UbuntuMagazine Spring2022

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Issue 1 | Spring 2022


Sarah Ritzen shares her story

Changing people’s
perspective on wildlife

Research on elephants in a captive environment

Ubuntu Magazine transforms the travel market toward sustainability
by sharing fairly. Our aim is to create awareness around the beauty
of the world, by putting a spotlight on the conservationists working
day and night to conserve our surroundings. Only with thorough
research and sharing knowledge, we can assure ourselves of a
bright, biodiverse future.

With Ubuntu we broaden our perspective in living together with

nature, instead of alongside it.

Emerge yourself in the articles and become inspired.

Björn Donnars | Meerkats

Introduction 07 Angela Boghui 32-41

Let’s live Ubuntu. Romania and its nature.

Björn Donnars 08-19 Christina Tholander 42-51

A visit to the stars of Elephant researcher at the
meerkat manor. African Elephant Research
Ifigenia Garita 20-29
Overtourism and sustainable Latoya de Jong 52-61
travel. Malapascua in philippines.

Sarah Ritzen 30-31 Frank Landman 62-67

Zero waste sustainable living. Years of experience in SDGs.

Sara Ritzen

I make sure to research where it comes

from and the impact it has on animals and
the planet.
Christina Tholander | Elephant researcher

“We live in a world

where animal habitats
become less and less.”

Ron van der A 68-77

Painted dog conversation.

Silvio Marchini
Bridge-builder in human- 78-85
wildlife coexistence.

Ana Santacruz
A naturalist guide in the 88-97
Amazon forest.

Fernanda Abra 98-107

Mitigating roadkill.

Silvio Marchini
Ana Santacruz

Your #1 magazine for fair travel

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It has been many years since I picked up my first It is a couple of years later when I’m sailing through
mouse to save it from our cat’s deathly mouth. My Norway, when these thoughts keep coming back.
parents were in awe, while others around me were Making an impact - a positive impact - was my
disgusted. How could I pick up a mouse? goal, I had yet to find out how to achieve it.

That love for nature, without distinguishing small or Within weeks team members started to gather
big animals, was a love that never ceased. I started around me. People with the same vision and with
my studies in Applied Biology, where my interest in their own strengths and qualities. Within a blink
whales grew. I soon realised that there was more I realised more than I could ever dream of. The
to these creatures than just sheer beauty, but that website you just visited and the magazine you are
they were facing many threats as well. I wanted to reading right now are the first results of this special
do something about that. and fruitful collaboration. Let’s work together, let’s
live ‘Ubuntu’ and collaborate on conservation and
Through my studies I got in contact with the sustainability! I’m counting on you.
Future for Nature Academy and the Future
for Nature Awards. It was a place where I met
other conservationists and nature lovers like me. Love, Manon
However, they loved to do their research, whereas Director Ubuntu Magazine
I never got a good grip on that. I realised I wanted
to make a direct and big impact, but research
wasn’t going to be my way.


Meerkat in the desert of Botswana.

It’s a special life, to be a veterinarian and wildlife photographer
while working all over the globe. But, being able to combine that
with community based conservation definitely gives you some
great experiences in life. Björn Donnars from the Netherlands
has made this scenario his real life. One of the projects he visited
displays a beautiful balance between wildlife photography and
community based conservation.

A visit to the stars of meerkat


Meerkats. Who doesn’t know these cute but fierce creatures that
stand straight up while looking for predators. You might know
them from Animal Planet or perhaps you have seen the series
Meerkat Manor. It’s hard to imagine that these animals can be
seen in real life, yet today it is easier than ever. The reason why
you can see these animals in the wild is due to a phenomenon
called habituation. It’s a process where animals get used to human
presence without being disturbed. You might recognise it from the
gorillas and chimpanzees of Central- and East-Africa. But, before
we tell you the whole story of seeing these incredible animals let’s
just explain something about the animals first.


“Where humans can be

in the presence of the
LET’S GET TO KNOW THEM When danger is spotted, an alarm call will be used.
Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) are mammals and It’s a well developed system, with different calls for
are part of the mongoose family. A family of small different types of danger.
predators living in Africa, Asia and Southern Europe.
Meerkats are lightgrey to yellowish brown of color MEERKATS IN BOTSWANA
and have poorly defined bands on their back. The Traveling around the world doesn’t mean I can see
animal is about 30 (24-32) centimeters tall from the Meerkats everywhere. They can only be found
head to tail and females are usually bigger than in the deserts and semi-deserts of Southern Africa
males. They weigh less than 1 kilogram. Meerkats and live within the borders of just five countries.
live in groups with a strong bond, which can grow They can be found in Angola, Botswana, Lesotho,
up to 30 individuals. The group consists of multiple Namibia and South-Africa. The population of
families and their young. Females are dominant meerkats is stable and the IUCN classifies meerkats
over the males and only the more dominant as least concern. Nevertheless, finding meerkats in
couples within the group mate. All individuals help the wild during a game drive can be very tricky
with raising the pups, especially the meerkats and difficult. Usually when you do find them on a
lower in rank. It’s a clearly defined structure. game drive, they will flee as soon as possible. This
makes it almost impossible to see and adore them.
The home range of a single group is usually about Luckily, there is an animal friendly alternative.
5 km2 and includes multiple burrows which can be
50-100 meters long. Meerkats can and will be very In Gweta, Botswana, you can go on an excursion
vigilant when they come across another group of to find meerkats. Here, they do not flee at the
meerkats which can lead to heavy injuries and presence of people, because of habituation. Don’t
even death. Mostly pups die from clan fights. confuse this with animals that have been fed or
trained to be near people. What they did is the
Meerkats are omnivorous, but live primarily on an following: one person would be present within
insectivore diet, eating mainly beetles and moths. range of the meerkats. It starts with being far
They do also feed on small amphibians, lizards and away, so the meerkats can get used to the smell of
are known to eat scorpions. However, when there people. Step by step that one person comes closer
is no “meat” around they can also live on seeds to the meerkat family. It is a process that can take
and roots. Meerkats are very vulnerable when months or even years, but eventually it leads you
foraging, so there are always some meerkats on to a situation like the one in Gweta, where humans
the look-out. They look for higher grounds and can be in the presence of the meerkats, without
make themselves tall by standing straight up. them fleeing.

Meerkats in the desert of Botswana.
Meerkats are part of the
mongoose family. A family of
small predators living in Africa,
Asia and Southern Europe.
The meerkats near Gweta live in the Makgadikgadi
Pan National Park and a visit to these large salt
pan is included in the meerkat excursion. The
excursion to see the meerkats costs around 120$
per person. A good price considering how much
effort has been made to make the meerkats feel
comfortable. You will leave early in the morning
at around 5 o’clock. The ride to the meerkats is
about 2 hours, and if you’re lucky you encounter
other wildlife during this ride (this is subject to the
time of the year).

When you get to the meerkats you get about 30

minutes to spend with these incredible animals.
You can get very close to them and take awesome
shots of their natural behavior. They are all out
on the hunt, looking for the big fat beetles or if
they (and you) are very lucky they might find a
scorpion. That way you can see them handle a
highly venomous creature.
Having a continuous watch
is their defense system for
the many birds of prey and
different foxes around..

