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2) United States Patent (10) Patent No: US 8,560,135 B2 ‘Tomita et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 15, 2013 (54) ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, ENERGY om91D1 Ay 920m Kod boa MANAGEMENT APPARATUS ANDENERGY ey A ae Sena woe (75) Inventors: Yasushi Tomita, Mito (JP); Masahiro: FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS: Watanabe iach UP) Takafuml yp aaossany 4 © 22000 bara Yalchuma QP Yueh Ouse, Jp ortnong ©" 3 Kawoski QP) Akira Kobayashi Tokyo JP Sooubase A * 2008 (JP); Hideyuki Kawamura, Tokyo (JP) P 2006-304402 11/2006 (Cosine (73) Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo (JP) . OTHER PUBLICATIONS *) Notice: Subject any dsckimer, th term ofthis ©) Ree ee ee ed unde 33 Cite ole axon mile Ae 26, 2013; Aplcaan No U.S.C, 154(b) by 424 days. 2OL11OD4L790.4, (21) App. Nos 13028388 (Contin Primary Examiner —Mobanamad li (2) Filed: Feb. 16,2011 Assistant Examiner — Sivalingam Sivanesan « Prior Publication Data (14) dfrne, Age, or Firm — Aatonli, Tey, Stout & Kaus LLP {US 2011023823281 Sep. 29,2011 (s7) ABSTRACT. orsign Appleton Priority Data D een ‘An energy management system includes an equipment data Mar. 29,2010 0P) 2owworss22 — maogenent ut which manages ehangnglacarging os ofa tery an es radaon Ios ofan ete war ater, (s1) Ine, and causes conto nto perform conta give pry Gosp v2 (200601) based on the comparison to he energy sore fei nore (2) USC red loeand sore cen The cy manegenen tare uw291 tem incl aoystem operation calculation ut which pe Coarericaaacia eal diets volage dstrbuon of the nextday of distbton ioe 7on251 sem or denand-an-upply balance amount of tee ee ericaioa i Spe aes a ‘sem by sate monitoring ata of power pte clus 2 denand aroun neeasing target alte pes or 01 6) References Cited ing hotvolsc ower geneain amauntsupresn ona US. PATENT DOCUMENTS. consumerend by the voltage distribution ofthe next day ofthe distibution system or the demand-and-supply balance ‘amount, and controls the energy’ storage facilities so a8 to ‘868 A 12/1987 Maruyama etal satisfy the demand amount increasing value on tt SANS AS HGS More he dead amc neg age va on he Gu 82) 28 Seth ty 11 Chins, 14Draving Sheets ae — ca em 7 age US 8,560,135 B2 Page 2 (6) References Cited OTHER PUBLICATIONS Asaretl, Contol Method for Reverse PowerFlow of Photovoltaic es Generation Sytem-Operation Panig ort Purp Water Heater P 2o0sso4402 A * 112006 in Acconlane With Uncen Forecast”, Anmul Confuence of @ anoosi7a2 ‘43010, Power & Energy Society. IEE of Span 008 ® aoio-tsee36 72010, . 2010168636 4 * 72010, * cited by examiner US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 1 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.1 AN 20 vovsuwer 30 oNsuNER POWER Pen 23 SUPERMARKET oe a TRANSMISSION UNE 100 coxsuneR (GENERAL ‘asin wm 112 TORE HRY ERENT |_. AMGEN HEATER 113 aha PONEROD Cutie 114 12 ORTHE LIE) SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE OF FIRST EMBODIMENT US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 2 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.2 41 DSTRIUTIONLNE 100 CONSUMER 1414 120 CONSUMER ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Ww 12 136 L) _INPUTAND BATTERY OUTPUTUNT ae 127 121 | ————_—_=" | | | ectRicwarer CONTROLLERFORLOCAL | || PVSTATE MONITORING HEATER PRODUCTION FORLOCAL +} ‘CONSUMPTION 738 114 128 BATTERY STATE Brune PY POWER GENERATION. | F) TORN (AR.CONDTIONER, AMOUNT PREDSTON NT [| |__MONTORNGUNT ORTHELKE) 129 123 | (—GATTERYCHARGNG? POWER DEMAND. H DISCHARGING PREDCTIONUNT = [7 it el DEWAND-AND.SUPPLY | 5 NOAND-SUPrLY LT) STATEMONTTORNGUNT ~131 425 | (EECTROWATERHEATER PVSURPLUSPOWER || THERMAL STORAGE PREDCTIONUNT [7 126 eal HOT WATER DEMAND ri PREDLTONUNT[] |_MONTORNGUNT | 133 NEXT DAY DEMAND. [7] PREDICTION TABLE DATA EQUPENT — ]-134 | SPECFIGATIONDATA MANAGEMENT UNT L consumenresutt 135 DATABASE US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 3 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.3 PVPOWER GENERATION ‘SOLAR RADIATION INTENSITY [kW/m?] PVPOWER GENERATION AMOUNT CHARACTERISTIC DATA FIG.4 SOLAR | PVPOWER | POWER "| ,DENAND Pv SURPLUS] HOT WATER TME | RADIATION |GENERATION) Dewan |ANDSKTELY)” poweR | DEMAND INTENSITY | AMOUNT | AMOUNT | AMOUNT | AMOUNT | AMOUNT 0:00 aa a aoe ae see aa 4:00 a a aoe ee a 1 2:00 + ee rad ee eg +e 3:00 a + ae + + ae 4:00 | eae aod a ae a nae NEXT DAY DEMAND-AND-SUPPLY PREDICTION