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Convergence problem check list

Prepared by:
Ramin Bahiraie
All sections of datafile

• Check all problem and warning messages.

• Does the model run better with no tuning keywords?
• Remove TUNING or TSCRIT or CVCRIT keywords and try to
• Is the model in equilibrium at the beginning of the
simulation? Try running the model without any wells or any
aquifers or any advanced feature such as LGR, VE, Gas lift
optimization, Network option,… and try to add them one by
one to see its impact on simulation performance.
GRID and EDIT sections

• Use MINPV, check LIMITS and check LGRs.

• Have you checked the grid structure and orientation?
• Check whether you need to set a minimum pore volume
• Radial runs: Is the inner radius too small?
• High throughput issue observed? Are small cells located next
to the big cells?
• Dual porosity runs: Is sigma too large? Check variation of
fracture properties, use DPNUM?
• LGRs: Are the cells too small? In ECLIPSE 100 try LGRLOCK
PROPS section

• PVT data: Use EXTRAPMS in ECLIPSE 100. In all simulators,

avoid PVT extrapolations
• Does your run include advanced features such as chemical
reaction, temperature option of VE? Have you checked all
defined parameters for these features?
• SCAL data: Check the slopes of all relative permeability
tables. Remove very small Kr values.
SOLUTION section

• Is initial fluid distribution stable?

• Do you have several equilibrium regions?
• Too many connections/directions to grid for Aquifer?
• Have you used Initial Tracer Concentration vs Depth (TVDP)
• Check the anomalies in PRESSURE, SWAT, SGAS, RS/RV,
PBUB/PDEW values for enumeration initialization
• In case of enumeration initialization, do you have sharp
variations of cell properties?
SUMMARY sections

• Remove RPTONLY
• Plot PERFORMANCE information

SCHEDULE sections

• Avoid VFP table extrapolations, use EXTRAPMS in ECLIPSE 100

• Have you checked your well completions? Is there any wrong
completion definition?
• Take care when using MSWs, Tracer tracking and network option
General workflow
Check all problems and warnings
A general workflow to correct
convergence problems may looks like to
what has been illustrated here. You
should be aware that convergence Try removing TUNING keywords
messages in ECLIPSE are focused on
adjusting simulator tuning. However,
many convergence problems are Identify problem cells and isolate
derived from data errors and activity at the time of convergence
extrapolation problems. While error
checking is performed, not all data
errors will be caught. You are strongly
Check rel-perm tables for sharp
advised to go through this checklist derivative changes
prior to adjusting the TUNING keyword.
Avoid PVT and VFP extrapolations
Note: PINCH and MINPV can eliminate (EXTRAPMS)
some throughput related problems.
Thanks for your attention

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