As you’ll notice soon enough, some of the animals

have a watch shift. They are on the look-out,
“There are other
because meerkats are quite low in the food chain.
Having a continuous watch is their defense system ways to encounter
for the many birds of prey and different foxes
around. The guide will tell you to lay down and wildlife.”
if you are lucky (again no animals are pushed,
so I wasn’t lucky) the meerkats will use you as
their lookout spot. You are much higher than the SUSTAINABLE TOURISM AFRICA
surrounding, so you are perfect for the job. Sustainable tourism is very important. Especially
when it comes to wildlife involved tourism. Around
After being fascinated for about thirty minutes, the globe, and also in Africa, a lot of wildlife tourism
your time is over and a lovely breakfast has been isn’t managed sustainably and ethically. Looking
set-up by your guide. During breakfast you can at Africa, examples of this are elephant rides,
see the meerkats from a distance and you will see and photographic opportunities with cats such as
that they don’t come begging for food at all. After cheetahs and lions. The lion cub industry is big and
that, you will continue the excursion and you will cub petting brings in a lot of money. It’s part of the
visit the famous Makgadikgadi salt pans, which at bigger ‘canned lion hunt’. Once these cubs grow
its largest is as wide as Portugal. Depending on the old, they will be shot by tourists.
time of year you will see a massive white flat area,
where you can see the curvature of the earth. Or Luckily there are many projects with a positive
you will see a massive lake, filled with flamingos impact, with many great examples all across
and pelicans. Africa. This example of meerkats is sustainable
and ethical, with no animals harmed or fed. It
If you want to go on this excursion, it is easiest creates awareness about a beautiful species and
to stay at Planet Baobab, an accommodation with most importantly it creates an income for locals.
campsites and some small huts. Here you can book Additionally, this revenue stream creates urgency
the excursion and once you get back (at around and awareness for them, which keeps them from
noon) you can relax around the pool. Gweta was fighting against nature. Other great examples
the first place where they offered this excursion, in Botswana are the many community owned
but you can find them in more places now. You reserves. Here, many jobs in hotels, restaurants,
can also visit Naankuse, a wildlife rehabilitation guiding etc. are created which indirectly help
centre close to the international airport of with wildlife conservation. It’s the reason why
Windhoek, Namibia. The excursion as far as the community based conservation is diverse.
meerkat interaction is the same as in Gweta, only
difference is that these meerkats (or their parents
and grandparents) were once rescued as orphans
and later on released on their property. Naankuse
also offers many other activities and all profits go
to the Naankuse foundation, helping wild animals,
but also the local San people.

*As Björn describes, these examples of elephant
rides and the awful industry of the canned lion
hunts are exactly what we are against here
at Ubuntu. The example of visiting meerkats,
where only habituation has taken place, is a
great way to show that there are other ways to
encounter wildlife. Both in Africa and beyond
its borders.

Ifigenia Garita of Osa Wild shares her thoughts.

Ifigenia Garita is a tropical biologist, conservationist, and

naturalist guide from Costa Rica. She’s the founder of Osa Wild,
a tour operator that supports the local community through
tourism. Apart from organizing tours, she volunteers for Escuna,
a non-profit organization that helps youngsters develop. Ifigenia
strongly believes it’s important to help people in the first place,
and that by offering them opportunities, they will realize how
beautiful nature is and that it needs to be preserved. We asked
her a few questions about the tours she’s organizing and the
impact of overtourism in Costa Rica.



Since I was a kid, I’ve always felt best in nature,
but I was also inspired by my mom, who was also
a tropical biologist and specialized in entomology.
Thanks to her and what she has taught me, I
became a person that’s connected to both humans
and nature. My mom was also the president of the
NGO that I run now, so I have really been following
in her footsteps.


Yes, that’s something I’m very afraid of, overtourism
is a big problem in certain areas of Costa Rica. I
have also seen the benefits of tourism, though; it
distributes money to so many people - from drivers
and guides to hotel and restaurant owners! Sadly, I
see how places have changed because of tourism
too. For example, swamps, where there used to be
lots of birds, were drained to build hotels.

“Visit locally-owned
restaurants and


Visiting places that are less touristy helps, but
unfortunately, it doesn’t solve the problem. I think
the government of Costa Rica needs a policy that
keeps the development of an area limited. What
we can do is try to empower and educate local
people so that they have more opportunities.
Some of the best things you can do is to visit
locally-owned restaurants and hotels, stay at
homestays, and book tours through operators
that are based on community-based tourism. This
way, your money will benefit local people instead
of big foreign hotel chains, for example.





La Leona Ecolodge

Bosque del Cabo


La Parios

Danta Lodge

El Remanso


CAN YOU TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT COSTA the Osa Peninsula is covered by the Corcovado
RICA AND THE OSA PENINSULA? National Park, which was created in 1975 after a
Costa Rica is a very special place. Since 1949, the group of biologists convinced the government
country doesn’t have an army anymore, and most that this area should be protected. It was the last
of the projects that continue from the abolishment remaining humid rainforest on the Pacific Slope of
of the army are related to educational programs. Central America, and at the time, our neighboring
That’s something I really admire about this country! countries were cutting it down for cattle and
agriculture. Thanks to these biologists, though,
The place where I work as a guide is called the that’s something that didn’t happen in Costa Rica.
Osa Peninsula. It’s located close to Panama, in the You can see tapirs, macaws, whales, monkeys,
Southwest of Costa Rica, and National Geographic dolphins, turtles, etc. in Corcovado National Park,
named it the second most biodiverse place on and there’s also a wide variety of endemic species
the planet (right after the Amazon). One-third of of birds, reptiles, and amphibians here.


Osa Wild offers tours that

connect people with nature
and promotes ecotourism.



make people thrive Try to be a researcher before traveling. Make sure

you have the right information and be conscious

and succeed is by about where your money goes to. Support local
businesses and buy from local people - the best

supporting their way to make people thrive and succeed is by

supporting their projects, especially after such a

projects.” bad time for tourism.


Osa Wild offers tours that connect people with Don’t invade the animals’ space and be quiet. It’s
nature and promotes ecotourism. The tours we also important not to bring anything home from
offer contribute directly to the local economy, and the jungle. I see people who collect stones or sand,
they ensure the wellbeing of the environment as for example, but those things are needed in the
well. The Intense Jungle Trek, for example, is our jungle, so it’s important to leave them where they
most popular tour, and you will stay in a place are.
owned by an ex-poacher on this trek. Thanks to
people’s efforts, this man got to see how people
love nature, and because of this, he and his
community have changed completely!

“I make sure to research
where it comes from
and the impact it has on
animals and the planet.
The packaging of my
shampoo bar, for example,
is made of sugarcane,
which is sustainably made
and easy to recycle.“
Sarah doesn’t own a car either, and she has solar
panels and a hot water pump at home, which
are both very sustainable. When it comes to
using bleach, she has a nice alternative too that

SUSTAINABLE she learned from her father: “I use baking soda

combined with vinegar. On the contrary to bleach,

which goes into the sewer and then into the earth
when you flush it down the toilet, baking soda and
vinegar don’t have a negative impact on the planet
and work too. These are cheap, natural products
without any chemicals – so it’s a win-win situation!”
SARAH RITZEN’S JOURNEY INTO ZERO Living sustainably is not always easy, though, and
WASTE AND SUSTAINABLE LIVING there are quite some challenges Sarah has to face.
Sarah Ritzen is a Human Design Expert who’s been “I find it quite difficult to speak out my preferences
passionate about sustainability from a young age. to people who are not that close to me. My in-laws,
Now 27, she became a vegetarian when she was for example, know I don’t eat meat, but they don’t
only 11 and has been eating mostly vegan for the know I am vegan, which is challenging when it
last couple of years. During her teenage years, comes to cheese and eggs. Besides this, one of
Sarah started learning more and more about the things I struggle with the most is taking the
sustainability and the environment, and the more plane. I refused to fly for many years because of
she learned about it, the more passionate she the impact it has on the environment, but I have
became. become a little less strict about it now. Although
I fly as little as possible, I allow myself to take the
At the beginning of her journey, Sarah was mainly plane every once in a while. I do pay for my CO2
focused on zero waste, but soon, her interest compensation, make sure to stay at the destination
pivoted to the overall impact we humans have on as long as I can, and use the bike, train or bus once
the environment. She explains: “Many people don’t I arrive.”
know that an organically grown cucumber that’s
wrapped in plastic, for example, is still better for FEELING INSPIRED BY SARAH’S STORY?
the environment than a non-organically grown HERE ARE SOME OF HER BEST TIPS
cucumber without packaging. When you look at The best tips I can give is to eat less meat and
the entire process, organically grown products are animal products, but also to buy less new stuff. If
more sustainable, even when they’re wrapped in you can buy something second hand, do it - that’s
plastic.” This insight completely changed Sarah’s way better for the environment.
perception of sustainability.
Of course, buying organically grown products -The Hidden Impact by Babette Porcelijn
and turning off the tap while brushing your teeth
is great, but Sarah wanted to do more: “I started
buying as little new things as possible and stopped
buying things I don’t really need. Whenever I do
need to buy something new, I make sure to
research where it comes from and the impact it SARAH RITZEN
has on animals and the planet. The packaging Human Design Expert
of my shampoo bar, for example, is made of
sugarcane, which is sustainably made and easy to Instagram
recycle. The shampoo bar itself has no chemicals @sarahritzen
- I always make sure to check the ingredients as


Angela Boghui

Romania is a country of extremes: when it comes to economic

data, the country is pretty much at the end of all statistics in
the European Union. However, when it comes to environmental
statistics, Romania is on top of all lists: it has the largest surface
of virgin forests, the biggest populations of large carnivores, the
highest biodiversity and the largest unfragmented forests left in
the Union.

