages. Also, we
should all be more responsible for our litter and dispose of it more
carefully. We mustn't leave rubbish on the beaches or in the streets.
If we don’t take measures to protect the planet, the hole in the ozone
Town and Country layer will widen. This will inevitably lead to high incidents of skin cancer
Describe the place where you live, or a city you know. and other relative diseases. Global warming will be a major problem

24 13
because icebergs will melt, causing intensive flooding of huge areas of How often do you go to the cinema or theatre?
land. The dramatic change in climate will lead to many deaths from What kinds of films, plays or shows do you like?
heat and exhaustion. Also, if deforestation is not stopped, oxygen levels What kinds of TV and radio programmes do you like?
will eventually plummet to such a low level that it will affect and destroy How important is music in your life?
life on earth as we know it. What kind of music do you like?
Children must become aware of the environmental problems and how
important it is to keep the environment clean. They can be given talks
In their schools. I like westerns/science fiction/adventure films/musicals.
Suggested answers
One of my favourite films is called .........................………………........
Picture A shows traffic jams and congestion which is a great
problem in most major cities and towns. I can really recommend it.
This problem arises especially during rush hour and is very It stars ……………………......................................................................
stressful and frustrating for drivers especially those who have It's set in ..............................................................……………………...
appointments to keep. It's about................................ who .….……………………………..…...
It also creates noise pollution as people start shouting and
sounding their horns. ………………………………………………………………………………..
This can also be most annoying for people living in such areas
where there tends to be a lot of congestion.
Picture B shows us that the more cars there are, the more the air gets I like watching/listening to comedy shows/documentaries/serials.
polluted. Recently I saw/listened to a programme about ……………………..
The fumes from the exhaust pipes have devastating effects on ………………………………………………………………………………
the atmosphere and sometimes make it impossible for other drivers to
see clearly.
Picture C shows a major problem which occurs in many towns I suppose music is (quite) important in my life.
and cities; the problem of parking. Some cities do not have adequate
parking spaces or car parks to cater for the thousands of daily cars. Music is(n't) very important to me.
Finally, despite the many advantages of taking public transport, I'm especially fond of classical music/pop music/jazz.
Picture D shows a major disadvantage, this being the extremely long ……………………………………………………………………………………
bus queues.
This is always a problem. People can wait for hours until they
finally get to the front of the queue and even then the bus may come
and it might be full.
To get over the problem of congestion in Picture A more people
should be encouraged to use public transport.
But people will only do this if the transport system is improved.
As you can see in Picture D buses and trains tend to be rather
infrequent, crowded and uncomfortable.
Education and Training

14 23
Describe your last holiday. So, more money should be poured into making improvements.
If you could afford it, where would you most like to go on holiday? Drivers should be encouraged to have their cars converted to
lead-free petrol to avoid polluting the air so much.
For me, the most making new friends
important thing about a doing something completely different Means of Transport
holiday is Suggested answer
Travelling by boat is ideal if you are travelling abroad and in no
particular rush to reach your destination. On ships, you can relax, enjoy
all the facilities available and stretch your legs. On the other hand, they
in a busy sea-side resort, with lots of tourists. tend to get crowded particularly in peak season and the journey can
miles from anywhere. take a long time. For the latter reason, planes are an advantage. They
It was
about five minutes' walk from the town centre. are ideal for reaching your destination quickly and are generally very
…………………………………………………………………. safe. However, flights tend to be expensive and can be unreliable as
there tend to be a lot of delays. Trains are ideal for travelling from town
What I enjoyed most was going on a trip around the islands. to town. They are very safe, fast and tend to be comfortable. However,
exploring the countryside. they are not so reliable and prices can be quite high. Buses, on the
…………………………………………… other hand, are cheaper and ideal for short journeys. However, they
can be unreliable, slow and stressful especially if you are in a rush to
The part of the holiday was when I lost my passport. get somewhere. Taxis are a good alternative if you can afford them.
worst thing about it the fact that the beaches were very Travelling by car is extremely convenient and comfortable but they can
crowded. be expensive to buy and run. Cycling is ideal if you wish to keep fit,
……………………………….….. economise, and avoid traffic jams. However, it can be quite dangerous
especially at night or in bad weather conditions. Both horseriding and
(If I could afford it,) I'd tour around North and South America. travelling by horse and cart are good for getting around in the country
really love to or in villages but dangerous for town as horses can be unpredictable.
sail round the world for a couple of years.
If I were travelling abroad, I’d prefer to travel by plane as opposed to by
hitch-hike round India ! boat because I hate long journeys and I easily get sea-sick. If I were
………………………………….………………………………… travelling around town I’d prefer a car because I would not have to
depend on unreliable public transport services and I would be a lot
more comfortable.

