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Power Rank Range Table

Rank Range A Range B Range C Range D Range E

Shift 0 Contact Contact 0.5 area 5 feet 250 feet
Feeble Contact Contact 1 area 10 feet 2 miles
Poor 1 area 1 area 0 areas 1 area 25 miles
Typical 2 areas 5 areas 1 mile 4 areas 250 miles
Good 4 areas 10 areas 3 miles 16 areas 2,500 miles
Excellent 6 areas 25 areas 6 miles 64 areas 25,000 miles
Remarkable 8 areas 1 mile 12 miles 6 miles 250,000 miles
Incredible 10 areas 2 miles 25 miles 250 miles 2.5 million miles
Amazing 20 areas 3 miles 50 miles 1,000 miles 25 million miles
Monstrous 40 areas 6 miles 20 miles 4,000 miles 250 million miles
Unearthly 60 areas 10 miles 250 miles 16,000 miles 2.5 billion miles
Shift X 80 areas 15 miles 500 miles 64,000 miles 25 billion miles
Shift Y 160 areas 30 miles 1,200 miles 250,000 miles 250 billion miles
Shift Z 400 areas 50 miles 2,500 miles 1 million miles .5 light years
Class 1000 100 miles 80 miles 5,000 miles 4 million miles 5 light years
Class 3000 10,000 miles 150 miles 12,000 miles 16 million miles 50 light years
Class 5000 100,000 miles 250 miles 250,000 miles 64 million miles 500 light years
Beyond Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Area of Effect

Rank Radius (in feet) Area Volume

Feeble 1 3 sq. ft. 3 cu. ft.
Poor 2 12 sq. ft. 25 cu. ft.
Typical 4 200 sq. ft. 200 cu. ft.
Good 10 314 sq. ft. 3,140 cu. ft.
Excellent 15 707 sq. ft. 10,600 cu. ft.
Remarkable 20 1,256 sq. ft. 25,120 cu. ft.
Incredible 30 2,826 sq. ft. 85,000 cu. ft.
Amazing 50 7,850 sq. ft. 392,000 cu. ft.
Monstrous 100 31,400 sq. ft. 3,140,000 cu. ft.
Unearthly 200 125,600 sq. ft. 25,120,000 cu. ft.
Shift X 500 785,000 sq. ft. 392,500,000 cu. ft.
Shift Y 1000 3,140,000 sq. ft. 3,140,000,000 cu. ft.
Shift Z 2000 12,560,000 sq. ft. 25,120,000,000 cu. ft.
Class 1000 1 mile 3 sq. miles 1.3 cu. miles
Class 3000 2 miles 12 sq. miles 25 cu. miles
Class 5000 5 miles 78 sq. miles 392 cu. miles
Beyond Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

*1 square mile = 28 million square feet

*1 cubic mile = 147 billion cubic feet

Initiative Modifier
Initiative Rank: Feeble Poor Typical Good Excellent Remarkable Incredible Amazing Monstrous Unearthly+
Modifier: 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

*The bonus to initiative for having a Intuition Rank

Number of Simultaneous Actions

Rank A B C D E
Shift 0 0 0 0 1 1
Feeble 1 1 1 2 2
Poor 1 1 1 4 4
Typical 1 2 1 6 10
Good 1 3 1 10 25
Excellent 2 5 2 20 50
Remarkable 2 10 2 30 100
Incredible 2 15 2 40 200
Amazing 3 25 4 50 500
Monstrous 3 40 4 75 1,000
Unearthly 4 50 8 100 2,000
Shift X 5 75 20 150 5,000
Shift Y 10 100 50 200 10,000
Shift Z 20 250 100 500 20,000
Class 1000 50 500 1,000 1,000 50,000
Class 3000 100 1,500 5,000 3,000 100,000
Class 5000 200 2,500 10,000 5,000 200,000
Beyond Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite Infinite

Land/Water Air Space/Extradimensional
Rank Areas MPH/M Areas MPH/M MPH/M
Shift 0 0 0/0 0 0/0 150/2.5
Feeble 1 15/.25 2 30/.5 300/5
Poor 2 30/.5 4 60/1 600/10
Typical 3 45/.75 6 90/1.5 1000/17
Good 4 60/1 8 120/2 1500/25
Excellent 5 75/1.25 10 150/2.5 2000/33
Remarkable 6 90/1.50 15 225/3.75 4000/66
Incredible 7 105/1.75 20 300/5.00 6000/100
Amazing 8 120/2.00 25 375/6.25 10,000/167
Monstrous 9 135/2.25 30 450/7.50 20,000/333
Unearthly 10 150/2.50 40 600/10.0 40,000/666
Shift X 12 180/3.00 50 750/12.5 80,000/1332
Shift Y 14 210/3.50 100 1500/25.0 150,000/20,000
Shift Z 16 240/4.00 200 3750/62.5 300,000/5000
Class 1000 32 480/8.00 400 10,000/167 1 million/16,667
Class 3000 50 750/12.50 800 Light Speed Light Speed
Class 5000 100 1500/25.00 1600 Light Speed x 100 Light Speed x 100
Beyond Unlimited Instant Unlimited Instant Instant

Strength FEATS
Leaping (feet/areas)
Rank Weight Throwing MPH/M UP Across Down
Shift 0 0 lbs. 0 areas 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
Feeble 50 lbs. 1 area 30/.50 2'/0 2'/0 3'/0
Poor 100 lbs. 1 area 60/1 4'/0 4'/0 8'/0
Typical 200 lbs. 1 area 90/1.50 6'/0 6'.0 9'/0
Good 400 lbs. 2 areas 120/2 10'/0 10'/0 15'/1
Excellent 800 lbs. 3 areas 150/2.50 20'/1 20'/0 30'/2
Remarkable 2,000 lbs. 4 areas 225/3.75 30'/2 30'/0 45'/3
Incredible 10 tons 5 areas 300/5. 40'/2 40'/0 60'/4
Amazing 50 tons 6 areas 375/6.25 50'/3 50'/0 75'/5
Monstrous 80 tons 7 areas 450/7.50 75'/5 75'/.50 105'/7
Unearthly 100 tons 8 areas 600/10 100'/6 100'/1 150'/10
Shift X 250 tons 10 areas 750/12.50 150'/10 150'/1 225'/15
Shift Y 500 tons 15 areas 1500/25 200'/13 200'/2 300'/20
Shift Z 1000 tons 20 areas 3750/62.50 500'/33 500'/4 750'/50
Class 1000 Unlimited LOS Interplanetary 1,000'/60 1,000'/8 1,500'/100
Class 3000 Unlimited LOS Near-Light 3,000'/180 3,000'/25 4,500'/300
Class 5000 Unlimited LOS Teleportation 5,000'/300 5,000/40 7,500'/500
Beyond Unlimited LOS Instant Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Mystic Effects

Rank Duration Area Damage

Shift 0 None None None
Feeble 1 Round Touch 2
Poor 1 Round Touch 4
Typical 1 Round Touch 6
Good 1 Round Same Area 10
Excellent 1 Minute 1 Area 20
Remarkable 1 Hour 2 Areas 30
Incredible 1 Day 5 Areas 40
Amazing 1 Month 12 Areas 50
Monstrous 1 Year 1 Square Mile 75
Unearthly Permanent 1 Planet 100
Shift X Permanent 1 Planet 150
Shift Y Permanent 1 Planet 250
Shift Z Permanent 1 Planet 500
Class 1000 Permanent 1 Dimension 1000
Class 3000 Permanent 3 Dimensions 3000
Class 5000 Permanent 5 Dimensions 5000
Beyond Permanent All Infinite

Rank Updated Material Strength Table

Feeble Cloth, Glass, Brush, Paper
Poor Normal Plastic, Crystal, Wood
Typical Rubber, Soft Metals (Gold, Brass, Copper), Ice, Adobe, Computer Chips
Good Brick, Aluminum, Light Machinery Pieces, Asphalt, High Strength Plastics
Excellent Concrete, Beta Cloth, Iron, Bullet Proof Glass
Remarkable Reinforced Concrete, Steel
Incredible Solid Stone, Vibranium, Volcanic Rock
Amazing Osmium Steel, Granite, Gemstones
Monstrous Diamond, Super Heavy Alloys
Unearthly Adamantium Steel, Certain Mystical and Enchanted Elements
Class 1000-5000 Materials of these ranks are virtually indestructible, such as Cap's shield or Thor's Hammer

Table of Contents
Power Rank Range Table.............................1 Magic Schools..............................................34
Area of Effect Table......................................1 Spell Tables..................................................36
Initiative Modifier Table.................................1 Defensive Powers........................................ 39
Simultaneous Actions Table......................... 2 Detection Powers......................................... 43
Movement Table...........................................2 Energy Control Powers................................ 49
Strength FEATs Table...................................3 Energy Emission Powers............................. 60
Mystic Effects Table......................................3 Fighting Powers........................................... 66
Material Strength Table.................................3 Illusion Powers............................................. 70
Table of Contents......................................... 4 Life-Form Control Powers............................ 77
About This Book...........................................5 Magical Powers............................................86
Introduction.................................................. 6 Matter Control.............................................. 100
How We Do It............................................... 6 Matter Conversion Powers...........................116
Character Creation.......................................7 Matter Creation Powers................................123
Physical Form.............................................. 7 Mental Enhancement Powers...................... 131
Type Definitions........................................... 7 Physical Enhancement Powers................... 153
Origin of Power............................................ 20 Power Control Powers................................. 162
Primary and Secondary Abilities.................. 22 Self Alteration Powers.................................. 167
Weakness Generation..................................23 Travel Powers.............................................. 182
Power Generation........................................ 26 Spell Miscellany............................................193
Power Categories........................................ 27 Enhancement Spell...................................... 216
Magic Tables................................................ 32

About This Book
TSR faded away a long time ago, but the MSHRPG game still remains. For years I have always
wanted an updated version of David E. Martin's Ultimate Powers Book, but the only way that would
happen would be if I actually revised one for myself as unofficial fan content. My gaming groups
campaign outgrew the contents of the available character creation system years ago, so I finally
thought it was time for a revised update.

Most of the work here in still belongs to David E. Martin. The Realms of Magic information featured
within this revised edition is still the work of Kim Eastland. Any changes made were purely to fix/edit
any typographical errors. Information collected from The Advanced Set and The Revised Basic Set are
assumed to be the original works of Jeff Grubb. Steve Winter is credited with writing the Advanced Set
Powers collected from the GHOTMU series of books have a host of writers: David E. Martin, Scott
Bennie, Chris Mortika, Scott Davis, William Tracy, Raymond Maddox, Anthony Herring, John Elliot,
David Pulver and David Rogers.

Additional credit goes to Zan of Heroplay for the Demi-Plasma generation powers and long time
forum member Nightmask conceived and wrote the Ability Enhancement, Augmented Health, Reality
Manipulation, Resist: Temporal Energies, Tele-Mechanics and Limit Break Powers. The Skycutter
contributed the Molecular Instability Power and continues to make the game available at his website.
Necromancer created Enhanced Reflexes, Continuum Split, Omniversal Awareness, Mystic Energy
Manipulation, assembled all available information, fixed a LOT of errors and updated the look of the
material. (YW) . Thanks to T3h Conkster, for the Assimilation, Impart Power, Invigorate, Momentum,
Reality Perception powers, proofreading and suggestions. Finally, a really big shout out and thanks to
That Art Guy, who pointed the way and offered suggestions (and even made some Logos and
Templates) for myself to learn how to construct my own covers and quality images, this version would
not have been possible without TAG, I can't stress that enough.

This collection of information is a fan project and was created to be used for the MSHRPG game
produced by TSR who went out of business years ago. It is an attempt to organize data for the game
into one convenient resource. This project was created without any money transactions but purely as
fan work and a fan's love of the game.
Now that we have all of that out of the way, I sincerely hope this unofficial resource helps your game
as much as it was planned to help mine. I planned this book out so that it would feature one stop
character creation, combined with The Skycutter's and Major Tom Sawyer's Ultimate Talents Book. An
experienced player will only need The Advanced set for actual game play and resources management.
The Domains of Dr. Doom Boxed set is fully compatible and works as a standalone optional. This work
uses Rank numbers common to the Advanced Set and The Revised Basic Set. I have expanded the
physical forms and the origin sections by including the ones from the Advanced Set and the Realms of
Magic backgrounds. Revising the UPB should be about more than just adding a few powers to the
book. Speaking of powers, there are quite a few more than the UPB. I tried to include as many as I
could that were actual powers and not just some power stunts that could be done by already existing
powers in the book, I felt that would be wasteful. Without further discourse I welcome you to the
Complete Compendium for Character Creation, enjoy! –The Necromancer.

How We Do It
The following is a system for creating new characters in the Marvel Universe or whatever section of
the Multiverse you play in. Newly generated characters have the advantage of being unique to the
player, and thus (in my eyes, at least) the player has a firmer commitment to them. A player Invests
more of his energy and imagination in a character he creates himself. They also offer an advantage to
the Judge. Because player-generated characters don't have to adhere to someone else' continuity, all
restraints in that area of the game are gone. All bets are off and anything can happen. The Ultimate
Powers Book generation system has seven steps.

• Generate a physical form.

• Generate an Origin of Power.
• Generate Primary Abilities.
• Generate Secondary Abilities.
• Generate a Weakness.
• Generate Powers.
• Give your character life.

The joy and exasperation of random creation is that even when you think you know where you're
heading, you can still be taken in a completely different direction by a roll of the dice. Each of the
seven steps contains factors that can totally revamp your character. You can even interpret the same
sets of numbers in dramatically different ways.

Physical Form/Origin
Your character's physical form is what he looks like now. Oh, he might have been born a relatively
normal child in Cleveland, Ohio, but this category is how people see him now. The player can either
select one of the body types below or be brave and let the dice do it for him. Deliberate selection is
recommended if YOU are setting up a special campaign that requires certain types of characters, like
on other worlds or in other eras.

Dice Physical Form Sub-Form

01-13 Normal Human Normal Human Dice Physical Form Sub-Form
14-15 Normal Human High 58-59 Demihuman Lamian
Technology 60-61 Demihuman Merhuman
16-17 Normal Human Magical Items 62-63 Demihuman Other
18-19 Normal Human Magic Wielder 64-65 Cyborg Limbs/Organs
20-21 Altered Human Altered Human 66-67 Cyborg Exoskeleton
22-23 Altered Human Mystic Enhanced 68-69 Cyborg Mechanical Body
24-25 Aliens Alien 70-71 Robot Human Shape
26-27 Mutant Induced 74-75 Robot Usu-form
28-29 Mutant Random 76-77 Robot Metamorphic
30-31 Mutant Breed 79-79 Robot Computer
32-33 Android 80-81 Angel/Demon
34-35 Humanoid Race 82-83 Deity
36-37 Surgical Composite 84-85 Animal
38-39 Modified Human Organic 86-87 Vegetable
40-41 Modified Human Muscular 88-89 Abnormal Chemistry
42-43 Modified Human Skeletal 90-91 Mineral
44-45 Demihuman Centaur 92-93 Gaseous
46-47 Demihuman Equiman 94-95 Liquid
48-49 Demihuman Faun 96 Energy
50-51 Demihuman Felinoid 97 Ethereal
52-53 Demihuman Lupine 98 Undead
54-55 Demihuman Avian 99 Compound
56-57 Demihuman Chiropteran 00 Changeling

Type Definitions
•Normal Human: The body is Body Armor as a Power, the upset the game balance, he
completely normal and high technology hero may should either reduce their
possesses no detectable choose to have all his Powers power or return to this section
abnormalities. Any Powers the combined into a battle suit (a la and roll on Table 3.9 to create
hero possesses have left no Iron Man). Check under the drawbacks for using them.
visible mark on the body. Body Armor entry for these When the items are all
Random ranks are rolled on effects. Effects are rolled on completely determined, roll
Column 2 of the Random Ranks Column 6 to see how the armor talents. Random Ranks for a
Table. Resources are increased affects the Fighting, Agility, Human are rolled on column 2
+1CS. Strength, and Endurance of the of the Random Ranks Table.
player character. Resources are increased by
•High Technology: Also called +1CS.
Hi-Tech Wonders, these heroes •Human/Magical Items: This
derive their abilities solely type of character derives his •Human/Magic Wielder: This
through equipment, whether power from a magical item or type of magical character
that equipment is mystical or items. Roll percentile dice on derives his powers from spells
technological in nature, such as Table 3.0 for the number of using personal, universal, or
Iron Man or Captain Britain. items, then again on the dimensional energy. Not all
High Technology heroes start following tables until all of the magic wielders are alike. Roll
with lower primary ability scores items have been determined. on Tables 4.0 below to
and in addition may not use Once the types of the items are determine the nature of the
their powers without their known, go to Table 3.9 to find if energies this character wields.
equipment; however. They there is a catch or drawback to After determining what types of
receive many other benefits. any of them. Each item has only energy are available for the
•High technology heroes roll on one power to begin with (a character to tap into, roll on
column 3 of the Random Ranks Judge may decide that more Table 4.1 to determine how
Table. than one power is in the item, many spells the magic wielding
•The initial Reason is raised by but that all except one are latent character has. Then go to Table
two ranks (If Good is rolled, powers that require some time 5 to find out which of the 11
then initial reason is before the character knows of schools of magic the character
Remarkable). or can control them). Once the follows. When finished, go to
•Initial Resources are set at drawbacks (if any) of the items Table 6 for the specific spells in
Good, or optionally rolled. are known, go to Table 5 to the categories that have been
•High technology heroes must determine the “school” that all established. After all of the
have at least one Contact, and of the powers belong to (treat magic wielder’s spells have
they must declare what that all of the items as one for this been completely defined, roll
Contact is before starting play. purpose). Then go to Table 6 to talents. Human Magic Wielder's
This Contact represents the determine what exact power the roll on column 2 for their initial
organization that the player item is capable of performing or ability ranks. Magic Wielder's
character works for (or, if granting to its user. Treat the initially raise their Psyche score
Resources are high enough, powers as using either personal by +1 CS. They receive a +1CS
owns). or universal energies, to their Resources rank. The
•At least one Talent chosen by whichever the player prefers. If, hero also gains the Mystic
the player must be Scientific or after the powers of the items Origin and Occult Talents for
professional in nature. are known, the Judge believes free as part of his background.
•If, when generating Powers, that the item or items are too
the high tech wonder chooses powerful and could possibly •Altered Humans: Altered

Humans are everyday people races that have yet to be was born to Normal Humans,
like you and me (well. me, discovered in the Marvel but a freak twist of genetic fate
anyway) who have been Universe. Aliens have the made him a mutant from birth.
accidentally or purposefully potential of being incredibly Most of these are\ the Mutants
exposed to weird radiation, powerful, but have limited found in the Marvel Universe,
secret formulas, or chose to be secondary abilities. The such as the X-Men. Random
instructed in strange and following generation system is Mutants roll on Column I of the
powerful talents. The Fantastic for super-powered aliens whose Random Ranks Table. They
Four, and Hulk are examples of races have not been gain one additional Power.
altered humans. encountered before. Resources are reduced -1 CS.
•Altered humans roll their •Alien characters roll their Endurance is raised +1CS.
random ranks for primary primary abilities on column 5 of Initial popularity is lowered by
abilities on Column 1 of the the Random Ranks Table. -1CS.
Random Ranks Table. •Alien powers may be natural or
•After the primary ability ranks the result of Equipment carried. •Breed Mutants: The hero's
are rolled. Altered humans may The player must declare parents were Mutants, as were
raise any single primary ability whether any Power is inborn to any number of preceding
rank by +1 CS. his race or external. generations. Breed Mutants
•Aliens gain one less Power form tribes and have close-knit
•Altered Human/ Mystically (minimum of two). families; this is a defense
Enhanced: This type of •Starting Resources are set at mechanism born from
character derives his power Poor. generations spent hiding their
from a permanent magical spell •An alien character starts with true selves from normal society.
or effect placed on him by a one Contact (maximum). This is Examples of Breed Mutants
powerful magical being or usually the alien's home race, include the Inhumans. Breed
enchantment. This type of dimension, or people. Those Mutants roll on Column 1 of the
character is an Altered Human. characters who do not choose Random Ranks Table. Intuition
•Altered humans roll their the race as one of their is raised +1CS. Endurance is
random ranks for primary Contacts are considered raised +1CS. Initial Popularity is
abilities on Column 1 of the outcasts of that race, planet, or lowered by -1CS. Breed
Random Ranks Table. dimension (note to Judges: Mutants must have at least one
•After the primary ability ranks Outcasts are usually hunted Contact, usually their tribe.
are rolled. Altered humans may down by others of their race).
raise any single primary ability •Androids: These are
rank by +1 CS. •Induced Mutant: The hero artificially created organic
Mystically Enhanced characters started life as a Normal Human, beings. An android is made of
may roll their powers freely "then something happened." As laboratory-created protoplasm
between the standard power a result of a freak and grows to maturity in an
charts or opt to take any roll on happenstance, the hero has artificial womb. More intricately
Table 3.0 Magic Items. They been physically and genetically made Androids can actually
may spend one roll on table 3.8 altered by having his dormant X interbreed with Normal
Creatures but this roll costs Gene activated. Induced Humans. One example is the
them two of their initial power Mutants roll their random ranks Vision. Androids generally
slots. for Primary Abilities on Column resemble the race that created
1 of the Random Ranks Table. them; alien androids can be any
•Aliens: “Alien" is a blanket Induced Mutants can raise any shape. Androids roll on column
term representing those one Primary Ability +1CS. Initial 4 of the Random Ranks Table.
individuals from other planets Popularity is lowered by -1Cs. Popularity is initially lowered
and dimensions. Eternals, Kree, -1CS. Androids may raise any
Skrulls, and Shi'ar, as well as •Random Mutation: The hero one Ability +1CS. Androids gain

one Power. Androids have at Resources are Poor. less Power initially.
least one Contact, the lab tech Composites heal twice as
who created them. quickly as Normal Humans. The •Modified Human/Extra Parts:
Composite initially possesses This type of body is harder to
•Humanoid Race: The hero is one contact the hospital or disguise than the other
a normal member of a human- person responsible for his Modifications because the body
like race from "somewhere creation. now possesses extra pieces of
else." This may be another anatomy. These may be
world, era, dimension, or lost •Modified Human: This is duplicates of normal parts
land hidden somewhere on the someone who started life as a (arms are probably the most
Earth. Most can pass as Normal Normal Human and was later common example), or parts that
Humans with a little disguise or altered by some means. The are not found on a Normal
explanation. Some of the change affected his body on a Human. Such new parts include
Humanoid Race's Powers physical level but did not alter wings, tails, antennae, fins, or
don't exist in their home his DNA. Genetically, the hero anything else that might create
environment but develop as a is still very much human and Powers for the hero. Humans
result of the Humanoid's cannot pass on his Powers to with Extra Parts roll on column
exposure to Earth's his descendants. Organic 1. Arms raise Fighting +1CS.
environment. Humanoids roll on Modification means the hero's Duplicate organs doubles the
column 5 of the Random Ranks internal organs and nervous Health point total. Tails give the
Table for their Primary Abilities. system have been altered. hero an additional attack when
Humanoids can raise any one Perhaps he now possesses engaged in blunt attacks (1 per
Ability +1CS. Starting new organs or glands that are tail). Wings give the hero Flight.
Resources are set at Poor. A the basis for what Powers he
humanoid starts out with only has. Muscular Modification is •Demihumans: This covers a
one Contact, his race. easy to detect; just look for a range of human-like beings who
person with outrageous combine the physical traits of
•Surgical Composites: The muscular development. Captain humans and animals.
hero was created in an America is a good example of Demihumans can be unique
operating room. His body this. Skeletal Modification individuals or members of a
contains parts taken from means the hero's original race that inhabits a different
several bodies. Close skeletal structure has been place or time. Because of the
examination reveals the scars replaced or augmented by wealth of legends surrounding
from his creation. The most artificial means. Although he is demihumans, a new character
famous example is Adam, the also a Random Mutant, of this type finds that his
Frankenstein Monster. Because Wolverine is a good example of Popularity is influenced by
of the widespread knowledge of this type of character. The new people's preconceived notions
that story, Surgical Composites skeleton can be crammed with and biases toward things with
are feared more than Mutants. various things that can give the his shape.
They also possess a morbid hero his Powers. Modified
curiosity about the people Humans roll on column 1. •Centaurs have a human head,
whose parts now form their Organics heal twice as fast torso, and arms mated to the
bodies. Surgical Composites as Normal Humans. Musculars body of a horse. They possess
roll on column 2 of the Random gain +1CS Strength and increased Strength (+1CS), can
Ranks Table for their Primary Endurance. Skeletals gain move quickly over horizontal
Abilities. Strength, Fighting, and +1CS Resistance to Physical ground (four areas per turn),
Endurance are all increased Attacks. At least one Contact and can fight with their hooves.
+1CS. Resistance to Mental should be the organization On the minus side, centaurs
Domination is reduced -1CS. responsible for the modification. have Feeble Climbing ability.
Initial Popularity is zero. Initial All Modified Humans gain one They are popularly thought of

as scholars or drunken lechers. canine like beings. They are that can serve as hands, and in
Centaurs roll on Column 5. often mistaken for the cinematic addition they possess large
conception of a werewolf. The ears. They possess the Power
•Equimen possess horse legs body is covered in hair and the of Active Sonar at Good rank.
in place of human ones. They face is definitely canine. The Pterans scare most people,
have a horse's mane and tail as body has a tail, harmless claws, especially the bulk of the
well. Such beings are often big teeth, and long pointed ears populace who believe all bats
confused with fauns, although atop the head. A lupinoid are Vampires. Initial Popularity
equimen lack horns. An possesses an Excellent sense is Feeble. Chiropterans roll on
equiman is born from two of smell. The Popularity of Column 2.
equimen, or from a centaur lupinoids varies. Because some
mating with a human. By hiding people think every lupinoid is a •Lamians are snake people.
the legs and tail, an equiman werewolf, their Popularity The legs have been replaced by
can pass for human. Kicking decreases -1CS. Other people a serpentine body, although the
does +1CS damage. Equimen see them as dogs, and thus as arms are normal. The skin is
roll on Column 3. man's best friend; this prevents covered in fine scales. Lamians
the Popularity from dropping have lidless eyes and
•Fauns possess the hairy legs, any further. Lupinoid genetics retractable fangs. There is a
short tail, and horns of a goat. are the most flexible of all the 50% chance the lamian is
They are frequently confused demihumans. There are as venomous (Excellent Intensity
with either equimen, who are many breeds of lupinoids as poison). Because snakes terrify
taller, or with the traditional there are of dogs, wolves, and so many people, the lamian's
image of a devil. Because of the foxes (the latter is a subclass, initial Popularity is zero.
unfortunate resemblance to the vulpinoid). Lupinoids roll on Lamians are difficult to bind
latter, fauns have an initial Column 4. (+1CS to escape). Lamians roll
Popularity of zero. They on Column 3.
possess Feeble Mental •Avians come in two basic
Domination over females of any types, angels and harpies. The •Merhumans are amphibious
human(oid) race, which, angelic avians resemble relatives of lamians. The body
coupled with their penchant for humans with wings sprouting is human from the waist up; the
intoxication, causes them to from the shoulder blades. Angel rest is a flexible fish-tail.
gain Popularity more slowly of X-Factor is this type. They Merhumans possess both lungs
than other Demihumans. Fauns get an increased Popularity and gills, but can only stay
roll on Column 2. (+1CS). Harpies possess arms away from water a limited time
that are modified to also serve because their bodies quickly dry
•Felinoids are human-shaped, as wings and feather covered out. Movement on dry land is
catlike beings. The overall body legs that end in bird claws. limited to crawling or
shape is human, but the skin is They gain +1CS Fighting. dependence on vehicles.
covered in fur and the face is Angelic avians reproduce by Merhumans also possess
that of a cat. A felinoid has a normal human means. Harpies Water Freedom. They fascinate
tail, claws, fangs, pointed ears lay eggs. Angelic Avians roll on Normal Humans and have an
on top of the head, and slitted Column 3. Harpies roll on increased Popularity (+1CS).
pupils in the eyes. A felinoid can Column 2. The usefulness of a merhuman
see in the dark with Excellent in a land-locked campaign is
night vision. Such beings •Chiropterans are similar to limited, but certain Powers can
possess +1CS Climbing ability. angelic humans except that overcome the merhuman's
Tigra is a good example. they combine the human parts disadvantages— Shapechange,
Felinoids roll on Column 1. with those of a bat. Their arms Alter Ego, True Flight, and so
also serve as leathery wings, on. Merhumans roll on Column
•Lupinoids are human-shaped, their feet have elongated toes 2.

•Other: There are numerous a mechanical\ suit that provides because the brain is doubly
other Demihumans you could him with life support and protected from the outside
create. The player can combine Powers. The natural and world. However, they are prone
any animal with a human to artificial bodies exist in to things that never harm a
create a new Demihuman, then symbiosis. Tony Stark/Iron Man flesh-bound character, like
work with the Judge to provide is the perfect example of this. Magnetic attacks and rust.
it with reasonable statistics. The most common When creating the hero, the
Exoskeletons are roughly the player must decide what his
•Cyborg, Limb and Organ: same size and shape as the Mech Body looks like. For most
The hero began as a Normal being within; that is, the campaigns, the Mech Body is
Human but has had parts of his Exoskeleton resembles a basically human- shaped. It
body replaced by artificial clunky suit of armor. may even have a pseudo-flesh
devices. This may have been Exoskeletons can come in any covering to disguise the body's
done to save the hero's life after size of shape, however. The true nature. Such coverings
a near-fatal accident or the hero giant robots of Japanese tend not to survive battles,
may have voluntarily undergone cartoons are actually immense though, so the hero must have
the operation in order to gain Cyborg Exoskeletons Random a spare supply. Replacing a full
Powers. The original Deathlok ranks are rolled on column 4. body cover has an Excellent
is an example of the former cost; a head-and-hands only set
type. Cyborgs initially have a •Mechanical Body: The only is a bargain of Good cost. Mech
decreased Intuition (-1CS) due part of the hero's original body Bodies can come in other
to mental anguish over a that remains is his brain and the shapes. These can be anything
perceived loss of humanity (in nervous system. This is housed the hero might find useful in his
the former case) or a in a special life-support module environment: spider-bots, baby
self-hatred toward their original that fills most of the brain's tanks, star ships, etc. Since
weak human form (in the latter). needs (oxygen, blood, specialized Mech Bodies are
While most cyborgs are High nutrients). The life support less adaptable, such characters
Tech creations, there are also module is mated with a tend to be NPCs. Mech Bodies
Magical Cyborgs. For example, mechanical form that serves the are not limited to a single body,
the Celtic god Nuada had an brain as its new body. The though. A lab with Remarkable
arm made of silver. The player nervous system is directly facilities can adapt the life-
should determine what parts linked with the machine's support module for easy
are artificial, using the randomly control circuits, allowing both transferal to other bodies. Thus,
generated Abilities and Powers control and sensory feedback. your hero can have as many
as a guide. For example, Mech bodied characters are bodies as his Resources can
Strength of Remarkable or often mistaken for Pure Robots. provide. If the Mech Body has
better suggests the limbs and In fact, an internal examination different forms, the player must
skeleton are artificial. Speed- is needed to clearly distinguish generate the\ physical Abilities
running could come from a leg- the two types. Of course, Pure and powers of additional bodies
replacement. Vision Powers Robots don't feel the urge to as if they were separate
seem to require at least one cry. Mech bodies are even more characters. Mech Bodies
man-made eye. At least one morose than Mech Limb initially have only one Contact
Contact must be either the lab cyborgs; at least the latter retain the lab where they were
or hospital that created him or a some of their bodies. Their created. Random ranks are
facility that provides depression causes them to rolled on column 4.
maintenance services. Random have a lower initial Intuition and
ranks are rolled on column 4. Psyche (-1CS to both). Mech •Mechanical Augmentation:
Bodies have Monstrous This is a Cyborg who still has all
•Exoskeletons: The hero's Resistance to Disease and his original (human) equipment
body is intact but is encased in Poisons of all sorts. This is but carries some options inside.

Unused spaces in his body are simulate normal Healing. There different sizes. A Meta-morph
now filled with various useful is Karma loss if a hero can change into a form that is
devices. These can be directly purposely destroys a sentient up to three times larger than the
controlled through the nervous robot. Robots are people too. smaller form. If the meta-morph
system. It is these devices that Non-sentient robots are cannon possesses size-altering
give the hero his Powers. They fodder. Powers, this limit is replaced by
can be anything from a, tiny that Power's limit. Meta-morphs
radio in the ear to a •Usu-form Robot: This is a roll on column 4. The player
Disintegration gun concealed in robot that believes in the adage, must generate separate
the arm. Augmenteds chose "Form follows function." This Physical abilities for each form
their condition and do not suffer robot's body is anything but and assign Powers to either or
from the depression that affects human shaped and is designed both forms. Meta-morphs have
most Cyborgs and Mech to best serve specific needs. a minimum of two forms. In the
Bodies. Since there is a limited For the game's purposes, creation process, additional
amount of extra space in the needs refers to Powers the usu- forms can be gained at a cost of
body, Augmenteds receive one form possesses. Example: A -1CS to all Primary Abilities for
less Power. Augmenteds roll on usu-form hero possesses Bio- each additional form gained.
column 3. Initial Resources are physical Control, Cold
Good or optionally rolled. If the Emission, and Levitation. His •Computer: The hero is a
hero possesses Hyper design might look like a metal computer, period. At first glance
Intelligence, Hyper-Invention, or egg supported and propelled by this seems unplayable, but bear
Weapons Tinkering, then he an induction field. The egg has me out. This is a rare computer,
may have created his new form two arms, a variety of sensors, one that is self-aware and
himself with the help of a a speaker grill, an under slung possesses true intelligence.
Remarkable clinic. Mechanical ray projector (the Cold Power), While the mainframe itself is
Augmentations roll on column and carries on its back an immobile and unable to
3. expandable life support physically act, peripherals give
chamber (the Healing Power). the sentient computer a wide
•Pure Robot, Human Shape: Usu-forms roll on column 4. range of means to deal with the
This is a completely mechanical Sentient usu-forms are often physical world. Slave robots act
being that is patterned after the mistaken for mindless industrial as proxies for the computer.
human body. The degree of robots; people usually look for a Physical\ additions provide tile
similarity varies; specimens can human controller hiding nearby. mainframe with add-on
include metallic skinned Popularity is unaffected functions. The Computer can
caricatures (Sentinels), metallic because people simply do not directly interact with other
simulations (Jocasta), and give the usu-form any thought computers, robots, and some
pseudo fleshed imitations other than "Oh, what a wild cyborgs on a\ programming
(Delphine Courtney). Most are prop!" level. In some campaigns, there
High Tech but rare specimens may even be a computer-
are Magical in nature, •Metamorphic Robot: This is a generated pocket dimension
clockwork men given life by robot whose design is so where computer programs are
eccentric mages. While most flexible it can change into two or "living" beings. If the computer
Human Shapes are the size of more forms, each possessing possesses Alter Ego or Life-
Normal Humans, they are different Physical Abilities and form Creation, it can create a
much heavier. The average Physical Powers. Most Meta- human-like extension of itself.
specimen weighs 500 to 2,000 morphs have a dual nature. The Such a being would possess all
pounds. Human Shapes roll on primary form is a human shape; the computer's abilities and
column 4. Initial Popularity is the secondary form may be a most of its Powers (save those
zero. Player character robots vehicle or usu-form. Both forms assigned to the peripheral
possess self repair facilities that weigh the same, but may be hardware). Damage to the

extension results in feedback decreased Resistance to that produces a magical sword
that causes equivalent damage Electrical and Magnetic Attacks that does Excellent damage.
to the mainframe. The computer and also to Phasing. Loss of all
may hide its true nature and electrical power to the •Deity: This is an "Entity of
intelligence from its owners, mainframe causes deactivation Great Power" - or rather, was
creators, and/or programmers. and loss of some of the such a being. The deity was an
Only a major threat to its computer's abilities and all of its actual god, demigod, or close
existence can cause it to reveal Karma. Abilities and Powers are relative who was actually
itself and risk losing its freedom. reduced -1CS across the board. worshiped at some point in the
In a magical setting, the past.\ Now his powers have
computer can be any mystical •Angels and Demons: These waned because the religion
device, such as a crystal ball or are magical beings from other which was devoted to him
an elaborate altar. Slave units planes of existence. They are is no longer practiced. His
and peripherals are likewise both supernatural and corporeal followers have disappeared into
translated into mystical analogs. in nature. The main difference the annals of history. Thor is an
For game purposes, assume between these types is their example of such a being. Now
that all sentient computers have inherent personality. "Angels" he is a god-on-Earth and locked
a minimum of one remotely are benevolent; "demons" are into a mortal shell. He is still a
controlled industrial robot. The malevolent. Other than that, formidable being, though.
owners think this robot is only there isn't much difference. Deities have increased ranks in
used for self-maintenance and These beings resemble all their primary abilities and
experimentation. Example: characters from various cannot really die in the Earth
RALPH 3000 is a sentient mythologies. This affects their Dimension unless the slayer is
computer officially owned by the Popularity. Angels gain +2CS another deity. Each deity has a
Carlson Institute, a private while demons lose -2CS on home dimension; on that plane
think-tank. Only one their initial Popularity. These the deity loses his special
programmer, Jennifer, knows beings do not necessarily follow protection from death. Deities
RALPH is alive and has been the popular traditional behavior are usable as player characters.
sworn to secrecy by him. The patterns. A heroic demon might The Marvel Universe includes
computer possesses the be fighting a personal war Asgardians, Olympians, and
Powers of Mental Duplication, against other, even more evil deities from a host of other
Mind Blast, Imitation, and beings. A crazed angel might be pantheons. Both Thor and
Rocket. RALPH's mainframe a villain, seeking to purify the Hercules are members of the
possesses the first two Powers. Earth at any cost. Angels and Avengers. Snowbird, daughter
With Jennifer's help, he has Demons roll on Column 5. of an Inuit goddess, is a
radically modified his Angels and demons have no member of Alpha Flight. The
maintenance bot to possess the initial Contacts but will soon be thing that permits their approval
other Powers. The bot can sought out by groups who see is their diminished Power. Once
become a human shape under them as symbols or tools. All Odin formed the Earth from the
RALPH's control. The robot's Physical Abilities are raised blood and bones of a slain Ice
legs contain jets that provide +1CS. Such beings possess a Giant, but he can't do things like
Flight. Computers roll on Psychological Weakness that that anymore. There are three
column 4. Reason is increased Negates their Power. Angels reasons a deity might be found
+2CS. Fighting is decreased gain +2CS Popularity. Demons on Earth. One is that his
-1CS. Resources are increased lose -2CS Popularity. Demons Powers have diminished to
+1CS and represent company automatically possess Good such a point that the Earth
supplies directly controlled by Fire Generation and Specific Dimension is the only place he
the computer or those which it Invulnerability to Heat and Fire. can survive. The second is that
can order without arousing Angels automatically possess a he has been sent to the Earth
suspicion. Computers have a specific form of Artifact Creation Dimension by other, more

powerful Deities. Both Thor and with heroic Animals or really deprivation of light and water
Snowbird are in this category. peculiar aliens (I'll fudge a little reduces the hero's Strength and
The third reason is that the and include Lockjaw, the Endurance -1CS per day after
deity is bored with timeless Inhumans' "dog" as an example an initial three days. Plants
infinity and is slumming it on of this). Animal PCs have three have no legal rights. This can
Earth as a way of generating main types of backgrounds. be a real problem. The Plant
excitement. Hercules fits this One is that the animal is a Hero may be a mutant, a
bill. Actually, there is also a mutant. Another is that the modified plant, a member of a
fourth reason. The deity might animal was altered in ways that species of intelligent plant life,
be on Earth seeking Power, gave his\ intelligence and or a human or other being who
whether by regaining Power. The last is the animal is was somehow transformed into
worshipers or establishing a a relatively normal member of a a plant. A permanent result of
portal between Earth and his race of animals like him Induced Vegetation could
home dimension. However, for (Lockheed, for example). The create such a character. Man-
game purposes, this reason is player can determine this in the Thing is an example of the last
restricted to NPC deities who Origins of Power section and type. Plants roll on column 1.
are acting as villains in your embellish it to the best of his Plants have zero Resources.
campaign. Deities roll on ability. Animals have to have a Plants automatically possess
Column 5. All primary abilities human Contact. People tend to Absorption Power of Good rank
are raised +2CS. Deities see the human Contact as the in the form of enhanced
automatically possess at least animal's owner or trainer. photosynthesis. Plants have
one Travel Power. Deities gain People refuse initially to believe -2CS Fighting. Plants gain
two additional Powers. Deities the animal is intelligent. Animals +2CS Endurance. Plants have
have increased Popularity have very few legal rights, but no initial Contacts; the
(+2CS) with the public but zero they also have few exception is if the Plant was
Popularity with the hierarchy of responsibilities. Animals roll on created by scientific means, in
the major established Earth column 1. Aliens in this which case its creator might be
religions. Deities eventually category roll on column 5. a Contact.
attract any remaining living Animals gain one less Power.
worshipers they still have. All of Animals automatically have two •Abnormal Biochemistry: The
these people serve as Detection Powers at Good rank. body is apparently normal but
Contacts. A deity PC who Animals risk death or capture possesses a different chemical
abuses his worshipers faces a from people who are ignorant of base than that of Normal
stiff Karma penalty. Deities are the animal's true nature. Humans. A key element in the
honor bound not to actively Resources are zero unless the body's chemical makeup is
promote a religion based on animal has attached himself to replaced by another element.
themselves. Deity PCs who try a human. In this case, the The most common
this lose -1CS from all their Resource rank is assigned to abnormalities are silicon
Abilities and Powers. that human. replacing carbon, copper
replacing iron, and cobalt
•Animals: This is a catch-all •Vegetable: The hero is an replacing iron. Silicon-based
category that includes fish, intelligent, mobile plant. He can life has a body temperature 40
mammals, birds, reptiles, and be of any nature but for game degrees lower than similar
the rest of Earth's fauna, in purposes the hero is assumed carbon-based life. Copper
addition to aliens that do not fit to be a man- shaped plant. His produces green blood. Cobalt
into any other category. About physiology is based on produces blue blood. In all
the only example of this in the photosynthesis. The plant-man these cases, acquiring food that
Marvel Universe is Lockheed, doesn't need to eat anything fits the hero's metabolic needs
the dragon. Your campaign, on except a bit of fertilizer is a problem. If the abnormal
the other hand, might be filled occasionally. Prolonged lacks a food supply, he'll have

to seek one out. A lab of Mineral Life is immune to all shattered by the cold.
Remarkable cost can Poisons and Diseases that Vaporization is a fatal act for\
synthesize the necessary harm Normal Humans. most Fluid Bodies. Fluid Bodies
foodstuffs. For game purposes, Conversely, exotic poisons and roll on column 5. Fluid Bodies
assume the hero already diseases that do harm to have a natural variation of
possesses a steady food Mineral Life do only Feeble Phasing that\ permits them to
supply. Because of the different damage to Normal Humans. permeate any porous material.
body chemistry, abnormal Mineral Life is vulnerable to Fluid Bodies have no initial
beings cannot donate blood or attacks with special effects on Contacts except their own race,
body tissues for transfusion into the body materials. For if one exists. Because of the
Normal Humans. Likewise, example, an iron golem is prone Fluid Bodies' control over their
anything foolish enough to try to to rust. Mineral Life rolls on own fluids, it requires an
feed on the abnormal, like a lion column 2. Initial Health is Incredible Agility FEAT to drain
or a Bio-Vampire, takes Good doubled. Movement rate is off any part of the Fluid Body.
damage as it tries to digest decreased -1CS. Drained parts remain under the
what, to its system, is poison. main body's control as long as
Abnormal beings cannot •Liquid Life: You know that the they are within one area. Once
interbreed easily with Normal Normal Human body is 68% beyond that limit, the drained
Humans, even when their liquid? Well, this type is 100% liquid "dies" and becomes inert.
bodies are virtually identical. A liquid. However, it is composed Swallowing a Fluid Body can be
hospital with Incredible facilities of special liquids that remain a fatal act if the body so
is needed top after the would- together. The fluid body can be chooses. It can also result in a
be parent's genetic material to a of any viscosity from gelatinous symbiosis if the Fluid Body
compatible type. Abnormal to watery. It can move at will by takes a liking to the solid host.
characters roll on column 2. flowing through other liquids or
Endurance is raised +1CS. along surfaces. It can even •Gaseous Life: The body is
climb vertical surfaces. If the completely composed of gases,
•Mineral Life: The body is liquid life possesses Endurance vapors, smoke, and mist
composed of solid materials and Psyche ranks of Excellent without any solid (or even
that normally do not sustain life. or better, the Fluid Body can liquid) components above the
In fact, the body might not even form an erect simulation of a microscopic level. The Gas
have anything remotely human body. This can "walk" by Body is a coherent cloud that
resembling internal organs. In sliding along the ground. retains its integrity even in the
such cases, an internal Contrary to what you might face of Amazing Intensity winds.
examination would only reveal think, a Fluid Body is actually Unlike normal clouds, the Gas
homogeneous matter. The body dry to the touch. This is Body can more at will in any
can be of any single element or because none of the body's direction and even penetrate
compound or a mixture of liquids leave the body unless liquids and permeable solids.
anything the player can think of. deliberately secreted. The Fluid However, it cannot freely move
Examples of Mineral Life Body can be housed in a in a vacuum unless it
include golems and Warlock (of naturally secreted sac or in an possesses a Travel or Energy
the New Mutants). Because artificial container. This is Power. The Gas Body may be
Mineral Life is simpler, it is determined by the player rolling composed of a single element
easier to feed and maintain. If such Powers as Armor, Body or compound or any sort of
food is needed, the Mineral Life Armor, or Body Coating. If the exotic mixture. If the gaseous
can digest\ raw matter of its Fluid Body is frozen, the hero is hero possesses a Shape-
composition. Wounds can be immobilized until he can melt. changing Power, Alter Ego, or
bandaged by applications of the He takes no damage from such Body Transformation- Self, the
same matter as well. ("But an attack, although sacs or being can temporarily assume a
Doctor, I'm not a bricklayer!") body containers might be human-like form. Gas Bodies

are immobilized if converted to image of a human. If the Energy to all Powers except those that
liquid or solid forms but take no Body possesses Alter Ego, specifically affect Ethereal
damage from this act. While Energy Solidification, or Life- characters and other
gaseous,the being can freely form Creation, it can form a disembodied beings; these
expand or contract. Minimum solid facsimile of a human. The Powers are Spirit Summoning
size is one cubic foot. The only way to destroy an Energy and Storage, Reincarnation,
maximum size can fill a volume Body is to completely Negate or and Exorcism. If the Ethereal
equivalent to the average solidify its energy. Energy once had a solid body,
shopping mall. Gas Bodies roll Beings roll on column 5. Energy he might not necessarily have
on column 5. On Earth, Gas Beings have a Bonus Power of died to reach his current state.
Bodies have zero Resources Energy Emission. Energy He might have become an
and no initial Contacts. The only Control is an Optional Power. Ethereal by being directly
way to destroy a Gas Body is to Physical contact with an Energy transformed from solidity to
alter its composition through Being does Feeble damage. being ethereal.. Such
Powers like Matter Conversion transformations can be magical,
and Matter Control. Inhaling a •Ethereal: The hero is an scientific accidental, or
Gas Body can be a fatal act intangible, disembodied spirit. deliberate. The Red Ghost is an
since the being's gases can He can be a ghost who once example of a Normal Human
prevent\ required gases from possesses a mortal shell, or directly transformed into an
reaching the lungs. Gas Bodies belong to a race that always Ethereal as a result of a
can enter a symbiotic exists in this form. An Ethereal scientific mishap. If the Ethereal
relationship with a solid being. can drift about in any direction possesses Alter Ego or Life
Gas Bodies possess a natural he chooses, and can pass form Creation, he can create a
form of Phasing that permits through solid matter without any living body for himself. If he
them to penetrate solids. effort. The visibility of an possesses Mental Domination,
Ethereal varies according to his he can possess a human host.
•Energy Body: The hero is a whim; he can be invisible, Ethereal beings roll on column
field of coherent energy. The transparent, translucent, or 1. (They're about as altered as
basis for this can be any Energy opaque. If the Ethereal is a a human can be). Fighting rank
form found in the Energy ghost, his form resembles an is zero in the Earth Dimension,
Emission and Control sections idealized version of his old unless the Ethereal is fighting
of this book. The Energy Body body. The ghost's appearance another Ethereal. Physical
can move at will in any is actually based on his attacks have a decreased effect
direction, even though spaces self-image and thus reflects the on Ethereal beings (-9CS).
that lack a medium to transmit ghost's attitude toward himself. Spirit Vampirism completely
it. The Energy Body possesses This is why ghosts are usually destroys Ethereal beings. Psi-
an Intensity rank of its own; this either very beautiful or quite Vampires destroys the self
is how the Health points apply pathetic. Ghosts are immune to image and reduces the Ethereal
to this being. Energy Bodies most physical attacks with to a mindless Poltergeist.
follow the same characteristics Intensities less than Unearthly. At least one Contact can be a
as normal energy of the same They are vulnerable to Mental Spiritual Medium.
type. They possess a special and Magical attacks, especially
vulnerability to Plasma Control I by Powers that affect the spirit. •Undead: The being in question
-1CS Resistance). Energy Either Psi or Spirit Vampirism had once been a Normal
Bodies can be contained within can destroy an Ethereal. While Human (or any other species)
special storage batteries; this is Ethereal beings are intangible but has since died. Through
the only way to immobilize on the Earth Dimension, they some arcane and possibly
these beings. Energy Bodies regain solidity in other disgusting means, the body has
composed of visible energy Dimensions. In such realms regained animation and ceased
types can create a ghost-like Ethereal beings are vulnerable to decay. The being's life force

is once again in residence •Compound Form: The hero's torso. The artificial Body Types
(although the old house just body contains aspects of two or lend themselves especially well
isn't the same). Special means more of the preceding Body to creating Compounds. All
are required to maintain the Types. As such, it possesses a such Compounds are
reunion of mind and body. This mixture of the advantages and automatically Cyborgs.
can be anything from being disadvantages of each type. Compounds only roll on a single
frequently re embalmed to The Combination of advantage column, determined by the A/D
utilizing any of the vampiric and disadvantage is unique to percentage. Most Compounds
powers. If the Undead fails to each Compound. are unique individuals. Due to
follow his required maintenance their peculiar nature, they do
procedures, he begins to fall Die Roll Number Adv./Disadv% nor easily reproduce. Genetic
apart. In Undead terms, this is 01-50 2 50% offspring, including clones,
what Health points are used for. 51-75 3 33% possess only a single aspect. In
Health is the structural integrity 76-95 4 25% the example, a clone of the
of the Undead's own corpse. 96-00 5 20% freak would be either a Normal
The nature of the Undead can Human, Chiropteran, or wasp-
vary. Examples include Bio- When creating a Compound man. Popularity is decreased
Vampires like Dracula, Zombies character, the player first -1CS, cumulative with any
("Zuvembies" in the Marvel generates the number of Body losses determined by the
Universe), animate Mummies Types combined in his various aspects (Body Types).
like those in ancient pyramids character, then the actual types,
and bad B movies, and even using the Body Type Table •Changeling: The hero can
hybrid forms that still retain above. The next step is transform into any of a number
some humanity. Dracula's determining the advantages of possible Body Types. Each
daughter Lilith is such a being, and disadvantages are retained Body Type aspect of the
being conceived after Dracula by the compound. Example: Changeling possesses its
had become an Undead. The dice have assigned the regular advantages and
Technical note: At this time, all hero a Compound Body Type. disadvantages which apply only
Bio-Vampires on the Marvel Muttering under his breath when the hero is in that
Universe Earth have been ("Great, I get to play a freak"), particular form.
destroyed. Your campaign, the player rolls a 61. His
however, can be free of this Compound has three aspects, Die Roll Number
restriction if you so desire. The which the dice again decide16 01-50 2
Great Continuity Goddess bade (Normal Human), 69 51-75 3
me mention it anyway. Undead (Chiropteran), and 72 (Other 76-95 4
roll on column 1. Strength and Demihuman). Three Body 96-00 5
Endurance are increased by Types get him a 33% chance of
+1CS. The player and Judge retaining advantages and What powers the hero
must come up with a body disadvantages. He starts rolling. possesses are assigned to any
maintenance procedure, unless By the time he's done, his freak and all of his Aspects. Each
the hero possesses a vampiric has begun to form. The Aspect must have one Power
power. Undead possess a character's wings sprout from which is unique to it, a Power
Psychological Weakness; their his back, rather than being no other Aspect has. The hero
Power is negated while they are formed by his arms. The ears can transform himself from one
within 10' of a religious symbol. are smaller and more human- Aspect to another in 10 turns.
If the symbol is that of a religion like since he lacks sonar. From During this time, no Powers can
the Undead practiced while he the Other Demihuman aspect, a function and all Primary Abilities
was alive, he suffers Excellent wasp-man, he gets a stinger temporarily drop -2CS.
damage that does Excellent Paralysis Changeling is similar to the
damage and rigid plates on his Power of Alter Ego. If the player

rolls that Power while creating a imitate other life forms, but the but permanently loses the
Changeling character, he can Shape change circuitry burned ability to transform into that
discard it and roll another out after recording its first form. Aspect. Powers can be
Power. Example: Kit has rolled Changelings roll on column 5, assigned to any or all aspects.
Changeling for his Body Type. regardless of what the various Each Aspect must have a
This one has two Aspects: 83, Aspects would roll on. If while in unique power not shared with
Human-shape Robot, and one Aspect the hero loses all other aspects.
91,Vegetable. "Great, a robot Health points, he can save his
that turns into Man-Thing." life by making a red Psyche
Eventually, Kit decides his robot FEAT. Success means he lives,
was specially designed to

Origin of Power
Now that you've determined the implant is not working out at 88-98 Energy Exposure
what your character looks like, all like the plans said it should; 99-00 Rebirth
the next question is how did he the Powers Steve has
get that way? More importantly, manifested are entirely •Natal: The hero-was born in
how did he get the Powers that unexpected. Example 2: Bruce the Body Type he has, and
set him apart from mortal men rolls a 15 for Physical Form possessed all his Powers from
(or cyborgs or centaurs or kitty Other Demihuman, and a 34 for birth onward (although learning
cats)? This is the stage where Origin Endowment. Bruce has a to control them took time). Note:
you determine the There are 11 fondness for beams, which If a character is a Cyborg, he
possibilities here, each one a leads him to make his character was severely deformed at birth
single event in your character's a Ursinoid. He doesn't want to and required immediate
life that transformed him/her/it have to come up with an entire emergency medical and
into a Super Hero. The player racial background for his scientific aid.
can interpret the Origin two character, tentatively called
ways. The first way assumes Ursus, and chooses the second •Maturity: The hero gained his
that the character has always option for Origin. Ursus began Powers sometime after
had approximately the same life as a normal teenager in reaching adulthood. Powers
Physical Form that he now Charlottesville, Virginia. While may have begun manifesting
possesses. In that case, the wandering through the woods themselves sporadically during
Origin is the event in which his one night, the boy encountered adolescence, or even
Powers first appeared. The a crippled UFO piloted by small childhood, but full control wasn't
second way of interpreting the bear-like beings. The boy tried achieved until maturity. Most
Origin is to assume that the to assist the bears, who Random Mutants are in this
character began life as a transformed him into a form class. Self-Achievement: The
perfectly Normal, Human, say a more capable of performing the hero actively sought out a
kid from Euclid, Ohio. In that repairs they needed done. The means of giving himself Power.
case, the Origin was an event alien bears completely forgot He developed the methods,
that not only gave him Power, it about returning their helper to procedures, equipment, or
may have also drastically his original form before they left. whatever permits him to
altered his Physical form. To determine the Origin of possess Power. This\ could be
Example 1: Ken rolls a 78 for Power, roll percentage dice through scientific endeavors
Physical Form, a Mechanically once and compare the results (Henry Pym/ Ant Man), arcane
Augmented Cyborg, and a 58 with the following table. study (Dr. Strange), or physical
for Origin, Technical training (Iron Fist). Anyone can
Experiment. He interprets this Die Roll Origin gain Powers similar to the
to create Steve Piano, a man 01-10 Natal hero's by following this special
who has volunteered to be a 11-20 Maturity training. Endowment: The hero
test subject for a new weapons 21-30 Self Achievement was given his Power by another
system his company has 31-35 Endowment being. This includes such
developed. The system is 36-50 Technical Mishap diverse situations as being
surgically implanted within 51-60 Technical transformed (Tigra), being
Steve's body. Since the Procedure charged with Power (the Power
implantation is experimental, 61-65 Creation Pack kids), and acquiring an
the lab wants him to retain the 66-76 Biological item whose possession gives
implant for a time while they Exposure the hero Power (Black Knight,
study its effects on him. What 77-87 Chemical Vindicator).
they aren't telling Steve is that Exposure

•Technical Mishap: The hero Health, Endurance, and in random ways with the hero's
was caught in an experiment or lifespan. genetic structure and produce
procedure gone awry, with the unique results. If another
result that the hero gained •Creation: The hero was born person is exposed to the same
Powers that were totally in the form he now has, that of chemical, the results may be
unexpected. Such freak an adult who possesses Power different or fatal. Madcap is an
conditions cannot be completely and/or whatever the Body Type example of this.
duplicated, although they can is. Most of the Artificial Body
be simulated. Simulations Types belong in this class. •Energy Exposure: The hero
produce slightly different Examples include the android was exposed to a special form
results, though. Cloak and Human Torch, all robots, and Intensity of energy—
Dagger are examples of Mishap angels, demons, and deities. anything out of the ordinary will
Origins. The late Sasquatch Biological Exposure: The hero do—and turned into his present
was an example of a Mishap gained Power after exposure to self. Most of the Marvel Super
Simulation, from trying to a special life-form or a Heroes from the early 1960s
recreate the Gamma Blast that substance secreted by that life- are examples of this. The
created the Hulk. form. Werewolves and Bio- Fantastic Four, the Hulk, and
Vampires are common Daredevil, for examples, all
•Technical Experiment: The examples of this. Normal received Powers after\ being
hero was the subject of a Humans are transformed into subjected to hard radiation.
controlled scientific or magical those kinds of beings after
experiment. Assuming that all being bitten by\ another •Rebirth: The hero was once a
the factors are reproduced, Werewolf or Bio-Vampire. The perfectly ordinary person. Then
such a Technical Experiment hero can also gain Power from he died. Something happened
should be “able to produce a an experiment using bio- to him that destroyed his old
steady supply of super powered chemicals. For example, the body and gave him a new one,
heroes. Unfortunately, the late Whizzer gained his Power complete with Power. Examples
geniuses behind such after consecutive injections of of this class include Marc
experiments often leave cobra venom and mongoose Spector/Moon Knight and Arthur
inadequate notes; if something blood. Douglas/Drax the Destroyer.
happens to the genius, the
experiment is not repeatable Dr. •Chemical Exposure: The
Reinstein, for example, never hero was transformed by
really wrote down the Super- exposure to an exotic element,
Soldier Formula that compound, or mixture. This
transformed Steve Rogers into substance can be inhaled,
Captain America. Attempts to ingested, injected, or just
recreate it produced the Infinity placed next to the hero for it to
Formula that has the simpler affect him. The chemicals
effect of increasing the subject's involved in these incidents react

Primary and Secondary Abilities
Each role-playing game has a complemented by the four rank these powers will
set of basic characteristics for Secondary Abilities: specifically mention so in their
each character. These define Health: The amount of physical Power Descriptions.
such things as physical and damage a character can absorb
mental traits, damage before losing consciousness Initial
resistance, and how the and possibly his life. Rank Rank
character interacts with his Karma: The measure of Name Number 1 2
world. In the MARVEL SUPER experience. Feeble 2 01-05 01-05
HEROES'" game, these are the Resources: The hero's Poor 4 06-10 06-25
Typical 6 11-20 26-75
seven primary abilities: available wealth.
Good 10 21-40 76-95
Popularity: The hero's Excellent 20 41-60 96-00
Fighting: A measure of raw reputation within his normal Remarkable 30 61-80 ------
combat ability. environment. Incredible 40 81-96 ------
Agility: A measure of dexterity Primary Abilities, Resources, Amazing 50 97-00 ------
and nimbleness. and Popularity are all randomly Monstrous 75 ------- ------
Strength: Physical muscle generated on the Random
power. Ranks Table. Health is the sum Rank
Endurance: Personal of the rank numbers for Name 3 4 5
toughness and physical Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Feeble 01-05 01-05 01-10
Poor 06-10 06-10 11-20
resistance. Endurance. Karma is the sum
Typical 11-40 11-15 21-30
Reason: Intelligence and the of the rank numbers for Good 41-80 16-40 31-40
capacity for logical thought. Reason, Intuition, and Psyche. Excellent 81-95 41-50 41-60
Intuition: Wisdom, wit, Remarkable 96-00 51-70 61-70
common sense, and battle *The initial starting ranks for all Incredible ------- 71-90 71-80
reflexes. powers are generated by rolling Amazing ------- 91-98 81-95
Psyche: Mental strength and on column 4. Some powers Monstrous ------- 99-00 96-00
willpower. These are may have a different beginning

Weakness Generation
Everybody has an Achilles' Dice Roll Stimulus occurs. The element must be
Heel, a weakness that can 01-50 No Inherent Weakness within 20 feet of the hero for it
really mess up his day. The 51-57 Elemental Allergy to have any Effect. This allergy
nature and severity of the 58-64 Molecular Allergy can be overcome by physically
weakness varies with the 65-71 Energy Allergy insulating the hero from the
individual, race, or class. 72-78 Energy Depletion element or by increasing the
Normal Humans have so many 79-86 Energy Dampening distance between them.
we don't even think about them, 87-93 Finite Limit
A Weakness is a cause-and- 94-00 Psychological/Mystic •Molecular Allergy: This is
effect situation. A specific Curse similar to Elemental Allergy. A
stimulus causes the Weakness specific compound causes the
to appear. Its effect is what Dice Roll Effect Effect. Common examples
actually occurs to the hero as a 01-50 Power Negation include water, wood, and
result of being exposed to the 51-70 Incapacitated Adamantium.
stimulus. The final 71-90 Physical
consideration is the duration of Handicap •Energy Allergy: The hero
the Weakness. This is the 91-00 Fatal suffers when he is exposed to a
length of time the hero is specific form of energy. This
affected. Okay, why should you, Dice Roll Duration can be any wavelength or
the player, even pay attention to 01-40 Continuous with Intensity of energy found in the
this section? As I said, Contact Energy Emission and Energy
everyone has a weakness. For 41-60 Limited Duration Control sections of this book.
Normal Humans, the standard on Contact Sunlight is a common example
stimuli are Elemental Allergy, 61-90 Limited Duration of Energy Allergy, particularly
Molecular Allergy, and Energy after Contact when dealing with supernatural
Allergy with Fatal Effects. Super 91-00 Permanent beings.
powered heroes possess an
enhanced resistance to all of Stimulus •Energy Depletion: The hero
these stimuli but retain a special has a finite energy supply that
Weakness to a specific •No Inherent Weakness: The permits him to manifest Power.
stimulus. Normally, the effect is hero has no inherent This energy must be
limited to Negation and weaknesses in his powers or periodically renewed by means
Incapacitated, but if the hero abilities. In effect, he has no of rest, food, Energy
possesses any Power with a limit to what he may Absorption, Energy Vampirism,
rank exceeding Remarkable, accomplish. or simply making contact with a
there is a possibility that a Fatal source of that energy. If the
Weakness exists. To determine •Elemental Allergy: The hero hero's energy level drops too
cause, effect, and duration, the suffers adverse effects if he is low, dire Effects result.
player must make three exposed to a specific one of the
separate percentage-dice rolls, hundred-odd elements. This •Energy Dampening: The hero
one for each factor. If all of the Allergy only occurs if the has the problem of having to
hero's Powers are of element is present in a pure release the energy pent up
Remarkable rank or lower, the state and in an accumulation of within himself; this is done by
player can convert a Fatal at least one ounce. If the using his Powers. If the hero is
Weakness to an Incapacitating element is combined in a somehow prevented from using
Weakness. molecular state or is in his Powers, the energy begins
insufficient quantities, no Effect to do internal damage.

•Finite Limit: All of the hero's of Power automatically fail. Any the effective range of the
Powers have a finite number of Power that directly acts on a Stimulus, the Effect continues.
times they can be used. This is target cannot affect a Stimulus. When the hero is insulated or
determined by a second, Only Powers that indirectly moved away from the Stimulus,
independent Power rank roll; affect the Stimulus succeed, the Effect immediately ceases.
this rank number is the number such as using brute force to lob Lost Health points are returned
of uses remaining for that missiles at the Stimulus. at a rate of 2 per turn. If death
Power. When a Power is has occurred, the hero now has
depleted, the hero suffers •Incapacitated: The hero the possibility of being revived.
the Effect. The Judge can becomes physically ill after
determine how such Powers exposure to the Stimulus. •Limited Duration on Contact:
can be recharged. Beginning with the initial The Effect begins immediately
contact, the hero loses one upon contact with the Stimulus.
•Psychological/Mystic Curse: point of Health per turn. This However, the Effect only
A specific event, condition, or loss continues for the Duration functions for a limited amount of
mental state has an adverse of the Effect. However, the loss time. After that time elapses,
effect on the hero. This stops when Health reaches the hero is assumed to have
Stimulus directly affects the zero; this Effect does not either built up a temporary
hero's mind; any resulting directly kill the hero. The hero immunity to the Stimulus or the
physical damage is retains his Powers but finds it Stimulus has\ discharged its
psychosomatic in nature. That harder to use them as his Effect. In either case, the
is, any physical damage results condition worsens. Stimulus cannot further affect
are due to the hero's instinctive the hero. Duration is 1 -100
belief in those results. •Physical Handicap: The hero turns after initial Contact. The
Examples include being has a resulting loss of one of Judge makes a\ random die roll
physically bound, even if the his five senses. Such conditions to determine this.
hero could normally snap the include things like blindness,
binding material; facing a foe deafness, becoming mute or •Limited Duration After
covered in a specific color; or even experiencing loss of Contact: The Effect is
feeling extremely confused. muscle coordination resulting in continuous with Contact and
Psychological Weaknesses can paralysis or severe clumsiness. also lasts for a limited time after
be temporarily overcome by an the hero is no longer exposed
Unearthly Intensity Psyche •Fatal: As in incapacitated to the Stimulus. Duration is 1
FEAT. They can be permanently above, the hero gets ill after the -100 turns after the hero's
overcome by a Shift Z Intensity initial exposure to the Stimulus. contact, with the Stimulus is
Psyche FEAT. However, the Health loss does broken. The Judge may
not stop at zero. Death will either randomly determine this
Effects eventually occur if Health and or develop his own criteria.
(subsequently) Endurance drop
•Power Negation: The hero's to zero during the Weakness •Permanent: The Stimulus
Powers cease to function when Duration. The hero can be does its full damage to the hero,
the hero is within 20 feet of the revived if proper medical even when exposure to the
stimulus. The hero's Primary attention is given, but only after Stimulus has been interrupted.
Abilities are also affected; these his Health and Endurance have In this case, the Stimulus sets
drop -1CS per 10 turns\ until a both reached zero. off a bodily self-destruction
minimum rank of Typical is sequence that must continue to
reached for all of them. If the. Duration its full extent. In the case of
hero is beyond the 20 foot limit Power Negation, the hero's
but tries to use his Powers to •Continuous with Contact: As Powers are permanently lost.
affect the Stimulus, certain uses long as the hero remains within Incapacitated results in the hero

reaching zero Health points and Barring that, the hero should try Power. He possessed 30
lapsing into a coma lasting 1 to find ways to avoid the different Powers, but had one
-10 days. After that time, he Stimulus or circumvent the tragic flaw. Magnetism
may regain his Health at the Effect. Players and Judges completely negated his Powers.
normal rate. Fatal results in the should work together to develop (He spent all his days and
death of the hero as both a playable Weakness. The nights trying to escape Earth's
Health and Endurance drop to more Powerful the character, gravitational pull.) The Nemesis
zero. The hero can be revived, the more common the Stimulus Power can be used to\ simulate
however, and will eventually should be. For example, when I Stimuli, but this should be used
recover if revival occurs. was testing the character as a last resort. Judges who do
Heroes and villains should do generation system set out in this should be penalized by the
their utmost to prevent anyone this book, I rolled up a character players. (I suggest withholding
except their most trusted I named "Godling." Godling was munchies for the next month—
companions from learning the a Normal Human who had been DEM).
nature of their Weakness. Reborn into an Entity of Great

Definitions of Terms
•Bonus power: This is a power that is automatically included as part of the package with certain other
powers. The hero must take a stated bonus power and place it in one of his remaining power slots. If
none are available, he must discard an already chosen power or the power to which the bonus power
is attached.

•Optional power: This is a power that is commonly associated with the already determined power.
Players have the option of selecting one or more of these powers to fill their remaining power slots;
this enables the player to tailor his hero’s powers, Previously determined powers can be discarded in
favor of the optional power.

•Nemesis: This is a power that directly opposes or even defeats the power in question; think of it in
terms of fire and water. The player cannot choose a nemesis! The nemeses are listed primarily for the
Judge’s benefit when choosing or creating suitable opponents for the heroes.

• **: Two asterisks following the name of a power denote a cost of 2 total power slots. These Powers
cost more because they are simply better or stronger than others.

Power Generation
Although the MARVEL SUPER HEROES Advanced Set had a table for generating Powers, Talents,
and Contacts, that one was designed to handle the 125 Powers that came with that particular set. This
book has over twice that number, and so a change was called for. Players and Judges are free to use
either the original table or this expanded version. For consistency's sake, most players can also use
this table to expand or alter previously generated PCs.

•Number of Powers: The number of Powers initially possessed by the hero is determined by a dice
roll on the following table. Talents and Contacts are rolled separately. The number before the slash
indicates the initial number of Powers, Talents, or Contacts the hero has, while the number after the
slash represents the maximum number allowable. Players can spend Resource ranks to gain
additional Powers, Talents, and Resources. Each additional Power lowers the Resource rank -2CS.
Each additional Talent or Contact lowers it by -1CS.

•Defining Powers: Roll two percentages for each Power. The first determines the Power Class and
the second determines the specific Power Category. Some Powers are marked by an two asterisks
(**); these count as two Powers because they're such heavyweights. If you don't have enough
openings for such a Power, you can make room for it by discarding already-rolled Powers or spending
more Resource ranks. If you can't make room in either of those ways, discard the Power and roll

Power Categories
Die Roll Powers Talents Contacts 37-39 Invulnerability** D14
01-12 1/4 1/4 0/4 40-43 Null Field D15
27-41 3/5 1/6 1/4 44-46 Reflection D16
42-55 4/6 2/4 2/4 47-50 Resist: Cold D17
56-66 5/7 2/6 2/6 51-54 Resist: Corrosives D18
67-75 2/8 2/8 3/3 55-58 Resist: Diseases D19
76-83 7/9 3/4 3/4 59-62 Resist: Electricity D20
84-89 8/10 3/6 3/6 63-66 Resist: Emotion D21
90-94 9/12 4/8 4/4 67-70 Resist: Energy D22
95-97 10/12 4/4 4/5 71-74 Resist: Fire and Heat D23
98-99 12/14 6/6 5/5 75-78 Resist: Magic D24
00 14/18 6/8 6/6 79-82 Resist: Mental D25
______________________________________ 83-86 Resist: Physical D26
Die Roll Power Class Code 87-90 Resist: Power Manipulation D27
01-05 Defensive D 91-94 Resist: Radiation D28
06-11 Detection DT 95-96 Resist: Temporal Energies D29
12-16 Energy Control EC 97-98 Resist: Toxins D30
17-24 Energy Emission EE 99 Resist: Vampirism D31
25-29 Fighting F 00 Sense Protection D32
30-31 Illusion I ______________________________________
32-35 Life-form Control L Die Roll Detection Code
36-40 Magic MG 01-02 Abnormal Sensitivity DT1
41-47 Matter Control MC 03-05 Astral Detection DT2
48-53 Matter Conversion MCo 06-08 Aura Perception** DT3
54-57 Matter Creation MCr 09-12 Circular Vision DT4
58-71 Mental Enhancement M 13-16 Combat Sense DT5
72-85 Physical Enhancement P 17-20 Computer Links DT6
86-88 Power Control PC 21 Cosmic Awareness** DT7
89-92 Self Alterations S 22 Cosmic Perception** DT8
93-00 Travel T 23-24 Death Sense DT9
______________________________________ 25-26 Energy Detection DT10
Die Roll Defensive Code 27-28 Emotion Detection DT11
01 Aura Field** D1 29-32 Enhanced Senses DT12
02-03 Body Armor D2 33-36 Environmental Awareness DT13
04 Bubble D3 37-39 Extra Dimensional DT14
05-06 Death Field** D4 40-42 Hyper Hearing DT15
07-08 Electronic Counter 43-45 Hyper Olfactory DT16
Measures D5 46-48 Hyper Touch DT17
09-10 Force Field D6 49-51 Omniversal Awareness DT18
11-12 Force Field vs Emotion D7 52-54 Life Detection DT19
13-16 Force Field vs Energy D8 55-57 Magic Detection DT20
17-20 Force Field vs Magic D9 58-60 Magnetic Detection DT21
21-24 Force Field vs Mental D10 61-63 Microscopic Vision DT22
25-28 Force Field vs Physical D11 64-66 Mutant Detection DT23
29-32 Force Field vs 67-69 Penetration Vision DT24
Power Manipulation D12 70-72 Power Detection DT25
33-36 Force Field vs Vampirism D13 73-75 Protected Senses DT26

76-78 Psionic Detection DT27 86-87 Radio-wave Control EC35
79-81 Radar Sense DT28 88-90 Shadow Shaping EC36
82-83 Reality Perception DT29 91-93 Sound Manipulation EC37
84 Sense Artificial Intelligence DT30 94-95 Thermal Control EC38
85-86 Sonar DT31 96-97 Time Control** EC39
87-88 Telescopic Vision DT32 98-99 Space Manipulation EC40
89-91 Thermal Vision DT33 00 Vibration Control EC41
92-94 Tracking DT34 ______________________________________
95-97 True Sight DT35 Die Roll Energy Emission Code
98-99 UV Vision DT36 01-06 Cold Generation EE1
00 Weakness Detection DT37 07-11 Darkforce Generation EE2
______________________________________ 12-15 Demi-Plasma Generation EE3
Die Roll Energy Control Code 16-18 Ectoplasm Casting EE4
01-03 Absorption Power EC1 19-22 Electrical Generation EE5
04-06 Award Pool EC2 23-28 Energy Doppelganger EE6
07-08 Award Rearrangement EC3 29-33 Fire Generation EE7
09-10 Bio-Spheric Energy 34-39 Hard Radiation EE8
Manipulation** EC4 40-45 Heat Emission EE9
11-12 Catalytic Control EC5 46-51 Ice Generation EE10
13-14 Channel** EC6 52-57 Kinetic Bolt EE11
15-16 Cold Shaping EC7 58-63 Light Emission EE12
17-18 Cosmic Energy 64-68 Magnetism EE13
Manipulation** EC8 69-74 Plasma Generation EE14
19-20 Cyberspace Manipulation EC9 75-80 Radio-wave Generation EE15
21-22 Dark-Force Manipulation EC10 81-86 Shadow Casting EE16
23-25 Dreamscape Manipulation EC11 87-91 Sonic Generation EE17
26-27 Ectoplasmic Control EC12 92-00 Vibration EE18
28-29 Electrical Control EC13 ______________________________________
30-31 Electro-magnetic Die Roll Fighting Code
Manipulation EC14 01-10 Adrenal Strength F1
32-34 Energy Absorption EC15 11-15 Atemi** F2
35-36 Energy Conversion EC16 16-22 Beserker F3
37-38 Entropy Magnification EC17 23-31 Chi/Ki Manipulation** F4
39-41 Energy Plasmoids EC18 32-36 Dimak** F5
42-44 Energy Reflection EC19 37-41 Extra Attacks F6
45-49 Energy Solidification EC20 42-46 Initiative Change F7
50-54 Energy Sponge EC21 47-50 Intelligent Weapon F8
55-57 Energy Vampirism EC22 51-55 Martial Supremacy F9
58-60 Explosive Power EC23 56-66 Natural Weaponry F10
61-62 Fire Control EC24 67-74 Photographic Reflexes F11
63-64 Gravity Manipulation EC25 75-80 Unique Weapon F12
65-66 Hard Radiation Control EC26 81-88 Weapons Creation** F13
67-68 Imbuement EC27 89-00 Weapons Tinkering F14
69-71 Kinetic Control EC28 ______________________________________
72-75 Light Control EC29 Die Roll Illusion Code
76-77 Magnetic Manipulation EC30 01-20 Animate Image I1
78-79 Microwave Manipulation EC31 21-40 Illusion Casting** I2
80-81 Nullifying Power** EC32 41-60 Illusory Invisibility I3
82-83 Plasma Control EC33 61-80 Illusory Duplication I4
84-85 Probability Manipulation** EC34 81-90 Reality Manipulation** I5

91-00 Tattoo I6 86-90 Spirit Vampirism** MG19
______________________________________ 91-95 Sympathetic Magic MG20
Die Roll Life-Form Control Code 96-00 Warding MG21
01-03 Assimilation** L1 ______________________________________
04-06 Bio-Physical Control** L2 Die Roll Matter Control Code
07-08 Bio-Toxin L3 01-04 Animation MC1
09-10 Bio-Vampirism** L4 05-07 Air Control MC2
11-15 Body Transformation L5 08-10 Bonding MC3
16-20 Emotion Control L6 11-15 Collection MC4
21-25 Exorcism L7 16-20 Crystallization MC5
26-30 Force Field vs Hostiles L8 21-25 Density Manipulation-
31-35 Forced Reincarnation L9 Others MC6
36-40 Grafting** L10 26-30 Diminution MC7
41-43 Hypnotic Control L11 31-35 Disruption MC8
44-47 Invigorate L12 36-40 Earth Control MC9
48-50 Limit Break** L13 41-45 Enlargement MC10
51-55 Mind Control** L14 46-50 Explosive** MC11
56-60 Mind Transferal** L15 51-55 Fire Control MC12
61-65 Neural Manipulation L16 56-60 Geo Force MC13
66-70 Plague Carrier L17 61-65 Matter Animation** MC14
71-75 Plant Control L18 66-70 Machine Animation MC15
76-80 Plant Growth L19 71-75 Micro Environment MC16
81-85 Sense Alteration L20 76-80 Molding MC17
86-87 Shape-change-Others L21 81-85 Water Control MC18
88-91 Sidekick L22 86-90 Weather Control MC19
90-95 Sleep Induction L23 91-95 Wind Control MC20
96-98 Spirit Storage L24 96-00 Zombie Animation** MC21
99 Summoning L25 ______________________________________
00 Undead Control L26 Die Roll Matter Conversion Code
______________________________________ 01-12 Coloration Mco1
Die Roll Magical Power Code 13-24 Combustion Mco2
01-05 Enchantment** MG1 25-36 Corrosive Missile Mco3
05-10 Energy Source MG2 37-48 Disintegration Mco4
11-15 Hellfire** MG3 49-60 Elemental Conversion** Mco5
16-20 Creatures MG4 61-72 Ionization Mco6
21-25 Internal Limbo MG5 73-88 Molecular Conversion** Mco7
26-30 Magic Control** MG6 89-00 Molecular Instability** Mco8
31-35 Magic Creation** MG7 ______________________________________
36-40 Magic Domination MG8 Die Roll Matter Creation Code
41-45 Magical Item MG9 01-10 Artifact Creation** Mcr1
46-50 School of Magic MG10 11-20 Continuum Split** Mcr2
51-55 Magical Energy 21-30 Elemental Creation Mcr3
Manipulation** MG11 31-40 Ensnaring Missile Mcr4
56-60 Magic Transferal MG12 41-48 Life-form Creation** Mcr5
61-65 Magic Vampirism MG13 49-58 Mechanical Creation** Mcr6
66-68 Power Simulation MG14 59-68 Missile Creation Mcr7
70-73 Probability Control MG15 69-78 Molecular Creation Mcr8
74-75 Reality Alteration** MG16 79-86 Projectile Missile Mcr9
76-80 Soul Fire MG17 87-91 Spray Mcr10
81-85 Soul Sword** MG18 92-96 Stunning Missile Mcr11

97-00 Webcasting Mcr12 77-78 Psionic Attack M43
______________________________________ 79-80 Psi-Screen M44
Die Roll Mental Enhancement Code 81-82 Pyrokinesis M45
01-02 Animal Communication 83-84 Psionic Vampirism** M46
and Control M1 85-86 Remote Sensing M47
03 Animal Empathy M2 87-88 Sensory Link M48
04-05 Animate Drawings M3 89-90 Serial Immortality** M49
06 Astral Projection M4 91-92 Speech Throwing M50
07-08 Clairaudience M5 93-94 Telepathy M51
09 Clairvoyance M6 95-96 Telekinesis M52
10-11 Communicate With 97 Telelocation M53
Animals M7 98 Tele-Mechanics M54
12 Communicate with 99 Total Memory M55
Cybernetics M8 00 Transferal M56
13-14 Communicate with ______________________________________
Non-Living M9 Die Roll Physical Enhancement Code
15 Communicate with Plants M10 01-03 Armor Skin P1
16-17 Computer Transmission M11 04-06 Augmented Health P2
18-20 Cybernetic Manipulation M12 07-09 Blinding Touch P3
21-22 Danger Sense M13 10-12 Body Resistance P4
23-24 Dream Travel M14 13-15 Chemical Touch P5
25-26 Empathy M15 16-18 Claws P6
27-28 Emotion Control** M16 19-21 Cloaking P7
29-30 Fear Generation M17 22-24 Corrosive Touch P8
31-32 Force Field Generation- 25-27 Damage Transfer P9
Kinetic M18 28-30 Death Factor P10
33-34 Force Field-Personal M19 31-33 Digestive Adaption P11
35-36 Force Field-Projected M20 34-36 Drain Health Touch** P12
37-38 Free Spirit** M21 37-39 Energy Touch P13
39-40 Hallucinations** M22 40-42 Enhanced Reflexes P14
41-42 Hyper Intelligence M23 43-45 Extra Body Parts P15
43-44 Hyper Invention M24 46-48 Healing P16
45-46 Image Generation M25 49-50 Hyper Endurance P17
47-48 Incarnation Awareness M26 51-52 Hyper Intake/Expulsion P18
49 Iron Will M27 53 Hyper Speed P19
50 Karmic Tap M28 54 Hyper Strength P20
51-52 Linguistics M29 55 Hypnotic Voice P21
53-54 Mechanical Intuition M30 56-57 Immortality** P22
55-56 Mental Duplication M31 58-59 Immovability P23
57-58 Mental Invisibility M32 60-61 Life Support P24
59-60 Mental Probe M33 63 Lung Adaptability P25
61-62 Mind Blast M34 63-64 Momentum P26
63-64 Mind Control** M35 65 Non Stick Coating P27
65-66 Mind Drain M36 66-67 Paralyzing Touch P28
67-68 Mental Force Bolt M37 68-69 Pheromones** P29
69 Multitasking M38 70-71 Recovery P30
70 Omni-Knowledge M39 72-73 Reduced Aging P31
71-72 Precognition** M40 74-75 Regeneration** P32
73-74 Possession** M41 76-77 Rotting Touch P33
75-76 Postcognition M42 78-79 Self Revival** P34

80-81 Self Sustenance P35 41-43 Elongation S20
82-83 Solar Regeneration P36 44-46 Energy Body** S21
84-85 Stealth P37 47-48 Energy Sheath S22
86-87 Suspended Animation P38 49-50 Evolution S23
88-90 True Invulnerability** P39 51-53 Growth S24
91-95 Vocal Control P40 54-56 Imitation Face Changer S25
96-98 Water Breathing P41 57-60 Imitation Human-Changeling S26
99-00 Water Freedom P42 61-62 Invisibility S27
___________________________________ 63-64 Mass Decrease S28
Die Roll Power Control Code 65-67 Mass Increase S29
01-06 Absorption Power** PC1 68-70 Material &
07-12 Control** PC2 Energy Duplication** S30
13-17 Creation PC3 71-73 Phasing S31
18-22 Domination** PC4 74-77 Physical Gestalt S32
23-27 Duplication PC5 78-80 Plant Mimicry S33
28-32 Energy Source PC6 81-83 Plasticity S34
33-37 Energy Source Creation** PC7 84-85 Power Absorption S35
38-42 Focus PC8 86-87 Power Boost S36
43-45 Gestalt PC9 88-89 Prehensile Hair S37
46-48 Impart Power PC10 90-91 Raise Lowest Ability S38
49-51 Nemesis PC11 92-93 Self Duplication** S39
52-55 Power Combination PC12 94 Self Vegetation S40
56-59 Power Imitation** PC13 95 Shape Shifting S41
60-67 Power Negation PC14 96 Shrinking S42
68-72 Power Transferal PC15 97 Spirit Gestalt S43
73-77 Power Vampirism** PC16 98 Strength Boost S44
78-83 Residual Absorption PC17 99 Two Dimensionality S45
84-92 Selection PC18 00 Ultimate Skill S46
93-00 Weakness Creation** PC19 ______________________________________
______________________________________ Die Roll Travel Code
Die Roll Self Alteration Code 01-04 Astral Body T1
01-03 Ability Enhancement S1 05-08 Carrier Wave T2
04-06 Age Shift S2 09-12 Climbing T3
07-09 Alter Ego S3 13-16 Dimensional Travel T4
10-11 Anatomical Separation S4 17-20 Energy Path T5
12-14 Animal Transformation S5 21-24 Floating Disc T6
15-16 Animal Mimicry S6 25-28 Gateway** T7
17-18 Attribute Change S7 29-32 Gliding T8
19 Attribute Pool S8 33-36 Hyper Digging T9
20 Attribute Rearrangement S9 37-40 Hyper Leaping T10
21 Award Change S10 41-44 Hyper Running T11
22 Blending S11 45-48 Hyper Swimming T12
23 Body Adaption** S12 49-52 Levitation T13
24-26 Body Transformation** S13 53-56 Lightning Speed T14
27-30 Body Coating S14 57-60 Rocket T15
31-33 Bouncing Ball S15 61-64 Sky Walk T16
34-35 Chemical Mimicry S16 65-68 Spider Climb T17
36 Collective Mass S17 69-70 Spinner T18
37-38 Contortionist S18 71-72 Teleport Self** T19
39-40 Density Manipulation-Self S19 73-76 Teleport Others** T20

77-80 Telereformation T21
81-84 Time Travel** T22
85-88 Trouble Seeker T23
89-90 True Flight T24
91-93 Unique Vehicle T25
94-96 Water Walking T26
97-00 Whirlwind T27

Magical Tables
3.0 Magic Items 3.3 Armor
01-10 1 item. Character also 01-20 Full Medieval Plate Armor
receives a +2 CS increase to 21-40 Full Chain Mail
an Ability of his choice. Roll 41-50 Chest Plate
on table 3.1 to determine the 51-60 Shield
magic item. 61-70 Helmet
11-50 2 Items. The player also gets 71-80 Full Leather Armor
a +1 CS bonus to one ability 81-90 Exotic Armor Judge's Choice
of his choice. Roll on table 91-00 Armor of Player's Choice
3.1 to generate each magic ______________________________________
51-90 3 items. Roll on table 3.1 for 3.4 Gemstones
each item. 1-10 Diamond
91-00 4 items. Roll on table 3.1 for 11-20 Ruby
each item. 21-30 Pearl
*Initial Abilities cannot be increased above 31-40 Emerald
Amazing rank. 41-50 Sapphire
51-60 Opal
Magical Item Categories 61-70 Amethyst
______________________________________ 71-80 Topaz
3.1 Item Table 81-90 Aquamarine
01-25 Weapon 3.2 91-95 Judge's Choice
26-35 Armor 3.3 96-00 Player's Choice
36-45 Gemstone 3.4 ______________________________________
46-60 Jewelry 1 3.5 3.5 Jewelry 1
61-75 Jewelry 2 3.6 01-10 Headband
76-95 Miscellaneous 3.7 11-20 Bracelet
96-00 Creatures 3.8 21-30 Medallion
______________________________________ 31-40 Scarab
3.2 Weapons 41-50 Pendant
01-25 Sword 51-60 Arm Band
26-30 Two Handed Sword 61-70 Necklace/Collar
31-40 Dagger 71-80 Earrings
41-50 Battle Ax 81-90 Belt
51-60 War Hammer 91-95 Judge's Choice
61-70 Mace 96-00 Player's Choice
71-80 Bow ______________________________________
81-90 Spear 3.6 Jewelry 2
91-95 Unusual Weapon Judge Choice 01-35 Ring
96-00 Weapon of Player's Choice 36-55 Amulet

56-65 Scepter •Familiar: indicates a being that is very powerful
66-70 Charm magically and actively assists the hero. Two
71-85 Orb powers should be rolled randomly or selected by
86-90 Crown the Judge from the personal and universal
91-95 Judge's Choice energy lists for this familiar. In addition, the
96-00 Player's Choice familiar is intelligent (Reason and Psyche at
______________________________________ least Typical) and can communicate with its
3.7 Miscellaneous owner (the kind of communication is left to the
01-10 Wand Judge’s discretion). The form of the familiar can
11-20 Rod either be that of a normal animal (usually a cat)
21-25 Staff or an unusual type, such as a small dragon or
26-35 Cloak other mythical creature. The familiar’s form is at
36-40 Carpet (Flying) the player’s discretion.
41-45 Mask ______________________________________
46-55 Bag, Pouch, Box, Etc. 3.9 Item Conditions
55-60 Horn or Musical Instrument 01-50 There are no conditions on the
61-65 Cube, Pyramid, Etc. item, it works as described.
66-70 Sculpture 51-53 The item has no effect versus a
71-75 Boots certain material.
76-80 Brazier 54-56 versus a certain type of creature
81-85 Robe (aliens, mutants, magicians, etc.)
86-90 Rope, Chain, Etc. 57-60 when not in plain sight
91-95 Judge's Choice 61-63 versus one type of magical energy
96-00 Player's Choice (personal, universal, dimensional)
______________________________________ 64-66 unless used in the light
3.8 Creatures 67-70 on a condition set by the Judge
01-20 Pet 71-73 The item will not work unless it
21-60 Mount consumes or destroys an evil
61-00 Familiar magical monster (once a year)
74-76 at least 10 resource points of
•Pet: indicates a normal-looking animal that is precious metal or jewels (once
completely obedient to the character. The animal every two weeks)
has some magical link to the character, such as 77-80 a huge energy charge of some
it can magically communicate with the character, form (once a week)
the hero can see through the animal’s eyes 81-82 a roomful of light or darkness
when he wishes, the hero can switch bodies with (once a week)
the pet when he wishes, and so on (Judge’s 84-86 a condition and usage rate
discretion). If the pet is ever destroyed, the defined by the Judge
player character may be able to find and train a 87-89 The item has a hatred for a
new one (Judge’s discretion). The size and type specific type of creature or thing
of animal is completely up to the Judge and and takes over the hero when it is
player. close forcing him to attack.
Possibilities include demons, evil
•Mount: indicates a large animal such as a mutants, etc.
horse, giant bird, large cat, etc., that the hero 90-92 The item doubles its effectiveness
can ride. The mount usually has at least one under certain conditions. The
powerful magical ability or power of its own such doubling effect could be damage
as, flying, phasing through solid objects, body caused, twice the range, twice the
armor, etc. (Judge’s discretion). Valkyrie’s duration, etc. The conditions could
winged horse, Aragorn is a magical mount. include a certain level of karma

points that must be obtained by 4.0 Magic Wielders
the hero, if the item is used during 01-15 Personal Energy
certain times of the day, and so 16-50 Personal and Universal Energies
forth. 51-00 All Energies
93-97 The item has an additional known ______________________________________
power that manifests itself under 4.1 Number of Spells
certain conditions. Roll or select 01-05 2 spells
the new power as normal, then 06-50 3 spells
assign a condition 51-85 4 spells
98-00 The item grants the user 86-97 5 spells
knowledge of 3 powers from the 98-00 6 spells
list of universal energy. Assign a
condition to the item as a single

Magic Schools
Most mystics, magicians and violated the teachings of the 5.0 Magic Schools
sorcerers in the Marvel Ancient One by using evil 01-10 Magic for Chaos
Universe follow a specific magic. Such renegade magic 11-20 Druidic magic
school of magic. Magic schools wielders usually become 21-30 Voodoo magic
are divided into three general outcasts from their original 31-40 Faerie magic
types: magic for the schools, but a wise sorcerer 41-50 Atlantean magic
establishment of order in the should always beware of them. 51-60 Scientific magic
dimensions (usually referred to The major schools of magic are 61-70 Specific Realm/
as “white” or “good” magic); listed below. Unlike the other Pantheon
magic for the breakdown of Steps, random selection is not 71-80 Nature Magic
order that results in chaos in the involved; the Judge should 81-90 Magic for Order
dimensions (usually referred to allow each player to choose his 91-00 Eclectic magic
as “chaotic”, “evil”, or “black” school of magic. The Judge
magic; magic that neither should not interfere in a player’s •Magic for Chaos: This is a
strives for chaos or for order, choice unless he believes that forbidden or dangerous type of
but remains neutral in its the chosen school of magic has magical school whose goal is to
existence (usually referred to as no place in his campaign. A promote chaos, which will lead
“neutral” or “gray” magic). Each random system for school to an evil tyranny. One of the
magic school is more choice is included only for those primary schools of “chaotic”
complicated than the definitions players who have no preference magic is one that follows the
above. Each school includes in schools. A player should not little-known archaic rituals and
concepts of nature and the be forced to play a character beliefs based on the existence
character’s place in it, with a school that is not of the Elder Gods. This type of
guidelines on what entities to interesting to the player. A magic is much more powerful in
entreat if dimensional magic is better feel for the different certain settings (such as
being used, and goals to strive schools of magic, and of magic ancient temples to the unknown
for. Furthermore, despite the overall, can be obtained from gods) and with the use of
general tendency of each reading the Miscellany of “chaotic” magic artifacts. The
school (“white”, “gray”, black”) Mysticism. Most schools have vulnerability of “chaotic” magic
each school contains sorcerers strengths and vulnerabilities is that it tends to attract “white”
who violate the principles of the listed in their brief descriptions. magic wielders or creatures
school, much as Baron Mordo who wish to negate it.