Right now there are over 6
million hectares of forests.

Romania, as no other country in the European few exceptions (bison, beaver), the entire mammal
Union, has a high importance for conservation and fauna is still present in viable numbers, including
a potential for a green economic development. the large carnivores - wolf, bear and lynx. In
Right now there are over 6 million hectares of respect to birds, only vultures and black grouse
forests, out of which a significant portion is still are missing from the original species.
virgin; large, unfragmented mountain areas with
no settlements except in the surrounding foothills Unfortunately, these forests and alpine meadows
and mountains of stunning beauty, surrounded by aren’t the same as they used to be anymore.
natural forests. Untamed rivers, who‘s dynamic After the fall of communism, numbers of large
still shape the valleys are surrounded by bears, mammals have suffered from overhunting and
wolves, lynx and over 3,700 plant species, many poaching, and disturbance through logging and
of them endemic to the region. In times of human livestock farming activities. In Romania, wildlife
overpopulation, climate change, and a biodiversity management and hunting rights are not linked to
crisis, these natural assets become a treasure, land ownership, but administered by the state and
which most other countries in Europe have lost. auctioned off to the national or private hunting
Yet, instead of using this potential and developing associations. In order to effectively protect wildlife
Romania into the greenest country of Europe and in the general area of land acquisitions, FCC has
thus setting a benchmark in modern development, founded its own hunter’s association and managed
these resources are being destroyed at an to lease the hunting rights for the core area of the
alarming rate. project in the upper Dimbovita Valley. Together
with the adjacent National Park Piatra Craiului,
Foundation Conservation Carpathia (FCC) has a this translates into an area of 36,000 hectares
huge vision: to create a new, world-class wilderness of hunting free zone – an important refuge for
reserve in the Southern Romanian Carpathians for predators and prey alike.
the benefit of biodiversity and local communities.
CARPATHIA’s specific activities are those to which By taking over the hunting area, we have also
wildlife rangers contribute or perform directly: challenged the traditional wildlife monitoring
interventions in human-wildlife conflicts, collection system, which is normally conducted by the hunters
of samples for genetic analysis, participation in themselves and naturally prone to mistakes and
some actions related to the reintroduction of bison, even falsification with the goal to obtain higher
and others. But how do you do that? quotas. To get a good and reliable estimate on the
current population sizes of key species, we have
HOW TO START A PROJECT ON THIS SCALE? started to use genetic analysis of scat and hair
In the past 10 years, the project has purchased over samples, and use of camera traps, together with
20,000 hectares of forests and alpine meadows traditional sign surveys (ground snowtracking, den
in the South-eastern Carpathians, which we now counts). Due to our efforts, we could prove that
fully protect. The Romanian Carpathians provide chamois numbers have dramatically decreased
a home to the most diverse mix of wildlife – over in the entire Papusa Mountain. Consequently, the
3,500 animal species are thriving here, many of Ministry has put a moratorium on chamois hunting
which are strictly protected by European law. With until the population recovers.

Romania and its nature.

In addition to protecting what is present, FCC is
also committed to bring back what has been lost:
the European bison should soon be part of the
native fauna again. In the Fagaras Mountains, first
efforts have been made to achieve this. In May
2020 eight bison were reintroduced in the area. A
missing link in the trophic chain was finally back
again. Right now, 28 bison are roaming free in the
wild. Yet, FCC’s efforts will continue until they reach
75-100 individuals.

Even though this sounds fairly easy, it’s important

to know that a thorough strategy was and is
being used for this purpose. First of all, the 100
individuals that we’re striving for are needed for
a feasible reintroduction, so they can survive and
multiply. Which until now has been successful, as
the first bison calf born in the wild has already
been seen. Besides that, the new individuals should
be separated into three areas (with a minimum of
30 individuals in each area). Bison can move and
migrate between these areas, facilitating over time
the meeting of individuals from the three groups.
That’s important because the bison brought in are
from different origins: Great Britain, Sweden and
Vanatori Neamt (another area in Romania).

The reintroduction of the bison is not only a matter

of repairing the environmental mistakes of the past,
or a case of modern biodiversity conservation,
but is also an excellent example of how nature
conservation can help local communities thrive and
develop. They play a significant role in local tourism
based on natural observation. Consequently, in
order to support the development of tourism in the
area, we plan to build a series of visitor centres for
tourists who want to know the story of the bison,
especially those from the Fagaras Mountains.
Also, from a natural point of view, as the number
of bison stabilises, biodiversity will benefit directly:
the meadows will be maintained by grazing bison
and forests will acquire a better natural structure,
at the same time benefiting the deer.

The most skilled engineer
of nature, the beaver, has
returned home after more
than 100 years.

RETURN OF THE BEAVER animal has caused the conflict or the damage.
Besides the reintroduction of the bison, another After thorough research, the magnitude of the
animal has returned to the Fagaras Mountains. problem is better known and action can be taken
The most skilled engineer of nature, the beaver, accordingly.
has returned home after more than 100 years. It
took two years of scientific and socio-economic Preventative measures have to be taken to reduce
studies and thousands of hours spent in the field. the human-bear conflicts in the future. Thus,
The beaver families will return through an extensive since mid-2019, 41 electric fences were installed
programme which reintroduces this charismatic free of charge. The main result until now was
species. Over the next three years, approximately the lack of incidents on these premises. Also, 45
90 beavers will be reintroduced. shepherd dogs were offered free of charge to
the shepherds from the Fagaras Mountains area
Reintroduction is a great deal in creating the and a private farm was created to offer cows and
ultimate environment here in the Southern area of sheep in exchange for the damages caused by
Romania. However, many big carnivores already carnivores. Even though many efforts have been
living in the area propose a great danger and made, the intervention teams had to capture and
threat to local communities. FCC is therefore also relocate one bear and eliminate three bears that
involved in monitoring the animals who roam endangered people’s and livestocks’ lives.
wild and free here, with the aim of establishing
long-term policies to protect species and reduce A WILDLIFE BOARD
human-wildlife conflicts. The research and preventative measures with
our bears has been of great effect. However,
MONITORING SPECIES we also realise that the local communes should
Two of the species that have been monitored have an equal vote in the actual regulations of
and researched the past year, are bears and how to approach human-wildlife conflicts. In this
European lynx (Lynx lynx). In a pilot area in the regard we have founded a Voluntary Regional
Southern Carpathians, a first scientific, quantitative Committee for the Prevention and Management of
monitoring programme has been completed Wildlife Conflicts in 2020 with the role of identifying
successfully for the latter of these two species. existing problems, their causes and proposing and
Monitoring was done with the help of 152 camera prioritising solutions in a transparent manner for
traps with motion sensors, after which 23 adult lynx preventing and mitigating human-large carnivore
and nine kittens were seen. The aim of this method conflicts. Among the members of the Committee
was not only monitoring the lynx, but also creating are designated representatives of local authorities,
a model for monitoring wildlife at a national level. farmers, forest rangers and environmental
authorities, the FCC and hunters. Thus, together,
Alongside that, Conservation Carpathia has been we aim to reduce human-wildlife conflicts for the
working on the first genetic study in Romania, benefit of humans, as well as for the benefit of
with the result of identifying bears over an area large protected carnivore species.
of 120.000 ha (1.200 square km). The efforts of
this quantitative assessment will be useful in the
future for responsible management of the bears
in Romania. For example, the data from this
research can be used to manage human-bear
conflicts. During bear attacks in households, we Website
collect evidence in order to find out which specific www.carpathia.org

Elephant researcher at the African Elephant Research Unit (AERU)

Christina Tholander is a Danish elephant researcher at the African

Elephant Research Unit (AERU) at Knysna Elephant Park, South
Africa. Though her primary focus is in the lab, she also has a role as
a volunteer coordinator. She studied biochemistry at university and
has always loved elephants. We asked her a few questions about her
role at AERU, the volunteer program, and her favorite animal.


“Our main focus is doing

research on the welfare
of elephants in a captive
environment. It’s important
to note that this is not in a zoo-
like environment, though.”

Herd of elephants during a sunset walk.


“We live in a world

where animal habitats
become less and less.”