Suggested answer
Using a computer in the office means that the work is carried out with
much more speed and efficiency

22 15
There is less paperwork, which is more economical and creates less Describe your room.
mess and because everything is stored on file the office will be much Is there anything you'd like to do to improve your house?
better organised.
People suffer from headaches and eyestrain if they operate computers I live in a flat/ semi-detached/detached/terraced house/
for too long; doctors believe that radiation from the screen is also very in the centre of town/ in the suburbs
harmful to our health. in a quiet/noisy street
Nowadays computers are being introduced into schools as a means of …………………………………………………………………
education two bedrooms ……………………………………….
Students are taught the useful skill of how to use computers which they It's got
can use to write assignments etc and they also have access to all kinds
a garden ..……………………………......................
of information which can make subjects easier to understand. It hasn't got
The only disadvantage of teaching by computer is that you lose the …………………………………………………………
student-teacher contact, which is so important. At school students learn
other valuable skills such as communication, which cannot be taught My room is on the ground/first/second floor …………………….
through computers. Also, the use of computers is expensive because at the front/back of the house ……………………….
both the hardware and software has to be updated and they consume a opposite ………………………………………………
lot of electricity. next to ………………………………………………..
Students gain instant access to information on a worldwide scale and
they can interact with other students around the world which helps them
to broaden their knowledge. In the corner there's a ………………………………………....
Yes, there is no end to what computers can do. If I could design a On the wall ………………………………………………..….
perfect computer, it would do all kinds of things for me. Under the window there are some …………………………………
We take computers for granted. By the door
I believe computers have made our lives easier because information is
more accessible and at the touch of a button you can find something If I could afford it, I would like to
out that before might have taken hours. have an extension built to have more space to work in.
Pictures C and D
a shower installed
- In Picture С a man is trying to sort his way through a mountain of files
and he looks fed up at the thought of it. In Picture D the woman is using ………………………. …………………………….………….
the computer to either access or input information. She looks relaxed
and not at all depressed by the work she is doing.
- Computers have made many jobs a lot simpler and less time-
consuming than when they were done manually. However, this means
that people have had to learn new skills, as computers still depend on
humans programming and operating them.
What kind of holiday do you like? Where do you go? What do you do?

16 21
What sports and hobbies are you interested in? How long have you - I would like to use computers for my job as long as the working
been doing them? conditions are appropriate. Using a computer for a long time can be
What do they involve? What equipment do you need? very uncomfortable and tiring if regular breaks are not taken.
Where do you do them? Why do you like them? - A bad thing about computers is that we can rely on them too much. As
they're highly sophisticated pieces of machinery, they are liable to
I think the most popular sports in my country are ..……………. break down sometimes and when this happens it is very frustrating.
A lot of people go swimming / riding / sailing / skiing …………. Also, it is said that working in front of a computer screen for a long time
and using a keyboard continuously can affect your eyes and your
- Although computers will continue to become more important in our
lives, I don't think they will ever replace human beings. For a start, it is
humans that make, program and operate computers. Yes, and although
they may help people in their work, they can't replace the importance of
human contact and kindness, especially in the caring professions like
nursing etc.

PART 3 (3’)
At Home
Describe your home. Problem solving

20 17
S A: Personally, I would choose room В for the baby's bedroom
because it's at the back of the house and doesn't look out onto the busy Food and cooking
main road. How important is food in your country?
S B: Yes, I agree. It would be a lot quieter wouldn't it? It's also the What kind of food do/don't you like?
right size for a baby. In that case, room D should be the living room so Describe how to make your favourite dish or a traditional dish from your
that the parents could leave the door to the baby's room open and keep country.
an eye on it while they are in the living room.
S A: Yes, it's also very spacious with a nice big window at the side One of our local/national dishes is called ...……….…………….
plus, the entrance would lead straight into the living room. But which It's (quite/very) spicy/strong .........................................................
room do you think would be most suitable for the master bedroom? It's made from .................................................................................
S B: I'd say room A because it's next to the baby's room so the
parents would be close at hand if the baby needed attention. Complete the column on the right with a word from the list below. Use
S A: Absolutely. It's also big and at the rear so the parents won't be each word once only. Space has been left for your own examples.
disturbed by the heavy traffic. It's also close to the bathroom. What
about the kitchen? bake beat chop cut divide
S B: Well, I suppose room С is the only one left isn't it?
S A: Yes, but even so, it would be ideal because there are two grate melt pour serve sprinkle
windows, which could be opened to let the smells and fumes of cooking
out. In this way, the baby wouldn't be affected.
S B: Moreover, it doesn't really matter if the kitchen looks out onto 1. …………………………. the meat into thin slices.
the main road. Any noise from the kitchen probably wouldn't wake the 2. …………………………. the onion finely.
baby up. 3. …………………………. some cheese to use as a topping.
4. …………………………. half of the milk into a large bowl.
5. …………………………. the eggs thoroughly.
6. ………………………….. the dough into 2 balls.
7. ………………………….. the butter in a frying pan.
8. ………………………….. in a hot oven.
9. ………………………….. sugar over the top of the cake.
10. ………………………….. on a warm plate.

PART 4 (4’) Sport and Hobbies

What are the most popular sports in your country?

18 19

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