•Druidic Magic: This school Atlantean magic seems to be a three more spells, 2 of Personal
practices Celtic earth magic, “white” magic, that which draws Energy and 1 of Universal
drawing strength from the upon the powers of order. Energy to his capabilities, in
powers of nature. It is Therefore, it can be very artificial forms, of course). The
particularly powerful in natural powerful if used in conjunction time required to gather
Earth settings, but has a special with “white” magical artifacts or materials and create new items,
vulnerability to iron or steel. It is against chaotic magic. powders, potions, or tablets are
a neutral” magic school. Vulnerability would exist in the left to the Judge and depend on
fact that chaotic magical the spell, how strong it is and
•Voodoo Magic: This is a creatures would be constantly what its effects are. It is
school derived from the Loa, trying to find and neutralize a suggested that times with
the spirit-gods of voodoo, a faith wielder of “white” magic. effects of Remarkable rank or
originated and practiced in less can be created at the rate
Haiti. The character is most •Scientific Magic: This is a of 2 per day, while items up to
likely a houngan, or voodoo school that has no particular Amazing rank can be produced
priest. Voodoo magic is philosophy or ethical at the rate of 1 per day. The
particularly effective in its background. Magic is regarded creation of items with greater
homeland and in locations of not as a way of life, but rather effect, or the creation of any
the dead. It has no special as a tactic used to attain one’s permanent item requires the
vulnerabilities and is considered goal. Followers of this school equivalent of a ceremony and
a “white” magic, but can be are seldom spellcasters must be handled by the Judge.
perverted into a chaotic magic. themselves, but rather combine A scientific magic wielder
elements of magic with obscure begins his career with access to
•Faerie Magic: This school is or highly advanced forms of his master’s laboratory, which is
based on the practices of the science to create effects that stocked with equipment whose
faerie, an ancient race of beings seem magical. In this school, cost in resource points equals
with supernatural powers who the distinction between science at least 20 times the master’s
originated in an and magic is never clear; either Psyche rank number. The
multidimensional world that or both could be used to magic wielder can use his
borders upon Britain and produce a single effect. master’s lab as long as the
Ireland on Earth. This magic Alchemy is the best example of master agrees. If the student
school is similar to the Druidic a semi-magical science. The wishes to set up his own lab, he
school, except that a character character, such as Diablo, only needs to spend 10 times
in this school most likely would be an alchemist, that is, his Psyche rank number in
possesses faerie blood. This he brings about his effects resource points for equipment
makes him extremely powerful through the use of potions, (the master makes up the
when wielding an ancient faerie powders, and pills he himself difference). The Judge should
artifact or in Britain or Ireland, creates (sometimes through use the guidelines on
but extremely vulnerable to iron materials or energy tapped from ceremonies and ceremonial
or steel. dimensional or universal areas to handle the creation of
sources). A scientific sorcerer is items in laboratories. A
•Atlantean Magic: This school somewhat vulnerable (his items scientific magic wielder
was established eons ago in the and creations can be destroyed automatically receives one
ancient Earth civilization of or stolen, robbing him of power; scientific talent of his choice
Atlantis. Little is known about or he could run out of items (such as engineering, biology,
the school, except that Dakimh whereas spells are usually genetics, physics, etc.) in
the Enchanter, last disciple of always available). However, a addition to any other talents he
the Atlantean sorceress Zhered- scientific spell caster is may normally receive. The
Na, practices it and is now the somewhat less restricted in automatic talent received by
mentor of Jennifer Kale. what he can accomplish (add alchemists is pharmacy (the

mixture and preparation of surrounding all nature schools bonuses attached to this type of
medicines). Scientific magic is a is that all of nature is sacred school are the various magical
“neutral” school, and no special and is bound together as one. characters that Doctor Strange
bonuses or vulnerabilities apply Therefore it is magic given has managed to ally with over
to it. towards order, though some of the years and the vast
its splinter schools tend towards knowledge that Doctor Strange,
•Special Realm or Pantheon: neutral magic in a belief that and others of the same bent,
This is a school usually nature should be balanced can teach a good pupil. The
reserved for non player between order and chaos. The penalties include Doctor
characters, but can be the basis bonuses that accompany a Strange’s enemies, who are
for a player character if carefully nature school are in the form of numerous and powerful.
defined by a Judge. The greater effect upon and
magical teachings and spells communication with nature, •Eclectic Magic: This is an
come from the history of a especially animals. Most spells unorganized school of magic,
Special Realm or Pantheon of rolled for this school would be that is, it follows no one school
the Marvel Universe (such as similar to those used by of philosophy but is a hodge
Asgard or Olympus). Bonuses Shaman (see Book 3): podge of “get-as-get-can”
for this type of magic would controlling elements, animal magic. It is considered neutral
come with the use of items or control, and so forth. The magic. Many of those who
spells developed by this penalties include drawing the “dabble” in magic, and are not
pantheon or realm, and when at attention of chaotic creatures up to the level of a Marvel super
certain locations (Greece for the and characters who desire to hero, usually wind up with this
Olympian pantheon, etc.) destroy nature and the Earth. type of magic. A spell learned
Penalties would exist as items here, an enchantment
or locations that exist to destroy •Magic for Order: This is the discovered there, makes up the
the specific pantheon or realm school to which Earth’s former whole of their philosophy. The
(an Asgardian character casting Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient bonus with this is that there is
a spell while in the hostile realm One, and Earth’s current very little to bind the character
of Muspelheim would have a - 1 Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor (enemies, rituals, obligations,
CS penalty. Strange, belong. It is the most etc.), the penalty with this type
powerful “white” school of of magic is that there is no one
•Nature Magic: This important magic, striving for order and to learn from in a complete and
school of magic is sometimes good by practicing an ascetic, comprehensive manner; thus
splintered off into more disciplined approach that has its advancement can be very slow.
specialized and defined foundations deeply rooted in
schools, such as the Druidic Oriental philosophy and magic.
and Faerie schools. The belief It is cur recently the strongest
form of magic on Earth. The\

Spell Tables
6.0 Spell Ranks many spells he has, he needs maximum “strength” at which
01-15 Good to know their spell rank. The this character can use this spell
16-45 Excellent spell rank for each is rolled when he begins the campaign.
46-70 Remarkable separately on Table 6.0.
71-90 Incredible Sometimes this rank will not
91-00 Amazing matter, but usually the spell’s
effectiveness, range, duration,
After a character knows how etc. depends on it. This is the

6.1 Personal Energy Spells 83-84 Shield-Great 80-81 Shield-Aura
01 Absorption** 85-86 Shield-Individual 82-83 Shrinking-Others
02-03 Admittance 87-88 Shrinking 84-85 Static Field
04-05 Alteration-Appearance 89-90 Telekinesis 86 Teleportation**
06-07 Alteration-Body 91-92 Telepathy 87-88 Trap
93-94 Tongues 89-92 Vapors-Obscurity
Weapons 95-96 Trance 93-96 Vapors-Sleep
08-09 Alteration-Bone 97-98 Transformation 97-98 Vapors-Resist Death
10-11 Armor 99-00 Vapors-Enhancement 99-00 Wave
12-13 Apparition _________________________ _________________________
14-17 Astral Projection 6.2 Universal Energy Spells 6.3 Dimensional Energy Spells
18-19 Chameleon Coloring 01-02 Animation 01-03 Absorption
20 Damage Absorption** 03-06 Bands 04-06 Cyttorak
21 Damage Conversion** 07-08 Charm 07-10 Damage Absorption
22-23 Density Control-Self 09-10 Confusion 11-14 Damage Conversion
24-25 Dual Persona 11-12 Conjure 15-17 Denak
26-27 Empathy 13-14 Curse 18-21 Dimensional Aperture
28-29 Enchanted Eye 15-16 Density Control-Others 22-24 Disguise
30-31 Flaw 17-22 Eldritch Beams/Bolts 25-28 Eldritch Attacks
32-35 Flight 23-24 Eldritch Blast 29-31 Environmental
36-37 Foretelling 25-26 Eldritch Breath Independence
38-39 Gramarye 27-28 Eldritch Crystals 32-34 Faltine
40-41 Growing 29-30 Eldritch Flames 35-37 Hoggoth
42-43 Heal 31-32 Emotion Control 38-40 Ikonn
44-47 Image Projection 33-34 Energy Control 41-43 Link
48-49 Immovability 35-36 Fear 44-46 Munnopor
50-51 Invisibility 37-40 Forgetfulness 47-49 Oshtur
52-53 Learning 41-42 Glamour 50-53 Passing
54-57 Levitation 43-44 Growing-Others 54-56 Pishogue
58-59 Luck 45-46 Healing-Others 57-59 Power Block
60-61 Manipulation 47-50 Illusion 60-62 Power Duplication
62-63 Mental Barrier 51-52 Invisibility-Others 63-65 Raggadorr
64-65 Post-Cognition 53-54 Matter Rearrangement 66-69 Scrying
66-67 Protected Senses 55-57 Mental Control 70-72 Sensing
68-69 Reflective Aura 58-60 Mental Probe 73-75 Seraphim
70-71 Resistance Aura 61-64 Mesmerism 76-79 Shape Shifting,
72-73 Sensing-Clairaudience 65-66 Mesmer-mechanism Unlimited
74-75 Sensing-Clairvoyance 67-69 Nature Control 80-83 Shield-Multiple
76-77 Sensing Danger 70-71 Net 84-87 Teleportation
78-79 Servant 72-74 Paralyze 88-90 Thaumaturgy
80-81 Shape-Shifting, Limited 75-76 Plant Control 91-93 Valtorr
82 Shape-Shifting, 77 Power Block** 94-96 Vishanti
Unlimited** 78-79 Revival 97-00 Witchery

Number of Spells/Round
•Personal and Universal (including entreaty spells) per has been generating interest.
Spells: A magic wielder can round, and cannot cast a This translates into one, large
normally cast one personal or personal or universal spell in lump sum of Resource Points
universal spell per round. the same round that he cast a for the hero at the outset of the
However, at the beginning of dimensional spells. campaign. To determine the
the round, the magic wielder size of this lump sum, roll a
can announce that he will Group Spells: Group spells percentile dice on Table 9.2
attempt to cast two spells that use dimensional energies, and Magic Wielders Starting
round. He then makes an Agility only one group spell can be Resource Cache. Magically
FEAT roll. If he obtains a Red cast per round. enhanced characters and
result, he can successfully cast heroes who wield magic items
both spells. If the FEAT roll 9.1 Caster Resource Ranks start the campaign per normal
fails, he is limited to one spell Dice Resource Weekly procedures (page 8 of the MSH
that round, and a -1CS is Roll Rank Rate Game Campaign Book).
applied to the spell rank (in his 01-05 Poor 4 rp _________________________
haste, he has garbled the spell 06-15 Typical 6 rp 9.2 Starting Resources
slightly). If the sorcerer 16-45 Good 10 rp 01-20 250 rp
succeeds in his attempt to cast 46-75 Excellent 20 rp 21-45 500 rp
two spells in one round, he can 76-95 Remarkable 30 rp 46-75 1,000 rp
cast two personal or two 96-99 Incredible 40 rp 76-90 2,500 rp
universal spells, or one of each 00 Amazing 50 rp 91-00 5,000 rp
type. A magic wielder cannot
cast a dimensional spell in the A character who is a magic This concludes the
same round that he casts a wielder has generally been in encapsulated character creation
personal or universal spell. seclusion for many years, process. After finishing your
studying with his master. powers and contacts
Dimensional and Entreaty Consequently, he has spent continue on to the Ultimate
Spells: A magic wielder can very little money over this time Talents Book created by Major
cast only one dimensional spell and any money he had saved Tom Sawyer and the Skycutter.

Defensive Powers
•D1/Aura Field**: This is an power is considered temporary. The armor may raise the heroes
energy type of force field (Cold, If the player does not choose FASE statistics while worn as
Darkforce, Ectoplasmic, the latter, then the power is modified by the chart below
Electrical, Electo-Magnetic, permanent. The permanent when the armor is first created.
Extradimensional, power begins at Shift 0
Extraterrestrial, Fire, Hard increasing every round until it Ability Modifier Table
Radiation, Heat, Kinetic, Light, reaches an intensity equal to Dice Roll Modification
Magnetic, Microwave, Nuclear, that of the power's maximum 01-15 -1 rank
Plasma, Radio-wave, Sonic, or power rank. 16-50 No Change
Gas. See the Energy Emission 51-70 +1 rank
section) of the Player's Choice •D2/Body Armor (Artificial): 71-85 +2 ranks
of type. Each field carries it's The hero possesses artificially- 86-95 +3 ranks
own characteristics, which created armor that provides 96-00 +4 ranks
effect the way the PC uses the protection and possibly a way of
power. The maximum size of possessing other Powers. *Unless noted otherwise, no
the field is the number of areas Armor comes in many forms ability may be modified in any
equal to 10% of the power's exotic plate-mail, nuclear- fashion below Feeble or above
rank number. For example, an powered exoskeletons, or Monstrous.
Amazing Aura Field can mechanically created force
encompass 5 areas. This field fields. The player should work •D3/Bubble: This is a force
automatically provides with the Judge to create proper bubble that surrounds the PC.
protection and Life Support of Armor for his hero. The player The bubble provides protection
rank number. The field can also determine which against all physical and energy
completely absorbs any Powers are possessed by the attacks that are equal to or less
physical attack that has an hero and which are properties than the power's rank number.
intensity that is equal to or less of the armor. Powers built into If an intensity of applied force is
than the power's rank number. the armor can later be modified equal to at least half of this
The remaining intensity and enhanced. On the other power's rank number, the
breaches the field and affects hand, Powers that are built into bubble merely bounces away.
the PC's health at its diminished the armor may suffer The bubble is also slippery, so
rank. If the field is destroyed, mechanical failure. The that all attempts to grapple it
the PC must make a Red FEAT Armor's Power rank determines are at a -1CS that is equal to
roll to regain it. Possible ways its ability to resist damage. The 10% of the power's rank
of destroying an Aura Field are player also has to determine number. For example, all
include Energy Control and where he got the Armor in the attempts to grapple a Incredible
Conversion, Power Control and first place. This is covered in rank bubble would be at -4 CS.
Magic. The hero has a -2CS the "Character Creation"
vulnerability to powers that can section elsewhere in this book. •D4/Death Field**: This is a
effect his particular type of If the hero gained the armor field effect version of Life
energy field, however, he gains through an accident, he might Absorption. The Death Field
a +2CS bonus to attacks of the not be able to repair it. Powers drains the life force out of all
same form of energy. This field have ranges listed on column B within the area of the field, and
is also assumed to have an of the Range Table. adds this energy to the PC's
unlimited supply of energy. Body Armor Option health. The PC must first make
When creating the PC, the When not wearing their armor a Power FEAT against the
player may opt to raise the Hi-Techs have the same stats intensity of the victims Psyche.
power rank by +1CS if the as given for normal humans. Each FEAT allows the PC to

drain up to a number of health reduced by the Power's rank Kinetic Bolts (most of the
points from each target in the number. The remaining Energy Emission category).
field area that is equal to the Intensity breaches the force Note that this Power overlaps
power's rank until the hero field and affects anyone within Force Field vs. Physical. When
reaches their maximum amount by this diminished effect. These creating the hero, the player
of health. If the target's health forms cannot be used for many can raise his rank +2CS by
drops to zero as a result, the of the Power stunts suggested choosing a field that protects
victim dies and his/her body for force fields as given in the against a specific attack.
disintegrates. Player's Book. These cannot be
used to physically attack or to •D9/Force Field vs. Magic:
•D5/Electronic Counter handle solid materials. The field protects anything
Measures: This power reflects However, the hero can develop within from magical attack
the ability to avoid electronic Power stunts which reflect each whether mental or physical in
detection and thwart any and all form's special nature. The hero orientation. This Power rank
attempts to be controlled by can form shields to protect can be lower than the Psyche,
electronic means. This power distant targets at +2CS range. making the field less able to
provides power rank Invisibility By expanding his field outward, protect against certain types of
against such detection efforts the hero can sweep his Magic.
as Radar and Sonar, as well as surroundings clean of anything
any other power, which is being affected by his force field. The •D10/Force Field vs. Mental
duplicated through electronic Power can be used as a filter to Attack: The field protects
means. It also grants power sort out\ anything affected by anyone within from attacks
rank resistance to hackers, or if his force field. The force field aimed at the mind, neural
the character is in a powered can be formed around system, and Psyche, including
suit of armor, to outside something it would affect, thus Psionic, and Neural
override attempts. trapping it. The hero can move Manipulation. It does not protect
the "trap" at will up to +2CS by against emotion based
•D6/Force Field: This is the means of a red FEAT. attacks or magical attacks The
type of field used by the Power's rank must be one rank
Invisible Woman. It provides •D7/Force Field vs. Emotion higher than the\ hero's Psyche;
protection against a variety of Attack: The Field protects if initially lower, the player
forces, including brute force, anyone within from attacks that should raise it to the Psyche
energy attacks, and extreme are emotion-related or aimed at rank +1CS.
temperature conditions. It can the Intuition, including Emotion
be projected and used for a Control, Hallucinations, and •D11/Force Field vs. Physical
variety of Power stunts. The Domination. The Power's rank Attack: The field protects
following seven force fields must be one rank higher than anything within from such things
protect against specific forms of the hero's Intuition; if initially as brute force, hostile
attack. Each protects the hero lower, the player should raise it environments, temperature
and the surrounding area. The to +1CS. extremes, hazardous
maximum size of the force field chemicals, and airborne
is the number of areas equal to •D8/Force Field vs. Energy infection. Note that while this
10% of the Power rank number. Attack: The Field protects Power will prevent hostile
For example, a Monstrous anything within from any environments from harming the
Force Field can protect 8 areas. emitted energy forms, whether hero, it does not provide life
The force field completely natural, artificial, or Power support materials. For example,
absorbs any attack which has based Such attacks include this Power permits the hero to
an Intensity equal to or less Light, Heat and Flame, Plasma, walk unharmed on the surface
than the Power's rank number. Hard Radiation, Electricity, of Venus, provided he has his
If the Intensity is higher, it is Vibration, Sonic, Cold, and own oxygen supply. When

creating the hero, the player •D15/Null Field: This field turned against the hero by such
can raise the Power rank +1CS completely absorbs any attacks means as Power Control/
by choosing a field that protects that have an intensity equal to Magnification and Power
against a specific attack. or less than the power rank Domination. In such cases, the
number. The remaining Power can be magnified
•D12/Force Field vs. Power intensity breaches the field and beyond the hero's control to a
Manipulation: The field affects anyone within with it's level where it reflects
protects anyone within from any diminished effect. everything, including air, food,
attacks that directly affect the and water. The Power can be
hero's Powers, including •D16/Reflection: The hero can used indefinitely, so long as it
Weakness Creation, Power turn any attack back onto the isn't overcome by superior
Control, Power Domination, attacker. The attack may be of force. After the first time the
Magic Control, and Magician any nature: brute force, Power, Power is breached, the hero
Domination. or magic. The Power absorbs must make a green FEAT.
the energy of the attack up to Failure to do so means his
•D13/Force Field vs. this rank and redirects it. A Power has failed. After the
Vampirism:. The field protects Typical FEAT send the attack second breach, the hero must
anyone within from any off in a random direction. A make a yellow FEAT. For each
vampire-type attacks. This Fantastic FEAT reflects some of breach following that, he must
includes the forms of Psi-, Bio-, the attack back onto the make a red FEAT. This applies
Energy, Magic, and Power attacker; it is now -3CS in to a continual use of the Power.
Vampirism. When creating the Intensity. An Unearthly FEAT If his Power fails, the hero
hero, the player can raise the sends the entire attack back cannot regain it until 24 hours
Power rank +1CS by choosing onto the attacker. If the attack's have passed. Resistances have
a field that protects against a Intensity is higher that this no ranges.
specific attack. Power's rank, some of the
damage passes through and •D17/Resist Cold: All damage
•D14/Invulnerability**: The affects the hero. The Power from cold based attacks is
hero with this Power is totally rank is subtracted from the reduced by the Power rank
unaffected by one or more of attack's Intensity. While most of number. Further, ice and cold of
the attack forms listed above. the\ attack is reflected, the less than this Power rank may
The initial choosing of remainder gets through to the be ignored. Physical items
Invulnerability counts as two hero. Example: The terrible made of ice may still affect the
choices, but every additional Turnabout is battling X-Factor. hero. A hero with Resistance to
choice in Resistances may be Cyclops fires an optic blast of Cold would not be easily frozen
changed to an Invulnerability. Remarkable Intensity. by Iceman, but could still be hit
(Example -- A hero being Turnabout possesses Excellent with a club made of ice.
generated picks up Reflection. His Power splits the
Invulnerability to Fire, counting blast in two. A Feeble •D18/Resist Corrosives: This
it as two slots. She then gets blast penetrates his Power and resistance reduces the amount
another resistance, and knocks Turnabout back. The of damage from acids and other
chooses Resistance to Cold. bulk of the blast was reflected. caustic agents, including but not
She may then choose to be Turnabout made an Amazing limited to rust, rot, acids. salt
Invulnerable to Cold instead at FEAT, so some of Cyclops' blast deterioration. And destructive
no additional cost.) returns to him. Cyclops takes microbes. The hero with this
Invulnerability means that the Typical damage from his own Power may ignore acids and
hero in question has a Class Power. Normally, this Power is corrosives of less than this
1000 resistance to that attack consciously controlled and only resistance's Power rank
form. appears when the hero wills it. number in Intensity, and may
However, the Power can be reduce damage from higher

level acids by the Power rank the hero's Intuition +1CS; if a types of magic. The hero can
number. lower rank is initially rolled, the ignore any magic whose rank is
player should raise it to the less than this Power's rank and
•D19/Resist Disease: The Intuition rank +1CS. can reduce higher level attacks
individual with this resistance is by the Power rank number.
less susceptible to disease than •D22/Resist Energy Attacks:
other heroes with the same The hero has an increased •D25/Resist Mental Attacks:
Endurance. Included are resistance to any emitted The hero has increased
common diseases, as well as energy form, whether artificial, resistance to attacks aimed at
the effects of biological warfare natural, or Power-based. Such the mind and neural system.
and vampirism. The individual's attacks include Light, Heat, Such attacks include Psionic,
rank in this Power is no less Flame, Plasma, Hard radiation, neural manipulation, and any
than one rank above the Electricity, Vibration, Sonic, other attacks aimed at the
individual's Endurance. (Any roll Cold, and Kinetic Bolts (most of Psyche. It does not include
of less than that rank should be the Energy Emission category). emotion-based attacks. The
raised to the Endurance Rank The hero can ignore attacks Power's rank must be at least
+1CS.) with Intensities less than his one rank higher than the hero's
Power rank and may reduce Psyche; if a lower rank is rolled
•D20/Resist Electricity: All higher level attacks by his initially, the player should raise
damage resulting from Power rank number. When it to that rank +1CS.
electrical-based attacks is creating the hero, the player
reduced by the Power rank can raise his rank +1CS by •D26/Resist Physical Attacks:
number. Further, electricity of choosing to specialize in a The hero has increased
less than this Power rank is specific Energy Resistance. For resistance to any physical
ignored by the hero. The hero example, the Player's Book attack. This includes brute
must decide if this Power is contains listings for Resistance force, chemical weapons,
conductive or non conductive in to Fire and Heat, Cold, biochemicals, disease, hostile
nature. Conductive resistance Electricity, and Radiation. environments, and temperature
allows energy to pass through extremes. The hero can ignore
the hero into those the hero is •D23/Resist Fire and Heat: All any physical attacks with
touching (like a copper wire). damage from fire and heat- Intensities less than. the Power
Non-conductive resistance based attacks is reduced by the rank, and may reduce damage
stops the energy at the contact Power rank number. Further. from higher level attacks by the
point, allowing those being\ any fire of less than this Power Power rank number. When
touched or held to be unharmed rank has no effect on the hero. creating the hero, the player
like rubber insulation). (Example -- the hero with a can raise the Power rank +1CS
Resistance to Fire/Heat of by choosing to specialize in a
•D21/Resist Emotion Attacks: Amazing (50) rank could walk specific Physical Resistance.
The hero has increased through super heated steam of For example, the powers listing
resistance to emotion related Incredible (40) Intensity without contains listings for Resistances
attacks. Such attacks include ill effect.) to Fire and Heat, Corrosives,
Emotion Control, Hallucinations, and Disease.
Domination, and attacks aimed •D24/Resist Magic Attacks:
at the Intuition. The hero can The hero has increased •D27/Resist Power
ignore attacks with Intensities resistance to magic based Manipulation: The hero has
less than the Power rank, and attacks, whether physical or increased resistance to attacks
may reduce damage from mental in orientation. This that directly affect the hero's
higher level attacks by the Power rank can be lower than Powers. Such attacks include
Power rank number. This Power the Psyche rank, making the Weakness Creation, Power
rank must be at least equal to hero more vulnerable to some Control, Power Domination,

Magic Control, and Magician have occurred. This may result involving poison, and is not
Domination. The hero can in the character suddenly reduced by damage or effects
ignore any attack who rank is finding themselves in an of poison. Failing a FEAT with
less than this Power rank. He alternate reality. Whereby he this Power will mean Endurance
may reduce the effectiveness of has no knowledge of what has drops by one rank, but this
the higher level attacks by the occurred but others either Power rank does not drop. It will
Power rank number. recognize him as his temporal be used next turn at its normal
counterpart (that may or may no level for determining further
•D28/Resist Radiation: All exist in this current timeline) or effects.
damage resulting from fail to recognize him at all. (for
radiation-based attacks, alterations that may mean he •D31/Resist Vampirism: The
including but not limited to X- never came into existence). hero has increased resistance
rays, alpha and beta particles, Even failing to resist is not to any vampire type attacks.
and gamma rays, is reduced by complete as the character will Such attacks include forms of
the Power rank number. Most somehow have a feeling that Psi-, Bio-, Energy, Magic, and
non-concussive energy rays something is wrong about Power Vampirism. The hero can
used by super powered reality and flashes of memory ignore any vampiric attack
individuals may be so reduced from what things were like whose rank is less than this
(i.e.: this resistance would before events were altered. Power's rank. He can reduce
provide protection from Captain This can result in the hero the effectiveness of the
Marvel in X-ray form. but not seeking to set right what has vampire's attack by deducting
from Radioactive Man's force been set wrong. Optional his Power rank number from the
based attacks). Any radiation of powers include Time Control, vampiric attack's Power rank.
a lower Intensity than the hero's Reality Alteration or When creating the hero, the
Power rank has no effect on the Manipulation, Precognition and player can choose to raise the
hero. Postcognition. rank +2CS by specializing in a
particular form of Resistance.
•D29/Resist Temporal •D30/Resist Toxins: This
Energies: The superhuman Power rank is always a •D32/Sense Protection: The
with this power is resistant to minimum of one rank greater PC has a Class 1000 resistance
the results of time being than the hero's Endurance rank versus any attack that would
manipulated no matter the (if the random roll sets this effect one of the five basic
source, as such on a successful Power as less than this stated senses. (Player choice of
Power FEAT roll the hero is minimum, it is raised to which one.)
completely unaffected by any Endurance rank +1CS). This
manipulations of time that may rank is used instead of
Endurance for all FEATs

Detection Powers
•DT1/Abnormal Sensitivity: case, the hero sees infrared an advantage by devising a
The hero's senses function in and ultraviolet light, radio means of negating the senses
their normal manner but their waves, and radiation. In the of his adversary that doesn't
normal range of sensitivity is latter case, the hero hears hinder his own altered senses.
altered. The senses detect what extremely high and low pitches.
they normally cannot and This may be considered a •DT2/Astral Detection: The
cannot detect what they handicap human characters hero with this Power can see
normally can. This affects either while for aliens this could be a the forms of creatures operating
vision or hearing. The former fact of life. A hero can turn it into in the astral plane, including

ectoplasm of those adepts who ways to do this. The first is the This Power also allows the
can astral project. This is an hero's eyes are placed far reprogramming of simple robots
automatic ability: the individual enough apart that they can see (but not Player Character robots
can always recognize that an in all directions. Since this is under normal circumstances).
astral form is nearby. Use the somewhat grotesque, the hero
Power rank FEAT to determine loses 1CS on his Popularity. •DT7/Cosmic Awareness**:
if the individual can note the The second, more socially The hero is in tune with the
features of the astral individual, acceptable method is the hero entire scope of reality. He
such that the individual can be possesses a weird light warping possesses a detached,
recognized or later identified. field that funnels light into his omniscient viewpoint that allows
otherwise normal-looking eyes. him to explore the entire
•DT3/Aura Perception**: The The first method adds +1CS to existence of a chosen subject.
PC can virtually see and gain the Fighting rank. This method Unfortunately, this causes
knowledge of almost anything is immune to interference by such a massive overload of
about a person or an object a power manipulation Powers. superfluous information that the
person has been in proximity Unfortunately it also marks the hero is hard pressed to sort it all
with. Seeing an aura can hero as a geek or mutant. This out. The FEAT represents the
indicate the following: Power has no rank. The hero hero's ability to recover a
•The Karma of a character or either has it or he doesn't. specific bit of information from
object. all the effluvia. The more exact
•The Popularity of a character •DT5/Combat Sense: A hero the required detail, the higher
or object. with this power can anticipate the difficulty. Discovering basic
•The Resource rank of a the movements of their facts or locating any one on the
character or object. opponents in combat and attack Earth requires a green FEAT.
•The health of a character or accordingly. This power Complex information or finding
object. requires that the hero must anyone within a star system
•The rank number of a have studied his opponent for at requires a yellow FEAT.
pronounced ability or object. least 10 rounds previously Secrets, weaknesses, arcane
•The physical form of a before gaining any bonuses to knowledge, and anything else
character or object. combat. Once the requirement the Judge wants to make
This power also allows the PC is met a hero gains a +2 CS to difficult to find out requires a red
to read the psychic aura of a Fighting, a +1 CS to Agility and FEAT. The Power can be used
object and hear the psychic a +1 CS to all Intuition FEATs to automatically track any Class
“thoughts” of characters who including a +1 bonus to initiative 1000 or higher Power within ten
have been in proximity of a against that particular foe only. miles of the hero's position. In
object. The PC can recognize combat the Power raises the
that he/she has previously •DT6/Computer Links: The hero's own attacks +1CS by
seen. Even if the target is character with this Power may detecting the weak points in the
disguised it can be recognized communicate with and retrieve opponent. The major drawback
by it's distinct aura. A Red information from computer to this Power is that can lead to
Psyche FEAT roll against the systems with Power rank ability. insanity, especially catatonic
intensity of the rank number of The hero must be able to withdrawal, as the hero's
the disguise must be made in access the computer in some Psyche is continually inundated
order to allow the hidden target way; usually this is by means of by a flood of information. The
to be seen by the PC. an implant relayed to a Judge can determine the
predetermined computer. If chance of temporary insanity by
•DT4/Circular Vision: This is attempting to break into a new secretly making a Reason
simple enough to explain. The computer, compare this Power FEAT for the hero; a green,
hero can see 360 degrees rank with the Reason of the yellow, or red FEAT means the
around himself. There are two computer or mechanical being. hero has retained all his

marbles for another day. The roll fails, then the PC sees a smell, touch, taste) is increased
Judge should make this check “death aura” around a random to the Power rank level. Use
any time the hero uses the character. The player of the this rank instead of Intuition to
Power more than five times a character then is unable to discover clues, spot items. and
day or a number equal to 10% spend Karma on Endurance determine initiative (in
of the Power rank number, FEATs for the adventure. the case of Hearing). These
whichever is higher. Because of extraordinary senses are more
this, caution is urged in the •DT10/Energy Detection: vulnerable to attack. such that
use of this Power. If the Power Range column D. The hero can attacks against them are at
is somehow negated, the hero detect and identify energy and +1CS. Examples of such
may also go into a state of related phenomena. The power attacks include bright lights for
shock or severe depression. can only detect actual energy, sight, sonic attacks for hearing.
Any mental problems the hero not potential energy (it couldn't traps activated by touch, or
suffers can be cured by normal detect a bomb until it explodes, knock-out gases for smell.
psychotherapy. The Optional for example). Likewise, while it
Power is Hyper Intelligence. can detect the energies •D13/Environmental
The Nemesis is Emotion consciously emitted by super Awareness: Range column B.
Control. humans, it cannot detect the The hero has increased
super humans themselves. sensitivity to conditions in,
•DT8/Cosmic Perception**: Rank determines range. disturbances in, and influences
The PC has a heightened on the environment. The hero
sense on a universal scale. •DT11/Emotion Detection: The automatically maintains full
This sense is a detection power hero can detect emotion in knowledge of current conditions
at Class 1000 power rank. The others with Power rank ability. in his surroundings. This
player can choose to roll on the This Power may be a limited awareness extends to such
table below or choose one of form of Empathy, or merely the factors as weather, chemicals,
the five types of detection. ability to catch the subtle movement, and life. The rank
physiological clues that indicate determines the range to which
Dice Sense a person is under stress, lying, the awareness extends;
01-20 Energy or worried. Success with this exceeding it requires a FEAT
21-40 Magic FEAT roll indicates the hero (+1CS, green; +2CS, yellow;
41-67 Space (telescopic, detects only the target's +3CS, red). The hero can gain
microscopic, emotional state, not the cause +1CS by linking his Health to
extradimensional, all in of it. (The target may be lying, the environment. In this
one) but the hero with this Power is symbiosis, harm to the
68-91 Psionic able to detect only that the environment is reflected in the
92-00 Time individual is worried, the hero's physical welfare.
heartbeat pattern is up, etc.)
•DT9/Death Sense: The PC Targets trying to conceal their •DT14/Extradimensional
can detect auras of of imminent emotional state use their Detection: The hero can sense
death. The Death Sense Intuition as an Intensity rank to across the dimensional barrier
automatically functions if the determine the type of FEAT and see things existing in other
target or targets are in a life required. Detecting non-human dimensions. A list of some of
threatening situation, or if they emotions -- those of robots and the dimensions in the Marvel
are fixing to enter one. Before aliens, for instance -- should be Universe is found in Realms of
an adventure, the Judge makes done at a higher shift. Magic. These include Asgard,
a secret Psyche FEAT roll to the Astral Plane, Avalon, the
see if any of the character's will •DT12/Enhanced Senses: One Dark Dimension, the Demon
die that adventure. If there is a or more of the hero's five Dimension, etc. The power rank
success, no one will die. If the normal senses (hearing. sight, number equals the number of

different dimensions into which the enemy in question. The The hero with this Power can
the hero can see. hero may develop a power stunt detect the magnetic field of
in the form of reality swapping Earth (and likely other planets\
•DT15/Hypersensitive by overcoming the Psyche of as well), as well as aberrations
Hearing: The hero can detect one of his current selves with of that field (created by large
extremely faint sounds and this Power FEAT he may iron deposits, huge
unusual frequencies. He can possess that version of himself. electromagnetic doomsday
identify objects by the sounds The other version may decide devices, etc.) with Power rank
they emit. Because of the to resist with the Psyche of the ability. It is difficult for a hero
sensitivity of the hero's hearing, target used as the FEAT with this Power to become lost.
he is more vulnerable to sonic intensity. The Psyche and
attacks (which receive a +1CS personality of the invaded •DT22/Microscopic Vision:
against him). version is immediate and The hero has eyes can focus on
irrevocably slain, causing the extremely minute targets,
•DT16/Hypersensitive hero to lose all of his Karma objects too small for normal
Olfactory: The hero can detect and becoming a resident in the vision to perceive. This Power
the presence of minute traces universe of the slain version of functions in two stages. The
of substances and accurately himself. first is light magnification; the
identify them. This Power is hero's eyes function as normal
continually functioning; the hero •DT19/Life Detection: Range microscopes. This allows the
has learned to ignore column B. The hero can detect hero to see things as small as
unpleasant smells. If he loses the presence of life and identify chromosomes. Beyond this
his ability to mask out nasty the nature of that life. The hero level, light no longer carries
odors, he'll be so distracted can probe a specific target for images. The second stage of
(and possibly sickened) by the more detailed physiological this Power is a variation of
intruding odors that he loses data on a red FEAT. Rank Clairvoyance that permits the
-1CS on Reason and determines the maximum hero to see miniature, rather
Endurance. range. A red FEAT allows the than distant, targets. The Power
hero to locate a specific life- automatically shifts between
•DT17/Hypersensitive Touch: form in the midst of a number of these stages without the hero's
The hero possesses an similar beings. This is one of conscious choice. (Rank: FE =
Enhanced sense of touch that the Powers that can function as microfilm, EX = cells, AM =
permits him to detect extremely "Mutant Detection." molecules, UN = atoms, Sh Y =
fine surface details and to electrons, CL5000 = surfaces of
identify materials by their •DT20/Magic Detection: The subatomic worlds.)
surface "feel." hero can detect and identify
magic and its effects. The •DT23/Mutant Detection: The
•DT18/Omniversal Power can detect both magic in hero with this Power is attuned
Awareness: The hero with this actual use and in potential. As to the specific mental radiation
power is connected with his such, this is another way to given out by mutants. The
alternate reality selves in all detect mutants, although it range is dependent on the
universes in the Omniverse. On cannot differentiate them from Power rank of the individual.
a successful power feat the normal magic users. The hero (See the Power Rank range
hero may be able to attain can identify the past use of table). This Power reflects the
useful information from any of magic (a green FEAT), a yellow conscious will to detect
his other selves. With a Power FEAT identifies the magic user, mutants,
FEAT roll the hero may gain a and a red FEAT identifies the
+1 CS to attacks by finding a actual spell. •DT24/Penetration Vision:
foes weakness if any of his This is commonly called "X-ray
other selves have ever faced •DT21/Magnetic Detection: vision" but may not actually use

X-rays. The hero can see potentially damaging attacks of alternate timelines, parallel
through solids; the effect is as if less than the Power rank in dimensions, portals to other
the obscuring material were intensity level. In many cases, dimensions, or characters with
transformed to clear glass. The this considers the effects of reality altering powers. With a
Power rank number equals the specially polarized goggles that successful power FEAT roll the
depth in feet to which this prevent being suddenly blinded character is able to identify if a
Power can penetrate. The hero by high Intensity light. or specific object or character is
can raise this by +1CS by earplugs or headgear that from a different reality or is
selecting a material that blocks reduce the effects of sonic altering reality.
the vision; this material is attacks. •Green FEAT: You are not the
usually a common element, Spider- Man I know.
often lead. Penetration Vision •DT27/Psionic Detection: •Yellow FEAT: You are Spider-
can be coupled with either Range column C. The hero can Man from the divergent timeline
Telescopic or Microscopic detect and identify psionic where he kept the Captain
Vision to extend its range and Power and related phenomena. Universe powers.
permit the other Power to It can detect both actual •Red FEAT: You were brought
function despite intervening psionics and the potential to here by a Cosmic Cube to over
barriers. If this Power is use them. As such, this is the write this realities Spider-Man.
interfered with by outside last way to detect mutants. The
forces, the hero might be hero can identify the past use of •DT30/Sense Artificial
unable to use his normal vision. psionics on a living subject on Intelligence: The range for this
The result is the hero perceives an Excellent Intensity FEAT; power is determined by Power
everything as a transparent identify the specific psionic rank range column B. The hero
outline. Power on an Amazing Intensity has a Power rank ability to
FEAT; and on an Unearthly detect any Artificial Intelligence
•DT25/Power Detection: FEAT, provided the hero knows within range of his power.
Range column B. This is of the user, he can identify the
another Power that can function actual possessor of the psionic •DT31/Sonar: Range column B.
as "Mutant Detection." The hero power. The hero can gain a three-
can detect and identify dimensional picture of his
superhuman Powers. He can •DT28/Radar Sense: Range environment through the use of
also identify specific super column B. The hero can gain a sound waves. The Power
humans by their characteristic three-dimensional picture of his allows the hero to locate and
Powers (an Unearthly FEAT). surroundings through the use of identify targets by the way they
The hero can identify the electromagnetic waves. The reflect sound. There are\ two
presence of previously invoked hero both emits and senses ways this Power can operate.
power when examining former these waves. He can use the Passive Sonar utilizes existing
targets of Power on a Good Power to locate and identify sound. Active Sonar uses
Intensity FEAT; identify a targets by their characteristic special sounds emitted by the
specific Power on a echoes. Because of the hero's hero (this is how bats and
Remarkable Intensity FEAT; sensitivity to electromagnetic dolphins do it). The latter form
and identify the actual user of waves, he has an increased requires a special adaptation of
the Power on an Amazing vulnerability to electrical and the hero's voice; otherwise
Intensity FEAT, provided the magnetic attacks (-1CS); these there is no real difference
hero knows of him. temporarily negate the Radar between them. Because of the
Sense. special sensitivity of the hero's
•DT26/Protected Senses: One hearing, he is vulnerable to
or more of the hero's basic •DT29/Reality Perception: The sonic attacks (-1CS to resist).
senses are protected from character is able to detect
attack. The hero ignores changes in reality created by •DT32/Telescopic Vision:

Range column E. The hero's +3CS. Range is limited to one
eyes can focus on extremely increased risk of being blinded area unless the Power is
distant targets, objects too by strong heat sources, even coupled with a Power that
small for normal vision to those that don't affect normal extends his vision (Telescopic
perceive. The eyes function as vision (-1CS). Thermal vision Vision, for example). The Power
telescopes, magnifying normal may be a consciously activated may be automatic or deliberate.
visual images. With his Power, mode or the hero's normal If automatic, the hero gains
the hero can see anything in his means of vision. +1CS but loses -2CS from his
line of sight, even the surfaces Psyche rank.
of distant worlds. However, the •DT34/Tracking Ability:
Power is limited by the speed of Through use of heightened •DT36/Ultraviolet Vision: The
light. mages of Alpha Centauri, senses, learned abilities, or hero can see ultraviolet light.
for example, are five years old. mutant Powers the hero with Because UV light isn't as
If the hero has other vision- this Power can track another readily absorbed by water as
based Powers, he can couple individual's path. Make a Power normal light, this Power enables
them with Telescopic vision to rank FEAT to catch the track, the hero to see clearly through
extend their range. When using but once on the trail, FEAT rolls fog and at greater distance in
this Power, the distant objects should only be required when the water (+1CS). The hero can
appear very close. An there is a chance of losing the also see the dim light given off
adversary with a means of track. This will depend on the by radioactive materials. The
altering the hero's control over nature of the tracking ability. For hero cannot actually "see in the
this Power might make the example, a hero who tracks by dark" but only if UV light is
Telescopic Vision continually scent may have to make present. The effect is the same
override the hero's normal another FEAT (perhaps yellow when seen by normal people.
sight. The effect would be or red) if the trail leads through The hero has an increased risk
disastrous (imagine trying to a stockyard or perfume of being blinded by strong UV
walk through Manhattan when plant, while one who tracks by sources, like black lights and
all you're seeing are the sands the heat left from his prey's radiation (-2CS).
of Mars). footsteps must check when thr
individual passes through a •DT37/Weakness Detection:
•DT33/Thermal Vision: The stream. The hero can detect flaws and
hero can see infrared light and stress points in a target. This
heat images. This allows the •DT35/True Sight: The hero doesn't guarantee he can
hero to see in the dark, can see the correct image of a exploit this knowledge, though.
perceive temperature target, despite any attempts at The rank determines the types
differences (especially those left concealment or disguise. This of weaknesses he can detect.
by a living person's contact with Power can penetrate any Good or below: physical
an object), and partially see means of hiding something's weakness only. Excellent to
through solids. In the last case, true nature, whether physical, Spectacular: mental and
the hero can only see the heat psionic, illusion, or power- physical weaknesses.
patterns of objects touching the based. True Sight can penetrate Monstrous and above: mental
other side of the barrier. With any disguise at or below its physical, and Power based
practice, the hero can judge the rank. A green FEAT is required weaknesses.
temperature of a target by its at +1CS; a yellow FEAT at
thermal color. The hero has an +2CS; and a red FEAT at

Energy Control Powers
•EC1/Absorption Power: The purposefully detonating nuclear force damage and may
hero can absorb a specific type bombs to get the energy he generate a force field at -1 CS
of energy and actually gain needs. (And you thought muties power rank versus physical and
Health points by converting the had a public image problem.) If energy attacks. The hero may
energy into Self- Healing. The the hero possesses an Energy attempt power feats revolving
hero gains a number of Health Emission Power, he cannot use around manipulating the energy
points equal his Power rank it directly to affect himself. of entire planets. Possible
number each time he is hit by power stunts the hero may
his specific form of absorb-able •EC2/Award Pool: In the develop with this power include
energy. This addition to Health MARVEL SUPER HEROES Teleportation, Flight, Gateway,
quickly heals any damage the game, this is called Karma Dimensional Travel and
hero had suffer, and acts as a Pooling. The player can Disintegration.
buffer to absorb consequent temporarily pool his award
damage. In the absence of life value with with that of other •EC5/Catalytic Control: The
sustaining materials, this Power player characters, then use that hero can control the speed at
can act as a substitute for air, increased reward to perform a which chemical reactions occur.
water, and food. The hero group function. The pooling He can increase or decrease
converts energy into healing lasts for 10 turns plus a number the energies emitted or drained
power for the damage he's of turns equal to the number of in such reactions by his Power
taking from suffocation, PC's participating in the pool. rank number. For example, he
dehydration, starvation, and any could increase the heat, emitted
other unpleasant results of not •EC3/Award Rearrangement: by exothermic reactions like
living careful. Unfortunately, this The player can temporarily oxidation; he could also
requires a steady supply of reassign the Karma values of increase the chilling effect of
energy to convert. Consider other player's characters by endothermic reactions. He can
Galactus. He is perpetually means of a Green FEAT roll. increase or decrease the speed
starving. He uses this Power to He can transfer a number of or rate at which reactions occur,
absorb the energy of life-forces Karma points equal to his like stopping iron from
and convert it into his own life power rank between either dissolving in acid or causing
force. Yet, draining ten billion allies or opponents. steel to rapidly transform into
life-forces only sustains him for Unscrupulous PC's can use this rust. The hero can also develop
a single year, at most. Your power to siphon Karma from a variety of Power stunts:
hero won't last anywhere near civilian NPC's ( onlookers, • Causing chemical reactions
as long. There is the danger passers-by, etc.) this is that are normally impossible,
that your hero A actively seek considered a villainous act such as anything involving inert
out energies he can absorb and since it is akin to Vampirism. gases.
heal himself with. The danger • Knocking out self-powered
occurs if the energy type is a •EC4/Bio-Spheric Energy machinery by stopping the
dangerous one that does great Manipulation**: This power will reactions that generate their
damage wherever it occurs. For allow a hero to manipulate the power. • Inducing suspended
example, consider a character Bio-Spheric energy fields of animation in a living target by
whose Absorption Power affects living plants. This power will not stopping all biochemical activity,
hard radiation. In the absence function in any environment that especially decay.
of other super beings who is incapable of supporting life. • Incapacitating living targets by
possess Radiation Powers, the When first acquired the hero inducing nausea.
character might resort to can emit -1 CS power rank Bio- •Increasing the hero's Strength
breaking into reactors or even Spheric blasts of energy or and Endurance by increasing

the metabolizing of oxygen and single ability to this power's Earth's atmosphere but on
food (or whatever the body rank number permanently. other planets, not so tough).
uses). Cold Generation is a Bonus
• Collapsing a target by •EC7/Cold Shaping: The hero Power. Optional Powers include
hastening the forces of decay. can control any force that Thermal Control, Condensation,
• Forming compounds by simply actively decreases the Molding, and Body Coating.
mixing materials together and temperature of something else.
not needing heat or special This can be used to increase or •EC8/Cosmic Energy
conditions. decrease the Cold's Intensity by Manipulation**: The Power
• Baking without an oven. The this Power's rank number. This Cosmic is possibly the single
Power can continually affect a function overlaps both Heat and greatest super power around.
target as long as it functions. Cold Generation but differs in With it, the character can
Any results are permanent if that this Power cannot alter the manipulate energy and matter
they do not involve a living natural temperature of a target in ways limited only by the
subject. Effects on a living or alter local temperatures to player's imagination (and the
subject cease five turns after suit the hero's w•hims. There Judge.) The minimum rank for
the Power ceases. are two primary functions to this Cosmic Energy Manipulation
Power. The first is to counteract (and it's various stunts) is
•EC6/Channel**: The PC can or supplement cold-based Remarkable (30) rank. The
absorb energy and convert it Powers. The hero can alter basic ability of this power is a
into bio-energy, manipulating it such Powers as soon as they Energy or Force blast of power
so that the hero can develop are emitted from the target's rank range and intensity.
the following power stunts: body. Such powers can be Possible power stunts include;
•Energy Emission of that increased or decreased by this •Ability Boost: This functions as
energy type up to this power's Power's rank number. The hero the Ability Boost power with
rank number in range and can also redirect such Powers. Cosmic Energy Manipulation's
intensity. This leads to the second power rank.
•Healing up to Power rank primary function. The hero can •Absorption: This functions as
number and range of Touch shape fields of intense cold and the Energy Absorption power
only. produce useful results. Ice with Cosmic Energy
•Energy detection of that Generation is a form of this Manipulation's power rank.
energy type at this power's rank Power. The hero can create •Energy Detection: The
number. shapes of rapidly formed ice character can detect energy
•Temporary primary ability that he can use in a variety of patterns and energy trails. She
enhancement to either the Power stunts. The hero can may track energy trails as well.
maximum power rank or +1CS also develop variations on Ice •Energy Gift: The character
of the higher ability rank. Generation that use other may imbue a subject (willing or
(Example, if the higher ability materials present in his not) with an energy power that
rank is Amazing, and this power local atmosphere. Such the character also possesses.
rank is Amazing then the PC substances include carbon The power rank of any imbued
can increase any single ability dioxide (even more power is chosen by the
to Amazing, or any single ability slippery than ice, and the fog character but cannot exceed
which is Amazing to Monstrous can knock people out), nitrogen, the control rank of Cosmic
(+1CS)). The duration of the oxygen (potentially dangerous Energy Manipulation or the
ability boost is 1-10 game turns. since a concentration of it can energy power itself, whichever
•This power also has a hidden make normal flames explode is lower. The subject must
bonus, if highest ability rank is with +2CS damage), and the make a successful Endurance
lower than the rank rolled for inert gases (an Amazing FEAT against Cosmic Energy
this power than the player has Intensity FEAT, since there are Manipulations power rank. If
the option to raise any one so few of these present in the subject fails then he takes

damage equal to Cosmic dimensional energy-form known •Phasing with power rank
Energy Manipulation's power as "Darkforce." This resembles ability.
rank. If the subject is an object a tangible, impenetrable
than substitute the items shadow and possesses several •EC13/Electrical Control: The
Material Strength for unique characteristics that the hero can control all forms of
Endurance. If the FEAT fails hero can use to develop Power electricity, whether natural,
the object is destroyed. Stunts: artificial, or Power based. He
•Healing: The character can • Blunt attack damage at Power can control the Intensity and
restore physical or mental rank. direction of electron streams
health to herself or another, • Shadowcasting of Power rank and alter the conductivity of
healing up to power rank per Intensity darkness over a materials. He can shape
target per day. maximum of three areas. electron streams into any
•Resist Radiation: The • Flight at -1CS speed. desired form. This permits him
character has resistance to • Gateway. to develop Power stunts based
radiation at power rank • Energy Solidification. on lightning–constructs
intensity. The Darkforce is as yet designed to perform certain
•Starburst: The character can undefined in the Marvel tasks (shields, cages, barriers,
generate a massive explosion Universe. For your game's etc.) The hero can increase or
of cosmic energy that causes purposes, you might simply decrease the electricity's
power rank +3CS damage to treat it as an other-dimensional Intensity and reduce damage by
everything within her area and power source that fills its own his Power rank number. If the
and power rank +1CS to every entire pocket dimension. That electricity is Power related,
other area out to 5 areas away. definition will work in or out of then the target's Power rank
This reduces Cosmic Energy the official Marvel Universe. determines the Intensity of the
Manipulation's power rank to FEAT the hero must make to
Feeble (2) rank for 1-10 turns •EC11/Dreamscape gain control. The hero has
and it will then regain +1CS Manipulation: This is a trivial Power rank Resistance to
power rank per turn until it form of Dream Control. The PC Electrical Generation. Optional
reaches it's normal maximum can enter the dream world and Powers include Electrical
again. manipulate the energies within Generation, Energy
this pocket dimension to their Doppelganger, Energy Sheath,
•EC9/Cyberspace whim. This power functions like Energy Body, Carrier Wave,
Manipulation: The PC can a temporary minute form of and Energy Path. Because
enter Cyberspace and Reality Manipulation at power electricity forms the basis for
manipulate the energies in that rank number while within the most of our technology, the
pocket dimension to his/her dream world. hero can use his Power to
whim. This power functions like remotely control any
a temporary minute form of •EC12/Ectoplasmic Control: electrical device on a Good
Reality Manipulation at power The PC can manipulate and Intensity FEAT. More complex
rank number, while within the shape the extradimensional devices like computers require
Cyberspace. spirit matter called Ectoplasm to a more complex form of control
perform a variety of power and a Remarkable Intensity
•EC10/Darkforce stunts: FEAT.
Manipulation: This is a Power •Blunt attacks at power rank
that is unique to campaigns range and damage. •EC14/Electro-magnetic
using the Marvel Universe. It •Telekinesis at power rank. Manipulation**: The PC can
does not apply to campaigns •Construct intangible spirit emit and control the energies
set in other parts of the forms. that make up the Universal
Multiverse. The hero can •Energy Solidification up to Spectrum. This power has an
generate and control the extra power rank. added bonus power of Focus.

However, the PC can only focus stunts. There are two spots out of my eyes…") When
all the energies of the spectrum advantages to this Power. The creating the character, the
into one single attack. All first is the ability to gain an player can raise his Power by
energy powers begin with Energy Emission Power fueled +1CS by limiting him to a
separate ranks determined by the environment. Dazzler, for specific Energy Conversion
randomly by rolling on Column example, can convert sonic (Sonic to Light, in Dazzler's
4. The Universal Spectrum is energy into light. She then example). The player must
comprised of multiple energy refined that Light Generation determine the characteristics for
types providing the hero with a into a variety of effects, the secondary Power he gains
wide variety of energy types including lasers, light shields, by taking Energy Conversion.
and intensities: and hypnotic effects. The These would match the
•Hard Radiation second advantage is the ability appropriate listing in the Energy
•Light to transform deadly force into Emission section.
•Sound less dangerous forms. For
•Microwaves example, if your hero found •EC17/Entropy Magnification:
•Radiowaves himself caught in a raging Entropy is the tendency of an
•Magnetism firestorm, he might Convert the object to or system to
•Heat heat into Cold. This would both disorganize and end up in
•Gravity (Pressure) protect him and extinguish the disorder or randomness. For
fire. (The paramedic shook his example, a crystal dish set on a
•EC15/Energy Absorption: head. "I'll be danged if I can table represents more order
The hero can absorb a figure out how a man can get than the set after being
particular type of energy (his frostbite fighting a fire.") The shattered with a hammer. The
choice) and convert it to health maximum Intensity of Energy hammer represents Entropy.
up to power rank. Alternatively that a hero can convert is equal The power lets a PC accelerate
the hero may release the to one rank higher than his the rate of decay in an object,
energy as an explosion with Power rank (a red FEAT). group or system. This has
power rank damage and range Excess energy remains in its varying effects depending on if
centered on the hero. The hero original state, although its the power is focused on
may power stunt this power to Intensity is diminished by the physical or intangible things.
use the absorbed energy to Power's rank number. Example: Physical
raise an ability or power rank by The Astounding Adaptor This power can do rank level
the amount absorbed up to possesses Excellent Energy damage every round to physical
power rank number for 1-10 Conversion. While traveling objects To do damage, an
game turns. through Nebraska, he spots a opposed FEAT roll is made
tornado about to touch down. against the objects Material
•EC16/Energy Conversion: He directs his Power at the Strength rank or the Endurance
The hero can simply change tornado, which possesses of the individual in question.
any form of energy into any Amazing Intensity. The most his Considering the constant flux of
other form. The transformed Power can directly affect is order and chaos, physical
energy's Intensity is one rank Remarkable Intensity. He tries damage is not always
lower than its original level. The for a red FEAT and succeeds. permanent. Duration of
hero can transform energy by The tornado bursts into an damage is determined by a
an Intensity FEAT equal to the Amazing Intensity flash of successful FEAT roll. A Green
target energy's Intensity. The orange light. High winds of FEAT roll makes the damage
hero begins with the ability to Remarkable Intensity continue last for 1 round. A Yellow FEAT
transform any energy into one to buffet the area, but at least roll lasts for 10 rounds and a
specific form. He can develop the worst of the property Red FEAT roll makes the
the ability to transform energy damage has been avoided. damage permanent.
into other forms as Power ("Now if I could just get these Intangible

This is where power stunts tend attack is as for the original Control Power.
to come into play. Several attacker. The hero reflecting the
results are possible: attack makes an Agility FEAT to •EC21/Energy Sponge: The
•Disrupting someone's determine if the reflection hits hero can absorb any form of
concentration. its target. A hero does not lose energy, whether natural or
•Diffusing an energy attack. Karma from the results of a Power-based, and not suffer
•Wrecking havoc with computer reflected attack. If the hero is any damage. The hero can
systems. attacked with more than absorb energy equal to his
•Cause meetings to degenerate Unearthly damage, the hero will Power rank number. This stored
into arguments. reflect 100 points of that energy can be released at any
The possibilities are many and damage elsewhere, and take time the hero desires; upon
varied. When using this power the remainder. release it has a lower Intensity
this way on multiple targets take than its original state (-2CS).
the highest Psyche or highest •EC20/Energy Solidification: The hero may also choose to
intensity and add +1CS to the The hero can transform energy harmlessly dissipate the energy
opposed intensity for every 4 into a matrix that simulates solid over a long period; this is a
members of group. matter. This matrix may be any number of turns equal to the
shape the hero desires, Intensity rank number. For
•EC18/Energy Plasmoids: although greater complexity example, your hero soaks up an
The PC can use energy to mold requires a higher Intensity Incredible radiation blast. He
glowing patterns of energy that FEAT to create. For chooses to re-release it later as
detonate within a limited time example, simple solids can be a single, Excellent Intensity
span. There are many different formed by a Feeble FEAT. blast that could really muck up
forms of this power that can be Animated forms require a whatever it hit, or he could let
manifested and developed Typical FEAT. Likenesses and the radiation slowly seep away
through power stunts. The time simple machinery require an (this takes 40 turns, or four
of detonation is determined by Incredible FEAT. The energy minutes). When the hero
the subconscious mind of the matrix possesses Strength reaches his limit, three things
PC or 1-10 game rounds later. equal to the Power rank. It can happen. One, the hero
Each power and characteristic continues to exist for a duration simply cannot absorb any more
is unique in their own way. The determined by the hero's energy until he releases what
following are two forms of this Psyche. After that time, the he has already soaked up. This
power that have been observed matrix harmlessly dissipates. assumes the hero is in control
so far: Some of the uses for this Power of the situation and has a
•Fireworks (Jubilee) include: choice in his actions. The
•Bombs (Domino) • Forming cages or barriers. second possibility is that a "gag
• Forming servants to perform reflex" takes effect. Just as a
desired tasks. human expels all food when the
•EC19/Energy Reflection: This • Creating Body Armor to intake limit is reached, so too
Power grants the hero a limited protect and enhance the hero's will the hero simply,
form of Invulnerability (as the abilities. uncontrollably release all
Power) to a specific form of • At high levels, the hero can absorbed energy at once. This
energy. Any attack of that build semi-permanent situation assumes the hero
energy up to Unearthly damage structures at will. Pieces that doesn't know his own limit, or
or Intensity inflicts no damage are "broken off" from the matrix has a low Intuition (Typical or
on the character. The attack immediately revert to their lower). The third possibility is
may be reflected in the round it original energy form, doing dangerous for the hero. If he
occurs against the attacker or -4CS damage to the vandal. attempts to absorb more than
another target within Power Optional Powers include any his limit, he may\ suffer physical
rank range. The damage of the Energy Emission or Energy damage. The hero can

temporarily absorb greater a target and convert that energy that will only cease when the
amounts of energy by making into extra Strength, Endurance, target has been completely
repeated red FEATs. Each Psyche, and other Powers he drain of energy. If the Energy
successful FEAT enables him to possesses. The hero can force Vampire fails to make any FEAT
absorb the next higher Power a non-living, nor sentient target during the feeding process, he
rank number worth of energy, to release all its energy, an breaks off his attack and cannot
minus the number already Intensity FEAT equal to the reestablish it. The victim
absorbed. When the hero fails energy potential of the target. instantly develops an immunity
the red FEAT, trouble occurs. All For example, an auto battery to that particular Energy
absorbed energy is released in can be drained on a Typical Vampire, and cannot be
a single turn, doing full damage Intensity FEAT, a gallon of subjected to any of his future
to the hero. If the hero makes gasoline by Good Intensity attacks. However, this does not
one last red FEAT, he takes FEAT, the magnetism every protect the victim from other
only half damage but loses the tape in a music shop on an Energy Vampires. The drained
Power permanently. Example: Excellent intensity FEAT, the energy is added in equal
The alien hero Sukupp heat of a blast furnace on an amounts to the Vampire's
possessed an Excellent level of Amazing Intensity FEAT and so Strength, Endurance, Psyche,
the Energy Sponge Power. on. Living and/or sentient and any other Powers he
While he was visiting targets are harder to drain, possesses. The exception is
Charleston, terrorists detonated because they possess Psyche. this Power; no Vampire of any
an atomic bomb of Monstrous The target's Psyche determines type can increase his own
Intensity. Sukupp had no choice the Intensity of the FEAT Power. Example: Evan the
but to try to absorb the blast. He needed. A successful FEAT Energy Vampire possesses
made his first red FEAT and enables the hero to drain Good Energy Vampirism. His
absorbed 30 points of the blast. energy from the target. The intended victim is Heatwave, a
He didn't have time to release amount drained is equal to this human with two Powers
it, nor was this the proper place; Power's rank number. The (Typical Gliding and Excellent
the fireball was growing. He amount is drawn from all the Heat Emission) and Good
made his next red FEAT and target's Energy Emission Psyche. Evan makes the
absorbed another 10 points. A Powers and any energies required FEAT roll (not red) to
third red FEAT allowed him to that form his physical make-up; begin feeding, and drains 10
absorb an Amazing amount of this applies if the hero is a non- points from his victim's highest
radiation, minus the points human (a robot, for example). Power rank number.
already absorbed (50-40=10). The Energy Vampire can only Heatwave's Heat Emission
Sukupp now had 50 points of drain Powers that actually emit loses 10 points and drops to
the blast's 80 soaked into his energy—see the Energy Good. Evan's three abilities go
body. There was still enough Emission section. Powers that up 3 points each, thus
free to contaminate the city. do not emit energy cannot be increasing his Health by 6. The
Sukupp had to absorb it all. He affected by this Power (but, see next turn, Evan makes another
tried. He failed the last red Power Vampirism). The Energy FEAT and drains another 10
FEAT. For second, his body Vampire can drain the Power points, drawn equally from
glowed like a small star. Than, rank number amount of energy Heatwave's Psyche and Heat
he was gone.\ When creating each turn as long as he keeps Emission (dropping each by 5
the character, the player can making successful FEATs. He points). Add another 3 points to
raise the Power rank by +1CS can voluntarily stop feeding at Evan's three abilities and
by specializing in absorbing a any point by making a Psyche another 6 to his Health. The
single type of energy. FEAT roll of any color except next FEAT is a repeat
red. A red FEAT means his performance. At this point,
•EC22/Energy Vampirism: The hunger is beyond his control. Evan's\ player decides he's had
hero can drain the energy from He has entered a feeding frenzy enough, and rolls a 43; quitting

is no problem. Why do Energy •Organic simply changes the Intensity of
Vampires do it? Due to their •Inorganic what's already there. He can
odd nature, they lose energy at The player is free to choose increase or decrease the
a dreadful rate. Their rank which type of matter he may Intensity of gravity by his Power
numbers for Strength, imbue when he takes this rank number. This effect may
Endurance, and Psyche, and all power. be centered on himself or
Powers (except this one), drop projected onto a target. This
1 point per hour. The Energy •EC24/Fire Control: The hero permit him to develop a variety
Vampire must feed to bring can control existing flames, of Power stunts:
those abilities and Powers up to whether natural or Power- • Changing the direction of
their original levels. An Energy based. He can alter any factor gravity.
Vampire cannot actually starve involved in combustion without • Creating artificial gravity in a
to death; when all his affected direct physical contact. The normally weightless situation.
rank numbers reach Shift 0, he hero can increase or decrease • Launching targets into space
enters a deathlike trance. His the flame's Intensity up to his by reducing their weight to zero
Vampirism continues to function Power rank and reduce fire and letting the Earth's
and tries to drain anything that damage by his rank number. revolution fling them upward.
comes in contact with him. This Power includes Power • Levitation at -1CS speed; this
When the Vampire's abilities rank Resistance to Fire and can be done to the hero himself
return to Feeble, he returns to Heat. The most important or a target.
life. When creating the Energy aspect of this Power is enabling • Incapacitating a foe by
Vampire, the player must the hero to reshape flame into suddenly, drastically increasing
choose a weakness. He can any form he desires. This can his weight beyond his
increase the Power rank by be used in a variety of Power Strength's capacity to move.
+1CS by choosing a second stunts, as the hero develops • Forcing aircraft to land by
weakness, up to a maximum of numerous fiery constructs to increasing their weight beyond
+3CS (four weaknesses) for the perform miscellaneous deeds. their engines' lift potential.
Energy Vampire. Energy Such fiery constructs do not act • Sinking ships by making their
Vampirism is communicable. A like normal flames. They emit weight exceed their buoyancy.
living and/or sentient victim who less heat and consume less • Forming large asteroids by
was Completely drained of all oxygen. Their fire doesn't coalescing spacial debris.
energy by an Energy Vampire spread past the outline of the The gravity remains altered for
must make a mandatory constructs. In addition, they self as long as the Power functions.
Psyche FEAT roll. On a red extinguish rapidly upon After cessation, gravity returns
result, he becomes an Energy cessation of this Power. to normal.
Vampire with Feeble Power Optional Powers include Fire
rank. Generation, Thermal Control, •EC26/Hard Radiation
Energy Sheath, and Energy Control: The hero can control
•EC23/Explosive Power: This Body. existing radiation, including X-
is a combination of the powers rays, alpha, beta, gamma, and
Energy Plasmoids and Energy •EC25/Gravity Manipulation: cosmic rays. The hero can
Imbuement. The PC can imbue The hero can control gravity, increase or decrease the
any object with energy that will the force that attracts all radiation's Intensity, up to his
explode. Like the Energy particles to all other particles. Power rank, and reduce the
Plasmoids power time can be Gravity always exists wherever damage done by radiation up to
an irrelevant factor in when the there is tangible matter. (in his Power rank number. The
explosion takes place. The dimensions composed entirely hero can direct the flow of
intensity is the power's rank of energy, though, gravity is radiation and can alter its
number. There are two forms of optional.) The hero doesn't nature by converting any form
this power: really generate gravity; he of radiation to any other form. If

a radiation related Power is perform complex tasks. The simplest form is merely
involved, the target's Power difficulty of such tasks rendering the machine
rank determines the Intensity of determines the Intensity of the inoperable by altering the
the required FEAT. For required FEAT. The hero can magnetism of the components.
example, an Amazing Intensity have a Bonus Power of either A more refined use of the
FEAT is required to control Telekinesis or Kinetic Bolt. The Power enables the hero to
Amazing Radiation Emission. remaining Power can be an actually control a machine.
Optional Powers include Hard Optional one.
Radiation Emission, Energy •EC31/Microwave
Doppelganger, Energy Sheath, •EC29/Light Control: The hero Manipulation: The PC can
Energy Body, and Energy can manipulate existing light. control the microwaves found in
Sustenance. This can be visible, infrared, or the Earth's environment with
ultraviolet light. The hero can power rank intensity. The PC
•EC27/Imbuement: The hero alter the intensity, frequency can increase or decrease this
can charge an object with (color, in other words), and intensity up to power rank. The
energy that will send off a surge coherence of light on a Good PC can also reduce microwave
of energy when in contact with Intensity FEAT. The hero can damage by up to power rank.
it. The object can be imbued actually change the direction of This power also includes power
with any one type of energy of light and form crude holograms rank resistance to microwave
power rank intensity. The most on a Remarkable Intensity energies. The most important
common objects that are FEAT. Such holograms are little aspect of this power is the
imbued are weapons, in that more than clouds or single-color ability to reshape existing
they give additional damage to walls. The Power allows +1CS microwave energies into any
the victim. However, anything Resistance to Light-based shape desired. This could be
that the PC is contact with can Powers, since the hero can used for a variety of power
be imbued. Only inorganic redirect or dispel them. Optional stunts by a hero. This power
material may be imbued with Powers include Light also grants the hero a bonus
this power. Generation, Energy Sheath, power of Microwave Generation
Carrier Wave, and Illusion at power rank ability.
•EC28/Kinetic Control: The Casting. The Nemesis is itself.
hero can control the energy of •EC32/Nullifying Power**: The
motion itself. He can increase •EC30/Magnetic Manipulation: hero with this extremely potent
or decrease kinetic energy's The hero can control magnetic Power can negate the inborn
Intensity by his Power rank force. He can increase or super-human Powers of other
number. With a Typical Intensity decrease magnetism's Intensity individuals with Power rank
FEAT, he can change the by his Power rank number. He ability. Technological or Magical
direction of any moving target. can use existing magnetism, abilities are unaffected. Those
He can impart momentum as if whether natural or Power- affected must make an
he physically pushed the target, based, to perform any desired Endurance FEAT against the
with his Power rank taken as task. The required Intensity Power rank Intensity or lose
Strength. The primary purpose FEAT is equal to the Intensity those inborn abilities as long as
of Kinetic Control is to control rank of the magnetism. The the hero is in range, or for 1-10
Telekinesis and Kinetic Bolts. In hero can alter the polarity of a rounds. Note that this Power
the former case, the hero can magnetic field (but not a will affect all within the range of
redirect the target's efforts. A neutron flow!). He can shape the Power, and the individual
FEAT equal to the target's the field into forms to produce may use no other inborn
Power rank taken as Intensity any effect. These can be superhuman Powers while
ensures this. In the latter case, developed as Power Stunts. using this Power.
the hero can shape Kinetic The Power can be used to
Bolts into forms that can control simple machinery. The •EC33/Plasma Control: The

hero can control fields of highly Powers must roll a second time: to modify. Good Luck may only
charged particles. The hero can affect the hero with the Power.
increase or decrease the Roll Result Bad Luck affects those that are
plasma's Intensity and reduce 01-50 Bad Luck attacking the hero or performing
its damage by his Power rank 51-90 Good Luck actions that would result in
number. The Power includes 91-100 May manipulate damage to the hero. Note that
Power rank Resistance to both types the allies. friends, and relatives
plasma's effects. The Power of the hero with this Power do
has two main uses. The first is An individual with Bad Luck not benefit from this Power, and
shaping plasma fields into any Power may call it into play for in fact may be damaged by its
shape desired. This can be any roll. On that roll, the order limitations.
developed into a variety of of the dice is changed — the
Power stunts as the hero low die is always considered •EC35/Radio-wave Control:
develops numerous plasma the “tens” the high die "ones" (a The hero can control existing
constructs to perform various nine and a one are not 91, but radio waves, whether AM., FM,
deeds. Such constructs do rather 19). Similarly, one with or microwaves. The hero can
possess the typical side effects Good Luck Powers will read the increase or decrease the radio-
of plasma fields, and dissipate high number first. Given the waves Intensity by his Power
upon cessation of the Power. potential Power of heroes using rank number. A Good intensity
The second use of Plasma the manipulative Powers to FEAT permits the hero to alter
Control enables the hero to further alter the roll, a limitation the frequency and direction of
counteract plasma related to this Power must be taken by such waves and garble
Powers. These include Plasma the character. This transmissions. The hero has
Generation, Energy limitation may be any one of the Power rank Resistance to radio-
Doppelganger, Energy Sheath, following, or may be one based attacks; such attacks are
and Energy Body. The devised by the Judge. normally limited to an opponent
target's Power rank determines • Affects all targets in same thinking he's a microwave oven
the required intensity of the area (Good or Bad). about to cook the hero's goose.
FEAT. For example, an • Only operates on FEAT rolls The Power really comes into its
Excellent Intensity FEAT is involving non-living things own when used as a form of
required to control Excellent • No Karma may be gained in electronic-age Illusion Casting.
Plasma Generation. Optional any encounter using this Power That is, the hero creates
Powers include Plasma • All associates of the individual complex signals that simulate
Generation, Energy (teammates, etc.) suffer the an actual broadcast. Voice-only
Doppelganger, Energy Sheath, effects of Bad Luck. Check this broadcasts can be simulated by
and Energy Body. with a Psyche FEAT rolled a Typical Intensity FEAT.
every week or so. secretly. This Musical or multi-voice
•EC34/Probability effect will disappear if the broadcasts require an Excellent
Manipulation: This is a very individuals stay away from the Intensity FEAT, as does a still
potent Power. and has strict teammate for about a week. picture. A single figure with a
limits. The hero has the ability • The Judge keeps track of blank background or a simple
to alter the chance element every Good and Bad affected cartoon-like broadcast requires
effected by the die. Individuals roil (bad for opponents is good an Incredible Intensity FEAT. A
with this Power include the luck- for the hero). single figure with a complex
manipulators Black Cat, The Judge, if he finds an background (think of an evening
Shamrock, Roulette, and imbalance, may ask for any news broadcast) requires a
Longshot. but not the hex- critical die roll to be Good or Monstrous Intensity FEAT. Any
manipulator Scarlet Witch Bad to balance things up (no other broadcast can be
(though her Power is related). A more than once per hour). The simulated on a Shift X Intensity
hero with manipulation Judge chooses which die rolls FEAT (think Academy Awards

production numbers, and you'll hero resembles a living shadow. any force that actively
see why so high). Obviously, changes the temperature of
this is a Power that is only really •EC37/Sound Manipulation: something else. This
useful in high-tech campaigns. The hero can control existing
includes any source of heat
Oh, it could exist in a primitive sound. He can increase sound's
situation, but then who would Intensity by one rank by means
or cold, whether natural,
know? This has a Bonus Power of a Power rank FEAT or artificial, or Power based.
of Radio wave Generation. decrease it by his Power rank The Power overlaps both Heat
Optional Powers include Energy number. It also provides the and Cold Generation but it also
Doppelganger, Energy Sheath, hero with Resistance to sound- differs from them in that this
and Carrier Wave. based Powers; again, his Power cannot affect the natural
Power rank number decreases temperature of a target or alter
•EC36/Shadowshaping: This the Intensity the attack. This is the local temperature to suit the
is not Darkforce Manipulation; possibly the single most useful hero's whim. For example,
that's handled elsewhere. This Power of all those that don't do Thermal Control could cool a
Power enables the hero to actual damage. The uses are girder being heated in a
affect normal shadows and, infinite: furnace, since that thing is
indirectly, light as well. The hero • Muting the voices of an being actively heated, but it
can shift the location and size of opponent group, thus could not change. the
normal shadows. He can form preventing them from temperature of another girder
them into two-dimensional coordinating their actions. lying outside the furnace
images that can do Power rank • Muting alarms. (nothing is being done to that
damage to real targets. The • Magnifying distant sounds to one). Thermal Control is mostly
hero can also Remote Sense make them audible at the hero's used to counteract or
through these shadow location supplement temperature
constructs. The hero can • Increasing faint sounds to altering Powers. The Power can
increase or decrease the enable the hero to perform affect such others as soon as
Intensity of any shadow, certain actions (like cracking a they are emitted from the
whether natural or Power- combination lock). target's body. That is, you can
based, by his Power rank • Destroying boom boxes if the affect the Human Torch's
number. This overlaps with hero doesn't like the music. fireballs but not his Fire Sheath.
Light Generation and • Cranking up boom boxes if he The target's Power rank
Shadowcasting but differs in does Okay, a lot of the uses are determines the required
that either effect is possible and somewhat frivolous. Still, the Intensity of the FEAT.
only existing shadows or ability to knock out voice is a Controlling the Torch's heat
shadow-related Powers are powerful weapon. takes an Unearthly Intensity
affected. The hero has the Sound Manipulation can also be FEAT. Optional Powers include
ability to see through any used to reinforce sound based Heat Generation, Fire
shadow as if it were a normally- Powers. The hero can raise the Generation, Cold Generation,
lit area, provided its Intensity is other Power rank +1CS as long Fire Control and Cold-shaping.
less than or equal to his Power as this Power functions. This
rank. This does not apply to has a Bonus Power of Sound •EC39/Time Control:** control
Darkforce, however. This Power Generation. Optional Powers is a powerful Power. Should the
includes Power rank Resistance include Vibration and Vibration hero choose it, it will count as
to shadow-based Powers. This Control. two Powers, and the hero will
has the Bonus Power of receive an automatic limitation
Shadowcasting. Optional •EC38/Thermal Control: from the Judge (who is
Powers include Light Control, encouraged to be fiendish in
The hero control applied heat
Energy Sheath, and Energy this matter). Time Control
or cold; that is, can control
Body. In the last two cases, the allows the character to perform

Power Stunts involving time, as character (hat summoned them, to fall into the sea, you won't be
limited by the laws of the Marvel despite the chance for much help. Of course, if your
Universe. Each Power advancement. These duplicates hero possesses Vibration as
Stunt must be gained may not use Time Control well, he might get blamed for
separately, and the hero starts abilities of their own. the quake. On a smaller scale,
with no Power Stunts initially. • Initial use of this Power the Power can be used in a
Such stunts include: creates up to 2 duplicates. After variety of everyday situations:
• Speeding up time surrounding the Power Stunt is automatic, a • The hero can distort or even
the hero, permitting him new Power Stunt may increase mute a target's voice. This
Lightning Speed of this Power that number by one (you have effectively negates vocal
rank. to have three duplicates down Powers. This is done by directly
• Slowing down time for all before you can summon four). affecting the target's larynx.
within one area, allowing the Death of a duplicate is • If your campaign includes
hero Multiple Attacks of this considered to be death of a other Dimensions that can be
Power rank. character, and though the reached by adjusting your
• Slowing down the time for an original may be unharmed, vibratory rate to that of the
injured, dying, or poisoned Karma is lost. Whether such chosen dimension, then this
character. One turn passes for death will result in the eventual Power will do the trick on an
the character so affected as the death of the "original" character Amazing Intensity FEAT.
Power rank number of turns is up to the Judge. • The hero can cripple
pass for the others (if used in gyroscopes, thus disabling any
combat, treat as Multiple •EC40/Vibration Control: The vehicles dependent on them
Attacks as noted above). hero can control existing (subs, aircraft). This is a Typical
• Traveling in Time: According vibrations. These may be Intensity FEAT, which
to present theories on time in natural or Power-based. The incidentally also works against
the Marvel Universe, the past is hero can increase or decrease robots.
immutable. When a character the Intensity of the vibration by • The hero can adjust the
travels back in time, that his Power rank number. He has vibratory rate of his own atoms,
character is actually shunted to Power rank Resistance to permitting him to Phase through
an alternate dimension where Vibration and Sonic attacks. A solid objects or let solids (like
the desired actions are Power like this can make a hero bullets) pass harmlessly
occurring. By going back in time extremely popular in a quake through him. Optional Powers
and "changing the past" one prone locale like southern include Vibration, Sonic
creates a divergent reality but California. Using the Richter Generation, and Sound
does not change the "original" scale, these are the required Manipulation.
past of his time line. Similarly, Intensities of the FEATs for
travel into the future will put the controlling each class of •EC41/Space Manipulation:
character into an alternate earthquake. Through the use of this power
future dimension, which may the hero wrap space around
not be the actual future of his Richter No. Intensity them to their liking. Villains
character. 1 FE, PR attempting to charge the hero
• Summoning Duplicates: These 2 TY, GD may find the distance between
duplicates may be summoned 3 EX, RM them growing inexplicably.
from the past, future, or 4 IN, AM Heroes may also use this as a
alternate dimensions 5 MN, UN movement power gaining -1CS
(information on which of the 6 Shift X, Shift Y Lightening Speed. The Hero
three is not available to the 7 Shift Z, Cl1000 may shrink space, expand it
player at start). The 8 Cl3000, Cl5000 and wrap it about them to avoid
doppelgangers have identical bullets and other nasty
stats and abilities to the Okay, if California is determined surprises.

