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It is the same as in trickling filter

 Qmax = 61502 m3/d, BOD = 494 mg/l,
Vertical velocity (Vt) of particles arranged from 0.016m/s - 0.022m/s
Horizontal velocity = 0.3m/s,
Assume Specific gravity (SG) = 2.65 & diameter of particles d p = 0.2mm

 Design equations:


Where :
 Vh = horizontal velocity of the particles.
 B = Width of the grit removal.
 H= hight if grit removal.

2. Vv =

 L = length of grit removal.


Here we assume Vh =0.3m/s

 Design steps for grit removal:
1. Qmax = 61502 m3

2. 0.3 *24*3600 =

B*H = 2.37 m2
Assume H = 1.5B  B= 1.26m , H = 1.9m

3. assume Vv = 0.0 22 m/s

L= = 26m

3.Detention time td

 td = = 86.3 s
Tank dimensions

B = 1.26m
H = 1.9m
L = 26m

 primary sedimentation tank (P.S.T)

It is the same as in T.F
 Creiteria & Assumptions :
1 ) detention time is (1.5-2.5) hr
2) dimensions for rectangular
- for depth (3-5)m
- for length (15-90)m
- for width (3-24)m
3) we use rectangular P.S.T .
 Use these Design equations:
1) Vo = Q / A

Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d

Q = peak flow (m3/d)

A = total surface area of basin (m2).

2) t=24*(V/Q)
Where :

t  = detention time (hours).

V = P.S.T volume, m3

Q = peak flow m3/d

 Design step:
1) Calculate Qpeack = Qavg. * P.F
 P.F = 1.6
 Qpeak = 50294 m3/d
2) Assume removal efficiency of P.S.T = 60%.

Efficiency = = = 0.60

 S.Sout = 232.4 mg/l

From fig. (13.6) ,an overflow rate = 35 m3/m2.d
3) Calculating of surface area:
 Surface Area of P.S.T = Qpeak. / (overflow rate)

 Surface Area of P.S.T = 50294 35 = 1437 m2

- assume width of tank = 20 m . so,  length = A / W= 1437/20 = 72 m
4) Calculating of Volume & detention time at Qpeak. :
 Assume depth of tank = 3 m.

 Volume P.S.T = A d = 1437 3 = 4311 m3

 detention time at average flow = = = 0.085 day =

2.05 hr.

5) Calculating of Efficiency, overflow & detention time at Q peak :

- Overflow rate = = = 35 m/d

- Efficiency = 60 % from fig.

So, we get the required efficiency for P.S.T with dimensions :

Activated Sludge
 Definition of aerobic treatment:
It is the biological treatment in which the organic matter is digested and
stabilized by aerobic bacteria in the presence of molecular oxygen “O2”.

 Conventional activated sludge system:

 It is one of aerobic suspended – Growth treatment methods.

 The activated sludge is an active mass of microorganism capable

of stabilizing a waste aerobically.

 Activated sludge system element:

a) Aeration tank.
b) Secondary settling tank.
c) Sludge recalculation.
d) Oxygen requirement.

 Activated sludge system parameters:

1- External parameter:
- BOD-Load

- TKN-Load
- SS-Load
- Flow rate (Q+Qr)
- HRT (hydraulic retention time).
2- Parameters to identify bacteria concentration :
- MLSS kg/m3 (typically value 2 – 5 kg/m3)
- MLVSS kg /m3
- Organic fraction = MLVSS/MLSS = 70 – 80%.
- F/M ratio: food (kg BOD) to bacteria (kg MLSS) ratio
typically (0.15 – 0.2 )
3- Settling parameters :
- SVI: Sludge volume index.
- SVI = SV (ml/l)/MLSS (g/l),
Where, SVI = the volume of 1 gram MLSS after 30 min . in imhof cone.

SVI < 50 Very good

SVI < 80 Good

SVI < 120 Satisfactory

SVI < 200 Poor

SVI > 200 Bulking sludge

4- Return sludge:
- R = Sa / (Sr-Sa)
- Sa =MLSS kg/m3 in A.T
- Sr = MLSS kg/m3 (return sludge)
- Sr = 1000 /SVI kg/m3
- R = fraction of Q

 Activated sludge process sludge:

Design process include 5 point:
1) Aeration tank volume.
2) Shaping & configuration of the aeration tank.
3) Design of aeration tank A.T
4) Design of secondary sedimentation tank.
5) Amount of waste activated sludge.

 Design of Aeration tank (A.T)

 Design equations:
1. BOD (total) in system = BOD5in +0.5 * CODin
2. V = BOD load to the A.T / [ MLSS * (F/M)]
Where :
V = volume of the atreation tank.
F/M = the ratio between food and micro organisims .
MLSS= active biomass.
3. Sludge mass = MLSS * V
4. HRT = V/Qt ,
Where :
Qt = Q + Qr , Qr = RQ
R = R = Sa / (Sr-Sa) , Sr = 1000 /SVI kg/m3
Sa = MLSS.
5. Excess sludge = Mass sludge in A.T / Sludge age.