Our main focus is doing research on the welfare of RESEARCHER?
elephants in a captive environment. It’s important It wasn’t planned, it was a matter of following your
to note that this is not in a zoo-like environment, dreams, and when the opportunity presented itself,
though. Knysna Elephant Park is a huge, fenced I didn’t hesitate at all. I joined the research unit
area that is more like a reserve. It’s also a tourist of Knysna Elephant Park as a volunteer in 2016,
destination, so most of the research we do is from and towards the end of my stay, I was offered a
this aspect. One of my personal main tasks at the position, so I accepted it and never looked back.
lab is collecting dung samples for physiological Initially, I planned to stay for 3 years, but I’m now in
analysis (laughs). my 6th year, and I’m not going anywhere!

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO DO RESEARCH ON There has been a lot of research on classical zoos
CAPTIVE ELEPHANTS? and wild herds in nature, but not in a facility like
We live in a world where animal habitats become the one we have here. It teaches us a lot about
less and less. It’s estimated that by 2100, the the elephants’ welfare, and the more research we
population in Africa alone will have doubled - but do, the more we learn about the language these
where are these people going to live? Obviously, animals speak. We then report our findings to the
the land will be taken from wildlife reserves, park’s management and suggest changes for the
and there will be less and less of them. It’s quite benefit of the elephants.
controversial, but in my opinion, we have created
this problem, and we need to take responsibility
and find a solution. That’s why there is a need for
an establishment like the Knysna Elephant Park.

Christina and Sally the elephant.

CAN YOU TELL US MORE ABOUT THE We have two studies that we do every day, where
VOLUNTEER PROGRAM AT AERU? the volunteers get to partake in: herd activity (what
As a volunteer, we get you involved in everything! are the elephants doing?) and the nearest neighbor
No day is the same, and there are always (who’s friends with whom?). But volunteers also
unpredictable things happening around here. get to help with other, temporary, studies. We’re
We offer two programs; the Walking With Giants currently doing a study on audio enrichment; we
Program, which requires volunteers to stay for at play different types of music for the elephants, and
least 3 weeks, and the 1-week Everything Elephant try to see which one is their favorite. Right now,
Program, for volunteers that can’t stay for a longer they really seem to enjoy classical music. (laughs).

The first week of the Walking With Giants Program

is an introduction and training. You need to learn “Right now, they
how to identify the elephants, for example. During
the second week, you get familiarized with the really seem to
enjoy classical
program and starting from the third week, you will
really start to enjoy it.


Elephant herd at the Plettenberg Game Reserve.

“South Africa has the
its own pen. After researching this, we suggested
that the elephants would benefit more from

reputation of being one big stable, without individual pens. The park
listened to us and changed this as well.
a very violent place,


I think it has to do with finding the right place.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of projects out there
that have become money-making machines.
Yes! For example, years ago elephant riding was
part of the tourist experience at Knysna Elephant
Park. We told the park this should not be done, so
they stopped offering it. Another example is that
the park had built a big stable for the elephants, Ecologde nearby
and they first thought each elephant would want www.aeru.co.za


As a volunteer traveler, you have to be careful poaching, on the other hand, is a problem here.
not to end up with one of these. The best advice Just a few weeks ago, we lost 18 rhinos in one
I can give is to search for a particular place on week. The pandemic hasn’t helped either because
social media and to look for people who have people starve, and they would do anything for
volunteered here. Ask them about their experience! money.
If you’ve never done it, I would highly recommend
volunteer travel, just to see if it’s something you CAN YOU TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT
can benefit from. It gives back to you, but it also SOUTH AFRICA?
benefits the local community of the place you visit. It’s not dangerous down here! (laughs) South
Africa has the reputation of being a very violent
WE OFTEN HEAR STORIES ABOUT ELEPHANTS place, but I don’t agree with this. It’s true that you
BEING POACHED FOR IVORY, HOW ARE YOU have to be precautious and that there are certain
DEALING WITH THAT? places you better avoid, but it’s the same for any
Luckily, elephant poaching isn’t a problem in South country. As long as you’re vigilant, South Africa is a
Africa, but it is in Zimbabwe and Namibia. Rhino safe country to visit.


As a volunteer, we get you

involved in everything! No day
is the same, and there are
always unpredictable things
happening around here.


Teniqua Treetops

Plett Forest Cabins



Wild Spirit Lodge


3 years ago I left the rat race of life to travel the world. It all started in
the Netherlands, but since a while I’ve been living in the Philippines. It’s
a place where many beautiful things can be discovered every single
day. My name is Latoya and I’m excited to tell you more about one of
my recent discoveries.


The island of Malapascua, Philippines.


UNLOCK NEW ADVENTURES AND DISCOVER They whip it to strike prey from the shoals as a
THE DEEPEST WATERS way of hunting. Especially in the Visayan Sea, the
However, as I said my most recent discovery Pelagic Thresher sharks are often seen. But, there
had nothing to do with walking or smoothies, but is a catch.
everything with the underwater world. Malapascua
is a renowned island for snorkeling and scuba What makes it adventurous is that the sharks live
diving, so that’s what I did. You must wonder, why in the deepest waters of the ocean. They only rise
is this island so famous for diving? It’s by far the during the early mornings, before sunrise. They
best place in the world where you can encounter love to get cleaned daily at their favorite cleaning
the famous Thresher sharks. station. Their cleaning station is Monad Shoal
which is a sunken plateau. It is very close to the
The Thresher sharks, also called Fox Sharks, are island of Malapascua. There are plenty of cleaner
separated into three species. The smallest species wrasses from which these sharks get free cleaning
is the Pelagic Thresher shark, which is about three services. It’s not only a luxury, but also a necessity
meters long. Famous for their beautiful long tail, to remove parasites and dead tissues from their
they also know how to use it. body.


To enjoy a moment with the

thresher sharks make sure
to have your diving license in
level Advanced, as you might
have to descend to 30 meters
of depth.
“This is by far one
While waiting for the boat to pick us up, I enjoy
seeing the beautiful sky. It is completely dark with

of my favorite
a lot of twinkling stars and a clear moonshine.
We jump on a small boat which brings us to our

parts, jumping into

diving boat. On the boat, the tanks and equipment
are already waiting for us. Still with the use of our

the unknown!”
flashlights, we manage to make ourselves a cup
of coffee. With this, we enjoy the traditional Filipino
bread, which is typical to eat in the morning. We
are enjoying the moment when the sky starts to
HOW ABOUT THE DIVE EXPERIENCE ITSELF, change in beautiful colors. The sun rises above the
IS IT EVEN WORTH IT? horizon and the only thing you hear is the sound of
If you are willing to make an extra effort, then the waves with the wind lifting up my hair.
yes! For this beautiful experience, your alarm is
ringing at 4.00 am. It’s dark outside and we use our The boat ride itself is a true experience, but that’s
flashlights to make sure we are walking in the right not our goal today. In only 30 minutes on the water
direction. Keep an extra eye out for all the sleeping we reach Monad Shoal. Here, we are instructed
dogs. During this time of the day, they get anxious to gear up, after which we get a clear briefing
and start barking. I can tell, it was fun walking to on our dive. We are all experienced divers, yet
the dive shop. safety always goes first. When the first sun rays
hit the water surface, it’s our call to dive it. This is
Only a few other divers are waiting for us, so with a by far one of my favorite parts, jumping into the
small intimate group, we walk towards the beach. unknown!

Famous for their beautiful
long tail, they also know
how to use it. They whip
it to strike prey from the
shoals as a way of hunting.