Energy Emission Powers
Power can be emitted by any aura surrounding only the used. If the hero has
part of the hero's body. For hero's head. Power can be multiple Powers, each Power
most Powers, it is not important emitted in any direction desired can be assigned to a different
to specify the emergence point. without the hero's having to nod finger.
For the Powers of the Energy his head. Legs: Power is emitted
Emission class, though, Eyes: Power is emitted through downward from an aura
emission points become the hero's pupils. The power is surrounding both legs. It is
important. This affects how the directed wherever the hero is difficult to aim leg emission
hero utilizes his Power. It looking. If the eyelids are Power, which travels in the line
determines ways goes can closed, this Power cannot defined by the lower leg. Such
negate that Power. If the hero function. Powers are usually limited in
loses the part of his body Mouth and nose: The Power is range to contact only.
containing the emission point, primarily emitted through the Feet: Power is emitted by the
he may lose his Power as well. hero's mouth. To aim, he turns hero's soles. As above, such
When creating the hero, the his head and shapes the mouth Powers are difficult to aim and
player should determine an, as though blowing out a candle. are usually limited to contact-
emission point for any Energy Seepage occurs through the only.
Emission Powers. He may nose; this cannot be aimed, and Wings: Power is emitted from
select the first one rolled as the the Power is reduced -2CS in an aura surrounding the hero's
point for all of his character's Intensity. wings. Power may travel in the
Energy Emissions, or be Torso: The Power is emitted plane formed by the wings or in
adventurous and determine one from an aura on the hero's a line perpendicular to their
for each Power. chest. The Power travels in a open position.
straight line, perpendicular to Antennae/Horns: Power is
D100 E-Point the body. emitted from an all the
1-14 Entire Body Arms: The Power is emitted antennae on the hero's head.
15-22 Head from an aura surrounding either Power travels in a straight line
23-30 Eyes or both arms. The Power travels from the last section of the
31-38 Mouth and Nose in the direction in which the antennae.
39-46 Torso forearm is pointed (if one arm is Tail: Power is emitted from the
47-54 Arms used) or in a vector (if both tip of the hero's tail and follows
55-62 Hands arms are used). a straight line in the direction
63-67 Fingers Hands: The Power is emitted the tail points. Any location: The
68-70 Legs from an aura surrounding the hero can emit Power from any
71-73 Feet hero's hand, fist, or palm. section of the body he chooses,
74-76 Wings Power travels in the plane and can change emission
77-81 Antenna/Horns formed by the fingers, in line points with each use of the
82-86 Tail with the whole fist, or in a line Power. Ranges for these
87-00 Any Location perpendicular to the open palm. Powers can be found on the
Fingers: The Power is emitted Range Table, inside the front
Entire body: Power radiates from an aura surrounding the cover. Appropriate ranges are
from an aura surrounding the hero's fingers (any number, listed on
entire body. Power can be from one to all of them). It column A.
emitted in any direction without travels in a straight line in the
the hero actually having to direction the finger points. •EE1/Cold Generation: This
physically point. Usually, the index finger directs Power is the pure form of Ice
Head: Power emanates from an the Power, if only one finger is Generation and one it is often

may summon the effects of the must be chosen when they
confused with. The hero can Darkforce for use as a weapon power is taken or rolled. Unlike
emit a field that decreases and for developing Power standard Plasma Generation
thermal energy and infrared Stunts. The Darkforce inflicts Demi-Plasma Generation
radiation. The Power decreases either up to Power rank damage cannot be used to develop
the temperature of the target; or has the effect of a Power other types of Plasma or Demi-
the amount is determined rank Intensity Stunning attack, Plasma as power stunts.
both by a FEAT and the Power affecting the targets for 1-10
rank number. A Typical FEAT rounds. In addition, the Die Roll Type
drops the temperature by 10x character with this Power can 01-25 Fire & Cold
the rank number; a Remarkable develop all the Power Stunts 26-50 Fire & Shadow**
FEAT drops it by 20x the rank listed for Darkforce 51-75 Radiation &
number; and an Unearthly Manipulation, except Shadow**
FEAT drops it by 40x the rank teleportation. The character 76-00 Light & Sound**
number. For example, a hero with Darkforce Generation may
with Remarkable Cold develop the following additional Fire and Cold: Known as
Generation can lower a target's Power Stunt: Coldfire or Coldflame, it
temperature by 300 (10x30) to • Create Darkness: By allowing appears most often as a silver
1200 (40x3O) degrees. The the Darkforce into this flame that emits coldness.
only limitation is that the dimension, the hero can block Coldfire has several unique and
temperature cannot drop lower out up to 3 areas interesting properties, foremost
than absolute zero (-273 simultaneously with Power rank is the way it affects organic and
degrees Celsius or -459.4 darkness. Normal vision is inorganic matter differently.
degrees Fahrenheit). The reduced to less than a foot, and Organic matter exposed to
power has the side-effect of those with infravision, special Coldfire suffers damage like
cooling the air between the hero senses that permit seeing in the one would expect and the target
and the target. Gases within dark, or light-Powers must suffers -1 CS on all Endurance
that area may condense. Such make a FEAT against the FEATs for 1-10 rounds
by-products evaporate quickly Intensity of the darkness to use afterwards. Inorganic matter
after the Power ceases to those Powers. takes power rank damage from
operate. Cold Generation can Coldfire and has its material
be used to negate other •EE3/Demi-Plasma strength reduced by the Coldfire
sources of cold, whether Power Generation: It is commonly power rank for 1-10 turns.
based, artificial, or known in the Marvel Universe Additional power stunts one can
environmental; its Power rank that Plasma exists in various develop as a proficient Coldfire
decreases the intensity of the forms some common and some user include Flight, Plasma
affected cold. However, it uncommon. These forms of Aura and the ability to solidify
cannot be used to raise the plasma have some properties in and shape Coldfire Plasma.
temperature of a frigid common however, each one Coldfire receives a -2 CS to all
environment. The hero with this consists of two energy types. FEATs against Fire and Heat
Power has Power rank level These energies are Electricity, Plasma Generation.
resistance to Cold in any form. Fire , Hard Radiation, Heat,
Optional Powers include Light and Magnetism. Every Fire and Shadow**: Also
Coldshaping, Condensation, traditional form of plasma is known as Shadowfire, it is most
Solidification, and Molding. based on two of these energies often seen as a purple or black
Nemeses include Heat forming approximately 15 flame. Shadowfire appears to
Emission, Fire Generation, and different types of Plasma. There have the same effect on organic
Thermal Control. are four rare types of Plasma and inorganic matter.
with specific combinations, that Shadowfire has a curious effect
•EE2/Darkforce Generation: do not exist as part of standard on other energy types in the
The character with this Power Plasma Generation and one area, causing them to be

dampened by -2 CS while in the and has the added effect of the hero can gain +2CS to his
area of a Shadowfire user. overloading the targets sensory damage by choosing to limit his
Enemies hit by Shadowfire input causing severe range to contact only. In this
must make an Endurance FEAT disorientation for a short period case, the range can be
or pass out for 1- 10 rounds. of time inflicting a -3 CS to all extended by conducting the
Enemies struck by Shadowfire FEAT rolls for 1-10 turns. Power through solid conductors
heal at a reduced rate of -1 CS Targets with Protected senses like metal. Electricity comes in
Endurance. A proficient user in and Reflection suffer a -1CS to various forms:
Shadowfire can eventually their FEAT rolls against • Static electricity causes
develop power stunts such as Echolight. Wielders of this form magnetic attraction between
energy conversion, energy of Demi-Plasma can develop objects and can disrupt
aura, and limited intangibility. power stunts such as Illusions, electronic communications.
Plasma users with Light or Hypnotic Control and Lightning • Lightning is sheer, raw,
Radiation effects do not suffer Speed. An Echolight user destructive power and by far the
the draining effect of receives a -1 CS to all FEAT most popular form of this
Shadowfire and inflict +1 CS rolls against any Plasma Power.
damage against all Shadowfire composed of Hard Radiation or • Alternating current is what our
users. Magnetism and receive an technology is driven by. This
additional +1 CS damage from Power can either energize or
Hard Radiation and such energies. overload normal electrical
Shadow**: Darklight is usually devices.
extremely dark and red colored •EE4/Ectoplasm Casting: The • Direct current is what a battery
energy giving off minimal hero can project a invisible produces. It can energize or
illumination and bathing the expanded force of Ectoplasm overload devices that use DC
area in a eerie red light that (spirit energy) at power rank power. It can also short out
registers on both UV and IR range and damage. The devices that use AC power. The
scans. Darklight inflicts power Ectoplasm blast affects the hero can use any form at will or
rank damage and forces the target's base Karma, not health. can raise his rank +1CS by
target to make a Psyche FEAT If the base Karma drops to 0, specializing in a particular form.
roll versus Darklight's effects or then the Reason, Intuition and This Power automatically
become fearful of the wielder Psyche Ability ranks of the hero includes Power rank Resistance
suffering a -2CS on all FEAT start losing points equal to this to Electricity; no FEAT is
rolls for 1-10 turns. Targets hit power's ranks divided across all required to resist your own
by the Darklight heal at a 3 abilities. If any of the target's Power. This Power is linked to
reduced ability -1 CS abilities drop to 0 then the Electrical Control and Energy
Endurance. A proficient user of target is forced to make an Sheath. When creating the
Darklight can develop several Endurance check or fall into a hero, the player can exchange
power stunts such as Energy coma. If the check fails the any randomly determined
Reflection, Flight, and UV and hero can regain lost ranks at Powers for these if he so
Thermal Vision. A Darkfire the rate of +1CS per day of rest desires. Extreme heat reduces
wielder receives a -1 CS to all . this Power's rank by the
FEAT rolls and receives a +1 Intensity rank of the heat.
CS of damage taken against •EE5/Electrical Generation: Conversely, extreme cold
any plasma wielder using light The hero can create electrical increases the rank by the cold's
or electricity effects. streams that can do Power rank Intensity rank. At Shift X level,
damage. The hero can project the hero gains the ability to
Sound and Light**: Echolight the electricity through any create a stream of conductive
is a semi-transparent pale white conductive medium, such as air, gas, thus allowing the Power to
energy which inflicts power rank water, or metal, at Power rank function even in a vacuum.
damage at power rank range range. If the player chooses,

•EE6/Energy Doppelganger: possess an increased Power gains +1CS when
The hero can generate an Resistance (+4CS) to attacks fighting these Powers. It also
Energy Body from his own based on Light, Heat, Flame, loses -1CS when being
body. This Doppelganger can Vibrations, and Sonic, since attacked by those Powers.
have Powers of its own, they have no solid mass to
including those\ characteristic to affect. The Nemesis Power is •EE8/Hard Radiation
the type of energy of which the Plasma Emission: This covers the
Doppelganger is composed. Control. dangerous section of the
The Doppelganger energy spectrum: ultraviolet
automatically has the Power of •EE7/Fire Generation: The light, x-rays, and alpha and beta
True Flight, While the player hero can project fire with Power particles, gamma rays, and the
can decide which Powers are rank damage and range. These ever-popular "cosmic rays." The
possessed by whom, a rule of flames have no apparent fuel hero can project any of these
thumb is that the majority of source and spring from the hero types at Power rank range and
physical Powers are assigned as if he were a living fuel tank. damage. When creating the
to the Doppelganger. The Although the flames' fuel comes hero, the player can raise his
player must also decide out of the proverbial nowhere, rank +1CS by specializing in a
whether the Doppelganger is free oxygen must be present for particular type of hard radiation.
simply an extension of the the Power to function. If not, the For game purposes, we'll
hero's will or if it has an hero can cause a single flame assume that the hero has total
independent, but obedient, that lasts' only one turn, then control over his own inherent
mind. If the player chooses the fizzles out. At Shift X rank, the radioactivity and possesses
latter he raises the Power rank hero gains the ability to automatic safe-guards that
+1CS; he can raise it another generate oxygen as well, prevent him from fatally
+1CS by having the lapse into permitting this Power to function contaminating the area each
unconsciousness when he uses under any conditions. When time he uses his Power. This
the Power, since his mind is creating the hero, the player Power is linked to Radiation
directly tied into maintaining the can choose the Powers of Control; the player can
Doppelganger's existence. Any Flame Control, Energy Sheath, exchange one of his other
damage to the Doppelganger is and Energy Body to fill any slots Powers for Radiation Control
subtracted from the hero's still open. For example, under when creating the hero, if he so
Psyche. Rank determines the the Ultimate system, the Human desires.
duration of the Doppelganger Torch possesses three powers:
and the minimum Powers it Fire Generation, Fire Control, •EE9/Heat Emission: The hero
possesses. Normally the hero and Energy Sheath. This has to can generate pure heat that is
can generate only one be the most dangerous Power not necessarily accompanied by
Doppelganger at a time. At around. Heroes have to watch light or flame by accelerating
extremely high ranks, the hero out for accidental firestorms. molecular motion. This permits
can generate additional\ They also tend to consume all the hero to do rank level effects
Doppelgangers. The number is the oxygen in their location, over target materials. Some
equal to 1% of the Power rank making everyone pass out. Power Stunts using pure heat
number (round up). For Then there is the question of include:
example, at Class 1000 rank smoke and gases created by • Causing the breakdown of
the hero can create 10 the hero's Flame Power. It molecular or even atomic bonds
simultaneous beings. Such makes me wonder what kind of (Amazing and Unearthly FEATs,
beings have a decreased ventilation system the Baxter respectively).
Resistance (-2CS) to plasma- Building has… Fire Generation • Negating a target's magnetism
based attacks since these is the opposing Power to Cold • Negating a target's electrical
disrupt the energy field that Emission, Coldshaping, and conductivity.
forms the Doppelganger. They Powers that use water. This • Strengthening materials by

heat treating. (fire attacks are +1CS to hit and only tangible materials. It
• Changing local weather by damage). includes Resistance to Kinetic
heating the air; this can cause • Create columns, walls, and Bolts, Kinetic Control, or
small cyclones and electrical other shapes of Power rank Telekinesis. Optional Powers
storms. -1CS material strength. are Kinetic Control and
Because this Power uses pure • Create ramps of ice that allow Telekinesis, which are also the
heat, it can function in the hero to "skate" at Power Nemesis Powers.
conditions that negate Flame rank -1CS speed. This does not
Emission, like the absence of give the hero the effects of •EE12/Light Emission: The
free Oxygen or the hero's being Lightning Speed (he cannot hero can emit powerful bursts of
underwater. Beings who make quick turns and stops), light do Power rank damage at
possess Thermal Vision or but it properly supported, a rank range. The light may be of
Abnormal Sensitivity can detect ramp can rise two floors per any nature:
an infrared glow around, the round. These ice ramps are not • Normal light in any color or
hero and his target whenever permanent, and their melting intensity; the hero can light the
he uses his Power. Heat may result in damage of the area, dispel Shadow Powers,
Emission is the Nemesis of surrounding area (with and temporarily blind targets.
Cold Emission, Coldshaping, appropriate Karma toss). • Coherent Light (lasers) do
and Powers that use water. This • Create slick spots of Power rank level heat damage as they
Power gains +1CS when rank -1CS slipperiness. burn into targets. Lasers can
attacking those Powers and • Project waves of cold as also be used to carry
loses -1CS when being opposed to ice. The cold has information or to create
attacked by them. Power rank range and intensity, holograms.
and reduces the opponent's • Optic blasts do rank level
•EE10/Ice Generation: The FEATs by -2CS if the intensity is damage but rather than burn a
hero in question may draw higher than Endurance, 1CS target, they act as Kinetic Bolts.
water from the ambient otherwise. This cold may also The player can raise the hero's
atmosphere (nearby area) and be used to offset heat damage. rank upon creation by +2CS if
convert it to ice, which the hero • Absorb cold and ice he chooses specialization in a
may then use initially as a (effectively melting the latter) specific form of this Power.
missile weapon. He may later with Power rank ability and
develop other uses through capacity. Were a hero to absorb •EE13/Magnetism: The hero
Power Stunts. The ice missiles Monstrous (75) cold in her can generate intense magnetic
have Power rank range, inflict area with an Amazing (47) force. The magnetic field may
up to Power rank damage (the Power rank, then 28 points (or be centered on the hero's body
hero may throw less lethal Remarkable Intensity cold) or be projected at rank range.
snowballs), and use Agility to hit would get through. The field can affect anything
either on the Blunt Throwing or susceptible to magnetism,
Edged Throwing battle effect •EE11/Kinetic Bolt: This is a attracting it with Power rank
column. The hero may gain one crude form of Telekinesis. The Strength. If the target
additional Power Stunt at start, hero can strike a target with a itself is magnetic, the hero can
and develop others as play surge of force at Power rank attract it at +1CS or repel it at
progresses. These include: range and damage. The Kinetic Power rank. The hero can
• Entrap others in ice of Power Bolt can be shaped as desired induce magnetism into any
rank material strength, up to 2 by the hero. It can be a wide materials that can sustain a
areas away. cylinder, or an incredibly fine magnetic field; these include
• Give the hero Body Armor of needle. Its effect is the same as ferrous materials, iron-bearing
Power rank -1CS Strength. The if the target had been struck by clay and plastics, and ferrous
armor is a thin casing of ice, a solid object of equal material ores. The hero can do rank
and as such is vulnerable to fire strength. This Power can affect level damage to electronic

devices by scrambling internal Plasma bolt. Plasma fields have decreases light and radiation.
signals; this is especially two of the following side effects: The obscured energy's Intensity
effective against magnetic • Light at -2CS level of is lowered by the Power's rank
recordings and micro-chip illumination taken as Intensity. The energy
dependent devices. This • Heat at -2CS damage forms that can be affected by
Power can affect other Powers. • Flame at -2CS damage this Power are Light, Heat, Hard
It can redirect Electrical • Hard Radiation at -2CS Radiation, Radio-waves,
Generation by a Typical damage Energy Doppelgangers, and
Intensity FEAT if the other • Magnetism at -2CS damage Energy Bodies. The hero
Power's rank is lower, a but full Power rank range possesses the ability to affect
Remarkable Intensity FEAT if • Electricity at -2CS damage. only Light when his Power is at
equal, and an Unearthly The hero initially possesses a Good rank. At each rank above
Intensity FEAT if the other single type of Plasma with two Good, he gains the ability to
Power is higher. It can disrupt set side effects that occur each affect another energy form in
Electric or Magnetic Control and time he uses his Power. Later the following order: EX-Heat,
Energy Sheath or Energy Body, he can develop other Plasma RM-Hard Radiation, IN-Radio-
if either are magnetic in nature. with different side-effects as waves, AM-Energy
The Power has its drawbacks. It Power Stunts. Plasma is a Doppelgangers, MN-Energy
attracts some types of attacks if Nemesis to the Powers of Bodies. This Power includes the
the hero is careless. Such Energy Sheath and Energy ability to see clearly through his
attacks as Electrical Generation Body. The hero gains +1CS own natural or Power created
or anything using ferrous when attacking either Power. shadows of Intensity less that
materials (knives, missiles) gain Plasma's own Nemeses are the hero's Power rank. The
+2CS. This Power is its own Plasma Control and Power Power can disrupt Darkforce
primary Nemesis. Control. Manipulation on a Typical
Intensity FEAT if its rank is
•EE14/Plasma Generation: •EE15/Radio-wave higher than that of the
Plasma refers to here to a field Generation: The hero can Darkforce manipulator,
of highly-charged particles. generate radio-waves, including Remarkable Intensity FEAT if
Common examples include the AM and FM signals and they are equal, and Unearthly
aurora borealis, the glow in a microwaves. This Power Intensity FEAT if the Power's
fluorescent tube, the Van Allen primarily affects broadcasting rank is lower. Optional Powers
Belt and the heart of a nuclear and electronics; the Power can include Shadowshaping and
blast. Plasma may be of any do rank damage over rank Darkforce Manipulation. The
nature: fiery, magnetic, range to these. The Power can Nemesis is Light Emission.
electrical, radioactive, or be of a also be used to directly affect
previously unknown form of any target by internally heating •EE16/Sonic Generation: The
energy. This last group includes it through microwave hero can generate intense
many super-powers, living bombardment. Used in this sound and make attacks of
energy fields, and beings who manner, the Power has -2CS on Power rank range and damage.
can transform themselves into its damage and range. Optional This Power can generate
pure energy. The hero\ can Powers include Radio-wave frequencies normally inaudible.
project Plasma fields at Power Control, Energy Sheath, and The hero can disrupt other
rank range. Due to the unique Carrier Wave. Nemeses include sound-based Powers by
nature of this Power, it does Radio-wave Control, Energy creating dissonance as his
damage on two levels. The Absorption, and Force Field harmonics clash with the
primary level is brute force; the vs. Energy. second Power's harmonics. The
field does Power rank damage hero's own rank is subtracted
There are also side-effects •EE16/Shadowcasting: The from the target harmonic's
based on the nature of each hero can emit a field that Intensity. Optional Powers

generate non-audible • Forming a vibratory shield that
include Sonic Control, Vibration, vibrations. These can alter can provide up to +2CS
and Vibration Control. Nemeses existing harmonics, effectively protection. The vibrations make
are this Power itself and the negating any sonic- or vocal- the hero harder to hit as
three just listed. The Power based Power. The hero can weapons are thrust aside by the
needs a medium to carry the cause tremors at Power rank field. At higher ranks it can even
sound, whether gaseous, liquid, range and damage. The Power cause the weapon's own
or solid. It cannot function in a can even be used to structure to collapse.
vacuum unless the hero is incapacitate living targets; • Negating vocal powers by
touching a solid through which effects can vary from motion sending the hero's own
he can transmit his Power. This sickness (nausea and vomiting) vibrations into the target's
Power can be used in tandem to death by internal\ larynx. For example, your hero
with the Power of Speech hemorrhaging. This Power could reduce Lorelei's song to a
Throwing to permit Sonic includes Resistance to gurgle.
Generation to affect even Vibratory attacks. Optional • Throwing machinery out of
unconnected targets in a Powers include Vibration kilter by vibrating delicate
vacuum. Control and Sonic Generation. components.
Some possible Power Stunts
•EE17/Vibration: The hero can include:

Fighting Powers
•F1/Adrenal Strength: The •F3/Beserker: The hero can Incredible Psyche and Excellent
Hero can temporarily gain great enter into a battle rage that Berserker Power. When he
strength one time per day for alters the hero in some enters the Berserker rage, the
Power Rank duration. The hero significant ways. Reason and following occurs. Psyche and
adds the Power Rank directly to Psyche plummet to Feeble rank Reason drop to Feeble, a total
his Strength ability. The initial while the ranks for Strength and of 66 points. This is between
Power Rank for this ability Fighting increase by the same Orlando's Strength and Fighting
receives a +1CS bonus. Bonus number of ranks. (That is, the ranks. Strength increases to
Powers include Hyper total number of points lost are Remarkable, Fighting to
Endurance. split evenly between the Incredible. Finally, he develops
Fighting and Strength ranks.) Excellent Iron Will. The carnage
•F2/Atemi**: The hero can The hero also develops Iron that ensues is short and messy.
automatically strike an Will for the duration of the Orlando emerges victorious but
opponent with his/her finger or Beserker rage; the rank for this remains rather dangerous to be
fore knuckle in the right area of is the same as the Beserker around for another 10 turns (5
the target's body and paralyze a Power's rank. The Berserker minutes). The Optional Power is
limb, disrupt the nervous lasts for the length of combat Natural Weaponry. Thus, you
system or knock them out all and 10 turns. When the rage can build your own Wolverine
together for 1-10 game turns. ends, all the altered Abilities (or other violent, crotchety
These attacks on vulnerable return to their original ranks. animal from the north woods).
points of the target can be used Since the Iron Will also The Nemesis Power for this is
to affect the body and mind in disappears, the hero finally Mental Domination.
numerous ways. The victim feels the effects of any damage
must pass an Endurance FEAT he suffered while in the •F4/Chi/Ki Manipulation**:
roll versus the Atemi's intensity Berserker rage. Example: The character may manipulate
or suffer the disadvantage Orlando the Furious has Feeble the inner energy of his fighting
intended by the attacker. Strength, Good Fighting, spirit to perform several Martial
Remarkable Reason, Arts style power stunts:

•The hero may temporarily is always +1CS better than the •F9/Martial Arts Supremacy:
increase one of his Fighting, starting Fighting ability. Use this In the MARVEL SUPER
Agility, Strength\ or Endurance Power instead of Fighting to HEROES game system
Ability ranks by +1CS for 1-10 make multiple attacks. There is Fighting is considered an Ability,
rounds. Afterwards the hero no penalty for failing with this not a Power. However, this
loses 25 points of health. roll, but the individual may Power increases a hero's
•The Hero may channel his make only one effective attack already mastered Martial Arts (a
fighting spirit into a unarmed in that round. Talent in the game system) to
strike that deals power rank dramatically higher levels and
damage afterwards the hero •F7/Initiative Change: The allows him to perform actions
must pass an Endurance FEAT player can temporarily alter the that would otherwise be
roll or pass out for 1-10 turns. order of play, deciding who impossible, like splitting a
•The hero may use his Chi plays in what order if he makes battleship in two with a single
Manipulation to block, evade, a successful Green FEAT roll. karate chop. Martial Arts as
deflect or catch physical attacks A Red FEAT roll can be used to explained in the Advanced Set
and projectiles instead of his either take away another falls into five categories labeled
normal Abilities. The initial rank character's turn or to instate a A through E for simplicity's
for this power should be a turn at a time when the affected sake:
minimum of the Fighting ability player would be otherwise • A-This form uses the
+1 CS if rolled lower it is raised unable to roll. opponent's Strength against
to this level minimum. The him and permits the hero to
character may learn increased •F8/Intelligent Weapon: The Stun or Slam an opponent
power stunts such as Healing- hero has a unique weapon that regardless of their relative
Self, Multiple Attacks, or is intelligent. It may be a living Strengths and Endurance.
Weakness Generation thing or an electronic intellect. • B-This form is keyed to
abilities. Determine the weapon's offense by inflicting damage by
Reason, Intuition and Psyche short, quick bursts. The hero
•F5/Dimak**: The hero can randomly and choose it's gains +1CS Fighting when
disrupt the bodies natural or superpower. This weapon is an engaged in unarmed combat.
unnatural healing ability with NPC whose personality is •C-This form concentrates on
just a one finger attack. The determined and controlled by holds and escapes. The hero
target can perform any normal the Judge. The weapon places gains +1CS to his Strength
type of FEAT used in unarmed the same Karma demands on when Grappling or Grabbing
combat to avoid this attack. the hero as a sidekick, the and +1CS to his Agility when
However, the effects of the weapon does not earn Karma dodging.
Dimak reflect on the intensity of it's starting Karma is added to • D-This form seeks out the
the attack after the defensive it's partners starting total but opponent's weak points and
Endurance FEAT roll. On a form then on the hero is strikes at them. The hero can
white FEAT roll the victim takes responsible for covering and ignore the effects of physical
no damage. On a Green FEAT managing his partner's Karma. Armor when determining Stun
roll the victim the victim takes 1 If the weapon is destroyed the and Slam results. Unfortunately,
point of the Dimak damage plus hero loses Karma equal to his the hero must study his
the attackers attack damage. weapon's starting Karma plus opponent for two turns before
On a Yellow FEAT roll the victim he suffers damage to his health he can bring this effect into
is knocked unconcious for 1-10 equal to the weapon's Material play.
game turns. On a Red FEAT Strength which is determined by • E-This form encourages quick
roll the victim suffers Endurance rolling on Column 4. If the striking to catch an opponent off
loss as if suffering a kill result. Material Strength of the weapon guard. The hero gains +1 to
is Good rank or less increase it initiative rolls when engaged in
•F6/Extra Attacks: This Power to at least Excellent rank unarmed combat. The player

chooses one of the above Power, he can add another be for the turn before deciding
Martial Arts and determines its weapon to the hero. As stated his own action.
rank when he creates the hero. in the Player's Book, some
When this Power shows up, forms of Natural Weaponry •F12/Unique Weapon: The
add its Power rank number to provide Bonus Powers (see Hero has a unique weapon,
the already determined Talent "Claws" and "Extra Body similar to Captain America's
rank number. For example, the Parts"). These are placed in the shield or Thor's Hammer. The
Kung-Fu Kommando possesses next available slot in the Power hero gets two column shifts to
Martial Arts E at Typical rank Generation. The player and the the right when using this
and Martial Arts Supremacy at Judge need to work together to weapon in combat. The
Good rank. These combine to create a functional hero. A weapon also has one
give Kung-Fu Kommando an drawback to this Power is that if superpower, chosen by the
Excellent rank for his Martial the hero is somehow deprived player. It's power rank is
Arts. Martial Arts Supremacy of his Natural Weaponry, he determined randomly , but if the
can be used to do rank level\ suffers a loss to his Fighting result is Good or less, increase
damage against non-living Ability equal to his weapon's it to Excellent.
matter. For example, Kung-Fu rank. Example: Due to a mishap
Kommando can shatter iron, with a matter transmitter, •F13/Weapons Creation**:
concrete, or bullet-proof glass Wolverine temporarily loses his The hero can create any
with a red Power rank FEAT. If claws. He's so shaken that his desired weapon out of thin air.
desired, this Power can be normal Incredible Fighting The weapon can be of any
modified to fit any Fighting skill Ability drops to Feeble. If the design, size, and material. The
the prayer can imagine. This Natural Weaponry is made of size of the weapon is limited by
can include Supremacy in any materials not normally found in its weight. The hero can only
one weapon, such as the body, it makes the hero create in a single turn a
swordsmanship or archery. vulnerable to attacks that affect maximum number of ounces
Optional Powers include Iron those materials. For instance, equal to his Power rank
Will and Weapons Creation. Wolvie has a -1CS resistance to number. Heavier weapons have
The Nemesis Power is Martial Magneto's powers, since they to be assembled in pieces over
Arts Supremacy of one rank can affect his metal skeleton. a span of several turns. While
higher than that possessed by the material strength of the
the hero. •F11/Photographic Reflexes: created weapon is the same as
The hero can perfectly imitate that of a normally-manufactured
•F10/Natural Weaponry: The an physical action no matter weapon of the same type, its
hero's body contains special how complex after only seeing it duration is much shorter. The
anatomical features that can once. So long as he can lifespan of the weapon is
function as weapons. These periodically practice a determined at the time of
may be of any nature and can memorized action or view it creation. A Typical Intensity
be external, internal, or again in a recording or real life it FEAT gives the weapon a
retractable. If these are stays with him permanently. In lifespan of 100 turns times the
damaged the hero suffers as if game terms this allows him this hero's Reason rank number. On
they were normal body parts. allows him to learn a new an Amazing Intensity FEAT, the
When creating the hero, the physically based talent by weapon lasts for the hero's
player decides the nature of the spending only 100 Karma. Reason rank number times
weaponry. The weaponry Anyone who the hero has 10,000 turns. Should he make
chosen possesses this Power studied suffers a -2CS to all an Unearthly Intensity FEAT,
and rank taken as material FEATs during combat. With the weapon will be permanent.
strength for purposes of a successful Intuition FEAT he Each ounce of created matter
determining potential damage. roll he can wait until he hears temporarily costs the hero 1
Each time the player rolls this what his opponent's action will Health point. All points lost in

this manner are regained after characteristics for the weapon Provided he has the resources,
24 hours. Thus, the hero can in question. The Power includes the hero can assemble a
only create a weapon weighing versions of Elemental and functional copy of any weapon.
the number of ounces equal to Molecular Creation. Each As to what weapons he can
his Health score in a single day. element or compound takes up make, use the Resource costs
The hero must have detailed its own memory slot, just like listed in the Hardware section of
knowledge of any weapon he the throwing daggers and the Player's Book (pages 42-
wants to create. He can only broadswords that clutter the 46). Compare the Power's rank
store a limited number of hero's mind. Such raw matter with the cost of the desired
weapons' designs in his can be formed into any weapon. Equal or lower cost
memory. The total number of weapon's shape. This permits weapons can be created on a
memory slots available to this the hero to change the green FEAT. A cost of one to
Power equals the hero's composition of any already- three levels higher requires a
Reason rank number. The memorized designs. For yellow FEAT. A cost of four to
player must keep a record of example, if he has already six levels higher requires a red
the weapons he can create. memorized the design of an FEAT. If the cost of the desired
This list can be changed at any arrow and the nature of silver weapon is more than six levels
time. A Green Reason FEAT he can create both wood and higher than the hero's Power
gains the hero a new design. If steel arrows and silver arrows. rank, it is an impossible FEAT.
no open memory slots are Weapons created materialize in Example: Dr. Fixit has Excellent
available, an old design is the hero's hands. There is an Weapons Tinkering and access
tossed away\ to make room for exception to the rules thus far. to his brother-in-law's junkyard.
the new one. Normally, the When creating the hero, the He wants to build a battle
Power is used to make player can choose to specialize copter with Adamantium armor.
facsimiles of existing weapons. in creating a single copy of a The copter has an Amazing
The hero must make a detailed special weapon. In this case, cost. True Adamantium has a
study of the weapon for at least the weight limit is raised from Shift X cost; secondary
10 minutes before attempting a one ounce per Health point to Adamantium has an Unearthly
FEAT. Failure to make the FEAT one pound per Health point. cost. Dr. Fixit makes the Yellow
means the hero must spend Such special weapons are FEAT; his copter will work. He
another 10 minutes studying the never permanent; Unearthly doesn't have any Adamantium,
weapon before attempting Intensity FEATs are treated the though, and tries to improvise.
another FEAT. Some weapons same as Amazing Intensity He fails to make a red FEAT;
might be beyond the hero's ones. One example of this neither batch of "home-brewed"
comprehension, if the player option is Magik's Soul Sword. Adamantium worked. Oh well,
has really bad luck when The Optional Power for this is a he can always convert that old
rolling the dice. The hero can form of Martial Arts Supremacy boiler he found into armor plate.
create new weapons based that uses a special weapon, as When creating the hero, the
solely on his imagination and in the option explained above. player can choose to make the
basic knowledge of weapons The Nemesis Power is True character a jack-of all-trades or
design. This requires intense Invulnerability. specialist in a particular field. If
concentration and a red Power he chooses to specialize, he
rank FEAT. The newly created •F14/Weapons Tinkering: The can raise the rank +2CS.
weapon has the same hero can devise and assemble Categories of weapons include:
characteristics as a normally any weapon that can be made Edged and Blunt weapons
created one of its type. In the with the available materials. By Projectile weapons
case of altered or imaginary means of a red FEAT, the hero Energy weapons
weapons, the player and Judge can even improvise a means of Heavy weapons
should agree on a reasonable creating unavailable materials Battle weapons
and playable set of (Adamantium, for example). Alien weapons

Battle-Suits battlesuit or a SHIELD Plasma A clever character can also use
War robots Beam Handgun, he can simply this Power to make money off
Needless to say, the player will use the established stats for of other characters by building
have to develop stats for that device. Weapons Locker weapons on commission. After
anything he comes up with. If (MHAC8) by Epperson and all, somebody's got to be
he successfully copies existing Grubb is a valuable aid to the building all those super-
technology, like the Iron Man player of a hero with this Power. weapons that fill the pages of
comic books.

Illusion Powers
Ranges for the Powers in this which the hero can normally the Image is easily perceived by
book are found on the Range maintain the "realism" of the others as a holographic
Table printed on the inside front Image. Simply put, the hero has projection. The hero can
cover. The normal range for the to be able to clearly see both overcome this limit by extending
Powers in this section are found the Image and its surroundings. the range of his own senses,
on column B. When either is beyond his either through artificial means
vision, the reliability of the (telescopes, remote TV camera,
•I1/Animate Image: This is a Image drops drastically. When etc etc) or by using sense
specialized form of Illusion- the\ Image gets beyond the extending Powers. In such
casting that enables the hero to hero's field of clear vision, he cases, the hero can extend
apparently bring any flat image can no longer make it realistic control of the Image up
to life. Whatever the original realistically conform to the to the range limits for this
nature of the image—drawing, surroundings. Example: Power and whatever means he
painting, photograph, print—the Kinescope Animates a lion off of employs to extend his vision.
image gains three dimensions a circus poster and sends it Example: Kinescope has an
and independent movement. A after some muggers. The Excellent rank for this Power
blank white area now fills the muggers flee around a corner, and can project an Image up to
area formerly occupied by the the lion in pursuit. Unbeknownst 25 areas (3300 feet) away. He
newly solidified Image. In to Kinescope, the alley is full of also has Good Clairvoyance
actuality, the hero has created trash cans, which the lion with a maximum range of 2500
two Illusions. The obvious one blithely passes through. The miles. By using both Powers, he
is the Animated Image that has muggers see this and realize can maintain the realism of his
peeled itself away from its flat they've been had. Kinescope Images up to the maximum
background and filled out into gets a surprise when he comes range of 25 areas even
three dimensions. The second, around the corner. The Image through any vision-blocking
more subtle Illusion is the can exist for as long as the hero barriers. The Image possesses
"blank white area." The hero concentrates on maintaining it whatever abilities or
automatically casts this Illusion (the Judge is free to determine characteristics the original
to mask out the still-existing how easily this can be done model possessed. At least, it
original picture; this secondary given the circumstances the possesses those abilities or
Illusion lasts for 10-20 turns or hero finds himself in). Although characteristics the hero
until the primary Illusion ceases the Image can only be believes the model possessed.
to exist, whichever comes first. realistically controlled within This is after all an Illusion that
The initial range at which the one area of the hero's location, the hero has created. As such,
hero can Animate an Image is the Image can be projected up it conforms to his expectations.
line of sight for one area. This is to the full range for this Power. What traits the Image has are
also the maximum range at Once beyond the one area limit, determined by the hero's

imagination and memory for directly do physical damage to becomes aware of the Image's
detail. The accuracy of the a target. If the Image lack of reality. Be warned that
Image is determined by the incorporates bright light, it has psychosomatic damage can
hero's Reason. A green FEAT the potential of blinding the lead to fatal results if the target
creates an Image that is target. How ever, if the hero succumbs to a heart attack or
somehow flawed; it might move possesses certain other Powers stroke. Note also that
the wrong way, lack a shadow, that can be combined with the psychosomatic damage cannot
have no surface detail, and so Image then it can do actual affect non-sentient minds.
on. A yellow FEAT creates an damage. If the hero also uses Animated Images can be of
Image that are nearly exact; a Energy Solidification or any of any nature, but are generally
close visual examination is the Matter Creation Powers, the used to simulate movable
required to distinguish the Image gains temporary solidity. objects and lifeforms. In all
Image from reality. A red FEAT This\ lasts for 1 -10 turns, cases, the hero must\ have an
creates a perfect Illusion. The regardless of the normal actual image to work from. The
typical Animated Image is an duration of effect for the Animated Image that results is
intangible holographic supplementing Power. Note: the same size as the original
projection. Since most people this is determined by the Judge, image. Not all of the model has
rely 'exclusively on their vision not the player. Any of the to be present in the original
as the means of sensing their Energy Emission Powers can image; the hero can fill in
environment, the Animated be apparently redirected the rest from his imagination. As
Image is easily accepted as through the Image. For he brings the Animated Image
reality. Only when other senses example, if the hero possessed to life, it climbs out of the frame,
are used does the Image get both Animate Image and Fire revealing previously unseen
exposed as Illusion. Such Generation, he could create a parts. For example, Kinescope
Images are mechanically hazardous simulation of the Animates a head-and-shoulders
detectable and record-able by Human Torch. This Power can portrait of Lincoln. The visible
such means as photography be combined with certain parts immediately spring out;
and television. Images can also Psionic Powers to create the rest of Abe's body is
deceive the artificial senses of Images that do psychosomatic revealed as he climbs out of the
mechanical beings. The damage to a target. These frame. Animate Image can be
Animated Image is initially Psionic, include Telepathy, used to alter images within the
strictly composed of light. It Mental Domination, Hypnotic plane of the original picture.
lacks the other sensory details Control, and Neural The hero can alter the
of a real object, most notably Manipulation. Psychosomatic placement of sections of the
the sounds and smells of the damage occurs because the picture or give them flat
original. These can be target believes in the reality of animation, even making
simulated to give the Animated the Image and thus the. reality sections of the picture
Image greater reality. The of any damage the Image is apparently withdraw from the
Talent of Ventriloquism or such inflicting upon him. For depicted scene. While the
Powers as Speech Throwing or example, Kinescope combines previous commentary has
Vocal Control can add speech his Powers of Animate Image spoken of this Power in terms of
and incidental noises to the and Neural Manipulation to translating two dimensional
image. Sensory Manipulation create an Image of a boa images to three-dimensional
can create, deceptions of smell, constrictor. The boa constricts objects, it can also be used to
temperature difference, and Kinescope's opponent, who simulate animation for already
even tactile sensations. The believes he is being crushed three-dimensional objects,
coherent light of the Image and passes out from his like statues or stuffed animals.
blocks normal light and creates imagined loss of breath. This can be developed as a
normal shadows. Since the Psychosomatic damage can be Power Stunt. The hero uses an
Image is intangible, it cannot resisted by any target who existing object for a model to

base his Illusions on. The appearance the hero desires vision. Ways of increasing the
primary Illusion is the statue or and is limited only by his senses' range include
whatever coming to life; the imagination. The Illusion can be mechanical means such as
secondary Illusion renders a realistic simulation, a fanciful binoculars and remote TV
Illusory Invisibility around the creation direct from the hero's cameras and sense extending
original. The characteristics for mind, or an abstract display of Powers, most notably
the Image are a\ combination of light. The hero is playing with Telescopic Vision and
the statue's material light itself and can create Clairvoyance. Example: Dee-
composition and those traits the anything that is visible. Since tee has an Incredible rank and
hero imagines the model for the most people depend. on vision can Illusion-Cast up to two
statue possessed. Example: to gain information on their miles away. She also has a
Kinescope encounters thieves surroundings, this Power good pair of binoculars that
outside the Cleveland Art presents the awesome ability to enable her to see up to one
Museum. He casts his Power apparently alter the nature of mile away. For idle amusement,
on Rodin's bronze, "The reality. The hero can cast she likes to go to the top of tall
Thinker," that sits in front of the his Illusions anywhere within his buildings and Cast Illusions at
museum. The Image that Power rank range, though he the pedestrians below. She also
results is a 15-foot-tall man must be able to clearly see the like to find the monitors for
made entirely of bronze and area where the Illusion is remote surveillance cameras
consequently extremely strong forming if he wants to make it at and use them to direct her
and heavy. By using his Power all realistic. The normal limit for Illusions into locked rooms.
in this way, the hero can unaided vision is one area (132 Illusions last as long as the hero
simulate any of the Matter feet). Beyond that range the concentrates on maintaining
Animation, Control, and hero can no longer clearly see their existence. The Judge is
Conversion Powers. Optional his Illusion's surroundings and free to determine how long the
Powers include either thus cannot alter the Illusion to hero can maintain his
Telescopic Vision or reflect things going on around concentration in a given
Clairvoyance, Energy the Illusion. For example, an circumstance. Breaking the
Solidification, and either Illusion tree cast two areas hero's concentration abruptly
Elemental or Molecular away might seem to be floating terminates the Illusion, while
Creation. The Nemesis Powers a discreet two inches above the merely getting distracted
are either Sonar or Radar, ground. If the hero is causes the Illusion to begin to
combined with temporary unconcerned about maintaining lose realism (drift, lose detail,
blindness. the reality of his Illusions, this become translucent, and so
limit can be ignored. The hero on). The Illusion's effect on a
•I2/Illusion-Casting**: The does not even need to be able viewer varies. A viewer must
hero can create realistic to see the Illusion as it forms. make an Intuition FEAT against
holographic images that have Such uncontrolled Illusions the Power rank of the Illusion-
apparent solidity. These appear as transparent, free caster; success means the
Illusions can be mechanically floating apparitions. If the viewer now recognizes the
detected and recorded by such Illusion takes the form of a Illusion's true nature. Players
means as photography or living being, viewers might see running characters viewing an
television. That separates this it as a ghost or other phantom Illusion are only allowed to
Power from the psionic, image- form. If the hero possesses a make a FEAT if they suspect
generating Power called means of extending the range the Illusion. This can occur if
Hallucinations, which produces of his senses, he can maintain they physically touch the
images directly in the target's the realism m of his Illusion at Illusion, if the Illusion is
mind and cannot affect up to full range of both this somehow flawed, or if the
mechanical senses. The Illusion Power and that of whatever character is just naturally
can take any size or means he uses to extend his cynical ("Congratulations, Les.

So far this morning you have Jay-boy is free to use his spurious
attempted to disbelieve the Kinetic Bolt Power to smash Ringmaster's control. Powers
existence of a flying saucer, open the door. He also uses his that are a part of or can be
Galactus, two muggers, and Kinetic bolts to simulate the simulated by
your breakfast."). Since Illusion- effect the elephant's legs have Illusion-Casting include:
Casting includes the Power of when they kick against a target. •Force Field vs. Energy
Light Control, Illusions can The main drawback to Illusion- •Resistance to Energy
provide a measure of protection Casting is that the hero must •Energy Detection (Light)
against light-based attacks. An keep his Power's true nature a •Light Control
Illusory tent would provide secret from his adversaries. It •Shadowshaping
protection against both infrared must be presented as if it were •Hard Radiation Emission
and ultraviolet light, thus another Power entirely. For (UV/Light)/Heat
keeping the hero cool and safe example, although she is an •Light Emission
from sunburn. Treat this Power Illusion-caster, Dee-tee often •Shadowcasting
as +2CS Resistance to Light- presents herself as a Demon- •Animate Image
based attacks. It does not Summoner. Even if the Power's •Illusory Invisibility
provide protection against any nature is public knowledge, the •Illusory Duplication
of the other ways Moms Nature Power is still effective. The •Hypnotic Control
has of affecting us. That Illusory Powers of Light Emission and •Coloration
tent would be drafty, cold, and Light Control are innate factors •Hallucinations
flimsy. Illusion Casting can be of Illusion Casting. As such, the •Blending
combined with other Powers to hero has the ability to generate •Energy Sheath (Light)
give 1he Illusion enhanced any intensity and frequency of •Self-Vegetation
realism; this can also create light. He can warp light, alter its •Shape-shifting
Illusions that do real physical frequency, and change its A drawback in characters who
damage. If the Illusion-caster degree of coherency. The hero have this Power is that they
has any of the Energy Emission can do -2CS rank level damage tend to become philosophical
Powers, these can be using light-based attacks. As about the relationship between
redirected to apparently noted earlier, the Power Reality and Illusion.
originate from the Illusion rather includes 2CS Resistance to Companions find themselves
than from the hero. For Light-based attacks; the hero drawn into interminable
example, combining this Power simply casts an Illusion of arguments about what is real
with Plasma Generation would something opaque between and what is not. Illusion-
simulate the Phoenix-force and herself and the offending light. Casters may even begin to feel
fry any electronics in the area. The hero can simulate other that they themselves are an
More commonly, the power is visual Powers or Talents with Illusion being cast by some
used to disguise the true nature some effectiveness as well; the unknown being. Optional
of anything the hero or her -2CS limit is used as a guide for Powers include Energy
companions might be doing. determining how well the hero Solidification, Telescopic Vision,
Example: Dee-tee and her can do these things. Example: and Clairvoyance. Nemesis
buddy Jay-boy have to break Once inside the building, Dee- Powers include Shadowcasting,
into a certain building that they tee and Jay-boy discover a Shadowshaping, Sonar, Radar,
know is under surveillance. guard. Dee-tee casts an Illusion and closing your eyes.
Dee-tee doesn't care about of Ringmaster and tries to
subtlety, only About distraction, hypnotize the guard. Her •I3/Illusory Invisibility: This is
and casts an Illusion of Incredible rank is reduced to not true Invisibility but is
a large elephant that comes merely Excellent when she tries actually a clever simulation. The
lumbering around a corner and simulate Hypnotic Control. effects are nearly the same,
lies down in front of the door. Fortunately that is enough; anyway; the hero becomes
Inside the elephantine Illusion, the guard falls under the effectively invisible to any living

or artificial being. The hero ground level, a practical limit to used to link up with a viewer
actually remains visible but he range is one area (132 feet) outside the field; if it is used to
can now surround himself with from the hero. Casting an link with someone inside the
a holographic Illusion of empty Illusory Invisibility in the air or in field, the deception fails.
space. This field can be limited space is easier and can be Clairvoyance cannot detect
to the hero's body or increased done at rank level range. Note Illusions at all and thus would
to cover a large area. The that as this is an Illusion, it can also penetrate the deception.
maximum radius of this effect is be detected by careful visual The Power cannot deceive any
the number of feet equal to the examination or the simplest of of the other senses or such
Power rank number. For physical tests. The "empty Powers as Sonar, Radar, or
example, a Poor rank could space" is only what the hero Psionic. For example, Daredevil
cover an area extending four imagines such an empty space would be unaware of such a
feet from the hero, a Monstrous to look like. As the hero tries to field even being employed; this
rank could cover an area hide more area, the problems of can lead to Problems for Matt
extending 80 feet, and a Class realism multiply. If the Illusory Murdock. ("What I don't
1000 rank could cover a square Invisibility and the viewer move understand, DD, is how did you
mile. Within the, Illusory in relationship to each other, the know the Dreadnought wasn't
Invisibility, things remain visible. viewer might be able to detect a real?") The Power provides
From the point of view of slight distortion of light at the limited protection against light-
anyone within the Power's edge of the field. (The player based attacks originating
protection, it appears that the can imagine it by thinking of a outside the field. This is
area has been surrounded by clear drinking glass.) Example: equivalent to a Force Field vs.
an irregularly-shaped Consider an airship surrounded Light with a -2CS rank. For
transparent balloon that causes by a mechanically created example, a Good form of this
weird tricks of light. Outside the version of Illusory Invisibility. Power provides Poor protection
"balloon" a viewer sees only the Inside the airship, vision is against lasers and hypnotic
Illusion of empty space, even if unaffected. The crew can lights. The main protection it
the viewer has just stepped out clearly see the world below. The offers is that if the viewer
of the invisibility field. Standing field extends one foot around doesn't know there is
at the edge of the field can the airship. From the ground something to shoot at, then he
result in a headache as the and sides the ship is invisible. won't shoot. The Invisibility lasts
viewer's eyes see both the The flaw is when the field is as long as the hero can
reality and the Illusion. This viewed from above; a viewer maintain his concentration. In
Power can be cast at a target sees the ground below but may the case of mechanically-
point some distance away. The realize that the surface detail is derived Invisibility, it lasts for as
area limit is the same. The not continuous. Rivers And long as the equipment
maximum range at which the roads have sudden, functions. Judges are free to
Illusory Invisibility can appear is unexplained gaps. Since the decide the difficulty of either
determined by the Power rank. Invisibility is holographic in case in any given circumstance.
For example, a Monstrous rank nature, it can be mechanically For example, the Judge decides
permits the hero to hide an area detected and recorded by such that the above mentioned
160 feet wide (80 foot radius, means as photography, airship's Invisibility Generator
remember?) located up to six television, and the mechanical can function for up to ten hours
miles away. Of course, the hero senses of artificial beings. It can of continuous operation but
has to be able to see his also be seen at any distance shuts down if it receives a
intended target; otherwise he and will deceive telescopes, single jolt of electricity with
would be unable to simulate the remote cameras, and Amazing Intensity. The hero
appearance of emptiness Telescopic Vision used outside can terminate his Invisibility at
appropriate to the target area. the field's effect. Sensory Link any time, either purposely or
When casting this Power at can be deceived if that Power is accidentally. Simple physical

contact can alert a viewer to the the Illusory Duplicates are Since these are energy, the
hero's presence, whether the somehow different from the Duplicates can pass effortlessly
hero accidentally envelops him hero; they have the wrong outfit through the rock. Myriad sees
in the field or the hero makes a on, are too\ muscular or what the Duplicates "see."
distance attack at the target. A handsome, and so on. A yellow There is no light in the
spray of a coating material will or red Reason FEAT produces collapsed area but Myriad's
temporarily reveal the extent of a perfect copy. The maximum Duplicates each carry an
the field; in the middle of an number of simultaneous illusion of a flashlight that
obscuring cloud, the field shows Duplicates the hero can create functions as well, if not better,
as a silhouette of clear air. is equal to his Power rank than a real one. Finally two of
Once the hero realizes that his number. Although Duplicates the Duplicates find survivors.,
field is visible, he can correct are frequently used to surround The first group of survivors are
the Illusion to reflect the new the hero and act as decoys, the only lost; the Duplicate leads
addition to his surroundings; Duplicates can also function them through the darkness to
this takes a green Intuition several areas or miles away safety. The second group is
FEAT. Note: the Judge should from the hero. The maximum trapped behind fallen rock.
roll this for the hero without range at which the hero can They are startled when the
telling the player he has either send or create a Duplicate passes through the
become visible; failure means Duplicate is determined by his rock into their area but Myriad
the hero has either not yet Power rank; specific levels are speaks\ through his Duplicate
realized his predicament or has shown on column B. Example: and appraises them of the
not yet gotten the Illusion Myriad has an Incredible rank. situation. The Duplicate
properly altered. Optional This enables him to create up to remains with them until the
Powers include Light Control 40 simultaneously existing rescuers finally reach them.
and Light Emission. Nemesis Duplicates that can form or When creating the hero, the
Powers include Light Control, travel as far as two miles away player has the option of
Radar, and Sonar. from his location. The assigning some or all of the
Duplicates are intangible hero's other Powers to the
•I4/Illusory Duplication: This is holographs and are incapable Duplicates. The hero can only
a specialized form of Illusion- of doing any actual physical create a single such Powerful
Casting that permits the hero to activity. They are\ primarily Duplicate at any one time.
generate completely realistic used as decoys, messengers, Since this Duplicate now has a
simulations of a single object, spies, and simulated ghosts. greater effect on reality, it gains
namely himself. Unlike the other The Duplicates can form in any some reality as well. Such
Illusory Powers, this permits the location within the hero's range, Duplicates can be affected and
hero to see through these regardless of whether the hero even destroyed by such attacks
nonexistent senses and to can see that location or not. As as Light Emission, Light
communicate through an aspect of this Power, the Generation, Plasma
apparently normal speech. The hero automatically possesses a Generation, Plasma Control,
hero can create a finite number combination of Clairvoyance, Shadowcasting, and any of the
of exact holographic duplicates Clairaudience, and\ Speech Magics and Power Controls.
of himself. These are Illusions Throwing that permits him to The Duplicate has a "Health"
based on his self image, which see, hear, and speak through equal to this Power's rank
the hero had best make sure his remote Duplicates. For number. Any damage to the
matches his actual appearance example, Myriad is at the scene Duplicate is subtracted from this
at that moment. The accuracy of a cave-in. The rescue crew number. At zero the Duplicate
of the Duplicate is determined need to know where any suddenly vanishes. In addition,
by a Reason FEAT made at the survivors are located. Myriad any damage done to the
time the Duplicate is generated. creates several Duplicates and Duplicate is also suffered by the
A green Reason FEAT means sends them off into the debris. hero, who temporarily loses a

number of points equal to his Example: Myriad maintains a major embarrassment for him
Power rank number. Such secret identity as a physicist at and some unfortunate media
points are regained just like a nuclear plant in Georgia. One exposure.) Nemesis Powers
Health points. All Duplicates ca day the plant is attacked by include Light Control and
be affected by the Powers of super villains. Myriad must take Shadowcasting.
Light Control and action but his civilian identity
Shadowcasting. Light Control must remain at his emergency •I5/Reality Manipulation**:
can overpower, distort, and post. Myriad forms a number of The super being with this power
even destroy any Duplicate. It Duplicates. Most resemble his can alter the very underpinnings
can be use to seize control of a super heroic self but Myriad of reality allowing him to
Duplicate away from the hero; alters one to appear as his reshape the surrounding fabric
the effect is analogous to civilian self. The extra form of space and time to suit his
someone using Mind Control/ requires additional will. These changes are
Puppetry on the hero's own concentration on Myriad's part generally discrete in nature and
body. Shadowcasting can and a red FEAT. The player each change is a separate
surround the Duplicate in blows it on the first roll (a 23), power stunt to accomplish. The
darkness and prevent the second roll (03), third roll (24), range at which this power can
hero's Clairvoyance from but finally makes it on the operate is covered by range
operating. If the Shadowcasting fourth roll (00). Myriad column C and nearly any power
has a greater rank, that Power castigates himself on the is possible so long as it is within
can be used to destroy a additional 24 seconds it took these guidelines. Possible
Duplicate. Note: when a him to generate the lab coat Power stunts are:
Duplicate is passing through and glasses. While Duplicates •Gateway
solids, its "eyes" register total are normally created as •Elemental Conversion
darkness. If the hero is unaware independent beings, the Power •Molecular Conversion
that Shadowcasting is being can also be cast around the •Bio-Physical Control
used against his Duplicates, hero's own body to immediately •Energy Control/Generation
then he will assume the alter the hero's own (Any)
continued darkness is the result appearance. This is usually •Force Field
of the Duplicate remaining used to make quick disguises Optional powers include
within a solid mass and and costume changes. If the Cosmic Awareness, (the
consequently will make no hero so chooses, his entire character is in tune with the
attempt to resist this super hero appearance and universe he is manipulating),
clandestine attack. As stated costume can be nothing more Hyper Intelligence, Hyper
earlier, all Duplicates are an than such a Illusion wrapped Intuition and Hyper Psyche.
illusion manifestation of the around the hero's normal
hero's self-image. They need civilian self. This would •I6/Tattoo: This power is
not be a single, static design definitely prevent anyone from similar to the Animate Image
but can change with the hero's finding your costume stashed in power except that the images
whim. Generally, all Duplicates the back of the closet. In the are mentally inscribed on the
at a given moment will have the previous example, Myriad had hero's body. The number of
same shape. However, by not thought to bring his costume tattoos that the hero can have
means of a red Reason FEAT, to work and had to form one of on his body at one time is the
the hero can create his Duplicates around himself. maximum number equal to the
simultaneous Duplicates who The drawback is that if the hero power rank. With just the
have different appearances. All loses concentration, slightest mental instruction, the
such differences are still based consciousness, or Power, he tattoos leap off of the host's
on the hero's own form. A red also loses his costume. (The body and materialize into
FEAT is needed for each time Myriad was skinny dipping reality. All images have their
different type of Duplicate. when a crisis struck resulted in specific abilities and

characteristics. The PC can the hosts body. When creating player may opt to replace a
recall the images at any time. the character, the player tattoo at any time, but he/she
When the images are destroyed creates a list of possible tattoos must delete one from the
or recalled they appear back on that are on the PC's body. The original list.

Life-Form Control Powers

•L1/Assimilation**: The the cloned individuals have a natural healing abilities and
character can convert other helpful attitude toward the rates revert to normal. There
living beings into nearly original and must make a are seven forms of Biophysical
identical clones of himself with Psyche FEAT to avoid any Control, each with its own set of
but a touch, and everyone the suggestions given by the effects. The first four forms are
clones come in contact with is original. Suggestions that benevolent, the last three are
likewise transformed. The range strongly conflict with the malevolent. Heroes who use
of this power is touch and the individuals system of beliefs the malevolent forms against
hero must make physical grant a +3 CS bonus to the sentient beings risk Karma and
contact to effect a subject. FEAT roll to resist this Popularity loss. When the hero
Anyone targeted must make a suggestion. is created, the player must
successful Endurance or choose one of these forms. He
Psyche FEAT roll to resist this •L2/Bio-physical Control**: can select one or let the dice
power or be transformed into a The hero has the ability to decide for him on the table
duplicate of the original. As long consciously alter the physiology below.
as this power is maintained, of a target. This is
anyone else who comes into accomplished by sheer force of Die Roll Form
contact with one of the clones is will and does not require any 01-24 Healing
also subjected to the effects of physical action on the hero's 25-44 Regeneration
Assimilation and must succeed part, aside from touching the 45-48 Revival
on a successful Endurance or target. The Power can be used 49-68 Damage
Psyche FEAT roll against this at a distance but each 10 feet Transferal
power or likewise be separating the hero from the 69-76 Decay
transformed. The maximum target reduces his effective 77-92 Disruption
number of clones the hero can Power by -1CS. The Power is 93-00 Aging
have is equal to this power's normally concentrated on a
rank number. Affected single target, but the hero can Healing: The hero can cure the
individuals assume the affect as many targets as he damage caused by wounds,
characters physical desires. Each additional target trauma, toxins', and disease.
appearance, (including current also decreases the rank -1CS. The hero can increase the
set of clothing) , general For example, trying to affect two target's Health by an amount
memories, (name, knowledge of targets at a distance of 10 feet equal to the Power rank level.
physical/mental capabilities, drops the hero's rank -4CS (- This is the maximum benefit the
language skills) and 2CS per target). The result of hero can give per day to one
behavioral/ethics system. The any form of this Power is specific person. The color of the
affected individuals also gain all permanent. (What's the point of required FEAT is determined by
of the original's powers but the healing somebody if he's just the nature and severity of the
maximum power rank gained in going to drop dead later, right?) damage. Green FEATs handle
each power is limited by The actual ongoing effects broken bones, non-terminal
Assimilation's power rank. The continue for as long as the hero disease, and simple wounds.
original has now mental control continues to use his Power. Yellow FEATs handle physical
over the assimilated clones but Once this is done, the target's trauma, wounds to organs, non-

fatal poisoning, and terminal trapped, the hero can make an mental capacities change as
diseases. Red FEATs handle attempt to free him based on well. While the Power can
mortal wounds, coronary the Power rank of whatever is function as a Fountain of Youth,
attacks, strokes, toxic holding the spirit. Until the spirit it can also be used to kill
poisoning, and massive returns, the body remains in a through old age or regression to
physical trauma. The Power comatose state. protoplasm. A target can be
seals the body and returns any Damage Transferal: The hero protected from unwanted
still-living tissues to health. It can heal another by apparently Biophysical Control by such
cannot replace lost tissue. taking that damage from the Powers as Force Field
Regeneration: The hero has the victim and moving it into the Generation and True
ability to heal (as above) and hero. The Power first heals the Invulnerability. Optional Powers.
can recreate large areas of lost target; the manner is the same include another form of this
tissue, such as severed limbs or as for Healing (above). Power. The Nemesis is either
destroyed organs. Limbs are Simultaneously, the hero's body Immortality or Serial
regrown by a green FEAT, reshapes itself into a duplication Immortality.
organs by a yellow FEAT, and of the damage being healed.
brain and neural tissues by a Once the target is healed, the •L3/Bio-Toxin: The hero
red FEAT. hero's Self-Healing abilities contains a poison of power rank
Revival: The hero can actually (same rank) then cures this intensity within his/her body and
bring the dead back to life. The ersatz damage. A hero cannot release it at will anytime. The
Power rank number is the heal another person until type of poison specifically
maximum number of days the he has returned to normal. characterizes the effects of the
target can have been deceased Decay: The hero can poison. The hero may choose
and still be revived. The accelerate the cellular collapse to contain one specific poison if
condition of the corpse of body tissue. The Power can they do so, they may increase
determines the color of the cause Power rank damage per the beginning power rank by
required FEAT. An intact, turn. The target becomes +1CS intensity. The specific
un-embalmed, un-decayed leprous, dies, and quickly type and effects of the poison
corpse is revived on a green crumbles to dust if the Power is are left to the Player and the
FEAT. A decayed but intact used long enough. Judge to develop.
corpse needs a yellow FEAT. A Disruption: The Power can
red FEAT is required for partial upset the Smooth functioning of •L4/Bio-Vampirism**: The
or embalmed remains. For the physiology. The target character is a super-carnivore
example, a Good rank can suffers Power rank losses to his able to increase his Strength,
revive a 10-day-old, slightly Health as he suffers anything Endurance, Psyche, and Power
moldy body if the player rolls a from minor discomfort (nausea, ranks by consuming living
75 or better. The Power begins chills) to fatal trauma (coronary biological materials. The most
by healing and regenerating attack). common examples of Bio-
any damage to the body, Aging: The Power can Vampires are the traditional
especially the cause of death. accelerate or reverse the aging bloodsuckers like Dracula.
Once the body is habitable process. The normal rate is Although all the traditional
again, the Power automatically multiplied by the Power rank vampires were destroyed on
summons the deceased spirit number. For example, a Good Earth in the Marvel Universe,
back and reconnects it with the rank can make aging occur at this does not prevent the player
body. If the spirit was already tenfold rate or go in reverse at or Judge from creating a new
reincarnated into another body, an equal rate. A green FEAT race of Bio-Vampires able to
the spirit splits into identical accelerates aging. A yellow withstand the spells that finally
halves. One remains with the FEAT stops it. A red FEAT destroyed Dracula. As a new
new body while the other half reverses it. As the victim's age type of Bio-Vampire, your
returns home. If the spirit is changes, physiology and character need not follow the

necessarily mobile, but if they
traditional abilities and immunity to any future vampiric are, they may require the target
limitations associated with the attack by that particular Bio- to move in new ways. While in a
old Vampires. It's a new world Vampire. Why do Bio-Vampires solid altered state, the target
and a new Vampire. Bio- do it? Because they lose energy retains his overall normal
Vampires have a Bonus Power at an accelerated rate. Their appearance. If liquid or
of Mind Control or Puppetry that rank numbers for Strength, gaseous, he can assume any
renders their victims unable to Endurance, Psyche, and any shape but can still automatically
physically struggle against the Powers except Bio-Vampirism revert to his original shape
Bio- Vampire. However, the drop one point per hour. The when the Power's effects end.
victim's Psyche remains Bio-Vampire must feed in order When transforming a target, the
uncontrolled; the victim to maintain his life. Even if the hero normally changes the
continues to try to resist the Bio-Vampire is deprived of entire body unless the player
Bio-vampire's attack. The Bio- victims, he never actually states beforehand which
Vampire must make a Power starves to death. When all his specific section he is changing.
FEAT to initiate the attack. The affected ranks drop to Shift 0, The safeguards still take effect,
victim's Psyche determines the the Bio-Vampire drops into a but the target loses sensation in
difficulty of the FEAT. The first deathlike trance. His vampirism the affected areas.
successful FEAT means the continues to function, although Transformations can take any
victim is immobilized and the he can no longer actively seek of three basic forms:
Bio-Vampire can begin to feed. out new bio-materials to Chemical: The target's
Each successful FEAT enables consume. If such are made chemical makeup is changed to
the Bi-Vampire to drain Health available to the body, the Power other chemicals.
points from the victim. The will immediately begin to return Physiological: The target's
amount drained is equal to the the Bio-Vampire to life. When basic life functions are
Power rank number. This is the player creates the Bio- changed. The target may be
converted into energy that is Vampire, he must choose and changed to animal, plant, or a
divided equally among the play a weakness. The Bio- different chemical basis.
ranks for Strength, Endurance, Vampire's Power rank can be Energy: The solid target is
Psyche, and any Powers the increased +1CS for each converted to a coherent energy
vampire has except this one. additional weakness the Bio- field. When creating the hero,
No vampiric Power can ever Vampire possesses, up to a the player decides the form of
increase its own rank. The Bio- maximum of four weaknesses change in which the hero
Vampire must make a FEAT in all. Bio-Vampirism is specializes. If random
each turn he continues to feed. communicable. A sentient victim generation provides this Power
He can voluntarily stop feeding who was,completely drained as again, the player can select
at any point by making a a result of a feeding frenzy must another form or add +1CS to
Psyche FEAT roll of any color make a Psyche FEAT roll. A red the first form chosen. Since this
except red. A red FEAT means result means the victim has can be considered an attack,
the Bio. Vampire's hunger is arisen as a new, Feeble ranked the target can choose to resist;
beyond his control. He has Bio-Vampire. he can also forego resistance if
entered a feeding frenzy that he so desires. Power rank
only stops when the victim is •L5/Body Transformation- determines the Intensity of the
drained or the Bio-Vampire has Others: The hero can alter the effects on the target, the range
been repulsed. If the Bio- nature of elements and at which the effects can occur,
Vampire fails a FEAT at any compounds within a living and the duration of the effects.
time in the feeding process, he target's body. Innate safe- Normally the Power is used on
is immediately repulsed from guards in the Power maintain a single target. Each
the victim and can never the target's life-force for as long additional target reduces the
resume that attack. That victim as the target is in the altered effects by -1CS.
gains instant state. Such states are not

•L6/Emotion Control: The immediately teleport to its home them into new bodies. The
hero can alter a target's dimension. This Power spirits can be the newly-dead,
emotional state and resulting commonly appears as a spell ghosts, or Free Spirits. The
activity by forcing him to feel a used by sorcerers and holy bodies. can be anything
particular emotion. The hero men. The hero must be within newborn infants, clones,
can only instill one emotion at a 10' of the subject in order to androids, robots, animals, or
time. However, he can select perform the Exorcism. The hero plants. Because of the Power's
any emotion he desires. When can use this Power to resist the interference, the reincarnated
creating the hero, the player initial attempt by another to person retains his full memories
can raise the rank +2CS by control him, but if this attempt and Mental Powers. The spirit is
limiting the hero to a specific fails (as per the FEATs listed permanently bonded to the new
emotion. For example, the above), he cannot Exorcise body for as long as that body
Purple Man broadcasts only the himself later. lives, unless the bond is
emotion of loyalty. Range and deliberately broken by the spirit
duration are determined by the •L8/Force Field vs. Hostiles: (a red Psyche FEAT) or by a
Power rank. The Power affects The hero emits a psionic aura hero with Exorcism Power. The
everyone within its range. This that repels any hostile lifeforms. hero can indefinitely hold the
Power is an excellent choice The Power automatically spirit in stasis (one Typical
when the hero is facing probes the minds of anyone in Intensity FEAT per day should
adversaries more numerous the area and analyzes their be sufficient) while seeking a
and powerful than he is. If an intentions toward the hero. suitable body into which he can
opponent has a Power that is Anything harmful is repulsed, as transplant the soul. If the hero
triggered by a specific mindset, if a Power rank material fails a FEAT, he has 10 turns in
such as the way Bruce Banner strength wall had risen between which to implant the spirit or
used to turn into the Hulk when them. Neutral or friendly life is lose it forever. The hero cannot
he was angered, this Power can not affected by this field. Okay, I transplant the spirit into a living,
be used either to prevent that hear you asking: "What if intelligent being-with two
Power from taking hold or to somebody starts out friendly, notable exceptions. As noted
trigger it prematurely. but turns hostile after he's earlier, spirits can be placed
inside the field?" The answer is, within newborn infants. The
•L7/Exorcism: The hero can he's catapulted harmlessly out hero can also accept the spirit
release a being from any of the field. Rank determines into himself; the result is the
external domination imposed by the size and material strength of hero now has a complete
a third party. Such controls the field. Appropriate ranges are second person living in his
include Possession, Mental shown on column A of the head. The player now has to
Domination, Serial Immortality, Range Table. The field can be redo his character sheet to
and Magic. If there's a control, breached by several means. reflect the secondary set of
this Power can break it. This Brute force always works. characteristics for Reason,
Power rank is compared to that Mental Invisibility allows Intuition, and Psyche. When a
of the Power controlling the someone to bypass the field's character is reincarnated into a
subject. A Typical Intensity sorting ability. The field is body, he retains his abilities of
FEAT can sever a lower ineffective against cybernetic Reason, Intuition, and Psyche,
ranking control Power. A life. The field protects the hero and any Mental Talents and
Remarkable Intensity FEAT from melee weapons or slug Powers. Physical abilities,
severs a controlling Power of fest, but not from projected or secondary characteristics,
equal rank, and an Amazing missile weapons. Physical Powers and Talents,
Intensity FEAT severs one of and Contacts are all lost.
one or more ranks higher. Upon •L9/Forced Reincarnation: Contacts can be quickly
severing the being's control The hero can capture regained by convincing the
over the subject, that being is disembodied spirits and merge Contacts of who he really is (a