TABLE DATA US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 4 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.5 CALCULATE TOTAL NEXT DAY PV SURPLUS POWER AMOUNT sii $12. NEXT DAY PV SURPLUS 813 POWER AMOUNT > 0? ‘SUPPRESSION RATE=0 ‘CALCULATE HOT WATER REDUCTION AMOUNT s14—) ‘OF EACH TME OF DAYTIME ZONE i CALCULATENECESSARY HOT WATER AMOUNT Si5—q OF EACH TIME OF DAYTME ZONE 1 ‘SUPPRESSION RATE =NECESSARY HOT WATER DEMAND OF DAYTIME ZONE START TME S16—| _/NEXTDAYDALYHOTWATER DEMAND ‘AMOUNT PREDICTION VALUE x 10004) US. Patent Ss: Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet § of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.6 CALCULATE INCREASING TARGET AMOUNT OF ‘DEMAND-AND-SUPPLY BALANCE AMOUNT p~S21 BATE? OSS » CHARBING/ ‘DISCHARGING LOS > ELECTR WATER Les ET OKT 22, ELECTRIC WATER EATER POWER CONSUMABLE AMOUNT > 0° BATTERY CHRGERBLE CONTROLER ODES MT AMOUNT > OP SORT ELECTRIC MATER £ $37) se eo CONTROLER OnE NOT SIAR BATERY CHARGNG CONTROLLER STARTS ELECTR MATER HEATER THERA STORAGE OPERHTON r ee POWER CONSUMPTION ANQUAT TARGET VALUE z MIELEC NATER HEATER POWER CONSUMABLE AUNT, EMAKD AND-SUPPL BALANCE AMOUNT HARE AMOUNT TARGET VALE INCREASING TART AMT) MIN GATERY CORSE AMOUNT DEMAND AND SUPPLY NANCE AMOUNT $33 INCREAS TARGET UAT} unt ND SUPPLY BALANCE $25 AOU NCREASN TARET AQUA AND-SUPPLY LANCE AMOUNT INCREASING TARGET AMOUNT ~ BATTERY CHARGEABLE ~ ELECTRIC NATER HEATER PONE, el START BATE t unt > 07 $26 AT TE CONTROLLER ODES NT ete Ee so CONTROLER STARTS BATTERY CHARGNG t CONTROLER STARTS ELECTRIC WATER HEATER CHARGE AMOUNT ARSE] VALUE = DMMND ND SUPPLY BALANCE AMOUNT THERVAL STORAGE OPERATION WAND SY ALA z ELECTR HATER HEATER POWER CONSUMAGLE PONER CONSUMPTON GUN TARGET YALE a = DANDAND SUPE BALINCEAUDUNT NERA TARGET ANON WK gag $36 ~BATERYCHAREABLE AMOUNT 5 US 8,560,135 B2 Sheet 6 of 14 Oct. 15, 2013 US. Patent ay uy ° JNNONY zav40IS aa aa WWEHL OS AYO SNOUA ' Nowannswon woo] 404 (G1 4¥ iNnoM) ~ : Nouanod W307 BNsNa NNO . CONVO WALVM 10H 7 BOWLIOOS WHBHISHOARE =» YZ") (BL 34098 INNOWY) Te) A ANNONY 1394¥L Jou (ONPG LYM LOH JA SAB ON eeseceeceeececceconpennseetenenececcnseePoassnssnnsneennensendecseeeneeee {NOW 3ev4OUS THRBHL TWwnalsRa ANNOMTY 39V¥01S TWHABHL ‘TIN YNVL 3OVAOLS 2BIVM LOH NOWdINNSNO TID) Nos Ad 40 Nousniadad Tva07 SNiand INNORY ‘SRL 3BVRCLS TWINGSHL STOUR ‘Nnony sav aavanis VZ°5ld “TWARGHL SMOIIYd TON: ANON 35V¥018 TWHNY3HL ‘TWN YNVL 3OVAOIS Y3IVM LOH NOUWYSQINI NOW AiddfS 1VaH dH US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 7 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.8 PUSNRUIPTEN b PSURALS POWER PV PONER GENERATON AMOUNT TA FeHeHING ETON + Ha ant f \ pF SOs 7 2 2 24 POWERCONSUMPTION AMOUNT FLECTRIC ENERGY RAGE TME ZONE IME ZONE OF CHEAPER ELECTRICITY PRICES NIGHTTIME THERA DAYTIME ZONE Hae STORAGE TME ZONE RING NIGHTTIME FIG.9 4 20 consuwer 30 cONsuMER see ae 21 BULONG 22 racToRY 31 scHoOL \ 23 SUPERMARKET 72 10 POWER SYSTEM 200 CONSUMER NERA ‘52 CONSUMER COOPERATION — HOUSEHOLD) SERVER i BATTERY = 212 ‘SYSTEM COOPERATION LECTRICWATER | _ PE CONSUMER ENERGY ‘TER 213 7 GEERT SIL FaeaD 214 ‘(AR CONDITIONER, 220 ORTHEUIE) 51 ‘COMMUNICATION SISTEM FTG “wen ‘SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE OF SECOND EMBODIMENT US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 8 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.10 ‘52 CONSUMER COOPERATION p aa 41 DISTRIBUTION LINE 20 SYSTEM CQOPERA ait feeouaenetoy a fENT SYSTEM 212 236 || _INPUTAND BATTERY OUTPUTUNTT aR zt 227 || TReoTRGWATER PVSTATE MONITORING HEATER wt 214 228 BATTERY STATE APPARATUS (CONDITIONER, MONITORING UNIT woe my 229 BATTERY CHARGNG? POWER DEMAND H DISCHARGING PREDICTONUNT =] oT 224 | [ecoTmg WATER HEATER DEWAND-AND-SuPALY _ | [> SALINGEPREDCTONUNT [] [_STATEMONTORNG ONT 231 225 | [EECTRICWATERHEATER PYSURPLUSPOWER ||} THERMAL STORAGE PREDICTONUNTT oe 226 POWER DEMAND STATE HOTWATERDEMAND = |} INT OTWATERDEMAND 1) NONITORINGU 233 NEXT DAY DEMAND [7] PREDICTION TABLEDATA eeeanool SPECIFICATION DATAY ANAGEMENT UNIT. L consumer resutt 1-235 DATABASE US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 9 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.11 iN 20 CONSUMER 300 coMMUNITY san NET 21 BUUDINE ‘310 OONSINER 22 DT 9344 son, 312 2 eS 314 ge ball [COMMUNITY-COMPATIBLE | Nn SL 3187 322 321 —JELECINC| |COMMUNITY-COMPANBLE) WATER }-) CONSUMER ENERGY HEATER | |_ MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 320 “TRANSMISSION UNE 19 og SRB 330 TSN Une TRANSFORMER ain POWER SYSTEM 340 342 (GENERAL r BATTERY (COMMUNTY-CONP ATL ELECTRIC WATER ‘CONSUMER ENERGY HEATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 343 as 350 | (wRconomoner, ORTHE LIKE) 380 COMMUNITY CENTER 344 3311 COMMUNICATION NETWORK 390 COMMUNITY ENERGY (MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ‘SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE OF THIRD EMBODIMENT US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 10 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.12 350 sre coopeRaTio Te COMMUT-OMPATBLE COASUMER ENERGY ‘30 COMMUNITY ENERGY MAAGENENT SYSTEM ANAGEMENT SISTEM 392 L| pura orput NT 393 TONSUNER ENERGY COMTRILATESRATON UNT FOR COMMUNITY LOCAL Bee PRODUCTION FR LOCAL CONSUMPTION 394 COMMUNITY STATE 331 comwcaTON MOQTORNG UNT wa 395 COASUMERDATA AUSEVENTUNT US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 11 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.13 332 DISTRBUTION UNE 340 CONSUMER 341 ‘350 COMMUNITY.COMPATLE CONSUMER S** ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM wv 368 342 oh INPUT AND BATTERY CONTROL ATEGRATEN AT] | RLOGAL PRODUCTION. | OUTPUTUNIT FORLOGHL CONSUNETON ‘352 ae ELECTRIC WATER CONTROLLERFORCOMMUNTY] | PYSTATEMONTORING HEATER LOGAL PRODUCTION FOR ONT LOCAL CONSUMPTION 344 360 ory | aoa ArasaT CONTROLER EORTOCA | MoNTORNGUNIT (ARCONDTONER, ORTHELKE) 361 354 | (—SaTTERYCHARGNNG? PYPOWER GENERATION. |_F DISCHARGING AMOUNT PREDICTION UNIT $85 aes | POWERDeMAND = | POWeRDEMAND || STATE MONTORNGUNTT 363 356 | FEECTRICWATERHEATER DEWAND-ANDSuPpLY |) THERIAL STORAGE BALANCE PREDICTION UNIT [| ar Tompamoce PysuRPLUSPOWER |} PREDCTONUNT—[] |__MONTORNGUNT ‘358 365 HOTWATER DEMAND rH ,.NEXTDAY DEMAND ee EQUIPMENT 366 SPECIFICATION DATA ANAGEMENT UNIT_ coNsuMER RESULT 1-387 DATABASE US 8,560,135 B2 Sheet 12 of 14 Oct. 15, 2013 US. Patent IWILLHSIN ONIN ‘3004 AUDIT 2AV3H9 40 3NDZ INOZ ANIL: "INOZ INU SSVRCIS WHHL aNULLHSM NOZ INAV. nH ‘SYINMISNOD YIHLO 40 Y3MOd SMrdUNs Ad OL NOLOGY NV G.V3H AVM OWLS 40 RAO UO SNL 3UNgaS “30d STTId&NS Ad 40 39¥1AOHS ‘annsvog ako 40 Nouanistog 2IVGH S31VM OVALS OL NOUIOQY WI ABLVI Klaas “*— #3IVSH LVM 3QL93T3 40 20VLAOHS ALVA (SNULY) INTONY NOILAINNISNOS ¥aNOd YIMGd Ad B AGIVGH ULV ILI [S¥ANNSNOD TWeMd SNONV LNSMLSATOY] {LIND YaNNISNO 3NO AS. YAMOd SMdUNS Ad ovate CGaMSNOO 34 OL STAVNN 4ANOd CALVAN39 Ad} INO STERN Ad ‘ASYHNG IT vl old US. Patent 1 GENERATION FADUTES TRANSMISSION UNE 13 TRANSFORMER 10 POWER SYSTEM ‘500 SYSTEM OPERATING SYSTEM 520 COMMUNICATION NETWORK Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 13 of 14 FIG.15 20 consumer 21 aL 22 ncrory \ 14 DDSTRBUTON UNE 400 commuNTY 410 conser 4y2 411 SCHOOL gem a13—{itte HEATER US 8,560,135 B2 414 coMMLrT-COMPATCE] CONSUMER ENERGY [MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 422 421 frre| EATER T [couMUNY-COMPATBLE) ‘CONSUMER ENEREY WANAGENENT SYSTEM 420 430 TRANSFORWER 440 CONSUMER 441) 442 443, ENERAL ais) i BATTERY (COMMUNITY-COM PAT ELECTRIC WATER HEATER CONSUMER ENEREY ‘MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 450 POWER AD APPARATIS (aconomoner, ORTHELKE) 480 COMMUNITY CENTER SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE OF FOURTH EMBODIMENT 434 COMMUNICATION NETWORK 490 SYSTEM COOPERATION TYPE COMMUNITY ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM US. Patent Oct. 15, 2013 Sheet 14 of 14 US 8,560,135 B2 FIG.16 510 coger DOPRRATON 520 conuncaTON SERVER NETWORK. 450 -4Q0 gsi pores TP cOMMUNTY ERGY ANEEVENT SISTEM 491 ara . PROOUCTON ORO. [-} MPOTAEPAPT COSINPTON sha ott ru nt CoMMLNEATN INT OLA CORIAPTON 5 7 493 COMMUN STATE 431 covuycanon = ae OMTORNG UT au ail ua 496 CORNET OONSIMER OA wae ONT US 8,560,135 B2 1 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, ENERGY MANAGEMENT APPARATUS, AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT METHOD BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ‘The present invention relates to an energy management system applied at the tine of operating energy’ equipment s0ch as photovoltaic power generation flies, a ater andan electric waterheaer on aconsumer end andanenea§ management apparatus applic to the sytem and which ss installed on consumer orn the vicinity of the consumer. Photovoltaic power generation iciiticsaeasumed to be inoduced and expanded in preparation for reduction in a load global environment. However, the follwing seared in evoperaton and expansion oa