SO, ARE YOU READY TO FEEL SOME I’m impressed by the way he moves and breathes
ADRENALINE KICKING THROUGH YOUR and by the look of his eyes. It’s quite a thrill to see
BODY? these scary-looking predators swim toward you.
Even though it is only 5.30 am, the water feels Before you know it, it’s within a few meters. But
comfortable. Our first stop to see the sharks is at a as soon as it comes, it also turns his back on us.
depth of 24 meters, where the first cleaning station For some reason, I’m not scared of sharks. I get so
is. The sharks are very shy, and because of this, excited when I see one that I forget that they are
it’s advisable to kneel at one of the boundaries. able to kill me.
Here you wait for the sharks to show their faces.
The downside is that you can only stay for a few IS THIS EXPERIENCE SUSTAINABLE?
minutes at this depth due to the consumption of Yes, the experience at the moment is completely
air. 100 percent sustainable. Every diver encounters
sharks in their natural habitat. This means, there
Looking into the blue for a few minutes brings is no feeding or any other attraction methods
excitement. But don’t let the excitement take involved. The divemasters ensure that everyone is
control as it’s so important to remain calm. During following the rules, like staying calm while kneeling
these minutes we don’t see any sharks so we down and not getting too close to the sharks. It’s
decide to move up to the second cleaning station. beautiful to see that they take such good care.
There we kneeled for the second time, and luckily
we spotted a glimpse of the shark. It was only a During this experience, there were only three
glimpse, as he most likely got shy and kicked his diving boats, which makes it a unique experience.
fin very hard to move away from us. The divemaster informed us that before the
pandemic there could be 30 boats at Monad Shoal.
By the end of the dive, we were more at the As this is too much for a sustainable coexistence
shallow waters, where two divers spotted a shark and interaction with the sharks, I hope rules and
beneath them. Again, during this moment we saw regulations will be created to keep it the way we
a glimpse of this beautiful creation. This reminds experienced it today.
me that the sharks are always there. Yet, they are
very shy animals and, like most pelagic fish, they HOW TO GET THIS EXPERIENCE?
are not huge fans of our bubbles. To enjoy a moment with the thresher sharks make
sure to have your diving license in level Advanced,
WHAT DOES NOBODY KNOW? as you might have to descend to 30 meters of
The natural habits of the sharks have changed depth. However, even when you are completely
during the pandemic. It used to be the best time new to scuba diving, you can get certified on
to encounter the shark at 5.30 am. Speaking out Malapascua. On top of this there are many other
of my own experiences this has changed. Around dive spots to discover and you can do this all
8.00 am, everyone jumped off the boat again for year around. The best season is late February till
a second chance. This time manifesting to spot the September. During this time there is good visibility
sharks. We were lucky. While we kneeled on one of and the sea is calm enough to dive into. One of my
the boundaries, a shark seen in the distance came favorite local dive shops is Malapascua Thresher
pretty close to us. This shark was not shy to have Divers. Make sure to ask for Jess. He can’t wait to
some quality time! take care of you together with his crew.


“Hidden waterfalls, amazing

mountain views and rice terraces
are some of the breathtaking
sceneries here.”


MALAPASCUA Over the last few years, I have enjoyed over 50
Even though it is great that Malapascua offers dives at several beautiful dives spots, most of the
such underwater experiences, it is also very busy time in Asia. For me diving is the ultimate feeling
at times with travelers. It is important to mention of relaxation and peace while being underwater in
that Malapascua is also the getaway island to combination with an exciting search for different
more undiscovered places like Carnaza and kinds of marine species. There are so many kinds
Kalanggaman Island. On both islands, you can of creatures living underwater, but it’s always a
even stay overnight. matter of a surprise what you will see. For example,
you start looking at the beautiful corals to find a
Kalanggaman has become more known to tourists nudibranch or even a shrimp. However, when you
over the years. It became famous for its long white dive in an attempt to find a shark, it’s a whole new
stretched sandbar. However, my personal favorite experience. Go find out for yourself!
is Carnaza Island. It’s a hidden gem. A beautiful
turtle-shaped island with surreal rock formations
and bays. The island is so small that you will not
see any cars and only a handful of scooters. There
is no such thing as restaurants, so what you will
get is a pure local experience. On top of this, the
island is eco-friendly as the electricity comes from
solar panels. Do you feel like escaping the tourist
sights? Carnaza is the place to be. LATOYA DE JONG
Travel and Business


an enormous impression on all of us, his dancing
touched our hearts. Sometime later, I found
out he got the chance to compete in the South-
African ballet competition. He won gold and got

a scholarship at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre in
New York. This boy with the name Mthuthuzeli is
now an example for all the people in townships
who believed there was no way out and no future.
What I’ve learned in the townships that I visited,
Looking back at my career path, it has never is the feeling of Ubuntu. The group helps the
been just one thing. I’ve always developed and individual, and the individual helps the group. In
challenged myself through every chance I got, every possible way. However, the word Ubuntu
even though sometimes that meant I had a busy only came to me years later, when Desmond Tutu
schedule and I traveled to various places around visited the Netherlands to raise awareness about
the world. Only now, when I look back at things, I the Medical Knowledge Institute (MKI). During his
see that many of my choices belong together and prayer, he told us about the ‘we-mindset’, which
are follow-ups of one another. denotes ‘I am because we are’. That was the
moment I knew we needed this mindset, called
During my jobs in municipalities and consultancy, Ubuntu, in the Netherlands on a macro and
I was always involved in international business. I microscale.
have always been attracted to a broad perspective
of the world and how everything feels connected. Sometime later, I was invited to a conference on
So, I guess unknowingly, I chose those jobs and the topic SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
additional council positions for a reason. My I asked myself: “What can I implement from these
experiences in Africa, in Langenberg, for example, goals in my municipality?” I realized I had to get
came from those choices, and I’m very grateful my goals clear and bring focus to my organization
that I can share them with you now. if I wanted to get results. Everything just started to
come together at that point, and soon I found the
A beautiful and impactful memory I have from analogy with Ubuntu. ‘Local for the world and the
my early years there is a visit to a local township world for local.’ As a municipality you can’t achieve
called Nkqubela. We walked by a shop that sold it by yourself, so you have to stick together, both
engraved glasses. All of them said ‘New York’ and with the world around you and with the people in
‘Paris’. The owner knew these are famous places, your town. However, I also had to keep in mind
so he thought it would be great for people to buy that what you do with one SDG, always influences
those glasses here. When I asked him why he another one. So you have to anticipate what
never engraved his own township’s name, he didn’t influences each other and act according to that.
understand. Why would people want to buy that?
He totally forgot the value of his own hometown,
and it took some effort to make him realize this. “The group helps
I once visited a beautiful dance group in Zolani the individual, and
Township In South Africa. Those kids were dancing
on an old floor and the entrance was just a hole in the individual helps
the wall. The clothes they were wearing were the
only clothes they had. One of the dancers made the group.”

“About the SDG’s. It’s an United Nations
strategic agenda of 17 goals adopted by 193
countries. The intention is to achieve those
goals by 2030 to become a more sustainable,
social and developed world for everyone in
every country.”

In 2018, we were announced as the most promising the world. But as space and time are limited, I’d be
SDG municipality in the Netherlands, and in 2019 happy to share more about that and many more
we actually became the most inspiring one in of my experiences with Ubuntu and SDGs in the
the country. In that directive position, I was able next edition.
to make an impact on many people in our own
municipality, but looking back at all the stages UBUNTU’S NOTE:
and congresses I was invited to after this award, Frank Landman has got years of experience
we also inspired many people around us. I decided in SDGs and he has personally been involved in
to take the leap and start my own business, to many cases of living ‘Ubuntu’. Due to this diversity
further spread the knowledge and experiences and thorough knowledge, we invited him to share
about SDGs to institutes, municipalities and other more of his stories here in Ubuntu Magazine. How
organizations. can we, and you, as a business owner or as a
civilian, participate in creating a better world?
One important message I always share with
my audience is this one: “You can never start When I first met Frank, I assumed that Ubuntu
with implementing just ‘a couple’ of SDGs in Magazine could include nr. 14 and nr. 15 of the
your business. Not even if you have the aim of Sustainable Development Goals, which focus on
increasing the number of SDGs over time. As soon life on land and life below water. Now, I know
as you start, you have to commit to all of them. And better than that. Oh, and after hearing more about
most importantly, you have to take a deeper look his life, I know there is so much more to discover in
and create a deeper understanding of the whole his stories, and I can’t wait to read more in the next
chain that you are part of. Only then will you be editions. If you have questions that you would like
able to stay clear from unwanted and unexpected to ask him, let us know through social media.
negative spinoffs. By doing this, you can make the
right impact on a social, economic and sustainable
level. We have to realize this balance is necessary
because our ecological footprint is getting worse
every day and more and more people need to
visit food banks every year.

But as with everything, it’s easier said than

done. That’s why I’m currently working on a new
conceptual framework, which also focuses on a
deeper layer of global understanding; sentiment.
And underneath that: feelings and emotions as a
Owner Everlast
guiding approach to making a true connection in


More commonly known as The African Wild Dog.