Remarkable Intensity FEAT). combined, the resulting the target's innate sense of
Karma awards should depend character shows traits of both. morality by means of a red
on how well the hero has The Power rank determines the FEAT. Less conflicting
handled the spiritual transplant. success of the operation. A commands involve only a green
Just dumping the spirit into the green FEAT ensures success of FEAT. Hypnotic Control can be
first available body can actually a routine operation, like simple established by any one of a
cost Karma, while going to surgery (anything that might be number of means. These
extraordinary lengths to find the done at a clinic). A yellow FEAT include specific gestures,
perfect situation is required for more elaborate words, songs, or devices. When
entitles the hero to a hefty work transplants, grafting, creating the hero, the Player
bonus. anything requiring a large determines which method the
hospital. Outright medically hero uses. The Intensity and
•L10/Grafting**: This is the impossible acts such as duration of a Hypnotic Control
single most likely candidate for brain transplants and body part are determined by the Power
raw abuse and grossing out rearrangement (after which all rank. In the case of
your fellow players. This Power the parts still work-hands where posthypnotic Suggestions,
is strictly Mad Scientist material. feet should be, and that kind of duration does not include the
(it does have its good side, too, thing) require a red FEAT. time prior to activation of the
though.) The hero can perform Success means the result is suggestion, but only the time
psionic augmentation surgery alive; it may not be pretty, but the suggestion is actually in
on a subject. The hero can it's breathing. A hero with this force.
operate on, dissect, rearrange, Power will use it to heal. A
and perform transplants without villain will use it to fill his lair •L12/Invigorate: The character
the need for normal medical with a variety of ex-human radiates a powerful energy field
techniques to ensure success. nightmares. that improves the life energy of
No matter how crude the those nearby. Granting to the
conditions in which the •L11/Hypnotic Control: This is affected individuals this Power's
operation is performed or how a Talent in the Advanced Set. rank for making Endurance
messy it proves to be, the The hero can dominate a FEAT rolls to resist the effects
subject's life-force is preserved. target's behavior and actions by of disease, toxins and fatigue
There is no major blood loss implanting commands, not by and for stun checks as well.
nor is there any need for direct psionic control. The Characters within the field are
extensive recuperation. This Hypnotic command may pertain also receive healing equal to
Power is strongly related to the to current conditions or lie bed rest for the duration.
Healing forms of Bio-Physical dormant until triggered by future
control and can be used to cure conditions (posthypnotic •L13/Limit Break**: This
others of physical damage. suggestion). Hypnotic controls exceptional power allows the
Unfortunately, the Power lends come in two forms: super to vastly exceed his
itself to abuse. Those •Commands alter current normal abilities by removing the
possessing this Power tend behavior. "You are getting natural limiters on his body
more toward Doctor sleepy." allowing him to access the
Frankenstein than Doctor •Suggestions alter future ultimate level of power but at a
Schweitzer. Such characters behavior. "You hate orange, price. This power will provide up
might see people as machines rocky skin and must destroy to a +3 CS boost on the super's
to be rearranged at their whim. anything with it." Normal natural abilities (FASE) and
This Power permits the hypnosis cannot make a powers (excluding powers like
character to perform acts person perform any action that Regeneration, forms of
beyond 20thcentury medical goes against his sense of advanced healing, etc.) but at
science (like brain transplants). ethics. However, the Power of the cost of suffering Health
If two or more brains are Hypnotic Control can override damage for every round of

boosting based on the level of Magnification: The target mind hero can alter a target's neural
boosting at the time. A +1 CS is actually enhanced. The rank activity. By changing nerve
increase will inflict Good of the target's Reason, Intuition, messages within the target's
damage on the hero every turn and/or Psyche can be body, the hero can cause a
towards his base Health. A +2 temporarily increased, up to the variety of effects.
CS increase will inflict Excellent hero's Power rank. The Power •Disruption: The target's body
damage and the maximum of rank determines the Intensity of loses all sensations; it falls to
+3CS will inflict Remarkable the hero's control, the range at the ground, a limp, numb mass
damage every turn on the hero. which he can establish and of flesh.
Once the base health reaches maintain that control, and the •Paralysis: The target body
zero, the super in question will duration of the control. becomes\ completely rigid. No
fall unconscious and all stats chemical can counteract the
will return their normal base •L15/Mind Transferal**: The paralysis while the Power is in
value leaving the hero to hero has the ability to switch effect.
recover as per normal. Due to minds from one body to •Seizure: The target's muscles
the extremely taxing nature of another. The hero's own mind spasm uncontrollably for as
this power, if the super in and body need not be included long as the Power is in effect.
question pushes themselves\ to in any switching that occurs. •Exaggeration: Nerve signals
the limit and fall unconscious The Power operates much like are actually amplified, causing
they require a 24 hour rest Mental Duplication, in that the the target to overact when
period before being able to hero reshapes the brains of his attempting any movement.
activate this power again targets to conform to those he Normally, a hero can select any
due to the extreme stresses is switching. In effect, the target of these effects. When creating
placed on the body. These believes he is the switched the hero, the player can choose
stresses are so extreme that mind and thus effectively is that to specialize in one effect for a
powers that would otherwise new person. The accuracy of benefit of +2CS. Note: This
speed recovery and healing will such transfers is 100%. Power only affects the voluntary
have no effect on this limit. The Because of the nature of this muscles; it does not affect the
super MUST spend 24 hours at Power, the hero can also autonomic nervous system
rest before using the power transfer one mind into several which controls the heart, lungs,
again. people simultaneously, with and other automatic bodily
each believing he is the real functions. The range and
•L14/Mind Control**: The hero person. Transferal switches duration of this Power are
has the ability to directly control mental abilities, Talents, and determined by its rank. Suitable
a target's mind through psionic mental Powers. Physical distances are shown on column
Powers. The hero completely Powers are not transferred, nor A of the Range Table. The
overrides the will and perhaps are physical abilities, Popularity, Power normally affects only a
even the conscious mind of the Resources, or Contacts. The single person; affecting more
target. There are four forms of Power rank determines the causes a decrease in duration
Mind Control: range at which the Power can of -1CS per additional person.
Puppetry: the target mind initially function and the The target's mind and senses
retains awareness but cannot duration of its effects. Ranges are unaffected by the Power;
control the body. are shown on column A of the the victim knows full well what
Possession: the target mind Range Table. Duration is given is happening (even if he doesn't
loses both control and for a single mind-to mind know why it's happening to
consciousness. transfer. If the hero attempts to him). The Power can reach
Negation: the target mind is transfer one mind to multiple across the dimensional barriers
completely turned off; Mental bodies, the duration decreases if it is combined with some way
Probes show that no mind -2CS for each additional body. of breaching the dimensions. It
exists in the target's body. •Neural Manipulation: The can function normally if both

hero and target are within mumps, influenza, and such. per additional 10%. Controlled
another dimension. The character must actively plants have their own
seek out sources of new characteristics and ranks that
•L16/Plague Carrier: The hero diseases in order to add them are increased to the hero's
can contain within his body and to his inner armory. This is done Power rank, where applicable.
release at will a variety of by consuming live cultures ("I
disease-causing micro- don't get it! Why would anyone •L18/Plant Growth: The hero
organisms (bacteria, germs, drink a vial of smallpox has the ability to make plants
viruses). The hero is immune to culture?") or by curing a grow nearly instantaneously,
any disease (otherwise he'd diseased person in the manner and far larger than normal. The
have died as soon as he gained explained earlier. This latter act Power can force a seed to
this dubious Power) but he can will gain even the vilest villain a sprout immediately and gives it
instantly infect others at will with small flock of devoted people, the ability to thrive, even in the
diseases of his choosing. all cured by him. The hero can absence of normal nutrients
Symptoms appear 1-10 turns use his Power against single (light, soil, and water). The hero
later. Curiously, victims are not targets. Multiple targets can affect existing plants and
themselves contagious to decrease his Power rank by seeds or use seeds and sprouts
others. Obviously the Power -1CS per additional person. carried with him. In the latter
alters the genetics of the Rank determines the Intensity case, the player must make a
disease causing organisms and of the infection and duration of list of the types of seeds the
weakens them so that they can the symptoms. This Power can hero carries oust as a weapons
only survive within the hero and be negated or even destroyed specialist needs a list of those
the first new body into which by Biophysical Control or with which he is proficient). This
they are introduced. Upon the massive injections of Power does not change the
death of the victim or the end of antimicrobial drugs. The hero is natural abilities of the affected
the Power's duration, all the then reduced to a normal being. plants; it only enhances them
microbes die as well. This The Power's ability to infect up to the Power's rank. This
Power does have a beneficial others can be negated by Power requires the player to
side. Because of the hero's normal medical means or develop some rudimentary
special ability to control Powers like Self-Healing, knowledge of botany, since the
microbes, he can actually cure Induced Healing, True more the player knows about
others of disease. By means of Invulnerability, and this Power plants, the more stunts the hero
a red FEAT, the hero can draw itself. can perform. Typical plants
out of the target's body every used with this Power are:
last microbe of a particular type. •L17/Plant Control: The hero •Poison ivy: rash incapacitates
Note: This only removes the can impart limited movement foes
cause of damage. It does not and self-awareness to normally •Kudzu: vines entangle targets
remove the effects of the unintelligent plants. The plants •Briar: forms impassable
disease. Example: Black obey simple commands, and barriers
Plague has a fondness for red- possess rudimentary •Goldenrod: hay fever city…
haired children, and cures a communication and senses. •Oak: instant support for
copper-haired tyke of smallpox. The hero can accelerate the damaged buildings
While the child will live, he still plants' growth somewhat, but •Venus flytrap: Catch and hold
has the pockmarks. A character cannot make it exceed normal foes Power rank determines the
with this Power has to gain limits on size or shape. Rank speed of plant growth and the
diseases, much as others would determines the number of rank of the affected plant's
gain weapons, as he plants affected and the duration abilities.
progresses. New characters of the control. Exceeding the Growing a plant in normal
begin with diseases common to number of controlled plants conditions (adequate light, soil,
everyday life, like chicken pox, decreases the duration -1CS and water) requires a Typical

Intensity FEAT. Growing plants negation takes a Typical added to his partner's starting
in less than adequate Intensity FEAT; sensory Karma score, but from then on
conditions (insufficient light, alteration takes a Remarkable the Hero is responsible for
soil, or water; typical urban Intensity FEAT. The Power rank covering and managing the
conditions) requires a determines the range and sidekick's Karma needs. If a
Remarkable Intensity FEAT. duration of the effects. sidekick dies, the Hero loses
Growing plants in openly hostile Karma equal to the sidekick's
conditions (no light, soil, or •L20/Shape-change-Others**: starting Karma and plus his full
water) requires an Unearthly The hero has the ability to health score. If this is more
Intensity FEAT. Because their change the shapes of other Karma than the Hero has, keep
metabolism is accelerated by living beings. The result can track of the difference. The
this Power, the plants quickly take any shape and Hero must earn and payoff this
die. The lifespan is 1/8 normal. appearance the hero wishes: Karma debt before keeping or
As a rule of thumb, the player animal, vegetable, mineral. The using any Karma for himself.
can use these guidelines for target's basic physiology The normal Karma award is
normal and accelerated remains unchanged despite the doubled if the Hero captures the
lifespans: House plants-6 apparent differences between person who killed his sidekick.
months/2 days Shrubbery-5 the original and new forms.
years/3 weeks Trees- 1000 When shape changing a target, •L22/Sleep Induction: This is a
years/1 -10 years The point of the hero must make sure that nice, simple, straight-forward
this is that your hero doesn't the new form still allows basic Power that is hardly ever used
have to worry about filling the life functions to continue in any comic because it's not
city with giant plants left over (especially breathing!). If not, terribly dramatic. Nor is it
from old battles. He might still using the Power constitutes a exactly cricket. The hero has
be in trouble with the Park Kill result and all the bad Karma the ability to put any target into
Department, though… entailed therein. When creating a deep sleep, from which he
the hero, the player can opt to cannot awake while the Power
•L19/Sense Alteration: The exchange one of his randomly is in effect. During this induced
hero can deliberately change generated Powers for Body sleep, the target is completely
the manner in which a target Transformation-Others. In this helpless (see what I mean
either receives sensory stimuli case the hero really can change about not being cricket?). On
processes it within the brain. a living target int anything he the other hand, when you're
The simplest form negates one wants (with no restrictions). facing 325 battle crazed Skrulls,
or more of the senses, this Power can be really handy.
producing instant blindness, •L21/Sidekick: A sidekick is a The Power rank determines the
deafness, numbness, and so NPC companion controlled by range and duration of the
on. More complex is the ability the Judge. Bucky Barnes and Power. Relevant distances are
to modify the senses. The hero Rick Jones, both of whom shown on column A of the
can amplify some elements and worked with Captain America, Range Table. It affects
negate others. For example, the are the best examples. A everyone within range. Sleep
hero might make a target sidekick is created the same persists for 1 -10 hours after the
literally see red (and only red). way as any other character, but Power's duration. During that
The most complex form is his Ability ranks cannot equal time, the victim can be
Hallucinations. By a Monstrous those of the hero he works with. awakened by anyone, but he'll
Intensity FEAT, the hero can If the sidekick has any powers wake up naturally in any case.
transfer sensory information to that duplicate those of his
others, making everyone share partner's the sidekick's rank •L23/Spirit Storage: The hero
a common set of perceptions. must be lowered by two ranks. can capture and indefinitely
These may be the hero's, or The sidekick does not earn hold within himself any number
someone else Sensory Karma. His starting Karma is of disembodied spirits. Such

spirits find themselves within a called "demons" but may be of and that many are hostile to
pocket dimension of the hero's any nature or disposition. The humans. The being a hero
creation; while within it, they Power enables the hero to summons today might hold a
retain a semblance to their summon any known extra- grudge against him for eons to
original forms. This pocket dimensional being, Provided his come.
dimension can have any Power rank is higher than the
appearance. The one within being's Psyche rank, on a •L25/Undead Control: The
Adam Warlock's Soul gem was green FEAT. Equal ranks hero can dominate the wills and
a rather pleasant park. The require a yellow FEAT. Trust actions of previously living, still-
hero can freely communicate me, you don't want to summon corporeal beings. Such beings
with any spirits held within. He beings more powerful than you are often called "zombies" or
is immune to any attempts they (they might answer), but if you “zuvembies" and are only semi-
might make to possess his do it anyway, you need a red intelligent. Controlling them
body. A spirit can escape on a FEAT. The summoned being is requires a green FEAT.
red Psyche FEAT, provided its instantly teleport from its home Controlling fully intelligent, more
Psyche rank is higher than the dimension to a spot chosen by powerful undead like mummies
Power rank. This Power can be the hero. Once summoned, the or vampires requires a red
used in conjunction with Forced being must perform a single FEAT. Once control is
Reincarnation to find new task ordered by the hero. being established, the hero can order
homes for vagrant spirits. This must immediately set about the undead to perform any task
Power can be mechanically fulfilling the order. If successful, he desires, so long as it is
simulated to provide a "holding he can immediately depart for within their ability. Control
tank" for disruptive spirits like his home dimension. Players ceases when the task is
poltergeists or particularly should refer to MHAC9, Realms accomplished, but can be
malevolent Free Spirits. In this of Magic, by Kim Eastland for a reinstated at that time. This
case, the Power lasts as long detailed list of beings this Power cannot affect anything
as the device is supplied with Power can summon. Normally, alive. A cured vampire, for
energy. Capturing a spirit heroes will only summon example, would ignore the
requires a FEAT. Compare the magical creatures like demons Power. This Power is commonly
Power rank with the Psyche of and elementals. If a hero feels linked to Zombie Animation (the
the intended target. If the Power particularly confident, though, Power that actually creates
rank is higher, a green FEAT he might be able to call magical undead). When creating the
will do. Equal ranks require a characters like Clea and hero, the player can exchange it
yellow FEAT. A Psyche rank D'Spayre. Heroes can never for another Power. Intelligent
higher than the Power rank summon entities, although one undead may hold a grudge
means the hero must make a might pretend to answer a against the hero and later try to
red FEAT. summoning on a lark. This destroy him. Worse, they might
Power summons one being at a attempt to make the hero into
•L24/Summoning: The hero time. Each additional being one of themselves. Exorcism,
can summon and control extra- decreases the Power's rank by Magic Negation, or Power
dimensional, corporeal beings. -1CS. Remember that most Negation can all destroy the
Such beings are commonly magical beings are intelligent hero's control over his minions.

Magical Powers
The Powers referred to by the most often referred to as Magic recite a series of words to
word "Magic" cannot be easily had two basic components in manifest his Power. The Chant
categorized in the other Power the way they operated. I call can be any length and form.
classes. It is, as Jeff Grubb so these components Mechanism Generally, the rank of the Effect
quaintly put it in the Players' and Effect. Mechanism is the determines the length of the
Book of the Marvel Super manner in which the, hero Chant. The Chant lasts one turn
Heroes Advanced Set, "a can of manifests his Magical Power. for each ten points of the Power
worms that,once opened, may There are ten basic types of rank number. For example, a
be difficult to contain." The Mechanisms with an infinite Chant of Incredible effect takes
subject of Magic in the Marvel number of further variations. 4 turns.
Universe is dealt with at length These further variations are the
by Kim Eastland's book, actual “spells” that produce a Song: The hero need to sing or
Realms of Magic (MHAC9). specific Power/ Effect. When play a specific song, tune, or
However, the book you're the Player rolls his first Magical rhythm to bring about the
reading couldn't be called The Power, he must select a desired Effect. The name is a
Ultimate Powers Book if it Mechanism. He can,choose misnomer, since the nature of
simply shunted you off to Mr. one of those listed below or let the Song can be as diverse as
Eastland's book now, could it? pure chance decide. Upon words and music, a hummed
This section is for those players gaining further Magical Powers, tune, a series of notes on an
and Judges who are not the player can stay with that instrument, or an exotic
following a strict interpretation first Mechanism or have drumbeat. The Song lasts one
of the aforementioned tome or another go at random turn for each ten points of the
are simply interested in forging determination. Power rank number. For
a Magic system that is unique example, a Song of Shift X
to their campaign. It can be Die Roll Mechanism Effect takes 15 turns to be
treated as a supplement to, 01-08 Word properly performed.
explanation of, or replacement 09-20 Chant
for your current magic system. 21-28 Song Gesture: The hero must
If a Magic Power appears at 29-40 Gesture perform a specific physical
any time during the character 41-52 Alchemy action to bring about the
generation process, the player 53-60 Talisman desired Effect. The nature and
should convert the entire 61-68 Familiar complexity of Magic Gestures
character to a Mage and 69-76 Necromancy varies. They can be hand and
convert all the Powers into their 77-84 Summoning arm movements, facial
Magical equivalents. If the 85-00 Ritual expressions, acrobatics, dance
character was a High Tech type steps, and or anything else the
or possessed a physical type Word: The hero needs to speak player can think of. The Effect
that was obviously a single, specific word in order determines the complexity
technological in nature, these to manifest his Power. Subtle and performance time of the
should be altered to reflect a variations in pronunciation Gesture. To properly perform a
Magical background for the change the range, direction, Gesture takes one turn per
character. For example, Robots and Intensity of the Effect. The twenty points of the Effect's
might be now considered to be higher the Effect's rank, the Power rank number. For
clockwork automatons or harder the required Word is to example, a Monstrous Effect
Galatea-like animated statues. pronounce properly. takes four turns to properly
The research for this book execute.
revealed that those Powers Chant: The hero needs to

Alchemy: The hero can Familiar: The Mage possesses who only uses already
achieve a specific Effect by (or is possessed by) a special deceased materials and is a
following a recipe that combines life form who serves as an valiant foe of nasty, evil,
arcane or even commonplace amplifier, conduit, and "unenlightened" Necromancers
substances in a special transmitting device for the who still do things the old
procedure. The resulting Mage's Power. The hero must fashioned way. Higher ranked
substance possesses enough be in contact with the Familiar Effects require harder to
Power to attempt the desired to achieve any type of Effect acquire body bits. The Judge
Effect. The length of aside from communication. The will have to decide his own
preparation time and the cost of Familiar can be any species, standards for this. For example,
the ingredients increases with but generally is a non-sentient a dead mouse is required for a
the rank of the Effect. Prep time being of a lower order of life Feeble Effect while 400-year-
is one turn per each ten points than the Mage's physical form. old bones of somebody named
of the Power rank number. The The Familiar's species is Fredrickson might be required
ingredients cost an amount of usually from the same world or for a Shift-X Effect.
Resource points equal to 10% dimension as the Mage. Of
of the Effect's rank. For course, if the Mage is of a Summoning: The Mage can
example, an Effect of Shift Y higher order than humans, he summon supernatural beings
rank would require materials of might have a human as a and compel/bribe/beg them to
Excellent cost stirred together Familiar. The relationship go do the actual work that
for 20 turns. between Mage and Familiar produces the Effect. Such
bonds them together so well beings include Spirits, Angels,
Talisman: The Mage must that they can Telepathically Demons, and any other Magical
possess a specific item in order communicate with each other. Beings who might exist in the
to achieve his desired effect. Common examples of Familiars Judge's campaign. Generally
This can be a specific type of include felines and owls. speaking, each Summoner
item for each type of spell, such specializes in a particular
as a marble sphere to Necromancy: The Mage can type of Magical creature. The
communicate with spirits or a achieve an Effect by using the Summoner can draw on the
handful of eagle feathers to remnants of life force contained services of other types but this
achieve flight. Common in once-living biological is an unlikely event brought
talismans have a cost of one materials. Unfortunately for about by special circumstances.
Resource point for each point of everybody concerned, the most For example, Illyana Rasputin
the Effect's rank number. For potent source of this life force is can summon a variety of
example, a common talisman a living organism which the Demons but has never tried to
for a Remarkable Effect would Necromancer must slay in order summon a Ghost. The overall
cost 30 points. Much rarer is the to have the benefit of its life Power rank of the being to be
Magical Talisman, a unique item force. Necromancy is the summoned is dictated by the
that possesses its own Power nastiest form of Magic there is. rank of the desired Effect. (If the
or focuses the Mage's own If the player rolls this form, he being can't do the job then why
Power. Magic Talismans are has three options. One, summon it in the first place?)
general purpose devices that continue creating the character The Mage runs into danger as
can serve the Mage's every and then give him to the he attempts to summon more
need, regardless of the type of Judge for use as an NPC villain. Powerful beings, many of whom
Effect desired. An example of Two, say the magic word might resent the Mage for
this is Dr. Strange's amulet, the "Drat!," discard this Mechanism, dragging them away from their
Eye of Agamotto. Magic and roll again. Three, go with home dimension and sending
Talismans can be of any nature, this Mechanism and assume them off on some ridiculous
whether jewelry, implements, that your Mage is an mission. Should the Mage lose
clothing, or grandfather's skull. "enlightened" Necromancer control of the situation, things

might get nasty, messy, and temple. He didn't know that the Power Generation process.
probably fatal. dance was really a Weather There are twenty Powers that
Control spell. He also didn't are unique to the Magic
Ritual: his is a combination of know that his lead dancer was a classification. Since Mages
any of the preceding nine budding Sorceress; she didn't often display Magical Powers
Mechanisms into a compound know it either. On the opening that are virtually identical to
Mechanism. The player rolls the night, the dancer's excitement more normal Powers, the
dice to determine how many finally allowed her latent Power system had to account for those
Mechanisms are to be to connect with the spell she as well. These are handled
combined into the Ritual. was unwittingly casting, with under the category of Power
torrential results. Critics hailed it Simulation.
Die Roll #Mechanisms as a new triumph in bringing
01-33 1 realism into the theater. •MG1/Enchantment**: The
34-67 3 Curiously, if anyone who Mage is able to invest a target
68-00 4 possesses Powers other than with Magical Power. The target
Magic tries to imitate a must be a non-sentient being or
The player then returns to the Mechanism, there is a chance it even nonliving matter. The
Mechanism listing at the will succeed. In such a case, Mage is able to turn the
beginning of this section and the mimic's own Powers Enchanted item into a battery
randomly generates the provide the raw energy to that can harmlessly store
component Mechanisms. achieve the Effect. Such a Magic. Any spell stored within
Duplicate rolls simply means mimicry requires two red the item can be retained
that an extra effort is needed; Reason FEATs to succeed. The indefinitely in a state of
that Mechanism is twice as first FEAT means that some readiness until the spell is
complicated as your Mage had kind of Effect has been somehow released. The Mage
initially thought. Examples of achieved, while the second can store any spell he already
Ritual combinations include means the Effect is under the possesses with the sole
Word/Gesture, Chant/Talisman, mimic's control. Example: Kitty exception of this Power; a Mage
and Song/Dance. Mechanisms Pride has been watching Illyana cannot Enchant something that
are only effective if used by Rasputin closely in order to will then Enchant something
someone who actually figure out how Illyana creates else later on. If the Mage is
possesses Magical Power. space warps. Kitty tries working in conjunction with
Mechanisms can be imitated by to imitate her friend's actions. another being who possesses
normal people but the Effect Kitty's Remarkable Reason other Magic or Powers, these
won't occur because the gives her a slim chance of can be stored away as well by
imitator doesn't have the Power success. She lucks out the first incorporating them into the
to support the mimicry. So phase (a 95) and vanishes into spell. Enchantment can store
forget about tape recording a glowing circle of light. any number of spells, within the
Chants and playing them back Unfortunately she botched the limit imposed by Enchantment's
whenever you want. Of course, second phase (a 32) and didn't rank number. The total rank
if the Mechanism is imitated by reappear at poolside as she numbers of any spells that are
someone who didn't know that intended. An hour later Enchanted into a target cannot
they possessed Magical Power, Professor X accepts a collect exceed Enchantment's own
then the Effect might call from Bristol, England. It's rank number. For example,
unexpectedly occur. For Kitty, asking if somebody could Feeble Enchantment can only
example, the famous come get her. The second store a single Feeble spell;
choreographer Rob Fusse Component to Magic is the Monstrous Enchantment can
created a ballet that Effect. It's just another word for store one Amazing and one
incorporated dance steps he'd the Power the player has Remarkable spell, eight Good
once witnessed in a Tibetan already acquired through the spells, 40 Feeble spells, or any

combination. The Mage is not release the Magic. This can be regardless of the intervening
required to cram everything he a specific time, event, condition, distance. The Judge can player
has into every Enchantment he intended target, or have a should work together to develop
makes. The Mage must make controlled release at the will of a playable Source and link. If
contact With the item in order to whoever is in possession of the the link is severed or the
fully Enchant it. If he does not Enchanted item. This last Source destroyed, the Mage is
make physical contact, the example includes such things left with a finite supply of Magic.
rank of any spells he is storing as magical amulets, swords, The amount of raw Magic he
decreases 1CS for each ten wands, and the rest of the has left is the number of points
feet that separates the Mage exotic paraphernalia that equal to his Psyche rank. Each
and the item. For example, a clutters the Sword and Sorcery spell he casts depletes that
Monstrous Enchantment could genre. Such an item reverts to reservoir by the Effects rank
only place Typical spells in a normal when all the spells have number. Obviously, it is in the
target 60 feet away. been released. Some spells are Mage's best interests to renew
Enchantment is disrupted by permanent modifications. These his link or repair the Source as
the presence of a Psyche in the are spells that only directly quickly as possible. Example:
target. This is why only non- affect the item itself and not a Rolthes the Wizard draws his
sentient or nonliving items can second, external target later on. Power from a glowing Orb he
be used. While sentient Robots The innate Powers of a keeps in his Iowa City
and Computers cannot be permanently Enchanted item apartment. Holding the Orb at
Enchanted, mindless can be resisted or even dawn renews his Power for
servomechanisms can be. The negated by such Powers as another day. Tuesday night the
mechanical components of a Force Field vs. Magic, Orb got stolen. Rolthes has
Cyborg may fall into this Resistance to Magic, Iron Will, Excellent Psyche and thus
category; the Judge is free to Magic Control, or Magic retains a reservoir of 20 points
decide on an individual basis. If Domination. Optional Powers worth of Magic. ("Why couldn't it
he decides so, the include Elemental Conversion, have been stolen after I went to
Enchantment does not directly Molecular Conversion, and work?” he mutters.) He has
affect the living sections of the Molding. Nemeses include enough Magic left for ten
Cyborg. Enchantment can be Force Field vs. Magic, Feeble, five Poor, three Typical,
prevented by a variety of Resistance to Magic, Magic two Good, or one Excellent
factors. Interrupting the Control, or Magic Domination. spell. He casts a Typical
Mechanism that creates this Telelocaton spell with a range of
Effect will prevent Enchantment •MG2/Energy Source: The 250 miles. It costs him six
from occurring at all. Removing Mage draws his Magic from a points, but at least he knows
the target causes the Mage to special source that provides the Orb is in a truck in Grinnell
Enchant the now empty air; if him with all the raw Power he only fifty miles away. Fourteen
the interloper substitutes needs. As long as the Mage can points are left. Rolthes expends
another item before the maintain his link with his another six in a Typical
Mechanism is complete, then Source, he can continue to use Teleportation spell into the
that item will get Enchanted the Magic it provides. The truck, which leaves him with
instead. A would-be target can nature of the Source and the eight points worth of Magic with
be protected from unwanted link vary by individual case. If which to Mind Control the thief
Enchantment by Force Field vs. the source is small enough, the and reclaim the Orb. As you are
Magic, Resistance to Magic, Mage might be required to carry beginning to suspect, this isn't
Magic Control, Magic it with him. If not, perhaps the really a Power but is more like a
Domination, or a previously Mage has to simply return to restraint. Take heart, because it
created Ward. When the Mage the Source at regular intervals is also a freebie. Mark this
Enchants the item, he must or forge a mystical "silver cord" down on an additional slot on
specify the stimulus that will that ties him to the Source, your sheet and roll again for an

additional Power. generate this mystical creature. wants. That cube could be
The hero may choose between shaped into a flat tile 14 miles
•MG3/Hellfire**: This is a the available options or use square or a ten foot high, ten
mystic form of fire used by the random dice rolls to create his foot wide corridor that extends
hero Ghost Rider. Using this companion. If this companion is for 11,395 miles. The real limit
Hellfire, a hero could perform ever destroyed or killed the to how much the Mage can
several power stunts: hero may be able to acquire a cram into his little world is the
•Create a fully functional new one at the Judge's size of the Gateway that
flaming motor cycle in a single discretion. everything must pass through.
turn. This cycle has Power The Gateway in this case is the
Rank Speed, Body, and •MG5/Internal Limbo: The Mage's body or rather a circle
Control. It never requires fuel, Mage can create a pocket the diameter of his body. It is
and can defy gravity for one dimension whose gateway is in a plane with the body and
turn, riding up vertical surfaces, his own body. This is a timeless arms outstretched. It generally
and making stunning leaps, etc. space of near-infinite volume. faces forward; that is,
•Create walls of flame encircling The Mage can shape conditions something has to be in front of
a single area; the flame has within the Internal Limbo and the Mage in order for him to
Power Rank intensity damage. create any environment he draw it in. The size of the
•Throw fireballs of Power Rank desires. For example, the world Gateway can be decreased any
fire damage and Power rank inside Adam Warlock's Soul amount and even pinched shut
range. Hellfire possesses armor Gem is a rather pleasant park. temporarily. Giant beings might
piercing abilities and any body The Mage can also control the limit their gateway to, say, their
armor possessed by the target basic attitudes and emotions of mouth or the palm of a hand.
is lowered by -2 CS rank. any being within this Limbo. A target can Resist being draw
•Use a form of cold hellfire that Within the Soul Gem, to in by the Gateway by using
would affect the human spirit continue the example, everyone Strength, Agility, or any Travel
This cold Hellfire inflicted no feels peace and happiness, Power. This Power's rank
physical damage, but for each even if they were vicious, determines what Intensity of
turn of use, the target made an violent people in the outside Strength FEAT. A moving target
Endurance FEAT or else world. Conversely, a Mage requires the Mage to make an
permanently lost one rank of might modify his particular Agility FEAT to catch the target.
Psyche. This magical attack is Internal Limbo to terrify anyone If the Mage tries to draw in a
of Power Rank intensity If the he draws into it. The motion- target larger than himself, odd
victim’s Psyche is brought altering aspect of Internal Limbo things can happen. One, he
below Feeble, its spirit becomes functions as +6CS Emotion might draw in only a section of
lost and irretrievable (in game Control. While the full size of it; the rest would appear to be
terms, the character ceases to anyone's Internal Limbo is sticking out of his body. This
have any control over his difficult to measure, certain could be fatal and quite messy
actions and should be retired nitpicking players might want to if some factor were to suddenly
from active play). Hellfire is know how much they can cram negate this Power. Two, he
subject Resist Magic powers in into theirs. The size of this might be able to break off what
addition to Resist Fire pocket dimension is the parts of it would fit within the
defenses. equivalent of a cube measuring Gateway. This requires a Power
on one side the number of miles FEAT based on the Material
•MG4/Creatures: The hero ha equal to the Power rank Strength of the target. Such
a mystical pet, familiar or mount number. For example, a Typical broken materials are rejoined
he has acquired through his rank can produce a cube six once the enter the Internal
mystical journeys. The hero miles on a side (216 cubic Limbo. Three, it simply might
should follow the guidelines miles). The Mage can alter the not work. The Mage would stick
available with Table 3.8 to shape of this cube anyway he the target to his chest but that's

as far as it would go. The only determined by the other only his body. There are three
thing that is guaranteed to Mage's Psyche. For example, a forms of Magic Control. When
never be able to enter a Mage's Monstrous rank is required to creating the Mage, the
Internal Limbo is the Mage's even think about manipulating player can choose any single
own physical body. If the Mage Dr. Strange's magic. If Control form at full Power rank.
possesses such Powers as is achieved, it affects the entire Additional forms can be gained
Energy Doppelganger, Illusory rank of that Magic. The range at by decreasing all Control ranks
Duplication, Life-form Creation, which a Mage can Control by -1CS for each additional
Free Spirit, Anatomical Magic is determined by his own form. The player can select
Separation, Self Duplication, or Power rank. Distances are forms himself or let the dice do
Astral Body, then he can send a shown on Column A of the it.
part or a representation of Range Table on the inside
himself into his little world while cover. The Power can be made Die Roll Form
the rest of himself stays in the to affect either a specific type of 01-40 Manipulation
outer world. Without such an spell or all the spells of specific 41-70 Magnification/
ability, the Mage is limited to Mage. In the first case, Control Reduction
only basic awareness of is exerted over all spells of the 71-00 Negation
conditions within the Internal chosen type within the Mage's
Limbo. To conclude the range, regardless of how many Manipulation: The Mage can
example, Adam Warlock had no other Mages are affected. For alter the flow and application of
idea at all of what conditions example, the Mage might Magic. He can change the
were like within the Soul Gem negate all Flying spells within a direction of a cast spell's
until he physically died and was certain area. In the second energies with a green Power
drawn in. Optional Powers case, Control is exerted over a FEAT. He can alter the effects
includes any one of the particular Magical adversary of a spell by a yellow FEAT. He
following—Energy and affects all the spells that can completely change the
Doppelganger, Mage possesses. For example, nature of the spell by a red
Illusory Duplication, Life-form the arch sorceress Jen'tmril FEAT. For example, Rolthes
Creation, Free Spirit, reduces Rolthes' Spells to casts a Feeble Fire Generation
Anatomical Separation, Self Feeble level. The duration of at Jen'tmril; she Manipulates
Duplication, and Astral Body. the Control lasts a maximum the flames into a spray of rose
The Nemesis for this is number of minutes equal to the petals. The Mage need not
Dimension Travel. Power rank number. After the actually possess the new spell
expiration of that Control, it the old one was Manipulated
•MG6/Magic Control**: The must be renewed. This can be into, but the new spell must be
Mage can alter the behavior of done indefinitely. The range at something harmless to either
pure Magic itself, whether it is in which Control can be exerted is combatant.
a raw or applied state. The determined by the Power rank; Magnification/Reduction: The
Mage can control the actions of appropriate distances are Mage can either increase or
any Magic within his range and shown on Column A of the decrease the rank of the
capabilities. If the Magic is free Range Table. Control is directed affected Magic by his own
of a living Mage's body, the in a straight line; it is not Power rank number. For
Power rank of that Magic automatically an area effect. If example, by means of a red
determines what Intensity FEAT the Mage desires an area FEAT and Remarkable Control,
is required. For example, a effect, the sphere he creates a Mage could change an
Typical Controller needs to has a radius equal to -4CS Incredible spell to either Good
make a Red FEAT to control a range. For example, Excellent or Spectacular rank.
Good rank. If the Magic is Control can be exerted over a Unfortunately, the one thing the
internalized within another living six-area range or surround the Mage cannot affect is his own
Mage, the necessary FEAT is Mage with a field that surrounds Magic.

Negation: This is an extreme rank number. This number for a new Power. Optional
form of Reduction. The Mage always includes those Powers Powers include Hyper
can completely dispel any the Mage already possesses. Intelligence and Total Memory.
Magic within his scope. Spells The player and Judge should The Nemesis for this Power is
completely dissipate. Things agree on a list of Magical Magic Control/ Negation.
affected by the dispelled Magic Powers the Mage can create in
revert to their original condition. others; at least half the list •MG8/Magic Domination: This
Mages are reduced to Normal should be randomly determined is a form of Mind Control. The
Humans (or whatever). The to reflect odd bits of arcane Mage can control the actions of
worst effect is on Magical knowledge the Mage other Mages in regards to the
Creatures. The loss of Magic had picked up along the way. casting and use of Magic spells.
may be damaging or even fatal The Magical Powers she The Mage acts as a Puppet
to such beings. Undesired confers are nowhere near as master who can control the
Control can be avoided by high ranked as those the Mage physical actions but not the
Dodging a directed attack, possesses. New Magic is conscious mind of his victim.
moving out of the Control's initially ranked at -3CS of this The Mage can force his puppet
range, or by the use of such Power's rank. This can later be to cast any Magic he possesses
Powers as Force Field vs. improved by the actions of the in any way the controlling Mage
Magic, Resistance to Magic, recipient. How long the recipient desires. The Mage cannot
and this Magical Power. retains the Power is determined control the actual
Successful resistance enables by the Mage's Reason; it is a characteristics of the puppet
the would be target to retain his measure of how well he taught Mage's Magic. Range, area of
normal Magic, at least for now. the recipient. A separate FEAT effect, and casting time are all
The Nemesis is an opposing or made at the time of creation unaltered. The Power is a battle
higher ranked form of Magic reveals the maximum of the Mage's Power rank
Control. duration. A green FEAT gives a versus the would be victim's
duration of one day times the Psyche. Psyche determines the
•MG7/Magic Creation**: The combined Reason rank Intensity of the Power FEAT.
Mage has the ability to create numbers of -the Mage and the For example, a Monstrous rank
new Magical Powers and invest recipient. A yellow FEAT needs a Green FEAT to
them into sentient beings for increases that to 10 days times overcome Illyana Rasputin's
their own use. The new Magic the combined Reason rank Fantastic Psyche. The
can be of any nature, including numbers. A red FEAT ensures range at which a Mage can
any of the listings in this book, the Magic's permanency. attempt Domination varies with
so long as they are treated as Example: The arch sorceress his rank and the number being
Magical rather than normal Jen'tmril confers the ability to controlled. The normal ranges
Powers. It can even be used to Dimension Travel on her for Dominating a single being
create any Magic or Powers acolyte, Eleanor. She are shown on column A of the
that are not found in this book, if possesses Monstrous Magic Range Table. Each additional
you find something overlooked. Creation and can give Eleanor being the Mage controls causes
The Mage is limited in the a Remarkable rank. Their the range to decrease -1CS.
number and Power ranks she combined Reason rank The duration is as long as the
can Create. The variety of such numbers total forty, points. She Mage can retain his
Powers as she can Create goes makes a yellow FEAT; the concentration. The Judge is
beyond her own innate Magical Power will last 400 days. free to develop his own
Powers. ("Those who can't Judges may want to forbid this standards of how hard that is in
do, teach.") The Mage can Power to any player characters a given situation. If a victim fails
create a variety of Magical or restrict it to characters with his initial Resistance, he
Powers whose maximum high Karma. In that can try again every ten turns by
number is equal to her Power case, players should roll again making a Psyche FEAT based

on this Power's rank. A green connection to one of the transferring a Good rank of it
FEAT means the victim has Magical Schools of Mysticism. into her aide Eleanor, she
freed himself of the Domination. The hero begins play with reduces her own rank to Good.
As you might suspect, this access to this school of magic The Mage can transfer a single
Power only works against determined by rolling on Table Power with each spell. Because
Mages and Magical Creatures. 5.0 and one spell randomly suddenly gaining Magical
Not many beings of non- rolled or chosen from Table 6.1 Power is usually in the
Magical Powers are exempt. Personal Energy Spells. recipient's best interests,
Curiously, using Magic Resistance is not usually
Negation on a puppet-Mage will •MG11/Magical Energy attempted. The recipient is
free him of the effects of Manipulation**: usually trying to cooperate
Domination. If the target of this The hero has a natural ability to instead. If Resistance is called
Power voluntarily cooperates manipulate and control the for, unwanted Transferal can be
with the Mage, then control is forces of magic however, the thwarted by such things as
automatic. Domination can be hero cannot generate these moving the target out of range,
thwarted by such Powers as mystical forces himself. This disrupting the spell's
Force Field vs. Magic power prevents a hero from mechanism as it is being cast,
Resistance to Magic, and Magic learning any type of magic spell or blocking it with such Powers
Control. Optional Powers or entreaty to dimensional as Force Field vs. Magic,
include Mind Control and Power entities. If any spells are rolled Resistance to Magic, or Magic
Domination. The Nemesis is for your hero they should Control. The Mage should be in
either an enhanced Psyche to become power stunts for this contact with the recipient in
protect the Nemesis or Magic ability instead. The hero has the order to transfer the full rank of
Domination to usurp the Mage's ability to alter and manipulate the loaned Power. For each ten
control of others. the forces of magic to feet of distance between the
accomplish almost anything that two, the rank of the transferred
•MG9/Magical Item: The hero he may imagine. Through the Magic drops -1CS. The
possesses a Magical Item. The manipulations of magic energy decreased rank is still lost to the
hero should consult Tables 3.1 the hero may simulate almost Mage; it is as if she transferred
through 3.7 to generate this any other power or magic spell part of her Magic to the air
item through random rolls. Then on the list at -2 CS of his itself. If the Mage attempts to
the hero should roll on table 3.9 Mystical Energy Manipulation simultaneously transfer
to find the conditions which power rank. The hero may her Magic to two or more
exist upon the object if any. simulate the Resist Magic recipients, she can by simply
Finally, the hero should roll an power at -2 CS of this powers dividing the Magic equally
ability for it on the Power rank. Nemesis powers include between them. The duration of
Listings OR the Magical Magic Control and Nullifying the loaned Magic varies with
Spell lists (Player's Choice). powers. the Reason ranks of the Mage
The conditions on the item may and the recipient. A green
allow it more than one ability, •MG12/Magic Transferal: The Reason FEAT at the time of
you should consult your judge Mage can transfer some or all transferal gives a duration of
in this situation to make sure of her Magic to another sentient 100 turns times the combined
the item generated is not to being. Only this Power cannot Reason rank numbers. A yellow
powerful for the campaign. This be transferred. Any combination FEAT increases that to 10,000
item should be given Power of Powers and ranks can be turns times the Reason total. A
Rank Material Strength. transferred. The rank of each red FEAT means the transferal
spell decreases the rank for that is permanent. Optional Powers
•MG10/School of Magic: The spell held by the Mage. For include Mind Transferal and
hero in question has mystical example, Jen’tmril has Power Transferal. Nemeses
ability by training or a natural Excellent Levitation. By include Force Field vs. Magic,

Resistance to Magic, and Magic can voluntarily cease feeding at rank. Darkhound adds five
Control. any time by making a Psyche points, to each of his relevant
FEAT of any color except red. A Abilities; he now has Typical
•MG13/Magic Vampirism: The red FEAT means the Mage- Strength, Good Endurance,
Mage Vampire can drain the Vampire's hunger is beyond his Excellent Psyche, and two
Magical energy from a target control. He has entered a Incredible Powers. In the next
and convert that Magic into feeding frenzy that will only turn, trouble strikes when
extra Strength, Endurance, cease when the target has been Darkhound's player rolls a 51.
Psyche, and any other Magic or completely drained of Magic. If Instantly a shock runs through
Powers he possesses. The the Mage-Vampire fails to make Darkhound and repulses him
Mage- Vampire can force a any FEAT during the feeding from his prey. The shaken
nonliving, non-sentient process, he must break off his Sytanceas looks first at the
Magical item or being to release attack and cannot reestablish it. fleeing and then at the hank of
all its raw Magic. He must make The victim instantly develops an fur he'd grabbed from his
a FEAT whose Intensity is equal immunity to that particular Mage attacker… Why do Mage-
to the highest ranked Magic the Vampire and cannot be Vampires do it? Due to their
target possesses. For example, subjected to any future attacks peculiar nature, they lose
draining the Magic from Silver by him. This immunity does not energy at a disturbing rate. The
Dagger's namesake weapon protect him from other Mage rank numbers for Strength,
requires an Amazing Intensity Vampires. The Magic that the Endurance, Psyche, and any
FEAT. A drained item is now Mage-Vampire absorbs is used Magic or Powers (except this
nothing but a collection of to increase his Strength, one) drop one point per hour.
normal materials. Magical Endurance, Psyche, and any The Mage-Vampire must feed
beings may be hurt or other Magic or Powers he to return things to their original
destroyed if the Magic was an possesses. The increase is in levels. A Mage-Vampire
intrinsic part of their physiology. equal amounts to all the cannot actually starve if denied
If not, they are now normal, adjusted Abilities. The only victims, but when all his
powerless creatures. Living or Magic or Powers that cannot be affected rank numbers reach
sentient beings are harder to increased is this Magical Shift-0, he enters a death-like
drain because they possess a Vampirism itself. Example: trance. His Magical Vampirism
Psyche. The would-be Darkhound is an Excellent continues to seek victims and
victim's Psyche determines Mage-Vampire but possesses can attempt to drain anything
what Intensity FEAT is required. Feeble Strength, Poor Magical that comes in contact
A successful FEAT enables the Endurance, Good Psyche, and with the body. When the Mage-
Mage to drain Magic from the two Powers of Remarkable Vampire's Abilities return to
victim. An amount of raw Magic rank. His intended victim is Feeble rank, he returns to life.
equal to this Power's rank Sytanceas, a Demihuman Mage When creating the Mage
number is drawn in equal with three Magical Powers Vampire, the player must play
amounts from all the victim's (Remarkable Sympathetic his Weakness (you cannot
Magical Powers and any Magic Magic, Feeble Internal Limbo, ignore it like many of your fellow
that forms his physical body. and Typical Gateway) and an players do theirs). The player
The last applies if the victim is Excellent Psyche. Darkhound can increase the Power rank by
something other than human, makes the necessary Yellow +1CS for each additional
such as a golem. The process FEAT to begin feeding. He Weakness he takes, up to a
of feeding can continue drains twenty points worth of maximum of three additional
indefinitely, as long as the Magic from Sytanceas. The loss Weaknesses. Magical
Mage- Vampire continues to of six points each wipes out the Vampirism is communicable. A
make successful FEATs. Each Internal Limbo and Gateway living or sentient being who was
turn drains another rank's worth spells and reduces the third completely drained of all Magic
of Magic. The Mage-Vampire Magical Power to Excellent by a Mage Vampire must make

a mandatory Psyche FEAT roll. chooses. The second method range into the future that the
A red FEAT means the victim pits this power's rank against Mage can directly influence
has himself been transformed the Material Strength of the events is the number of turns
into a Feeble Mage-Vampire. targeted object in question, equal to her Power rank
The Nemesis for this is an allowing the hero to physically number. For example, an
enhanced Psyche two levels control the properties of the Excellent rank can influence an
higher than the Mage Vampire's target. In the third manner, the event that won't occur for
Power rank. hero pits his power rank against another twenty turns. The
the Intensity rank of a target complexity of the desired
•MG14/Power Simulation: phenomenon such as energy change decides what Intensity
This is not an actual Magical fields, magic, powers, etc., in all FEAT is required. Random
Power. What it is is a Magical three cases the effect is limited chance or a single event that is
version of any Power in the to the heroes Power Rank Area. decided by the dice requires a
Character Creation green FEAT to change to the
Compendium. The player •MG16/Reality Alteration**: Mage's whim. Series of physical
simply rolls the dice again at The hero can reshape time actions or altering a person's
this point to randomly determine itself in order to achieve a decisions requires a yellow
another Power. Such a Power is desired situation. There are four FEAT. Altering several
to then considered to be forms of this Power, each with a conscious decisions by two or
Magical in nature and follows specific area of effect. Three of more people requires a red
the rules for Magic rather than these alter the conditions that FEAT. The Mage must be within
for relatively normal Power. For result from the passage of time. line-of-sight of the location of
example, whereas Cyclops can The fourth alters the actual flow the impending event in order to
simply open his ruby visor to of time. When the player use this Power. Clairvoyance or
unleash a glowing Kinetic bolt, creates a character with this Sensory Link can be coupled
a Mage with the Magical Power, he must roll the dice to with this Power to extend its
equivalent must go through the randomly determine what form range up to the limit of that
motions of casting a spell to his Magic possesses. Power's detection range. This
achieve the same effect. This Power requires a great deal of
can be a problem when the Die Roll Form cooperation with the Judge,
Mage is in a combat situation 01-40 Future especially at the higher levels
but no one said a Mage's life 41-65 Present that have an immediate range
was easy. Once this Magical 66-75 Past of several minutes or hours of
Power appears and the player 75-00 Temporal Flow game time. If the FEAT is
rolls again to gain an actual successful, the future event
Power, any other Powers the Alter Future: The Mage can occurs naturally at the
player gains should also be control the probability of a appointed time. If the FEAT is
considered to be Magical in certain event coming to pass. unsuccessful, the event is
nature. This may require the The event can have any degree somehow protected from the
player to re-think his concept of of importance, from a simple Mage's tampering. She must try
his developing hero. coin toss to the passage of the a different tactic if she makes
Mutant Control Act. Events of another attempt to alter that
•MG15/Probability Control: greater importance require the future event. Example: Tamper
This power allows the hero to Mage to make the desired has Remarkable Reality
affect his immediate future in change in a series of several Alteration and a range of three
three different ways, The first steps over a great period of minutes. She is incognito at a
way pits this power against the time. The Power is limited to secret Congressional
Psyche of his target. In this directly influencing events Appropriations Committee
effect the hero makes the target within a finite range of time and meeting at which Henry Peter
behave in the manner he complexity. The maximum Gyrich is seeking funding for

additional Sentinels. Tamper is the borrowed world determines made at the time of creation. A
trying to cut the funding. As this what Intensity FEAT is required. green Reason FEAT gives a
requires changing the minds of A world that fairly closely maximum duration of two hours
several Congressmen, a red matches that of the Marvel times the Reason rank number.
FEAT is required. Two minutes Universe requires a green A yellow Feat increases it to
before the vote is taken, she FEAT. A world of major one day times the Reason rank
tries and fails (her player rolled historical differences but similar number. A red FEAT increases
a 66). The Congress men's in biological and geological that to ten days times the
minds are already made up. terms requires a yellow FEAT. Reason rank number. In very
She tries another tactic by Worlds that are drastically special circumstances, the
concentrating on Gyrich different, such as a New York Mage might be able to make
himself. She increases the built by intelligent lizards, the duration permanent. In such
probability that he would do require a red FEAT. The Mage a case, the pocket dimension
something incredibly obnoxious can take any number of people has expanded to take in all of
that would disgrace him in front along to this other world. The the emulated other-world. Such
of the Congressmen. This only maximum number is equal to cases are entirely at the
alters a single mind and is a the Power rank number. Anyone Judge's discretion and should
yellow FEAT. She fails that too consciously brought along be limited to extremely urgent
(he's too hidebound). Finally retains their original minds and re writings of campaign history.
she concentrates on making the memories of conditions in their An example of this might be if
fire sprinkler system fail (a native reality. Such passengers Fabian Stankowitz had
green FEAT). She succeeds, can operate freely anywhere accidentally killed all the
the room gets drenched, and within the Mage's area of Avengers in the last gaming
the Committee adjourns before control. A size of the affected session. The Mage can
actually taking the vote. Tamper region is a spherical area terminate the pocket dimension
has another day to figure out whose size is determined by the at any time, thereby returning
some way to succeed. Some Power rank. The radius is the everyone to the real world.
events appear to be too number of miles equal to the Their locations upon returning
complex for this Power. In such Power rank number. A curious correspond to their relative
a case, the Mage should side-effect of this Power is that positions in the other-world. If
remember the adage, "From the affected area can be used their earlier positions had been
little acorns grow mighty oaks." as a gateway to the other-world at an altitude or depth other
A little time tampering today can it emulates. Anyone traveling than ground level, upon
snowball into a major rewrite of beyond the range of the returning they are safely
history in years to come. Mage's Power is automatically deposited on a surface that
Alter Present: The Mage can transported to that real world. most resembles their earlier
change the conditions of her Fortunately they retain a link to position. If none is available,
present surroundings. It is as if the Mage that allows them to they are deposited at ground
the Mage had somehow altered automatically return if they level.
the past without realizing it. In again enter the area Alter Past: The Mage can
truth, the Mage has built a represented by the Mage's actually change past history
pocket dimension that Power. This assumes they and thereby really alter the
transformed her immediate return while the Mage's little present. This is the most
surroundings into those of a world still exists; if they tarry too powerful listing in the Character
world from an alternate timeline. long they become accidental Creation Guide. As such, it will
The world she uses is one emigres to this other-world and probably be forbidden to player
whose natural conditions most will have to find their own way characters except in the rarest
closely matches the desired home. The actual lifespan of the of cases. The range at which
conditions. The degree of pocket dimension is determined the Mage can reach into past is
difference between the real and by a separate Reason FEAT determined by the Power rank.

The Mage must be at the site of but encouraged? Does the act used to alter either the Mage or
any past event he wants to of tampering actually catapult another target. If it is used
change. His Power rank the tamperer into an alternate against another, that target is
decreases -1CS for each mile it world of her own devising? The allowed to resist. Such means
is away from the actual site. game mechanics support the include Force Field vs. Magic,
The maximum temporal last interpretation. Each Judge's Resistance to Magic, and Time
range is the number of weeks Marvel campaign is set in an Travel. The Power can be
equal to the Power rank alternate world that more or developed into a Variety of
number. For example, a Shift-Y less mirrors the published Power stunts. Optional
rank can reach nearly four accounts of the Marvel Powers include Precognition for
years into the past. The Universe (the comic books, Alter Future, Clairvoyance for
difficulty of the desired change people). Extensive tampering in Alter Present, and
determines what Intensity rank the past affects only the world Postcognition for Alter Past.
is required. Single physical of the tamperer and her player. Each form is its own Nemesis.
events, such as anything Judges can even play several
determined by a single die roll, alternate timelines, switching •MG17/Soulfire: The hero can
can be changed by a green among them at each gaming project bolts of mystical energy
FEAT. Complex or sequential session. Alter Temporal Flow — called "Soulfire," that cause
physical events or altering a The Mage can alter the rate at excruciating pain through direct
single being's behavior which time passes. He can stimulation of a person's life
requires a yellow FEAT. Altering accelerate or decelerate it to force. The bolts have Power
the behavior of two or more such a point that the affected Rank Range and Power Rank
beings requires a red FEAT. area is apparently in stasis. damage. The victim has to
The reason most Judges will The maximum amount that time make a Yellow Psyche FEAT
forbid their players to have this is altered is proportional to the roll or pass out from the pain for
Power is that it requires them to Power rank number. Time is 1-10 turns.. The hero may elect
rethink. the history of their accelerated by its normal rate for his bolts of Soulfire to
Marvel campaign in terms of times the Power rank number. produce Force or Energy
this alteration. Take heart in the For example, a Good rank can damage.
cynical knowledge that most make time pass at tenfold
people's actions do not speed. Deceleration makes •MG18/Soul Sword**: The
significantly alter the fabric of time apparently pass at a rate hero can mystically summon a
history. As a rule of thumb equal to the normal rate divided Soul Sword similar in ability to
concerning common people, by the Power rank number. For the one used by Magik. The
there is only a one in a example, a Monstrous rate can Soul Sword is a physical
thousand chance that one stretch one minute into 80 manifestation of the hero's
person's changed decision will minutes. The perception of magical powers. The weapon
have a significant effect on time's passage depends on causes Power Range Edged
history. When dealing with who is actually accelerated or Damage to any creature it
influential people (leaders, decelerated. To an accelerated strikes The sword will inflict no
super beings, creative types, person, the world has slowed damage if it passes through a
and so on), the probability rises down. To a decelerated person, non magical creature, robot or
to one-in-ten. Note: There is time has sped up. Clever machinery. If the Soul Sword
much debate over the true Mages can really screw people strikes or passes through a
nature of tampering with the up by playing on this. For character or item that is
past. Is there a single timeline example, decelerating everyone magically controlled, possessed
that is irreparably changed by around a certain person might or transformed the hero may
each act of tampering? Are make that person believe that attempt a Psyche FEAT roll with
there infinite worlds and thus he had actually been a +2 CS bonus to the roll to
tampering is not only allowed accelerated. The Power may be break the spell and return the

item or being to it's original control. He has entered a Strength, Good Endurance,
state. While using the Soul feeding frenzy that cannot stop Amazing Psyche, and Excellent
Sword in combat shining until the victim's Psyche and Clairvoyance. Normally she
magical armor will begin to Intuition are completely drained makes only a single feeding
appear on the hero one piece at or the Vampire has been attack on her victims and she
a time. This armor offers Body repulsed. If the Vampire fails to decides to stop feeding. Her
Armor at -5 CS of the Power make a FEAT at any stage in player makes a Psyche FEAT to
Rank of the Soul Sword and will the feeding process, he is see if she can quit.
increase by one rank in power instantly repulsed from the Unfortunately, he's rolling the
each turn that the Soul Sword is victim. He can never re- dice too well; he makes a red
used for the first 5 turns of establish his attack because the FEAT. For Madame Arcania, the
combat. After reaching its victim develops an instant feast is too much to resist. She
Maximum Power Rank the immunity to any vampiric attack makes a green Power
armor will remain for another 5 from that specific Vampire. The FEAT(based on the Mesmero's
turns before disappearing. The victim can be the target of now Typical Psyche) and drains
hero may concentrate to have attacks by other the remaining six points.
the armor remain longer by Vampires later on. The drained Mesmero's Psyche is now at
making a Yellow Psyche FEAT energy is added in equal Shift-0 and he collapses.
roll each turn the armor is willed amounts to the Vampire's Madame Arcania summons
to remain. During this intense Strength, Endurance, Psyche, her servant to dispose of the
concentration the hero has a -1 and any Powers the Vampire debris. Spirit Vampires lose
CS to any FEAT rolls that he has. The exception is this energy at a dreadful rate. Their
may attempt while retaining the Power; no vampiric Power can rank numbers for Strength,
armor unless the hero also has ever be increased by the Endurance, Psyche, and all
the Multitasking Power. Vampire himself. Example: their Powers except this one
Madame Arcania is a Good drop one point per hour. The
•MG19/Spirit Vampirism**: Clairvoyant and Incredible Spirit Vampire must feed in
The Mage can drain the Vampire. She has Feeble order to bring these back to at
Intuition and Psyche from a Strength and Endurance and least their original levels. Even
target and use the absorbed Incredible Psyche. She if deprived of victims, a Spirit
energy to increase his own normally feeds on the Vampire will not starve to death.
Strength, Endurance, Psyche, customers who come to her Tea When all his affected Abilities
and other Powers he Room on the East Side. Today and Powers reach Shift-0. he
possesses. The higher ranked she gets a surprise, as her enters a death-like trance. His
Ability of the victim determines target is a disguised Mesmero, vampirism continues to function
what Intensity FEAT is required. who possesses Typical Intuition and will try to drain anyone who
A successful FEAT enables the and Amazing Psyche, among comes in contact with him.
Vampire to drain energy from his other Abilities. Madame When the Vampire's Abilities
both victim's Psyche and Arcania is surprised to discover return to Feeble, he regains
Intuition in equal amounts. The she must make a red FEAT to consciousness. When creating
amount drained per turn is initiate the attack but she a Vampire, the player must
equal to' his Power's rank feels up to the challenge. She select and use a weakness. He
number. The Vampire can drain makes her first FEAT under the can increase the Power rank by
this amount each turn that he pretense of reading his palm. +1CS for each additional
makes a successful FEAT. He Mesmero's Intuition Weakness he chooses, up to a
can voluntarily stop feeding immediately drops to zero and maximum of four weaknesses
at any point by making a his Psyche drops the remaining in all. Spirit Vampirism is
Psyche FEAT of any color 34 points to Typical. Arcania's communicable. A victim who
except red. A red FEAT means abilities and Powers all rise 10 was completely drained as a
his hunger is beyond his points; she now has Good result of a feeding frenzy must

make a mandatory Psyche this Magical attack using his provided the rules are followed.
FEAT roll. A red FEAT Psyche. Sympathetic Magic (Making an Effigy of an Ethereal
transforms the victim into a incorporates forms of the would be kind of tricky though.)
Feeble Spirit Vampire. following Powers, which The Nemesis for this Power is
Example: A street punk named function at Power rank but are Iron Will.
Raoul spots Mesmero lying in limited to a single target:
an alley. Raoul decides to strip • Life, Magic, Power, Psionic, •MG21/Warding: The Mage
the body of any valuables. As and Weakness Detection can create areas of latent
soon as he touches the body, Powers; Power in any desired location.
Mesmero's new Vampirism • Biophysical Control, Emotion The Ward is designated by a
lashes out at Raoul and begins Control, Hypnotic Control, Mind special substance or mark. The
to feed. Spirit Vampires can be Control, Shape Change Others, mage decides what specific
repelled by such Powers as Sleep Induced, and Powers the Ward possesses
Force Field vs. Magic, Summoning; and what the triggering stimulus
Resistance to Magic, and Magic • Communicate with Animals, will be. When that stimulus
Control. The Optional Power is Empathy, Hallucinations, occurs, the Ward releases all its
concurrent Bio-Vampirism. The Remote Sensing, and power is a single turn, generally
Nemesis is an enhanced Telepathy. If the Mage in the direction of whatever
Psyche. possesses other Powers, created the stimulus. The
these should be incorporated Power's rank determines how
•MG20/Sympathetic Magic: into this Magic to give the Mage great a variety of Wards the
(Voodoo): This is a combination further forms of Voodoo spells. Mage can create. The rank
of certain Mental and Life Once the Effigy is made, it can number is also the number of
Control Powers. Sympathetic be used over and over again to Powers he can incorporate into
Magic requires the Mage make effect the target. Its Power over his Wards, even if the Mage
an Effigy of his target as a way the target can only be broken cannot directly use those
of directing the Power to that by removing the material that Powers. himself. Each Ward's
target. The Effigy can be of any provides the physical link to intensity rank is the same as
quality of workmanship, from a him. Once the victim. knows the the Mage's own rank. For
crude wax doll to an exquisitely existence of the Effigy, he example, a Mage with Excellent
detailed full portrait in oil paints; should do anything in his Warding can create 20 different
however, the Effigy must Power to find it and remove the Wards, each possessing
incorporate a cast-off body part, linking material. The range at Excellent Intensity rank. A
excretion, or possession of the which the Voodoo can affect a Remarkable Intensity FEAT
target. The most common target is determined by the enables the Mage to create a
example is a hank of hair. Once Power rank. Appropriate single-use Ward. An Amazing
the Effigy is created, any action distances are shown on Column Intensity FEAT enables him to
that affects that Effigy will also B of the Range Table. The create a self-renewing Ward.
affect the target. Physical Voodoo can only actively affect The Power rank number is also
manipulation of the Effigy a single target at any one time the maximum number of Wards
causes a similar effect on the because of the simple a Mage can have in existence
target. For example, sticking a constraint that all the Voodoo at any one time. If the Mage
pin into a wax doll would cause Mage's hands and tries to surpass this number, his
sudden stabbing pains in the concentration are need to oldest still-existing Ward
target. The effigy can be used perform the Magic. Effigies can harmlessly vanishes. The
as a focal point for Mental affect any living or sentient minimum distance between
powers; the Voodoo Mage being. Sympathetic Magic can Wards is one foot for each point
concentrates on the Effigy as if be used against Robots, of the Wards' combined
it were the target. Of course, Computers, Cyborgs, rock-men, Intensity rank numbers. For
the would be victim can resist gas-women, and so on, example, a Feeble and a

Monstrous Ward must Wards are. triggered by the at half of the possible Wards he
be separated by at least 82 close passage of a living being. can create. The Player should
feet. If the Mage attempts to Thus they are often found near return to the Power Generation
place a new ward within range doorways or in passages. Once tables on pages 14-16 and
of an existing one, the new one created, Wards last until they randomly generate all the
will not function. If the new are depleted or destroyed. Powers the Mage can
Ward's area of effect would Given the durability of modern incorporate into Wards. Wards
overlap with another Ward, the building materials, a Ward can that employ a special variation
new Ward cannot have the full last for about a century or so. on normal Power use, such as
Intensity rank. The new Ward (Quick, name five 100-year-old a Power Stunt, should be
will have a maximum rank that buildings in your area!) Wards treated as individual Wards.
will only touch the edge of the can be destroyed by Example: Consider two different
earlier Ward's range. For demolishing the surface on Wards that each employ Force
example, a Good Ward covers which they are placed or by the Field Generation. One creates a
an area of ten feet radius. If the use of Magic Control/ Negation. trap that envelops anyone
Mage tries to create a Wards can be detected by a within the target area. The other
Remarkable Ward within twenty number of ways. The simplest one creates an invisible column
feet of the Good Ward, lie is the brute force method of of force that shoves anyone
discovers he can only create a triggering them (also called the back with rank level Strength.
Good ward at best. If he backs really stupid method). The Each of these is considered a
off another twenty feet, though, presence of a Ward can be separate Ward and requires a
he can create the Intensity he revealed by either Energy, unique designation. Nemesis
desires. The triggering Magic, Power, or Psionic Powers include Energy, Magic,
mechanism can be any Detection. Shortly after the Psionic, and Power Detection
condition stated by the Mage at Mage has been created, the and Resistance to Magic.
the time of creation. Normally Player should make up a list of

Matter Control Powers

•MC1/Air Control: T he hero stunt. which may be: become animated. The hero
with this Power has the ability to • Flight: at Power rank speed. can also command the now
manipulate air, winds, and • Limited Weather Control: animated figure to do anything
(potentially) weather. The hero Tornadoes of Power rank he/she desires. The hero can
can create shields of wind up to Intensity and damage, cause the figure to grow up to a
Power rank damage that are controlled by Power rank FEAT. height equal to it's current size
effective against all physical • Limited Weather Control: plus the power rank number
missile attacks of that rank or Summon Storm. multiplied by a factor of 5 feet
lower. The hero can also use air • Limited Weather Control: and to shrink to it's normal size
as a distance weapon, inflicting Summon Fog. divided by the power rank
up to the Power rank of • Lightning of Power rank range number multiplied by a factor of
damage, but repelled by any and damage. 5 centimeters. Each figure
form of Force Field, including • Reducing existing Weather when animated develops a
shields made of air. The hero Conditions with Power rank bond with the hero. The hero
can also generate winds of ability, as for each type of and the animated figure are
Power rank Intensity. The hero weather. allowed to communicate with
with Air Control may also one another through a
develop Power stunts for this •MC2/Animation: The hero telepathic link.
Power. A character with Air can cause inanimate objects to
Control begins with one Power grow or shrink and even •MC3/Bonding: The hero has

the ability to join two or more Power on a number of blocks. from solid to either liquid or
targets together on a molecular When he holds two together for gaseous state will work to free
level. The effect is the same as two turns, he produces a Poor the Bonded matter without
if the targets were glued or Bonding. Holding two together physical damage, although this
welded together. In actuality, for three turns produces a is not an option for most people.
the hero has induced molecular Typical Bonding. Holding two Bonding only occurs on the
adhesion. A submicroscopic bricks for four turns produces a surface and does not penetrate
examination would fail to reveal Good Bonding; in fact, K. Z. more than 1/16th of an inch into
any foreign material (such as a could concentrate on the same any Bonded material. The effect
glue) or disturbances in the two bricks all day and not be this has on living targets is that
normal arrangement of the able to exceed that Good only the epidermis is affected.
target's structure (such as the Bonding. The duration of the As it does not affect liquids, the
distortion caused by welding). Bonding is determined by a Power automatically penetrates
The Bonding is so powerful that Power FEAT at the time the any coating that might
attempting to sever its effect Power is used. A green FEAT otherwise protect the target.
results in physical damage to creates a Bond that lasts a Optional Powers include Missile
either of the Bonded targets number of turns equal to the Creation, Spray, Webcasting,
because the only way to forcibly hero's Reason rank number and Weapons Tinkering. The
separate two Bonded objects is times 100. A yellow FEAT Nemeses are Phasing, Body
to tear the surface of one or increases the multipliers to Transformation, and Energy
both of them. This causes 10,000 turns times the Reason Body.
Typical wounds to a living target rank number. A red FEAT
The range for Bonding is limited ensures a permanent Bonding. •MC4/Collection: The hero can
to Contact only. The hero need If the Bonding is temporary, its cause any desired readily
not touch the actual area to be effects end without a trace at available material to collect in a
Bonded, although the hero the expiration of the time specific location. This material
needs to touch the two targets limit. This is a Power that must already be present and
somewhere in order to direct readily combines with many of diffused throughout the hero's
the Power's effect. Once the the other listings in this book. vicinity, whether in the air,
hero is touching both targets Combining it with Webcasting water, soil, or scattered across
and has begun to manifest his produces an equivalent to the ground. The Collection area
Power, Bonding occurs at Spider-man's web. Weapons has a radius determined by the
any point where the two targets Tinkering produces an Power rank; distances are
are in contact with each other. equivalent to the Trapster's glue shown on column C of the
The Bonding process takes any gun. Chemical Touch produces Range Table inside this book’s
number of turns, depending a natural adhesive coating on cover. For example, an
both on the hero's Power rank the hero's body. Combustion or Incredible rank can collect
and the desired material Fire Generation produces material from as far as 25 miles
strength of the Bonding. The napalm. There are more but I'll away. Collected material will
first turn produces a Bonding of leave them to the player's instantly teleport to the
Feeble material strength. Each imagination to devise. The designated Collection site. The
turn the Bonding process Power can only affect solids. site must be in line of sight of
continues raises that material Liquid, gaseous, ethereal, and the hero and within his Power's
strength +1CS, up to the limit of Phasing matter are immune to range. The hero can Collect per
the Power rank. At any point the this Power's effects. Once turn a maximum amount of
hero can cease to use his Bonded, matter cannot Phase material measured in the
Power and thus produce as a means of escaping the number of pounds equal to the
Bonding of varied strengths. adhesion; doing so causes Power rank number. This
Example: K. Z. Glew has Good Typical damage as the Bonded assumes, of course, that
Bonding and is testing his surface is left behind. Transition enough material exists within

the vicinity in order to be limitation to this Power, it materials can be collected in a
Collected. Any material of any cannot randomly Collect dusty pile by a Green FEAT.
nature can be Collected. There foreign materials found within Common examples include
is a partial exemption to this the bodies of anyone within the metals, dirt, and water. Formed
rule in regards to living beings. Power's range. Common or complex material requires a
The Power can only Collect foreign materials include tooth yellow FEAT to collect in
living beings whose weight is fillings, prostheses, sutures, recognizable form. Examples
within the weight limits for the and drugs. If the hero must include bricks, edibles, and
Power; if the beings weighs Collect such materials from a comic books. Biological material
more, the Power can not affect body. For example if he knows requires a red FEAT, whether
them aside from a brief tug. If arsenic has been swallowed by the hero is trying to collect bile
the Power is used to Collect the someone, the conditions or hamsters. Optional Powers
bodily products of living beings, increase in difficulty. The hero include Crystallization, Matter
player and Judges are to must be in contact with the Animation, Micro Environment,
assume that so little is drawn source of the desired material Molding, Weather, Combustion,
from each being that no harm and the hero must make a red Elemental Conversion, and
results. For example, a FEAT to withdraw the material Molecular Conversion. The
character could Collect a mass without harming the donor. Nemesis is Matter Animation.
of blood without having to worry Failure to do so means the
that he bled some stranger to material is still locked within the •MC5/Crystallization: The hero
death. The Power does not target's body. Ethereal and can transform any target
after the state of any matter Phasing matter can be material into a gem like material
either before or after Collection. Collected. They just can't be that possesses Power rank
The desired matter must be in held for any length of time material strength. Crystallization
the basic chemical formulation without consciously and occurs because the hero has
desired. Desired materials that repeatedly using the Power to the ability to shape the
are in some altered state are return such matter to the molecular bonds of normally
not affected by the Power. For Collection site. This Power is amorphous matter into a crystal
example, trying to Collect steel most commonly linked to the matrix of great strength. The
in a junkyard full of rust will lead Matter Control and Conversion Crystallization can occur at any
to naught. The exception is if Powers as a way to gather site within the hero's line of
the desired material is in either sufficient raw material to permit sight and range; distances are
a state of solution or the other Powers to function. determined by the Power rank
suspension, since neither These are listed as Optional and can be found on column C
actually affects the chemical Powers. Even if used by itself, of the Range Table on the
nature of the material. For this Power can be used inside cover. The newly formed
example, imagine your hero is effectively. Matter can be Crystal is initially stationary; it
standing at the seaside and Collected to form a protective cannot be launched like a
practicing his Power. He cannot shield or to entrap a foe in a missile (unless the hero
Collect the hydrogen bound into suddenly appearing pile of possesses Missile Creation, but
the water but he could Collect debris. Dirt or water can be I'm getting ahead of myself). It
salt, gold, or anything else Collected to smother a fire or can be formed in such a
dissolved into seawater. dampen escaping position that gravity immediately
Collecting salt is easy; a radiation. The hero is free to affects it. Crystallization
Remarkable Power can Collect develop various Power Stunts automatically affects non-living,
a man sized pile within a using suddenly materialized unprotected, stationary targets.
minute's time. Gold is harder; matter The complexity of the Moving targets require the hero
each cubic mile of seawater material to be collected to make an Agility FEAT in
contains only a few ounces of determines what Intensity FEAT order to hit the target. If
gold. Due to some unexplained is required. Raw, amorphous Crystallization is used as an

attack against a living target, it given Crystal is the number of Changeling. Optional Powers
can be resisted by the usual minutes equal to the Power include Weapons Creation
methods. Methods of protecting rank number. At the expiration (limited to Crystal weapons
a target from being Crystallized of this time, the Crystal only), Collection, Matter
include Force Field vs. Energy reverts back to its original Animation, Missile Creation,
Attack, Resistance to Energy material. If the Crystallization and Spray. Nemeses include
Attack, True Invulnerability, and was directed in the air the Force Field vs. Energy Attack,
various Magics and Power original material was probably Force Field vs. Physical Attack,
Controls. Crystal can be formed dust particles. As mentioned Resistance to Energy,
in any shape the hero desires. earlier, if the Crystallization was Resistance to Physical Attack,
The amount of Crystal the hero used to transform a living target and Disintegration.
can create in a single turn is the and that Crystal was
number of square feet equal to subsequently shattered, the •MC6/Density Manipulation,
the Power rank number. The transformation is made Others: The hero can alter the
material to be transformed into permanent. (This rule is density of other individuals on
Crystal is drawn from particles purposefully intended to spare touch, either increasing the
in the air or from the target the Judge and players from density (and thereby mass) or
itself. Solid targets can dealing with the hamburger that reducing the density (take less
themselves be Crystallized. If would be created if the formerly damage, etc.). The hero must
the Power is used on a living living target did revert to its touch his target, and an
target, innate safeguards original state.) For game unwilling target may make a
incorporated into the Power purposes, the category of "living Psyche or Endurance FEAT
place the target into a semi- target" can be expanded by the (target's choice) to avoid the
state of Suspended Animation; Judge to encompass any of the effects (type of FEAT roll
all life functions temporarily Physical Types for player required is determined by this
cease but the target remains characters and NPCs. The Power rank. Effects are:
aware of its condition and Power can be combined with •Density Reduction: The
surroundings. A Crystallized life other Powers listed in this book. target becomes vaguely
form must remain intact if the As mentioned before, Missiles transparent, and as such will
process is to be reversed. If the can give the Crystals become both less vulnerable to
Crystallized life form is momentum and range. attacks and less effective in
shattered, the transformation is Weapons Creation can attacking. All Physical attacks
permanent. Note: the shards-of specialize in crystalline on the individual in this state
a shattered, Crystallized life instruments of destruction. are reduced by this Power rank,
form all possess some of the Body Armor or Body Coating and similarly all physical
victim's life force; the can be a suit of flexible attacks by the affected
percentage of the victim's crystalline armor with that gives character are reduced by this
Psyche possessed by a Power rank Resistance to Power rank. The affected
particular shard is equal to the physical or energy attacks. individual may not phase, but
percentage of the original body Vision based Detection Powers may be affected by winds of
represented by the shard. Such can be achieved by the hero Good Intensity or greater. This
shards can be used to create spontaneously forming optical effect lasts for 1-10 rounds, and
powerful Magic. Such shards devices and lenses of crystal. If the affected individual will be
can also lead to later Plot the hero has an exotic Physical reinstated to his original state
Complications. ("You don't Type, perhaps he can himself after this time.
understand. The gem in the be composed of living crystal. •Density Increase: The
necklace I gave Helen was part Such categories include affected individual increases in
of Leviathan!") Normally Modified Humans, Cyborgs, density (and therefore mass)
Crystallization is only Robots, Abnormal Chemistry, without the increased strength
temporary. The duration of a Mineral, Compound, and in the limbs and other structures

required to move that mass. UN .01% times the Reason rank number.
Each round, make an X .001% A red FEAT makes the
Endurance FEAT (type Y .00001% diminution permanent; in such a
determined by Power rank as Z .0000001% case the only way the target
Intensity) or the character Cl1000 .0000000001% can return to its original size is
becomes unconscious. Upon Cl3000 .000000000000001% through use of Enlargement,
becoming unconscious, make a Cl5000 .00000000000000000 Magic, or Power Negation.
second Endurance FEAT or the 000000000000001% There are three very different
affected individual begins to ways to create the effect of
lose Endurance ranks at a rate In practical terms, a Diminished Diminution. Each has its own
of one rank per round, until rank of Shift X, Y, or Z is mechanism and peculiar
another Endurance FEAT halts sufficient to reduce a normal- properties as a result of that
the process. Performing any sized human to the size of a mechanism. The player can
physical action while under the cell. Either CL1000 or CL3000 either choose for himself or let a
effects of this Power requires will reduce him to atomic scale. random die roll determine which
an Endurance FEAT. The CL5000 reduces a human to form.
effects of this manipulation last such a point where he can enter Atomic Collapse: The hero
for 1-10 rounds after being a Micro-verse such as Jarella's decreases the distance
applied. world of Kaa. between the target's atoms and
A note on Micro-verses: subatomic particles. The target
•MC7/Diminution: The hero These are miniature dimensions does not lose weight as it
can reduce the size of a target. that can be reached by a shrinks. Rather, it becomes
The target must be in line of person undergoing extreme increasingly dense and could
sight and within one area of the size reduction. The act of eventually collapse into
hero. Any material can be Shrinking causes the person to neutronium (CL3000
Diminished by this Power With breach the Dimensional Diminution) or even a black
the sole exception of material Barriers and reach a chosen hole (CL5000 Diminution).
that has already been Micro-verse. The worlds within Strength is unaffected by the
Diminished by an equal or a Micro verse roughly change in size but leverage
higher rank of this Power. In correspond to but are not becomes increasingly difficult at
such a case, the would-be actually atoms or molecules. smaller sizes.
target is assumed to already be Once within a Micro verse, the Atomic Reduction: The hero
Diminished to a further point Dimension traveler finds himself decreases the number of atoms
than the hero could reach in an environment that in the target's body. The lost
anyway. The level to which the approximates conditions in the matter is either disintegrated (if
hero can Diminish a target is larger, outer world. Micro- the Diminution is permanent) or
determined by the Power rank. verses may themselves contain temporarily removed from the
Levels appropriate to this even smaller Micro-verses. target's plane of existence and
Power are: Even our own world may in fact stored on another plane until it
be a Micro-verse to some is needed to return the target to
Rank Resultant Size inconceivably larger Macro- its original size. Mass and
FE 50% verse. The duration of strength both decrease as the
PR 25% Diminution on a target is target Shrinks; the lower ranks
TY 12.5% determined by a Reason FEAT are proportional to the target's
GD 6.25% made at the time the Power is new size. The target becomes
EX 3% used on the target. A green increasingly simple in structure
RE 1% Reason FEAT gives a duration and reach a stage where the
IN .5% of the Reason rank number remaining structure is too
AM .25% times 100 turns. A yellow FEAT simple to sustain the life-force
MN .1% increase this to 10,000 turns of a living target. This occurs at