power system ofthe pho- tovolsic power generation flies. Tati, deo arevese rover How of photvoltae generated power ina distbution system, avolage rss up anda voltage cont isialenced, ‘rsupply power ofthe eae system increases ad a demand and-spply balance cont is invenced As one method of measures, time zone of @ thea storage operation in an eletie water heater installed on a ‘consume ens considered tobe ajsted. Specially the lecrc water heater soperated soc hat aot water stored inahor water store tankby using cheaper electricity during ‘nighttime aad th ht waters used during a daytime ofthe next dy. When photovolise power generation amount dr inga daytime ofthenext days predicted te large, thermal storage operation dng the nightie of the previous day is suppressed and a thermal storable amount ofthe next day is inereased. When the thermal storage operation i performed in conformity ta time zoe at which photovoltaic power ‘esnerstion amount during the daytime othe next day i age 3 power demand i neresed ‘On the other hand, a reverse poser flow in the ahove- described distribution systemocan increase ina power supply ‘ofthe entire system is considered to be reduced (see, for ‘example, “Control Method for Reverse Power Fw of Pho tovolsic Generation Systen-Operation Planing for Heat Pump Water Heater in accordance with Uncertainty Fore- system performs contol to case the energy storage facilities, ‘of other neighboring consumers to consume the photovoltaic power generation amount. Further, when the photovoltaic power gencration amount for storing energy in the energy storage facilities within one consumer is shot, the energy rmansigement system performs contol to store energy ia the ‘energy sorage facilities including the photovoliie power eneration amount of ther neighboring consumers. According to the present invention, in cooperation and ‘expusion to power system of the photovolaie power ge. ‘erition facilites, the energy management system caa reduce ‘an impact on the power system, increase the photovoltaic power generation amount on the consumer end, and generate ‘and consume power with high ellicieney and low carbon 2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is configuration diagram illustrating the entire ‘configuration example of a system according to a first ‘embodiment ofthe present invention: FIG. 2sa functional block diagram ilustating a configu- ration example of a consumer energy management appaatus ‘ofthe system according othe first embodiment Fhe present 30 invention; FIG. 3 isa characteristic diagram illustrating one example ‘of a poser generation amount characteristic of photovoltaic power generation facilities ofthe system according to the fist ‘embodiment ofthe present invention: FIG. isa schematic diagram illustrating one example of ‘configuration example ofa next day densand-and-supply pre 0" (step S30). Here, if “ihe electric water heater power consumable amount-¢, the controller 121 does not start the thermal ‘oruge opertion of the electric water heater 113 (step S37) On the other hand, if “the electric water heater power consumable amount>0", the controller 121 sta th thermal storage operation ofthe electric water heater 113 (step S32), Thecoatrller 121 setsthe power consumption amoua anget value to a smaller value of the electric water heater power consumable amount and the demand-and-supply balance ‘moual increasing tangt saouat (step $33). “Thercafler, the controller 121 determines whether “ihe demand-and-supply balance amount increasing target famouat-the power consumption amount target value>0" (Gtep SM). If “the demand-and-supply balance amouat increasing target amount-the power consumption amount target vlte>0°, the controler 121 stars the batery changing. operation 112 (sep $28). The comyoller 121 sets the charge ‘amouat target value to a value of “the demand-and-supply balance amount increasing target smount-the power con sumption amount target value” (step S36) the demane-and.