It’s the mid 90’s and he is sitting in a car in Kenya during a safari. Ron
and his wife are finally watching a rhino in the wild. It’s a moment
of amazement. Not just because of this animal standing in front of
them, but also because of the van in the background. ‘Wild nature’
is what they came for, but they soon realized reality was totally

I’m talking to Ron van der A, a wildlife enthusiast from the Netherlands.
Even though he has a background in banking and investments, Ron is
the embodiment of the saying “I wasn’t born in Africa, but Africa was
born in me”. During his first safari in Kenya, a lot of things changed
for Ron and his wife. I can’t wait to ask more about the journey he
took and the position he fulfills now at the Painted Dog Conservation.


“People outside of these

communities are not allowed as
an employee, as the jobs and
payments are very necessary to
the locals themselves.”

WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT FIRST After visiting multiple times, I decided to become
MOMENT IN KENYA? more professional in my way of supporting this
After my wife and I witnessed the rhino in Kenya, project. The foundation Painted Dog Conservation
I knew I had to give something back. I started (PDC) was established.
eco-volunteering, something that happened a lot
those days in Africa. My first project was based in Right now, PDC has grown to roughly 60
Swaziland, where I would ‘walk the white rhinos’. employees, who work there full time. All of them
After that, I joined Peter Westerveld in building are locals, connected to two local chiefs. People
dams. We did this to restrain the water from outside of these communities are not allowed
flowing away. I watched elephants bath, shrubs as an employee, as the jobs and payments
grow and crocodiles inhabiting small pools. All as are very necessary to the locals themselves.
a result of our efforts. After that, I was standing You can imagine that 60 employees have the
at an event, talking about our rhino project. That’s total responsibility over 600 people who live in
where I met Peter Blindston and Greg Rasmussen the villages nearby. They are family, friends or
from Painted Dogs. I knew then and there that this neighbors that don’t earn enough themselves.
would be my next project. We’re proud to see PDC grow and evolve with the
locals so thoroughly involved.
THE PAINTED DOGS. HOW DID THAT CHANGE Peter and I are the only ‘white men’ involved in the
OVER THE YEARS? PDC. Even though we don’t usually give ourselves
The first years, we visited the Painted Dogs multiple job titles, I now fulfill my role as chairman in the
times. Typically, we didn’t see a single animal that foundation. Peter is the executive director and he
first year. However, in 2001 when my wife joined has been doing this for over 20 years now. We
me on my trip, we finally saw the dogs! can’t imagine it otherwise.

A painted dog in Zimbabwe in Hwange National Park.
It is important for us to
show local people the
beauty and importance
of painted dogs in their
area. The Bushcamp is our
way of educating young
children about this topic.


LOCATION OF PDC? Our third team is the anti-poaching unit. Knowing
We are based in Zimbabwe in Hwange National that the snares in the field are waiting for dogs and
Park. It’s where the dogs live as well. The history other wildlife is devastating, so we are proactively
behind this location is based on research that was working on removing those snares from the field.
done here. In the 90’s research showed that the 16 people and 2 K9-sniffing dogs are working
dogs who came outside of Hwange National Park together to find and remove the traps. Though
were often found dead. This was the area where this might sound perfect, it’s important to notice
they came in conflict with local people. Snares, that it hasn’t always been this way. Taking snares
traffic accidents and shootings were the main or a dead dog home, used to be seen as a sign
cause of these deaths. Sometimes intentionally, that said: ‘If you take just a small part of the snare
sometimes bad luck. home, there must be a bigger part still out there.
The only reason for leaving that behind could be
Our core value which rose from this research is still your own involvement in poaching.’ It sounds cruel,
the same today. We want to help and conserve but the general thought would be that way. We are
the painted dog population, by firstly finding the happy to have innovated a system in which we
critical issues on site and then changing this for the reward the anti-poachers for bringing home the
better. As some of the critical issues are directly caught dogs and the snares. It has truly changed
related to ignorance and prejudice from locals our results.
about this species, we also have a strong focus on
education. BUSHCAMP
One of our most impactful facilities and programs
WHICH FACILITIES AND SUBTEAMS DO YOU is the Bushcamp. As I said previously, it is
HAVE ON SITE? important for us to show local people the beauty
and importance of painted dogs in their area. The
RESEARCH TEAM Bushcamp is our way of educating young children
Let’s start with the research team! We have both about this topic. Four days long, they are fully
senior and junior trackers, who try to find the dogs taken care of. Three meals a day, a proper bed
daily. We do this by sight (who has seen them and interesting topics to learn about. Often, it’s
and where) and with the use of VHS collars. The the first time these children go to a national park
past years we attached these collars to some of and it’s the first time they actually do a safari. It’s
the dogs, so we can find them via radio telemetry. amazing to see that after so many years, many
Our team is trained in finding the dogs this way. of them come back to work here as rangers, anti-
As soon as they find them, our trackers take the poachers or journalists. The Bushcamp has the
dogs’ feces and sometimes they ‘dart’ them for impact we want it to have.
blood samples. Both of this will be used in further
research, to find out what they ate and if they’re in MUSEUM
good health. Besides that, we have a museum with an exhibition
and we have a global outreach program, in
REHABILITATION CENTER which we help build wells and plant vegetable
Next we have the rehabilitation center. We use this gardens. Lastly, we support youngsters from
for temporarily hurt dogs, who have been caught in local communities with creating responsibility and
snares or have hurt themselves in the field. Snares self development. Without this, they are prone to
are part of poaching here in the national park, poach due to boredom. They are very important
so we see it a lot unfortunately. Besides that, the parts of our program. However, they are smaller
rehabilitation center is the permanent residence of projects than the others mentioned.
some of the dogs. They are blind, have only three
paws or they are otherwise heavily injured. The
only option for survival is keeping them with us.


WHAT PROBLEMS AND ROADBLOCKS DO perspective, we must stay focused on the dogs.
YOU NOTICE WHILE TRYING TO HELP THE We are still and always in service to them.
After many years of trial and error, we are finally At the same time, we should keep the local
at a stage of earning trust from local people and community in our minds. Collaboration with and
from the chiefs. We are able to track down snares understanding them is one of the aspects we must
and (wounded) dogs, which enables us to work never forget. And last but not least, don’t forget
on a brighter future. But of course, there are also that ‘the more research you do, the more insecure
negative aspects to our development and things your previous research becomes’. Don’t be fooled
that we should be very aware of. As much as we by the mistakes you made when you didn’t know
would like to solve every problem from our own any better.’


Painted Dog Conservation

really focusses on the
wellbeing of the dogs, while
contributing to the local
Come and see the painted dogs for yourself. I can

talking about the keep on talking about the multi-faceted beauty of

this species and our project, but only one glance

multi-faceted beauty here will win you over. I’d be happy to show you
what I mean.

of this species and

our project, but only Instagram

one glance here will @painted_dog_conservation

win you over.” www.painteddog.org


What’s taught in school is usually not how the real world works.
Yes, it’s great to have some theoretical knowledge about certain
topics, but the real world often contains many more direct and
indirect factors that determine the outcome of what you want
to do. When talking to Silvio Marchini, who is a bridge-builder
in human-wildlife coexistence, we find out that this also applies
to the field of conservation. What position do we have as a
conservationist when we focus on human-wildlife interactions?

“We expect people to be

more tolerant with this
neutral approach.”

He started out as being a biologist himself. The bridge-building in human-wildlife coexistence, this
general thought of ‘I love nature and I want to is exactly his goal with Plan4coex. That brings us
protect it’ was also at the core of his career. to the fact that he is an entrepreneur besides his
Yet, today his career has been shaped by his role as conservationist. During the enlightenment
experiences in the field and he is the proud owner that we can’t choose the wildlife’s side in any given
of Plan4coex. Who is he today and what can he tell situation, I also realized that we as humans are at
us about his perspective in conservation? the core of the problem but we are also the core of
the solution. Often, the local or involved people that
After graduation Silvio soon found out, just I talk to, don’t even know that they are involved in
being a conservationist wasn’t enough. The a so-called ‘problem’ or ‘human-wildlife conflict’.
usual approach when being a conservationist
is: ‘I did some research, found some results and That - not even knowing that they are involved in
now I’ll tell the locals how they should deal with a conflict - is also the reason why he never speaks
wildlife.’ Oftentimes, the emphasis on research of conflicts anymore. The meeting of humans with
and documentation is so big, that the actual wildlife, with any given result (positive or negative)
emphasis on change gets forgotten. Another is simply an interaction. The general term ‘human-
problem with this approach is the wrong balance a wildlife conflict’ is often too focussed on the
conservationist gets when he proposes a solution negative and this can easily be changed.
to locals and surrounding people. Suddenly, the
conservationist who is supposed to be on two But with this information, how should
sides of this situation, chooses the side of wildlife. conservationists act then, when interfering or
trying to solve an interaction? It’s quite simple.
With the aim of mitigating the conflict, it is necessary By changing the terminology used and trying
to be neutral in a conversation. Taking the wildlife’s to understand every single stakeholder, the
side will work against you in solving the problem. perspective on the situation gets wider and better.
According to Silvio “We expect people to be more As he said before, the solution can be found in
tolerant with this neutral approach”. As a so-called ‘change’.