Shift X rank. If the Diminution is that the Power effectively stationary, unprotected target.
temporary, the target's life-force insulates them from Moving targets require the hero
is stored on the same plane as electricity, since normal-sized to make an Agility FEAT to hit
the displaced matter that electrons cannot flow into a the target with his Power. Living
normally forms his body. At Shift Diminished conductor. Treat this targets are allowed to resist the
Z Diminution, the target as rank level Resistance to Power's effects in the same way
consists of only a single Electricity. If the field exists, they would resist any energy
molecule which immediately electrons are automatically attack Targets can be protected
vanishes when the next rank is Shrunken to permit conductivity. from Diminution by such owers
reached. It is assumed that when the as Force Field vs. Energy,
Atomic Reduction : This is the Power is used, the hero intends Resistance to Energy, True
most common form of to Diminish the entire target. If Invulnerability, certain Magics
Diminution and the only form the hero specifies, he can and Power Controls, and the
that permits the target to enter a attempt to shrink only part of a simultaneous use of an
Micro-verse. The hero can target. Since this is equivalent opposing Enlargement Power.
reduce the size of the atoms to tearing the target apart, a Atomic Dispersal opposes
and subatomic particles Power FEAT determined by the Atomic Collapse, Atomic Gain
themselves, thus reducing the Material Strength of the target is opposes Atomic Reduction, and
overall size in a proportional required to do such an act. Atomic Growth opposes Atomic
manner. Mass and physical Example: Size-Master Shrinkage. If the opponent
strength are reduced a possesses Remarkable lacks the matching form of
proportional amount. While this Diminution. Seeing an uproar at Enlargement he can still try to
Power has more advantages his local bank, he wanders in to negate the effects of Diminution
than the other forms, it has a see what's up. He discovers with whatever form he
deadly disadvantage. As the The Shocker trying desperately possesses; the results can get
target's atoms shrink, they are to free people trapped in a safe a little weird, though. The
no longer able to interact with and he decides to assist the Nemeses are those Powers
other, normal sized atoms. As a rescue. He locates a section of mentioned in the previous
result, a living target is unable the safe away from The paragraph.
to breathe the air or consume Shocker and begins to manifest
food or water. Seen in this light, his Power. The safe is made of •MC8/Disruption: The hero
this form of Diminution is the steel and reinforced concrete can destroy a target's physical
equivalent of a Fatal attack. and has a Remarkable Material structure without resorting to a
Fortunately, there is a 95% Strength. Good, Size-Master physical or overt energy attack.
chance the Power envelopes only needs to make a yellow The molecular bonds that give a
the target in an energy field that FEAT to Diminish a hatch in the target its solidity are directly
shrinks anything within one foot safe's wall. Within twelve Disrupted, with the result that
(proportional to the target's seconds he has Diminished a the target collapses into dust,
current size) of the target to the six-foot-wide area into a one sand, liquid, or even vapor. The
same size as the target. This inch wide plug, which drops out Material Strength of the target
allows the target to breathe, of the wall and rolls around on determines what Intensity FEAT
drink, and eat. The existence of the floor. Size-master is helping is required. For example,
this field is randomly the trapped people out of the asphalt has Good Material
determined at the time the safe when Shocker finally burns Strength and consequently
source of the Diminution is through the opposite wall. Later would require a Good Intensity
created. If the hero lacks such the two rivals seal the hole FEAT to destroy. The hero can
field, then any target must have Size-Master made by holding Disrupt any target within both
its own supply of proportionally- the plug in place as returned to line-of-sight and range. The
sized consumables. Even non- its original size. The Power can range is determined by the
living targets can be affected in automatically effect a non-living, Power rank; distances are

shown on Column A of the systems. A disruptor gun can be flesh) are beyond the scope of
Range Table on the inside designed and built by a Reason this Power. The Earth Control
cover. The amount of matter the rank and an expenditure of Power allows the hero to
hero can Disrupt in a single turn Resource points equal to the manipulate an amount of
is the number of pounds equal Power rank desired for the material up to the hero's Power
to his Power rank number. If the weapon. Stationary, non-living, rank taken as Strength in every
player chooses when creating unprotected targets are round. The material may be
the character, he can increase automatically affected by the used as a weapon (inflicting
either range or amount affected Power. Moving targets require material strength damage), or
any number of +CS by the hero to make an Agility shield (of material strength).
decreasing the other factor an FEAT in order to hit the target. The player running a hero with
equal number of -CS. Example: Living targets are allowed to this Power is able to develop a
an initial rank of Good can be resist the Power in the same number of Power stunts. The
altered by up to 3CS and manner they could resist any hero starts with no stunts other
produce results as varied as energy attack. Targets can be than the mere manipulation of
Feeble range (Contact only) protected from Disruption by the myriad materials. Power stunts
and Incredible effect (40 use of such Powers as Force that may be developed can
pounds) or Incredible range (11 Field vs Energy, Resistance to include:
areas) and Feeble effect (two Energy, True Invulnerability, a • Digging (moving earth out of
pounds). Also when creating the combination of Collection and the way).
character, the player can Molding, certain Magics, and • Earthquake-type attack (All
choose whether to make the certain Power Controls. Any of targets in a given area. damage
Disruption permanent or these can reduce the Intensity equal to hero's Power rank).
temporary. Choosing the of the Disruption by the • Create "earth beings" of stone
temporary option raises the opposing Power's rank. The or rock, with physical abilities
Power rank +1CS. The duration Judge is free to decide for whose rank number sum does
of the Disruption is determined himself the results of partial not exceed the Power rank
by a separate Reason FEAT protection from Disruption. The number, with Body Armor of
made at the time the Power is Nemeses are any of the Powers material strength rank.
used. A green FEAT gives a mentioned in the previous • Transportation (creating a
duration equal to 100 turns paragraph. wave of earth that moves,
times the Reason rank number. carrying the hero along) of
A yellow FEAT increases that to •MC9/Earth Control: The hero Power rank Speed.
10,000 turns time the Reason with this Power can manipulate • Levitation (building a pillar of
rank number. A red FEAT natural or semi-natural mineral earth beneath the hero).
makes the Disruption items. The range and ability of • Entrapment(opening the earth
permanent. At the expiration of these modifications are beneath an opponent's feet, or
the duration, the Disrupted determined by the hero's Power wrapping stone around them).
matter reforms in its original rank.. This Power is limited to
shape although not necessarily naturally occurring materials •MC10/Enlargement: The hero
in its original location. If the (dirt, rock, stone), or semi- can increase the size of any
target is living, the Power has natural materials that are of target. The target can be of any
the peculiar effect of placing the consistent nature (concrete, nature and must be within both
target in a state of semi- asphalt, and glass). Radically line-of-sight and one area of the
Suspended Animation. All life altered items such as steel hero's location. Any material
function cease for the duration alloys and artificially can be enlarged with one
but the target somehow retains constructed mechanisms exception; the Power cannot
consciousness and awareness. (including computers, guns. and affect any target that has
This Power is often vehicles), and living or once already been Enlarged by
incorporated into weapons living things (rubber, wood. or another Power of equal or

greater rank. In such a case, Die Roll Form Shrinking, Diminution, and
the would-be target is assumed 01-30 Atomic Dispersal Disintegration. This last idea
to already be Enlarged past any 31-60 Atomic Gain could lead to a Plot
point the hero could have 61-00 Atomic Growth Complication wherein the hero
Enlarged it to anyway. The accidentally draws something
amount the hero can Enlarge a Atomic Dispersal: The Power More than raw material from
target is determined by the causes the spaces between the that unknown dimension. I'll
Power rank. The levels to which atoms and subatomic particles leave it to you to decide which
the hero can Enlarge a target to increase, thus increasing explanation you accept as the
are shown below: overall size. Mass remains the truth. As the target expands, it
same despite any increase in gains real strength sufficient to
Rank Size Weight size, causing the target's move its new mass. Real
FE 1.5x 300 lbs density to drop. Material strength increases +1CS for
PR 2x 400 lbs Strength decreases -1CS with each +2CS of Enlargement the
TY 3x 600 lbs each doubling in size. target is exposed to. The
GD 4x 800 lbs Eventually, at Shift X target's other Primary and
EX 6x 1200 lbs Enlargement a solid target Secondary Abilities remain
RM 8x 1600 lbs reaches a stage where it is less unaffected. The disadvantages
IN 10x 2000 lbs dense than air and can drift off. of great size negate the
AM 12x 2400 lbs At Class 1000 rank and beyond, advantages. However, Health
MN 15x 3600 lbs the target becomes effectively seems to increase because
UN 20x 2.5 tons intangible to contact with physical attacks do less relative
Shift X 50x 50 tons normal matter. damage. For example, a single
Shift Y 100x 100 tons Atomic Gain: The Power bullet could kill a normal sized
Shift Z 200x 200 tons causes the target to gain person but would be little more
Cl1000 500x 500 tons additional atoms. These are than a high velocity grain of
Cl3000 1000x 1000 tons automatically incorporated into sand to a giant. The damage
Cl5000 10000x 10000tons the target to duplicate and done by Physical Attacks
augment existing molecular decreases -1CS for each +2CS
The duration of the structures. As the targets gains of Enlargement. Note: the
Enlargement is determined by a new atoms, the size and mass damage that didn't affect the
Reason FEAT made at the time of the target increase giant might be fatal when he
the Power is used. A green proportionally. Where do the reverts to normal size. Wounds
FEAT gives the Enlargement a new atoms come from? There shrink but bullets do not.
duration of 100 turns times the are three possibilities. One Atomic Growth : The target's
hero's Reason rank number. A theory holds that Molecular atoms and subatomic particles
yellow FEAT increases that to Creation creates them from the actually increase in size, thus
10,000 turns times the Reason hero's force of will. A second increasing the target's overall
number. Ar ed FEAT makes the theory suggests Molecular and size. Mass increases
Enlargement permanent. There Elemental Conversion are proportionally. The target's
are three different mechanisms responsible; the new atoms are Strength increases only enough
by which Enlargement can simply Converted air molecules. to match his greater weight;
occur. Each form has a different The third explanation is that the Lifting Strength does not
set of innate properties. When hero somehow taps into increase. There is a dangerous
creating the character, the another dimension, one that drawback to this form of
player must decide which form contains nothing but the raw Enlargement. As the target's
the hero has. The player can material for this Power and the atoms grow, they become
either select one or let the dice Matter Creation Powers and unable to interact with normal
randomly determine it for him. also provides a storage place atoms. The result is that the
for the matter displaced by target is unable to breathe,

drink, or eat. Fortunately there increases it. Judges should use in a explosion. These attacks
is a 95% chance that the Power this guide and their imagination inflict -2 CS power rank damage
envelops the target in an to decide the results of specific and can slam or stun targets no
energy field that enlarges any Enlargement. The Power matter their comparative
atoms within its effect to the automatically affects stationary, Strength and Endurance
same scale as the target. The nonliving, unprotected targets. abilities as long as some
existence of this field must be Moving targets require the hero damage is inflicted in the attack.
determined at the time the hero to make an Agility FEAT to hit. After a full detonation, the
is created. If the field is not Living targets are allowed to character's body temporarily
present, the target must have a Resist this Power just as they exists in a gaseous state for the
proportionally sized supply of could any Energy Attack. 2 rounds required to reform. If
consumables or this Power is Targets can be protected from any fraction of the character's
considered a Fatal attack. The Enlargement by the use of such body is separated from the rest
lack of the field has one Powers as Force Field vs. during this time he can not
advantage in that Electricity Energy, Resistance to Energy, reform.
cannot flow between normal True Invulnerability, Certain
sized and Enlarged conductors. Magics and Power Controls, •MC12/Fire Control: The hero
The Power thus provides rank and any of the Shrinking or with this Power can control
level Resistance to Electricity. It Diminution Powers used existing fire sources. He can
is always assumed that the simultaneously to the Enlarging intensify the fire up to the levels
hero intends to Enlarge the attack. The opposing forms of of his Power rank, or may
entire target's body. If the hero these are Collapse vs. reduce the Intensity of the fire
intends to Enlarge a specific Dispersal, Reduction vs. Gain, by the same amount, reducing
area of a target, he must make and Shrinkage vs. Growth. Only fire damage by the rank
a special effort to do so. Since the matching form can number. The hero with this
this has the effect of tearing the completely protect a target from Power can manipulate flame, so
target apart, the hero must unwanted Enlargement; while as to form a fiery shield that will
make a Power FEAT based on the other two will apparently inflict the Power rank number of
the Material Strength of the work, the final result can be a damage on those who cross it,
target. For example, a brick wall little weird if extreme ranks of but cannot initially use the Fire
has Good Material Strength. A Power are employed. The Control to affect targets at a
hero with Typical Enlargement Nemeses are those Powers distance. (That requires the
would need to make a Red mentioned in the previous power Distance Attacks - Fire
FEAT to enlarge a specific paragraph. Generation.) The hero with Fire
section of the wall, while a hero Control can develop Power
with an Incredible rank would •MC11/Explosive**: The hero stunts using this Power as time
only have to make a Green can transform any and all parts goes on:
FEAT. The effects on the entire of his body into a explosion of • Using existing flame as a
target if only a section of it is physical force with Power rank missile weapon.
Enlarged vary by case and by AoE range.. Any one in the area • Creating shapes from flame of
degree of Enlargement. The suffers Power Rank Force Power rank number Health and
most common result of a Damage if the hero detonates damage.
section of Enlarged matter his entire body. The explosion • Writing words with flame in the
surrounded by normal matter is decreases -2 CS in intensity for sky.
that one of the two sections each area it travels through • Creating entrapment devices
shattered, depending on which beyond the first. Once the of Power rank damage.
is the weaker section. Atomic character detonates he may • Controlling heat to a Power
Dispersal weakens Material reform his body 2 rounds later. rank degree.
Strength, Atomic Growth A character may decide to • Absorbing heat and flame
doesn't alter it, and Atomic Gain explode just his hands and feet within an area as if Fire

Resistance of that hero can accelerate erosion by a range of up to six miles. The
Power rank number. decreasing the Material Power can be expanded into a
Strength of exposed rock. The variety of Power Stunts, such
•MC13/Geoforce: The hero can flow of magma within the earth as induced Avalanches and
detect and control geological can be redirected to anywhere sculpting chambers in the earth.
forces. These include plate the hero wants an instant baby The latter example is also a
movement, stress, faults, and volcano to erupt. By magnifying way for the hero to make some
vulcanism. This power only existing faults and decreasing money on the side by creating
applies to natural rock and the rock's Material Strength, the "secret underground
semi-natural materials such as hero can create openings in the headquarters" on commission.
concrete, cement, and asphalt. earth. These can be instant pits, The giant caves that litter the
Radically altered material (steel, valleys, caves, or tunnels. The pages of comic books do not
plastic) is not directly affected effects of the Power are occur in real life, people. A
by the Power. This Power has permanent alterations to the curious use of the Power is to
two ranges, both based on the landscape. Baby volcanoes communicate with beings who
Power rank. The ability to don't last very long, though, if are themselves composed of
detect forces and materials the area didn't have a previous natural rock. The Power
within the earth has a range history of vulcanism. For provides the hero with a seismic
shown on Column C of the example, during her tenure with equivalent of Telepathy. Such
Range Table on the inside the New Mutants, Magma has beings include golems, Earth
cover. The ability to actually created baby volcanoes in such elementals, and planetary
control those forces is more places as Rio de Janeiro's beings such as Ego the Living
limited and is determined on harbor, the living room of Planet. Is Mother Earth alive in
Column B. For example, a hero Professor Xavier's mansion, your campaign? If she is, then
with Remarkable Geoforce can and an apartment in Manhattan. this Power will let your hero talk
detect forces 12 miles distant Such freakish volcanoes to her. The Nemeses for this
but can only control those immediately cool down once the Power include itself,
forces within one mile of her Power is no longer supporting Disintegration, and Phasing.
location. The Detection aspect their existence; heat is lost at a
of this Power enables the hero rate of -1CS per hour. For •MC14/Matter Animation**:
to sense a variety of earth- example, the volcano in the X- The hero can alter the flow of
related things. These include Mansion was cool enough to sit any raw matter, impart
ground temperature (green on by the time Professor X movement to stationary matter,
FEAT), general mineral came home a few hours later. It and shape such matter into any
composition (green), specific is assumed that the cooling desired form. The Power can
minerals (red), locate caves effect extends all the way down only affect matter that is in a
(green), locate beings moving back through the ground to relatively natural state. It cannot
within the earth (yellow), identify where the magma came from in affect mechanical objects or
fault lines and stress points the first place; otherwise all material that is now or had once
(yellow), and communicate these baby vol canoes would been alive. There are three
with beings made of rock (red). act as conduits for later, normal basic forms of this Power, each
The active aspect of this Power vulcanism. The amount of with dominion over a state of
enables the hero to accelerate, matter the Power can effect is matter. When creating the hero,
slow, or alter the direction of awesome. The Power can the player must choose one of
natural geological forces. The affect a maximum amount of these forms for the character.
hero can affect plate rock equivalent to ten tons for He can do this himself or let the
movement; this can create each point of the Power rank dice choose for him.
Power rank tremors or reduce number. For example, Magma's
the intensity of existing tremors Monstrous Geoforce can affect
by the Power rank number. The 800 tons (1.5 million pounds!) at

Die Roll Form level Material Strength. Liquids the equivalent of 1000 pounds
01-20 Air Animation can be used as a shield that times the Power rank number.
21-50 Liquid Animation reduces the Intensity of Energy For example, a Feeble rank can
51-100 Solid Animation Attacks by the Power rank move one ton; in liquid terms
number. It can be further refined this is the weight of a water
Air Animation: The hero can into a variety of Power Stunts, bed. Matter remains Animated
directly control the movement of such as forming propulsion as long as the hero
gases and vapors and indirectly systems or being shaped into concentrates on using this
control the movement of air bubbles with "solid" floors. Power. Judges are free to
material suspended in the air, Solid Animation:: The hero develop their own criteria to
such as smoke, dust, steam, can alter the condition of solid determine how well and how
and so on. He can create winds matter, so long as it is not long a hero can do this in a
of speeds equal to Power rank biological or mechanical in given situation. Any material
speed (see the Airspeed table nature. He can give the solid can be Animated, as long as it
on the inside cover). He can movement, reshape to any is within the restrictions on the
control the actions or air, wind, form, and even give it the chosen form of that Power. Any
clouds, and potentially even the semblance of life. Solids can reshaping done to the target is
weather. The hero can use air travel at Power rank speed (see permanent; of course, this only
either defensively or offensively the Land Travel table inside the applies to solids. The
by forming shields or gales of cover) either across the ground possibilities for both
Power rank strength. Note: Air or through the air. The hero can construction and vandalism are
attacks cannot penetrate Force Mold the solid into any single immense. At the time the hero
Fields or an aerial shield of mass. Solids retain their is created, the player has the
higher Intensity. The Power can Material Strength but can be option of raising the Power rank
be developed into Power Stunts Animated to do Power rank +1CS by further specializing the
such as Gliding, Whirlwind damage to other targets. The Power's range of effect to a
Flight, and limited Weather hero can create golems or specific compound or type of
Control. The forms of Weather simulated elementals that obey matter. Examples of
Control available to the hero all his every whim; such creations specializations include Powers
depend on stirring up the air. are only sophisticated puppets that specifically Animate steam,
These include bringing in that possess no more life than water, oil, ice, clay, and so on.
storms, fog, tornadoes, and does a marionette. (Of course, The Nemeses for this Power
suddenly bringing two air there is the example of include itself and Disintegration.
masses of differing temperature Pinocchio…) Animated solids
together to form either fog or possess a Lifting Strength equal •MC15/Machine Animation:
lightning. to the Power rank. The Power The hero can control the
Liquid Animation: The hero can be refined into a variety of movement of anything
can directly control the Power Stunts, such as turning mechanical. It is as if the hero
movement of liquids and an opponent's weapon against were a combination remote-
indirectly control material him, creating self-tying knots, control panel and power source.
suspended in liquid (mud, cake and creating flying platforms The machines can only perform
batter). He can create currents that can carry the hero across those functions for which they
and waves that can travel at the ground or through the air. were designed. While under the
Power rank speed (see the The range at which the hero influence of the Power, the
Water Travel table on the inside can Animate Matter is affected machines can function
cover) and do Power rank determined by the Power rank; even in the absence of a normal
damage to anything in their distances are shown on Column power supply, such as would be
path. Liquid can animated to B of the Range Table. The provided by an electric cord,
resist gravity and act as if it maximum amount that can be wound spring, or miniature
were temporarily a solid of rank Animated is a mass weighing nuclear generator. The only

new function the hero can give is required. Example: A Poor gases and liquids and reduces
a machine is limited ground rank of Machine Animation the Intensity of pressure,
movement. Affected Machines could seize control of a extreme temperature, and high
can travel at -2CS Power rank Dreadnought's Feeble Psyche gravity by the Power rank
speed by sliding or rocking with a green FEAT and Ultron- number. Lesser or equal
along the ground; see the 11's Poor Psyche with a yellow Intensities are canceled out,
Surface Movement table inside FEAT, but couldn't begin to while higher ranks only
the cover. If the machine touch Jocasta's Good Psyche. penetrate in diminished form.
already incorporates a means Attempting to wrest control of The Power automatically
of propulsion (wheels, tracks, the Iron Man armor would Collects the desired materials
table legs), it can travel at require a red FEAT if either into a sphere around the hero; if
Power rank speed; see ditto. Tony Stark or Jim Rhodes were no such materials are available,
The Power can affect any single wearing it at the time but would the Power employs an innate
machine within range of the automatically succeed if the form of Matter Creation or
Power; Column B of the Range armor were, say, hanging in a Conversion to produce those
Table gives the appropriate closet somewhere. To protect materials. The Force Field
limits. If the hero attempts to against such interference, High maintains the desired pressure,
control several machines Technology types would need to temperature, and gravity levels
simultaneously, the Range develop circuitry that would give while enclosing the desired
decreases -1CS for each the equivalent of a desired materials and shielding the hero
additional Machine the hero is Psyche rank to the machine. from the undesired ones. If the
controlling. For example, a hero Optional Powers include hero requires a surface to stand
with Good Machine Animation Communication with on but none is available, the
can control a single machine 10 Cybernetics, Communication Power provides one by
areas away, two machines 5 with Non-Living Matter (limited solidifying a section of the
areas away, three machines to machines only), and Matter Force Field. The Power is
within his area, or four Animation. primarily intended to protect the
machines if he is touching all of hero when he is in places other
them at once (an interesting •MC16/Micro-Environment: than his home environment. It
Agility FEAT, I suppose). The The hero can alter his can, be used to protect him
Power is primarily intended to immediate surroundings to from extreme variations in that
control normally non-sentient create a miniature climate home environment though,
devices, which are considered around himself. The Micro- should the hero so choose.
to have a Psyche of zero. If the Environment always contains Thus the Power can be used to
hero tries to gain control of a fresh clean air (or water or protect the hero in the middle of
Robot or the mechanical part of methane or whatever the hero a house fire, gas leak at a
a Cyborg, greater effort is breathes) at any temperature fertilizer plant, radiation spill at
needed. It becomes a contest of and pressure the hero desires. a laboratory, a thunderstorm, or
wills, as the hero's Power tries The Micro- Environment a smog alert in Los Angeles.
to overcome the target's incorporates a Force Field that The Power can be used to
Psyche. The Psyche in question protects it from any factor that Resist the effects of Air or
is either that of the Robotic might harm or even annoy the Water Animation, Weather
brain or the living mind of a hero, such as rain, poisonous Control, Heat, or Cold
Cyborg; if the Cyborg gases, extreme temperatures, Generation; the Intensity of the
incorporates both living and or the pressure that naturally attack is reduced by the Power
mechanical minds, only the results from having three miles rank number. The Micro-
Psyche of the mechanical mind of ocean over your head. In Environment has a maximum
is used to determine the such cases, the Micro- radius in-feet equal to the
difficulty of the FEAT. The latter environment automatically Power rank number. Normally it
determines what Intensity FEAT excludes potentially hazardous is a sphere centered in the hero

but she can shape it or direct it environment the hero desires, Strength. New shapes may alter
to another location if she so provided it is beneficial to the load-bearing capacity of the
desires. The maximum range at whatever nature of being is material. For example, a arch
which the hero can direct the inside its protection. Of course, can bear greater weight than a
Micro-environment is what is a marvelous climate for plane and a honeycomb is
determined by the Power rank; one being could be instantly about the strongest shape there
appropriate distances are fatal to another. Consider the is. Using the Power
shown on Column B on the Micro-environments created by destructively is easy; using it
Range Table. The maximum beings that thrive on super- constructively is harder and
volume of the Micro- heated steam or swim in liquid requires the player to have
environment is the equivalent of helium. Player characters are some knowledge of basic
a sphere whose radius equals limited to producing only those Engineering. The maximum
the Power rank number. Micro-environments that will range at which the hero can
Figuring out the maximum help the beings inside. Mold a target is determined by
volume of other shapes Villainous and Mind Controlled the Power rank. Appropriate
requires a doing a bit of NPC heroes are able to pervert distances are. shown on
geometry. Example: A rank of the Power and create toxic Column A of the Range Table.
Good can produce a sphere of Micro-environments. In such a The amount of material the hero
3.14(10-cubed) or 3,140 cubic case, the Power is treated as can Mold is a mass weighing
feet. This can be shaped into a an attack and the intended 100 pounds times the Power
rectangular "tunnel" 10 feet victim is urged to Resist it in rank number. When creating the
high, 10 feet wide, and 31 feet any way he can. The Nemeses hero, the player has the option
long. I suggest that anyone with are either Air or Liquid of raising either range or
this Power figure out as soon as Animation, depending on the amount affected by lowering the
possible how big a nature of the Micro- other factor an equal amount.
sphere/hemisphere/column/tun environment. For example, a Remarkable
nel/cone/etc. he can make with rank can Mold 3,000 pounds of
his Power rank. If you don't, the •MC17/Molding: The hero can material at a range of 8 areas.
Judge is liable to say that shape any solid material into Either factor can be altered by
mysterious changes in the. any desired shape. The shaped as much as +/-5CS and
environment prevent your material retains its original produce results as varied as
hero's Power from working. The chemical nature. If the target is Feeble range (contact)/Shift X
Power only protects the hero living, its internal anatomy is effect (15,000 lb.) to Shift X
from environmental effects or rearranged in such a way that range (80 areas)/Feeble effect
Powers that employ aspects of permits life to continue without (200 lb.). The player has the
the Environment. Beside the loss of Health. The new shape further option of raising the
Powers mentioned earlier, this can be of any complexity; even Power rank +1CS by
Power will also provide limited intricate machines can be specializing in Molding a
protection against Electrical created if the proper materials particular type of matter, such
Control, Electrical Generation, are available. The newly- as wood, metal, stone, and so
Coldshaping, Gravity Molded target can be Animated, on. This option is not available if
Manipulation, Hard Radiation even if the original material or the hero also possesses any of
and its Control, Thermal the current shape is normally the Elemental or Molecular
Control, Plague Carrier, incapable of movement. This Conversion or Creation Powers.
Geoforce, Spray, and movement is accomplished by The complexity of the intended
Pheromones, but only if the the simple act of continually Re- design determines what
offending Power originates Molding the target (think of it in Reason FEAT is needed.
outside the Micro-Environment. terms of stop-motion Simple, single component
As hinted at before, the Power animation). Molded targets designs require a green Reason
can be used to create any retain their basic Material FEAT. Complex or multiple-

component designs require a Quinjets, body armor, and Control Power was Fire
yellow FEAT. Extremely nuclear Pogo-sticks aren't Generation of Power rank
complex designs (anything from exactly off-the shelf purchases. intensity.
a clock on up) requires a red Clever use of this Power could
FEAT and probably a set of raise the hero's Resource level •MC19/Weather Control: The
blueprints. Exactly duplicating anywhere from +1CS to +4CS; hero has complete control over
an existing object also requires the Judge and player will have the weather. He can sense
a red Reason FEAT. The Power to work this out for themselves. those factors in the air that
can function for as long as the ("Okay Jeff, in yesterday's create weather and alter any
hero can concentrate. Any game you remodeled the HQ of aspect of them at his desire.
failed rolls while attempting a Dr. Octopus. Today you try to Any of these factors can
FEAT mean that while the collect what he owes you.") produce both physical and
Power has begun to Mold the Optional Powers include psychological effects on
target, there is a problem Elemental and Molecular humans. He can control
because "something doesn't Conversion, Collection, and temperature by raising or
look quite right." Molding Crystallization. Nemeses lowering the air a maximum
automatically affects any include Force Field and number of degrees equal to his
stationary, non-living, Molding. Power rank number. For
unprotected material. Moving example, an Incredible rank can
targets require the hero to make •MC18/Water Control: The change a comfortable 70
an Agility FEAT to hit. Living hero with Water Control Powers degrees into a wintry 30
targets are allowed to Resist can use available liquid water degrees or a sweltering 100
this Power in the same way for specific effects. The water degrees. He can increase or
they would try to Resist any can be used as a missile decrease wind speed by a
Energy Attack. As mentioned weapon, inflicting Power rank number of miles per hour equal
earlier, living targets can be damage at 1 area range. The to his Power rank number. For
affected but not directly slain by water can also be used as a example, an Excellent rank can
this Power. A target can be shield, having no effect on stop a 20-mph wind, slow a 50-
protected from being Molded by physical weapons, but reducing mph gale to 30mph, or turn still
the use of such Powers as energy, force, and fire attacks air into a 20-mph wind. Gale
Force Field vs. Energy, by the rank number of the winds of 40-mph or higher
Resistance to Energy, True Power. The hero with Water begin to make travel difficult.
Invulnerability, certain Magics Control may develop Power Whole gales of 55 to 72 mph
and Power Controls, temporary stunts. including: begin to do widespread
Conversion to a liquid or • Creation of watery "servants" damage. Winds above 72 mph
gaseous state, or an equal or of Power rank Health and reach hurricane strength. Above
higher rank of Molding. The Abilities. 200 mph the wind becomes a
simultaneous use of a • Using water to speed ships tornado. Wind direction can be
protective Molding Power to and water vehicles, at Power changed up to 60 degrees by a
counteract an offensive one by rank Speed. green Power FEAT, up to 120
continually re-Molding the target • Creating bubbles of air to degrees by a yellow FEAT, and
into its original shape would allow others to survive completely reversed 180
look positively psychedelic as underwater. degrees by a red FEAT. For
the target of both Molders • Limited Weather Control: example, changing a cool
continually rippled and create fog of Power rank northern wind to an east wind is
wavered). The Power can be Intensity. a change of 90 degrees, a
used quite profitably to outfit • Limited Weather Control: yellow FEAT. Humidity can be
either heroes or villains with all create storms of Power rank increased or decreased a
the arcane and exotic Intensity. maximum percentage equal to
equipment they need. After all, • Melting solid ice as if Water the Power rank number. Note:

the maximum humidity is 100%. miles deep, only the bottom Weather that he can control. A
Apparently humidity has some layers of the troposphere and green FEAT enables the hero to
effect on human behavior and stratosphere really affect the know the local wind's speed
health. As humidity approaches surface weather. Beyond twenty and direction, humidity,
80% or higher, people become miles in height, the Power is temperature, the chance for
more sluggish and irritable, reduced to a negligible effect. precipitation, and the next day's
especially if the air temperature The duration of the effect the weather forecast. A yellow
is also 80 degrees or higher. If Power has over the weather FEAT enables the hero to
the air has any moisture at all, varies. The hero has a limited detect these thing anywhere
the hero can Collect it into any amount of time each day she within her Power's range and
type of cloud, whether Cirrus, can actively Control the thus figure out the weather
Cumulus, Stratus, a common weather. The maximum length forecast for the next two days. A
Fog, or any other type. He can of time is the number of minutes Red FEAT enables the hero to
form nimbus stratus clouds that equal to the hero's Health. make three day weather
continually disgorge moisture in Each minute spent using this forecasts and more importantly
the form of rain, hail, sleet,-or Power temporarily costs the detect the cause and location of
snow, depending on the air hero one point. Note: this does any change in the weather,
temperature and wind direction. not decrease the hero's actual such as distant disturbances or
Rainfall per hour can reach a Health; instead it decreases a the use of this Power by others
maximum number of inches "dummy account" set up for the elsewhere. For example, with a
equal to the Power rank purposes of the player's yellow FEAT the hero senses a
number. If the precipitation falls bookkeeping. The account is mass of hot air twenty-three
as snow, the snowfall depth is replenished at the start miles away. A red FEAT enables
equal to six inches for each inch of each new day. Returning to her to detect the cause as a fire
of rainfall (since snowflakes the example of Storm, her raging in New Rochelle. A
pack less densely than rain). Amazing rank enabled her to peculiar use of the Power
The Power can form actively control the weather fifty involves gaseous beings such
Cumulonimbus clouds into minutes each day. Furthermore, as Air Elementals. The hero can
thunderheads that deliver the effect the Power has over create puppets of air whose
lightning as well as rain. The the weather does not instantly actions simulate the behavior of
hero can control the emission vanish when the hero rests. The Air Elementals. The hero can
and direction of lightning, changes the hero made directly combat real Air
producing bolts that do rank continue for a while before Elementals with the Power
damage. The area of weather things return to their original doing rank damage to the
over which the hero has control state. Lingering effects last an opponent's Health. Imagine this
is a circle (a vertical cylinder amount of time equal to the as a vaporous equivalent of a
actually) with the Weather time spent actively controlling slug fest. Finally, the Power can
Controller at the center. The the Weather. The Intensity rank serve as a means to
diameter and height of this of the lingering Weather slowly communicate with gaseous
cylinder is determined by the decreases; the average beings. In this case the Power
Power rank. Appropriate Intensity rank is half that of the acts as an equivalent to
distances are shown on Column Power rank. For example, if Telepathy. Optional Powers
C of the Range Table. For Storm spent ten minutes include Environmental
example, when she possessed operating a thunderstorm, that Awareness and either True
her full Amazing Weather storm would last an additional Flight, Whirlwind, or Gliding
Control, Storm could control the ten minutes and produce Nemeses include itself and
weather over a fifty mile wide Excellent rainfall and lightning Phasing, since Weather cannot
area. Note: While the while it slowly dissipated. As affect a phantom.
atmosphere is composed of mentioned briefly, the hero can
four layers and is a few hundred detect any aspect of the •MC20/Wind Control: The

Hero can manipulate the condition of a Zombie can prepare a Zombie for Animation
properties of the air molecules range from freshly deceased to in 91 turns, a Monstrous rank
around him allowing him -2CS skeletal. The latter type of can do it in 26 turns, and any
flight by propelling hard air Zombie is little more than a rank higher than Unearthly
molecules behind him. The hero walking skeleton, though being doesn't need any Preparation
may compress the air mostly bone it is cleaner than a time at all. The next step is
molecules in an area surround still fleshed Zombie. The Activation. All this requires is a
himself and then release it all at Zombie does not have to have successful red Power FEAT.
once in a Power Rank all its body parts. In fact, the Failure requires the Animator to
explosion that affects every Power can be used to Animate Prepare for another minute. It is
target in the area and detached limbs or partial possible, if however unlikely, for
decreases in intensity by -2 CS remains. These have their uses a character to have this Power
for each area it travels through too. For example, if a and never, ever be able to
after the first. The hero may character's Physical Type is successfully Animate a Zombie.
form and shape the air either Cyborg or That's one of the mysteries of
molecules in front of him to Compound/Undead and he random chance. Once he
create a power rank force field possesses this Power, perhaps creates a Zombie, the Animator
versus physical objects. He some of his body parts are retains control over it until it is
may use his power to change Animated bones grafted onto destroyed, returned to life, or
the shape of this field to a cube, his still living sections. (I told stolen away by a higher ranked
globe, triangle or whatever you this is a grotesque Undead Controller. An Animator
other shape he desires. Power…) Zombies possess can create an infinite supply of
Physical Abilities that are -3CS Zombies but can only retain
•MC21/Zombie Animation**: Power rank. Mental Abilities are direct control of a number of
This is a macabre Power that is Zero-shift. A Zombie's "Health" them equal to his Psyche rank
definitely more at home in the is the same as the Zombie number. For example, an
horror genre than in the heroic Animator's Power rank. Karma Animator with an Excellent
genre. The hero, um… well, the is non-existent and Popularity is Psyche can control up to twenty
character with this Power can as low as the scale goes. Most Zombies simultaneously. Any
Animate any previously living Zombies were originally human Zombies over that number are
body. Normally, the Power is but there is nothing to prevent in effect free agents who can
used to Animate relatively intact your Animator from creating act independently. Such free
cadavers, since these are Zombies of other species. Since Zombies never attack their
capable of a greater variety of Zombies probably can't swim or Animator though. Curiously,
actions. Part of the Power is fly worth a darn, the Animator is some Zombies retain some
used to halt the process of best choosing land-based of their Resources and
decay and to maintain the species for his experiments. Contacts. This is an extremely
structural integrity of the Possibilities include Undead rare occurrence and is only
remaining body parts. Still, wolves, tigers, elephants, and possible if the Zombie is in a
Zombies look awful, even the so on. The Zombie Animator near-perfect condition (albeit of
fresh ones. This Power is not Can create a single Zombie in a course dead) and if the late
Bio-physical Control/Revival. process whose minimum time person's death was not widely
The Zombies are not alive. gets shorter as the Power rank known. In such a case, a clever
They lack the essential life force gets higher. It comes in two Zombie Animator can make the
that is the core of each living stages, Preparation and Zombie pretend to still be
being. The Zombies are at best Activation. The required alive. For example, Nekra
mindless slaves, at worst Preparation time is the number Animated the corpse of the
grotesque marionettes who of rounds equal to 101 minus Grim Reaper so well that the
shuffle on the end of the the Power rank number. For risen Zombie actually believed
Zombie Master's strings. The example, a Good rank can he was alive. Zombies are

immune to attacks based on actual life, it does weld the spirit only a reflection of their
Psionic or other Mental Powers, and body together so well that Animator's personality. A
Disease, poisons, Pheromones, only the total destruction of the currently popular fantasy series
Hard Radiation, and Sonic. body will free the spirit again. features a good willed if
They cannot see Illusions. They Such a Spirited Zombie misunderstood character whose
have Power rank Resistance to possesses his original Mental sole Magical Power is Zombie
most of the Life-form Control Abilities and can work at Animation. He uses them as
Powers; the Power rank that restoring the other Abilities to servants and if necessary
created them decreases such their original levels. The effect soldiers. He even used the
Powers by that number. The of Bio-Physical Control on a Power on himself in order to
exception is Undead Control, Zombie is peculiar. Zombies wait out the centuries until his
with which a green FEAT can don't actually Heal since that is fiancee could return to life. Your
permit control of any a function of living organisms. character will have his own
independent Zombie. Some Any attempt to Heal a Zombie justifications and uses for this
aspect of the original mind actually kills it by negating the Power. The key thing, as
remains. Zombies possess Animation. Only Revival will always, to use your imagination
rudimentary memories of their truly return the Zombie to life, and not be afraid to experiment.
previous existence. A Zombies as it negates the Animation, Be afraid of your experiment's
is also linked to the Spirit that cures any damage or decay, results instead. Optional
did once dwell within it and can and draws the spirit back home. Powers include
be used as a tool to Note: if the Spirit is now Extradimensional Detection
Communicate with, Summon, Reincarnated elsewhere, this (limited to detecting spirit
and Control that Spirit. The use action creates a person with a realms), Forced Reincarnation,
of a Zombie in this way newborn's mind and spirit. Summoning (Spirits only),
increases the other Powers' Okay, so why would anyone Undead Control, and
rank +1CS. It is possible return want to Animate Zombies, Communication with
the Spirit to its now-Zombie particularly so-called heroes? Nonliving Matter. The Nemeses
body by use of the Forced The popular misconception is for this Power include Exorcism,
Reincarnation. Although this that Zombies are inherently evil. Healing, and Undead Control.
does not return the body to This is not true. Zombies are

Matter Conversion Powers

•Mco1/Coloration: The hero either of these two modes. In Shadowcasting. In game terms,
has total control over the the first mode, the hero can consider this a -2CS form of
coloration and color transmitting consciously alter the frequency both Shadowcasting and
abilities of any target and intensity of light itself. He Shadowshaping. Different
substance, whether solid. liquid, can change any frequency to frequencies of light have
or gaseous. That's all, folks. any other frequency, including different properties. By altering
Okay, this seems like the prime infrared, the visible spectrum, the frequency of light, the hero
number one Wimp Power of all and ultraviolet. Like a prism, the can alter these properties.
time. Wrong, oh ye of little faith; Power can split apart white light Infrared light causes objects to
read on and I'll tell you how into a rainbow or re-combine heat up. By converting normal
dangerous this Power can be it back into white. He can lower light to infrared, the hero can
is when possessed by a clever the intensity of light to create cause a -2CS form of Heat
hero. This Power enables the normal darkness, even in the Emission. Conversely, by
hero to alter basic physics and midst of brilliant fight, though converting Infrared light, the
the chemical properties of any these shadows lack the opacity hero can prevent radiant
target. The Power operates in of those created by heating; treat this as a 2CS

Force Field vs. Heat. Ultraviolet mischievous use is turning specific ways; think of a
light causes changes in someone's clothing transparent. talented artist with a very small
pigmentation; effects can vary A criminal use is turning brush. When the hero is
from the tanning of normal concealing barriers transparent covering an area, he only
human skin to the rapid fading if the character is seeking affects the exposed surface of
of printed material. It is also the information behind that barrier; any targets. For example,
key to photosynthesis. If the this can be anything from Colorizing a closed book would
light is in a coherent form, like a reading the contents of an not harm the printed pages;
laser beam, the effects of color envelope or locked file cabinet Colorizing a cow purple
become more dramatic. Red to studying a lock's mechanism wouldn't change the color of a
lasers carry more heat and do while cracking the combination. steak later on. As for the
greater damage for the Color conveys information. question of affecting the eyes of
Intensity. Blue-green lasers can Change the color and you alter a living target, the Judge and
pass unhindered through water. or even destroy the message. players should assume that the
Again, change the frequency of Consider the effect changing Power only affects the layer of
light and you change its effects. color has on things as varied as tears that protect the eye. In
The second operating mode for comic books, paintings, effect, the target is momentarily
the Power is altering the photographic film, traffic lights, blinded by colored water that
physical coloration of the target feathers, furs, and human skin. quickly washes away. Eyes are
material. The color of a object Take the last one, for example. such a small target that the
can have great importance both The reason why people get so character must make a specific
to the fickle aesthetic tastes of freaked out by the Hulk is not red FEAT to do so. Note: this
humans and to the impartiality his size or berserk rampages bending of the rules does not
of Moms Nature. Coloration but that he is bright green! Give apply to the lenses of artificial
determines the type and the Hulk a normal tan and he eyes; cameras and robots are
amount of energy that is either could work in Hollywood. On a on their own. This Power does
reflected or absorbed by the more prosaic level, the ability to not actually change the physical
material in question. White and change the color of printed or nature of a target. Elemental,
silvery surfaces reflect all light. written material can be have molecular, and genetic
Dark colors and black absorb all immense consequences in an structures remain unchanged
light. There is the matter of Information Age society such as except where Light is
transparency. A perfectly clear our own. The possibilities concerned. A steel safe made
substance lets light pass include both vandalism and glass-like is still as strong as
through. Examples include air, creation. When using this ever. A pane of glass given a
glass, and the lens in a human Power, the hero must make a steel-like surface shatters just
eye. Change the degree of Reason FEAT to determine how as before. The duration of the
transparency and you stop light fine his degree of control is. A Power varies. The normal limit
from traveling though. A green FEAT permits him to is 1 -100 hours after the
character with this Power can change all of a target to a single Coloration occurs. The hero can
stop anything in its tracks if the color; think of the target getting immediately reverse any
target depends on vision to find a paint can dumped on it. A Coloration if he chooses.
its way around. Conversely, the Yellow FEAT enables him to Sometimes the hero wants an
Power can make an opaque change the target to several act of Coloration to be
target transparent. Uses for this colors. The effect is the same permanent, such as when he
vary from humane through as being caught by a bunch tries to cure an old man's
mischievous to outright criminal. of near-sighted graffiti artists, cataracts. In that case, a red
A humane use is curing those each with a different can of Power FEAT does the trick.
types of blindness that result spray paint. A Red FEAT gives Optional Powers include Light
from the loss of the eye's the hero fine control and the Control. Nemesis Powers are
natural transparency. A ability to alter tiny areas in Radar or Sonar.

•Mco2/Combustion: The hero begin to multiply when the target is safe. Means that can
has the ability to transform any power is used against targets prevent Combustion from
target into combustible material. that are already flammable or in occurring include Elemental and
Once this Power has been the immediate vicinity of Molecular Conversion, Fire
used, spontaneous combustion flammable materials. Most of Control, Thermal Control, Cold
occurs within 1 -10 turns after. Mankind’s manufactured items Generation, Force Field vs.
Only the surface layer of matter and buildings contain some Energy, and Resistance to
is converted by this Power. As percentage of flammable Energy. Any of these Powers
such, the flames only last 10-20 material. Even materials not gives its possessor Power rank
turns since the combustible known for their combustible Resistance to Combustion's
material is quickly burned away. qualities, like plaster, will burn if effects. Example: Rusty Collins
The total amount of damage enough heat is applied. By is battling a Sentinel. He uses
done by this is equal to Power taking this into consideration, his Monstrous Power to set fire
rank Intensity. Example: Rusty the clever hero can simply use to the Sentinel's face plate. The
Collins, a student of X Factor, his Power as the spark to start Sentinel reacts by spraying
has Monstrous Combustion but an apparently normal fire. extinguishing foam on itself.
has not yet achieved full control Combustion normally occurs The foam has Unearthly fire
over it. At present, when he is only in the presence of free retardant qualities and prevents
excited, he can inflict up to oxygen. If there's no oxygen in the Combustion-affected area
Incredible Intensity damage on the air or if there is no air, from igniting. Unfortunately for
a target. When his Power first period, Combustion cannot take the Sentinel, it only lasts 25
appeared, his accidental target place. Using this Power on a turns after initial application. As
was a woman who target under such a the Sentinel grabs Rusty, his
subsequently suffered severe circumstance would have no face plate belatedly but still
burns. The range for the Power immediate effect on the target. spectacularly bursts into flame.
is determined on Column A of While the Power would still Optional Powers include Fire
the Range Table on the inside convert some of the target into, Generation and Control.
cover. The maximum amount of flammable, volatile compounds, Nemeses include Elemental
target area the hero can initially these would simply and and Molecular Conversion, Cold
affect is the number of square harmlessly evaporate; used Generation, Fire
feet equal to his Power rank under water, the Power would Control, and Thermal Control.
times ten. For example, when make bubbles suddenly appear
he is fully trained in the use of on the target. At Unearthly rank •Mco3/Corrosive Missile: The
his Power, Rusty Collins will be or higher, the hero gains the hero has some form of
able to ignite an area of 750 ability to transform some of the corrosive, acidic, or matter-
square feet at a distance of 40 target into free oxygen as well hostile attack that inflicts
areas (1 mile) away. The Power as fuel, thus permitting the damage over a long period of
only affects the surface of a Power the Power to function in time. A corrosive attack inflicts
target that is in sight of the a vacuum or hostile Power rank damage the first
hero. Using the Power against a environment. If the target is round, Power rank -2CS
gasoline tank would only burn affected by the Power but the damage the second, and Power
the outside of the tank and any flames are somehow prevented rank -4CS damage the third.
gasoline that had already from occurring, the target will Damage may be halted by
leaked through bad joints in the only remain potentially washing the exposed material
tank walls. If the damage were flammable for 21 to 30 turns or area. The character with this
sufficient to rupture the tank or after the Power has had its attack may never choose to
heat the gasoline inside to the initial effect. At any point during inflict less damage. Corrosive
combustion point, then the that time, the target can still attacks may also affect
stored liquid could join the burst into flame; materials and Body Armor.
blaze. The Power's effects after that has elapsed, the Make a FEAT roll as if the

Power rank of the corrosive was Ken rolls 97 for his Power rank, whenever this Power is used-
a an attempt to break the an awesome Amazing rank for that's why the Power appears
material. Success indicates the both range and effect. Sue isn't as a glowing beam emitted by
attack has burned through or so lucky and rolls 77, a Good the hero-but not enough to
weakened the material such rank for her Cyborg Character. divert the Power from its
that it is no longer useful or Sue wants deadlier force and intended target. If an unseen or
provides no further protection. chooses to after her range and unanticipated barrier is present
This FEAT may be made only effect. She decreases her range between the Disintegrator and
on materials of lesser material to Feeble or Contact-only, a the target, that barrier takes the
strength than this Power rank. loss of -3CS that she can apply full brunt of the Power that turn.
Corrosive attacks must hit the to her effect. This increases Ken's hero, Starburst, sights a
target, and as such have no +3CS to an Incredible effect. Dreadnought and immediately
effect on Force Fields and the Unwilling targets of this Power tries to Disintegrate it.
like. are allowed to resist it in any Unfortunately, Starburst failed
way they can. Furthermore, the to notice the plate glass window
•Mco4/Disintegration: This is Disintegrator must make an the Dreadnought was behind.
the ever popular but never Agility FEAT to aim this Power The window vanishes in a flash
explained "Disintegration Ray." on a target. I mentioned the of pretty lights as the
The hero has the ability to maximum area the Disintegrator dreadnought ducks around the
convert any matter into pure can effect, but what of the corner. This Power is frequently
energy, usually Light although minimum area? The Power given, to weapons systems
the player can specify another comes in handy for doing all such as the ever popular
resultant energy when he first sorts of fine-detailed work like Disintegrator Pistols that fill pulp
creates the character. The sculpting, surgery, or removing Sci-Fi. In terms of normal
energy dissipates harmlessly unwanted locks. The hero can contemporary Earth technology,
and does not affect anyone in Disintegrate as small an area a Disintegrator ray gun requires
the vicinity. This Power can as he can clearly see. With Incredible Reason and Physics
affect any target within range normal, unaided vision, the Talent to design and an
and line of sight. The range is minimum limit is about 1/128th Amazing cost in Resource
determined by Power rank; of an inch. Smaller than that points to build. The Judge is
resulting distances are shown and the hero needs some kind free to decide the range and
on Column A of the Range of magnifying device or Power. effect of such a weapon.
Table. The maximum amount of Note: this limit is proportional to Nemeses for Disintegration are
matter that can be disintegrated a normally-sized human of Phasing (to protect the hero)
in a single turn is the number of about six feet in height. and Ionization (to protect
cubic feet equal to the Power Enlarged or miniaturized others) as the Power cannot
rank number. For example, a characters have a proportional affect intangible matter.
Typical Disintegration can limit. For example, a 36 foot tall
destroy six cubic feet of matter giant would have a minimum •Mco5/Elemental
at a range of two areas or 264 limit of 1/21 of an inch, while a Conversion**: The hero can
feet. When creating the one foot tall person would have convert any matter into a
character, the player can alter a minimum limit of 1/768th of an specific element. The matter to
the Power range or effect if he inch or about the size of a cell. be converted can be any one
so chooses. Either the range or As stated earlier, the target element or a combination of
the amount affected can be must be within line of sight elements. The resulting element
increased any number of since the Power affects the can be any of the hundred-odd
Column Shifts by decreasing first thing it encounters, natural, artificial, and mythical
the other factor an equal excluding air molecules. elements. Natural elements are
amount. Example: Ken and Sue Actually, some air is those numbered 1 (Hydrogen)
are both creating Disintegration. accidentally Disintegrated to 92 (Uranium) on the Periodic

Table; these require a green has an option of increasing his valuable elements are kept
FEAT to create. Artificial Power rank by making the strictly accounted for by a
elements are those numbering Power's effect temporary. The variety of governmental and
higher than 92 and do not hero can gain +1CS by business organizations. If your
naturally occur on Earth outside reducing the duration of his hero makes a habit of coming
of man's experiments; such transformations to the number up with large amounts of
elements include Neptunium, of turns equal to his Reason bullion, someone is going to
Plutonium, and the like. A rank number. For example, a begin to notice. That someone
yellow FEAT is required to hero with Good Reason and could be anyone from a
create these. Mythical elements Poor Elemental Conversion can relatively benign IRS agent
include Vibranium and any convert four pounds of material come to audit your hero's
other imaginary element the that reverts to its original state accounts to a sinister agent of
Judge decides to add to this in ten hours. The normal form of the Gold Cartel come to shut
category; a red FEAT is this Power is fatal if used on a down the new competitor (i.e.,
required to create these. Note: living target. Tissue transformed kill your hero). About the only
it has never been established by the Power suffers choice your hero has is selling
whether Vibranium is an instantaneous death. If the hero small amounts to local precious
element or a compound; chooses the option of metals dealers. Going this route
Judges are therefore instructed temporary effect, the Power has can raise your hero's Resource
to decide which category a different effect on living rank +3CS; any more than that
Adamantium fits into in the tissue. The affected area enters and somebody will notice and
Judge's campaign. The hero Suspended Animation until it take action. The range at which
can alter a finite amount of reverts to its original state. This the Power can operate is
matter per turn. The maximum can also be developed into a determined by the Power
amount per turn is the number variety of Power Stunts. Of rank. Distances are shown on
of pounds equal to the Power course, if only part of the living column A of the Range Table.
rank number. The amount of target is transformed, the rest of When creating the hero, the
matter weighs the same in its the body still suffers the shock player can choose the option of
original and transformed states. of having part of itself increasing either the amount
If the hero converts matter into transformed into nonliving affected or the range by
denser elements, the volume elements. The minimum decreasing the other factor an
decreases. Converting matter to amount of matter that can be equal amount. For example, a
lighter elements increases the transformed is limited only by Typical rank can convert six
volume. For example, one cubic the hero's sight. If the hero can pounds of matter at a distance
foot of lead weighs the same as see it, he can transform it. The of two areas. Either factor can
17.5 cubic feet of carbon. Just practical limit for unaided be modified a maximum of 2CS.
exploiting this little fact of life human vision is 1/128th of an One way produces a hero who
can lead the hero to develop a inch. Lest you think your hero is has Feeble effect (two pounds)
variety of Power Stunts. going to retire to Brazil and but Excellent range (6 areas).
For example, the hero might spend the rest of his days Going the opposite route
cause a sudden vacuum in a turning weeds to gold, let me produces a hero with Excellent
room by converting all air to a warn you about the drawbacks. effect (20 pounds) but Feeble
dense solid, like bismuth. Each pound of matter the hero range (contact only). Stationary,
Normally, when matter is converts temporarily costs him non-living, unprotected targets
converted by this Power, it a point of Health. This is are automatically affected.
retains its new nature automatically regained, after 24 Moving targets require an Agility
permanently or at least until a hours. On the business side, FEAT by the hero to hit the
reverse transformation is forced there is the question of selling target. Living targets are
on it at a later date. At the time the raw elements. Gold, allowed to Resist this Power
the hero is created, the player platinum, and other rare, just as they could any other

attack. Protections against this create warmth; this is treated as $100 bills. Outside, Shocker
Power include Force Field vs. a -2CS form of Heat. More summons his Power. The safe
Energy Attack, Resistance to interestingly, the hero can is a 15 foot cube with walls two
Energy Attack, True charge atoms in such a way feet thick. Selecting a section of
Invulnerability, various that he can make them the safe's wall with no essential
Magics,and various Power temporarily ethereal. A target mechanisms inside, he begins.
Controls. Any of these thus affected can Phase He has a Incredible rank. In the
completely protect against a through solid matter as easily first turn, static electricity
lesser ranked Elemental as someone already in crackles in the air; inside the
Conversion and have a limited possession of that Power. This safe, loose bills stand on end.
affect against equal or greater comes in handy when the hero In the second turn, electricity of
ranks. The Judge is free to is trying to protect a target from Remarkable Intensity begins to
decide the results of partial any of the Matter Conversion be generated by the affected
protection against this Power. Powers. He can use this Power area. The safe's lock shorts out
Optional Powers include Matter to Phase something threatened as the electricity flows
Animation and Molding. The by the other Power or made throughout the metal sections of
Nemeses include Force Field threatening because of it. The the safe; inside the safe the air
vs. Energy, Resistance to range at which Ionization can begins to smell of ozone. In the
Energy, and True Invulnerability. occur and its duration are third turn, Disintegration of
determined by the Power rank. Excellent Intensity begins to
•Mco6/Ionization: The hero Range is shown on Column A occur. Shocker is bathed in a
has the ability to change the on the Range Table. Duration is cloud that resembles a
state of energy in a target. This a maximum number of rounds fluorescent lamp without the
can have a variety of effects on equal to the Power rank tube. The safe walls are
the target. A target can be number. For example, a Feeble constructed of reinforced
electrified by this Power; the rank can charge a target within concrete and steel, giving it
target's atoms begin to change reach for two turns. The amount Remarkable material strength.
into electrically-charged of material affected is For Shocker to execute any
particles. The initial effect this generally limited to a man-sized meaningful Disintegration, he
has is to charge the target with continuous mass. If the target is needs to make a red FEAT
static electricity. Next the target a specific area of a much larger based on the diminished
actually emits Electricity at mass, the Ionization will directly Disintegration rank, rather than
-1CS Intensity. At this point the affect only the man sized area, his normal Ionization rank.
target will itself suffer an equal although the rest of the mass Shocker's player needs to roll a
amount of damage, provided it can experience secondary 95 or higher to burn through the
is electrically grounded in some effects based on whatever the safe. It takes him 11 turns or
way. Finally, the charged atoms hero is trying to do. For over a minute to finally
begin to fly off in an ionized example, The Shocker has to accomplish the deed. Hours
cloud. Nonliving targets can be Ionize a safe in which some later it occurred to The Shocker
destroyed in this manner as the people are trapped. He plans to that he could simply have used
molecular bonds break down. try to Disintegrate a section of his Power to make part of the
Used this way, the Power does the safe large enough to permit safe temporarily out of Phase
damage equal to 2CS fresh air to enter. There is a with the rest of the world. Had
Disintegration. Okay, what danger of he done that, those trapped
about beneficial uses for this electrocution to those trapped inside could simply have walked
Power? Well, electricity isn't the within, so Shocker tells them to through the temporarily ethereal
only energy the hero can stand on something that can wall. The Nemesis Power is
charge a target with when he insulate them from the metal Energy Sponge.
uses this Power. The hero can walls and floor. They hurriedly
excite the atoms sufficiently to cover themselves with stacks of

•Mco7/Molecular requires a yellow FEAT; CL3000 range (10,000 miles)
Conversion**: The hero can examples include and Feeble effect (two pounds).
transform any material into a hydrocarbons. More complex The player also has the
desired compound. This Power molecules or alloys require a option of increasing the Power
is an enhanced version of red FEAT; examples include +1CS by making its effect
Elemental Conversion. polymers, proteins, and other temporary. Normally,
Whereas that Power could only compounds essential to life. Conversions are permanent or
create a single specified Obviously, playing this Power at least remain until a reverse
element, this Power can create requires knowledge of basic Conversion occurs. If the player
a number of elements chemistry. At the least the chooses the temporary option,
simultaneously and arrange player must have a crib sheet the Conversion only lasts a
them in a desired molecular filled with various useful maximum number of turns
configuration. The matter to be compounds and their formulas. equal to the hero's Reason rank
converted can be composed of The hero can after a finite number. While permanent
any element, compound, or amount of matter each turn. Conversions may be fatal to
combination thereof. The The mass limit is the number of living targets (it depends on
elements that result can be any pounds equal to the Power rank what was Converted and what
of the hundred odd natural, number. The amount of matter the result was), the temporary
artificial, and mythical elements. converted weighs the same form has the side effect of
The compounds they form can either before or after placing the target area into a
likewise be real or mythical. An Conversion. The heavier the form of Suspended Animation
example of a fictional resulting compound, the smaller until the Conversion wears off.
compound is the alloy its volume. Conversely, the Of course, the Conversion can
Adamantium, a steel alloy lighter the compound, the more have severe, even fatal, effects
that only exists in the Marvel volume it has. This simple fact on the rest of the living target if
Universe. Mythical compounds can be exploited as a variety of the entire body is not
or compounds that incorporate Power Stunts. For example, a Converted. The target must be
a mythical element (like fist sized rock can be in line of sight of the hero for
Vibranium) require a red FEAT transformed into a roomful of the Conversion to occur. The
to create. Note: it has never the mixture of gases we Power can function even if a
been established whether humans consume as air. The normal, transparent barrier such
Vibranium is an element or a maximum range at which as glass separates the hero and
compound; while I choose to the Power can affect a target is the target. The minimum
refer to Vibranium as an determined by the Power rank; amount of material that can be
element, Judges are free to distances are shown on column affected by the Power is limited
decide for themselves whether A of the Range Table. At the only by the hero's eyesight. In
it is an element or a compound time the hero is created, the practical terms, the smallest
in their campaign. Most other player has the option of size a Normal Human can see
compounds require either a increasing either the Power's is 1/128th of an inch. Below that
green or yellow FEAT to create. range or amount affected by requires the use of something
The more complex a decreasing the remaining factor to enhance the hero's vision.
compound's formula is, the an equal amount. For example, Stationary, non-living,
harder it is to create. As a rule an Amazing rank can Convert unprotected targets are
of thumb, a compound whose 50 pounds at a range of 20 automatically affected by this
molecules incorporate from two areas. Either factor can be Power. Moving targets
to twenty atoms can be created modified by up to 7CS. This can require an Agility FEAT in order
by a green FEAT. A compound produce such extreme for the hero to hit the target.
with molecules of from twenty- combinations as Feeble range Living targets are allowed to
one to one hundred atoms, or (Contact only) and CL3000 resist Molecular Conversion just
alloys of various compounds, effect (3000 pounds per turn) or as they would any Energy

Attack. Targets can be Nemeses include Force Field body out in a multi-directional
protected from being effected vs. Energy, Resistance to attack the hero may make an
by this Power through the use Energy, and True Invulnerability. attack on up to 4 opponents at
of other Powers including Force one time who are not standing
Field vs. Energy, Resistance to •Mco8/Molecular Instability**: adjacent but are within his
Energy, True Invulnerability, The hero has control over every range. The hero is protected
various Magics, and various molecule in his body. He can from physical harm possessing
Power Controls. Such Powers rearrange and restructure it up to Power Rank resistance
will completely protect against a ever how he desires. This versus fire, heat, cold,
lesser or equal rank Molecular allows him to appear like any electricity, radiation, corrosives,
Conversion and offer partial person he desires even to the disease, poison, brute force,
protection against higher ranks. point that the hero may alter his sonic and kinetic bolts. Optional
The Judge is free to decide the height and weight. The hero Powers include Shape
results of partial protection. may stretch his body as if he Changing and the Bouncing
Optional Powers include Matter had the Elongation power at -2 Ball power.
Animation and Molding. CS power rank. By flailing his

Matter Creation Powers

•Mcr1/Artifact Creation**: The regain all his lost Health points these specific Matter Creation
hero can create a desired after 24 hours. Thus, the hero Powers, he would then have
object from virtually nothing. can only create a number of twice the number of memory
The artifact can be of any ounces in a single day equal to slots (equal to his Reason rank
substance, and is limited to his Health point total. The hero number times two once for each
being composed of a single must have detailed knowledge Power). Normally the Power is
piece. Although the Power can of the design of whatever he used to create facsimiles of
create facsimiles of more wants to create. He can only objects that already exist.
complex construction, close store a finite number of designs These can be directly studied
examination reveals that all the in his mind at any one time. The by the hero as he memorizes
smaller pieces are fused limit for this Power is equal to their designs. This takes at
together. However, the hero can his Reason rank number. The least ten minutes before
create complex items by player must keep a record of attempting the FEAT. Failure
forming them one piece at a which items the hero knows requires another ten minutes
time. The hero can create in how to create. The list can be of study, and another attempt.
one turn a number of ounces changed at any time. A green As you can guess, their hero
equal to his Power Rank Reason FEAT gains the hero a might never be able to master
number. The durability of the new design. If no memory slots certain designs. The hero can
artifact is determined at the time are available, the new design also create new designs based
of creation. A green FEAT gives replaces an old one. ("That's solely on his own imagination.
the artifact a lifespan of the okay; how many more Dr. Since this requires really
number of turns equal to the Doom masks was I going to intense concentration, a red
hero's Reason rank number need, anyway?") Editor's Note: Reason FEAT is needed to
times 100. A yellow FEAT raises Matter Creation Powers that store this design. The artifact
it to 10,000 times the Reason create specific items (as has the same properties as a
rank number. A red FEAT opposed to raw matter) bring normally manufactured item of
makes the artifact permanent. with them a specified number of its type. In the case of altered or
Each ounce of created matter memory slots, usually equal to imaginary designs, the player
temporarily costs the hero one the hero's Reason rank number. and the Judge should agree on
Health point. The hero can If a hero should have two of reasonable statistics for the

item in question. The hero can to confound the law. Optional The hero can create pure
materialize the artifact at any Powers include a form of Matter elements from virtually nothing.
site within one area. The artifact Animation that is limited to The hero can create any
is initially stationary; you can't matter created by the hero, and desired element in any shape or
launch an artifact as you can a Hyper Intelligence. The at any location within one area.
missile or a spray. The hero can Nemesis Powers are The hero can create in a single
take advantage of gravity, Disintegration and Mental turn a number of ounces equal
though, by materializing the Domination, especially induced to his Power rank number. For
artifact uphill or over a target. Amnesia. example, a hero possessing
Now that you've read all the this Power at Amazing rank
rules so far, I'll give you the one •Mcr2/Continuum Split**: This could create 50 ounces per
exception to the weight limit. power allows the hero to alter turn. The durability of the newly
When creating the character, the outcome of any single event created matter is determined at
the player can choose to creating two alternate realities the time of creation. A green
specialize in creating a single in the process. The first reality FEAT gives the element a
copy of one specific item, like a continues on its normal lifespan of 100 turns times the
suit of armor or a costume. In timeline, but the second reality hero's Reason rank number. A
this case, the weight limit is which the hero altered by yellow FEAT increases that to
raised from one ounce per changing the outcome of a 10,000 turns times the Reason
Health point to one pound per specific event becomes the new rank number. A Red FEAT
Health point. Red FEATs are alternate reality of what should means it is permanent.
treated as yellow FEATs. This have been. Within alternate Example: Synthos needs some
Power includes versions of realities even very small quick cash and tries to create
Elemental and Molecular changes can lead to drastic gold he can sell. His Power is
Creation. Each -element and differences between them. For Excellent (20) but his Reason is
compound takes up a memory example, imagine a Marvel only Typical (6). He rolls a 73 (a
slot, just like the daggers and Earth where this power was yellow FEAT) and manages to
shields that are already used and Captain America create 20 ounces of 24K gold
cluttering the hero's mind. Such didn't wake from his icy that will disintegrate in 60,000
raw matter can be formed in hibernation until after the year turns (about 4 days). He hurries
any shape, though. This permits 2000. One of the largest to the local gold bullion dealer.
the hero to change the implications this power offers to Unfortunately, the dealer was
composition of any of his the hero is the ability to create warned about Synthos. He will
already memorized designs. new realities based around his accept the gold on the condition
For example, if he already has actions of saving others from that he can wait one week
memorized a knife design and their certain doom. There would before turning over payment.
the nature of silver, he can be a reality with that person and Each ounce the hero creates
make either a steel knife (like a reality without that specific temporarily robs him of one
the one he memorized) or one version. Unfortunately for the Health point. The hero can
made of silver. The hero can hero he does not get to chose recover any Health lost in this
create facsimiles of living which reality to inhabit without way after a 24-hour period,
matter, but such facsimiles are other powers to assist him. The including eight hours of sleep.
not themselves capable of newly created reality always He must get his full rest to
living. He can make a dead becomes the default universe recover his Power; this saves
chicken, but not a live one; for the player character. Bonus the Judge and player from
however, the one he makes will Powers include Dimensional quibbling over fractions
taste just as good. Being able to Travel. The Nemesis is Reality regained by naps and so on. (if
create corpse versions of Manipulation. you like to quibble, though, then
yourself could be extremely go ahead and use partial
handy, especially for villains out •Mcr3/Elemental Creation: recovery.) Thus the hero can

only create a number of ounces • Resisting gaseous attacks or all at once, this limits how large
equal to his Health. Example: preventing suffocation by the creation is. It can grow,
Synthos needs that money now! surrounding himself in oxygen. though, if it has the time. The
He slinks into an alley and tries Optional Powers include Matter lifespan of this new creation is
it again. A yellow FEAT results Animation (any single form) and determined at its genesis. A
in 20 more ounces of unstable- Mechanical Animation. Nemesis Green FEAT gives it a lifespan
gold. Realizing he's near his include Disintegration and of 100 turns times the hero's
limit, he makes a final try to Matter Animation (all forms). Reason rank number. A Yellow
create nine more ounces. He FEAT increases that to 10,000
succeeds with a red FEAT. A •Mcr/4Ensnaring Missile: An times the number. On a Red
very pale Synthos trudges off to ensnaring missile is a device FEAT, the life-form is
find a pawnshop. The hero can that makes a form of grappling permanent. Each ounce of
use this Power as an attack by attack. The hero making the created life costs the hero one
trying to materialize new attack rolls an Agility FEAT to Health point. All points lost in
elements on a chosen target. hit, and any hit is considered to this way are automatically
The target can dodge the have entangled the opponent. regained after 24 hours. In a
attack; if successful, the This entangling is the single day, the hero can only
materialization occurs in the equivalent of a grappling attack create lifeforms whose total
target's former location. The of Power rank Strength, and the weight does not exceed his
target must be in line of sight ensnarement is considered to Health. The hero must have
and not protected by any have Power rank material detailed knowledge of any
barriers. For example, Synthos strength. This Power may be organism he wants to create.
sees an old foe and tries to give increased in Power rank by He can only store a limited
him a face full of coal dust. He accepting any one of a number number of organic designs
didn't notice that his foe was of limitations: within his memory. The total
behind an extremely clear pane • Ensnarement only affects one number of memory slots
of glass. Synthos splatters coal target available for this Power is equal
dust all over his side of the • Ensnarement wears off after to his Reason rank number. The
window. Various Power stunts 1-10 rounds player must keep a record of
include: • Ensnarement weakens by one the organisms he can create.
• Dropping freshly-made material strength rank each turn The list can be changes at any
weights on a target. Setting • Ensnarement has a limited time. A green Reason FEAT
targets on fire by materializing number of charges gains the hero a new design. If
self-igniting elements like there are no available memory
sodium and phosphorus. •Mcr5/Life-form Creation**: slots, an old design is discarded
Rendering a target unconscious The hero can create living to make room for the new one.
by flooding the area with matter and even complete bio- Normally the Power is used to
nitrogen that displaces oxygen. organisms from virtually create facsimiles of existing
• Short-circuiting electrical nothing. The new life can be of organisms. The hero must
devices by forming copper in any nature, although it can only make a detailed study of the
their interiors. possess Powers that are original for at least one hour
• Knocking targets off their feet intrinsic to its physical structure. before attempting a FEAT to
by covering the ground with The size of the new life-form is memorize it. A failure means the
silicon. limited by its weight. The hero hero must study the organism
• Breaking open a lock by can create in a single turn a for another hour before
forming iron inside it (assuming maximum number of ounces attempting another FEAT. With
there is a way into the lock). equal to his Power rank sufficiently bad luck, the hero
• Increasing a fire's Intensity by number. Since the life-form may never be able to memorize
creating fresh oxygen for it to cannot be assembled in several certain lifeforms One note: This
consume. pieces, but rather must be done Power includes a mixture of

Detection Powers that permit following statistics: original levels. The hero should
the hero to study a life-form Fighting -1CS also incur a hefty Karma loss if
down to its atomic level without Agility -1CS he was directly responsible for
having to do anything harmful to Strength no shift his companion's death. If the
that life-form (like dissect it). Endurance no shift hero possesses other Powers,
The hero can create new Reason Poor the player can assign them to
lifeforms based solely on his Intuition Poor whatever lifeforms the hero can
imagination and basic Psyche no shift summon. This is an interesting
knowledge of anatomy and Health no shift possibility for creating unique
physiology. This requires an Karma zero characters, especially if
active imagination, intense Resources zero Specialization is chosen.
concentration, and a red FEAT Popularity no shift Optional
to memorize a viable design. Only physical Powers are Powers include forms of
The newly born life-form has duplicated. Talents' are lost as Telepathy,
the same characteristics as a are Contacts, unless the Mental Domination, Animal
normally born life-form of its Contact seeks out the duplicate. Control, and Plant Control, all
type. In the case of altered or New life can learn, if it lives long limited to life-forms created by
imaginary creations, the player enough. It can even raise its the hero. These same Powers
and Judge should agree on a abilities and gain simulations of are also the Nemeses.
reasonable set of statistics for other Powers the original
the being in question. This possesses. The Judge should •Mcr6/Mechanical Creation**:
Power also includes versions of set his own standards, The hero can create complex
Elemental and Molecular based on what type of beast the mechanical devices from
Creation. This can be used to hero has come up with. Here virtually nothing. The newly
create raw biological materials comes the exception to all that's created machine originally
or foodstuffs; examples include been written here so far. When forms in one mass, then
sugar, blood, protoplasm, and creating the hero, the player separates into its components.
so on. Each material takes up a can opt to specialize in creating The size of the machine is
memory slot. The hero can one unique being, like a limited to its weight. The hero
materialize his creation at any Pegasus or a She-Hulk of the can only create in one turn a
site within one area. The new hero's very own. (No more maximum number of ounces
life is initially stationary but can trouble getting dates for this equal to his Power rank
immediately begin to move guy…) In that case, the weight number. Heavier machines
under its own power. Like the limit is raised from one ounce have to be assembled in
rest of the Matter Creation per Health point to one pound several turns. The durability of
Powers, this Power is stopped per Health point. Red FEATs the machine is determined at
by the first barrier between the are treated as yellow FEATs, the time of its creation. A green
hero and the site of his intended thus the hero is required to FEAT gives the machine a
target. So, no, people-you can't periodically recreate his chosen lifespan of 100 turns times the
have your hero inject nasty companion. Such a continually hero's Reason rank number. A
germs directly into his created being retains its yellow FEAT increases that to
opponent. As stated before, this memory from creation to 10,000 times the rank number.
Power can create living replicas creation and can learn and A red FEAT means the machine
of actual beings. The minds of develop just like any normal life- is permanent. Each ounce of
such beings are not as complex form. Any damage suffered by created matter temporarily
as the original, and lack most of this being disappears when it is costs the hero one point of
the original's memories and all summoned anew. If slain, the Health. All points lost in this way
Powers that are not strictly being immediately disintegrates are regained after 24 hours.
Physical in nature. For game and its statistics (when it is Thus the hero can only create
purposes, new life has the summoned again) drop to their in a single day a number of

ounces equal to his Health. The into any shape, though. This Optional Powers include a form
hero must have detailed permits the hero to change the of Mechanical Animation limited
knowledge of anything he wants composition of his already- to those machines created by
to create. He can only store a memorized designs. For the hero, Hyper Intelligence,
limited number of de-' signs in example, if he has already and Hyper- Invention. Nemesis
his memory. The total number memorized a cassette player's Powers include Mechanical
of memory slots available for design and the nature of Animation, and Mental
this Power is equal to his platinum, he can create Domination (especially induced
Reason rank number. The either a normal plastic-cased Amnesia).
player must keep a record of player or a platinum coated
the designs the hero can reate. one. The hero can materialize •Mcr7/Missile Creation: The
The list can be changed at any the machine at any site within hero can spontaneously create
time. A green Reason FEAT one area. The machine is and launch projectiles. These
gains the hero a new design; if initially stationary but if it is self- are propelled to Power rank
no memory slots are available, powered, it can immediately range. Missiles that simply slam
an old design is tossed away to begin to move on its own. The into a target act as Stunning
make room for the new one. hero can also drop the machine Missiles and inflict Stunning
Normally the Power is used to on a target, but that is a real attacks of Power rank Intensity.
create facsimiles of existing waste of material, people. The If the hero has other Powers,
machines. The hero must make Power cannot create actual these are combined with this
a detailed study of the machine living beings. If the hero is Power to produce missiles with
for at least 10 minutes for each trying to create a facsimile of a specific effects.
attempted FEAT. Failure to living being, the best he can do • Nullifier: The Missile Power is
make a FEAT means another is a robotic replica, complete combined with Power
10 minutes of study is required. with simulated flesh. Internal Control/Negation to produce
Some items may be beyond the examination immediately missiles that inflict no direct
hero's comprehension. if the reveals gears and pulleys. The damage but may nullify inborn
player is really bad at rolling the Power can create potentially or technological Powers with
dice. The hero can also create sentient machines, such as a Power rank Intensity. Sleep
new designs based solely on miniature copy of a Sentinel. Darts-the Power is combined
his imagination and knowledge Such a facsimile lacks the with Induced Sleep to create
of mechanical engineering. As detailed programming of the anesthetic darts.
this requires really intense original and must be • Magnetic: The Power
concentration, a red FEAT is programmed before it can combines with Magnetism to
required to store such designs. function. This also applies to produce missiles with Power
The newly-created machine has any microchip dependent rank Intensity Magnetism.
the same properties as a device, such as a computer. These can do Power rank
normally manufactured machine Just like Matter Creation, there damage to magnetic recordings
of its type. In the case of altered is an exception to the rules or delicate electronics, and can
or imaginary designs, the player stated thus far. When creating attract any iron in the target site
and Judge should agree on the character, the player can (guns, for example).
reasonable statistics for the choose to specialize in creating • Ghost-casters: The Power is
item in question. This Power a single copy of a specific combined with Illusion-casting
includes versions of Elemental design' like a homemade Iron to create missiles that emit a
and Molecular Creation. Each Man suit or a mini jet. In this static hologram upon hitting the
element or compound takes up case, the weight limit is raised target site.
its own memory slot, just like from one ounce per Health • Vanishers: The Power is
the padlocks and pistols that point to one pound per Health combined with Induced
already clutter the hero's mind. point. Red FEATs are treated Teleportation to create missiles
Such raw matter can be formed the same as Yellow FEATs. that teleport the target to a

predetermined destination. works by removing the weapon disintegrates in four days. His
• Energizer: Missiles are from the hero's possession and honor on the line, Synthos tries
combined with Power giving it to the again. He succeeds with a red
Transference to give the target opponent. FEAT. However, his depleted
part of the hero's other Powers. Health only permitted him to
Any Power in this book can be •Mcr8/Molecular Creation: create 10 ounces of bronze.
combined with this Power to This is a more powerful form of Synthos is unaware of this,
create unique missiles for your Elemental Creation. The hero having passed out from the
character. When creating the can form several elements strain. The hero can use this
character, the player should simultaneously and form them Power as an attack by trying to
follow this guideline: If there is a into any desired compound. form the new material on a
way to combine external The hero can form this on any chosen target. Such targets can
Powers with this Power, do it. target within one area. He can try to dodge. If they succeed,
Powers that are completely create in one turn a number of the material forms in their
internal in their effects are ounces equal to his Power rank previous position. The hero
exempted from this. This number. For example, at Poor must be in line of sight of the
includes most of the Mental and rank he could form only four target. He cannot form material
Physical Enhancements and all ounces in one turn. The within a target's interior or
of the Self Alterations and durability of the newly created through any barrier between
Detection Powers. If the compound is determined by a himself and the target. Synthos,
character is High Tech, has FEAT at the time of creation. A for example, could not form
rolled such Powers as Hyper- green FEAT gives the material plastic explosive within a
Invention or Weapons a span of a number of turns Sentinel, unless someone left
Tinkering, or possesses a equal to 100 times the hero's an inspection hatch open where
magical device, then the Missile Reason rank number. A yellow Synthos could see it. In order to
Powers should be combined FEAT raises the multiplier to fully play this Power, the player
into a device possessed by the 10,000, and on a red FEAT the needs to know some basic
hero. This may be an exotic material is permanent. Each chemistry, especially the
gun, a wand, or any other bit of ounce the hero creates physical properties of various
super heroic paraphernalia the temporarily costs him one point compounds. The hero can
player can imagine. The hero of Health. The hero can regain develop Power stunts such as:
has a finite ammo supply, even Health points lost in this way •Negating a foe's Energy
if he creates the missiles as he after a 24-hour period Emission Power by forming a
goes. The maximum number of including eight hours of sleep. barrier of insulating material
Missiles the hero can create per Thus, the hero can create only around the target's Emission
hour is equal to the Power rank a number of ounces per day point.
number. This prevents the equal to his total Health points. •Breaking open a door by
cliche found in bad Westerns, Example: Synthos is visiting a materializing strong compounds
whereby a lone cowboy holds primitive culture and decides to within the crack between the
off the entire Apache nation with give them a gift of useful door and the frame.
a single sixshooter. This limit bronze. His Power is Excellent •Forming weights in the air
also applies to Technological (20) and his Reason is Typical above a target's head.
versions of this Power, in that (6), but his Health is only 50. •Healing others by creating
the gun/wand/whatever simply On his first try, he makes only a medicines; their effects last
overheats from repeated use. green FEAT. That batch of 20 even after the compounds
There are two Nemesis for this ounces disintegrates in 600 disintegrate.
Power. If the Power is innate to turns (1 hour). He tries again, •Creating electricity by forming
the hero, Reflection stops it. If making a yellow FEAT this time. the compounds found in
the Power is externalized in a That's not much better; the batteries.
weapon, Induced Teleportation batch of 20 ounces •Creating nonliving simulations

of living beings. These have no Spray has a range of up to one do Power rank damage.
cell structure, however, and are area. It has the basic properties •Shrink Dust: The Spray
only incredibly realistic wax of doing Feeble damage by combines with Diminution to
dummies. choking off the target's fresh air reduce the size of anything in
•Performing temporary repairs and reducing visibility by -2CS the target area.
on equipment. This Power for anyone within the cloud. The •Booster Dust: The Spray
includes the ability to form main purpose of Spray is combines with Power
single elements as in Elemental combining it with other Powers, Control/Magnification to raise
Creation. This is an innate (not thereby producing unique Spray the Power ranks of everyone in
a Bonus) Power. Optional Powers for the hero. In all these the target area +1CS.
Powers include Matter cases, the range remains the Any Power in the Character
Animation in any single form same. Other factors, such as Creation Compendium can be
and Mechanical Animation. The the nature and Intensity of combined with this Power to
Nemesis Powers are effects, are determined by the create unique Sprays for each
Disintegration and Matter Power that has been combined character. When creating such
Animation (all forms, with Spray. Some possibilities characters, the player should
simultaneously). include: follow this simple guideline: If
•Hallucinogenic: The Spray is you can figure out a way to
•Mcr9/Projectile Missile: A combined with Image combine externalized Powers
projectile missile represents a Generation to produce vivid with this one, do it. Powers that
specially designed weapon that visual images in the target's are completely internalized are
inflicts damage according mind; these, of course, have exempt from this rule. This
to the Shooting column. This is nothing to do with reality. The includes most of the Mental and
usually some form of target's Fighting and Intuition Physical Enhancements and all
technological device, but not drop -3CS. of the Self Alterations and
always. This weapon is •Corrosion-proofing: The Detection. If a character. is High
specialty designed for the Spray combines with Catalytic Tech, has rolled such Powers
character, and the hero suffers Control to lessen corrosive as Hyper-Invention or Weapons
no penalty for range when firing attacks' Intensity by this Power Tinkering, or possesses a
it (other individuals that may get rank number. magical device, then the Spray
their hands on it would suffer •Insulation: The Spray Power should be incorporated
such a penalty). The hero uses combines with any Energy into a device. This may be a
his Agility to determine if the Control to produce a coating gas gun, ring, horn, or any other
attack hits. The weapon or that protects any target from piece of super heroic
device has Power rank range that form of Energy Emission. paraphernalia the player can
and damage, and any increase The insulation reduces the imagine. Example: The player
in its abilities through energy attack's Intensity rank rolls up the following Fire
advancement is considered to by the Energy Control's rank Generation, Elemental
be from tinkering and number. Conversion, Spontaneous
improvement (the device is not •Healing Spray: This uses any Combustion, Spray, and
affected by the rules for building of the more pleasant forms of Enchantment. She is a
and inventing items). Examples Bio-Physical Control to produce Humanoid, an Elf to be precise.
of this type of weapon are a cloud that heals anyone in the She determines she is a
specialized handguns, needle target area who has taken magical character. The first
guns, wrist-rockets, and damage up to -1CS. three Powers readily combine
portable artillery. •Napalm: The Spray is with Spray. The player decides
combined with Fire Generation that the heroine possesses a
•Mcr10/Spray: The hero can and does Power rank damage. magical flute which she built
spontaneously create a directed •Freeze Cloud: The Spray herself. Besides playing normal
cloud of gas, mist, or dust. The combines with Cold Emission to tunes, she knows three special

melodies that create clouds that enable the hero to travel 3 •Glide Net: The hero can travel
which possess each of the first areas per turn, and it makes on the winds by combining his
three Powers. The hero has a shields of Monstrous material Web and Gliding Power.
finite amount of Spray. The strength. Webcasting can be •Network: The hero uses
maximum number of Sprays the combined with other Powers to Sensory Link to perceive the
hero can create in a 24-hour create unique Webs for other surroundings of any web he
period is equal to his Power characters. In all these cases, knows the location of. In effect,
rank number. This limit also the range remains the same. he turns any web into a two way
applies to Technological or Other characteristics, such as picture phone. Any Power in the
Magical versions of this Power; the nature and Intensity of the Character Creation
the gas gun/flute/whatever effects, are determined by the Compendium can be combined
simply clogs up from repeated Power that has been combined with Webcasting to produce
use. There are two Nemeses with Webcasting. Some unique. Web Powers for each
for this Power. If the Power is possibilities include: character. When creating
innate to the hero, then •Mind net: Telepathy combines characters, the player should
Reflection stops it. If the Power with the Web to form a follow this simple guideline: If
is externalized in a device, telepathic link between the hero you can figure out a way to
Induced Teleportation works be and anyone within his Web. combine externalized Powers
removing the device from the •Dream net: Dream travel with this one, do it. Powers that
hero's possession and turning it combines with the Web to are completely internalized are
over to the Nemesis. permit everyone within to share exempt from this rule. This
a common dreamworld. includes most of the Mental and
•Mcr11/Stunning Missile: The •Preserver: The Web places Physical Enhancement Powers
hero possesses a weapon, anyone wrapped within in and all of the Self-Alterations
energy bolt, or Power that either Suspended Animation. and Detection. If a character is
inflicts damage on the Force •Spirit Net: The Web is Hi-Tech, has rolled such
column, or inflicts a Stunning combined with Spirit Storage to Powers as Hyper Invention or
attack of Power rank Intensity. trap any disembodied spirits Weapons Tinkering, or
One of the two types must be within. possesses a magical device,
chosen at start, though the •Protector: The Web combines then the Web Powers should be
other may be developed as a with any Defensive Field to incorporated into a device. This
Power Stunt. Range and protect any thing within the Web can be a web shooter, reel, or
damage are determined by the from a specific form of attack. any super heroic doohickey the
Power rank, though damage •Metamorphic: The Web player can invent. The hero has
and effects may be voluntarily combines with Induced Shape- a finite amount of Webbing he
reduced. change to transform anyone can produce. The maximum
within the Web into any shape number of times the hero can
•Mcr12/Webcasting: The hero the hero desires. use Webcasting in a 24-hour
can generate and shot out a •Cocoon: The Web possesses period is equal to his Power
solid web. The web can hit any Micro-environment and rank number. This also applies
target within 100 feet and provides a safe habitat for to Technological or magical
instantly adhere to it. The Web anyone within, despite external versions of this Power; the
has some basic properties. It conditions. devices clog up from overuse.
can ensnare anyone within the •Mummy Shroud: The Web Webs created by this Power
target site. It possesses Power combines with Zombie evaporate one hour after being
rank Strength upon hardening Animation to make any corpse cast. The Nemesis for this
one round after being fired. It wrapped up in it an Undead Power is Phasing.
can be used to form swing-lines (great party gag, folks!).

