Axolotl )

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Rune & Emile


-Never out of the water.

-breathe through gills, their skin and lungs.

-Axolotls regularly go gasp for air.

The habitat of the Axolotl
-mountain rivers

-constructed canals
Is axo pretty?
-6 feathery gills

-9 inches long

-mostly dark

-long and flat body

Fun Facts
-Axolotls regenerate

-Axolotls eat li earthworms, mosquitoes, crickets, crustaceans, and dried shrimp

5 reasons why the axolotl should be on the poster.

1:They are more known then the sea cucumber.

2:They are more recognizable then a cat.

3:Axolotls look funnier then a goldfish.

4:Axolotls have a better nickname(Walking fish) then

the female whale(the bull).

Hope you enjoyed our presentation!

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