-supply balance amount increasing t= get amount-the power consumption amount target value=O" in step $34, he controller 121 goes to step S38, and does not start to charge the battery 112 "Next, the pracessof the case where the contrlle for local production for local consumption 121 gives priority to the battery charging startin step 822 wil be described ‘AL this time, the contller 121 determines whether “the buttery changeable amount>0" (sep $23). Here, ifthe bat- US 8,560,135 B2 13 tery chargeable amount", the contoller 121 des nt start to charge the ater 112 (step S29), Ife battery chargeable amount the contoller 121 stars the battery charging operation 112 (step $24). The ‘outoler 121 sets the change amouat age valve toasller ‘alucof the battery chargeable amount an the demand-and- sopply balance amount neressng target amount (step $25). Thereafer, the comoller 121 determines wheter “he demand-and-supply balance amount inereasing amount-the charging amount target value4" (step $26). “ihe demand-and-supply balance amount increasing target smountthe charging amount target value>0", the conte 121 scars the thermal storage operation of he eerie water hater 113 (stp S27). Th contller 121 sets the power ‘consumption amount target valet a vale ofthe demand ‘and-supply balance amount increasing target amount-the ‘charge amount target vale" (step S28) ‘As ean bo soon from the above sequence, when th con: sumee eneray management appartts 120 ad the electric water heater 113 operate ina coordinated manner, the electric water heater 13 on the consumer end performs contol to ‘consume the photevoliac ower generation surpls power. FIGS. 74, 7B, and istate an example o tate where Jocal production ofthe photovotie weerate power for loa sonsumpton is perfomed in the system configuration ‘sccoring othe present embodiment IG. 7 illustrates integration values of the Bet supply amount. for storing heat ofthe electric water heater 113 through the time change of one day. A chaactecstic PL is iusto in an example of the case where the photovliie power generation is not wsed or boiling dperation. In ths cos, the boiling up operation is completed during the nightie (uni 7a. inthis example, and isnot performed until midaight On he other hind, na characteristic PZ ofthe «asco thisexampletheoiingsup operation performed by using sighitime power uni the previous theamal storage target amouat atthe time of eal peoduetion of photovltie ‘geese power fr lea consumption. Tene, the bil ing-up operation is pefomes uring the daytime by using the photovoltaic power generation surplus power, ant the ‘hamcteiticP2 riches a nomnal previous therm storage tanget amo In addition, in acharscterstc PS, the photovoltaic power ‘generation surplus power is larger than pote powee Ia thiscas, when th characterise P3 reaches the somal re ‘ous thermal storage target amount, he photowltic power feneration surplus power i ot consumed any more, On the ‘contrary, in a characteristic PA, the photovoltaic power en ‘ration urls powers smaller thaa praited power Ia this ‘2, sine the thermal storage amount is smaller than the noel previous thermal storage target mount, the thenal ‘rage operation spelormed by using daytine power la tively more expensive compared to the nihitime power. FIG. 7B isa gram viewed trough the esi thermal storage amount ofthe bat water storage tak ofthe electric water heater 113. certain eferece i st wit enpet wo @ heat amount of hot water in he hot water storage tank, and theresiual thermal storage amounts seo dflrence frm the reference. In a characterise HI of the cae of this ‘example, the photovoltaic paver generation is nt used for the boiling-up operation. In this ease, the boiling-yp oper- tions completed ding the nihtine, andthe charateristie HL reaches the normal thermal storage ag vale. There to, until the boiling-up operation is stared at midnight, the residal hot water amount is simply eeduce. ‘Onthe oer hand. ina characteristic H2 ofthe case ofthis example the Boilng-up operation is performed by using the s 4 nightie poser until the previous thermal storage tamget amount atthe time of local production of the photovoltaic generated power fr local consumptioa, Thereafter, the boil- ing-up operation is performed by using the photovoltaic power generation, and the hot waters consumed tthe ime ofthe nighttime when the photovoltaic power generation is not performed, the residual hot water amount of the eharac= teristic H2isthe sume as thatof the characteristic Hin which the photovoliaie power generation is not used, FIG. 8 illustrates a consumption state of the photovoltaic power generation surplus power by use ofthe electie water heater 113. In FIG. 8, the vertical axis represents the power mount, and the horizontal axis represents the ime: ‘A characteristic “a” ilustrated in FIG. 8 represents the photovoltaic power generation amount and « charveteristic “B" represents the photovoltaic power generation surplus