“Change should be introduced in a precipatory done, what the intention is and what our end goal
way. Conventionally, biologists say “I do ecological ideally should be.”
research, because I love this specific animal.
As I love them, I don’t want them to die and be It is clear that is searching for a trans-disciplinarity
extinguished.” I, however, would rather say: “I’m a collaboration. Which program or project should
biologist, an expert at jaguars.” And then I would be addressed? What are the steps that need to
go beyond that. I step outside university and the be taken? And how can we monitor the effects
lab. I will ask society: “What problems do you have and the changes which are a result of our steps?
with jaguars?” There will certainly be stakeholders When we look back at the conservation history,
who have problems with them. Those are my we can now see that we arrived at a third stage.
clients. He works with and for them to resolve the We went from a solely ecological approach, to a
problem. We decide what research needs to be combination with social sciences.


Bridge-builder in human-
wildlife coexistence and proud
owner of Plan4coex.
“We should make
decisions on what
is true.”
Today we have arrived to a situation where those It is so common that scientists, ecologists, biologists
disciplines are also combined with an ethical think ‘I have the truth’, because science is the truth.
perspective. We should make decisions on ‘what is true’.

It remains the question when something, a project However, the trend in wildlife conservation is
or an approach in human-wildlife coexistence, beyond that. Luckily. What ultimately matters is
is ethically right. It takes us back to the more not just the scientific truth. The ultimate decisions
philosophical roots of decision making. You could will be based on people’s lives and ethical values.
say “I understand that there is a certain subjectivity “We need other ways to take this into account in
of what is right and wrong, but I understand that a fair way. In Plan4coex we implement this in our
there is a form of universally right or wrong as daily chores, but we also teach others this way of
well”. The bottom line of all this, is that you should thinking via our workshops.” Alone there is a lot
consider that there is a diversity of ethical views. Silvio can do, but sharing knowledge and making
What I consider right and wrong is not right and people responsible for their own situations is a
wrong for everyone. better and more efficient tactic.


“It’s about changing the

people’s perspective on

A workshop starts with the participants identifying definitely Mamirauá. This institute for Sustainable
the human-wildlife interactions. Then the Development takes care of research, management
participants create a map of the system. It’s about and extension programs in the Solimoes region
identifying the direct and indirect factors that are of in the Amazon. Alongside this institute you
interest in this human-wildlife interaction. Once we have Uakari Lodge. Silvio is determined that this
have that, we know what we can do and what we ecolodge should be your accommodation if you
can develop to influence that interaction positively. want to have the full sustainable experience in the
And we can improve the interaction altogether. Amazon.
For each of those indirect and direct effects, we
want to monitor the results. And that’s the basis for Secondly, the Atlantic Forest cannot be forgotten.
adaptive management. It’s a sideways movement, With only a 2 to 3-hour drive, it is extremely close
not lineair. to São Paulo City. It’s less focussed on wildlife
conservation, yet just as stunning with the high
In the last year we have done six of these workshops intensity of diverse ecosystems. Don’t forget to visit
from jaguars in Iguazu National Park to North local people and communities. You are supposed
Eastern Brazil (semi-desert with jaguars), in the to ‘just watch the animal’ when you’re a wildlife
Amazon and in Costa Rica. “I’m looking forward tourist. However, you can add great experiences
to more diversity. Both in wildlife species and in and benefits during your trip if you go beyond
landscapes of this workshop from Plan4Coex.”, as enjoying the wildlife and nature. Take the most out
Silvio emphasizes. of your stay and indulge yourself in the full cultural
experience of Brazil.
The aim of Plan4Coex is to go beyond that one
specific species that you want to save. It’s about As a truly inspiring connector, more about Silvio’s
changing the people’s perspective on wildlife, with work can be seen on his website and heard in
whichever species they are dealing with. That also his TEDtalk. If you are eager to join his workshop
makes it difficult to invite people from abroad about coexistence with nature, a simple email will
to become involved in any of Silvio’s projects. do the work, but if you are ready today to dive into
Luckily there are definitely some projects and this topic, browse to his Facebook group ‘Human-
ecotourism locations in Brazil which he prefers, so Wildlife Coexistence: science & practise’ and join
we are more than happy to share this intel. The now!
most sustainable project in the Central Amazon is

If you want to add a bit of spice
to your hiking experience, then
you need to visit the province
Limburg in the Netherlands.
Limburg has a diverse landscape,
from steep hills, to green forests.
Walk over small gravel roads and
discover this tiny but surprising
European country.
Photos: Mischa Kemna

Avontuur Dichtbij is a travel organization, founded
by two sustainable entrepreneurs.We offer individual
and group packages in the Netherlands and Belgium.


Are you ready for a tough hike with spectacular views? In the
south of Limburg you can walk the toughest mountain hike in the
Netherlands: the Dutch Mountain Trail. This long-distance hike is
over 100 km long and spans almost 2000 meters of altitude. The
tour is suitable for the experienced and adventurous hiker who is
looking for a challenge!

We offer this trip as a 6-day and a 7-day trip. The 7-day adventure
also includes luggage transport. So put on your hiking boots and
walk this amazing trail!

“You don’t have to travel far for an exciting experience.”


Ana Santacruz, born in Quito, Ecuador, studied
ecotourism at university.

She now works as a naturalist guide in the

Amazon Rainforest, her favorite place in the
world. In this interview, she answers a few
questions on what her job is like and what
ecotourism means to her.



I love nature and when I was a teenager, I wanted
to become a biologist. Here in Ecuador, it’s very
hard to find a job in that industry, though, so when
I found out that it’s possible to study ecotourism,
that’s exactly what I decided to do. Being a
naturalist guide is a great way to help with nature


Just like regular guides, naturalist guides also help
people enjoy the area and see the animals. But
what naturalist guides do on top of that is educate
people on how to preserve nature so that we can
keep enjoying these places.

Lago Agrio, Nueva Loja, Ecuador.
“Seeing animals and how
they behave is fascinating!”

WHAT DO YOU LOVE THE MOST ABOUT YOUR Ecuadorians is that we have the best and most
JOB AS A NATURALIST GUIDE? diverse part of the Amazon, though! (laughs)
The animals! Even when you’ve been working in We have the low, flat Amazon but also the high
the same place for a long time, you always see Amazon, in the Andes Mountains. Thanks to the
different things and there are always new things to difference in altitude and temperatures, we have
learn as well. Seeing animals and how they behave many indigenous species.
is fascinating! Apart from that, I love interacting
with people as well. You get to know people from HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE ECOTOURISM?
all around the world, learn from them, and even Ecotourism is based on three things: ecology,
make new friends. society, and economy. The ecological part focuses
on nature conservation, whereas the sociological
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL AND part strives to include local people, tribes, and
WHY? indigenous groups. The last part, the economy,
The animals I love watching the most are monkeys, is based on tourism. The idea is to make money
not a specific type, but monkeys in general. I don’t sustainably and to teach the locals and the people
really have a favorite animal, though. It’s hard to who work in the tourism industry to preserve
pick a single one because I love all animals: birds, nature. The profit made from tourism then goes
mammals, insects - they’re all so interesting! to the locals, the guides, and nature preservation.

GUIDE? To me, the most significant part is to preserve.
The Amazon is the largest tropical forest in the Nature is very sensitive and if we destroy it, we
world. Approximately 60% of it is located in Brazil won’t be able to live on this planet anymore. We
and just 2% in Ecuador. What we like to say as need nature for water, food, oxygen, etc.


“I help people organize sustainable tours around

Ecuador. I did this as a freelancer for different
companies at first, but soon noticed that there are
areas that aren’t covered yet.”