Mental Enhancement Powers
•M1/Animal Communication Amazing(50) ability the result is Hellions, who draws her
and Control: A hero with this rolled on the Amazing column. animated figures from a Tarot
Power can talk to animals and Failure indicates the animal deck). The animated drawings
influence their actions. The hero may turn on the controller. will have abilities and Powers
gains a + 1CS if she chooses to Animals which are Contacts according to their nature,
influence only a particular type (always friendly) never turn on but no Power or ability can
(or class), such as sea life or the controller. Note on exceed the Power rank number
birds. This is increased to +2CS communications: Animals of the hero. No additional
if she narrows it further. to a have no language, per se, but Powers can be given to the
particular class or family such do communicate by a number animation, unless the card
as bony-skeleton fishes or of verbal and non-verbal shows those Powers in
falcons. Choosing to influence a signals. Communication is operation. In other words.
specific animal (Chucky the considered to be a super- animating a picture of the
Falcon, or Leo the Lion-fish) human ability to recognize Invisible Woman would not give
gives the hero a +3CS. in the those signals and make one's the animation force fields or
latter case. the animal is a own desires and wishes clear, invisibility Powers, unless those
companion of the hero at the as limited by the animals Powers were shown in the
start of the campaign. A intelligence level. picture. (And how can you show
character who selects one of invisibility in a picture?)
these limitations may also •M2/Animal Empathy: This Animated figures last for 1-10
converse with animals that are specialized form of Empathy rounds, the actual amount of
one step more general, but no extends to all animals in a time determined secretly by the
further, with a loss of - 1CS. primitive form of Animal Judge. They dissipate at that
The character with Chucky the Communication. The hero with time, return to their original
Falcon can also converse this Power may detect and location, and may not be
with falcons in general, at +2CS influence the surf ace emotions animated again for 24 hours.
(the Power rank raised to +3CS of the animal involved, and The figures also dissipate if
minus one for generality), but instill in it fear, hunger, affection, they are destroyed or reduced
not with birds that are not exhaustion, or other emotions to 0 Health.
falcons. Communication with on a successful Power rank
animals is considered automatic FEAT. •M4/Astral Projection: The
with these Powers, and the hero with this Power may cause
types which benefit from a •M3/Animate Drawings: The his or her astral form to leave
+2CS modifier are considered hero with this Power may the body and travel elsewhere,
Contacts (always Friendly). animate flat drawings and other either in this dimension, or
Otherwise animal reactions representations, causing them entering other dimensions. The
are Neutral to Hostile. to become fully operational range of astral travel is
Communication with Hostile items. A character may attempt determined by the Power rank
animals is chancy at best. The to animate any drawing, even of the ability. If the ability is
Power rank reflects the ability of one of his own creation. or magical in origin, use the
the hero to control the actions animate a specific type or class magical range chart. If not. use
of the animal in question, Make of object. In the latter case, a the Power rank range. The
a Popularity FEAT for any +1CS to Power rank is initially character in astral form may
requests the hero makes of the given. though the character observe actions in the "normal"
animals, using Power rank loses the ability to animate world, but may not be detected
instead of Popularity. Therefore, other drawings (an example of by normal means (Astral
if a hero controls crocodiles with this would be Tarot of the detection and Telepathy will

reveal the presence of the distance or barriers. The Power whom the hero shares
astral intruder). The character is not hindered by factors that an emotional rapport. ("That
may not use his other abilities in affect normal sound was Lewis crying for help!")
the Astral form against non- transmission, such as distance, When using the Power to
astral targets. An astral time lag, muffling, distortion, or eavesdrop on another
character is not affected by non the absence of a transmitting Clairaudience, that person may
telepathic objects or forms of medium. Because of this, automatically sense the first
attack, but may be affected by Clairaudience has superior Clairvoyant's effort. This is
Mental Powers (those listed range over Hyper-Hearing. Only determined by the Judge
under the Mental Powers Clairaudience enables the hero making a secret red FEAT
table, including Force Fields). to hear across a vacuum, for based on the second
The astral character may phase example. Unfortunately, hero's Power rank. The
through solid objects without Clairaudience can act as a Optional Powers for this are
damaging either character or pipeline to direct others Psionic Hyper-hearing, Clairvoyance,
object. While the astral or Sonic attacks toward the and Remote Sensing.
form is separate, the body is hero. Because of this side- The Nemesis for this is Force
immobile, in a trance. Damage effect, the hero is -1CS to resist Field vs. Psionic.
to the body will be known to the such attacks. These attacks
astral traveler if it is in this need not even be aimed at the •M6/Clairvoyance: The hero
dimension, and it is possible for hero but might still affect the can "see" distant sights without
the body to perish while the hero if the other Power is being directly seeing it with his eyes.
astral form is away. Characters used in the area the hero is The hero receives a visual
whose bodies have perished spying upon. Example: Captain simulation of what he would
are trapped in astral form. Astral Tympanic is using his Power see if he were actually present
characters may travel across to eavesdrop on bank robbers at the scene. The Power is not
dimensions with Power rank planning a heist. Unfortunately, hindered by any of the factors
ability. Locating a specific Charmer appeared and used that affect normal light
dimension is a Psyche FEAT. In her Hypnotic Voice Power to transmission, such as distance,
this dimension, the astral capture the gang. Capt. blockage, obscurity, and time
character moves up to the limit Tympanic is caught in her lag. It can be used to see things
of his or her range in a single spell as well. The ranges for that are impossible for a
round. Further separation, or Clairaudience are shown on telescope or Telescopic Vision.
the removal of the astral form column E of the Range Table. For example, a Monstrous
from the body for more When the Power operates, it Clairvoyant could see current
rounds than the Power rank of overrides the hero's natural conditions inside a sealed
this ability, results in Endurance hearing. Distant sounds are room on the surface of Venus.
FEATs for the body as if it were sensed at their original volume The ranges for this Power are
suffering a lethal (kill result) level. If the volume is too loud shown on Column E of the
attack. Characters with Astral the hero can reduce it with a Range Table. When in use, the
Projection may also detect green FEAT. Faint sounds can Power overrides normal
the astral as a Power Stunt, and be magnified by a yellow FEAT. vision. Normally the Power is
two characters in astral form will The Power is normally a consciously controlled.
be able to see each other. voluntary Power that musty be Sometimes it functions
Astral combat and other summoned. Sometimes it automatically. This can be
dimensions are covered in the functions automatically; this can the result of improper control,
Judge's Book. be the result of improper interference, or be triggered by
control, tampering by outside sudden, dramatic events
•M5/Clairaudience: The hero forces, or be triggered by occurring to someone who
can "hear" distant sounds and sudden, dramatic events whom the hero shares an
voices despite any intervening occurring to someone with emotional rapport. ("Oh no,

Billy Jo fell off the bridge!") The communication with mammals. cranked adding machines. The
Power can work against the A yellow FEAT permits nature and quality of the
hero if unwanted visions communication with birds and information received reflects the
obscure the hero's sight or reptiles. A red FEAT covers nature of the machine that is
distract him at a crucial everything else. If the hero has spoken to. Communication
moment. For example, if Dr. a different physical type, the occurs without the hero needing
Strange had a sudden player and Judge will have to to resort to programming
flash while operating on a modify the FEATs accordingly. languages and input devices
patient, a malpractice suit might The hero must be in such as punch cards and
be in order. When the Power is communications range of the keyboards. After all, if the hero
used to spy on another animal for the Power to work. did need them this wouldn't
Clairvoyant, there is a This varies from species to really be a super power. When
possibility of that person species. The basic rule is that using the Power, the hero
detecting the use of the Power. the maximum range is the transfers part of his intelligence
The Judge makes a discreet greatest distance at which the and Psyche to the machine,
Red FEAT based on the hero and animal can sense thus allowing it to respond
observed character's Power each other. Optional Powers to him. Unfortunately, sharing
rank. Clairvoyance can function include Linguistics and any of his mind with machines on a
as a pipeline to draw light- the Communication Powers. regular basis leads the hero to
based and Psionic attacks The Nemesis is Neural identify a little too closely with
toward the hero. Such Manipulation. machines. The Optional
attacks may even affect him if Power is Linguistics. The
they were aimed at something •M8/Communication with Nemesis is Neural
else within the area he is spying Cybernetics: The hero can Manipulation.
upon. The hero has -1CS directly communicate with
resistance to such attacks. complex machines, whether •M9/Communication with
Clairvoyance can be used in these are computers or Non-living Matter: This is a
conjunction with other Powers machines not normally catchall name for anything not
to increase the range at which considered to have artificial covered by the other
those Powers can affect a intelligence. Any machine that Communication Powers. It will
target. Optional Powers include possesses any kind of enable the hero to
Clairaudience and Remote programming can be communicate with anything that
Sensing. The Nemesis is communicated with calculators, had once been either sentient,
Force Field vs. Psionic. digital watches, microwave cybernetic, or alive, as long as
ovens, even music boxes. the target lacks those qualities
•M7/Communication With The higher the rank, the simpler now. The hero transfers part of
Animals: The hero can the machine that can be spoken his intelligence and Psyche to
understand and use the to. A green FEAT can the target, thus permitting it to
languages employed by communicate with a machine respond to him. The target can
animals and other non-sentient possessing several microchips; converse, provide information,
lifeforms. The Power can be a computer is the most common and even have a personality.
used to communicate example. A yellow FEAT The Power includes an innate,
with non-sentient alien communicates with devices unconscious use of Speech
creatures but not intelligent possessing a single microchip, throwing. Although the hero
aliens. The degree of such as watches and talking actually provides the voice, it
difference between the hero dolls. A red FEAT appears that the target actually
and the animal determines what communicates with machines speaking. When the Power is
color FEAT is required. that lack microchips but are still used to speak a corpse, it uses
Assuming the hero is human, somehow programmed, like an unconscious, automatic form
a green FEAT permits player pianos and hand- of Postcognition to create a

simulation of the spirit that FEAT communicates with Intelligence. The Nemesis
once inhabited the body. The shrubs, vines, and bushes. A power would be Control
hero does not speak with the red FEAT communicates with Machinery or Exorcism.
actual spirit. This can lead to an simple plants and fungi; if the
odd situation in which the actual hero has Hyper-hearing, it •M12/Cybernetic
ghost hears his own body can be combined with this Manipulation: With this power
speak as if he were still in it. Power to permit communication a hero can take over any
Unfortunately, the hero may with plankton and bacteria. Cybernetic instrument or
develop a personality quirk that Combining the Power with device. With a successful
blurs the distinction between life Sensory Link enables the hero Power Rank FEAT roll the
and death. As he can speak to share the experiences of manipulator can force and
with both the living and the plants, even those on alien control the actions of the device
dead, he might not be able to worlds if the latter Power's rank or cybernetic being in question
see what the difference is. This is high enough. A problem can versus the targets Psyche
can be taken to grotesque develop if the hero begins to ability used as the intensity of
extremes, especially in a horrific identify too closely with plants. the FEAT roll. The target gets
campaign. The Power can be He might find salads offensive. another FEAT roll any time an
used to pry into a person's Worse, he may begin to suffer action would violate his code of
secrets by interrogating that anguish when plants are ethics or behavior allowing the
person's possessions. For harmed in his presence. chance to break the control.
example, clothing will blithely Optional Powers include The target is retains control of
recount the wearer's activities Communication with Animals, his own mind but loses control
and a wall safe will proudly list Communication with Non-living of his body to the Cybernetic
all the things it is protecting. Matter, Plant Control, and Plant Manipulator.
Note: Projectile weapons Growth. The Nemesis is Neural
only remember when they were Manipulation. •M13/Danger Sense: This is
fired, not at whom. Optional also called Combat Sense and
Powers include •M11/Computer Spider-sense. It is a
Communications with Transmission: The hero can combination of automatically
Cybernetics. The Nemesis is transmit his memory, functioning Psionic Powers
Neural Manipulation. personality and thinking ability (Telepathy, Empathy, and
into any electronic or cybernetic Precognition) that warns the
•M10/Communication with device which has microchips hero about impending danger.
Plants: The hero can speak built into it. This allows the The advance warning time is
with plants. Anything that has a disembodied conscious of the number of seconds equal to
vegetable physiology can be the hero to inhabit various the Power rank number
affected by this Power, such as android, robotic, cybernetic or (rounded up to the nearest
grass, trees, and the Man- computerized devices. The hero turn if need be). For example,
Thing. When using the Power, may on a successful Power Spider- Man's Amazing rank
the hero imparts some of his FEAT roll versus the Psyche of can warn him of danger almost
intelligence and Psyche to the his target assume control of a minute in advance. In a
plant to facilitate the host computer. A hero with combat situation, the Power can
communication. The greater the this power could have his body be used replace other, lower
complexity of the plant, the destroyed only to return again ranked Abilities. It can replace
easier it is to communicate with. and again as he shifts his Intuition for determining
A green FEAT communicates consciousness through surprise, Fighting for blocking,
with trees and local computers and transmits Agility for dodging, and Strength
ecosystems; in the latter, all the himself in to a new body. Bonus for escaping. The minimum
plants speak as if a chorus that powers are Carrier Wave, level for this Power must be
only the hero can hear. A yellow control Machinery and Hyper equal to the hero's Intuition. If

it's initially lower, the player can might even die. The equivalent Power rank. The distances
raise it to this level. The player of the damage appears in the shown on column B of the
can also raise its rank +1CS by hero's real body. Normally the Range Table refer to a single
choosing to make it a voluntary hero's real body retains its target. Each additional target
rather than an automatic Power. solidity during Dream travel. reduces the range -1CS. Range
That is, it only functions if the The player can raise the rank never falls below Feeble, even
hero is making it function. +1CS by making the hero's if the hero is trying to read the
Spiderman's version functions body de-materialize whenever emotions of a crowd. The
at all times, but your hero might the Power is used. In this case, Power functions for as long as
decide the risk of being caught if the hero is slain or trapped the hero concentrates on using
off-guard is worth the reward of within the dreamworld, the body it. The hero can send
the higher rank. The nature might never reappear. Each 'Emphatic, messages by means
of the Power reduces the hero's dreamworld is unique to the of a Power FEAT. The message
resistance to Emotional attacks specific dreamer and retains no is in the form of a burst of
-1CS. The Nemesis is Emotion existence except during the act emotion accompanied by a
Control. of dreaming. Dreamworlds are subtle identification of the
not the same as the Dream Empath. A green FEAT
•M14/Dream Travel: The hero Dimension, although it is transmits to a known person
can actually enter into the short- possible they exist within the and location. A yellow FEAT
lived pocket dimensions created greater Dream Dimension. It is transmits to a known person in
by a person's dreams and possible that dreamworlds an unknown location. A red
nightmares. These touch each other and may even FEAT is the Psionic equivalent
dreamworlds are outside the overlap in the case of telepathic of a general announcement.
boundaries of normal reality dreamers. If so, it is possible ("Did you feel that? Felt like
and exist solely as a reflection that the Dream traveler can somebody was really scared…
of the dreamer's imagination. enter one dreamworld and exit Wait a minute. That was
The Dream traveler must be one of someone else. The Sender. He needs us!")
within ten feet of the dreamer in Optional Power is a form of Optional Powers include
order for the Power to function Telepathy limited to dreamers. Clairvoyance and Emotion
at full rank. The Power rank Control. The Nemeses are
decreases -1CS for each •M15/Empathy: The hero can Mental Invisibility and either
additional 10 feet that separates detect the surface emotions of Force Field or Resistance to
the two. The Dream traveler others. The hero can detect the Psionic.
has no direct control over the target's emotional state and
conditions within the further refine that knowledge to •M16/Emotion Control**:
dreamworld. He can interact discover the target's physical Emotion Control is a related
with things within that world by state, surroundings, and form of Mind Control that acts
performing "physical" actions location, in so far as these have upon the subconscious fears
much as he would in the real an influence on the emotions. and attractions to produce the
world. Fighting, Agility, Strength, He can transmit his own required results. Targets
and Endurance are all emotional state but he cannot of an Emotion Control attack
represented by this Power's impose this on others (that must be in the same area as
rank. If the hero has other requires Emotion Control). the character with this Power,
Powers, these exist in Empathy is extremely useful and may make an Intuition
equivalent forms that possess when the hero has to deal with FEAT to avoid the effects, which
this Power's rank instead of non-sentient beings or large have a duration of 10-100 turns
their own. The Dream traveler numbers of people. It can read after the initial attack. The
can suffer real damage as a the target's mood and support effects must diminish before
result of events that affect him already existing emotions. The another "dose" of Emotion
within the dreamworld. He range can vary within a single Control may be applied. Robots

and non-human alien beings • Pleasure -- The target feels projected. Personal force fields
are immune to the effects of incredibly good and non-hostile. cannot be used for Power
Emotion Control. Only one type The feeling is so overwhelming Stunts. Power Stunts using a
of emotion may be instilled in a that the character cannot do projected force field include:
target at a time. The character anything but sit contentedly for •Force missiles of -1CS range
with this Power may modify any 1-10 round, and for the and damage, attacking on the
emotions, but gains a +2CS if remainder of the duration of the Force column. Forming a
he chooses to modify one Emotion Control is Friendly to "cushion" of invisible force.
emotion exclusively Such a the hero with this Power. A resilient enough to absorb up to
character is extremely powerful, character under Emotion Power rank damage from a fall
but may not develop other types Control may gain additional or crash for all those involved.
of Emotion Control as Power chances to break the control if •Enhanced movement. by
Stunts. Those heroes placed in a Karma losing means of forming a column of
that do not limit themselves to situation, similar to breaking force and allowing it to topple
one particular emotion begin the Mind Control Power. For and elongate in a given
play with two emotions they can PCs under the effects of direction. The ability may rise a
modify, with others that may be Emotion Control, number of floors per round
developed as Power Stunts. equal to the Power rank - 2CS
Emotions may be influenced to •M17/Fear Generation: The as Levitation, or Fly at a
reflect on the user of the Power, hero can instill fear in the maximum of Typical speed.
or on another target. The types human mind by creating •Entrap others in the force field,
of emotions that may be phantom images in the targets as if protecting one's self, up to
instilled and manipulated mind at Power Rank Range and the limitations of the Power.
include: Intensity. The victim may •Make a Grabbing attack up to
• Respect -- The target treats an attempt a Psyche FEAT roll to Power rank range away (use
individual as a Friendly Contact. resist the effects of this power. Power rank as Strength for
• Love -- The target is devoted These hallucinations will be determining success.).
to the individual, to the point of situations that will cause the •Create a bubble of force inside
endangering his own life n the victim to feel terror, great a small opening and expand it
others behalf. sadness, despondency, and to inflict up to Power rank
• Fear -- The target is filled with possibly even suicidal urges. damage, avoiding the effects of
fear, of an object, a person, or a The hero's telepathic abilities Body Armor resulting from
situation. The target will flee as enable him to probe the victim's battle suits. The suit must have
quickly as possible, and only mind and seek out the images some opening, and this would
attack if backed into a corner. that would cause the most not be recommended against
• Hatred -- The target is instilled anguish. Power Stunts include: living targets.
with a great hatred, particularly • Fear: Anyone whose mind has
for former friends and allies. had fear instilled in to it has to •M19/Force Field, Personal:
The target will attack his former make a Psyche FEAT roll or The hero with this ability has
friends. suffer a -1CS penalty to any the ability to create a personal
• Loyalty -- The target will follow future attempts to do the hero force field around himself alone.
the individual's orders without any harm due to fear. If the The force field absorbs all
question, cheerfully providing all victim is affected by the fear, physical and energy attacks, up
necessary information and aid the victims Psyche decides how to that of the power rank.
as if to a longtime friend and long the character will be Additional damage will
ally. affected. overwhelm the field, and be
• Doubt -- The target is unsure taken by the hero. The force
of his actions. Intuition is •M18/Force Field Generation- field vanishes if the hero is
considered to be a (Good 10) Kinetic: May be used for Power knocked unconscious. A
for purposes of actions. Stunts only if the force field is personal force field has a +1CS

bonus to its initial power rank. Possess the body or in any way remote TV cameras,
hinder the real owner's abilities. clairvoyance, and Telescopic
•M20/Force Field, Projected: They do share a telepathic Vision. The target need not
The hero with this ability can bond that extends into shared see the hero in order for the
create a force field that covers dreams. If the Free Spirit Power to affect him. Normally
an entire area, with effects possesses Powers that require the Power affects only a single
similar to the personal force a physical form to use, he can target. Each additional target
field. The hero can expand the lend these to whatever body he decreases the range -1CS.
force field outward, but suffers a is occupying.-When this Power Targets are allowed to
-1CS to effectiveness for every appears during the character disbelieve the Hallucination by
additional area involved. The generation process, the player making an Intuition FEAT but
projected force field gains no must decide whether the body only if they suspect the true
advantage to its initial roll. the Free Spirit is occupying is nature of what they are seeing.
his own or a loaner he picked Hallucinations last as long as
•M21/Free Spirit**: The hero's up along the way. In the latter the hero concentrates on
soul is capable of independent case, the player will then have creating them. They inflict no
existence in the real world. The to generate two complete sets real physical damage but can
Free Spirit can leave the hero's of statistics, those of the Free be used to disguise an actual
body and travel independently; Spirit and the real owner of his Power's use. The hero can use
it is often mistaken for an Astral current body. Free Spirits can one additional Power
Body. The Free Spirit can even be created later on. Any simultaneously with this one.
survive the death of the character who dies in a Hallucinations can be used to
physical body without being campaign has a chance to inflict psychosomatic damage. If
immediately drawn into an become one, even if he did not the apparent damage is
afterlife dimension; this requires possess this actual Power to believable, the target will
a red Power FEAT at the time begin with. The transformation physically react to it.
of death (more on this later). is accomplished by making an Hallucinatory "death" results in
Free Spirits possess all the Unearthly Psyche FEAT and the target lapsing into
Mental Abilities, Talents, and expending all the hero's Karma. unconsciousness for 1-20 turns.
Powers of the whole being. Since a target who takes the
Health remains unchanged •M22/Hallucinations**: The time to examine his wounds
although now it is more of hero can create illusions directly will realize he has not been hurt
a measure of how well the Free within the target's mind. Such (at least not in the way he
Spirit can resist entering the illusions are telepathic, not thinks he should be), the hero is
appropriate afterlife. If the Free holographic, in nature. As such, advised not to use
Spirit is still in his original body, they cannot be mechanically Hallucinations that rely on direct
that body may either retain a detected or recorded except by attacks. Hallucinations have
share of the overall devices that simulate Telepathy limited effects on non-sentient
consciousness when the spirit or human thought patterns or extremely alien beings. They
is away or the body may lapse (such as player character have no effect at all on Moms
into a coma at these times. Robots). Hallucinations can Nature. A Hallucinatory wall
There an equal chance of only be seen by the target of might stop a puma but it won't
either, although the player this Power. The ranges for this stop a boulder rolling down on
should choose one at the time Power is shown on column A of the hero.
the hero is created. If the the Range Table. The target
original body is dead, the Free must be within sight of the hero, •M23/Hyper Intelligence:
Spirit can develop bonds to one although the hero can extend Normally a character's
or more new bodies, dwelling his sight and thus his Power Intelligence is determined
like a tenant in each but tied to range by the use of artificial in the Character Generation
none. The Free Spirit cannot aids. These include telescopes, Process. However, the research

for the Character Creation can achieve using this Power. channeled into the
Compendium showed that The hero can retain this higher field of mechanical design and
extreme levels of Intelligence rank for a limited amount of engineering. The hero is an
can be a Power in its own right. time; the duration is the number Edison like genius who take
Examples include The Leader of minutes equal to the original existing materials and
and the late Soviet scientist Ability's rank number. This is technologies and use them to
known only as Gargoyle. The for the first time each day the create new devices or applied
hyper-intelligent character is a hero uses the Power. Each technologies. He can repair
genius of awesome potential. successive time the hero uses previously operational devices,
He can quickly master new his Power within the same day even if the device was of an
subjects, retain that knowledge decreases the duration -1CS. unknown type. The hero can
indefinitely, and easily succeed Example: Steve is creating an learn new technologies at a rate
in any mental endeavor. There awesomely wise alien named determined by his rank, the
are two ways the Power can be Shepherd. Shepherd has a complexity of the technology,
incorporated into a character. normal Incredible Intuition rank. and the amount of instruction
The player should choose one His Power rank is Excellent. available. Modern technology
when he first creates the This raises the Intuition rank by requires an Excellent Intensity
character (a coin toss will do). +5CS to a potential Shift-Y FEAT. Advanced technology
The first method is a permanent rank. Shepherd can retain this requires a Remarkable
modification of the hero's enhanced state for an Excellent Intensity FEAT. Alien or
Intelligence. The Power rank duration of 40 minutes before futuristic technology vary from
number is added to the hero's he reverts to normal. Incredible Intensity (Shi'ar) to
previously generated Reason or summoning his Power a second Unearthly (the Watcher). The
Intuition rank number. The total time, he returns to Shift-Y color of the FEAT is determined
is the hero's actual Hyper- Intuition for a Remarkable by the amount of instruction the
intelligence. For example, a duration of only 30 minutes. He hero receives. A green
character like the Leader can summon his Power five FEAT requires instructional
started off with Good Reason. more times after that, then he materials that explain the
The gamma rays added has to rest. When creating the technology (a teacher,
Incredible Hyper Intelligence character, the player can books, holographic cubes). A
for a final total of Amazing increase the Power rank +1CS yellow FEAT is required if the
Reason rank. The second by specializing in a specific hero has access to materials
method uses Hyper Intelligence fields. After all, comics are filled not specially designed to
the same way most other with characters who are titans instruct someone in that
Powers are used-intermittently. in the lab but failures in other technology (readouts,
Just as Siryn doesn't scream all fields. Possible fields include performance specs, operating
the time, so too would a Hyper- Professional and other Talents, manuals, a copy of a working
intelligent character have such as Medicine, Engineering, device). A red FEAT is
normal intelligence most of the and Animal Training. Optional required if all the hero is has an
time. When he uses his Power, Powers include Hyper Invention in operational device if that
he transforms himself into a and Total Memory. The technology. Like Hyper-
mental giant. The way it Nemesis is Mind Drain. intelligence, the Hyper Inventor
operates is the character's can raise his rank +1CS by
normal rank for either •M24/Hyper Invention: This is specializing in a particular field.
Reason or Intuition is raised the a special form of Hyper- Examples include vehicles,
number of levels equal to the intelligence that is common weapons, biomedical
Power rank (Feeble is +1CS, enough to merit its own technology, and architectural
Poor +2CS, and so on). The classification. It is a permanent engineering. The hero has the
total is the actual Hyper- enhancement of the hero's ability to manufacture or modify
Intelligence rank the character overall intelligence that is items using any technology he

knows. He still requires illusions. Targets must make an eternity but that the memory of
adequate physical resources to Intuition FEAT against the each past life is usually lost
create the items, though the intensity of the illusion (the somewhere in the transition
cost of anything he builds Power rank of the caster). from one life to another. This
himself is decreased -2CS Targets only gain a FEAT roll if Power allows the hero to
compared to the list price for the players running those remember the details of his
off-the-shelf versions. A Power characters decide that the more recent lives and to
FEAT based on the desired images are false. (If they think actually communicate with
item's tech level determines that yes, that's a brontosaurus them. Such communications
the durability of the item. A walking up Park Avenue, then include the transmission of the
green or yellow FEAT means as far as they are concerned, complete range of senses and
the item has the same durability that's a brontosaurus walking thoughts. There are two limits
as a normally manufactured up Park Avenue.) Illusions on communication with other
item. A red FEAT means the will last as long as the hero lives. One, the communication
item will function but has concentrates on them. Illusions can only be initiated by the
performance problems; the inflict no intrinsic damage, but if hero's current incarnation. He
Judge can decide how long or they are believed, the cannot be called by past lives
well the item functions before it characters that believe them will nor can he call future lives.
fails. Note: This is one of those take imaginary damage, with However, that doesn't prevent
Powers that can be used for apparent "death" resulting in the hero from receiving
personal profit. The hero can unconsciousness for 1-10 messages from his future
design and build exotic rounds. Since a character who selves. This can be a quick way
paraphernalia for other has time to examine his wounds to start an adventure (more
characters and NPCs on will find he is not hurt, and the later). Two, the hero can only
commission. This can raise the damage is all an illusion, most reach past selves at points
hero's Resource level by illusion casters do not make when they are actually living.
whatever fees he can get away direct attacks but use their He cannot reach selves that are
with. Optional Powers include illusions for subterfuge and in an afterlife situation. In fact,
Weapons Tinkering, Machine deception (perhaps the hero can't really recall ever
Animation, Molding, Artifact covering a true threat). Illusions being in any form of afterlife.
Creation, and Machine fool characters but do not fool The Power rank number is also
Creation. Nemeses are Mental nature. If a hero creates a brick the number of consecutive past
Duplication and Mind Drain. wall, which the opponent lives the hero can contact. The
believes is real, the opponent earliest incarnation is the
•M25/Image Generation: The will not move through the lifespan in -which the Power
hero with this Power may create brick wall because he believes first appeared; it has been
vivid mental images. These it to be real. If the hero creates growing one point at a time ever
images do not register on the illusion of a bridge over a since. This limit spares the
cameras, film, or in the minds of chasm, and the character player the responsibility for
non-sentient robots. (Player believes in it, the character making up a mega-biography
Characters are considered to will still fall into the chasm. In going back to the dawn of time.
duplicate human eye and brain the former case, it is the It spares the Judge by limiting
patterns, and as such are limitations of the mind that the potential havoc the player
subject to the effects of these dominate. In the latter the laws can wreak using his now dead
Powers, though they gain a of gravity override. contacts. Assume a full but
+1CS to disbelieve them.) average lifespan for all past
Heroes with Image Generation •M26/Incarnation Awareness: lives. From the 18th century on,
may cast their illusions within This Power is based on the idea this is 70 years. Prior to that,
the Power rank range, but must that a spirit enters countless the average is 50. The time
be in line of sight of these reincarnations throughout elapsed between incarnations is

up to the player, but at least one coming to fruition. Each century eventually have to relax his self
incarnation per century is between the present-self and control in order to heal and
recommended. Soon after the the past-self raises the Intensity renew his Power. Letting down
player acquires this Power, he FEAT +1CS. Example: The his control causes him to
should work out a basic timeline Trust Fund set up in 1855 immediately suffer a loss of
for and list of his past requires a Poor Intensity FEAT. Health points equal to one half
incarnations. Players are urged The tunnel requires a Feeble the amount of damage Iron Will
to make their past lives Intensity FEAT. The player had absorbed. Regardless of
relatively normal people. Still, if rolled a 30 and a 56. The trust the original nature of the attack,
the player is determined to fill fund failed somewhere along it is always translated into lost
up his past with glory after the way but the tunnel got built Health points; this reflects the
glory, the Judge can insist anyway using alternative strain the Power places on
on a simple rule. To wit: there is funding. The Optional the body. Once the translation
a 1% chance that any specific Powers include either Time occurs and the Iron Will has
historical figure was a former Travel limited to any past been purged of its burden, it is
incarnation of the present-day lifetime, a combination of Time able to absorb new damage.
hero. The Power is used Travel and Free Spirit that The cycle of absorption/purging/
primarily to gain information. enables the present-self to absorption can continue until
The hero can make extremely possess the bodies of other the hero's Health drops to zero
long-ranged plans that involve selves, or a specialized form of or below. Note: The Power.
the assistance of past lives in Time Travel that enables the can still absorb damage, even if
solving current problems. present self to draw other the conversion of that damage
Example: Self-1988 asks Self- selves from their times to the into Health points will result in
1920 to have a tunnel dug present. the immediate death of the
under the site of the present hero. In such a case, the hero
day Latverian Embassy. A trust •M27/Iron Will: The hero has had best make sure he is
fund to be set up by Self-1855 complete conscious control already in an excellent Trauma
will pay for it. Sometimes a over his mind and body. By Center when he relaxes his
future incarnation will request using his Iron Will, the hero Power. Example: Sunstone is
that the hero perform a special can temporarily halt the battling the Marauders and not
act. The reason for the act damage done by mental or doing too well. He possesses
might never be explained. In physical attacks; he can Incredible Iron Will and has 100
this, way, the hero and his even postpone his own death. Health points. Harpoon hits him
associates might suddenly find Iron Will can be used in place of with a Slay spear; this does 40
themselves thrust into any lower-ranked Ability to points of damage. Iron Will
extremely strange or terribly determine Resistance to an absorbs it all but immediately
mundane situations. ("It is attack. Any time the hero reconverts it to a loss of 20
crucial that you make sure Jon suffers damage from an attack, Health points. Sabertooth
Clifton gets to school today! the Power can temporarily slashes and gnaws Sunstone
Then bury ten pounds of absorb it before it can affect any for 60 points. Iron Will only
Adamantium at these of the hero's Ability ranks. The absorbs the first 40, then
coordinates in the Gobi maximum amount of damage immediately converts it. Health
Desert.") Even the best laid Iron Will can absorb at one now stands at 40 points. Malice
plans of mice and men go time is equal to its rank number. attempts to Possess Sunstone;
astray. Any time the hero asks a Absorbed damage does not Iron Will fends off the mental
past-self to perform an action affect the hero at that time. attack but at a cost of another
that has a direct, physical effect Damage exceeding that amount 38 points. Sunstone decides
on the present, he must make a affects the hero in its normal discretion is better than valor
FEAT roll. This represents the manner. The hero can maintain and flees. Scalphunter fires at
chance of long-range plans his Iron Will indefinitely but will the retreating figure and inflicts

thirty more points of damage. hero can learn a new language Power and actually negate his
Sunstone heads for the best- is determined by its language comprehension; in
equipped hospital in the area. strangeness and what source such a case, the hero becomes
He manages to maintain his materials are available. Current dyslexic and unable to
self-control until he is actually in human languages require a understand simple English.
the operating room, then he Poor FEAT. Archaic human A curious side-effect of the
passes out as wounds suddenly languages are a Good FEAT. Power is that it provides Power
appear across his body. Alien but Humanoid languages rank Resistance to Hypnotic
are Remarkable FEAT. Animal Voice and other sonic based
•M28/Karmic Tap: This power languages are an Incredible forms of Hypnotic or Mind
allows heroes to tap into their FEAT (note: not all animals Control. The hero's mind shifts
reservoir of willpower (Karma) have an actual language). Alien, into its translation mode; it
and increase any Ability or non-humanoid languages are studies the medium through
Power by 1 point for every 2 an Amazing FEAT. The color of which the hypnosis is
Karma spent. The power rank the FEAT is determined by the communicated rather than the
is the maximum amount of source of the language. A green actual message. ("Lorelei, did
Karma a hero can spend in a FEAT is needed if the hero has you ever realize that your sleep
single round. The duration of access to actual instructional command is a high C-sharp
the effect is limited to the round materials or a cooperative while your paralysis command
in which the hero spends the native speaker of that language is a high C-flat?") The Optional
Karma. This power is who also speaks a language Power is Hyper Intelligence.
considered a free action and the hero knows. A yellow FEAT The Nemesis is Mind Drain.
may be used with another is needed if the hero has a
action, ability or power. native speaker who cannot •M30/Mechanical Intuition:
speak any tongue the hero Mechanical intuition: This is a
•M29/Linguistics: This is a knows or if the hero only has specific form of Ultimate Skill
specialized form of Hyper- non-instructional samples of that affects repairs. inventing,
intelligence. The hero has the that language. A red FEAT is and building things. The
ability to rapidly learn any needed if the hero has only character with this Power has a
language if sufficient material is fragments of the new language. strong intuitive knowledge of
available for him to work with. For example, learning Shi'ar machinery. Regardless of
Once the language is mastered, from watching a broadcast of a Reason, any rolls for
the hero is fluent in that speech by Majestrix Lilandra is determining whether an
language, provided he is a yellow Remarkable Intensity invention works or not are at
physically capable of FEAT. Learning spoken Primate Unearthly Rank. No modifiers
communicating in it. The by actually using sign language may be added to this roll. The
number of languages a hero to talk with a chimpanzee character with this Power must
is currently fluent in is limited to requires a green incredible still provide Resources for these
the Power rank number. For intensity FEAT. The hero can try inventions in the standard
example, Doug Ramsey's a FEAT roll every hour. Failure fashion.
Incredible rank enables him to means he simply has not yet
retain fluency in up to forty gotten the hang of the new •M31/Mental Duplication: This
languages at a time. When a language. The only real is a combination of Powers that
hero exceeds that limit, he drawback to the Power is that enables the hero to psionic
begins to forget a previously the hero may accidentally forget study a subject's mind and then
mastered language. This will his native language, especially create a simulation of that mind
usually be some obscure if he rarely uses it. Still, he can within the hero's own brain. This
tongue the hero has had little always re-learn it. There is a is a great way to learn secrets
use for, like Basic Otter or danger that an adversary and interrogate subjects who
impish The speed with which a might warp the hero's Linguistic would otherwise be rather

uncooperative (at best). The attempt its coup at the initial Transformation: The hero's
duplicated mind contains duplication and at any time mind is automatically
the personality of the original, the hero forces cooperation. overwhelmed by the new mind.
most memories, and possibly Success means the two minds' The hero's personality,
the mental or psionic Powers of positions are now reversed; the memories, and mental Powers
the original. The subject is duplicate now controls the body are temporarily replaced by the
unaffected by the Power and and any Powers for the duration new mind. The effects appear
loses none of his own mental of the duplication. Example: identical to Mind Transferal, at
abilities. He is usually unaware Copicat successfully duplicates least where the hero is
that Duplication has even Dr. Doom's mind. Doom won't concerned. The hero's Reason
occurred. The relationship stand for anything resembling and Intuition are replaced by
between the hero's and the subservience and immediately those of the original mind; after
duplicate’s mind takes one of rebels. Copicat has Excellent expiration of the Power, these
three forms. The player must Psyche; Dr. Doom has Amazing return to their original ranks.
choose one form when he first Psyche, reduced -3CS to Regardless of the form,
creates the hero; this form Excellent when attempting to the hero must make a FEAT at
applies for any duplicates the overwhelm. The Doom-mind the time of Duplication in order
hero creates. fails to make the required to determine the completeness
Excellent Intensity FEAT. of the duplicate mind. Any mind
Die Roll Form "Doom" decides to examine his can be duplicated, regardless of
01-40 Detachment situation; from the Doom-mind's its Psyche rank. The hero
41-70 Merge point of view, "he" has been always duplicates the subject's
71-00 Transformation captured by means of a Mind personality and basic
Transferal of unknown type. memories; the duplicate mind is
Detachment: The hero's mind Copicat is trying to get the an amnesiac. A green FEAT
is completely separate from the Doom-mind to draw up a set of copies the subject's detailed
duplicate and retains full control plans for his time machine. memories. A yellow FEAT
over the body and other Unfortunately Doom's Psyche is copies the subject's Talents. A
Powers. The hero can examine too high for even a red FEAT. red FEAT duplicates the
and communicate with the Merge: The duplicate mind subject's Mental and Psionic
duplicate. The duplicate retains blends with the hero's mind to Powers. The range at which the
a facsimile of the original's will create a composite mentality. hero can duplicate a mind is
and may not choose to The new mind contains aspects determined by the Power rank.
voluntarily cooperate with the of both minds' personalities, Appropriate ranges are shown
hero. If the duplicate chooses to memories, and Powers. The on Column A of the Range
resist, the hero must make a new mind's Psyche is the sum Table. The duration of the
Psyche FEAT whose Intensity is of the original two Psyche duplication is determined by the
determined by the duplicate's ranks. The degree of each hero's Psyche rank. A duplicate
Psyche rank. A successful mind's influence is proportional mind has a duration of the
FEAT means the duplicate will to its original Psyche. Each number of minutes equal to the
grudgingly cooperate (for now). original Psyche represents a Psyche rank number. The
The FEAT must be made with section of the pooled Psyche. duration decreases 1CS for all
each new attempt to force For example, Carbon copy has duplicate-minds with each
cooperation. The duplicate mind a Good Psyche. He merges additional mind. For example,
can attempt to overwhelm the with a Thing duplicate Copicat's Excellent Psyche
hero's own mind. Success (Remarkable Psyche), creating enables him to maintain one
occurs if the duplicate makes a joint Incredible Psyche. One duplicate-mind for 20 minutes
a -3CS Psyche FEAT whose fourth of the joint personality is or a maximum of five minds for
intensity is based on the hero's Carbon copy, the remaining two minutes. If the hero
Psyche. The duplicate mind can three quarters are the Thing. exceeds his limit, the new

duplicate-mind will last for one •M32/Mental Invisibility: The fending off the probe. This
turn and then all his copied hero has the ability to render his potential loss is determined by
minds will vanish. Note: the own mental energies a second Psyche FEAT made
decreased duration only applies undetectable by external after the initial resistance. A
to the Detachment and Merge means. Such means can be successful probe reveals only
forms; the Transformation form technological (EEG scans), information known by the target.
can be used repeatedly since psionic, Magical, or Power- Mental Probes can be used
the latest duplication based in nature. It is Invisibility to analyze independently
automatically erases the in telepathic terms. The Power existing psychic phenomena.
previous one. When the hero is protects the hero from Such things include
created, the player must discovery by outside forces. It poltergeists, psionic emissions
determine how much control the serves as Power rank that were so strong they
hero has over his Power. Resistance to undesired probes permeated an area and now
Failure to make at least a green and psionic attacks. Success continually echo, and psionic
Reason FEAT means the means the external probe Powers intercepted by the
Power functions automatically, shows nothing at all, including hero. The hero can examine
despite the hero's wishes. In the presence of this Power, and any unknown psionic
the case of uncontrolled Power psionic attacks simply pass phenomena in stages. The first
usage, the range at which through the target (think of FEAT reveals basic information,
duplication occurs drops to someone trying to punch air). such as the nature of the
contact only. The hero can The Power can extend to other psionics in use. Further FEATs
maintain some control by minds, but each additional mind reveal increasingly detailed
covering all parts of her body decreases the effective information. Mental Probes
that might normally touch Invisibility -1CS. The Nemesis have a range determined by the
another person's skin. For is Mental Probe. Power rank. Maximum ranges
example, Rogue wears a full are shown on column A of the
body covering complete with •M33/Mental Probe: The hero Range Table. The player has
gloves. In rare cases, the can telepathically probe a living the option, when creating the
duration of a specific duplicate mind or a psionic phenomenon hero, of raising the Power rank
mind can be extended to to gain a detailed analysis of +1CS by decreasing the range
permanence. Such cases result the target. Living minds can be to contact-only. Optional
from a combination of extremely searched for specific images Powers include Telepathy and
peculiar factors. One such and thoughts, although the hero Sensory Link. The Nemesis is
example occurred when must have a basic idea Mental Invisibility.
Rogue's Mutant Power beforehand of what she is
interacted with Ms. Marvel's looking for. The target mind is •M34/Mind Blast: The hero can
Kree Modified Human allowed to make a Psyche create bolts of pure psionic
physiology. The result is that FEAT to resist a Mental Probe. energy that can be used to
Rogue's mind permanently This is automatic, even if the directly damage a target's
merged with a facsimile of Carol target mind is initially unaware if neural system. The Power does
Danvers' mind. If permanence the attempted probe. If rank Intensity damage to the
occurs to someone with the resistance is successful, the target. The maximum ranges
Transformation form, then the probe is rejected with a are shown on column A of the
hero's original mind is headache-like backlash that Range Table. Targets are
permanently destroyed. prevents the hero from trying to allowed to resist by making a
Optional Powers include Mind probe that target again for 24 Psyche FEAT. Failure means
Drain and Power Duplication. hours. A side-effect of the the target is knocked
The Nemesis is Mind Blast; this Power is that the target's unconscious for 1-10 turns, as
negates all duplicate minds. Psyche may temporarily drop well as taking neural damage.
-1CS for 24 hours as a result of Targets who possess Mental

or Psionic Powers can use only obey the orders of the •M36/Mind Drain: The hero
these Powers' ranks instead of controller, though those orders can deplete, negate, or even
the Psyche when resisting this may be verbal or telepathic (if destroy a target's mental
Power. Powers like Iron Will, the controlling character faculties. This alters the target's
Mental Invisibility, Force Field has that Power) in nature. The personality, memory, thought
Generation, Force Field vs. victim of a successful Mind process (Reason and Intuition),
Psionic, and Resistance to Control gains an additional and any Mental or Psionic
Psionic should always bear the Psyche FEAT roll each time Powers the target had. The
initial assault. The Power he is placed in a Karma-losing target can resist by making a
directly damages only neural situation. No Karma may be Psyche FEAT; success means
tissue (brain tissue, nerve added to any FEATS while the hero is repelled -by a
fibers). Damage to the rest of under the control of another, headache-inducing backlash
the body is indirect and is including this one. An additional that prevents the hero from
consistent with the seizures Psyche FEAT is gained if the attacking that target for 24
caused by a mangled nervous victim is placed in a life hours. Part of the target's
system. Note that this Power threatening situation (that is, the Psyche may be depleted by
can only be used against a situation threatens the victim). resisting the attack. If the target
target that actually possesses a Karma may be added to this fails a second Psyche FEAT,
functioning brain. Zombies, roll. Controlling another mind is then his Psyche drops -1CS for
animate matter, plants, and the psychic equivalent of 24 hours. The target's Reason
non-sentient Robots are breaking and entering. The hem and Intuition rank numbers
immune to the Power. Player loses 10 Karma points are reduced by the Power rank
characters Robots are assumed whenever this Power is used. number. If both are reduced to
to have a sufficiently human-like (Heroes may choose to lose zero, the loss is permanent. If
mind that they are susceptible more Karma as a limitation by the attack is broken off before
to the Power's effects. Optional which they can raise this this point, the target can regain
Powers include Telepathy and Power.) If Karma is gained or his loss in the standard manner.
Mental Probe. The Nemesis is lost as a result of the actions of Although such things as
Force Field vs. Psionic. a mind controlled character, that memory and personality are not
gain or loss is ascribed to the directly tied to a number, they
•M35/Mind Control**: Mind hero, as if the mind controlling are still reduced by the Power.
Control is the total overriding of hero had performed the action The target becomes forgetful or
the conscious mind. The himself. (You mind control the outright amnesiac and develops
character's personality remains, Vulture to bump off Electro. You a bland personality. Note: The
but his actions are controlled lose all Karma for slaying hero does not gain the abilities
by the character with this power Electro, even though Vulture, he denies the target. Range is
The target may make a Psyche being a villain, would not determined by Power rank.
FEAT to avoid this effect normally lose Karma for doing Maximums ranges for attacking
against the Intensity of the Mind so.) A character who has been a single target are shown on
Control Power rank. If that Mind Controlled is unaware of column A of the Range Table.
FEAT fails, the conscious his actions, knowing only that Each additional target
actions of the character are he has blanked out for a while. decreases the range -1CS. The
controlled. The target has no If a Player Character is under Power can be used repeatedly
memory of the period he is the effects of a Mind Control, on the same target until both
under control. The attacker and run him normally, but all actions Reason and Intuition reach zero
target must be within 1 area must be OKed by the controlling or until the target repels the
initially to effect Mind Control, character. Naturally, the hero. Optional Powers include
though the target and attacker controlled PC cannot Telepathy, Mental Probe,
may be separated by miles pass on the information of his Mental Duplication, and Mind
afterwards. The target will state to others. Blast. The Nemesis is Force

Field vs. Psionic. to "know" any given topic, the Power. Examples include:
PC might not be able to •The Power is uncontrollable;
•M37/Mental Force Bolts: A understand it. His the Judge decides when the
mental version of force attacks, comprehension is still limited by visions occur.
the hero can cast invisible force his Reason. This power enables •Subject matter limited to
bolts by force of his mind. the Judge to create idiot people
Psyche instead of Agility is savants who can decipher the •Subject matter limited to
used to determine if these hit, workings of Galactus's objects the hero is touching.
and they can strike up to power Worldship but are unable to tie •Subject matter is limited to
rank range for power rank force their shoelaces. For example: sites within 10 feet of the hero.
damage. Ref-Book and his buddy Jaunt •Power only works when the
find themselves in the hero is sleeping or in a trance.
•M38/Multitasking: Watcher's recreation room, •Power is linked to a specific
Multitasking allows a character facing a piece of alien mental or emotional state that is
to use any two Mental powers technology. Ref-Book has no felt by the hero or a person in a
in a single round as he wishes idea of what the thing is, but vision.
or to use one Mental Power and when Jaunt asks the magic •Visions surround the hero with
still perform a single action in a question "What is that?" Ref- a Hallucination of the future
round. This ability has no power Book's power goes to work. He scene.
rank. Only requiring the hero to makes a Red FEAT, gains the • The Power only works once
pass a successful Yellow necessary knowledge, and says per vision and cannot function
Psyche FEAT roll. Bonus "It's a television set." "Well, how again until the envisioned time
powers include Telepathy and do we turn it on?" asks Jaunt. has come to pass.
Mind Probe. Ref-Book fails his next FEAT The third limit is that the Judge,
and says, "Beats me." not the player, rolls the dice.
•M39/Omni Knowledge: A The Player cannot try to
reader named "Comalite J" •M40/Precognition**: (Judges influence the dice by
created this interesting variant detest this Power with a expending Karma. The Judge
on the learning process. A passion.) The hero can see into never tells the player the
character with this power has the future. The Power gives outcome or if he even threw the
an innate, subconscious link to the hero sufficiently clear insight dice at all. This keeps the
a sort of cosmic reference into upcoming events that he player from knowing the
library. When he is presented might be able to use that accuracy of his visions. Player
with a question concerning foreknowledge to his characters can look into the
information of which he was advantage. The problem lies in future a number of hours
previously ignorant, the PC two areas, the flexibility of the equal to twice the Power rank
must make a FEAT. Green time stream and the number. For example, a Good
FEATs give him access to preparedness of the Judge rank can see almost a day
contemporary human (more on these later). ahead, an Unearthly rank
knowledge. Yellow FEATs give Precognition is an awesome can see over a week ahead,
him access to alien knowledge. Power and thus has more and a CL3000 rank can see
Red FEATs give him access to limits than the Hulk can shake a eight months ahead. The color
Entity-level knowledge. stick at. ("Hulk no need puny FEAT determines the accuracy
Success means he is able stick!") The Power can normally of the vision. White results
to give a short, concise answer be used only once per day at can be completely untainted by
that only answers the initial full rank. Each additional use truth; the Judge can improvise
question. As a limit to this decreases the rank -1CS to his heart's delight. ("Three
power, the question must be down to a minimum of 1 turns days from now… Sentinels
asked of the hero by another lead time. Second, the player fighting in space… an armada
person. Also, despite his ability must choose a limitation on the of aliens swarming upon

them… A man named Jubal Precognition can be useful in the vision portrays.
leads the aliens.") A green combat. The hero can use his
result requires the Judge to be Power to discover his •M41/Possession**: This
truthful but to only reveal basic opponent's next move. This Power is a specific form of Mind
details. A yellow FEAT requires form can be used by any Control in which all actions of
full disclosure of anything the Precognition, regardless of the the character are assumed by
Judge can imagine being visible limits otherwise constraining the the controller. The controller is
at the time of the vision's Power. In game terms, the in effect "inside" the mind of the
occurrence. A red FEAT player tries to make a yellow character and as such controls
enables the hero to learn things FEAT at the start of each turn. all actions without having to
that might not be readily Success means the Judge must give commands. Possession is
apparent at the time the vision reveal the NPCs' next moves. only possible against targets
comes to pass. One problem Initiative is rolled. If the with no greater Psyche than the
with the Power is that the time Precognition gets it, she has a hero's Power rank. The target
stream is extremely malleable. chance to share her information may make a Psyche FEAT to
Each decision made creates an with her teammates. This use of avoid the Possession. A
alternate timeline, a parallel Precognition must be character who is possessed
Earth almost but not quite developed as a Power Stunt. neither gains nor lose Karma
identical to the version of Earth The hero gains an advantage of when being possessed. though
where your campaign occurs. +1CS when she has a she may suffer from losses of
Each vision is an event that Precognition flash pertaining to Popularity while her body
will come to pass in some time friends, special enemies, performs actions that are not
stream somewhere. It need not possessions and dwelling heroic in nature. The character
be the hero's impending places. This increases to +2CS may make a Psyche FEAT to
timeline. That's where if the flash involves dire events escape if placed in a life-
Precognition comes in. Each occurring to the Precognition threatening situation. The
Precognitive vision gives the herself. The Power can be character possessing another
hero a chance to consciously psychologically damaging to the may spend her own Karma (but
shape his world's timeline. Precognition. The Power is not the Karma of the possessed
Because of this, the envisioned often limited to times within character) to influence actions.
event might never come to the hero's own lifespan. Most of
pass, at least not where the the time, there is no cause for •M42/Postcognition: The hero
hero is concerned. This leads to alarm until the Power starts has the ability to "see" the past.
the second problem, that of consistently failing. Delusions The Power requires the hero to
Judge preparedness. To may result from frequent but have physical contact with the
accurately and realistically inaccurate visions. Frequent, target whose history is being
portray Precognition, the Judge accurate visions of doom and examined. The hero can
would need to work out a destruction beyond the hero's mentally examine a person,
detailed timeline of the capabilities may lead to item, or site and mentally re-live
campaign's future events, aberrant behavior, such as a specific moment of history
including variables that account chronic depression or chemical from the target's point-of-view.
for probable player actions. This dependency. Optional Powers As such, it only reveals factors
is a major headache for Judges. include modified forms of that somehow affected the
This is a leading reason why Telepathy and Time Travel. target. It is important that the
Galactus' throughout the Telepathy enables the hero to Judge secretly roll the dice
multiverse devour any world actually read the minds of whenever the hero uses the
where Precognition appears. anyone within the scope of Power. This prevents the
Precognittives are therefore the Precognition flash. Time player from knowing the
warned to use their Power Travel enables the hero to accuracy of his vision. The hero
carefully. Short-range actually travel to the time when can delve into the past the

number of weeks equal to the friends, possessions, and his Screen may use this value
Power rank number. For dwelling place. He gains +2CS instead of the Psyche to resist
example, a Poor rank can see when using the Power on the effects of any Mental Power
events of four weeks ago, an himself. This can be used to that requires a Psyche FEAT
Amazing rank can look back probe times of which the hero roil. This Power differs from the
almost one year, and a CL5000 has no memory, such as sleep Talent of the same name in that
rank can look back a century. or amnesia. ("What was the it may be extended over a
The clarity of the vision is Black Widow doing in my number of targets to attempt to
determined by what FEAT color apartment while I was asleep?") protect others from attacks.
is attained. A white roll lets the Optional Powers include Each target protected requires
Judge say anything that comes modified forms of Telepathy and a Power rank FEAT. with failure
to his head; accuracy and Time Travel. Telepathy can be indicating all such Powers are
truthfulness are optional. ("This used to read the minds of lost for 1-10 turns (usually
doll was once a living child.") A anyone within the scope of enough time for the opponent to
green FEAT gives vague the Post-cognitive vision. Time gain advantage). Also, the
impressions; the Judge should Travel can be used to draw the attacker will be aware of the
be honest about the real past hero to that point in the past; protector's mental presence.
but give only partial details. ("A note that this often results in the
little girl held this doll. She had creation if a divergent timeline. •M45/Pyrokinesis: The hero
black hair.") A yellow FEAT has advanced telekinetic
gives general information; the •M43/Psionic Attack: This abilities which have manifested
Judge should give any Power gives the hero the ability themselves in a spectacular
information he can, though to project psionic force blasts at fashion of being able to set
within the limits of what the Power rank range and Intensity. items alight with mental fire.
target would know. ("The girl's The target of this attack must The hero may set fire to any
name is Helen. She is feeling make a successful Psyche flammable object or individual
very angry. She is mad at FEAT or be knocked with Power Rank range and
her friend Davey.") A red FEAT unconscious for 1-10 rounds. Intensity. Such individuals
reveals information that might Characters with Mental Powers may use their Psyche to resist
not be otherwise available, may use their Power ranks the effect. The hero may also
including details that the subject instead of Psyche, and those use Psychokinesis to damage
might not have known at the with Psi-Screen should use that inanimate matter. The intensity
time. ("Helen is mad because Power rank before any other. of this FEAT is the Material
Davey broke her doll. Helen is Force Field's operate against Strength of the item. Bonus
going to get even with Davey. psionic attack. powers include Telekinesis,
Helen is a mutant.") Telepathy, Mental Force Bolts
Postcognition can be used to •M45/Psi-Screen: This form of and Kinetic Bolt.
gain information on what an Psi-Screen is an inborn Power
item is and who may have that resists mental scans and •M46/Psionic Vampirism**:
handled it. It cannot provide a domination. All characters with The Psi-vampire can drain the
detailed analysis of the item's any of the mental Powers have mental energies of his victim.
internal structure or as-yet this Power at an equal level to He then uses the purloined
unrealized potential. For their Psyche (hence the energy to increase his own
example, examining a nuclear difficulties in reading their Strength, Endurance, Psyche,
bomb would reveal how it was thoughts). A character with this and his own Powers' ranks. The
manufactured and handled but Power will have a Psi-Screen at Psi-vampire can drain the
the Power wouldn't even +1CS higher than his Psyche at mental energy from a target by
hint at the bomb's explosive start, and may increase it means of a Power FEAT. The
potential. The hero gains +1CS through experience to higher intensity rank is determined by
when using Postcognition on levels. A character with Psi- the victim's Psyche. A

successful FEAT enables the ranked Vampires must be extended by this Power. It
Psi-vampire to drain an amount constantly feed and are must be a sense that is
of energy equal to his Power therefore easily detected and common to the hero's physical
rank number. This amount is destroyed. If the Psi-vampire is type. The taste/smell form can
drawn in equal amounts from deprived of victims, he enters a be useful in analyzing distant
the victim's Reason, Intuition, deathlike trance when all his and possibly toxic substances.
and whatever Mental Powers afflicted Abilities drop to Shift 0. He can savor tastes and smells
he possesses. The process can His vampiric Power continues to that might kill him if he were
continue indefinitely, with each function and will try to feed on to directly experience them.
successful FEAT enabling the anything that comes in contact ("Nerve gas smells like freshly
Psi-vampire to drain more with the body. When the baked cinnamon buns.") He can
mental energy. The Psi-vampire Abilities return to Feeble rank, develop an extensive palate
can voluntarily cease feeding at the Psi-vampire returns to life. that permits him to identify
any time by making any color When the Psi-vampire is substances by taste; a green
FEAT except red. A red FEAT created, the player must choose Reason FEAT should suffice.
means he has entered an at least one Weakness. The The tactile form is good for
uncontrollable feeding frenzy player can increase his Power identifying concealed or
that can only end when the rank +1CS for each additional inaccessible shapes. Examples
victim is completely drained or Weakness he chooses, up to a include the interior of a lock or a
the Psi-vampire has. been limit of three additional non-surgical examination of
repelled. If the Psi-vampire fails Weaknesses. Psi vampirism is a patient. Again, a green
to make a FEAT at any point in communicable. A sentient being Reason FEAT coupled with the
the feeding process, he is who was completely drained by hero's Talents should suffice.
instantly repulsed by the victim a Psi-vampire must make a The range is determined by the
and can never re-establish his Psyche. FEAT roll. A red FEAT Power rank. Maximum ranges
attack. Furthermore, the victim means the victim has himself are shown on column E of the
is now immune to any further been transformed into a Feeble Range Table. A drawback to this
vampire attacks by that Psi-vampire. The Nemesis is an Power is that it acts as a funnel
particular Psi-vampire. This Enhanced Psyche raised two to direct Psionic attacks against
immunity does not extend to levels higher than the Psi the hero. Resistance is
other Psi-vampires. The Psi- vampire's Power rank. decreased -1CS because of
vampire distributes the gained this. Optional Powers include
energy among his Strength, •M47/Remote Sensing: This is additional forms of this Power,
Endurance, Psyche, and a catchall name for any Power Clairaudience, and
whatever Powers he has. He that enables the hero to Clairvoyance. The Nemesis is
cannot raise this Power's rank; psionically extend the range of Mental Invisibility.
no Vampire of any type can any sense. The senses include
ever raise his own Power rank. taste, smell, touch, balance •M48/Sensory Link: The hero
So why do Psi-vampires do it? (including gravity sensing), and can telepathically link his
The answer is they lose energy temperature. The exceptions senses with those of another
at a frightful rate. The rank are sight and hearing, as being. He can use the
numbers for Strength, these are already covered by information gained from the
Endurance, Psyche, and all the Powers of Clairvoyance and others senses as if it came from
his Powers (except this one) Clairaudience. The Power can the hero's own senses. An
each drop one point per hour. also be used to extend the example would be a blind man
The Psi-vampire must feed in range of senses not present in really seeing through his guide
order to return the affected Normal Humans, such as dog's eyes. The Power is
Abilities to their original ranks. senses that detect Kirlian auras crucial to sense-impaired
This also explains why or magnetic fields. The player characters. Such characters
Vampires are so rare: lower must choose a single sense to need other beings with the

necessary senses to replace suffer damage, get sick, age, Marvel's body. He was born
the hero's own deficiency. The and even die. None of it within weeks of her discovering
hero could receive input from is permanent to the character, she was pregnant and grew into
any living being, including though. When the hero's body a seeming 20-year-old within a
companions, adversaries, dies from any cause, the unique day of his birth. Mental Powers
onlookers, and even animals. nature of his life force enables it are immediately transferred to
The range for this is line-of- to transfer to a new body. He the new body. Physical Powers
sight within one area. The hero can also transfer some but not are regained as the body
can concentrate on the input all of his Powers to the new matures. The Judge can decide
from a single being but he can body. The hero loses all Karma how and when the Powers
also automatically scan for with the death of the old body. reappear. Powers that are
other possible sense-donors. There are five forms of Serial derived externally or result from
This is a mental reflex action Immortality, each with a massive alterations of the
that permits the hero to different means of rebirth and hero's original form are not
constantly seek out new Power transferal. The player transferred. The hero will have
contacts. Sensory Link can be must choose one of these to recover or recreate the
of benefit to heroes who are not methods, either selecting for source of these Powers in order
sense impaired. In such cases, himself or letting the die decide. to regain them.
the hero can scan distant areas Pre-made: The new body is a
through the senses of beings Die Roll Form previously prepared clone or
within the target area. The 01-20 Newborn android body that was prepared
Power can be used to locate 21-40 Pre-made specifically for this purpose.
people, spy on foes, or simply 41-60 Reanimation Such a body is already
to check out the scenery. The 61-80 Spontaneous physically mature and in
sense donor is unaware Creation possession of the full range of
that part of his senses are being 81-100 Parasite the hero's Powers. It is
siphoned by the hero. A red completely mindless and rests
Reason FEAT is required for Newborn: The body is that of in a comatose state until
the sense-donor to feel the an infant. The character can activated by the hero's life-
Power's presence and even enter the body at any point from force. The knowledge of how to
then the donor would probably conception to birth. He is create these bodies can be
not recognize what is helpless until birth actually learned by characters with
happening to him. A weakness occurs. He can accelerate the Remarkable or better Reason,
of the Power is that it decreases body's physical development in provided they are properly
-1CS the hero's resistance to order to induce birth and quickly trained. Someone with Amazing
psionic attacks aimed at him or regain physical maturity. The Reason can figure it out for
at the current sense-donor. A rate of accelerated himself. A Laboratory or Medical
second disadvantage is that the development is a multiplier Package of Amazing cost
hero's initial Agility and Fighting equal to the Power rank is required to create these
ranks are decreased -1CS due number. A Feeble rank ages bodies. Each body has an
to the fact that the hero is twice as fast as normal, a Remarkable cost. Magically
operating with a detached Remarkable rank ages one created bodies require an
point of view. Either of these month for each day that passes, equivalent Resource level. If a
can be overcome by expending and a Shift-Z can age over a Pre-made body is unavailable
Karma. An Optional Power is year for each real day. at the time the old one dies, the
Telepathy. The Nemesis is Example: Avengers #200 life-force drifts in Limbo until
Neural Manipulation. revealed that Immortus' son such a body becomes available.
Marcus had entered the Earth Re-animation: The life-force
•M49/Serial Immortality**: A Dimension by way of an embryo enters and revives a recently
character with this Power can he had implanted in Ms. deceased but non-mutilated

corpse, preferably of the same character's life-force invades a directly fought or even killed
species as the original body. living, physically mature within the Limbo dimension.
The body must be reasonably body and overwhelms the Sometimes a character with this
intact, although the Power does original occupant's mind. Power can be forced out of his
include a single-use form of Successful invasion is current body without that body
Self-healing that repairs the determined by pitting the Power getting killed in the process.
body and restarts bodily rank against the would-be The Judge is free to decide
functions. The hero can not victim's Psyche. The invader what conditions apply in his
control which body he enters must make a Power FEAT campaign; suggested moans
but rather is drawn to one in the whose intensity is equal to the revolve around coercion or such
following order of preference: 1) victim's Psyche. Failure means Powers as Magic, Power
closest to old body, 2) most the invader must choose Controls, Force Field vs.
recently dead, and 3) least another victim. If the invasion Hostiles, Summoning, and
severe damage. Mental Powers succeeds, the original mind Exorcism. Such Powers must
are immediately transferred. suffers one of five possible exceed the hero's Power rank
Most physical Powers are fates; the player must choose by 2CS in order to forcibly evict
regained as the hero-re shapes one that holds for all victims of the life-force from the body. If
the new body to accommodate this Power. There is an equal successful, the life-force is
the Powers' use. Powers that random chance for each. driven into Limbo or a new body
are external must be recovered Subordination: The victim in a more peaceful location. As
or recreated. The amount of retains consciousness and for the now vacated body, the
time needed to reshape the individuality but loses all results vary with the form and
body is the number of days physical control. He is a variety of Serial Immortality:
equal to 100 minus the Power prisoner in his own body. Newborn: The body is
rank number. If the corpse has Merger: The victim's mind is now occupied by the innocent
intrinsic Powers, the hero gains incorporated into the greater soul of a newborn infant,
the use of these upon re- mind of the invader. Comatose: regardless of the body's
animating the corpse. Such The victim's mind is rendered physical age.
Powers are not transferred to unconscious for the duration of Pre-made: "He's dead, Jim."
subsequent bodies. The re- the invasion. Obliteration: Re-animation: " She's dead,
animated body regains full life The victim's mind is completely Jim."
within a day of the Power's use. destroyed. Eviction: The victim's Spontaneous Creation: The
Spontaneous Creation: This is mind is driven out of his body body reverts to its original
the most sociably acceptable and becomes a Free Spirit . It is materials.
form of Serial Immortality. The incredibly difficult to finally Parasite/Subordination: The
hero creates existing matter defeat an adversary with any victim awakens with full
and energy into the flesh of a form of Serial Immortality. knowledge of his past plight.
new body. The newly created The best the foe can normally Parasite/Merger: The victim
body is identical to the previous hope for is to defeat the current awakes but is temporarily
one and possesses all Powers body and then prepare for the schizoid due to lingering effects
except externally derived ones. next incarnation. It is possible to of the merger.
Any Power that is in the hero's stop the infinite progression Parasite/Comatose: The
self-image can transfer. The from body to body by victim awakens with no
time needed to create a new preventing the hero from knowledge of the intervening
body is the number of days leaving his current body time.
equal to 100 minus the Power (suspended animation Parasite/Obliteration: "This
rank number. will do) or entering a new one one's dead, too."
Parasite: This is the nastiest, (stranding the hero in Parasite/Eviction: The body is
least socially acceptable form of intergalactic space is a good comatose but will revive when
Serial Immortality. The tactic). The life-force can be the original mind rejoins the

body. The Nemesis is Exorcism. Clairaudience. Optional Powers (not both), or being limited to
include Clairvoyance, Vocal contacting only other telepaths
•M50/Speech-throwing: This is Control, Hyper-hearing, and and other Psionic types.
best described as "super- Sensory Link. The Nemesis is Optional Powers include
ventriloquism." Although it is Force Field vs. Psionic. Empathy, Hallucinations, Mental
radically different in execution Invisibility, Mental Probe, Mind
from the Talent of •M51/Telepathy: : The hero can Blast, Mind Drain, Sensory Link,
Ventriloquism, the effect at low communicate on a direct mind- and Psionic Detection. The
levels is similar. Simply put, the to-mind basis. This is automatic Nemesis is Resistance to
hero can make his voice with willing minds or Psyches Psionic.
audible in a distant location, with ranks lower than the Power
without the vocal sound waves rank. Equal Psyche ranks •M52/Telekinesis: The hero
actually traveling the require a yellow FEAT. Minds can handle material objects
intervening distance. The with mental Powers or some without having to make direct or
Power is actually a specialized form of Psionic defense require indirect physical contact
form of Telekinesis which allows a red FEAT. Uncooperative (pushing or blowing, for
the hero to agitate the distant beings with Psyches exceeding example). The hero can
molecules in a way that the Power rank are impossible perform any action that could
simulates sound transmission. FEATs. Range is determined by be accomplished using normal
The Power enables the hero to Power rank. Column D of the Strength. The Power rank
be heard instantaneously at any Range Table shows the limits. serves as an equivalent for the
distance, despite any barriers to At Class 1000 the Power can Strength rank. Most Telekinesis
normal sound transmission. The breach dimensional barriers; ("TKs") visualize their Power in
only barriers that stop this this can also be accomplished if terms of an amorphous arm
Power are those that interfere the hero combines Telepathy extending from the body. This
with Psionic Powers. Speech with Extradimensional leads to a curious psychological
throwing range is determined by Detection. In the main Marvel handicap in that most TKs
its Power rank. Column E of the Universe, Magneto created a cannot lift their own bodies.
Range Table shows appropriate special magnetic flux in the Only rare examples like Marvel
distances. The hero has Earth's magnetic field. His Girl have overcome this bit of
100% accuracy, provided he purpose was to hinder irrationality. The range is
can somehow sense the target Professor X's efforts to locate determined by the Power
area. This is commonly him. The result is that terrestrial rank. Column A on the Range
provided by such Powers Telepathy is decreased -3CS in Table shows the ranges for a
as Clairaudience and range with a minimum of single act of TK activity. Each
Clairvoyance. If the hero lacks contact-only. Actual Telepathic additional simultaneous action
the means to check on his aim, strength is unaffected by reduces the range -1CS.
he cannot control anything Magneto's interference. If the Multiple activities share the
but the basic direction his voice hero is beyond Earth's altered common pool of TK strength.
is being sent. If the hero has magnetic field, in the past, or in The more actions that are
other sonic based Powers, they other dimensions, then the limit attempted, the weaker each
can be combined with this disappears and the Telepathy telekinetic arm becomes. If the
Power to greatly enhance can assume its true range. hero attempts to perform a
their range. If the hero has When the hero is created, the greater number of simultaneous
Extradimensional Detection or player can raise the Power rank complex activities than the
Dimension Travel, these can be +1CS by choosing a limitation. Judge thinks plausible, the
used to modify the Power and Examples include either Judge may require an Agility
enable the hero to Speech- receiving or transmitting only FEAT. If the hero also
throw into other Dimensions. (not both), communicating in possesses Remote Sensing,
The Bonus Power is only words or visual images she can develop a sense of

touch through her TK grasp. Extradimensional Detection experienced. This could be a
This permits the hero to handle (which automatically combines book he's read, the faces of
materials that are not within with this Power to extend its everyone he saw on Tuesday,
her sight. Clairvoyance can be range into other dimensions). what birth was like, and so on.
incorporated into TK to permit The Nemesis is Mental The accuracy of his recall is his
visual guidance. Optional Invisibility. Power rank number treated as
Powers include Matter a percentage. Feeble is 2%,
Animation, Molding, •M54/Tele-Mechanics: This Excellent is 20%, and so on to
Clairvoyance, Remote power upon a successful Power automatic accuracy at
Sensing/Touch, Levitation, and Feat roll will provide one with a Unearthly rank or above. The
True Flight. Nemesis is either complete and permanent color FEAT reflects the
Force Field vs. Psionic or comprehensive understanding nature of the memory being
Gravity Manipulation. of any technological device that sought. Green FEATs involve
they have been in contact with. personal memories. Yellow
•M53/Telelocation: The hero This is a truly comprehensive FEATs involve learning
can psionically locate a chosen understanding as one will be experiences. Red FEATs
target. This differs from normal capable of performing repairs, involve unconsciously gained
Tracking in that no physical or drawing up blueprints, information, such as the faces
sensory contact, however successfully making use of everyone the hero saw on
tenuous, is required. of, and in all ways be proficient Tuesday. The Power is the
Consequently, the Power is not in the use of the item in perfect complement for Hyper-
hampered by the concealment, question. Provided the proper Intelligence by providing a
erasure, or absence of the materials the hero could even built-in library. It can be used to
target's "scent." Telelocation build a working replica of the simulate that Power, Hyper-
can operate over immense item. The Power Rank is Invention, or Weapons
distances. The only factors that compared to the Reason FEAT Tinkering, provided the
can hinder the Power are those required to build the object in hero once read texts that
that diminish any Psionic order to determine the color explained how to do things that
activity. The range, determined result required to succeed. come naturally to those with the
by the Power rank, is shown on (although conventional Earth other Powers. ("Well, I read
column D of the Range Table. technologies should not have Reed Richard's notes on
This represents a sphere more than an Amazing Rank constructing dimensional
centered on the hero; the requirement.) One however, gateways, so if I just follow his
quarry must be within it. The requires additional talents plans we should be in the
hero must have a stimulus to and powers (Engineering, Negative Zone by next Monday
channel her Power toward a Electronics, Hyper Invention, night.") When playing a
specific quarry. The nature of etc) in order to understand and character with Total Memory,
the stimulus determines' the exploit this information for other assume he is a voracious
Power FEAT. A green FEAT purposes, such as upgrading consumer of all media. It is
requires contact with a part or the device in question or to his advantage, after all. Such
possession of the quarry. A incorporating its technologies characters are also fond of
yellow FEAT requires the hero into other items or inventions. quoting obscure texts or
to have previous contact with Optional Powers include Hyper- unconsciously reciting
the quarry. A red FEAT is Intelligence, Hyper Invention, encyclopedia entries. The
required if the hero only has Total Memory and Weapons Power doesn't really alter either
second-hand information about Tinkering. Intuition or Reason, thus these
the quarry (and it had better be can be used as a guide for what
good). Optional Powers include •M55/Total Memory: The hero the hero has probably read in
Clairvoyance (limited to already has the ability to remember the past. When the hero claims
located quarries) and anything that he has ever to have read a special text, the

also trade the mental abilities,
player is required to make a and Weapons Tinkering. The Powers, and Talents. They do
Reason FEAT to prove he has Nemesis is Mind Drain. not trade physical abilities or
read something along the Powers, nor do they trade
desired liner. Flashback is a •M56/Transferal: Transferal is Popularity, Contacts, or
real danger. If the hero was the ultimate form of Possession, Resources. The character
ever a victim of a mental attack, in that it allows the complete performing the transferal also
there is a chance the memory transferal of consciousness with trades Karma amounts with the
will accidentally resurface at a a target within one area. The target. For example, if Doctor
later time and the effect returns target's consciousness is not Doom conducts a transferal
anew. Such flashbacks occur put away in the back of the with Reed Richards, Doom
when the hero is somehow character's mind, but rather enters Reed's body and vice
reminded of the original moved into the body of the versa. Doom/Richards gains
incident. The hero must make a character with the Transferal Richards' appearance,
green Psyche FEAT to avoid Power. Transferal always needs Contacts, Popularity,
reliving the full effects of that a red Power rank FEAT to Resources, Karma, physical
other Power. Example: succeed. And may be abilities (Fighting, Agility,
Photomemory was under performed against creatures Strength, and Endurance), and
Ringmaster's Hypnotic Control with higher Psyches, those with Powers (stretching). Doom
for two days back in 1978. Mental Powers, and alien retains his own Talents,
Today he saw a news report on beings or robots. If the transfer knowledge, and mental abilities
Ringmaster's parole hearing. fails. The attacker is (Reason, Intuition, and Psyche)
Suddenly the compulsion to rob unconscious for 1-10 rounds. and Mental Powers (including
jewelry stores returned. and may not attempt again for this Transferal Power).
Optional Powers include Hyper one day. When characters Richards/Doom is similarly
Invention, Hyper-intelligence, transfer consciousness, they switched.

Physical Enhancement Powers

•P1/Armor Skin: This is a form form is that hero is always Die Roll Form
of Body Armor. The hero's skin protected. The disadvantage is 01-35 Leather
is transformed into a damage- that the hero may be a physical 36-60 Rigid Plates
resistant form. The Power rank freak. The advantage to the 61-85 Visually
number decreases the Intensity temporary from is that the hero Inorganic
of any physical or energy can live a relatively normal life 86-00 Inorganic
attack. This decrease applies when he is not performing
each turn for as long as the heroic deeds. The Leather: The epidermis retains
attack continues. The Armor disadvantages are twofold. its normal shape and flexibility
Skin may be permanent or One, the hero lacks his but is harder to the touch. The
temporary. The permanent form protective skin most of the time skin maintains its normal bodily
is a lasting modification to the and two, the temporary form is functions without the need for
hero's appearance and only available at a cost of -2CS extensive changes. Androids
physiology. The temporary form to the Power rank. The armor are often given this type of
allows the hero to retain his skin can take a variety of Armor Skin.
normal human appearance and appearances. There are four Rigid plates: The body is
identity. When the need arises, main types of Armor Skin. Each covered in interlinked plates like
the hero can manifest his has its own set of an insect's chitin or an
Power and transform himself characteristics. The player must armadillo's shell. The wrestler
into his armored self. The select one form when he first Armadillo is an example of this
advantage of the permanent generates this Power. type of Armor Skin.

Visually Inorganic: The body flesh. However, the tissue of should try it. This can generate
can be any shape but has the capable of withstanding major a myriad of unique Powers.
appearance of non-organic damage without showing any Some possibilities include:
matter. The layering may effects. The resistance covers • Hallucinogenic: The touch
appear rocky, metallic, or any physical and energy attacks incorporates Hallucinations to
other choice of surface. The only. The Intensity rank number produce vivid but totally false
Thing's orange rock-like exterior of the at-. tack is reduced by images in the target's mind.
is an example of this. this Power's rank number. The Fighting and Intuition drop
Non-organic: The body remaining Intensity is the actual -3CS.
actually is covered in inorganic damage the hero suffers. While • Bio-luminescence: The Touch
material. Unlike an externally the hero's skin shows the incorporates Light Generation
applied coating, this one effects of the tremendous to make the target's body
is formed by modified cells in abuse it suffers, at least it heals temporarily self illuminating.
the hero's epidermis. In all of quickly. The Power enables the • Napalm Grip: The Touch
these forms, any damage that epidermis to heal at a tenfold incorporates Fire Generation to
is suffered is healed at normal rate. An Optional Power is create fire on contact.
rates by the skin cells that Regeneration. • Boom Boxing: The Touch
underlie and support the incorporates Combustion to
specialized cells of the Armor •P5/Chemical Touch: The produce explosions on contact.
Skin. An Optional Power is hero's body secretes chemicals The Nemesis is Phasing.
Regeneration. that are capable of a variety of
effects on a target. The •P6/Claws: Claws are... well,
•P2/Augmented Health: The chemicals can be automatically claws. Sharp pointy items that
being with this power is far or consciously secreted. The inflict damage on the Edged
more durable and capable of player must choose when the Attack column of the battle
absorbing damage than one Power is first generated; there effects table. As with most
would expect given their is an equal random chance for sharp things, they inflict the
abilities. As such, he adds this each. If the hero possesses listed amount and effect, and
power's Power Rank score to a variety of Touch Powers, then cannot be reduced in damage
his Health Total. Optional the hero can alter the nature of or effect. The Power rank lists
powers include Hyper the secreted chemicals at will. A both the damage inflicted by the
Endurance. Power Touch is created by claws and the material strength.
combining this Power with any The damage cannot be
•P3/Blinding Touch: The touch other Power the hero has. Each increased from its initial roll
of this character can blind the Touch Power has Power rank except by raising the
unprotected target for 1-10 Intensity and does rank experience, but the initial
rounds. The hero with this damage, regardless of the material strength can be
Power must make a Stun or Touch Power's nature. The increased by accepting
Slam result to blind. The target behavioral characteristics limitations. Grant a + 2CS to the
receives no attempt to avoid are those of the original Power material strength of the claws
this touch, unless the target that was incorporated into the when the hero accepts
possesses Protected Senses or Touch Power. The range is any limitations, including
something similar to prevent the always limited to Contact only. A limitations required by other
touch (such as a helmet with wide variety of Touch Powers Powers. The effects of claws
covered eye slits). are possible, as this Power can depend on whether they are
combine with most of the other being wielded against living
•P4/Body Resistance: This is entries in this book. The key to creatures (people) or non-living
the form of Body Armor most it is game balance, if you can materials (things). Against living
heroes want. The hero's body is figure out a rational explanation creatures, claw attacks are
composed of apparently normal for a given combination, the you resolved on the Edged Attack

column for Power rank damage. greatly reduced damage (as for The hero can swallow and
Against non-living materials, living targets), and acts on digest any substance without
compare the material strength inorganic material as if harm. The digestive tract
of the claws against the breaking it with Power rank extracts useful materials and
material strength of the object. Strength. Resistance to synthesizes new ones from the
Make a Strength FEAT roll to Corrosives will offset these available material. In game
determine if the object holds up effects. Similar to Claws, this "reality" this Power is an
to the attack. This applies to may chew through inorganic internalized, automatic form of
Body Armor that is not Body Armor to affect the Matter Conversion. Materials
natural(inborn) as well as doors, individual beneath. created by this Power retain
walls, computer terminals, their new nature while within the
freelancers, and other •P9/Damage Transfer: This hero's body; upon expulsion
inanimate objects. This does Power is a relative of the they revert to their original
not apply to Body Armor that is Health-Drain Touch, except nature. In rare cases, the hero
a natural part of the character, Health may be transferred is a living filter who could
or to energy constructs such as between two separate targets eventually convert all available
force fields. Example: on touch, in effect healing one matter into useful forms. The
Everyone's favorite maniac while reducing the Health of the power also includes a +4CS
from Canada, Wolverine, goes other. The hero may not regain resistance to liquid or solid
up against a Sentinel with his any Health in this Damage toxins. These are simply
Unearthly material strength Transfer. resisted or converted into
claws which inflict Good 'useful materials. This Power
damage. If he attacks the •P10/Death Factor: The hero includes a number of physical
Sentinel directly he won't get can generate a “Death Field” of adaptations to accommodate it.
too far; the robot's Body Armor Power Rank Intensity around The hero possesses hyper
is too thick. If he concentrates himself and can be channeled strong teeth and jaws that
on the armor, however, he can through his touch attacks if so permit biting and swallowing
shred it with a Red FEAT roll. desired. This power is almost any materials, as well as
This trick would not operate on the reverse of a healing factor. resistance to internal damage
Iron Man (personal Force Field) The field saps the life force out caused by the swallowed
or the Things (natural Body of living creatures. The hero material. There are two side-
Armor). can suck the life force out of effects to this Power. The first is
everyone in the same area as the decrease of the hero's
•P7/Cloaking: The hero has a himself and can use this energy sense of taste. The second is
power rank ability to remain to regain lost health up to his that the hero's flesh is relatively
undetected by all forms of maximum score. To affect a poisonous, since much of it may
electronic tracking, psionics, or target the hero must succeed at have been formed from
physical tracking powers or a Power Rank FEAT against the converted materials that would
talents. The minimum rank for targets Psyche Ability. Each revert to their original states
this power is Intuition +1 CS, if success allows the hero to drain after their removal from the
rolled lower than this then the up to Power Rank damage form living hero's body. The hero
power rank should be raised to the victim and convert it to a like would thus be immune to a
this rank. amount of Health up the vampire's attack or could exact
maximum. If the victim dies posthumous revenge on
•P8/Corrosive Touch: Similar form this attack the body anything stupid enough to eat
to Rotting Touch, but affects disintegrates. Bonus Powers him. If the hero has this Power
inorganic materials instead. The include Energy Touch. The on a temporary basis (such as
character inflicts Power rank Nemesis is Regeneration. the result of a spell), any matter
-3CS damage to living targets, conversions are permanent.
affects organic materials with •P11/Digestive Adaptability: Optional Powers include Lung

Adaptability and Body The hero may use the Power of Health that may be restored
Adaptation. Rank ability of this power to one hero maximum, on any
instead of Fighting and Agility to one day. For each attempt at
•P12/Drain Health Touch**: catch thrown objects, dodge or healing, the hero must make an
The touch of a character with evade attacks. Endurance FEAT -- failure
this Power transfers a Power indicates the loss of Karma
rank amount of Health from the •P15/Extra Body Parts: The equal to the amount of Health
target to the hero. Previous hero who gains this Power being healed. A character
damage is healed in an equal when the character is without Karma may not Heal.
amount, up to the maximum generated may choose the type Endurance ranks may be
Health of the character. Drained and number of body parts. similarly restored at a rate of
Health above that point is lost. Some of these parts may one rank per day per hero. An
Characters drained to 0 Health provide Bonus Powers. These Endurance FEAT is required for
must make an Endurance FEAT Powers are then placed in the the healing hero, with the result
to avoid dying. if they do so, the next available slot in Power of a failure being the loss of one
attack has no further effect. generation, if there is one. Endurance Rank for the hero
Reversing this process, Additional Arms: Extra attacks (the Endurance for the other is
directing one's own Health into as a bonus healed). This Endurance may
others, is a Power Stunt. Additional Legs: including only be healed naturally. If the
centaur like form give Lightning Endurance drops below Feeble,
•P13/Energy Touch: The hero Speed as a bonus the healer will perish.
with this Power may inflict Prehensile Tail: Climbing as a
damage and effects from the Bonus Power, and hero may •P17/Hyper Endurance: A
Energy column of the Battle use the tail as a limb with number of readers pointed out
Effects table, with a Bulls eye normal (for the hero) Agility. that I referred to this in the UPB
regarded as a possible Stun. Wings: Flight as a Bonus as a power rather than as a
The hero may always choose to Power at +1CS. primary ability. Sorry! Hyper-
inflict less damage than is Combat Tail: Not usable for Endurance is designed to
rolled, or to reduce the effects climbing, but may attack in slug increase your hero's (hopefully)
of the damage. The touch can fest for Strength +1CS damage. already formidable Endurance.
be carried through conductive Additional Eyes or Sensory The randomly determined rank
material, and may affect Organs: Enhanced Senses or is added to your PC's
multiple targets in this fashion. any detection Power as a previously determined
If the hero is standing on a steel Bonus Power. Endurance rank whenever he
girder facing off three goons Claws: on either hands or feet, uses a power that drains his
from HYDRA, and uses the these give Claws as a Bonus Endurance. In this way, heroes
Energy Touch on the girder (a Power, with +1CS to their can exceed their physical
conductive material), all three material strength. limitations. Hyper-Endurance is
get shocked. The hero with this Spines: Similar to those on a an optional power for such
Power gains Resistance to porcupine, these quill-like things as Hyper-Running,
Electricity as a Bonus Power. spines may be shot. Bonus Hyper-Swimming, and other
Power of Projectile Missile at powers requiring muscular
•P14/Enhanced Reflexes: The +1CS. effort. The Power Rank of this
heroes reflexes are so quick ability is added directly to the
that he receives a natural +1 •P16/Healing: This Power heroes Endurance for purposes
bonus to his initiative rolls. In allows the hero to restore lost of determining fatigue or
addition, the hero may make a Health and Endurance ranks to charging attacks only.
Power Rank FEAT roll to avoid others (but not the hero
the surprise attacks that often himself). The Power rank •P18/Hyper Intake Expulsion:
come from blindsiding attacks. indicates the maximum amount This power was in my original

UPB proposal, yet not only did I It is up to the Judge's discretion •P19/Hyper Speed: The hero is
forget to put this in the UPB, I as to how much weight is capable of extremely fast
also forgot to put it in the gained, with a 1% weight motion and may even surpass
original addenda article! This increase being a rule of thumb. light speed. Normally this
power is usually referred to as Note that a sudden failure of Power includes a specific
"Super Breath" and, while it is this power can be disastrous! resistance to friction and lungs
technically a Matter Control Such catastrophes range from that are adapted to breathe
power, should be listed under (at best) the sudden expulsion high-velocity air. If the hero
the class of Physical of all ingested matter, retention possesses a Travel Power, he
Enhancement powers in the of the ingested matter with the can exchange this speed for
UPB. The hero has the ability to hero suddenly bearing all of its that of the latter Power. The
ingest awesome amounts of weight, or the rapid expansion Power can also be used to
matter, retain them indefinitely, of the ingested matter to its perform tasks in greatly
then expel them with power original size (this latter reduced time. The Power rank
rank force. When creating a possibility being quite number is treated as a multiplier
hero with this power, the fatal).Normally, a hero can to show how much more quickly
player must decide what the retain the ingested matter a specific task can be
hero can handle. A random die indefinitely. A side effect of the accomplished by someone with
roll determines his chance of power gives the hero internal this Power. For example,
having the power to handle gas, invulnerability equal to his Typical rank moves four times
liquid, solids, or some power rank, preventing major as fast, an Incredible rank
combination of these internal damage due to moves 40 times as fast, and so
ingested poisons or physically on. When creating the
Die Roll Category damaging materials. Solids and character, the player can raise
01-16 Gases only liquids can be retained for as the rank +2CS by omitting the
17-32 Liquids only long as the hero can go without special adaptations for friction
33-48 Solids only food; digestion normally stops and breathing. This is a
49-64 Gases & Liquids while this power is in effect. If dangerous thing, though,
65-80 Liquids & Solids the gases ingested are toxic, people. (But what the heck-it's
81-00 Gases, Solids the hero can only retain them your character.)
&Liquids for the amount of time he can
hold his breath. If the mixture is •P20/Hyper Strength: Hyper
This power enables the hero to not toxic and contains a Strength is an addition to your
absorb quantities far exceeding sufficient quantity of oxygen, Hero's previously determined
the normal volume of the then the hero can hold his Strength Ability. The Player has
human body. He can absorb a breath indefinitely. The hero can two choices here, He can
volume of gas equal to the expel the matter harmlessly or permanently combine the two
power rank number times 100 direct it into a blast that has ranks or he can or else make
cubic feet. Liquids and solids power rank range and damage. the addition a temporary one.
are limited to the number of He can also do damage by In the latter case, the Hero can
cubic feet equal to the power ingesting. For example, by “Hulk out” and manifest great
rank number. A side effect of inhaling all the air in a room, he strength during a limited time.
this power is that the ingested can cause certain events to The daily limit on this form of
matter is somehow occur. One, everyone in the Hyper Strength is a number of
compressed, diminished in size, room must make an Endurance game turns equal to the Power
or displaced into a pocket FEAT or pass out from the Rank number. Also, the
dimension: this enables the sudden absence of air. Two, the temporary form carries with it a
hero to retain his ordinary room can implode if the bonus of +1 CS to the
shape, although his weight pressure difference exceeds the temporary rank score.
does increase a token amount. walls' material strength.