power. A characteristic “e” in a broken line represents the power consumption amount of the eletic water heater 113, sand te reheating operation i performed during the daytime Jnadltion to the theemal storage operation during the night- time. In addition, FIGS. 7A, 7B, and 8 illustrate a relationship between the photovoltaic power generation feilities andthe electric water eater. Also inthe battery, te charging apera~ tions performed under conditions illustrated inthe flwchart of FIG. 6, and the charged power is discharged during the nightime, Tnthe daytime thermal storage operation thus far described ofthe electric water heater 113, the contcller of the eleetrie water eater 113 controls the number of revolutions of a compressor. Whea the controller has function capable of suppressing and controlling ata tanget value the poser con sumption amount during th reheating operation of the elee- trie Water heater 113, the electric water heater L13 may per- ‘orm the ebeating operation by using the power consumption ‘amount target value received by the consumer energy man- agement apparatus. Trough the above-described configura- tion, during the reheating operation of the eletic water heater 113, the controller can suppress an amouat in which the power consumption amount of the electric water heater 113s larger than te photovoliaic power generation surplus power amount, Inthe above-described configuration, the controller ofthe clectrie water heater 113 receives the thermal storage apera= tion suppression sat signal andthe suppression rate from the consumer energy management apparatus 120, Further, the coatrollerof the electric Water heater 13 adjustsacriterionof the thermal storge operation termination condition accord= ing wo the suppression rate. The above-described process pee= mits the controller to contol the thermal storage operation suppression ofthe electri water heater 113 fo Toca produc- tion for focal consumption, Further, the energy management system may have the follwing configuration. Specifically the electric water heater thermal storage contollr 131 ofthe consumer energy management apparatus 120 acquires the thermal storage operation termination reference index type and data omits eference values a the them storage opera= tion termination condition data, and periodically acquires the present values ots indexes from the controller ofthe electric Water eater 113, When at leest one value ofthe dhermal sorage operation termination reference indexes satisfies the following conditions, the electric water eater thermal stor- age controller 131 of heconsumer energy mazagement appa- ratus 120 determines to interrupt te thermal storage apera- tipo, and tums off a conductive state of the electric water US 8,560,135 B2 15 heater 113. As a result, dhe thermal storage operation of the ‘leit waterbeater 113 may be interrupted from the exten] device. PNM H0-R1) ‘on condition that Xisa present vale ofthe thermal storage operation tema nation reference index i, ifs) value atthe time of starting the thermal storage ‘operation ofthe thermal storage operation termination reex- cence index i, ile) a value of the thermal storage operation teminaton 0", ‘the controller 221 stats the thermal storage operation of the electric water heater 213, and further sets the power ‘consumption smouat target value o the demand-and- supply balance amount increasing target amount. Further, if “the demand-ani-supply balance amount increasing target amount-the electric water heater povwer consumable amount~0", the contrller 221 stats the battery charging operation, and further sets the ‘charge amount target value to value of “the demand and-supply balance amouat increasing target amour the electric water heute power consumable amouat. (7) Processing ofthe case where priority is given to the batery charging stat Ifthe battery chargeable amount-0", the controller 224 «oes not start the battry charging operation Ifthe battery chargeable amount>0", the controller 221 ars the battery charging operation, and futher sel the charge amoust target value To the demand -and-supply balance amount increasing taget amount. Foner, if “the demand-ané-supply balance amount increasing tanget amount-the battery chargeable amount-0" the controller 221 starts the thermal storage ‘operation of the electric water heater 213, and fiber sels the power consumption amount target value to a value of “the demand-and-supply balaace amount increasing target