An Ocecat
2Spider Monkey
Ana with Alpacas
Group tour



The Amazon is the largest
tropical forest in the world.
Approximately 60% of it is
located in Brazil and just
2% in Ecuador.

“In real life, nature is

different from what you
can see in documentaries,
as these often take several
months to make.”

I help people organize sustainable tours around Don’t put your expectations too high. In real
Ecuador. I did this as a freelancer for different life, nature is different from what you can see
companies at first, but soon noticed that there are in documentaries, as these often take several
areas that aren’t covered yet. I think these areas months to make. If tourists expect to arrive in the
have a lot to offer as well, and by offering tours Amazon and see a jaguar pass in front of them
here, we can also support the locals in these places. while monkeys are jumping all around, then people
will start to attract animals by placing feeders and
My type of tours focus on interacting more with catching or taming them.
locals and nature in a sustainable way. My clients
and I organize the tours together so that it fits their Just be prepared for what the forest is prepared to
interests. I also offer private transportation, as this give you, it might not be like in the documentaries,
is the easiest and nicest way to take tourists to but you will still see wildlife!
specific areas. Ecuador is very small, so we can
easily go anywhere in the country.

We like to say that, in Ecuador, you can have

breakfast at the coast, eat lunch in the Andes, and Instagram
have dinner in the Amazon! @ana_tourguide
Ecologde nearby

in the most famous tropical forest.

She is 36 years old, lives in Brazil and she is currently working on

her post-doc. Fernanda Abra is the absolute expert when talking
about road mortality and how to mitigate it to promote wildlife
conservation and today she tells us all about it. What is she
working on right now? How did she get to this point in her career?
And how could we implement the knowledge from her research
anywhere else?
“It’s not just the loss of many
individuals, but also the
negative effect on the tropical



I started to become interested in road ecology
in 2010, when doing an internship. Even though I
had a broad interest in different topics - such as
fungi and tropical forests - road ecology attracted
me the most. I instantly knew I wanted to find out
more about this field of conservation. In 2011 I
first started my research on how to mitigate the
impact of roads on wildlife. That was during my
masters. It took me until my PhD before I found out
approximately 39.000 wild mammals were killed
on roads every year, in the Sao Paulo state of Brazil
alone.. It was and still is a shocking fact for me. In
my PhD I therefore focused on road mortality in
combination with the effects on human safety and
economic effects. Now, I’m working as a Postdoc
in the Amazon, where I do research as well as
implement the knowledge I gathered in previous
research I did.

“39.000 wild
mammals were
killed on roads
every year, in the
Sao Paulo state
of Brazil alone.”

effect on the tropical ecology that highlights the
“Without them, importance of what we are trying to do.

we would never The project is still in the beginning phase. It will be

separated into three phases in the coming years.
be able to start In phase 1 we will monitor road mortality in the
area. By doing this, we will find out exactly what
this project.” the threats are for wildlife and how they behave
naturally. With this knowledge, we can better adapt
our approach for phase 2, where we will install
30 canopy bridges. During this phase, the local
WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR POSTDOC? community helps us with weaving the materials
The biggest project I’m currently working on is my and connecting the canopies above the roads. We
project in the Amazon, which is called Reconecta. will use two different designs, so we can test which
Here I work with indigenous community Waimiri- ones work the best.
Atroari on decreasing roadkills on a specific
Federal highway, BR-174, that run through their At almost the same time phase 3 starts, because
forest and their homelands. It’s evident that our now we need to monitor these canopy bridges.
human made highways have a very large impact Which animals use them, how frequently, when,
on wildlife and indigenous people. It’s not just the etc. This needs to happen for at least 2 years for
loss of many individuals, but also the negative good results.

HOW ARE THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE That is exactly why we are now building artificial
INVOLVED IN YOUR PROJECT? canopy bridges to create these connections
They are incredibly important for our research. between areas. During phase 2 and 3 of our
Without them, we would never be able to start this project, we need to work with the indigenous
project. First of all, they are the ones that have people very closely. We need to learn from them
been asking for methods and solutions to mitigate how to weave the materials, to build the canopy
roadkill in the first place. The animals that live bridges the right way.
alongside them, have a special meaning in their life.
Some of them are sacred, such as specific types After that, we need to train them how to collect
of monkeys. Seeing these animals and species die the data from the camera traps. Downloading
through roadkill, is heartbreaking for them. the data, looking at the videos and defining which
animals can be seen is crucial in this part of the
The past years, even before we connected with research. As locals, they have a ton of knowledge
them, they started connecting canopies together on the species that live there. Even Fernanda, who
for wildlife to use. For many locations this has is Brazilian herself, has never seen many of these
turned out to be successful. However, some species in real life. Indigenous people therefore
canopies are simply too far away from each other play a vital role in this project
to connect naturally.


Expert when talking about

road mortality and how to
mitigate it to promote wildlife



I never truly work alone, as you need other people
to support you both with knowledge as well as with
finances to run a project. In the company ViaFauna,
which I run with my fellow colleague Paula, we
work on several projects across Brazil. This is the
place where we implement our knowledge that we
gained from our research. As she and I are both
working on our postdocs at the same time, it’s
always a mixture of projects coming together and
a mixture of people that you’re working with.

“I never truly work

alone, as you need
other people to
support you.”

For example, in my Amazonian research

and project, I am working with two students
and a Professor from Federal University of
Amazonas. They help me conduct the research,
to communicate with the indigenous people and
to gather the right data. Alongside that, I’m a
postdoc fellow fromthe Center of Conservation
and Sustainability, Smithsonian Conservation
Biology Institute from the US and I’m contacting
many national and international funds for financial
support. Running such a project is often way more
complex than simply conducting the research

Living in Brazil - or at
least in South America -
is therefore sometimes
a roadblock while
researching and helping

“Every month we have

a different problem to
HOW DO YOU SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE Living in Brazil we therefore have to be innovative
WITH OTHER CONSERVATIONISTS? and creative in how to set up a new project.
Future for Nature is a Dutch competition in which Especially here in the Amazon, where all the
conservationists can win a sum of money to materials are far away and more expensive. The
develop their research and conservation projects. logistics is insane!
As I won this competition in 2019, I am now part
of the Future for Nature Family. This ‘Family’ is We always say: “Every month we have a different
one of their latest projects, in which they connect problem to solve.” Yet somehow it always works
previous winners with each other, to share out again.
knowledge and skills. I’m now connected with Els
and José, who work in Suriname and Colombia. Living in Brazil - or at least in South America
This year I will visit them, and they will visit me in - is therefore sometimes a roadblock while
the Amazon, to further implement canopy bridges researching and helping wildlife. However, to me
in their countries. It’s a great start to make this it’s all worth it to put in the time, money and effort.
happen. In the future I hope to also implement it in
other countries, specially tropical areas with high WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU HAVE FOR
arboreal species diversity. Even though nobody is FUTURE ECOLOGISTS/CONSERVATIONISTS?
working on these problems there yet, I’m sure it Try many different things before you choose a
would be great to further extend our research and career path. By experimenting with different topics,
project to these countries. locations and research fields, you will find out what
you really love doing. There will be one thing that
WHAT ROADBLOCKS DO YOU ENCOUNTER you are willing to spend your life on doing. As a
IN YOUR RESEARCH? conservationist you have to be ready to give your
There are plenty, way too many to tell actually. full 100% at any time of the day, so only if you’re
People always think that conducting the research completely committed to your project or research,
itself is causing the greatest roadblocks, but in the you will be able to make it.
end, it is always way more than that. For example:
we need many many funds to build the canopy
bridges here in the Amazon forest and to pay all
the people working on the project. Even though
we are currently funded by 7 different parties -
including the Future for Nature Award - we are still
trying to gather more funds.

This also comes back when we look at similar
research projects in Europe and Northern America.
Here, they also work on canopy bridges and similar Website
problems. However, the funds are way bigger and www.viafauna.com.br
the materials used way more expensive.


Manon Verijdt
Arina van Londen Emma Ritzen
Suzanne Lek
Carmen Castricum
Laura Meyers
Amy van Loon


Ana Santacruz, Björn Donnars, Fernanda Abra, Latoya de Jong,
Angela Boghui, Ifigenia Garita, Christina Tholander, Ron van der A,
Frank Landman, Silvio Marchini & Sarah Ritzen.

Amy van Loon

Judith van der Steen

Chiara Holzer


Marijn Jansen


advertising@ubuntumagazine.com | www.ubuntumagazine.com


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