•P21/Hypnotic Voice: The hero decreased -4CS. The Power "dead. This Power does not
possesses a voice whose cannot control someone who have a Power rank. It counts
intrinsic qualities permit a cannot hear it. Deaf persons or as two Powers for any hero who
hypnotic domination of the those with altered senses are takes it, unless the character is
target's conscious and immune. Soundproofing, alien in origin, in which case the
subconscious thoughts. The loud noises, and simply getting cost is normal (this reflects that
bulk of the hero's commands out of range are effective tactics a large number of extra-
are sub-verbal in nature (it's not against the Power. The Power dimensional aliens are
what she says, but how she has -1CS effect on non- effectively immortal). An
says it). The hero can effect humans. (When creating the immortal character's body will
anyone within the sound of her hero, the player can raise the slowly regenerate lost parts and
voice. The optimum effect Power rank +1CS by limiting its heal. so that short of atomizing
occurs within twenty feet of her effect to members of the the remains and spreading that
location. The Power decreases opposite sex. For example, collection of atoms through a
-1CS for each additional twenty Lorelei can only affect men.) large portion of space, the
feet. Everyone within range immortal character will return at
must make an Intuition FEAT in •P22/Immortality**: The some point in the future.
order to resist falling under the character with this Power does Immortality is applicable to the
effect of this Power. Failure not age or die in a normal Earth Dimension only (including
means complete submission to fashion. Now, before you all all planets of this dimension).
the singer's command. Victims run out and grab this Power for An immortal character in
of the Power can make a new your young hero, note the fine another dimension, such as
attempt to resist every ten print. The hero can still suffer Asgard or Olympus, but
turns. The Power can be used loss of Endurance ranks as the excluding variant or divergent
for as long as the hero result of wounds, poisons, earths does not age, but may
concentrates on it. If a victim and damages, but if the results be killed normally while in that
gets beyond the sound of the call for perishing. then the dimension.
Hypnotic Voice, he can attempt character is left at Shift 0
to resist every five turns. The Endurance but does not die. •P23/Immovability: The hero
Power comes in two varieties, The character cannot move or can bond himself to whatever
automatic and deliberate. The act until Endurance reaches surface he is standing on by
automatic form is a permanent Feeble, however. so throwing force of will (requires one round
modification to the hero's voice. an Immortal character into an of concentration.) It requires
Every time she speaks, the active volcano will keep him Unearthly Strength plus a
Power can function. The out of the way for a while. (He RED Endurance FEAT roll to
deliberate form requires cannot heal while taking budge him and even this action
the hero to consciously alter his damage.) If Endurance reaches pulls up the ground around him.
voice to manifest his Power. Shift 0, or the character The hero cannot be stunned or
The player must choose which otherwise dies, the immortal slammed no matter what attack
form the hero has. The character loses all Karma, column is used. The character
automatic form costs a including that set aside for may elect to spend a power
decrease of 2CS to the Power advancement. The character slot to raise his Endurance
rank. The Power's range can be may be out of luck, but at Ability by +1 CS permanently as
extended by mechanical means least he has his Health. If an a bonus power.
like telephones and radio. immortal character is part of a
Remote control has a Karma pool, then an amount of •P24/Life Support: The hero
decreased effectiveness of Karma is subtracted as if the with this Power has the
-2CS. Reproduction of the character had left the group. potential to survive under
Hypnotic Voice is not quite as This is done each time the hostile conditions for longer
dangerous; the overall rank is immortal character becomes than normal amounts of time.

The Power rank number is the Amazing Strength and capable of altering a target's
amount of time in turns the hem this power automatically has behavior. These chemicals
may survive in a hostile this power begin at Monstrous vaporize instantly on contact
environment (deep space, deep rank. The character can push with air and are received by the
underwater, in lava) before any through barriers of up to Power target's nose. The complexity of
Endurance FEATS must be Rank material strength (or the commands can vary with
made. At Shift Z or higher, the power rank force fields) with the rank of the Power. The hero
individual may survive in hostile their movement being reduced can readily affect anyone within
environments indefinitely by 1 area for each turn of twenty feet of him. The Power
without requiring food, water, or continuous resistance (to rank decreases -1CS with each
air. a minimum of 1 area per round additional twenty feet. The
of movement). Such a character Power cannot affect those
•P25/Lung Adaptability: The who charges at a mountain will unable to smell it. This includes
hero can breathe any gaseous burrow through it, but exit out would-be targets who are
or liquid medium without harm. the other side at a crawling upwind, behind a force-field,
The lungs can extract required pace. have their own air supply, don't
gases (oxygen for humans) or breathe, or breathe but have no
even create them by converting •P27/Non-Stick Coating: The sense of smell. The last
available elements. In game hero is covered with a nearly example includes a hero with
"reality" this Power is an friction-less substance. This the power of Lung Adaptability.
internalized, automatic form of coating provides him with When the hero is created, the
Matter Conversion. Gases Power Rank protection against player must decide whether the
created by this Power retain grappling attacks or Power functions automatically
their new nature while still ensnarement attacks. The or deliberately. The automatic
within the hero's body; upon Power also simulates a form lowers the Power rank
exhalation they revert to their form of body armor by causing -2CS.
original nature. In rare cases, physical blows to skip off of the
the conversion is permanent. In non-friction surface providing -3 •P30/Recovery: The hero with
this case, the hero is a living CS body armor from the power this Power recovers from losses
filter who could eventually rank unless the opponent rolls a of Endurance ranks at a rate of
convert all the local breathing Yellow or higher FEAT roll when 1 rank per day, and makes a
medium into a form beneficial to attacking which indicates a solid Power rank FEAT to regain
him. Any poisons are simply blow which bypasses the the lost rank. The hero with this
resisted or converted into protection of this power causing Power may choose any
useful materials. Unfortunately, normal damage. Resistance as a Bonus Power.
this Power also has the
drawback of decreasing the •P28/Paralyzing Touch: Those •P31/Reduced Aging: The
hero's senses of taste and touched by an individual with hero has a strong resistance to
smell. Everything is bland to this Power must make an the effects of aging, causing
him. Endurance FEAT against this time to advance slower on the
Power rank, or he knocked out individual with this power. The
•P26/Momentum: Once the for 1-10 rounds. This Power is hero ages Power Rank x10
hero begins moving he has the always in operation, and the slower than the average human
effective Strength of this power user may be knocked out being. This power can reduce
rank, for purposes of breaking himself by such a touch. the effects of any aging effects
through barriers or attempts aimed at the character,
by others to bring him to a halt. •P29/Pheromones**: This is an reducing them by a Power Rank
The power has a minimum aerosol version of Hypnotic amount.
starting rank of Strength +1 CS. Control. The hero's body can
For example, a character with create and emit chemicals •P32/Regeneration**: The hero

can rapidly recover from any above. When the body is replenish himself when his
wound. Cuts quickly close and returned to minimum life power reached its
disease symptoms disappear. sustaining condition, the hero limit. He merely resumes
The hero heals at an comes back to life. This occurs normal consumption habits
accelerated rate equal to the despite any intervening time in (breathe normally, eat a light
Power rank number times the which the hero was dead; from snack, etc.). This is the
normal amount of time. For the hero's point of view, no time permanent form of the power.
example, a Typical rank can has passed. If the hero was The temporary form requires
heal six times as fast as normal, dismembered, the Revival the hero to consume mass
an Unearthly rank heals at a Power is concentrated on quantities at the expiration of
hundredfold rate, and so on. the largest remaining segment. the Power. ("That's the fifteenth
With time, the hero can regrow The rest of the body decays steak you've eaten, Fred. How
large areas of lost tissue, normally. In rare cases, all body long did you say it's been since
especially severed limbs. Lost parts regrow. Depending on the you ate last?") The required
limbs or organs require a red size of the segment, each intake is one-quarter what the
FEAT. It cannot repair losses attains only partial hero would normally have
that resulted in the hero's death redevelopment of growth, consumed during the time he
unless the hero is revived. If intelligence, and power. Even was abstaining. The hero can
such a fatal loss and rarer are the cases where all raise his Power rank +1CS by
subsequent revival occurs, the the newly regrown bodies attain opting for the temporary form.
hero requires life-support full development. Rarest
equipment to give his Power of all is the case where all the •P36/Solar Regeneration: The
time to function. new bodies share a single hero with this Power heals as
mind. The Judge can decide if per Regeneration, but only
•P33/Rotting Touch: This he wants to allow such rare heals the Power rank in Health
touch causes organic material cases to intrude on his tidy every ten minutes he has
to decay. The character inflicts campaign. This power contains contact with solar light. In
Power rank damage on those aspects of Free Spirit and darkness, inside buildings, and
he touches. In addition, this Matter Creation. The color in other similar situations, the
touch acts on organic material FEAT reflects the amount of the character heals normally. This
(wood, rope, cloth) as if an body available for the Power to Power has a minimum Power
attempt to break the item with work with. A green FEAT rank of the Endurance of the
Power rank Strength. means all the body is present character +1CS. This power
Resistance to Corrosives will aside from spilled blood. A represents a stimulus power,
offset the effects. This Power yellow FEAT means all vital even though Solar is given as
can be directed against organic organs are present, although the example the hero could
(natural) Body Armor in order some of the less vital parts design a different stimulus. For
to weaken it, similar to the may still be missing. A red example the hero only
effect claws have on inorganic FEAT is required if at most one regenerates in moon light or
Body Armor. quarter of the original body is salt water etc.
available. If less is available,
•P34/Self-Revival**: The hero's Revival cannot occur. •P37/Stealth: The hero can
Power is so strong that it can move in ways that cannot be
repair fatal damage and actually •P35/Self-Sustenance: The detected, whether while
return the hero to life. The hero can survive indefinitely moving or if subjected to later
power functions despite the without consuming air, water, or tracking. When the hero uses
absence of life in the body. It food. Bodily wastes are Stealth, his rank is subtracted
repairs the major damage and internally recycled back into from the efforts of those
replaces lost tissues at the usable materials. Normally the detecting him. Example:
same rate as Regeneration hero would not need to Shadow-fox has Excellent

Stealth. He cannot be detected brute force, sonic, and kinetic the player can substitute any
by Typical means (that is less bolts. The rank of the other breathing medium for
than Shift 0). Unfortunately, it's Invulnerability reduces the rank water. This is often the case
Wolverine who's tracking him of the attack form. Example: A when creating an alien
with Monstrous ability. Shadow- Mandroid's Excellent laser character, such as one who
fox's Stealth lowers Wolverine's would do only Feeble damage breathes liquid methane. This
chance of finding him to merely against Good Invulnerability, power may be permanent or
Good. and none at all against temporary. Characters with the
Remarkable Invulnerability. The permanent form have a
•P38/Suspended Animation: hero with this Power is still decreased resistance to heat
The hero can temporarily vulnerable to magical and and aridity. A sauna might be a
suspend all life functions and mental attacks. If the hero death trap. The hero is -1CS to
enter a death-like trance. The should lose his True resist and takes +1CS damage.
hero can later return to life Invulnerability, his Fighting rank
and normal activity without drops to Typical (he's not used •P42/Water Freedom: The
harm. During this period, the to avoiding blows). The hero's hero's body is adapted for
hero's body can be subjected to appearance is not affected by movement in the water.
normally fatal conditions and this power; he appears to be a The hero can move through
not suffer any, unless the body normal member of his race. water with the same ease that
is actually damaged (say, a normal beings can move
big rock fell on it). If this •P40/Vocal Control: This might through air. One method of
happens, the hero cannot return be considered a Talent rather accomplishing this is the
to life until the damage is than a Power, but here goes presence of a body coating that
repaired. Under normal anyway. The hero has total reduces the effects of water
conditions, the hero can control over his own voice and resistance. The more common
consciously decide when to can use it to duplicate any method is the hero is
reawaken. This may be at the desired voice of sound. The extraordinarily strong and swift
end of a predetermined length accuracy of the simulated in order to compensate for
of time, or when certain sound is 100% within the water resistance. This permits
conditions are met (like when Power's limit (determined by him to function normally, even
his spaceship has air in it rank) on a green FEAT. at great depths. If such a
again). Otherwise, the hero Exceeding the limit requires a person were on the surface, his
must be stimulated into higher.-FEAT. The hero can extra strength and speed
awakening by another person. imitate Sonic Powers that will would be evident (+2CS
Rank determines the maximum have most of the effectiveness Strength and Endurance).
length of time the hero can of the original. The rank for Unfortunately, since the
suspend animation. such mimicked Powers is -1CS hero is normally moving in
of the original's rank. water, he overcompensates on
•P39/True Invulnerability**: dry land (-2CS Agility). Water
This is a combination of •P41/Water Breathing: This Freedom also negates the
Resistances and Body Armor. may be a "wimp Power," but it effects of great pressure and
The hero is immune to any would be embarrassing for an allows the hero to travel to the
physical harm, up to his rank's extremely powerful character to depths of the oceans without
limit. The immunity includes the drown while a relatively wimpish harm. Note: This power does
following resistances: fire, heat, water breather went unharmed. not automatically include Water-
cold, electricity, radiation, When creating the character, Breathing. The player can
corrosives, disease, poison, choose that as a bonus power if
he so wishes.

Power Control Powers
This is a class of Powers that applied state. The hero can -1CS.
directly affect the way other control the actions of any
Powers function. These "Macro- Powers within his range and Die Roll Form
Powers" can only affect raw or capability. If the Power is free of 01-40 Manipulation
applied Power and the beings a living super-being's body, that 41-70 Magnification/
who possess Power. They have Power's rank determines what Reduction
no direct effect on normal, Intensity FEAT is required. If the 81-00 Negation
Power-less people. The Power is internalized within a
exception to this are the living super-being, the Manipulation: The hero can
Macro-Powers that can create necessary FEAT is determined alter the flow and application of
new Powers in heretofore by that being's Psyche. If Power. He can change the
normal people. Some of these Control is achieved, it affects direction of a Power with a
Powers will probably be limited the entire rank of that Power. green FEAT. He can alter the
to NPCs or high level heroes; The range at which the hero effects of a Power by a yellow
this is up to individual Judges. can exert control is determined FEAT. He can completely
by his own Power rank number. change the nature of a Power
•PC1/Absorption Power**: Distances are shown on column by a red FEAT. The hero need
The hero has the ability to A of the Range Table. The not actually possess the Power
absorb the powers, abilities, Macro-Power can affect either a that the old one was
talents and memories of his specific type of Power within a transformed into, but the
opponents up to Power Rank specific area, regardless of how new one should be something
Intensity and duration. This many super beings are harmless to both combatants.
power has a range of touch affected, or all the Powers Magnification/Reduction: The
only. The hero can absorb up possessed by a specific being. hero can either increase or
to one Ability or Power at a rate The duration of the Control lasts decrease the rank of the
of one per round. The victims a maximum number of minutes affected Power by his
FASERIP scores are added equal to the Power rank Macro-Power 's rank number.
directly to the hero's own ranks. number. After the expiration of Unfortunately, the one thing the
Powers and Talents are the Control, it must be hero cannot affect his own
absorbed at the rate of 1 each reestablished. This can be done powers' ranks.
round. The victim may resist indefinitely. Control is normally Negation: The hero can
with a successful Psyche FEAT directed in a straight line. If the completely dispel any Powers
roll. The victim is forced into a hero wishes an area effect, the within his range. Things
catatonic state until the duration sphere he creates has a radius affected by Powers revert to
of this power expires and his equal to -4CS range. For their original states. Super-
abilities return to him. When example, Excellent Control beings are reduced to Normal
using this power a RED Power can be exerted on a target six Humans (or whatever). The
FEAT roll means the hero gains areas away or be contracted worst effect is on beings who
the powers permanently and into a field that only surrounds need Power to physically
the victim is completely the hero's body. There are three survive. To them, the loss of
absorbed into the hero. The forms of Control. At least one Power is damaging and
bonus power is Power form must be chosen when the possibly fatal. Undesired
Vampirism. hero is created. This is initially Control can be avoided by
at full strength. If the player Dodging a directed attack,
•PC2/Control: The hero can wants the hero to have more moving out of the Control's
alter the behavior of pure forms, each additional form range, or by the use of
Power, whether it is in a raw or decreases all Control ranks by such Powers as this one, Force

Field vs. Power Manipulation, •PC4/Domination**: This is a Powers and not roll any more.
and Resistance to Power form of Mind Control. The hero The hero can use his Macro
Manipulation. Successful can control the actions of other Power to duplicate the
resistance means the would-be super-beings in regards to the characteristics of any other
victim retains his Powers, at use of their own Powers. The Power. The Power ranks for the
least for now. hero can force the victim to use duplicated Powers is equal to
his Powers in any manner the the Macro Power's own rank.
•PC3/Creation: The hero has hero desires. The hero cannot Such Powers remain as long as
the ability to create new Powers alter the actual characteristics the hero concentrates on
and invest them into sentient of the others Power's. The maintaining their existence.
beings for their own use. The Macro-Power pits this Power's Unfortunately, the hero can only
new Powers can be of any rank against the victim's Duplicate a single Power at any
nature and can be any of the Psyche. The Psyche one time. Switching Powers
listings in this book. The hero is determines what Intensity FEAT takes three turns. The hero
limited in the number and ranks is required. The range at which must be exposed to a Power in
of the Powers he can create. the hero can exert Domination order to later duplicate it. Such
The variety extends beyond his varies with his Power rank and Powers must be used within 10
own innate Powers. The Power the number of beings that are feet of the hero. A green FEAT
rank number is the maximum controlled. The range for enables the hero to store the
number of different Powers he Dominating a single being is Power for later duplication. It is
can create. This number always shown on column A of the assumed the hero has been
includes those Powers the hero Range Table. Each additional exposed to others' Powers at
has. The player and Judge super being the hero Dominates some point in his past. Initially
need to work together to decreases the overall rank the character has a limited
determine what Powers are -1CS. The duration is as long number of Powers he has
actually present in this Macro- as the hero can maintain his already encountered; these are
power. The Powers the hero concentration. If the victim fails represented by Powers already
bestows are nowhere near as his initial resistance, he can try generated but set aside. If this
highly ranked as the hero's again every ten turns by was the first Power the hero
own Powers. New Powers are making a Psyche FEAT based generated, then randomly
initially -3CS lower than this on this Power's rank. Normal, generate a single Power. The
Power's rank. This can be later Powerless beings are hero rapidly gains Powers by
increased by the recipient. The completely unaffected by duplicating those of
length the Powers remain is this Power If the victim is companions or foes. Since the
determined by the hero's cooperative, Domination is Power must be used, foes can
Reason. A green Reason FEAT automatic. Domination can be be a hazardous source of new
gives a duration of one day thwarted by such Powers as Powers. The hero has a finite
times the Reason rank number. Force Field vs. Mental Attack, number of Powers he can
A yellow FEAT increases that to Resistance to Mental Attack, duplicate. The maximum
10 days times the Reason rank and Power Control. Optional number is equal to his Power
number. A red FEAT means the Powers include Mind Control rank number. If the hero
Power is permanent. Judges and Magic Domination. The exceeds the limit, the new
may want to forbid this Power to Nemesis is an Enhanced Power replaces an old one. The
any player characters or restrict Psyche string enough to act of analyzing a Power for
it to high level characters. In resist Domination. later duplication takes three
such a case, the player should turns. In no way does this affect
roll for a new Power. The •PC/5Duplication: If the hero the source of the Power. The
Nemesis is Power Control/ acquires this Power, the player hero can develop a Power
Negation. should immediately set aside all Stunt that enables him to
his previously generated duplicate Talents as well. The

Nemesis is Mind Drain. must be nonliving or non- Ability or Power. All his
sentient. The target is Power and Ability rank numbers
•PC6/Energy Source: The transformed into a battery that are totaled together. This rank
hero draws his Powers from a can harmlessly store raw Power number replaces the rank
special source that provides indefinitely until needed by the number for a chosen Power.
him with all the energy he can target's new possessor. The Upon the completion of
handle. As long as the hero can hero can store any Power releasing the Power, all the
maintain his link with this except this one. If the hero's Abilities and Powers
source, he can continue to use hero is working in conjunction temporarily drop to Feeble. This
his Powers. The nature of the with another super-being, the Power's rank number is the
source and its link varies with Powers of this other being can total amount of lost points the
each hero. If the source is small also be stored with the target. hero can regain each turn.
enough, the hero may be The Macro-Power can store a Points are divided evenly
required to carry it with him. If maximum number of spells between all the depleted
not, perhaps the hero needs to equal to this Power's rank Abilities and Powers. (Okay,
periodically return to the source number. The maximum number this isn't really a Power either.
or forge an ethereal Power of total rank numbers is equal to Roll again for an additional
cord that links him to his Source this Power's rank number as Power.)
despite any intervening well. The hero must be in
distance. The Judge and player contact with the target in order •PC9/Gestalt: Two or more
need to work together to to fully charge it. If he does not users can combine to create a
produce a playable source make contact, the ranks for all new Power. The Power can be
and link. If the link is severed or spells to be bestowed drop of any nature; its Power rank is
the source destroyed, the Mage -1CS for each ten feet equal to this one. When the
is left with a finite supply of separating hero and target. The player generates this Power, he
energy left. The amount of raw act of creating an Energy must first select another
Power left is the number of Source can be disrupted by a player's character with whom
points equal to his Psyche variety of factors. The presence his hero forms the Gestalt.
rank. Each time he uses Power, of a Psyche within the target Second, both players must
he decreases the reservoir by prevents this Macro-Power from randomly determine what the
that Power's rank number. affecting it. Removing the target Gestalt-created Power actually
Obviously, it is within the hero's from range stops the process of is. Roll for additional Power; this
best interests to renew his creation. The Macro-Power can is the Gestalt. The best
link or rebuild his source in as be blocked by such Powers as example of Gestalt Power in the
little time as possible. As you Force Field vs. Power Marvel Universe was the
are beginning to suspect, this Manipulation, Resistance to Beaubier twins, Aurora and
isn't really a Power and is more Power Manipulation, Power Northstar, who could generate
of a restraint. You're right. Control, and Power Domination. Monstrous Intensity Light when
If you roll this Power, go ahead When the hero creates a new they touched.
and roll an additional Power. Power Source, he must state
what conditions are necessary •PC10/Impart Power: The
•PC7/Energy Source to release the Powers in a character can share his power,
Creation**: This is another controlled manner. When the transferring some or
Power the Judge may want to Energy Source is depleted or all of a given Power Rank to
restrict to NPCs or high level destroyed, the item reverts another with touch. The
heroes. The hero can create to its original state. recipient of this power has the
items that can in turn provide same weaknesses and/or
Powers to other people. The •PC8/Focus: The hero can limitations as the character
hero is able to charge a target channel all his raw energy into bestowing the Power on them
with raw Power. The target a single burst of a chosen and the original character's

power rank is is reduced by a The second problem is that the target he chooses
like amount. The power the Macro-Power is helpless to imitate and the process takes
can be taken back by the against Powerless people. If one round to complete. When
original character, but he must there is no Power to overcome, the hero duplicates someone
touch the target again to do so. then it cannot generate a they are banished to the plane
Power. Because Nemesis of Limbo for as long as the hero
•PC11/Nemesis: When this possessing heroes tend to duplicates that form. The hero
Power is first generated, it overly rely on their Macro- may duplicate another form for
replaces all other Powers Power, they tend to be a little Power Rank duration. The hero
the hero might have other had. rusty when it comes to Fighting cannot imitate the True
If a hero is clever, then no other normal people. Decrease Immortality power or magic
Powers are needed. The basis Fighting's rank -2CS for such items if he tries to do so he is
for Nemesis is the ability to cases. banished to Limbo instead of
automatically analyze an his target.
opponent's Powers and •PC12/Power Combination:
Weakness. The hero then This power normally only •PC14/Power Negation: The
instantly generates a Power occurs during the character hero with this ability may
that can defeat the opponent. creation process. Rolling temporarily negate all
The newly created Power can this power requires the hero to powers in an area at Power
be a +1CS version of the combine any two of his Rank intensity for 1-10 turns,
opponent's Power or is an previously rolled powers into a including his own. Bonus
opposing Power. The nature of new hybrid form. The new powers could include Nullifying
the Nemesis Powers varies with hybrid power permanently Powers and Nemesis. Powers
each opponent. The only Power replaces the affected powers. may still target the hero form
that a Nemesis cannot Power combination allows the outside the area of effect.
Generate is Power Control/ player to create some really
Negation. Analyzing an peculiar and unique characters. •PC15/Power Transferal: The
opponent takes one turn. High ranked NPCs may hero can transfer some or all of
Designing a suitable Power and possess a special form of this his Powers to another sentient
infusing into the hero's body power with which they can alter being. The transferal can be
takes two turns. Switching another characters powers with any combination of Powers
opponents causes an additional at any time. However, the and ranks. Only this Power
delay of seven turns, The power's use is limited to cannot be, transferred. Each
opponent must be with 10 feet once per day and only in non- transferred Power rank
of the hero for analysis to combative situations. In this diminishes the hero's own rank
occur; this can be extended to way the judge can create for that Power. A single Power
100 feet if the opponent is the character altering experiences can be transferred each turn.
only super being in the area. to enliven the campaign by The optimum range for Power
This Macro-power's rank altering previous heroes and Transferal is contact. Each ten
determines the maximum villains. feet that separates the hero
Power rank of a generated and recipient decreases both
Power. When facing a foe of •PC13/Power Imitation**: The the recipient's and hero's Power
greater strength, the player hero can transform himself into ranks -1CS. If the hero wants to
must select a Power that can a duplicate of almost any being, simultaneously transfer Power
still prevail, despite the acquiring all of its powers, to two or more recipients, he
disparity. Nemesis has two whether natural or technological simply divides the ranks
inherent weaknesses. The first in nature. He can imitate between them. The duration
is that the Macro Power can established power stunts of the of the loan varies with the
only cope with a single copied character. The hero Reason rank of the hero and
opponent's Powers at one time. must be in the same area as the FEAT made at the time of

transferal. A green Reason Powers. The process of feeding returns to life. When creating a
FEAT gives a duration of 100 can continue indefinitely, as Power Vampire, the player must
turns times the Reason rank long as the vampire makes choose a Weakness. The
number. A yellow FEAT successful FEATs. Each turn player can raise his Power rank
increases that to 10,000 drains another rank's worth +1CS for each additional
turns times the Reason rank of Power. The Vampire can Weaknesses he chooses, up to
number. A red FEAT changes voluntarily cease feeding at any a total of four Weaknesses.
the loan to a permanent grant. time by making a Psyche FEAT Power Vampirism is
Most recipients tend to believe of any color except red. A red communicable. A living or
that suddenly receiving Power FEAT means the hero has sentient being who was
is in their best interest and thus entered an uncontrollable completely drained by
the recipient cooperates in any feeding frenzy that can only a Power Vampire must make a
way he can. Still, if the recipient stop when the victim is drained Psyche FEAT roll. A red FEAT
wants to resist this Macro- or the Vampire is repulsed. If means the victim has himself
Power, he can do so by moving the Vampire fails to make a been transformed into a Feeble
out of range or blocking it by FEAT at any point in the feeding Power Vampire. The Nemesis is
such Powers as Force Field vs. process, he is immediately a Psyche temporarily raised
Power Manipulation, repulsed from the victim and 2CS higher than the vampire's
Resistance to Power can never resume the attack. rank.
Manipulation, and Power The victim gains an instant
Control. Optional Powers immunity to any future Vampire •PC17/Residual Absorption:
include Mind Transferal and attacks by that being. The The hero can duplicate a Power
Magic Transferal. The Nemesis Power the Vampire absorbs is by absorbing the traces left
is Force Field vs. Power used to increase his own behind whenever a Power is
Manipulation. Strength, Endurance, Psyche, used. The residue may be in
and Powers. The increase in anything that was near or the
•PC16/Power Vampirism**: equal amounts to all the target of a Power's emission.
The Power Vampire can drain adjustable Abilities. The The Power rank determines
the raw Power from a victim exception is this Power, as no what the rank is for any Powers
and convert that energy Vampire can increase his own created in this way. The
into extra Strength, Endurance, vampiric Power. Power duration of the borrowed
Psyche, and ranks for other Vampires lose energy at a Powers is determined by the
Powers the Vampire has. The depressing rate. The rank hero's Reason. A green Reason
Power Vampire can force a numbers for Strength, FEAT gives a duration equal to
nonliving, non-sentient target to Endurance, Psyche, and all the Reason rank times 100
release all its raw Power. He Powers except this one turns. A yellow FEAT raises that
must make an Intensity FEAT decrease one point per hour. to 10,000 turns times the
equal to the highest ranked The Power Vampire must feed Reason rank number. A red
Power the target possesses. A to survive. A Power Vampire FEAT increases that to
drained item reverts to its cannot actually starve to permanence. The average
original state. Living or sentient death if denied a sufficient amount of residue bearing
beings are harder to drain. The supply of victims. When all his material is about the size of a
victim's Psyche determines affected Abilities reach Shift-0, bread loaf. It is completely
what Intensity FEAT is required. the Vampire falls into a coma. drained after a single use.
A successful FEAT enables the His Power Vampirism continues
Vampire to drain Power from to function and tries to drain •PC18/Selection: The hero can
the victim. The amount of raw anyone who comes within a foot possess any number of Powers
Power equal to this Power's of the body. When the Power but can only use a single one at
rank number is drawn in equal Vampire's abilities return to a given time. Switching
portions from all the victim's Feeble rank, the Vampire between Powers takes three

turns. When the player victim's Psyche. Success Reason rank number. A yellow
generates this Power, he gets means the hero has temporarily FEAT increases that to 1000
to generate an additional mangled the victim's physiology turns times the Reason rank
Power as well. and given him a new number. A red FEAT further
Weakness. The player increases that to 10,000 turns
•PC19/Weakness Creation**: randomly generates the nature times the Reason rank number.
The hero can bestow a of the Weakness using the At the expiration of the duration,
weakness on a victim that is Tables in the early sections the victim returns to normal,
just as dangerous as if the of this book. The duration of the unless he has died in such a
victim as always possessed that Weakness is determined by a way he cannot be revived.
Weakness. The hero must separate Reason FEAT made This is the final Power that
make a Power FEAT whose at the time the Weakness is Judges should probably restrict
Intensity is determined by the created. A green FEAT gives a to NPCs or high level
duration of 10 turns times the characters.

Self Alteration Powers

•S1/Ability Enhancement: being controlled by an outside extended time, such as what
Once per day the hero may force. happened to Bruce Banner and
temporarily boost his Strength the Hulk. The primary drawback
and Endurance Abilities •S3/Alter Ego: The hero has to this Power is the uncontrolled
by +2CS for up to 5 rounds. two different forms. One is a reversion to the normal self,
normal, powerless being; the especially when it occurs during
•S2/Age-Shifting: The hero other is the powerful, heroic dire circumstances. For
can alter his apparent age at self. When creating the hero, example, Mightiman is rescuing
will, His body and physiology the player has to create two a sub from the ocean floor
change to simulate any age, different beings. The statistics when he reverts to his other
younger or older. Mental for the primary self should be self, little Eddy Edwards. ("Can
facilities remain unaffected (in fairly routine (all physical you say 'fish food?' Sure you
other words, you really can abilities ranging from Feeble to can.") Variations include
have a 10-year old mind in a Good). All bets are off for the automatic or voluntary
30-year-old body). When heroic self. Something many transformation, duration, and
creating the hero, the player people never consider is that shared minds versus semi-
can opt to link the hero's other the heroic self might be a independent mentalities.
physical Powers to a different relatively normal human, while
physical age. For instance, the normal self is something a •S4/Anatomical Separation:
Jon's hero can be a 10-year old little lower on the evolutionary This is the most grotesque
boy who has the ability to ladder. For example, you might Power available but it has its
become a 25-year-old with the try a character whose normal advantages nevertheless. With
Powers of. Flight, self is a mutant dog (why this Power the hero can
Shadowcasting, and Telepathy. should humans have all the spontaneously and harmlessly
Rank determines the apparent deviant fun?). The two selves separate his body into
number of years the hero can never co-exist except under independently functioning
Age-Shift. Normally, a character extraordinary circumstances. segments. Physiological
cannot voluntarily Age-Shift to Possible causes of functions like blood flow and
an age younger than a simultaneous existence include neural activity continue in
newborn, since this is definitely time warps, cloning, and Life- the same manner as if the body
suicidal. This barrier can be form Creation. The two selves were whole. Detached parts
passed of the hero's Power is may even be separated for an cannot regenerate if the body is

destroyed unless the hero has a X 12 50 1 day and any Power affecting
regenerative Power. If any Y 14 100 2 days Powers (+2CS for the attacker).
detached part JS: damaged or Z 16 400 2 days
destroyed, the hero suffers the Cl1000 32 500 10 days •S5/Animal Transformation-
normal damage; his body Cl3000 50 1000 20 days Self: The hero can alter his
also reassembles immediately, Cl5000 100 2000 40 days appearance, form, and
if possible. The practical basis dimensions to appear as any
for this is the power of If a single detached segment is desired animal form. This
Gateway/Space warp prevented from returning to the Power can also be used to
targeted on the hero's own body at the end of the duration, assume alien appearances (but
body. In "game reality" the hero the rest of the hero's body is not humanoid aliens). The only
forms two parallel Space warps instantly drawn to the missing limitation is that the hero's basic
at the desired point of piece. Any intervening barrier is physiology remains unchanged.
detachment, then shifts the destroyed, doing damage to
location of the outer warp. The the hero appropriate to the •S6/Animal Mimicry: This is a
perceived result is that part of barrier. If there are two or more form of Power Duplication. The
the hero's body detaches and missing parts, the rest of the hero can duplicate the natural
flies off on its own. Normally, hero's body is instantly drawn to abilities of any animal. The
the majority of the hero's body a point midway between them. hero's body does not
acts as an anchor and cannot From there he can move freely significantly change; instead,
be moved by shifting the Space in order to recover himself. He existing flesh changes the way
warps. The hero can develop loses 1 point of Health for each it functions. For instance,
Power stunts with which he can 10 turns he remains apart. perhaps the lungs can now
transport himself. (Example: the Upon reattaching the next-to- breathe water. The rank
hero sends out a hand to grab last part, he is instantly drawn determines a successful
onto a distant object and then to the last part. Separating the duplication. Normal animals
pulls himself to it.) Detached legs from the torso does not take a Typical Intensity FEAT,
segments can travel at Power cause the hero to fall. Rather, aliens a Good Intensity FEAT,
rank speed for Land/Water the torso can move freely about and magical creatures need an
movement; involuntary on its own, at normal Unearthly Intensity FEAT.
reattachment due to injury is movements rates for Should the hero wish to
instantaneous. The maximum Land/Water. Despite a player's duplicate an imaginary animal
range and duration of misgivings, this Power lends or being, he must make a Class
detachment are also based on itself to several useful Power 1000 Intensity FEAT. Duration
the Power rank. Each additional stunts. A self-propelled sword ranges from one minute to
detachment decreases the arm is handy in a fight. A hero indefinite.
range and duration by -1CS, for facing a toxic cloud could leave
a cumulative effect. his nose behind. The Power •S7/Attribute Change: The
provides +1CS protection hero has the ability to change to
Rank Move Range Duration against edged weapon attacks; temporarily increase the rank of
FE 1 2 1 minute a blade cannot sever something a specific ability or power by the
PR 2 4 2 minutes already detached. It is also rule power's rank. He can
TY 3 6 4 minutes a great Power for a macabre automatically retain the
GD 4 8 8 minutes sense of humor. Due to the increased power's rank for 1-10
EX 5 10 15 minutes nature of this Power, the hero game turns, but he must make
RM 6 15 30 minutes has a special vulnerability to a Psyche FEAT roll each turn
IN 7 20 1 hour attacks that disrupt his own beyond that to retain the
AM 8 25 2 hours Space warp. These include enhancement. For Example,
MN 9 30 4 hours Gateway, Dimension Travel, Cosmic Dasher possesses
UN 10 40 8 hours any of the Teleportation forms, Incredible Attribute Change, he

uses it to increase his normally of a Green FEAT roll. The Typical, that CS is carried over
Amazing Hyper Speed with an player can increase the size of into the new situation. In the
additional burst of energy a ally's Karma with a Yellow above example, if the hero
obtaining Unearthly rank Hyper FEAT roll. A Red FEAT roll can possessed Remarkable
Speed. increase or decrease an Strength on Earth, he
opponent's Karma. Such possesses Shift Y Strength on
•S8/Attribute Pool: The hero changes occur in the same the heavy world. The hero can
is able to directly combine his round the power is used and completely adapt in one to ten
power's or abilities' ranks with last for 1-10 turns, after that, the turns, depending on the degree
those of other heroes. The hero must make a Psyche of difference between the new
combined energy can then be FEAT roll to maintain the effect. and home environments
channeled into a specific power (Judge's discretion). The
or attribute shared by the •S11/Blending: The hero has adaptation may provide the
affected characters and then the ability to match his color hero with new ways to move.
used to perform a specific exactly to his surroundings. On a water world, the hero
action. A Green FEAT is This Power functions as a might sprout fins. There is only
needed to perform this action. practical invisibility. The body's one adaptation for each type of
In game terms, the players add outline and contours are still environment, and it is triggered
their ranks of the chosen detectable if the observer is automatically by the hero's
abilities; the sum is then very careful. The Power is most entrance into the new
temporarily assigned as a new effective if the hero is in low environment. The Power
rank for each member of the light or at a distance from the cannot provide the hero with
group. For example, Cyber1, viewer. Variables include speed protection against hazards that
Cyber2, and Cyber3 pool their and complexity of color change, suddenly occur; a prime
Excellent, Remarkable and and whether the Power is example is the hero failing from
Amazing Strengths together automatic or voluntary. a great height. This is a
they each then achieve an hazardous situation, but not a
effective rank of Unearthly. •S12/Body Adaptation**: This hazardous environment. When
is related to Life Support. The adaptation occurs, the hero
•S9/Attribute Rearrangement: hero's body automatically gains the subconscious
The hero can reassign the basic adapts its physiology to enable knowledge of how to use the
value of his various abilities to it to survive in hostile new adaptations for survival.
enhance other abilities. In environments. Unlike many of If not, we waste game time
effect, the hero has the ability to the other Powers that also while the hero learns to
rewrite his powers and abilities permit this, Body Adaptation breathe. At Shift X, the hero can
at will. The rules power's rank physically changes the hero's consciously control the manner
is used to make this FEAT roll, body. This Power involves of adaptation.
the effect initially lasts for 1-10 automatically functioning
game turns. Beyond that the versions of Body •S13/Body Transformation-
hero must make a successful Transformation and Shape Self**: The hero can alter the
Psyche check to maintain the shifting. The Power changes nature of elements and
rearrangement. the hero into a form that has compounds within his own
primary abilities proportional to body. Innate safeguards in this
•S10/Award Change: The the new environment. Example: Power maintain the hero's life
player can temporarily increase An Adapting hero in a heavy- force in any altered state.
the size of the Karma game gravity world might now Altered states may not
award previous given his or possess Monstrous Strength, necessarily be mobile, or may
another character. The player but so do all the natives. Note: move in new ways. (At FE and
can increase his hero's karma If the hero possesses a PR ranks, the hero is immobile.)
by this power's rank by means Strength rank greater than Note: The safeguards that

protect the hero might be substance. When creating the offers substantial benefits to the
disrupted or not included if hero, the player must determine hero. While he is inflated, the
another hero tries to duplicate the nature of the Body Coating bouncer can travel at power
this Power. In such cases, use material. Common examples rank speed. His Fighting rank is
of this Power may be instantly include ice, iron, steel, copper, increased by this power’s rank
fatal! While in an altered state, rock, wood, and insulation. number. He has +3CS
the hero has a special Each material has its own resistance to blunt physical
vulnerability to attacks characteristics. If the player attacks. On the down side, he
menacing that form. If the rolls this Power more than once also has a -2CS resistance to
Absorbing Man transformed when creating the hero, the slashing attacks. In a given
himself into paper while fighting player may opt for a variety of situation, the bouncer can
the Human Torch… While in coatings or increase the rank of maintain this power for the
a solid altered state, the hero -the first coating by +1CS, number of turns up to his power
retains his overall normal cumulative. When coated, rank number before he has to
appearance. If liquid or the hero is vulnerable to attacks deflate and rest. After 10 turns,
gaseous, he can assume any against that specific material, he can then reflate himself.
shape and still reform into his like flame against wood,
original appearance at the electricity against metal, -or •S16/Chemical Mimicry: This
cessation of the Power. sudden thermal change against is related to both Body
Normally, the hero must rock. Variables include the Transformation-Self and
transform his entire body into material strength of the coating, to Power Duplication. The hero
the desired material. He can its normal duration, the speed can duplicate the chemical
transform himself into multiple of creation, the rate of properties of any element or
materials or transform specific replenishment, and the effects compound without his own body
parts of himself at a cost of on the body. The Body Coating actually changing in
-1CS. Power gives the hero an added composition. The hero's flesh
vulnerability to relevant Matter simply acts as if it were the
•S14/Body Coating: The hero Control Powers. When the desired substance. Obviously
can surround himself with a coating has reached its duration the hero retains his solidity,
flexible layer of a protective limit or is no longer needed, it even when duplicating the
substance not normally found simply flakes off the heroe's properties of a liquid or gas.
on his body. The body coat body and quickly disperses as Depending on the desired
provides protection and allows dust or vapor. If an opponent effect, the range of his chemical
the hero's Power(s) to manifest has the ability to negate the power varies from contact to
(i.e., if the body coat is not coating's flexibility (through one area. Tracking the hero by
present, the hero cannot use Matter Control, Power Control, smell is difficult because his
his other Powers). Damage or Magic), the hero is paralyzed scent changes with each
to the body coating is not until he can remove the coating mimicry (-4CS to tracking
carried over to the hero's own or until it reaches its duration. ability).
Health; no points are lost even
when the coating is completely •S15/Bouncing Ball: This is a •S17/Collective Mass: Tom
destroyed. Any damage to specialized form of Shape- Lamphier looked at the Marvel
the coating can be quickly shifting. The hero can transform Super Villain Swarm and came
repaired by the hero's body his body into a resilient sphere, up with this variation of the
secreting more of the coating apparently transforming his Physical Gestalt body type. The
material. The degree of body into a balloon-like body of the character is a
protection and the speed of caricature of himself. Heroes collection of individual bodies
repair to the coating are with this power are rarely taken held tightly together and
determined by the Power rank. seriously, but—despite the functioning as a single unit.
The coating can be of any one image problem—this power Unlike Physical Gestalt, the

individuals retain their distinct unless something prevents this, needed if the Collective Mass is
physical forms (though like teleport half the body into a to impersonate a normal
admittedly it may be hard to parallel dimension. The human.
actually spot any given Collective Mass can be any
individual if they are tiny). One size, depending on the size and •S18/Contortionist: The hero
helpful side effect of this power number of the individuals is double jointed and can fit his
is that the individual bodies do entities that compose it. Most body through any aperture that
not physically suffer while they Collective Masses in Marvel is at least 1 foot wide. This
are joined together; breathing is Universe campaigns are power rank can also be used
assumed to occur without human-size and composed of instead of the Strength Ability
difficulty. However, the smaller creatures generally less for escape attempts.
Collective Mass will probably than 3" long (between the size
have to break apart in order to of a mouse and a dragonfly). If •S19/Density Manipulation
allow the individual units to eat. the judge allows, a Collective Self: The hero with this Power
Primary and secondary abilities Mass may be a giant composed can alter his mass at will.
are rolled on Column 1 of the of human size entities. In Density may range from Shift 0
Rank Table on page 11 of the special cases, the Collective (almost intangible) to the Power
UPB. Because of its peculiar Mass may even be a titan rank of the Ability. The hero
dual nature, a Collective Mass composed of relatively large who has altered mass weighs
has two sets of primary abilities. beings. the number of as much as a character with
The first set represents the individuals composing the that strength could lift. (A hero
average abilities possessed by Collective Mass is less than the with Feeble Density would
the individual component rank number of the Collective weigh 50 Lbs, while one with
entities; the second set is Mass's Reason, multiplied by Shift 0 would be effectively
that of the Collective Mass. The 100. The individual entities can weightless). An individual gains
majority of powers can only be be of any nature, whether Body Armor equal to his current
manifested by the Collective animal, plant, or machine; the Power rank. In addition, the
Mass. Individual entities can at individual components may be character may inflict charging
best exhibit Feeble-rank sentient or not. If the Collective damage using the Power rank
versions of the available Mass is composed of relatively instead of the Strength ability,
powers; otherwise, why bother ordinary creatures (as opposed and may affect materials of
to be a Collective Mass in the to something strange, like a lesser material strength than
first place? The Collective colony of snakes mutated by a the current Power rank. in the
Mass's abilities may be affected nuclear test at Los Alamo), the Shift 0 state the hero may not
by the loss or addition of more Collective Mass has the option initially pass through solid items
individual entities to its form. A of absorbing more of these (Phasing), but is immune
Collective Mass gains +2CS component creatures into itself. to physical attacks (though not
Resistance to physical or A Red Psyche FEAT allows this energy or force attacks). A high
directed energy attacks (lasers, to occur. In such a case, the density may slow the character
for example). Its unique addition may have the effect of down. If the density of the
physical structure allows it increasing the Collective character is higher than the
to simply create holes in its Mass's primary abilities. In an individual's Endurance, both
body to avoid making contact Earth based Marvel Universe Fighting and Agility suffer a
with the attacking force. campaign, the Collective Mass -1CS penalty. One Power Stunt
However, such beings have a has the ability to transform itself developed by density
peculiar weakness: A into a human likeness by manipulators is to solidify
successful Grappling attack making a Psyche FEAT. inside a target. Those heroes
breaks the body into two However, the visual appearance with Density Manipulation may
masses! The body can of the individual bodies does not do so initially, but may
automatically rejoin in 1-4 turns not change; a disguise is develop the ability as time goes

by. Solidifying inside a non- primarily used by heroes like is a relatively unlimited supply
living object will result in Mr. Fantastic to extend their of that particular energy type.
possible damage to the object. reach or stride. Other heroes The hero can expend great
Treat the character's Power might also use the power to amounts of it and still be able to
rank as Strength to determine elongate body parts like the return to normal. Completely
the FEAT needed (if any) nose, ears, or eyes. This useful, depleting the Energy Body
against the material strength. albeit grotesque, tactic enables requires a red FEAT rolled by
Disrupting the material will the hero to use his nose as a the Judge or an adversary. The
result in damage to the hero snorkel, his eyes as periscopes, hero can also ab s orb existing
equal to the material strength of and to eavesdrop on a room energy of his chosen type to
the target. This Power Stunt several floors away by sending replenish himself. This Power
may also be applied against his ear through the ceiling vent. includes the relevant form of
living targets. In this case, make The optional power is Plasticity. Energy Control and Emission
a FEAT against the Endurance for the purpose of controlling
of the target. If the target makes •S21/Energy Body**: The hero the energy within the body.
a successful FEAT, no damage can transform his body into a
is inflicted. If the target fails, the coherent energy field that •S22/Energy Sheath: The hero
target takes damage equal to supports his life force and is can surround himself with an
the Power rank and must make capable of controlled actions. energy field. This field provides
a second Endurance FEAT to The energy can be of any type protection, life support, and a
avoid losing consciousness. (see the Energy Emission means of manifesting the hero's
listings). When creating the other Powers. The energy field
•S20/Elongation: This is a character, the player can be of any type (see the
specialized form of Shape determines the nature of the Energy Emission section for
shifting. The hero can energy into which the hero can available types). Each energy
temporarily increase the length turn. The rank determines the field has its own characteristics
of any part or his body without number of possible energy that affect the ways the hero
losing leverage or strength. The types. The rank for each energy can use the Power. Only one
hero can elongate any single type is originally Good; this is Energy Sheath can be used at
part a maximum number of modified by the Ability Modifier a time. The hero may possess
yards equal to his power Table found on page 6 of the several possible Energy
rank number. If two or more Player's Book. Each Power is Sheathes. The original rank
parts are elongated, this limit is rolled separately. Thus, a hero for each is Good; this can be
the total combined length for all might have a Poor sound-form modified by the Ability Modifier
parts concerned. The hand and an Incredible radiation- Table on page 6 in the Player's
counts as part of the arm unless form. Damage to the Energy Book. Each Power is rolled
the hero is specifically Body is the same as damage to separately. Thus a hero might
elongating his fingers; in this the normal body. The Energy possess a Poor Sonic Sheath
case, the maximum is divided Body is subject to anything that and an Incredible Vibration
by the number of fingers would affect energy of its type. Sheath. Damage to the Sheath
elongated. For example, Mr. The hero makes a standard does not affect the hero's
Fantastic is usually shown Resistance roll to determine Health. If the Sheath is
elongating an arm with a normal such effects on the Energy destroyed, the hero. must make
hand at the end of it; this gives Body. The hero may find a red FEAT to regain it.
him a greater reach than if he himself confined in a storage Possible ways of destroying a
elongated his hand instead. field while in energy-form. If Sheath include Energy Control
The hero can maintain any so, he must make a red FEAT and Conversion, Power Control,
single act of Elongation for a to attempt to revert to normal. If and Magic. When the hero is
number of turns up to his power he fails, he must escape in his using this Power, he has a
rank number. This power is energy form. The Energy Body special vulnerability to Energy

Control and Conversion Powers are raised a corresponding atoms and incorporate them
that can affect his type of number of ranks. Divide the into his atomic structure. As the
Energy Sheath (-2CS). ranks as evenly as possible. hero gains new matter, his size
However, he also has +2CS Each stage also has intrinsic and mass increase as well. As
Resistance to attacks using the advantages. The caveman the hero grows, his strength
same energy form as his possesses Typical Tracking, increases +1CS for each +2CS
Sheath. For the duration of the while the giant brain possesses of growth. The hero’s Primary
Sheath, it is assumed to be Typical Telekinesis and True and Secondary abilities are
made of an infinite supply of Flight. unaffected. However, Health
that energy. (Otherwise, the seems to increase because
character bookkeeping would •S24/Growth: This is a self- physical attacks do less relative
be a nightmare. "Let's see, if I directed form of Enlargement. damage. Bullets, for example,
throw a fireball, that's gonna The hero can temporarily would be nothing more than
cost five minutes of power…") increase his physical size grains of high-velocity sand to a
When creating the hero, at will. As he grows, the hero giant hero. Note that when the
the player can opt to replace becomes an easier target. The hero returns to his original size,
one of the other Powers with a bonuses to be hit, given in wounds decrease in size
Transportation Power. The Table 3, are not cumulative. —but embedded bullets and
player can also replace other There are three ways the power other objects do not!
Powers with the appropriate can be attained: Atomic Atomic Growth: enables the
Energy Emission and Control Dispersal, Atomic Gain, and hero to increase the size of his
Powers, if he so chooses. Atomic Growth. The player own atoms, thus increasing his
randomly determines the overall size and mass. The
•S23/Evolution: The hero can method when he creates the hero’s strength increases only
alter his mind and body to character or when the character enough to enable him to move
simulate any stage of the first gains this power, using the his own body; lifting strength
evolutionary path of his species. sub table below. does not increase. This form of
Note: This is "comic book" Growth has a dangerous side
evolution, folks, the kind where Die Roll Form effect. As the hero’s atoms
super strong cavemen 01-25 Atomic Dispersal grow, they are unable to interact
eventually evolve into giant 26-75 Atomic Gain with normal atoms. The hero
brains with vestigial limbs. If the 76-00 Atomic Growth is unable to breathe, drink, or
hero possesses other Powers, eat normal matter. Fortunately,
the player may divide them Atomic Dispersal: the hero there is a 95% chance
among different evolutionary increases the distance between (determined at the time
stages. For example, the his own atoms, thus increasing the hero is created) that the
caveman gets the physical his overall size. His mass power envelops the hero’s body
Powers while the giant brain remains the same no matter in a field that temporarily
gets the mental ones. Rank how large he becomes. The increases the size of
determines the duration of hero also becomes increasingly consumed matter. Note that this
the assumed stages. For the fragile; his body’s material is the only form of growth that
caveman, drop the Reason, strength decreases -1CS with will enable the hero to travel
Intuition, and Psyche, but raise each doubling in size. At Shift X into macro verses or,
the Fighting, Agility, Strength, rank, the body becomes less if the hero is originally from a
and Endurance. For the giant dense than air. At CL1000 rank, micro-verse, enable the hero to
brain, reverse the process and the hero becomes intangible reach our own universe. The
raise the Reason, Intuition, and and can Phase through normal nemesis is Diminution; the
Psyche. In both cases, the matter. specific nemesis for each form
decreased abilities drop to Atomic Gain: enables the hero are, in order: Atomic Collapse,
Feeble, while the other abilities to somehow create or gain new Atomic Reduction, and Atomic

Shrinkage (see Shrinking). The hero to imitate Powers, Talents, can be mechanically detected
following details to hit bonuses or mannerisms. and recorded (this is where this
against Growth-using Power gets weird); a video
characters: •S27/Invisibility: With this monitor or alarm that reveals
Power a hero can render the hero's presence will be
Rank Height Plus to be Hit himself undetectable by ignored by anyone within range
FE 8 feet +1CS normal, consciously willed sight. of the hero's Power.
PR 10 feet +1CS There are four very different Photographic film records the
TY 12 feet +1CS means of accomplishing this hero, but anyone looking at it
GD 14 feet +1CS effect. Each form has unique while within range of the hero's
EX 16 feet +1CS characteristics regarding Power will ignore the hero's
RM 18 feet +2CS such factors as the area made image. Anyone outside this
IN 20 feet +2CS invisible, protection against light range can see the hero quite
AM 22 feet +2CS based attacks, mechanical clearly, and will be very
MN 25 feet +3CS detection, and detection by confused about the lack of
UN 30 feet +3CS other means. reaction by those around the
Shift X 40 feet +3CS Physics: This is the form hero. He can extend this
Shift Y 50 feet +3CS possessed by Sue Richards. invisibility to anyone in physical
Shift Z 100 feet +3CS The hero's body is totally contact with him. If the hero
transparent to the visible light loses touch (literally) with
•S25/Imitation-Face Changer: spectrum. He cannot be someone whom he was
The hero can change his mechanically detected or protecting in this way, that
superficial appearance recorded (i.e. by photography or person is immediately
but cannot alter his basic form television) and is immune to susceptible to the Power's
or dimensions. The hero has attacks using visible light effect and forgets that the
conscious control over the (lasers, mostly). At Good rank hero was ever there. Robots
movement and placement of and higher, the invisibility range and cybernetic beings are
muscles, cartilage, and minor can be extended to cover other unaffected by this Power, but
bones (nose, fingers, cheeks) sections of the energy spectrum they can be protected
and can alter the color and (infrared and ultraviolet light, by it. The Power does not affect
appearance of his skin and hair. radio waves, hard radiation); any light-based attack but does
The hero can use this Power to this also bestows immunity provide protection against
assume any human to attacks using these forms. At psionic attacks (-2CS for the
appearance, provided the these levels the hero can also attacker).
desired shape roughly matches extend the area of invisibility Hallucinatory: The hero is
his own. Examples: A child beyond his body. This permits actually visible but is
could imitate other children, the hero to protect others surrounded by a telepathic field
midgets, and dwarves. A thin and, more importantly, to wear that makes others see an empty
man could not imitate Sydney clothing. (H.G. Wells' Invisible spot where the hero is. The
Greenstreet. Man was unable to even Hallucination can incorporate
conceal undigested food within the hero's surroundings and
•S26/Imitation-Human his body.) affect real time viewers at a
Changeling: The hero can alter Telepathic: The hero is actually great distance. In other words,
his appearance, form, and visible but is ignored and the hero can disguise the
dimensions to appear in any immediately forgotten by beings area around himself and this
desired human or humanoid who would otherwise be disguise will fool anyone looking
shape. The hero may either capable of detecting his at the area, even if they are
imitate a known being or presence. He is also immune to miles away. However, this
assume a created appearance. detection by other senses. ("Did Power doesn't fool film or
This Power does not allow the you hear anything? Nah.") He videotape; these record the

scene as it really is. attack the hero makes (all other is Gravity Manipulation.
Hallucination also prevents forms). A Invisible hero may find
detection by other senses. The himself surrounded by a coating •S28/Mass Increase: The hero
hero can be mechanically material (rain, dust, and paint can increase his body’s mass.
detected and recorded; as with for example). This only effects His weight is multiplied by the
the Telepathic form, anyone the Physics-based Invisibility. At power rank number. For
within, range o f the effect Feeble, Poor, and Typical ranks example, a 98-pound weakling
ignores the hero. Robots and the hero is visible for the with Remarkable rank can
cybernetic beings can also duration of the coating. At Good increase his mass to 2,940
detect him. This Power provides or higher ranks, such coatings pounds (30 x 98). Fortunately, a
no protection against light- remain visible for the number of side effect of this power
based attacks, but does provide turns equal to eight minus the increases the hero’s basic
protection against psionic number of Power rank levels. strength. No matter how much
attacks (-2CS for the attacker). (Example: Invisible Woman is the hero weighs, he can still
Holographic: The hero is struck by a balloon filled with move as if he were his normal
actually visible but has paint. Her Power is Excellent weight. Lifting strength remains
surrounded himself with a and renders the paint invisible the same. Of course, as the
holographic image of empty in three turns.) There is a base hero weighs more, he has a
space. The holograph can 2% chance that the Invisibility is greater effect on the
incorporate a wide area and permanent (4% if the hero is environment. At 2,940 pounds,
affects anyone within line of alien). Such a state can our hero can fall through
sight (if someone can see only be negated by nullifying previously sound flooring or
across interstellar space, the the Power itself, permanently. collapse the shocks on his 1973
holograph fools you). The Previously controllable VW Beetle. Physical force has a
holograph can be mechanically Invisibility can be made decreased effect on the hero
detected and recorded as if it permanent through brain because of his greater mass. In
were real. It will not prevent damage or Powers that affect game terms, the power gives
detection by other senses. the hero's control. the hero power rank resistance
Robots and cybernetic life to physical attacks. The hero
accept the holograph as real. It •S27/Mass Decrease: The can also use the power rank
provides protection against hero can diminish his body’s instead of his strength to inflict
light-based attacks equal to his mass. His weight decreases to charging damage. Formerly
Power rank -2CS. (Example: a percentage equal to his power weak characters can embarrass
the Incredible rank provides rank number. For example, the their adversaries with this new-
Excellent Resistance.) The Vision’s Unearthly rank in this found might. For example, the
duration of any form of power decreases his weight by macho super criminal Man
Invisibility is a function of the 100%, making him completely brute may flee into obscurity
Power rank. This Power can be weightless. At Shift X and when Wimp-man simply sits
reduced in effectiveness or higher, the hero attains on him with all 2,940 pounds,
even terminated by certain acts, buoyancy and can lift additional then delivers a stinging lecture
performed either by the hero or weight. The added weight is a on the benefits of niceness
someone under the Power's percentage of his normal body while the camera crews have a
effect. Simple physical contact weight; for example, a 160 lb. field day.
can alert others to the hero's Man with Shift Z rank in this •Material & Energy Duplication**:
presence (Physics, power can carry an additional The hero can take on the
Hallucinatory, Holographic). 800 pounds (500% of 160 lbs.). properties of any material he
Physical attacks by the hero When the hero is created, the touches giving him Strength,
terminate the Invisibility player can increase the power’s Endurance and Body Armor
(Telepathic) or reduce it's rank +1CS by making its effect of Rank equal to the material
protection by -1CS for each permanent. The optional power strength of the object touched

up to his Power Rank score. His some way around this problem, this Power, he has to create
health is increased if his the duration is unlimited. Note three different characters. The
abilities increase but does not that if the power is somehow Gestalt hero may physically
decrease if he absorbs “turned on” permanently, as resemble a blending of
properties form an object with a happened to Kitty Pryde, the features from each of the
material strength lower than his power gains the ability to merged characters, or have a
normal abilities. The hero may transform air into phased completely different
remain in a transformation for particles that the hero can appearance. In any case, the
as long as he wishes. If the breathe. In the Marvel Universe, Gestalt hero will have a normal
object touched holds some form Phasing has a damaging effect appearance. No two-headed,
of energy, such as a battery or on delicate electronic devices. split 90 torso freak results,
blast furnace, then he absorbs By Phasing through such unless this Power is distorted in
the energy properties as well. devices, the hero can disrupt some way. Interference by such
The hero is not harmed by this normal activity and scramble Powers as Magic or Power
energy and retain it for up to 10 any on-line programming. If, Control may result in the
rounds after the initial during the character creation Gestalt hero forming as a freak.
transformation. The hero may process, the player decides to The hero can still revert to his
also absorb shapes and sizes forego this side effect, he can normal selves, though, no
form objects, touching a raise his hero’s power rank matter how weird he gets (the
hammer would give him +1CS. For modesty’s sake, it is Judge may want to require
hammer like fists. The hero can assumed that the power also an Unearthly FEAT, though, at
also absorb super powers form transforms the hero’s clothing his discretion). Both or all
individuals in the same way that and carried possessions into normal selves are required to
he absorbs qualities from phased matter. The power’s form the Gestalt. If one
objects. However, the hero side effect automatically is unavailable, the Power
does not absorb the ability to scrambles any electronics the cannot function. Damage to a
control those powers and so hero is carrying (Kitty Pryde normal self is carried over to the
cannot perform most power wears a wind-up watch, never a Gestalt self; for example, if one
stunts. It should be clear that digital one). If the player wants person has a massive head
this power copies abilities and to risk his hero’s modesty for cold, so will the Gestalt.
powers it does not steal them. the sake of a more realistic However, the Gestalt hero's
game, the player can assume superior recuperative faculties
•S29/Phasing: The hero can either that the power only can quickly repair any such
render his body intangible to transforms whatever the hero illness. The normal and Gestalt
normal matter. This enables him was wearing when he first got selves never co-exist except
to pass harmlessly through any this power (severely limiting the under extraordinary
object. The hero’s power rank hero’s wardrobe) or that there is circumstances (see Alter Ego).
must exceed the barrier’s a base 70% chance that the The Gestalt mind may be a
material strength in order for power automatically transforms schizoid combination of each of
Phasing to occur. The hero can whatever the hero is wearing at the normal minds, or be a
Phase through Force Fields, the time. In either case, this completely independent mind.
Body Armors, Resistances, and must be determined when the In the latter case, the Gestalt
Invulnerability of lower ranks by hero is first created. may have full, partial, or no
making a green FEAT. Because knowledge of his component
the hero is out of phase with •S30/Physical Gestalt: This is selves. Likewise, the normal
normal matter, he cannot a variation of Alter Ego. Two or selves may not have any idea
breathe. Thus, the practical more relatively normal people of what their Gestalt self is up
duration limit on this power is actually merge their bodies to to' Variables include whether
the length of time the hero can form a single, powerful being, the merger is voluntary or
hold his breath. If the hero has the hero. When a player rolls automatic, the duration, and the

maximum difference between •S32/Plasticity: The hero can limited to the Power rank
normal selves when attempting change his body’s topology; of the Power Absorption (got
to merge. Normal distance is that is, he can twist, bend, pull, that?). If a Power or ability is of
contact, but at high levels stretch or otherwise distort his a higher rank (a character with
merges can occur across some body’s shape into any form. The Good Power rank tries to grab
distance; in these cases, the only limitation is that the hero Thor's Unearthly Strength). then
normal teleport to a common cannot normally create new the hero making the attempt
location (or perhaps one may holes in his body. For example, must make a successful Psyche
teleport to the other ones Mr. Fantastic can form himself FEAT or be knocked out by
location). Duration is into a parachute but not a sieve. the backlash for 1-10 rounds.
determined by the Psyche of If the hero wants to assume a And would only gain Good
the Gestalt. Time varies from shape that requires holes, he Strength in the process. A
one minute to indefinite, with a must make a red FEAT. For character starting with this
median of 1048 hours. example, a higher-ranked hero Power may only acquire one
could regularly transform Power or ability, stated before
•S31/Plant Mimicry: This is a himself into nets and ladders. the attack is made. If a
form of Power duplication. The The hero’s malleable flesh limitation on the Power
hero can duplicate the natural gives him power rank absorption is taken. a second
abilities of any plant. The body resistance to blunt Physical Power may be drained. Further
does not significantly change, attacks. The hero is able to Powers and abilities may be
aside from the instantaneous survive without harm a fall added as Power Stunts.
appearance of chlorophyll in the from the number of floors equal (Draining three powers or
hero's skin whenever he uses to his power rank number by abilities at a time would have to
this Power. Some plant turning into a bouncing shape be gained permanently before
"powers" include: before he hits the ground. The four Powers may be drained.)
• Photosynthesis: The hero can hero gains the bonus power of While the Power-absorbing
survive without eating by Elongation. Bouncing Ball is hero has the Power or ability of
converting sunlight to food. an optional power or may be another, the character
• Fragrance: The hero can simulated by a power Stunt. from whom he took it cannot
summon and control insects. use it (if the character it was
• Rooting: The hero can •S33/Power Absorption: This stolen from had a higher rank
become immovable. is not the absorption of energy. than the Power rank of the
•Poison Touch: but the acquiring of other Power thief, that ability is
The hero can have adverse individuals' super-human reduced by that amount).
effects on anyone touching him, Powers and abilities. Only those Characters with basic abilities
from rashes to death. The hero naturally occurring powers and reduced to below Feeble are
must state what plant power he abilities may be absorbed, unconscious for 1-10 rounds.
is attempting. Players should though Robot PCs with this There are a number of
also study up on their botany, Power may duplicate items of Limitations that may be
since the more plants they technology as well. The assumed with this Power.
know about, the more powers character must touch the target including:
they can have. Successful in order to gain those abilities, • Only functions on Powers
duplication is determined and the target may make a • Only functions on Talents
by a Power rank FEAT; normal Psyche or Endurance FEAT to • Only functions on Abilities
plants require green FEATs, avoid the effect. The type of • Takes memories as well, but if
alien plants require yellow FEAT is determined by the target's Psyche is higher than
FEATs, and magical plants player when the character is the hero's, the hero must make
require red FEATs. Duration created (that is, not on a case a Psyche FEAT to determine
ranges from one minute to by case basis). The maximum who controls the hero's mind.
indefinite. of any ability so acquired is • Transfer may be permanent.