amount-the batty chargeable amount” As can be seen ffom the above sequence, the consumer ‘energy management apparatus is changed into the operation system forsystem cooperation type local proiction fr local ‘consumption. The proposed system cooperation type con- sumer energy management apparatus can absolutely avoid the photovoltaic power generation on the consumer end from. the suppression based on system states of a voltage, and increase the power generation amount, Further, the system, ‘cooperation Iype consumer energy: management apparatus ‘can generate and consume power withhigh efiieney and low ‘carhon emissions, 3. Thin! Embodiment ‘Next, the energy management system according toa thied ‘embodiment ofthe present iavention willbe described with refereaceto FIGS. 11 to 1. In FIGS. 11014, thesame circuit ‘elements as those of FIGS. 1 to 10 in the fist and second ‘embodiments are indicated bythe same reference numeralsas those of FIGS. It 10 ia the first and second embodiments Tan example according tothe third example, an operating system for community lol production for loeal consump tionisilluseated such thatthe consumer energy management ‘apparatus operates cooperatively among a plurality of co FIG. 1 illustrates the entire system configuration example ‘soconing othe presen embodiment. To the configuration of| FIG. 1, a commusity energy management epparatus 390 is aedded, and the consumer energy management appatts is, ‘changed into community-compaible consumer energy ‘management apparatus 360, The community energy manage- rent apparatus 390 is an energy management apparatus installed in community center 380, and is connecto tothe ‘community-compatible consumer energy management pps- ratus 314,322, and 380 ofa plurality of consumers withia an area via a communication network 391, and is an apparatus ‘which contols thie cooperative operation The community- ‘compatible consumer energy management apparatus 314 is snenergy management apparatus installed in aconsumer 310 20 (school 311), and coats battery 312 and an electric water heater 33, The energy management apparatus 322 is an energy management apparatus of a consumer 320 having an electric water heater 321 (having no photovoltaic power gen- eration faites), Tn addition othe functions of the consumer energy man= agement apparatus 120 deserbed in the ist embodiment, the communty-compatible consumer energy management appa- ratus 380 provided on the consumer 340 has a function of controlling apparatus of the consumer 340 according to con teol signals from the community energy management appa ratus 490, The consumer 340 isa consumer having installed therein all of a battery 342, an electric water heater 343, and Photovoltaic power generation facilities 342. FIG. 12s funetional block diagram illsteating the com- ‘munity energy management apparatus 390 installed inthe community center 38, The community energy management apparatus 390 i configured by aa input and output unit 392, 8 consumer energy managenient apparatus communication ‘nit 393, a consumer data management unit 398, a commu- nity staté monitoring unit 384, anda controller fr community local production fr local consumption 391 The input and output unit 392 isan external interface in hich the use orth extemal apparatus inputs data and which ‘outputs data othe user or the extemal apparatus ‘The consumer energy management apparatus communica: tion unit 393 controls communicetion for exehanging data with individual consumer energy management apparatus thyough the community energy management apparats 390 ‘The consumer data management unit 395 stores and man- ‘ages information on insiallation condition or specification data ofeach device onthe consumer end, given fom the user orthe extemal apparatus via the input and output unit 392 In ‘dition, the management unit 398 accesses each commu nity-compaible consumer energy management apparatus 350 within an area via the consumer energy management ‘apparatus communication wait 398 as needed. Further, the iasigement unit 398 collects data on operational conditions ofeach device on the consumer end or contol conditions for Jocal production far local consumption based on the con sumer energy management apparatus 380, and stores and ‘manages their data, Specification data onthe devices onthe consumer end includes specification data on the photovoltaic power generation facilites, battery, and electric water heater described inthe ist embodiment ‘The community