IMC Tools

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Strengths & Weaknesses of Major IMC Tools

Tools Strengths Weaknesses

Informs, persuades, reminds and reinforces
Expensive, within a cluttered media with high
Advertising mass audiences about a product; builds brand
noise level.
Leads to immediate results, has a direct impact
on sales and is measurable, helps clear excess
Has short-term results, makes consumers deal-
inventory, helps nullify competitive promotions,
Sales Promotion prone, can erode brand equity and loyalty, is
generates excitement, gets trade and sales force
gradually getting cluttered and expensive.
support, is relatively less expensive than
Highly targeted, measurable, customization and
personalization possible, suitable for certain
Expensive, not suitable for reaching large
Direct Marketing product types, possibility for two-way
communication and building long-term
Organization has little control over what gets
Can create goodwill; has high credibility; is low
Publicity / Public publicized, often has hidden costs, results are
in cost; reaches many audiences, especially
Relations difficult to measure, does not have a direct
impact on sales.
Is direct, low in cost, interactive and two- Smaller audiences, unsuitable for non-savvy,
Internet/ Interactive
directional, personalized, up-to-date, targeted, audiences, some forms like spam emails or pop-
Marketing less intrusive and less commercial. ups can be intrusive.
Highly targeted, interactive and bi-directional,
flexible, message and presentation can be
customized and personalized , measurable,
Expensive, unsuitable for reaching large
Personal Selling offers immediate feedback, takes the consumer
closer to sales, effective in building relationships,
suitable for certain product types and niche
Makes the final impression, consumers in Placed in a competitive environment, reaches
catches the ready-to buy stage. small audiences.
High impact as it is one of the last reminder
Reaches a small audience, low life-cycle as no
Point-of-purchase messages, makes a powerful visual statement,
guarantee of continuous retail display/ support.
and catches the impulse buyer.
Specialties Personalized and highly targeted. Reach a small audience, relatively expensive.
Earns goodwill, builds brand association with a May be expensive, reaches a small audience, is
Sponsorships particular cause, brings dedicated audience in a not measurable and has no direct impact on
clutter-free environment, helps get publicity. sales
Creates excitement, builds brand association
with a particular event/cause, brings dedicated May be expensive, reaches a small audience, is
Event Marketing audience in a clutter-free environment, and not measurable and has no direct impact on
helps get publicity, possibility for more sales
interaction with consumers.
Dissipates information to targeted audiences,
gets visibility and media coverage, can promote Reaches small audiences, relatively expensive,
Trade Show
interactivity, provides and opportunity for exposes exhibits to competition
competitive survey.
Delights customers, creates differentiation at Directly adds to the cost of the product, quality
Customer Service
the time of purchase has to be monitored.

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