 Assumptions & Design criteria :

1. F/M ratio < 0.2 kg MLSS take it = 0.15 (typically)
2. MLSS IN A.T = (2-4) kg MLSS/m3 take it = 4 kg MLSS/m3
3. Assume 35 % of BOD removal in the primary S.T so, 65% of
BOD inter A.T
4. Assume 10 % TKN settled in primary settling tank, 90% inter
aeration tank (A.T)
5. Typical depth of A.T = 4-7 m
6. Typical width of A.T compartment = (3-5) m
7. In here, we use plug flow in A.
8. In here, we assume effeceincy of A.T = 90%

 Design steps:
1) Calculate Qdesign
It was calculated in the previous project
 Qdesign = 78550 m3/day
2) Calculate BOD Load:
 BOD (total) in system = 494+0.5 * 853 = 920.5 mg/l.
 BOD interring A.T = 0.65 * 920.5 = 598.3 mg/l.
 BOD load to the A.T = 78550* 598.3 * 103 * 10-6 = 47000 kg
3) Calculate volume of A.T:
We assume ( F/M = 0.15)
 V = 47000 / (4*0.15) =78333.3 m3
 Assume depth = 4.5 m
 surface area of A.T = Volume/depth = 78333.3 /4.5 = 17407.4 m2
Use A.T with “ 4 “ compartments
 Width = 4 * 5= 20 m.
 Length of each A.T = area / width = 17407.4 / 20 = 871 m.


Plug flow
 USE 5 A.T each has volume = 78333.3 / 5 =15666.6 m3
 Area of each A.T = 17407.4 / 5 = 4351.85 m2
 SO, length of each A.T = 4351.85 / 20 = 217.6 m
L = 217.6 m

W = 4 *5 = 20 m

D = 4.5 m

4) Calculation for Oxygen requirements :

 O2 (BOD) = 0.5 * BOD load to (A.T) * efficiency of (A .T)
 O2 (BOD) = 0.5 * 47000* 0.9 = 21150 kg O2/day.
 For Nitrification:
TKN in A.T = 99 mg/l , TKN in A.T= 0.9 * 99 =89.1 mg/l.
TKN (LOAD)=Qdesign.*TKNin =78550*89.1*103*10-6 =7000 kg
TKN /day.
 O2 (Nitrification)=4.57*TKN(LOAD)= 4.57 * 7000 = 32000
 For endogenous respiration: -
 O2 (endo.) = sludge mass * F/M
 Sludge mass = 4 * 78333.3 = 313333.2 kg MLSS.
 O2 (endo.) = 313333.2 * 0.15 = 47000 kg O2/day.
 Total Oxygen requirements =21150+32000 +47000 = 100150
kg O2/day
5) Calculation of (HRT) :
Sr = 1000 /SVI kg/m3 ( assume SVI=100 ml/g)
 Sr = 1000/100 = 10 kg/m3

Sa = 4 kg/m3 = MLSS.

R = 4/(10-4) = 0.67
 Qt= 78550 +(0.657 * 78550) = 131178.5 m3/d
131178.5 / 24 = 5465.7m3/hr.

 HRT = 78333.3 / 5465.7 = 14.3 hr

 So, we need 2 pump each pump operate 8 hr

 Assume each pump consume 18 kw /hr.

 Assume 1 kw = 0.1$
 Daily cost for operating for each pump = 14.3 *18 * 0.1 = 26 $ /hr
6) Calculating of Excess sludge :

 sludge age (θ) = 3.05(1.127)20-T

 in here, T = 21 Co

 ( ) = 3.05*(1.127)20-21 = 2.7days
 Excess sludge = 313333.2 /2.7 = 115780 kg (dry) solid/m3.

Grit.R PS SS
T Aeration Tank T

System of activated sludge

 Secondary sedimentation tank (S.S.T)

It the same as in T.F

 Design Criteria:
1) Over flow rate < 32 m3/ for Qdesign > 6000 m3/day
2) Minimum side water depth = 2.1 m
 Design equation:
1) Vo = Q / A
Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d
Q = average daily flow (m3/d (
A = total surface area of basin
2) t=24*(V/Q)
Where :
t  = detention time (hours).
V = basin volume, m3
Q = average daily flow m3/d

3) t=24*H/Vo
t = detention time, hr
H = depth of water in tank, m
Vo = overflow rate m3/m2.d

 Design steps:
1) Qmax = 87550 m3/d > 6000
 Conventional, high Rate, and step Aeration

so, overflow rate = 32 m3/m2.d

2) A (surface area) = Q / Vo = 87550 / 32 = 2736 m2
3) Now, we Calculate the detention time:
Take the depth of the clarifier = 2.8 m
V (of the clarifier) = 2736 * 2.8 = 7660.8 m 3
 Detention time = 24*(7660.8/87550) = 2.1 days >2 (OK)
4) Assume L=3W, A=3W2
 W= 30.1 take it as 31 m
 L = 3*31 = 93 m

The dimension of secondary sedimentation tank is

W = 31 m
L = 93 m
D = 2.8 m

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