Prevention of Internal Cracks in Forward

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Metal Forming

Prevention of Internal Cracks in Forward Extrusion by Means of Counter Pressure:

A Numerical Treatise

C. Soyarslan1),2) and A. E. Tekkaya3)

Atılım University, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, 06836, Ankara, Turkey
Middle East Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, 06531, Ankara, Turkey
University of Dortmund, Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction, 44227, Dortmund, Germany

In the context of forward bulk extrusion, where product defects are frequently observed, the effect of counter pressure on damage
accumulation materializing a Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) approach is presented. A Lemaitre variant damage model accounting
for unilateral damage evolution coupled with a multiplicative finite plasticity is utilized for this purpose. After a presentation of the crack
governing mechanism, it is demonstrated that application of counter pressure introduces a marked decrease in the central damage
accumulation, which in turn increases the formability of the material through keeping the tensile triaxiality in tolerable limits. It is also shown
that, for a crack involving process, through systematic increase of the counter pressure, the crack sizes diminish; and at a certain level of
counter pressure chevron cracks can be completely avoided.

Keywords: forward extrusion; counter pressure; chevron cracks; ductile damage; finite elements.

DOI: 10.2374/SRI08SP170; submitted on 12 November 2008, accepted on 5 March 2009


Cold forward extrusion, as designated in Figure 1, is a

bulk metal forming process where a workpiece is forced
through a die with the aid of a punch in order to obtain an
area reduction. Besides its considerable cost efficiency,
extrusion is advantageous due to gained hardness, fatigue
resistance, accuracy, net shape and surface qualities of the
product. With reference to Figure 1, the governing process
parameters consist of reduction in area, [1 - (d1/d0)2], die
semi-cone angle, α, friction at the die-workpiece interface,
working temperature, material ductility and micro-
structure. The workability of the metal, which stands for
the extent of deformation that can be achieved without
cracking, strongly depends on the choice of these
parameters where improper combinations may result in
defected extrusion products. These defects emerge in the
form of surface cracks (also called snake-skin, or fir-tree) Figure 1. Forward extrusion process geometry.
or internal cracks (also called chevron cracks or central
bursts). have been introduced in the analytical studies of Avitzur
Central bursts are internal arrow shaped cracks normal [2] for perfect plasticity and by Zimerman and Avitzur [3]
to the central axis of the workpiece. Their formation for hardening plasticity. Although such curves serve a very
results in a drastic decrease in the load carrying capacity of practical purpose of selecting process geometries, their
the product. Standard surface investigation methods fall generalization to different material ductilities and internal
short in detection of these defects due to their insidious structures in addition to different frictional and thermal
nature. Hence, elimination of possibly defected products conditions is questionable. Numerical analysis which
necessitates a proper investigation by nondestructive materializes finite elements emerges at this level as a
ultrasonic testing. This burden has attracted many suitable tool where problems involving complicated
researchers to examine the governing mechanism of crack geometries and boundary conditions can be solved for
formation in forward extrusion for more than seven many thermo-mechanical material models, based on
decades through experimental, analytical and numerical micro-mechanical or phenomenological assumptions,
methods. frictional conditions, which are readily accessible through
Jennison’s [1] experimental works go back to the early certain mathematical models. With this motivation, there
1930s. For conical dies, using the upper bound theorem, have been numerous numerical studies on damage
percent reduction versus die semi-cone angle diagrams accumulation in forward extrusion which materialize