state monitoring unit 394 monitors a emand-and-supply balance state in the community, The ‘monitoring uit 394 collects aad totalizes the demand-and- supply balance amountof the consumer from tae community- compatible consumer energy management apparatus ofthe consumer, and calculates the (tal amount as the wil dlenand-and-supply balance amount in the community When receiving star signal for community local produe- tion for lea consumption from the wserr the extemal appa ratus via the input and output wat the conteller for commu nity local prduetion for local consumption 391 periodically soquires data on the total demand-andsupply balance amount in the community from the community state moni- ‘oring uit during the daytime, Whea the otal demand-and- supply balance amount in the commanity i smaller than the ‘otal demand-and-supply balance reference amount in the community 35 a predetermined reference value, the controller 4391 calculates the presence o absence for starting a control jor community loeal prodection for local consumption in each consume, and is adjustment mount. Further, the con teller 391 transmits a conto start signal for community Jocal production for local consumption to the community- US 8,560,135 B2 ral ‘compatible consumer energy management apparatus 350 of| ‘each constmer determined asa contol start for loeal produe- tion foe local consumption va the consumer energy manage ‘meat apparatus communication unit. The conto stat signal for community local production for local consumption includes the adjustment amount data foreach consumer. ‘The consumer tobe started of 2 control forthe community local procution fr local consumption and a caleuaton pro- ‘essing ofthe adjustment amouat will be described below. (1) Caleulaton of photovoltaic power generation surplus power amount in the community ‘The controller 391 subtracts the total demand-and-supply ‘balance amount in the community from the wil ‘ent apparatus communication unit 494, a consumer data ‘manigement unit 496, a community stte monitoring unit 498, snd controller for system cooperation type community local production for local consumption 496, erwinaftr.oaly portions in which the system cooperation type community energy management apparatus 490 differs from the community eneryy management apparatus 390 of FIG. 12 willbe described in detail, “The contoller for system cooperation type comm local production for local eoasumption 498 periodically per- forms the following processings when receiving any one ot both ofthe stat signal for system cooperation type commu- nity local production for local consumption and the start sjgnal for community local production fr local consumption via te input and output unit 497, That is, the controller 493. determines the consumer to be stated for controlling the system cooperation type community local production for Jocal consumption and the adjustment smount, and transmits the contol star signal for community local production for local consumption to the commusity-compaible consumer energy management apparatus 450 of the espoctiveconsum- es via the consumer energy management apparats com> nication unit 494. The conto start signal for community local production for local consuanption includes the adjust- rent amount data of each consumer. The controller 493 repeatedly performs the abovedescribed processings until receiving stop signal ftom the user or the external apparatus via te input and output unit 497 US 8,560,135 B2 25 (1) Seting of default value of photovoltaic power genera- tion surplus power amount in the community ‘When receiving no start signal for system cooperation ype ‘community local preuction for local consumption, the ‘contol for system cooperation type community local production for focal consumption 493 sets to zero a fault valu ofthe photovoltaic power generation su ‘lus poser amountin the community. On the other hand, ‘when receiving the start signal for system cooperation {ypecommunity local production forlocel eonsumpton, the contolle 493 sets the demand amount increasing target value o a default valu of the photovoltaic power ‘keneration surplus power amount in the community. (2) Update ofphotovelaic power generation surplus power amount inthe comannity “The controller 493 acquires th total demand-and-supply balance amount in the community from the community state monitoring unit 498, and subtracts it fom the total

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