4 steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9

Materials Technology

Micro-based Damage Mechanics (MDM), Fracture process and thus has certain limits governed by the
Mechanics (FM) and CDM. Attempts to simulate discrete allowable punch and die stresses. Counter pressure
crack formations are also made, utilizing several methods application is also employed as a precision extrusion
such as Element Deletion (ED), Node Separation (NS) and method where the under-filling defects are eliminated,
Stiffness Degradation (SD). Among those, the simplest Osakada et al. [20]. However, this type of utilization falls
and most frequently utilized one seems to be the ED out of the context of this study.
method where the Gauss points with accumulated damage To the authors’ knowledge, there exist no numerical
values violating the critical damage threshold are studies on the use of counter pressure to give account for
eliminated from the computational stack. A chronological defect-free extrusion. Accordingly, in this follow up work
summary of the numerical studies that investigates damage of Soyarslan et al. [16], the aim is to investigate what
formation in cold forward extrusion is listed in Table 1. finite element suggests on the role of counter pressure in
These studies prove that central crack formation in suppressing crack formations in axi-symmetric forward
extrusion is due to the local positive triaxial stress state at extrusion. For this purpose, utilizing the thermodynamics
the area reduction zone where plastic flow occurs. This of internal variables, a Lemaitre variant damage model
positive triaxiality when met with plastic flow promotes which relies on the effective stress concept of Kachanov
the nucleation, growth and coalescence of micro-voids to [21] and Rabotnov [22] and the strain equivalence
produce macro-cracks. Besides, it is shown that low area principle of Lemaitre [23] is coupled with a finite
reductions combined with high semi-cone angles enhance multiplicative plasticity. To this end, the derived
central damage accumulation whereas friction motivates framework is implemented as VUMAT user defined
surface damage accumulation rather then central damage. material subroutine for ABAQUS/Explicit and used in an
Accordingly, for a crack including simulation, the increase extensive set of simulations in which damage
of friction in turn decreases the frequency of internal accumulation and crack growth are monitored. It is shown
cracks. In the extremes surface defects may emerge. It is that proper application of counter pressure suppresses
notable that in most of these studies rate hardening and the central crack formation completely, by keeping the
thermal softening effects are assumed to cancel each other. forming zone hydrostatic stress levels in tolerable limits.
Since, in avoiding cracks, the main motivation is to The deviations of crack morphologies and sizes with
obtain a hydrostatic compression at the forming zone, at counter pressure application are also examined.
fixed die geometry and process parameters one could
supply additional central compression by means of
employing counter pressure at the extruded nose part of Modelling Damage
the workpiece. The experimental studies of Wagener et al.
[17], Wagener and Wolf [18], Wagener and Haats [19] Construction of the constitutive model follows along the
show that the application of counter pressure promotes same lines with Soyarslan et al. [16] to which the reader is
material formability in extrusion so that it becomes referred for a detailed treatment. Assuming a, b and c as

summation convention on repeated indices, c = a • b

possible to extrude even relatively brittle materials, like three second order tensors, together with the Einstein's
MMC of aluminium alloy matrix with SiC particles,
similar to low carbon steels, where the cracks are represents the product with [c]ik = [a]ij [b]ik. d = a : b
suppressed. Moreover, it is demonstrated in these studies represents the inner product with d = [a]ij [b]ij where d is a
that counter pressure application results in decreased die scalar. [◦]t and [◦]-1 denote the transpose and the inverse of

Let F ≡ GRAD[ϕ] represent the gradient of the non-

exit residual tensile stresses and more homogeneous [◦] respectively.

linear deformation map ϕt(X) from the reference config-

plastic deformation distributions at the extrudate where
strain gradients are lowered. Besides its advantages,
counter pressure increases the punch force demand of the uration, B0, to the current one, B, at time t, with J = det[F]

neighbourhood of every X ∈ B, a
being its Jacobian. Within the
Table 1. Numerical investigation of damage formation in cold forward extrusion.

F = Fe • Fp, into an elastic part, Fe,

local multiplicative factorization,
ID Reference Model Temperature Friction Macro-Crack Method
1 Aravas [4] MDM − − − − and a plastic part, Fp, is postulated,
− − −
configuration, Lee [24]. be = Fe • Fe,t
2 Liu and Chung [5] FM + which introduces an intermediate
3 Giardini et al. [6] FM − + − −
4 Ceretti et al. [7] FM − + + ED is defined as the elastic left Cauchy-
5 Lim and Dunne [8] MDM − − − − Green deformation tensor relative to
6 Lee and Hahm [9] MDM − + − − the current configuration.
7 Gelin [10] MDM − − − −
Following the internal state
8 Choi et al. [11] FM − − − −

it is assumed that α and D ∈ [0,1]

variable theory of thermo-dynamics
9 Ko and Kim [12] FM − + − −
10 Hambli and Badie-Levet [13] CDM − + − −
11 Saanouni et al. [14] CDM − + − ED
denote the strain like internal
12 McVeigh and Liu [15] MDM + + + ED
variables responsible for isotropic
13 Soyarslan et al. [16] CDM − + + ED
hardening and damage, respectively.

steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9 5

Metal Forming

q = − Kα − (τ ∞ − τ 0 ) (1 − exp[− δα ]) (3)

with K, τ0, τ∞ and δ, respectively, denoting linear

hardening coefficient, initial yield stress, saturation stress
and the hardening exponent. For a Lemaitre type damage
conjugate variable, Y, which is in the form of elastic
energy release rate, one has

H tr ε e [ ] 2
[ ]
+ G dev ε e : dev ε e [ ] (4)

conventional normality rules. Accordingly, with γ&

The definitions of the evolution equations follow
Figure 2. Effective stress concept.
representing the plastic multiplier, using a J2 type yield
potential and a Lemaitre variant damage dissipation
potential at its simplest form, one may propose the
These stand for the phenomenological counterparts of following rate equations,

micro-mechanical entities which are dislocation pile ups
b e = −2 N • be
(1 − D )
for α and density of micro-voids and micro-cracks for D. o
A simple 1D observation is helpful to gain a geometrical
insight into the problem. With reference to Figure 2, two

α& = γ&
process spaces are constructed, one of which is the
2 (6)
physical space and the other is the so-called effective
space. The physical space refers to the actual space where 3

D& = −a
the effects of micro-voids persist and at the plane of

(1 − D )
interest nominal material cross sectional area, A, is due. Y (7)
The effective space stands for the fictitious one which is
carried out by removing existing micro-voids and micro- o

N = dev[~ ] / dev[~ ] is associated with the direction of the

cracks from the material matrix, where at the plane of in- in which the objective Oldroyd rate of be is denoted b .

effective area, A . Accordingly, D is defined as D ≡ AD / A,

terest the defect-free cross section-al area is named as the
~ plastic flow, where o is the Euclidean norm of [◦]. a
where AD = A - A represents the damaged area.
The effective stress concept stems from this designation, stands for the damage parameter.
which in the current context differentiates the Cauchy Micro-mechanical observations reveal that tensile
stress acting on the effective area formed of the triaxial fields significantly decrease the formability of
undamaged material matrix, i.e. effective Cauchy stress, metallic materials. This is not the case for the compressive
~ , from its homogenized counterpart acting on the hydrostatic stress states. At this stage, an enhanced
nominal area including micro-voids and micro-cracks, i.e. definition of the damage conjugate variable, Y+, can be
nominal Cauchy stress, . The relation between effective supplied which distinguishes between damage growth
and homogenized stress is mathematically given with the under tensile and compressive stress states. A basic yet
following expression, effective approach is reiterating the definition of the

~ = / (1 − D )
damage conjugate variable in the principal effective stress
(1) space where contributions of tensile and compressive
principal stresses are separated. Accordingly, one may

variable h ∈ [0,1], which provides a quasi-unilateral

Utilizing the strain equivalence principle, which states scale the contribution of the compressive stress states by a
that the relation between stress like variables and strain
damage evolutionary form, and ends up with the

[ ]− 29νE ~p
like variables will preserve their structure as far as the
stress is used in terms of effective measures, assuming following,

a Kirchhoff stress definition, τ = J , linear in elastic 1 +ν ~

state coupling between elasticity and damage and selecting
Y+ = τ1 + τ~2 + τ~3

[ + − τ~ ]−
logarithmic strains, εe, one has,
2 2 2 2

h(1 + ν )
[ ] [ ]
9 hν
~ = H tr ε e 1 + 2G dev ε e + − τ~1 + − τ~2 −~
2 2 2 2
(2) 3 p
2E 2E

o stands for the Macauley bracket with o = 1 2[ [o] + o ].

where H and G are associated with the bulk and shear
modulus, respectively. A plastic isotropic hardening of
combined linear and exponential form will yield the It is not hard to guess that for h = 0, only tensile stress
following designation of the isotropic hardening stress like states contribute to the damage evolution whereas the
variable, q, conventional Lemaitre model is recovered for h = 1.

6 steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9

Materials Technology

Chevron Crack Simulations

The presented damage model is implemented into

VUMAT user defined material subroutines. The problem
of damage accumulation to account for chevron crack
formation in single pass forward extrusion of 100Cr6 is
modelled utilizing ABAQUS/Explicit. Thus, the effect of
counter pressure level and friction on force demand
curves, damage and equivalent plastic strain accumulation,
crack occurrence, morphology and periodicities are invest- Figure 3. Boundary conditions for the axi-symmetric problem.
igated. With reference to Figure 1, the dimensions chosen
in the simulations are listed in Table 2.
A finite element mesh, which consists of 0.2 mm,
CAX4R, 4-node bilinear axi-symmetric quadrilateral
elements with reduced integration and hourglass control, is
utilized in the analyses. Figure 3 shows the employed axi-
symmetric model boundary conditions. For simulations
with counter pressure, a rather simplistic approach is
pursued where a compressive normal traction is applied at
the workpiece tip with in the direction opposed to the
punch movement. Such an application of the counter
pressure in the form of normal compressive surface
pressure deviates from the actual practice where a counter
punch is used. However, various trials of the authors show
that simulations involving a counter pressure applied
through a counter deformable body increases the
computational time considerably due to additional contact
iterations. Although the tip deformation pattern may depart
at high pressure levels between the two methods, these
differences diminish at distances sufficiently far away Figure 4. Flow curves for 100Cr6.
from the nose due to Saint Venant’s principle.
Damage coupled and damage uncoupled flow curves of
100Cr6 are given in Figure 4. The material parameters Table 2. Geometrical properties used for the simulations.
regarding elastic, plastic and damage behaviour are listed
Parameter Unit Magnitude
in Table 3.
Die semi-cone angle, α ° 45
To mimic the central discrete macro-crack growth, the
Initial diameter, d0 mm 19.1
ED method is utilized, where the critical damage
Reduced diameter, d1 mm 15.0
threshold, DCr, is assumed to have a value of DCr = 0.25.
Reduction ratio, d0 / d1 mm/mm 1.27
In all of the simulations h = 0 is selected, which postulates
a perfectly unilateral damage evolutionary form, where
mere tensile principal stress contributions to the elastic Table 3. Material properties for 100Cr6.
energy release rate are taken into account. Accordingly,
damage growth under compressive principal stress states is Parameter Unit Magnitude
completely suppressed. The analyses are run for frictional Bulk modulus, H GPa 175.0
and frictionless conditions where the friction coefficient is Shear modulus, G GPa 80.8
denoted by µ. Linear hardening, K MPa 115.1
Starting with, the workpiece-die interface is assumed to Yield stress, τ0 MPa 987.9
be frictionless for a clear demonstration of the central Saturation stress, τ∞ MPa 752.0
damage accumulation mechanism. Without any counter Hardening exponent, δ - 14.3
pressure, with the aid of positive triaxial stress state which Damage parameter, a - 0.3
meets with plastic flow at the forming zone, a localized
damage growth is observed at the central zone, as
demonstrated in Figure 5. This figure represents the dis- Successful completion of this analysis furnishes the
tribution of certain mechanical fields one step before the crack patterns provided in Figure 6b. Figure 6c and 6d
first element deletion, i.e. emanation of the first crack. At respectively show the simulation results for frictional
the die exit, there exists a small amount of surface simulations with µ = 0.04 and µ =0.08. It can be observed
deterioration due to residual tensile stresses. It is not hard that friction has a marked effect on the periodicity of the
to guess that, when the accumulated central damage value cracks where increased interface friction decreases the
exceeds the critical threshold, together with coalescence of number of chevron cracks produced. It is also notable that
micro-voids, macro-crack formations in the form of for µ =0.04 the crack periodicity is in agreement with the
chevrons take place. experimental output given in Figure 6a.

steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9 7

Metal Forming

conditions. A marked decrease is

observed in both the intensity and
area extent of the central positive
hydrostatic stresses. This amounts to
a noticeable decrease in the damage
rates, as seen in Figure 7.e, where the
effectiveness of the counter pressure
application is clearly observed.
For the same time step, hydrostatic
stress and damage growth distribu-
tion for a certain path defined at the
axis of symmetry on the forming
zone are given in Figure 8a and 8b,
for different counter pressure values.
Figure 8a shows that, for a counter
Figure 5. Contours for the case of no counter pressure applied: tensile portions of a) max, pressure of 400 MPa, the triaxial
b) mid, c) min principal stresses, d) equivalent plastic strain rate, e) damage rate, μ = 0.
stress distribution over the path is
kept compressive due to the anti-
cipated stress increase in the central
zone in the compressive direction by
counter pressure employment. The
resulting damage rates, given in
Figure 8b, although showing a con-
siderable decrease with increasing
counter pressure, do not boil down to
zero for 400 MPa counter pressure.
This is due to the fact that, in the
selected mathematical damage model,
damage evolution depends on the
sign of each principal stress com-
ponent but not merely on the sign of
the pressure. Thus, the centrally
located tensile maximum principal
stress given in Figure 7a is respon-
sible for central damage evolution.
In order to further evaluate the
Figure 6. Experimental output and comparison of crack patterns for different friction effectiveness of intensity of the
levels, no counter pressure applied. counter pressure, analyses for differ-
ent counter pressure magnitudes,
ranging from 0 to 200 MPa, were
conducted for frictionless and fric-
tional conditions. As given for
frictionless conditions in Figure 9, it
is seen that a counter pressure of 200
MPa suffices to suppress crack
formation. This finding is analogous
to the experimental findings of
Wagener which show the efficiency
of the counter pressure in promotion
of the material formability in cold
extrusion. It should be noted that
damage accumulation at the centre is
not completely bypassed, however
decreased to below the crack
threshold where the material integrity
Figure 7. Contours for the case of counter pressure of 400 MPa: tensile portions of a) max, at the macro-scale is preserved. The
b) mid, c) min principal stresses, d) equivalent plastic strain rate, e) damage rate, μ = 0. experience of the authors shows that,
for the selected damage model, the
Figure 7 presents the distribution of certain mechanical counter pressure values that should
fields for an analysis at the same time step as Figure 5 but completely withdraw the central damage accumulation are
a counter pressure of 400 MPa is applied with frictionless considerable and in turn require unreasonably high punch

8 steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9

Materials Technology

Figure 8. Central line a) hydrostatic stress, b) damage rate values, for different counter pressure levels, μ = 0.

Figure 9. Mean crack dimensions and crack patterns for various Figure 10. Punch force demand curves for different counter
counter pressure levels, μ = 0. pressure levels, μ = 0.

forces and thus become impractical. In addition, die and compared to those with smaller cracks. The expected
punch stress limitations act as the main obstacles against increase in the punch force demand with increasing
excessive amplification of counter pressures. Figure 9 also counter pressure values reminds one that in the actual
illustrates the effect of the counter pressure intensity on applications reasonable counter pressure values should be
crack morphologies. Accordingly, the outputs suggest that selected for feasibility.
the crack opening and the crack half width, measured as Once a friction of µ = 0.04 is applied at the die-
the mean of the first three cracks, show a monotonic workpiece interface, crack patterns for different counter
decrease with increased counter pressure, which is pressure values take the form demonstrated in Figure 11.
physically reasonable, thus expected. It is notable that, A remarkable point is that, in the presence of friction, the
unlike friction, counter pressure does not seem to have an counter pressure required for the crack-free simulations
effect on the periodicity of the cracks. decreases considerably from 200 MPa to 125 MPa. This is
For frictionless simulations, the curves of punch force due to the fact that both friction and counter pressure act
versus normalized process time are given in Figure 10 for analogically similar, as a counter force which works in
the analyses without counter pressure and with counter opposite direction with respect to the applied external
pressure of 100 and 200 MPa. Crack involving simulations pressure by the punch. Another point, as will be shown
experience an oscillatory behaviour. In contrast, in the later, is that with friction the damage accumulation zones
simulation without any cracks, no oscillations are observed are carried over to the surface rather than the centre. Thus
and a steady trend is captured in the absence of friction. under frictional conditions, cracks can be healed with
Moreover, the extent of the oscillations is strictly employment of a reduced counter pressure. The change of
dependent on the internal crack size. In the simulations the crack sizes as a function of the applied counter pres-
with larger cracks, oscillations become more dominant sure follows a similar trend in the frictionless simulations.

steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9 9

Metal Forming

For the frictional conditions, Figure 12 shows the dia-

grams of punch force versus normalized process time are
given, for the analyses without counter pressure and with
counter pressure of 75 and 125 MPa. In accordance with
the previous results, the crack size dependent oscillations
in the force demand diminish with smaller cracks. In
addition to the counter pressure, the effect of friction also
increases the peak load levels for analyses. Moreover, due
to friction, the steady trend of the force demand curve now
experiences a monotonic drop off with the reduction of
contacting surfaces.
Figure 13 is to compare the crack morphologies for
frictional and frictionless analysis, at different counter
pressure values. The dimensions of the cracks in frictional
simulations come out to be considerably small compared
to frictionless simulation results, which is expected.
As shown in Figures 8a and 8b, the application of
Figure 11. Mean crack dimensions and crack patterns for various
counter pressure, although healing crack occurrence for
counter pressure levels, μ = 0.04. certain intensities, does not necessarily eliminate the
central damage accumulation completely. Figure 14 shows
the damage iso-error plots for certain counter pressure
levels in frictionless and frictional simulations. As seen,
for both µ = 0, and µ = 0.04, once the counter pressure is
100 MPa, discontinuous chevron crack formations arise.
For these cases, damage iso-curves have a discontinuous
structure, similar to the crack patterns, where maximum
damage values occur at the free surfaces of the cracks. The
cracks are eliminated at a counter pressure of 200 MPa, on
both of the frictional conditions. It is remarkable that the
central damage accumulation this time has a continuous
distribution. Another notable point is that the central
damage intensities in the frictional case are less than those
seen in the frictionless simulation, which is in agreement
with the above stated observations.
Our final attempt is investigation of the steady state
radial damage and equivalent plastic strain distributions
for chevron-free simulations subjected to frictionless and
frictional conditions, as given in Figures 15 and 16,
Figure 12. Punch force demand curves for different counter respectively. Damage plots, given in Figure 15, reveal that
pressure levels, μ = 0.04. for both frictionless and frictional simulations the counter
pressure decreases the damage accumulation considerably
at both centre and surface. A comparison of Figure 15a
and 15b shows that, for equal levels of counter pressure,
the frictional interface conditions result in lower central
but higher surface damage accumulations, compared to the
frictionless conditions, which is in accordance with the
previous observations.
Figure 16 illustrates that the current application of
counter pressure introduces a difference in the central
equivalent plastic strain accumulations for both frictionless
and frictional experiments. With the increase of applied
pressure, central plastic flow is promoted, which, although
slightly, decreases the overall radial equivalent plastic
strain gradients. This is also in accordance with the
experimental findings of Wagener and his colleagues, who
detected uniform equivalent plastic strain distributions
with the aid of counter pressure employment. In addition,
it can be seen that, unlike at the centre, friction introduces
a marked increase in the plastic strain intensities at the
surface region. Accordingly, the distribution of equivalent
Figure 13. Mean crack dimensions for various counter pressure plastic strain has a steeper trend at the half radial distance
levels and friction coefficients. closer to the surface.

10 steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9

Materials Technology

Figure 14. Damage contours, a) counter pressure = 100 MPa, μ = 0; b) counter pressure = 200 MPa, μ = 0;
c) counter pressure =100 MPa, μ = 0.04; d) counter pressure = 200 MPa, μ = 0.04.

Figure 15. Radial damage distribution for different counter pressure levels (steady state), a) μ = 0, b) μ = 0.04.

Figure 16. Radial equivalent plastic strain distribution for different counter pressure levels (steady state), a) μ = 0, b) μ = 0.04.

Concluding Remarks presented. For this purpose, an isotropic damage coupled

finite strain elastoplastic framework is utilized, where
A numerical investigation of the effect of counter damage definition is enhanced to give account for quasi-
pressure on defect formation in forward rod extrusion is unilateral damage evolutionary forms. It is shown that

steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9 11

Metal Forming

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12 steel research int. 80 (2009) No. 9

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