Permanent transfer results in attacks. The maximum number the hair is, when not in active
Karma reduced to 0, and effects of simultaneous actions and the use it contracts and
of memories as noted in the Strength and Agility with which does not extend past the
above example, regardless of they can be accomplished are heroine's knees. If the heroine's
level of the target's Psyche (this functions of the Power rank. Power is nullified somehow, she
occurred to Rogue, with the retains her hair but can no
result that in periods of stress, Rank Action Str/Agi longer feel or control it. The hair
Carol Danvers' personality FE 1 -2CS immediately cascades to the
comes to the fore). PR 1 -1CS floor (and beyond) and reduces
TY 1 None her Agility and movement rate
•S34/Power Boost: The hero GD 2 None (excluding Flight) by -4CS.
who has this power gets a EX 2 +1CS
+1CS to FASE abilities anytime RM 3 +1CS •S36/Raise Lowest Ability:
a particular stimulus is available IN 3 +2CS Not really a Power by any
to activate the power. For AM 4 +2CS means, but a method of
example, the hero Moon Knight MN 5 +3CS immediate self-improvement for
receives a bonus whenever the UN 6 +3CS a character that may be
moon is full. The hero should X 8 +4CS suffering from terminally low
design an appropriate stimulus Y 10 +4CS stats in a critical area (say, a
for his version of the power. A Z 12 +5CS Feeble Strength in a character
wise judge will make sure to Cl1000 20 +5CS with Body Armor, who carries a
veto any stimulus that is to Cl3000 30 +6CS mystic sword). Only one of the
easily obtained to make the Cl5000 40 +7CS seven abilities may be modified
power available constantly. in this fashion, and then only
Prehensile Hair possesses a the lowest one (if two are
•S35/Prehensile Hair: This is a sense of touch identical to that lowest, the hero gets to choose
Power that few masculine of the heroine's hands. Damage which one is modified). The
heroes would admit to having, to the hair is felt. If you yanked ability is raised 20 points. The
even if they possessed it. The out a lock of Medusa's hair, hero may then choose his next
Power gives the hero's hair the she'd feel the same pain you'd Power from the complete list.
capability of independent, feel if she broke your finger
controlled movement, as (and you'd deserve it). Loss of •S37/Self-Duplication**: The
if each strand were a tiny more than half the hair causes hero can spontaneously
tentacle, It is also a Power that pain and damage equal to that generate exact copies
apparently only women caused by a limb lost by the of himself. The new bodies are
possess. The basis for this same means; the heroine loses usually semi-independent; each
may be cultural rather than one-third of her Health (rounded possessing an independent
genetic (in the entire history of down). The motivating Power mind but all are linked
comic books, only three people for the hair is Telekinetic rather telepathically so all Duplicates
had this Power—all women). than muscular. The individual are aware of each others
Using her Prehensile Hair, strands are identical to normal actions. Each Duplicate
the heroine can perform a healthy hair. The coloration is possesses the same Powers as
variety of tasks with the hairs often a brilliant red or golden the original, except for possible
combining to form one or more blonde, but can be any color lacking this Power (that is, no
appendages. She can handle the player desires. The hair's Duplicate could generate more
objects, pick locks, ensnare a length exceeds the normal Duplicates). If a Duplicate is
target, and even deliver a limits; strands can reach a killed, the hero doesn't lose any
powerful blow with a silken fist. maximum length of 20 feet Health, though he might lose
In a blunt combat the hair plus 5 more for each rank Karma if the hero deliberately
functions as one or more above Amazing. However long sent his Duplicate into a certain-

death situation. If the original •S38/Self-Vegetation: The forms into which the hero
body is killed, the Duplicates hero can alter both his shape can change. Some categories
will last until the duration of the and physiology to become any include inanimate, machines,
Power is up-then disintegrate. If desired plant form. The degree specific alien or animal races,
the hero's Duplicates possess of change can vary wildly. At super beings only, and so on.
an indefinite existence and the the least, the hero's body Normal duration is determined
Power of Duplication, it matters changes into a similarly-shaped by Power rank. If the hero
not if the original body is "plant man;" at higher ranks the attempts a shape that exceeds
destroyed. Thus, this Power hero may assume normal or his normal size limits (i.e. not
offers a form of Immortality. alien plant shapes. When in more that 150% nor less than
Unfortunately, each Duplicate is plant-form, the hero is immune 50% of his original size), this
the same physical age as the to attacks that specifically affect affects the duration, dropping it
original, so this form of animal life (nerve gas, the equivalent of -3CS. This
immortality doesn't turn back pheromones, etc.) but is way a hero can attempt to
the clock at all. Sometimes this vulnerable to attacks that affect impersonate a fly or a dinosaur;
Power functions in a different plant life (herbicides, light- he just can't do it for long.
manner, producing beings blocking, etc.). When in plant
distinctly different from the form, the hero doesn't need to •S39/Shrinking: This is a
original. Such semi-duplicates eat normal food; rather he uses personal form of Diminution.
might possess altered minds, photosynthesis to gain desired The hero can temporarily
bodies, or Powers. For energy. This requires the decrease his body’s size. The
example, Shifter has the ability availability of water, air, and hero’s primary and secondary
to generate independent beings sunlight. The plant hero has abilities remain unaffected.
who each possess a single, different statistics for the Even Strength is undiminished,
unique Power. Each time he physical Abilities; the mental although it is much harder for a
uses his Power, he creates a Abilities remain unchanged. shrunken hero to gain enough
new, albeit temporary, hero. At leverage to perform tasks that
this rank, he has no real control •S38/Shape-shifting: The hero would otherwise be simple to
over what Powers come out, can drastically alter all of his perform. For example, consider
but with extensive practice, physical parameters the act of sharpening a pencil if
someday he'll be able to (dimensions, appearance, you are only ladybug-size. As
custom-create his sub-heroes. physiology) to achieve any the hero shrinks, he becomes
In a case like Shifter's, each desired shape. Despite harder to hit but conversely
sub-hero gains a Power appearances, the hero retains suffers greater damage if
randomly generated at the time his basic chemical composition struck. This is handled by the
of his creation. Shifter has the unless other Powers are used column shift as shown in the
potential to use any Power in simultaneously, such as Body table below. The column shift
this book. If he wants to try to Transformation-Self. Example: decreases the attacker’s
make a conscious selection, his Hobgoblin of the Shi'ar Imperial chance to hit and increases the
player must make a red FEAT Guard transforms himself into a damage by an equal shift. For
roll. If he blows it, the Judge stone wall. Despite its granite- example, a hero with
rolls a Power for him. If the like facade, it's composed of Remarkable rank is -2CS to hit
FEAT was yellow, the Judge flesh; instead of chips flying but suffers +2CS damage if the
rolls a Power in the same class when the wall is attacked, it attack is successful. The
of Powers as the player bleeds. The hero can attempt to following table details attack
originally wanted; less than change into any form; success modifiers against Shrinking
that, and the Judge can roll is determined by a FEAT. When characters:
under any, class he likes. All creating the hero, the player
Duplicates have statistics equal can raise the Power rank by
to those of the original hero. limiting the variety of possible

Rank Height Column Shift stored “elsewhere” until the power is equal to the time the
FE 48 inches (1/2) 0 hero reverts to his original size. hero can hold his breath. There
PR 24 inches (1/4) 0 Both mass and strength is an advantage to not
TY 12 inches (1/8) 0 decrease as the hero shrinks; possessing this aura in that
GD 6 inches (1/16) -1 these ranks remain proportional electrons cannot flow from
EX 3 inches (1/32) -1 to the hero’s new size. If the normal to shrunken matter;
RM 1 inch (1/100) -2 hero loses too many atoms (by hence, the power acts as rank
IN .5 inch (1/200) -2 exceeding Shift X rank), his level Resistance to Electricity.
AM .25 inch (1/400) -2 remaining structure becomes The optional power is
MN .1(1/1000) -3 too simple to sustain his life Diminution. The nemesis is
UN .01 (1/10000) -3 force. For this reason, a hero Enlargement; the specific forms
ShX+ Special with this form cannot voluntarily are, in order, Atomic Dispersal,
exceed Unearthly rank. If the Atomic Gain, and Atomic
Shrinking Power in Shift X limit is passed, the hero’s life- Growth (see Enlargement).
capability, or multiple shifts that force is automatically stored
reduce the individual's size away on the same plane with •S40/Spirit Gestalt: The hero
below one ten thousandth all the displaced matter that can transform into a heroic Alter
of original size, cross the normally forms his body. At Shift Ego by joining his mind and
Pym barrier and throw the Z rank, the hero’s body consists body with one or more
individual into a subatomic of a single DNA molecule, disembodied beings (spirits,
"Micro-verse" (see Micro-verses which then vanishes when the semi-divine beings, and that ilk.
in the Judge’s Book). Further next rank is reached. The joining of these disparate
reductions are apparently not Atomic Shrinkage: reduces beings generates the Power
possible once in the Micro- the size of the hero’s atoms, possessed by the Gestalt hero.
verse. thus reducing overall size and The merging spirit can be of
mass. Strength remains any nature, determined by the
Die Roll Form proportional to the hero’s player at the time of the hero's
01-20 Atomic Collapse current size. This is the only creation. Possibilities include:
21-40 Atomic form that enables the hero to Ancestral Gestalt: The merging
Reduction reach a micro-verse. While this beings are the hero's own
41-00 Atomic is the most popular form of ancestors. Spiritual Gestalt: The
Shrinkage Shrinking, it has a potentially spirits are any Free Spirits.
deadly disadvantage. As the Demonic Gestalt: The merging
Atomic Collapse: decreases hero’s atoms shrink, they can being is a nasty supernatural
the distance between the no longer interact with other, type. Divine Gestalt: The
body’s atoms and subatomic normal-size atoms. As a result, merging spirit a bonafide divine
particles, thus decreasing the hero cannot breathe, drink, being. Duration is determined
overall size. Mass and strength or eat normal-size matter. by the Gestalt hero's Psyche.
are unaffected. As density Fortunately, there is a flat 95% Rank determines the
increases, the hero’s body chance (determined at the time cohesiveness of the Gestalt,
could collapse into neutronium this power is first gained) that especially its resistance to
(CL3000) or into a black hole the power envelopes the hero external attempts to dissolve
(CL5000). with an aura that temporarily the merger.
Atomic Reduction: decreases reduces all atoms to be
the number of atoms in the consumed. If the hero lacks this •S41/Strength Boost: Through
hero’s body. The lost atoms are aura, he must have a a form of Psionic Augmentation
either disintegrated (if the proportionally sized supply of the hero is capable of
shrinkage is permanent) or material for consumption or reinforcing his Strength Ability.
temporarily removed from the somehow not need to breathe. When this power is activated
hero’s plane of existence and If not, the duration for this the hero must make a Power

FEAT roll. On a Green result of paper (about 1/256”). At this the result is a micron-sword
the he gets a +1CS to Strength, point, the hero can pass such as the one used by
a Yellow Result provides a through the cracks around a the late Nemesis. Such a blade
+2CS to Strength and a Red door or adhere to a wall and completely severs any matter
FEAT roll allows for a +3CS pretend to be a poster. A yellow with a Material Strength up to
increase to Strength for 1-10 FEAT reduces the hero to one +5CS greater than this power’s
rounds, after which the excess atom’s width. At this width, the rank. The name “Two-
Strength fades away. Bonus hero can pass through solid Dimensionality” is a misnomer.
Powers include Telekinesis and barriers by slicing through them While in the Marvel Universe it
Telepathy. as if he were an incredibly fine most commonly describes the
knife. The power enables the ability of normal beings to pass
•S42/Two Dimensionality: The hero to pass any barrier with a into a flat like state, it can also
hero can harmlessly reduce his Material Strength up to +5CS be used to shed more than one
body (and any nonliving matter greater than this power’s rank. dimension. Three dimensional
he carries) to a flat, two Note that if the barrier is larger beings can reduce themselves
dimensional version. To an than the hero’s body (such as a all the way down to a single line
onlooker, the hero appears to wall), then the slice made by one atom or even one “point” in
have transformed himself into a the hero’s passage immediately diameter. The power can also
life-size photograph. The hero’s reseals itself. But, if the barrier be used by multidimensional
body functions and abilities are was smaller than the hero beings to enter into this one.
unaffected. Because the hero is (such as a chain), then the
now extremely thin, gaining pieces fall apart as soon as the •S43/Ultimate Skill: Ultimate
leverage on three dimensional hero severs the entire width. A Skill: Ultimate Skill is a special
objects is extremely difficult. He red FEAT removes the third Power possessed by the hero,
is also extremely hard to hit if dimension entirely; at this point, making him literally the "best at
he can turn his flat side toward the hero can pass through what he does." The hero picks
his opponents. While in a barriers without damaging any one Talent on the following
flattened state, the hero suffers them, or he can be transported list. His ability in that Talent is
less damage from blunt into a Flatland-type dimension considered Unearthly, as
physical attacks; the power rank where everyone has only two opposed to modifying the
number decreases the damage dimensions. In the latter case, existing ability by a +1 or +2CS.
by that much for each attack. the hero vanishes from sight. Those Talents that may have
On the other hand, a flat hero The hero can choose to flatten Ultimate Skills are:
can suffer all sorts of abuse that himself in any direction. He can • Weapon Skills: All skills
he would normally ignore. For appear to be a front back, left • Fighting Skills: All skills
example, Flat-man could be profile-right profile, top view- • Professional Skills: None
forcibly folded like a map and bottom view, or similar-shaped • Scientific skills: All skills
locked in a glove compartment! two dimensional image. Note • Mystic and Mental Skills:
How thin the hero can get is that while one dimension is • Other Skills: All except
determined by an Intensity drastically altered, the student, heir to fortune and
FEAT. A green FEAT reduces remaining measurements leadership.
the hero to the width of a piece remain the same. When this
power is applied to a weapon,

Travel Powers
•T1/Astral Body: The hero can FEAT. If an attempt is made to enables him to tow up to a ton
send his astral form off to any damage the cord at any point, of material. The carrier wave is
destination. The physical body the astral body is immediately temporarily solid and visible.
doesn't go anywhere; it remains aware of the attempt and Flight occurs at Power rank
in a comatose state until the the location of the threatened speed. The maximum speed is
astral body returns. The astral length. If the physical body is that of normal energy of the
body is intangible and invisible killed, the cord is snapped type composing the wave. For
to normal senses. In the Earth automatically. The hero is example, a sonic carrier wave is
dimension it can use any of the now trapped in astral form as a limited to Shift-X speed. It is
hero's mental or Psionic Free Spirit. The astral body limited to areas where that
Powers but not the physical resembles the hero's self energy exists. As the limits of
ones. In other dimensions the image. As such, it might that energy's domain are
astral body regains visibility, not resemble the real body. All reached, it becomes weaker
solidity, and the physical clothing and appurtenances the and finally fizzles out. The
Powers. A magical silver astral form carries are unreal hero continues to move in a
cord connects the astral and simulations of the real items; ballistic arc before he finally
physical bodies. While it can they still have equivalent effects crashes. Carrier waves can be
stretch a great distance, it is not though. Astral bodies can be affected by the appropriate
infinite. The maximum distance detected by psionic, Magic, Energy Emission and Control
the astral body can travel form Extradimensional Detection, Powers. Emission can change
the physical body is shown on and by this Power. They can be the speed or direction of the
the Space/Extradimensional attacked from the physical hero's travel. The Intensity of an
Travel column of the Movement world by mental and Psionic opposing Energy Power
Table. The astral body travels at Powers, Exorcism, Summoning, decreases this Power's rank. A
up to Power rank speed. This Spirit Storage, and Force Field supporting Energy Power adds
allows the hero to arrive vs. Magic. Optional Powers its Intensity to the Power rank.
instantaneously at a include any of the Magic Example: Lodestone possesses
destination. The astral hero can Powers and Extradimensional Incredible Magnetic
cross into other dimensions by Detection. The Nemesis is Manipulation. He tries to stop
means of a Psyche FEAT. The Summoning. Magneto from flying away.
silver cord links both bodies in Lodestone's Incredible rank
several ways. It enables the •T2/Carrier Wave: The hero decreases Magneto's
astral to monitor the condition can manipulate energy currents Remarkable rank to -10.
and location of the physical. to support and propel his body, Magneto comes to an inaudibly
Beings in the physical world can thus attaining a form of Flight. screeching halt and begins to
use that body's connection to The energy can be any type fly in reverse at Good speed.
locate the astral body. The found in the hero's The Optional Power is Energy
silver cord is the key to the environment, such as Detection and an Energy
astral returning to its own body. magnetism, sound, light, heat, Control Power of the same
If the cord is broken, return is and electricity. The hero can type as the Carrier Wave. The
extremely difficult, if not use only one form; the player Nemesis is the appropriate
impossible. Once the cord is has to decide which one when Energy Control.
broken, the physical body he creates the hero. The Carrier
begins to die. Health drops one Wave can support the hero and •T3/Climbing: The hero with
point per hour. Fortunately, an additional load equal to its this Power can scale vertical
breaking the silver cord Power rank in terms of (but not up side down) surfaces
requires a CL1000 Intensity Strength. For example, as if possessing the Wall-
Magneto's Remarkable rank Crawling Power with Lightning

Speed. The speed of the along currents of that energy. either Energy Emission or
climbing is determined by the The maximum speed is that Control for the appropriate type
Power rank, and the surface normal Energy. The hero is of energy. The Nemesis is
must have sufficient handholds limited to places where the Energy Control.
or cracks (even those of energy currents flow. The
mortared bricks will do). In player must choose what form •T6/Floating Disc: The hero
addition, the hero can move of energy the hero turns into. can create a glowing platform of
through tangled pipes, vines, Upon reaching the destination solid light. The disc materializes
and other areas that require or the limit of the energy to support any part of the hero's
manual dexterity using this current, the hero safely re body; generally this is under the
Power instead of the hero's materializes. Travel can be feet or posterior. The disc is a
Agility. affected by anything that part of the hero's Power and
disrupts the current, such as a has no independent existence
•T4/Dimension Travel: The break in an electric line or the beyond him. The disc can
hero can travel into a number of use of Energy Emission or automatically support the
other Dimensions. Transit to a Control Powers. When a hero and additional mass. The
random dimension normally disruption occurs, the hero must weight is supported by a Power
occurs automatically but the make a Power FEAT to detour FEAT with the Power
Power is weakened by around the obstacle and substituting for Strength. For
adrenaline. If the hero is in any continue on. Failure means the example, creating a Floating
kind of precarious situation, he hero re-materializes on the spot Disc to lift five tons is an
must make a Power rank FEAT. and can not reenter the energy Incredible Intensity FEAT. The
He must also make a FEAT if path for an hour. The hero must disc's surface area expands to
he is trying to appear in a be within 10 feet of the current support wide loads. Travel
specific dimension or alternate in order to join it. Insulation of occurs at Power rank speed.
timeline. Specific locations an Intensity exceeding his The Power provides no innate
in the other dimension require a Power rank prevents the hero protection against high wind
red FEAT. The return trip is from joining the current. The speed and friction burns, thus
easier. Returning to a random hero can transform and tow the practical speed limit for
location on the home world is along an additional mass. Treat atmospheric Flight is
automatic. Returning to a the Power rank in terms of Remarkable (225 mph). The
familiar spot on the home world Strength to determine how Power can be used in the water
is a yellow FEAT. The hero much additional material can be with proportionally decreased
initially has two dimensions he transported by this Power. For speed. If the hero is a
can travel to, his home and one example, a Typical rank can technological type or possesses
other realm. Additional transport an additional 100-200 such Powers as Hyper
dimensions can be reached by pounds. While in an energized Intelligence, Hyper
developing the trips as Power state, the hero is extremely inventiveness, Weapons
stunts or by dropping the affinity vulnerable to the energy Tinkering, or Mechanical
that permits effortless travel to altering Powers. These are Creation, then the Floating
either of the two original Absorption Power, Energy Discs can be mechanical in
dimensions. ("What do you Solidification, Energy Sponge, nature. Such disks collapse for
mean, you don't remember and Energy Vampirism. Any of easy storage somewhere
how to get back to Earth?") these have the potential to trap on the hero's costume, such as
or even destroy the hero. a false bottom in the boots. An
•T5/Energy Path: This is a Fortunately the hero is moving example of this is the Wizard's
combination of Energy Body at the speed normal for his anti-gravity disks. The Optional
and Carrier Wave. The hero is energy type is thus a rather Power is Kinetic Bolt; the
transformed into energy and is difficult target. Optional Powers Nemesis is Energy Vampirism.
propelled at Power rank speed include Energy Detection and

•T7/Gateway**: The hero can possible Gateways. More most people could just barely
travel to any point in space, can be added at any time. If the squeeze through. The Gateway
time, or other dimensions by hero exceeds her limit, a forms within ten feet of the
traveling along bridges she previously established bridge is hero. It can maintain its
creates herself. She can travel replaced by the hero is trying to existence for as long as the
along a bridge from her current add. Example: Gatekeeper has hero concentrates on it or until
location to a location in space Good rank. She can establish he passes through it.
(a green FEAT), time (a yellow up to ten bridges. She
FEAT), and other dimensions (a establishes Gateways to her •T8/Gliding: The hero can
red FEAT). The destination of home, her team's headquarters travel on air currents. She can
each Gateway is a fixed at the Avengers Minnesota travel at Power rank speed, with
point in space but the departure mansion, her ex boyfriend's a top limit of Shift-X rank (Mach
end always moves with the time sharing condo in Jamaica, One). In normal air currents,
hero. A bridge to another the bottom of the Atlantic, the hero drops one story (15
location in space is created geosynchronous orbit 22,400 feet) for each turn she is in the
by a FEAT. A green FEAT miles above Minnesota, the air. Level flight can be
creates a spatial bridge. The crater of an active volcano in maintained by an Agility FEAT;
maximum distance the target Iceland, the prisoner processing failure indicates a loss of 2
can be from the hero at the area of Ryker's Island Federal stories. The glider can climb by
time the bridge is created is Prison, Tahiti in the year using updrafts. Using an updraft
shown on column E of the 1287, the surface of Lake to climb 'requires a yellow
Range Table. A Gateway Michigan (twenty miles east of Agility FEAT for each three
through time is created by a Milwaukee), and Death Valley. stories the hero ascends;
yellow FEAT. The maximum The need arises for a bridge to failure means she's caught in a
distance into the past or future an alternate Earth. Gatekeeper downdraft and descends the
the Power can initially reach is concentrates on establishing three stories instead. She can
the number of centuries equal the link; making the red FEAT carry aloft an additional mass;
to the Power rank number. takes her most of the day. Later the limit is decided by her
Gateways into other dimensions she realizes that she can't hop physical Strength. Gliding can
or alternate timelines require a over to Jamaica any more. Oh be affected by high winds or the
red FEAT. The transdimensional well, she'd hadn't been there Powers of Weather Control and
bridges are initially limited to with Wilford since he'd gotten Air Animation. The wind's
reaching only one dimension. married. Gateways Intensity or the Power rank
Additional dimensions require automatically transport willing diminishes or increases the
development as Power Stunts. passengers. The Power can be Gliding rank, depending on the
Once created, the bridge used to catch and transport direction the hero is gliding. For
functions no matter how far the unwilling passengers (like foes example, a Poor airspeed of 60
hero is in space, time, or the or rampaging water buffaloes) mph would be stopped by an
Multiverse. The hero has by means of an Agility FEAT. equally fast headwind, but if the
a finite number of locations she The would-be transporter is hero wants to travel in the other
can bridge to. Once the hero allowed to resist in any way he direction, she can be boosted to
has established the bridge, she can. Gateways deal with size a Good airspeed of 120
always returns to it when and not mass. The hero can mph. Optional Powers include
creating that type of Gateway. transport a black hole as long Weather Control and Air
The maximum number of as it's small enough. The Animation. These are also the
different Gateways the hero can maximum size of a Gateway is Nemeses.
create is equal to the Power the number of square feet equal
rank number. Shortly after to the Power rank number. For •T9/Hyper-Digging: The hero
gaining this Power, the hero example, a Feeble rank creates can travel swiftly through the
should create at least half of her a two square foot Gateway that earth by burrowing a tunnel at

Power rank speed (land is at least equal to this Power's speed by increasing the
movement rate). The Power rank. frequency but not the size of the
can be used indefinitely as Optional Powers include Hyper leaps. Physical burdens do not
Hyper-digging has the side- strength, Hyper-endurance, decrease the hero's speed,
effect of increasing the hero's Armor although they might decrease
Strength and Endurance. Both Skin, or Body Resistance. The his control. Anything the hero is
abilities' ranks are raised by this Nemesis is Matter Animation. carrying is also protected by the
Power's rank number. innate safeguards against
Burrowing remains the hero's •T10/Hyper-Leaping: The hero damage; the hero acts as a
preferred mode of can jump great distances. By shock absorber. While
transportation, when compared repeated leaps, the hero can the hero has a vague idea of
to running or especially to rapidly cover large distances. where he is going, he can't see
inconceivable activities like This Power's minimum rank is his touchdown point. This can
flying. Normally the tunnel the +1CS greater than the hero's be a real hazard when the hero
hero makes collapses within 10 Strength rank. If a lower rank is can make Monstrous leaps or
turns of the hero's passage at a initially rolled, it must be raised better. For example, while
specific spot. The exception is to this level. The Power rank leaping cross country, the Hulk
the tunnel within 10 feet of the determines the distances landed on seven cars (two were
hero's current location. This the hero can safely leap. Innate moving at the time), one semi
allows the hero to occasionally safeguards in this Power enable truck, eight roofs, a swimming
stop. A tunnel never collapses the hero to safely land. pool, ten mud patches, one
on the hero, unless a higher (Otherwise he might break a leg river, twelve power lines, three
Intensity force is applied. attempting even a Good leap.) street lamps, 57 trees and
Examples include explosives, The effect is the same on bushes of various sizes, and a
Vibration, and Matter Animation. the hero as if he were a Normal late Merino ram named
If the hero wants to build a Human making a 2 foot leap up Herbert. Judges can assume
relatively permanent tunnel, his or across or descending 3 feet. that the hero has enough
movement rate is cut in half as The effects on the area the hero control on his descent that he
he takes the time to make lands on might not be the same can swerve to avoid dangerous
reinforced walls. The hero may as if a normal jump occurred. landing sites. The player must
burrow through materials with Consider that the Hulk splinters make a green Reason or
lower Material Strength than his the pavement when he lands. Intuition FEAT (whichever
Power rank. Materials with To determine what sort of Ability has the higher rank)
equal or greater Material effects occur when the hero every ten leaps to make sure he
Strength are obstacles to be lands, the Judge should figure doesn't come down on
detoured around. If the hero what kind of damage results something he'd rather not have
also possesses Hyper-Strength, when a weight five times that come down on. The leaping
Armor Skin, Body Resistance, of the hero suddenly drops on tables are on page 1.
or True Invulnerability, he can the surface in question. The
add such Powers' rank actual land speed varies with •T11/Hyper-Running: The hero
numbers to this Power's rank the angle of the leaps. The can run at Power rank speed for
number. This might permit the average land speed for Hyper- extended amounts of time. The
hero to burrow through harder leaping is a -3CS Land Power has the side-effect of
materials, like granite intrusions Movement rate. For example, raising the Ability rank number
or bank vaults, at half speed. an Excellent Leaper can travel of Endurance by this Power's
When creating the hero, the 30 mph in a series of rapid 30- rank number. It includes
player must choose a Bonus foot leaps. If the hero also protection to wind resistance
Power of either Natural possesses Hyper-speed, that and windburn; this protection
Weaponry/Claws or Body can be added to this Power's extends to anything the hero is
Resistance. The rank of either rank number for additional carrying. The hero's lungs are

modified to breath high velocity towed object has a buoyancy be used to increase her load-
air. The last benefit can be equal to the hero's body. If bearing capacity. Levitation
crucial if the hero is capable of the object has a greater or provided Power rank
Remarkable speeds or better. If lesser buoyancy, the hero's Resistance to high winds and
the hero stumbles, he continues Strength determines the limit to fluctuations in gravity, whether
on a ballistic trajectory until what things can be towed. For these are natural or Power-
he regains his footing or rolls to example, Marlin has Typical related. Examples of Powers
a halt. To cut down on the Hyper-Swimming and Strength. that might affect the Levitate
chance of this, the Power He is trying to tow a sinking include Matter Animation/Air,
increase the hero's reaction boat back to the harbor. While Weather Control, and Gravity
time to be able cope with the boat is still floating, Marlin Manipulation. The Optional
impending problems. The can swim at Poor speed (30 Powers is Telekinesis. The
increased reaction time mph). Once the boat actually Nemesis is Matter Animation/
decreases the relative speed of sinks, Marlin feels its full Air.
any other moving object. The weight of 1000 pounds. Marlin
hero's Power rank number is dragged to a halt, then the •T14/Lightning Speed:
decreases the perceived speed boat begins to pull him under. Lightning Speed: The hero with
of the other object. For Bonus Powers include a choice this Power can move as a
example, Quicksilver's Shift X of Water breathing or Water vehicle with a speed equal to
speed lets him perceive a bullet Freedom. The remaining one is the Power rank, as opposed to
traveling at 600 mph as if it available as a Optional Power. his distance per round being
were traveling only 15 mph. The Nemesis is Matter limited by Endurance. This
This side effect enables the Animation/Water. Power will always be at the
hero to dodge or even catch Endurance rank +1CS. If a
things like bullets and missiles. •T13/Levitation: The hero can lower rank is rolled, raise it to
If the Power is Duplicated or freely resist the pull of gravity. this minimum. Lightning Speed
Transferred to another being, a She can move vertically at is assumed to apply to ground
special yellow FEAT must be Power rank speed, hover movement, but may be applied
made. Failure means the in place, or drift with the wind. to any of the following Powers,
recipient only has the actual Limited horizontal movement is if the hero has them in his
running ability and not the possible by pushing off from possession : Flight, Gliding,
safeguards. Optional Powers other objects. The maximum Wall-crawling, or Digging.
include increasing the hero's distances are determined the Characters with Lightning
Fighting or Agility ranks by this same way a normal leap is. If Speed can turn at maximum
Power's rank number. the hero possesses Hyper- speed without penalty, and
Leaping, that can be used to Agility FEATs may be
•T12/Hyper-Swimming: The greatly increase the distances made either with the Agility
hero can cover large distances the hero can propel herself. A ability or with this Power rank.
by swimming at Power rank hero with this Power can never Characters with Lightning
speed. Speed is decreased fall unless she is unconscious Speed can accelerate to full
1CS for each 100 feet of depth or purposely decides to speed in a single round, and
at which the hero us swimming. succumb to gravity. The hero decelerate from full speed to full
This is due to increased water can develop a Power Stunt that stop in the space of one area.
pressure. Water Freedom can allows the hero Levitate in her
negate this limitation. The sleep. The Power can always •T15/Rocket: The hero flies by
Power does not free the hero lift the hero's own weight. The means of a rocket-like exhaust
from the need to breathe. The hero can carry aloft additional that propels him at Power rank
hero can tow other objects in mass. The amount is limited by speed. The rocket blast is
his wake at a decreased speed her Strength rank. If the hero created by a therm-chemical
of -1CS. This assumes the possesses Telekinesis, this can reaction generated by the

hero's body. The Power a ramp that the hero climbs or his rank to Excellent (if the
converts whatever material is descends. Note: the average Thing is hanging from a web) or
around him into fuel and incline is 30 degrees; sharper Good (if Spider-man is actually
oxidant, then it shapes the angles are harder to climb. The carrying him). The hero can
exhaust into a stream to propel Power offers Power rank move through dense vines,
him. If the hero is in a vacuum, resistance to high winds and tangled vines, or similar areas
the Power creates fuel out of sudden fluctuations in gravity, by using this Power instead of
virtual nothingness. The Power whether natural or Power- Agility. The Nemesis is Matter
is treated like Strength to based. The Optional Power is Conversion.
determine the maximum thrust Telekinesis. The Nemesis is
the Power can achieve. If the Gravity Manipulation. •T18/Spinner: The hero can
thrust is high enough, the hero attain Power rank ground speed
can carry or push additional •T17/Spider Climb: The hero by rapidly pivoting in circles
loads. For example, can travel along vertical or similar to the Whirlwind power.
Cannonball's Remarkable inverted surfaces with only The visual effect is that he blurs
thrust can lift up to one ton. The minor difficulty. The maximum into a human top. The hero
Nemesis is Gravity speed, assuming the hero is gains several useful side
Manipulation. using all his limbs to Spider- effects, first this power's rank is
climb, is the same as the hero's added to the Fighting rank
•T16/Skywalk: This is a normal ground movement rate. when someone attempts a
peculiar form of flying. The hero Each pair of limbs not used to grappling attack against the
can walk along an invisible path climb decreases the overall spinner. He gains Power rank
that he creates in the air. The speed -2CS. For example, resistance to Physical attacks
path only serves the hero and Spider-man can walk up a wall while spinning. His Endurance
only exists as long as he using only his feet if he is rank temporarily increases by
concentrates on maintaining its holding something in both arms, the power's rank while spinning
existence. The path is but it takes longer because of this allows him to prolong this
intangible to others unless the his decreased grip on the wall. type of movement as well as
hero can extend its benefits to The Power rank determines making him capable of dealing
them by such means as a how strong the hero's adhesion with the accompanying
Power Stunt, Power Transferal, is to a given surface. The dizziness associated with this
or Telekinesis. The Skywalker climber must make an Intensity form of movement. The hero's
can develop a Power Stunt that FEAT based on the relative visual acuity increases to give
maintains the path even while slipperiness of a surface. The him the equivalent of Circular
he is unconscious. Another hero can carry additional Vision. Despite his rapid
Power Stunt increases the weight. The amount is based on circular movement the hero
path's tangibility to a circular the hero's own weight and perceives the world as static
area 10 feet around the hero; strength. Each additional mass 360 degree vision. However,
this enables others to travel equal to his body's weight unless the player states
alongside him. Note that the decrease the Power's otherwise, it is assumed that he
walkway only offers protection effectiveness -1CS. Example: is looking directly outward thus
against failing. The path slides Spider-man has Incredible he can be surprised by attacks
-forward at its own speed. Strength and Amazing Spider from below or above. If the
This enables the hero to travel climbing. He weighs 165 hero has powers such as
at up to Power rank speed. pounds. Each additional increased Strength (Incredible
When the hero rests, speed is 165 pounds of mass Spider- or better), Invulnerability or
reduced to zero. The path can man carries decreases his Hyper-Digging, he can bore his
be formed at any height but Power rank -1CS. Attempting to way through any object with a
cannot climb on its own. Height climb while carrying the Thing Material Strength less than his
is changed by the path forming (weight 500 pounds) decreases power's rank. As a power stunt,

the hero can develop this power prevent him from consciously material that within the
to attain Flight. This is treated Teleport. Extremely dense limit is Teleport; the rest is left
as Whirlwind flight one rank materials like neutronium or behind. Example: The
lower than this power's rank. black holes are impassable. Teleportation beam aboard the
Barriers that incorporate such spaceship Jenni Lea has
•T19/Teleport Self**: The hero Powers as Power Negation, Excellent rank and can handle
can vanish at one location and Force Field vs. either Energy or up to 800 pounds of material. A
instantly reappear at a distant Magic, or True Invulnerability emergency required the
site. He does not physically. are also impassable at higher evacuation of five people
cross the intervening distance rank. The Optional Powers are (average weight 200 lbs.)
and is not affected by most Teleport Others and and their equipment. The
physical barriers. Column E of Clairvoyance. Teleportation beam sorted out
the Range Table shows the its load before taking effect.
maximum distance a hero can •T20/Teleport Others**: The Only four of the crewmen were
Teleport. Teleportation always hero can make any target teleport in the first turn. The fifth
occurs, but the hero must make except his own body vanish and crewman, the equipment, and
a Power FEAT to see how well instantly reappear at a distant the clothes the other four had
he makes the trip. Failure site. The target does not previously been wearing
means he arrives disoriented physically cross the intervening arrived on the next go-round.
and cannot take any actions the distance and is unaffected by The hero can consciously try to
following turn. The hero can most physical barriers. Column Teleport sections of a target; the
carry along anything he is E of the Range Table shows the effect is as if the hero had used
touching (except the ground on maximum distance the hero can an extremely fine scalpel. Such
which he stands), up to his Teleport a passenger. Teleportation dissection
Strength's weight limit. Teleportation always occurs if requires a Power FEAT whose
Passengers must make a green the passenger is immobile or intensity is equal to the material
Endurance FEAT or be touching the hero. The strength of a nonliving target or
disoriented for 110 turns. As the passenger must make an the actual Strength of a living
hero re materializes, gases and yellow Endurance FEAT to target. Heroes with Medical
liquids move aside before he see how he fared. Failure Talents can develop this type of
solidifies. Normal safeguards means disorientation for 110 exotic surgery as a Power
prevent the hero from turns. If the passenger is Stunt. Certain conditions can
consciously Teleport into a uncooperative or in motion, the prevent the passage of a
solid mass. If the hero hero must make an Agility Teleportation beam. neutronium
accidentally teleport into a solid, FEAT to catch him. In addition, and black holes are
he must make an Endurance each 10 feet of distance impassable. Barriers that
FEAT. Success means the separating the hero and incorporate such Powers as
hero instinctively jumped to passenger increases the Power Force Field vs. either
another location and promptly rank -1CS. The Power can Energy or Magic, Power
fainted for 1-10 turns. Failure teleport a mass equal to the Negation, or True Invulnerability
means the hero takes damage hero's Strength limit. This may are impenetrable if their
equal to twice the solid's be a single object or any Intensity ranks are greater than
Material Strength or actual number, so long as the weight this Power's rank. The act of
Strength, if the blockage was a limit isn't exceeded. If the hero Teleportation takes three turns.
living being. In the latter case, is trying to exceed his limit, he The first turn the hero affects
that being takes equal damage. only Teleport part of the mass. the target. The second turn the
Certain conditions can prevent Living targets are transported actual transportation occurs.
the hero from Teleportation. If intact; if a being weighs too The third turn the target re
the hero doesn't know where he much it simply won't Teleport. materializes. Only on the
is, psychological blockage may Only the amount of non-living fourth turn can the hero seek

another target. Optional Powers disintegrated and given new because it already exists from
include Teleport Self and bodies at the destination. This the hero's point of view. The
Clairvoyance. assumes the passengers are maximum range is equal to the
cooperative. Uncooperative Power rank number times 1000
•T21/Telereformation: This is a passengers cannot be years. Travel into the future is
peculiar form of Self transported in this manner. harder (at least, if you're
Teleportation. The hero can Period. When creating the hero, planning a return trip). The
disintegrate his body, transport the player has two options. At a maximum range into the future
his life-force any distance, and cost of -1CS to the Power rank, is equal to the Power rank
then create a new body out of the hero can be given the ability number times 10 years. The act
materials available at the to only temporarily disintegrate of time traveling takes 1-100
destination site. The Power his original body. When he turns of the hero's perceived
shapes these into a form that returns to his original site the time. (No time actually passes
resembles the hero's self-image body automatically re- but it sure feels like it.) The
but whose physical properties materializes. Normally the new rate of perceived time passage
may be those of the materials body is created out of the varies with each mode of time
that compose the new body. particular type of matter travel but is consistent for all
Column E of the Range Table (animal, vegetable, mineral) trips using that mode. For
shows the maximum distance that most resembles the original example, Dr. Doom's time
the hero can travel. Upon body. This limits the sites where platform makes virtually
attempting to form a new body, the hero can reform. At a cost of instantaneous trips while
the hero must make a Power -1CS the hero the hero can Kang's time ship travels at a
FEAT. A green FEAT shapes create new bodies out of rate of one year per turn. The
existing material into the hero's whatever material is available, theories behind Time travel
basic form. A yellow FEAT regardless of its nature. The vary on the flexibility of the past.
converts the material into those Power can be diminished or Two theories stress the
substances that composed the destroyed by mental Powers immutability of the time stream.
hero's original body or that alter the hero's self-image. The first theory states that all
current self-image, he was If the hero loses his self image, events are fixed; if you travel
transformed into his current then the next use of the Power into the past, you are destined
physical form. A red FEAT results in his bodily annihilation to perform those actions or
enables the hero to create an and conversion to a Free Spirit. some unknown force either
altered version of his self Barriers that incorporate Force prevents or negates your
image. Examples of a red FEAT Field vs. Mental Attack are actions. (The Collector
include additional forms or ones impassable if their Intensity suddenly appears and stops
of different sizes. Obviously, rank is equal or greater than Darkstar from assassinating a
most heroes with this Power this Power's rank. Optional ten-year-old Abraham Lincoln.)
cannot carry objects, Powers include Clairvoyance, The second theory states that
passengers, or clothing. The Free Spirit, and Serial the traveler actually travels
hero shows up stark naked Immortality/Creation. The to an alternate timeline that
unless he makes a red FEAT Nemesis is Force Field vs. closely resembles the desired
and generates a costume. If the Mental Attack. segment of the past. By
hero has the Power of changing this timeline, the
Ionization (for nonliving matter) •T22/Time Travel**: The hero hero cuts himself loose from his
or Body Transformation-Others, can travel in time to reach any original timeline and is now
then he can carry passengers point in the past or future. The linked to the one he has
or loads when using the Power. maximum range the hero can created. (Darkstar assassinates
The load limits are determined reach is varies depending on Lincoln. The U.S. breaks
by this other Power. Just which direction he's traveling. up during the Civil War and
like the hero, such targets are Travel into the past is easy never becomes a world power.

Darkstar emerges in a new FEAT gets the right century. A tingle, a muttered "Here I go
present where the U.S.S.R.'s red FEAT gets the hero within again," and poof!) Nothing in
chief rival is Anglo- American the 10 weeks of the desired the Marvel Universe can
Co-dominion. Meanwhile on date. Since all time travelers prevent the hero from teleport
Earth-Marvel, the Avengers must pass through the Time into a crisis area. His unwanted
intercept a secret Soviet Continuum, it serves as a place appearance can only be
communique that deals with where such travelers can attack prevented by nullifying the
Darkstar's disappearance while each other. A traveler who is Power before it functions. This
on a mission.) The third theory slain or rendered unable to can be accomplished by
states that there is only one return to normal time is lost negating either the detection,
time stream but it can be forever. The Power can analyzing, or transportation
completely changed at any transport a mass whose weight aspects of the Power (more on
point when a traveler from the is equal to the hero's Strength. this later). Once he is drawn to
future alters a part of the past. If the Power is incorporated into the scene, the hero can move
(Alison Blaire of Her Majesty's a device, it can transport an freely about. He must remain
Special Guard brings her amount equal to 100 pounds within 10 areas of the initial
superior, Lord Warren, Earl of times the Power rank number. attraction. If the hero goes
Worthington, an intercepted Time travel can be hindered beyond that limit, he is instantly
Soviet report dealing with the and even stopped by the Power teleport back to his starting
appearance and subsequent of Reality Alteration. A higher- place. Only when the crisis has
elimination of a superhuman ranked Power of this type can been dealt with can the Trouble-
who called herself Darkstar.) simply undo anything the seeker leave the area. (Of
Villains and well-meaning traveler attempts or may even course, the Power is also free
but misguided types tend to bar him from ever entering the to draw him to a new crisis
believe the third theory. This is time stream. Optional Powers elsewhere.) To compensate for
a false belief since the structure include Dimension Travel, the constant demands the
of the Marvel Universe actually Precognition, Postcognition, Power places on the hero, it
follows the second theory. and Reality Alteration. The increase the hero's Endurance
Remember, people, that each Nemesis is Reality Alteration. by this Power's rank number. At
Judge's campaign is set in a Amazing rank, the hero gains
different divergent timeline. •T23/Trouble-seeker: Heroes the additional Power of Self
Judges are fully entitled to hate this Power but it does tend Teleportation. The 10-area limit
mangle the plans of any to get an adventure going remains in effect. The Power
characters who intend to alter quickly. The Power combines automatically transports
the time stream. After all, the Teleportation with automatically anything the hero considers
players are going to create a lot functioning Mental and part of his self image. This can
of paperwork for the Judge if Detection Powers. The hero be extended to include clothing,
they succeed. By means of a subconsciously detects a crisis equipment, and even
Power Stunt, the hero can somewhere within his range companions. The additional
actually travel into the Time and automatically teleport to the weight is limited to the number
Continuum. This is a chaotic vicinity. The maximum range for of pounds equal to the Power
maelstrom of whirling lights and detection and Teleportation is rank number. Example: The
images that flash too quickly for shown on column E of the Trouble-seeker known only as
the conscious mind to Range Table. The hero has no The Medic possesses a
comprehend. Once within the control over the Power. He CL3000 rank. This allows him to
Continuum, the hero can travel usually arrives without any idea transport 1.5 tons of additional
to any point in any time stream. of what the problem is that drew mass. This is represented
Accuracy is nearly impossible. A him. His only warning is the by a hut full of equipment and at
green FEAT only gets the hero dreaded feel of the Power least two (sometimes unwilling)
to the right timeline. A yellow beginning to function. (A brief passengers. What attracts the

Troubleseeker? The Detection puppet dancing at the whim of as something that demands his
aspects of the Power operate an unseen master. The Power attention. Means to this end
on an Emphatic basis. The is controlled by a force beyond include Hypnotic Control,
crisis that attracts it is one that the hero's discovery. Whatever Emotion, Control, Induced
generates extreme levels of its nature, the Power will never Sleep, Mind Drain, and Psionic
turbulent emotions (fear, hate, try to get the hero killed. The Vampirism. The third mode is
pure evil, general anguish, and screening mechanism never simple enough. The villain need
so on). An event that doesn't draws the hero to a crisis that is only negate the hero's ability to
directly affect anyone will not beyond his ability to handle, Teleport. Note: the hero may
attract the Troubleshooter. A though he might not think so at actually thank the villain for
screening mechanism prevents the time. If the hero admits or this, if the villain is able to pass
the hero from traveling to "false suffers total defeat, the Power himself off as a benefactor.
alarms" such as a distressed may even allow him to escape.
accountant who just lost his If the hero is in a fatal situation •T24/True Flight: The hero can
ledgers. If the hero possesses with absolutely no way out, fly through air and space
Dimension Travel, it is the Judge rolls a red Power without an apparent means of
automatically incorporated into FEAT. Success means the hero propulsion. This is the most
this Power to extend its range. is teleport to safety, at the loss desired Power in the history
The result is that the Trouble- of all his Karma. The Power of the world. The Power rank
seeker can be drawn to crises works against the determines the maximum speed
on an infinity of alternate Troubleseeker's opponents if the hero can attain in a specific
worlds. If the hero possesses they try to carry him away from condition. There are three
Time Travel, the Power can the area. Such attempts to mediums in which a hero can
usurp control of this as well. hijack the hero proceed fly. The slowest form of Flight
The hero travels to a random normally until the 10-area limit occurs when the hero
location in time and then is reached. At that point the torpedoes through the water at
teleport to a crisis occurring hero immediately teleports back the Water Movement rate.
within that time place. The to his starting place, minus Faster speed occurs when the
Power does allow the hero to whatever had carried him away. hero flies through the air at
rest between missions. The As mentioned earlier, the only the Air Movement rate. The
Power will not function again way to prevent the Trouble- fastest flight occurs when the
until 1-10 days after the seeker's unwanted appearance hero is free of any hindering
successful conclusion of the is to somehow prevent the atmospheric friction; this is the
previous mission. If the mission Power from initially functioning. Space Movement rate.
was unsuccessful, the Power The detection aspect can be Acceleration occurs at a rate of
functions again 1-10 hours after temporarily blinded by such +1CS per turn. Deceleration
the hero's defeat. The hero has means as Mental Invisibility or occurs at -2CS per turn. The
a -1CS resistance to Emotion Force Field vs. either Mental or hero's maneuverability is
attacks. Even worse, a perfect Emotional Attack. If the determined by his Agility. The
simulation of the emotions that villain operates so covertly that hero may be able to surpass
accompany extreme distress no one gets distressed, this will light speed but if he has Feeble
can serve as a trap to lure and also do. The key is prevent the Agility he is going to need a
hold the Troubleseeker. The hero from receiving the wide turning radius. True
Troubleseeker cannot leave the broadcast emotions. The Flight includes as a side effect
10 area limit until he has second mode of prevention Power rank resistance to
discovered the deception and deals with the analysis aspect. atmospheric friction and lungs
neutralized the source of the Anything that can reduce the adapted to breathe high
spurious emotions. The hero's Reason or Intuition velocity wind. It does not
Troubleseeker resents his to below Typical can prevent include the ability to breathe
Power and often feels he is a him from recognizing distress water or survive the rigors of

outer space. When creating randomly by rolling on Column anything within the water. For
the hero, the player can define 4. A her may apply any one of example, a shark could rub the
the Power in any way that is his rolled power slots to his hero's soles as he walked.
consistent with the character or vehicle instead. This vehicle is Water currents and high waves
his equipment. Optional Powers free at the beginning of the can slow, speed along, or
include Body Resistance, Armor game but the hero must pay for redirect the hero's progress.
Skin, Self Sustenance, and repairs and replacement parts High waves become the
Telekinesis. The Nemesis is thereafter. equivalent of self propelled hills.
Gravity Manipulation. Fast current;s can change the
•T26/Water Walking: The hero hero's speed. Opposing
•T25/Unique Vehicle: The can temporarily solidify the currents decrease the hero's
hero possesses a special surface of the water to enable speed by the current's Intensity
vehicle with exceptional him to walk on it without getting rank number. Supporting
powers. Choose one vehicle more than his feet wet. The currents increase the hero's
form the vehicle list in the pathway smooths the water's speed by the same amount.
Player's Handbook. Use the surface to an average wave Waves and currents can be
following table to determine height and is not affected by natural or created by such
how many modifications the waves of equal or less Intensity. Powers as Matter Animation or
hero can make to the vehicle: The path slides along the Weather Control. The Nemesis
water's surface. This permits is Matter Animation/Liquid.
Dice Roll Modifications the hero to travel at Power rank
01-20 1 speed and the Water Movement •T27/Whirlwind: The hero can
21-60 2 rate. The Path only exists for fly by creating a small cyclone
61-90 3 the hero to use. It is intangible that carries him through the air.
91-00 4 to others unless the hero can The hero can travel at Power
physically carry them or directly rank speed but is limited to
A modification can be used to extend his Power to them. This Shift-X rank. Maneuverability is
change the vehicle's Control, can be done in two ways. One, determined by the hero's Agility.
Body or Speed statistics. To when the hero is created, the In addition to the hero's body,
determine the new Rank ability player can decrease his Power the Whirlwind can support
use the following table: rank -1CS by modifying the additional weight. Each
Power to extend 10' around the additional 500 pounds
Dice Roll Rank hero. This area will support decreases the Whirlwind's
01-05 Feeble (2) others, provided their combined speed -1CS. Passengers are
06-10 Poor (4) weight does not exceed the not battered by the high winds
11-20 Typical (6) hero's weight limit. The second but are safely held aloft by
21-40 Good (10) method requires the use of updrafts in the cyclone's
41-60 Excellent (20) another Power that can enable interior. Still, all passengers
61-80 Remarkable (30) others to independently use the must make an Endurance FEAT
81-96 Incredible (40) watery pathway; such Powers or become air sick. The Power
97-00 Amazing (50) include Power Transferal and provides rank level Resistance
Creation. The Power normally to Physical and Sonic attacks.
The ability must go up by at functions only when the hero is High winds can affect the hero.
least one rank and a good dice consciously using it. The hero Strong winds decrease the
roll may raise it even further. If can develop a Power Stunt that Power rank by their Intensity
rolled lower than the existing enables him to maintain the rank number. If the wind is
rank than raise the statistic in path's solidity even when the powerful enough, the Whirlwind
question by one rank. If the hero is unconscious. The Power can be dispersed. Such winds
vehicle has superpowers than only affects water itself. It can be natural or created by
the ranks must be determined provides no protection against such Powers as Matter

Animation or Weather Control.
Optional Powers include
Weather Control and Matter
Animation/Air. These are also
the Nemeses.

Spell Miscellany
*This spell counts as two selections from either the Personal or Universal spell list OR one choice from
the Dimensional
spell list.
** This spell can only be chosen from the Dimensional spell list.

Personal Spells

Absorption*. If the caster absorbed energy for a Alteration-Appearance. The

makes a successful spell rank maximum of 10 rounds. The caster can mystically alter his
FEAT roll, he can take on the caster can also absorb physical face and body structure at will.
properties of any material he properties of an object. If he He does this through the
touches, giving him the touches a spiked mace, complete control he has over
Strength, Endurance, and body he will get both the strength of his muscles, ligaments, tissues,
armor equivalent to the material iron and spikes. There is also a and skin. By manipulating these
rank of the object he touched. negative side to this absorption he can resemble almost anyone
(For example, if he grabbed a spell. When a caster absorbs a he wishes who is human. He
steel girder, he would gain material’s properties, it tends to even has control of his hair,
Remarkable Strength, slow his movement and making lengthen or shorten at
Endurance, and body armor.) reactions down proportionately. will. If the new shape and face
Each time the hero changes The higher the rank, the slower he is turning into is not vastly
form, adjust his Health to the the character. For every different from his own, he can
new sum of his Fighting, Agility, material rank above Good that change easily and completely in
Strength, and Endurance. the caster absorbs, subtract a one round. If the change is
Minus Health points he rank from his normal Endurance extreme (very thin to obese,
previously lost. The caster’s for the purposes of determining man to woman, adult to child,
Strength and Endurance are his movement rate. A magic etc.) the caster must make a
limited to a maximum of wielder in a “hardened” state successful spell rank FEAT roll
Amazing, even if the object (material rank of Good or to change, and the
touched has a higher material higher) is limited to one spell transformation will take two
rank. He can remain in his per round and his spells always rounds.
transformed state as long as he take effect at the end of the
wishes. If the object touched is round. Alteration-Body Weapons.
holding or emitting energy (such The caster can magically alter
as red-hot metal, etc.) he Admittance. The caster can his body to grow claws, fangs,
absorbs the energy properties direct enchanted energy at any or spines. This can be done in
as well. He absorbs the energy locked door or container and it one round (he must make a
immediately, thereby gaining will easily open for him, no successful power rank FEAT
body armor equal to the matter how many locks it has roll if he is distracted or under
damage it would cause. The or how big or intricate they are, stress). When attacking, the
caster is not hurt by the energy if his spell rank FEAT roll is sorcerer can use his Fighting
he absorbs. He can retain successful. rank or this spell rank,

whichever he prefers. Damage size of a car can be animated, touches by making a spell rank
equals the hero’s Strength rank regardless of the caster’s spell FEAT roll and, if succeeding,
+ 1 CS, and attacks are rank. keeping it in his possession.
resolved on the Bite-Claw Judge’s Note: If the player
column of the Magic Effects Apparition. The caster can wishes to make a concentrated
Table. mystically make his body non- effort at creating a character
corporeal and become an who appears like a ghost,
Alteration-Bone. The caster apparition. (This should not be striking fear and terror into
can magically alter all of the confused with Astral Projection, criminal hearts, then the
bones in the body. They as that power takes the caster Judge should keep this effect in
become malleable and the to another dimension and he is mind when the caster walks
muscle tissue is exceedingly invisible to most characters in through a wall, drops through a
resilient, making his body very this dimension.) Once the spell ceiling, etc. and faces anyone.
flexible and pliant. It is is cast, the caster need not A character encountering this
impossible to break a bone concentrate upon his state to apparition, especially for the
or tear a muscle. His flexibility remain an apparition. As an first time, must make a Psyche
enables him to slither into and apparition, the caster can still FEAT roll (see Magic Effects
out of very tight and small move, speak, cast spells, and Table) or react as described in
places. He can fit into any hole perform most other normal the Fear power. There is a
or slot down to eight inches actions. His movement rate is price the caster has to pay for
diameter. Apply a +2 CS to the same as if he were this extra “power”, however.
Strength ability for purposes of corporeal, but he can walk on This frightening effect on people
Escaping a hold when grappled. air, sink through floors, climb up only works if the caster is not
The caster must make a elevations as if he were famous, thus cutting off his
successful spell rank FEAT roll climbing stairs, etc. When a Popularity and some sources of
if distracted or under stress. caster becomes an apparition Karma gain. He must remain
his body loses its density, relatively reclusive and
Animation. The caster can allowing him to pass through unknown so the criminal
enchant an inanimate object to solid object and letting solid element does not recognize
become animate and control its objects pass through him. The him.
movements. The object must be caster can be seen, but is
of a material rank that is less obviously not completely solid. Armor. The caster can summon
than or equal to this spell rank. This power grants the caster magical body armor equal to
Only one object at a time can body armor equal to the spell this spell rank. There is a 75%
be animated and, while it must rank against any physical, chance that the body armor will
be within the area of effect to energy, or mental attacks. If the affect the caster’s appearance.
animate, it can continue to be apparition/caster physically The stronger the armor, the
animated outside of the area of attacks another character, that more his appearance will be
effect, if within the caster’s character must also be treated affected. The actual
sight. If the caster causes an as though he has body armor appearance is to be determined
animate object under his control equal to this spell rank. Magical, by the Judge and player. This
to attack an opponent, the mental, or energy attacks spell reduces the character’s
animated object’s Fighting and against the target are treated as Agility by one rank.
Agility are equal to the caster’s normal. To pass through a solid
spell rank, but the item’s object, or have a solid object Astral Projection. The caster
material rank determines its pass through him, the object’s can separate his astral self-the
Strength, Endurance, and material rank must be equal to sheath of his life essence-from
damage inflicted. The caster or less than the spell rank. In his physical self and travel
must concentrate on controlling addition, the caster can lower through space unbound by
the object. No item over the the density of an object he physical laws while retaining

human consciousness. The other(s) did not, a yellow or red enchantment, bands (or
astral form (also sometimes result means that the multiple whatever) form around the
called the ethereal form or astral travel worked perfectly. target and entrap him.
the ectoplasm form) is invisible, Astral projection cannot affect It takes a full round for the
intangible, and incapable of someone against his will. bands to completely form. The
being harmed except by the Characters who are in their target can try to dodge through
most powerful magic or by astral forms can see and the bands only in the round in
opponents who are themselves communicate with each other, if which they form and only if
in astral form. If the caster both parties desire. If one or the area being entrapped is as
wishes to project his astral self both parties do not desire to be large as a 10 foot cube. If the
while under duress, during a seen, they may have to hide spell is directed at the individual
combat or while he is being behind solid items, just as if himself, he cannot dodge
mentally attacked, he must they were in their physical form. through it. When a character is
make his spell rank FEAT roll. If the astral character who is surrounded by the bands there
The duration of effect seeking has a lower power rank is a 75% chance that he is
determines how long the caster than the astral character who is bound, a 25% chance that he is
can remain in this form without attempting to avoid being seen, gagged, and a 10% chance that
physical deterioration occurring he must make a Psyche FEAT he is blinded (seethe Bound,
to his physical form. If the roll, even if that character is in Gag, & Blind rule in the
astral form does not return to its plain, astral view. If seen, they Miscellany of Mysticism). A
physical body before the can have magical combat in separate roll is made for each
duration of effect has elapsed, that form. Magical items, though of these effects. The bands
the caster’s body dies; and the left behind on the physical cause no damage to the
astral form can only enter it as it plane, also have a counterpart entrapped character. Bands
would any other corpse or that can be taken into the astral have a material rank that is
dummy, creating a blind, plane. It acts in the same equal to the caster’s Psyche
zombie-like creature. If the manner as its physical rank. While normal attacks Will
caster’s body is destroyed while counterpart, but its powers are not affect bands, magical
the astral form is projecting, the lessened by one rank on the attacks may free the victim. If
caster is stranded in his astral astral plane. Any magic item the magic attack’s spell rank is
form. If a character is stranded that the character possesses on higher than the bands material
in his astral form due to the the physical plane can be rank, it will shatter the bands if
death of his physical body, the controlled by the owner’s the attacker makes a green
astral form itself will dissolve astral self. (For example, Doctor FEAT roll. If the material rank
after an amount of time equal to Strange has escaped is the same rank as the magical
the normal spell duration innumerable traps by controlling attack, the attacker must make
associated with the character’s his Cloak of Levitation and the a successful yellow FEAT roll to
Psyche rank. (For example, the Eye of Agamotto within his shatter the bands. If the
astral form of a character with amulet, while he was in his material rank is higher than the
Incredible Psyche would endure astral form.). Time alteration spell rank of the magical attack,
for one day; the astral form of spells cast from the astral plane the attacker needs a successful
someone with an Unearthly work within the physical plane, red FEAT roll to break the
Psyche would last indefinitely.) but do not affect the astral bands. The caster does not
The caster can transport other plane. have to maintain a high level
willing subjects to the astral of concentration to maintain the
plane along with himself. Bands. This spell manifests bands; he can move, cast
When attempting to do so, he itself in a variety of ways, as the spells, perform normal actions,
must make a Psyche FEAT roll: caster chooses: vapors, rings, etc. However, if the caster is
a white or green result means threads, circles, and so on. affected by a hostile attack or
that the caster traveled and the When the caster calls up this spell, he must make a

successful Psyche FEAT roll to the charm is broken, it will 6 The target attacks everyone
(different character each
keep the bands from breaking. remain in effect for the duration round.)
Bands automatically break if the of the spell, even if the caster 7 The target attacks the nearest
caster is rendered unconscious. leaves. A charmed character large building, machine, or
will not remember that he has creature.
8 The target walks up to the
Chameleon Coloring. The been charmed once the spell nearest character, throws an
caster can change color to expires. If the caster attacks an arm around his shoulder, and
match his surroundings. If he is opponent charmed by his spell, begins discussing his
not moving quickly and trying the spell is automatically philosophy of life.
not to be noticed, any opponent broken, and the target retains 9 The target is extremely
disoriented; apply a -2 CS to
must make a successful Yellow full memories of being charmed all his actions.
Intuition FEAT roll to see him. and remembers who is 10 The target rolls over and falls
The color change can be responsible. asleep.
performed in one round. If the
caster is under stress or Confusion. The effects of this Conjure. This spell is used to
distracted (being attacked, etc.) spell are unpredictable, but can teleport an item, plant, creature
he must make a successful be devastating. When it is cast, or character from its current
spell rank FEAT roll to change. all targets within the area of location to the caster’s location.
effect receive a Psyche FEAT This spell can even restore a
Charm. The caster creates a roll to avoid the effect. If a broken or decayed item to its
pleasant aura about himself, target fails the roll, he is original form while in the act of
charming opponents in the area affected by the confusion. The teleportation. If conjuring a
of effect. Every opponent in the Judge rolls a die for each trivial item, plant, or harmless
area is allowed a Psyche FEAT affected target and checks animal, the caster need make
roll (see Magic Effects Table). If Table 6.4: Confusion Results, to no FEAT roll, it simply appears.
the target is affected, he will see how each is affected. The If conjuring a complex or
quickly change his mind about duration is 1-10 rounds, rather dangerous item, plant, or
attacking the caster because than the normal duration dangerous creature, or
“there is just something about associated with the spell rank. attempting to conjure a broken
him he likes”; if the Psyche or decayed item, the caster
FEAT result is “No Effect”, the Table 6.4: Confusion Results must make a successful spell
target is not even aware Roll Confusion Results rank FEAT roll before it
that the caster tried to charm 1 The target sits down and tries appears. If conjuring forth a
him. A charmed target will not to think things over. If willing character (teammate,
attacked, he defends himself, friend, etc.) the caster must
attack the caster, but will attack but otherwise ignores
another opponent, if one is everyone else.
make both a successful spell
available. The caster cannot 2 The target begins weeping or rank FEAT roll and a successful
give orders of any kind laughing uncontrollably. He Psyche FEAT roll before the
receives a - 1 CS to all character appears. If conjuring
to a charmed character; the actions.
spell is not a form of mental forth an unwilling character, the
3 The target walks around
control. A charmed target is randomly as if lost. If caster must make a successful
allowed to make a Psyche attacked, he defends himself, spell rank FEAT roll. The
FEAT roll each round to attempt but takes no other action. subject is allowed a Psyche
4 The target becomes FEAT roll to resist being
to break the charm. Each fascinated with one trivial
charmed opponent must break action and will perform or
brought forth; if the resistance
the charm on his own; he watch it repeatedly. If FEAT is successful, the
cannot be persuaded that he is attacked, he defends himself, conjuration fails. The
but otherwise ignores conjuration of the body of a
charmed by friends, although a everyone else.
counter spell cast by a friend dead character is far beyond
5 The target attacks the nearest
might break the charm. Unless character, no matter who. the abilities of any caster who

does not have an Unearthly column shifts, such as: caster can attempt to
spell rank in this spell. The temporary aging; warts and absorb whatever points of
conjure spell only summons or boils; etc., but no curse can damage remain. The caster’s
recreates the physical body; cause the death of a character. Strength is increased if the
however, if the dead character’s points remaining in the attack
astral form survives (see the Damage Absorption*. This exceed the rank number of
Astral Projection spell), it can spell enables the caster’s body his current Strength rank. If he
reanimate the body, restoring it to absorb without harm some of wishes, after the caster stores
to true life. the damage from energy up 100 points he may try
attacks, both magical and another spell rank FEAT roll. A
Curse. With this spell, the non-magical. The character is successful roll allows him to
caster can weave an enchanted still vulnerable to physical, redirect this energy by using all
curse around an opponent. If missile, and mental attacks. of his newly gained Strength to
the spell rank FEAT roll is The spell rank indicates how inflict a blow of up to Monstrous
successful, the curse will much damage will be absorbed damage. If the roll fails, he just
remain with the opponent for per round before the caster keeps storing up damage. This
the duration of effect. The is harmed (i.e., a Remarkable energy dissipates in 10 rounds
duration of this spell is unusual; rank would prevent the first 30 in any event. Any damage
a curse cannot exceed Amazing points of damage from an done to him after he reaches a
duration (one month), even energy attack). Health of 200 begins to subtract
if the caster’s spell rank from that number, until he
exceeds Amazing. When a Damage Conversion*. The reaches 0 Health of makes his
curse is attempted, the target spell enables the caster to spell rank roll again to add to
can avoid it by making a magically absorb kinetic energy his energy converted Health.
successful Psyche FEAT roll. If and convert it to physical
the curse takes effect, the Strength and Health. Whenever Density Control-Others. The
victim can make one Psyche the character is physically caster can control the density of
FEAT roll per day to attempt to attacked (slug fest, bite-claw another living creature or an
break it; a successful FEAT roll attacks, missile weapons, inanimate object. He must point
means the curse is broken. The charging, concussive rays, but at the target and make an
target will not know who not energy attacks or grappling, Agility FEAT roll for targeting. A
attacked him, regardless of he may make a spell rank FEAT living target can attempt to
whether or not the curse is roll. If he fails the roll, then that Dodge. If the caster’s FEAT roll
successfully cast. A curse damage is dealt with as normal succeeds, he has control over
negatively modifies all of the that round. If the FEAT is the molecular cohesion of the
opponent’s actions and spells successful, the appropriate target. The caster can reduce or
by a 1 Column Shift (plus amount of damage is increase the density of the
or minus, as long as it works immediately added to his target by one rank each round.
against the opponent). No more Health, instead of subtracted as The caster must concentrate on
than one curse can normally be damage. In this fashion, the the target, so the caster cannot
placed on a character. The caster’s Health can go as high attack or cast other spells while
exception is the use of the Link as 200. In addition, the caster’s using this spell. If the caster
spell, whereby up to two curses Strength is raised to the same stops concentrating on the
can be placed on one rank as the attack, if the target, it will stay at its present
opponent, but they cannot, attack’s rank is higher. If the density rank for the duration of
totally, exceed the effect of a -2 caster using this spell also has the spell, then begin returning
Column Shift modifier lasting some form of body armor, the to normal, shifting one rank per
one month. The Judge can attack is reduced by the body round until its normal density
decide to allow curses that have armor before the caster makes rank is restored. For each rank
different effects instead of his absorption FEAT roll; the that a living target’s density is

reduced, apply a -1 CS to the normal density. Inanimate the dimensional position of his
target’s Strength. Furthermore, objects have normal density home dimension. This roll to
anyone attacked by the target is equal to their material rank. return is only allowed once per
considered to have body armor week. However, the caster can
equivalent to the target’s Density Control-Self. This enter another random
current density rank. If the spell is the same as the Density dimension and try to go home
target’s density is reduced to Control- Others spell, except from there. If the caster tries to
Shift 0 rank, his body becomes that the caster has full control take anyone else with him into a
a cloudy form, like a thick fog, over his cloud-form at Shift 0 dimension, whether they are
up to two areas in volume. In density. The caster can willing or unwilling, then a
cloud form, the target is subject surround others with his cloud- Psyche FEAT roll is required of
to strong wind currents, suction, form, obscuring their vision. The each character passing through
etc. The target cannot attack caster also has a limited ability into the dimension, every
or cast spells in this form and to fly, at a maximum speed of 2 time they enter a new
has no control over his areas per round. The caster can dimension. Anyone who fails
movement. The cloud cannot also seep under doors, through the FEAT roll cannot pass
be attacked by physical or crack, etc., while in cloud form. through that particular
energy means. For each rank dimensional aperture at this
that a target’s density is Dimensional Aperture**. This time. Characters who are left
increased, he gains body armor spell causes a temporary behind can try again a day later,
equivalent to his current opening in the dimension’s if the aperture is still in effect.
density. If his current density is fabric, allowing the caster to This spell also grants the
higher than his Strength, he cross from one dimension to caster knowledge of a tiny
inflicts damage in combat equal another. Look for the section on “personal dimension” where he
to his density rank. If the Dimensions in the Miscellany of can go with perfect accuracy
target’s current density rank is Mysticism for more detail. The and safety. This pocket
higher than his Endurance, caster can automatically open a dimension is only accessible
apply a -1CS to his Fighting and portal to a dimension with which from the caster’s home
Agility for each rank that his he is familiar, but opening a dimension and contains no
density exceeds his Endurance; portal to an unfamiliar dangerous creatures. There the
also apply a -1 CS to his dimension requires a successful caster can go for peace,
Endurance for purposes of spell rank FEAT roll. If a FEAT solitude, and can even make it
determining his movement rate. roll is required, failure indicates a home away from home. The
The target’s weight at its current that the caster cannot enter caster can enter or leave his
density rank is equal to the the desired dimension that day own little dimension once per
weight that a person with the A beginning caster who does day.
same Strength rank could lift. not really know one dimension
Increasing the density of an from another can stumble into Dual Persona. This spell
intricate object, such as a plant any one of them at random. A makes the character one with a
or complex machine, might spell caster who is in a familiar magic wielder from the past.
cause thin and delicate parts to foreign dimension can There are two separate
break off. For purposes of this automatically return to his home personality patterns in the
spell, most living targets have dimension. However, if the magic wielder’s brain, and the
Typical density in their normal caster is in an unfamiliar character has at least partial
state. However, some races dimension or if his mind access to the memories and
have greater density which has been affected by traveling knowledge of his ancient
provides them with body armor in a sanity bending or sanity- counterpart. The way in which
(such as Asgardians and threatening dimension, the the character relates to his
Olympians); use the body armor caster must make a successful alter-ego is left to the Judge.
rank of these beings as their spell rank FEAT roll to locate Some suggestions include: the

alter-ego may exist inside or as Eldritch Beams/Bolts. This spell rank FEAT roll. Destroying
part of a magical item the spell unleashes a magical beam larger objects (like a vehicle)
character owns; the alter-ego or bolt causing damage equal to requires a successful red FEAT
may be an astral form that the spell rank (a beam is a roll. If the target is an object of
inhabits the character’s body or continuous line of energy, a bolt no importance, the Judge can
is visible to him alone; the alter is an interrupted line of energy). waive the FEAT roll and rule
ego may exist in a specific A beam or bolt (hereafter that the item is automatically
location which is the only place referred to as bolt) affects only destroyed.
where the character may one target in the target area. Energy Bolt. (Also commonly
communicate with him; etc. The When this spell is obtained, the called Bolt of Bedevilment.)
Judge must decide whether or player should roll a die to see This bolt uses pure universal or
not the ancient spell caster has where the bolts originate. The dimensional energy This is the
some physical form. If the bolts will issue forth from the most common form of eldritch
character casts this spell, the character’s: 1-4 = Hands; 5-8 = bolt.
alter-ego is a predecessor from Eyes; 9 = Chest; 10 = Fire Bolt. This bolt causes fire
the caster’s own school of Forehead. The type of bolt the and heat damage and is a
magic. If the alter-ego is character uses will be one of reddish line of flame. Impact
discovered by accident, it might the following, which the player Bolt. This bolt causes impact
not be friendly to the caster. chooses with the approval damage through reverse
While the two are joined, the of the Judge. gravity, magnetism, etc. The
player character has a strong Cold Bolt. This bolt causes bolt is invisible.
resistance to all mental probes freezing damage and is blue. Light Bolt. This bolt causes
and attacks, magic or Darkforce Bolt. This bolt uses damage through intense light.
otherwise. This resistance is in the Darkforce, a form of energy The bolt is golden.
the form of a +2 CS in the from another dimension. The Sonic Bolt. This bolt causes
caster’s favor when FEAT rolls target loses Health points equal damage through sonic
are allowed to ignore or defend to the caster’s spell rank. The disruption, nerve damage, etc.
against mental controls and bolt is black. (This bolt requires
attacks (not to exceed dimensional energy; it is not Eldritch Blast. This spell
Monstrous rank). If the Judge available to characters unable unleashes a magical blast,
so decides, the other persona to use dimensional energy.) causing damage equal
might battle for control of the Disintegrating Bolt. This bolt to the spell rank to everything in
character’s body. disintegrates non-living, the target area. In addition, the
Circumstances under which inanimate objects up to 2 areas blast has a chance to slam or
could happen include: the away from the caster. The limit stun anyone within the target
caster is in danger of immediate of what it can disintegrate is area (see the Magic Effects
death; the goals and values of determined by the spell rank. Table under Power Rank
the character are different Compare the spell rank to the Blasting). The caster’s Psyche
from those of the alter-ego; the material rank of the object to be is reduced to Typical for an hour
character is visiting a location disintegrated. If the material afterwards and he will pass out
associated with the alter ego in rank is higher than the spell for 1-10 rounds unless he
his lifetime; the caster attempts rank, the target’s material makes a successful Endurance
to use a spell or ability available strength is reduced one rank. FEAT roll. The type of blast
to the alter ego but not available If the material rank is equal to used by the character is
to himself, etc. An entirely new or less than the spell rank, the decided by the Judge and
magic wielding character can target is disintegrated. Small player when the character
even be rolled up and it might objects (fist sized, for example) obtains the spell (see Eldritch
exchange places with the caster can be destroyed automatically. Beams/Bolts for possible
on such occasions, or just give Destroying man-sized objects types). The spell rank
timely advice. requires a successful yellow determines the amount of

damage done by the blast, but required to bring them forth. at a time and only control one
the area of effect when the spell The flames are summoned forth target at a time. The duration
is obtained has a maximum in a fixed location, designated for the emotional control is the
rank of Excellent (one area), by the caster, and cannot be duration of the spell. When the
even if the caster’s actual spell moved. The flames are used spell expires, the victim regains
rank is higher. The area of as a fiery wall to block his normal emotional reactions.
effect can be increased through movement into or out of the
experience, but can never target area. They extend Empathy. The caster can
exceed the spell rank. along one side of the target magically sense another
Furthermore, this spell has a area chosen by the caster and character or group’s strong
maximum limit of Amazing rank can be any height chosen by emotions (not thoughts). This
for its area of effect. the caster, from a few feet to spell not only allows the
three stories. The wall of flames character to gain a general
Eldritch Breath. The caster can be slightly bent by the impression of the mood and
can direct Mystical energy into caster to accommodate intentions of individuals or
a breath attack, similar to structures and obstacles. No groups, it also allows him to
Eldritch Beams/Bolts or an more than three walls can ever broadcast his emotions to an
Eldritch Blast, but issuing forth be maintained by the caster individual or group.
from the mouth, He can still at any one time. Broadcasting emotional
verbally communicate, taste, attitudes like friendship, love,
etc. The type of damaging Emotion Control. The caster caution, helpfulness, and so
breath is up to the Judge and can magically control the forth can sometimes prove
player (see Eldritch Beams/ emotions of others, but the invaluable in clearing up a
Bolts for suggestions). caster must establish some link misunderstanding. The
with the target, such as gazing character cannot broadcast
Eldritch Crystals. The caster into the target’s eyes or talking these emotions unless he truly
unleashes a stream or swarm of to the target for a brief moment. feels them. These feelings
magical crystals that will The caster must make a should help dictate his
bombard a target upon his successful spell rank FEAT roll actions. Only one attempt at it
command. The crystals will to establish control (see the can be made per encounter. By
appear, attack the target, cause Magic Effects Table under using this spell, especially on
physical damage equal to the Psyche-Mental Control, treat a animals, the caster can sense
spell rank, then disappear. successful roll by the caster as whether the target is deathly
These are physical a hold). This spell can only afraid, slightly afraid, in love, full
manifestations of magic and affect a single target in the area of hate, etc. and the object of
are affected by defenses that of effect. The target is allowed a their hate, love, fear, and so on.
protect the target from physical Psyche FEAT roll to attempt to
damage (body armor, force resist this form of mental Enchanted Eye. The caster
fields, battle suits, bulletproof control. If the target fails his creates an enchanted eye when
clothing, etc.). The crystals will resistance FEAT roll, his he wishes. The caster can
attack only one target chosen emotions are under the caster’s automatically summon the
by the caster, if there are control and subject to the enchanted eye for one round
several targets in a single area. caster’s suggestions. The only. A successful spell rank
caster can summon love, fear, FEAT roll brings the eye forth
Eldritch Flames. The caster hate, etc. and force his foe to for the full duration of the spell.
summons forth mystic flames react to those emotions. These It can only see as far as sight
that cause damage equal to emotional upheavals override normally would, but can
their spell rank every round a the target’s normal emotional penetrate darkness (real or
character passes through them. inclination. The caster may only magical), show the caster
A spell rank FEAT roll is “summon” one strong emotion mystical existences (such as

astral projections, invisible the spell rank. The damage the caster uses the
magical objects, mystical caused equals the spell rank gravitational forces to seize the
shields, and so on), and see number. The caster must make target in a grappling-like attack.
through illusions. The caster a successful yellow or red spell The grappling force starts with
is mentally linked with the eye rank FEAT roll to use this spell Typical Strength, but the caster
and sees everything it sees. defensively. The following can automatically increase the
The enchanted eye is a energies the ones most often strength by one rank each
separate magical creation affected by this spell. (The round, up to the spell rank. This
capable of flight. Its movement Judge can add others as requires concentration on the
rate is the same as that of the desired.) part of the caster (no attacks or
caster. The maximum distance Darkforce. The Darkforce is a other spells cast while the
it can be be separate from the semi-sentient force from gravity attack is in effect). The
caster is based on the spell another dimension. It can be target must make a successful
rank (for example, 12 areas used to black out an area so Strength FEAT roll to escape
for Amazing rank.) The eye can completely that even infravision the effect. Reverse gravity
be attacked physically or does not work. It cannot be can only be lowered to Shift 0,
magically; the eye has Health used as a weapon outside of whereby the target can float a
points equal to the caster’s the area the character is few feet above the ground.
Psyche and any FEAT roll the occupying, but within that area Magnetism. A caster with
eye is required to make use the anyone enveloped by the magnetic control can
caster’s appropriate ability rank. Darkforce (except the caster) manipulate any items that
The caster is not affected by loses Health points equal to the contain iron or steel within the
any damage suffered by the caster’s spell rank number each area of the spell. He can also
enchanted eye. round. Controlling the Darkforce manipulate the Earth’s
requires that the caster use magnetic field and use it to
Energy Control. The caster dimensional energy; this form of control iron or steel bearing
can use his personal, universal, control is not available to items, anchoring them to the
or dimensional energy to control casters who cannot use ground or twirling them like a
another type of non-magical dimensional energy. top, or create a magnetic force
energy (not personal, universal, Electrical. The caster can shield with an armor rank equal
or dimensional). This energy absorb and redirect electrical to the magnetic control spell
manipulation requires a energy. One of the best uses rank.
successful spell rank FEAT roll. of this spell is as an electrical Solar. A hero with this spell can
Only one type of energy can be override. The caster can direct redirect, magnify, or diminish
chosen by a beginning caster, electrical spells to override the the natural light in the area of
but with advancement he may controls of electrical equipment, the spell. A blinding flash can
learn to control other forms of including computers, alarm cause damage in that area
energy. The caster can affect all systems, and non-shielded equal to the spell rank number
of the individual type of energy robots. He can either take and temporarily blind a victim. A
within his area of effect with control or damage this light barrier does not defend
ease: turning it on or off, equipment. The ability of control against damage, but no one
making it overload, siphoning it is equal to the spell rank. can see through it and it scares
where he chooses, etc. He can Gravity. The caster can reverse off unintelligent animals and
channel controlled energy or intensify gravity at will. The creatures.
around himself so as not to be spell can be used to move Sonic. This spell can amplify
harmed by it. The caster must objects (use the spell rank as sound in an area to the point
make a successful red spell the caster’s Strength). A where everyone except the
rank FEAT roll to use this spell character with this spell can do caster is temporarily deafened.
offensively. The attack must be two gravity related actions at This is particularly distracting
made by touch, no matter what once. When used as an attack. for magic wielders using

dimensional spells and Incredible spell rank.) An mystical tendril around an
incantations (successful yellow Unearthly duration means that object and sees the stress
Psyche FEAT roll required to the spell lasts indefinitely, points, fracture planes, or
cast a dimensional spell; usually until the caster escapes weaknesses inherent in the
see Distractions in the MAGIC from the hostile conditions that item. The object must be
USE AND COMBAT Section). caused him to cast the spell. natural, not magical. If
The caster can also reverse the this spell is used successfully,
effect to completely “dampen” Fear. This spell affects all the caster can use a magical
an area so that no sound can targets in the area of effect. The energy attack (bolt, blast, etc.),
be heard whatsoever, including spell releases an unreasoning and shatter the object if he gets
sonic weapons. fear from the target’s mind. All a Bull’s-Eye result using a
targets are allowed a Psyche Targeting attack (see the Magic
Environmental FEAT roll to resist the effect Effects Table), even if the
Independence**. The caster (see the Magic Effects Table). If object’s material rank is up to
can surround himself with the target misses the roll, the three ranks higher than the
an aura of magic that maintains frightened character wants spell rank. Note; This spell
a livable environment for him. nothing more than to run away cannot be used to shatter Class
He does not need to sleep, eat, and hide (all his actions while 1000 materials unless the
drink, or breathe, but can if he afraid are at -2 CS). The victim caster’s spell rank is also Class
wants to. He feels no non- will try to avoid, or if necessary 1000.)
magical cold or heat and can attack, anyone attempting to
survive in outer space, under stop or restrain him. The Flight. With this spell, the
water, within the earth, in hostile character can only perform caster can magically fly. The
atmospheres, etc. This spell actions (including spell casting) spell rank and Psyche of the
does not provide protection that will help him to escape. caster determines how
from or immunity to attack, but it The victim always flees away fast he can fly. Consult The
does allow the caster to survive from the attacker, even if he movement table on page 1to
in conditions where survival cannot see the caster. After the determine the movement rate.
would normally be impossible. first three rounds of being The normal rate is the speed
The area of spell is usually just afraid, and every other round the character usually flies. If he
around the caster himself, after that, if need be, the wishes to achieve top rate flight
though the aura can contain an frightened character is allowed he must make a Psyche FEAT
additional character for every a Psyche FEAT roll to regain his roll every 5 rounds. A failed roll
rank of the caster’s Psyche composure. Once made, it will simply drops the caster’s speed
above Remarkable. This is a still take him a full round to get back to normal. The caster
particularly long-lived spell, complete control of himself. must make a successful spell
often used by magic wielders Though the caster must rank FEAT roll to perform
stranded in hostile maintain a high degree of intricate flight maneuvers, fight
circumstances or alien concentration on this spell to while aloft, or perform other
dimensions. The duration of this keep the target afraid (no magic while aloft. The form of
spell is left to the Judge, as attacks or other spell casting flight that the individual player
different conditions and allowed), he does not know character has (wings that
circumstances (time passage in when the character breaks the magically appear, magic control
other dimensions for example) spell. Only when the target of wind, or simply mystical
can affect the duration. It is attacks the caster or otherwise flight) is up to the player.
suggested that the caster acts contrary to a state of fear
receive a +3 CS on the duration does the caster realize he no Foretelling. The caster can
of the spell. (For example, the longer influences the target. mystically predict the actions of
spell would have a Unearthly anyone he has studied (defined
duration for a caster with an Flaw. The caster weaves a as observed for at least 10

rounds). This foretelling is sometimes surface in the by a successful spell rank FEAT
short-term only. If he makes a character’s memory. A yellow roll is what the item’s purpose is
successful spell rank FEAT roll result means that the character and how to use it. If the caster
the caster does not have to knows most of the highlights of has no talent in an area that the
decide what to do in that round the event, but cannot remember item might be used for, then he
until after the opponent(s) have who cast the spell of only has a rank of Typical when
declared their actions, no forgetfulness. A red result using it. Once an artifact’s
matter who has the initiative. means that the character can purpose is identified another
remember everything. spell rank FEAT roll is allowed.
Forgetfulness. The caster can If successful, it allows the
magically effect other Glamour. The caster can caster to “read” the psychic
characters’ minds and cause conjure up flashing lights and impressions left on it by the last
them to forget events. This is swirling colors, which distract person who used it. Information
usually used by heroic magic and confuse opponents. The that can be gained includes
wielders to protect innocent caster can cause them to what the user looked like, what
bystanders from the awesome appear anywhere within sight in he thought of while using it,
psychic shock caused by some the area of effect. Any what he was doing for the last
of the sights to be seen during characters in that area few hours before the item was
magical combat, etc. It is also must make a Psyche FEAT roll; lost, stolen, or otherwise left his
used by most magic wielding if the FEAT is successful, the possession, etc. The longer the
characters to protect their target is unaffected. If the roll item has been untouched, the
secret identities. Evil magicians fails, the target suffers an dimmer the impression. This
may also use this spell to cover unfavorable 1CS on all his spell is increased or diminished
up their trail or their crimes. The actions (plus or minus 1 CS if the item is magical. If the
duration of the spell is depending on whatever is magic is of the same school as
permanent (unless another unfavorable to the target). If the the caster, he receives a +2CS.
sorcerer uses a Revival spell of caster desires, he can try and If the magic is not of the same
at least equal spell rank to target the glamour on a specific school as the caster, he
break the spell of character; this requires a receives a -1 CS. If the magic is
Forgetfulness). The number of successful targeting Agility of a school hostile to the
people that can be ensorcelled bull’s-eye FEAT roll. If caster, he suffers an additional
by the spell depends on the successful, the target suffers an -1CS.
spell rank: Good = 1 person; unfavorable 2 CS, but the spell
Excellent = up to 5 people; effects that target only Once Growing. The caster grows
Remarkable = everyone in I established the glamour cannot taller through this enchantment.
area; Incredible = everyone in a be moved out of the area or The limit on his size is listed on
square mile; Amazing = exact location it was cast upon. the Maximum Growth column in
everyone in 100 square miles; Glamour has no effect on the Table 6.6: Magical Size
Monstrous = everyone on the caster. Changes, and depends on the
planet; Unearthly everyone in spell rank (the Shrinking spell
one dimension; Class 1000 Gramarye. The caster has the also uses this Table). If the
everyone in all dimensions. Any ability to magically learn caster’s Strength rank is less
character with a Psyche equal information from an item, The than this spell rank, he uses the
to or greater than the caster’s caster must make a successful spell rank as his Strength when
may make a Psyche FEAT roll spell rank FEAT roll to learn in giant form. If the spell rank is
to reduce the effects of the anything from the item (if the less than the caster’s Strength,
spell. Magic wielding characters item is of an unfamiliar alien the Strength is increased one
have a +2CS for this FEAT roll. design, the Judge can apply a rank when in giant form.
A green result means that -1CS to the spell rank). The first Enemies who attack him also
vague recollections of the event information that can be gleaned get a +1 Column Shift to the

right, because the caster’s The object will return to its Judge. The illusion looks,
great size makes him easier to normal size only after the sounds, and smells the way it
attack. duration of effect has lapsed. would if it were real, but cannot
cause damage. Since the
Rank Growth Shrinking Healing. This spell gives the illusion exists only in the mind
FE 8 feet 4 feet caster such complete control of the targets, no one outside
PR 10 feet 2 feet over his bodily functions that he the area of effect can see it.
TY 12 feet 1 foot can heal himself by use of All characters in the area of
GD 14 feet 6 inches personal or dimensional energy. effect see the same illusion.
EX 16 feet 3 inches Use the spell rank number The caster must concentrate on
RM 18 feet 1 inch instead of his Endurance rank the illusion for the entire
IN 20 feet .5 inch number to determine the duration of its existence to be
AM 22 feet .25 inch maximum amount of damage believable. Each character
MN 25 feet .1 inch healed. The caster can only seeing the illusion may make a
UN 30 feet .01 inch perform this once per day, in Psyche FEAT roll to disbelieve
addition to his normal healing it at the beginning of the illusion
Growing-Others. The caster rate. and every other round after
has a magical spell that is that. If the FEAT roll is
almost identical to the Growing Healing Others. The caster successful, the illusion fades
spell, but instead of being able can magically heal other from his mind. Other characters
to increase his size, he can characters by using universal or with illusion creating powers,
increase the size of other dimensional energy. The caster whether magical, mutant, or
characters and objects. If the must touch the character for whatever, receive a +2 Column
character to be grown is willing, two consecutive rounds after Shift to their attempts to
then the caster must make a casting the spell. A successful disbelieve. An unaffected
successful spell rank FEAT spell rank FEAT roll is required. character cannot persuade
roll to increase his size. The The, maximum amount of an affected character of the
character will regain his normal damage that can be healed per illusion’s true nature.
height after the duration of spell person is the spell rank number. Characters who are affected will
or when the caster wishes, Any individual character can act as they normally would if the
whichever comes first. If the only be healed once per day by illusion were real. If characters
character to be grown is not a specific caster. The number of attack an illusion, attacks
willing, then not only does the different characters the caster will not affect it (although the
caster have to make a can heal per day is equal to the caster could make it seem
successful spell rank FEAT spell rank number divided by 10 otherwise); the Judge will have
roll but the target is allowed a (round fractions up). If the to keep track of the attacks
Psyche FEAT roll to resist the player so desires, this spell because of the possibility of
effect. If the target’s Psyche could be used to heal a injury to bystanders or property.
FEAT is successful, he is creature instead of a character. Items passing through an
unaffected. It the target is The healing is complete, illusion may look like they are
affected, he will return to his including the mending of broken absorbed by it, like he side-
normal height after the duration bones and torn cartilage. The stepped it, or whatever else the
of spell or when the caster spell is also effective against caster desires. If the illusion is
wishes, whichever comes first. disease. of something silly, confusing, or
The caster can use this spell to extremely contradictory, then
enlarge objects with a material Illusion. This spell creates an the Judge should secretly roll
rank equal to or less than this illusion in the mind of creatures an Intuition check for those
spell rank. To increase an within the area of effect. The affected to disbelieve it.
object’s size, the caster must player whose character is using
make a spell rank FEAT roll. this spell must describe it to the Image Projection. The caster

can direct his magical energy to rank or Strength is at least two spell rank FEAT roll. If the
form an identical image of ranks above this spell rank and individual is unwilling, then the
himself. For every round he if the attacker makes a caster must make a spell rank
makes a successful spell rank successful red FEAT roll. At FEAT roll with a -2CS penalty.
FEAT roll, the image will the end of the duration of effect, Anyone not used to being
perform as he desires, the mystical “anchor” invisible will have a real
thoroughly convincing most disappears, but the caster can problem moving about
characters that the image is the cancel the spell earlier if he (movement halved), performing
caster. This belief is somewhat chooses. the simplest of actions (-2
like the Illusion spell and should CS)/and fighting in any fashion
be treated as an illusion for the Invisibility. This spell makes (-3CS for any combat). It
purposes of combat or touching the caster invisible to others. requires at least 10 rounds of
the image. The caster can Any item on the caster’s person being invisible before becoming
either use this spell while he is and anyone holding hands with used to it.
visible to create a “double” and him (and willing to be affected)
confuse his opponents, or he also becomes invisible as long Learning. This spell is used to
can hide or turn invisible (if he as they remain in contact with give the caster an advantage in
has that spell) and have the him. This spell cannot turn an combat. It enables him to
image replace him. The unwilling creature invisible. quickly learn from his mistakes.
creation of more than one Being invisible causes no After this spell is cast the caster
image is possible, but it special problems for the caster, must fight his opponent for
requires a successful Psyche but anyone else affected who is three consecutive rounds
FEAT roll by the caster for not used to being invisible will (normal combat, magical
every image made and each have a real problem moving combat, astral combat, etc.).
image requires a successful about (movement halved), When the three rounds have
spell rank FEAT roll by the performing the simplest of passed the caster suddenly has
caster for each round he is actions (-2 CS), and fighting in insight into his opponent’s
commanding them. The any fashion (-3 CS for any methods of combat and
maximum number of images a combat). It requires at least 10 receives a +1CS when
caster can create during the rounds of being invisible before fighting that opponent during
use of this spell is the spell becoming used to it. Note: an this encounter only. The
rank divided by 10 (round invisible person can be located duration and area of effect
fractions up). by persons with superhuman listed on the Magical Limits
hearing or sense of smell, Table do not apply for this spell.
Immovability. The caster or by detection powers and If combat is interrupted but later
mystically anchors himself to a devices that do not depend on resumed and the Judge is not
surface, after which he is nearly sight. sure whether to consider it one
an immovable object. The 11 continual encounter or two
planting” takes concentration, a Invisibility-Others. With this separate encounters, the spell
successful spell rank FEAT roll, spell the caster can make still applies if the caster makes
and one round. The caster objects not on his person a successful spell rank FEAT
gains body armor equal to the invisible by touching them. roll.
spell rank, and he cannot be The size of the object must be
Slammed or Stunned in combat equal to or less than that of a Levitation. This spell enables
in any event. He can also medium-sized car. The caster the caster to mystically rise into
perform magic while “planted” can attempt to make other the air. A successful spell rank
on a wall, ceiling, or whatever. people invisible only if his spell FEAT roll is required. No further
An attacker can destroy the rank is Amazing or better. If the FEAT rolls are needed unless
surface the caster is anchored individual is a willing subject, the caster descends to the
to only if the attacker’s attack then the caster must make a ground, and then want to

levitate again during the magic wielders can be linked Luck. The caster can disrupt
duration of the spell. in this manner. For every magic probability fields so that very
The maximum altitude a wielder linked to his mind, the unlikely events can occur,
levitating character can reach is caster gains a + 1 CS to the somewhat like creating his own
1 area at Good rank, with an spell rank of any spell he casts, luck. For example, he could
additional 2 areas for every up to a maximum of Shift X cause a table to collapse or a
spell rank above Good (thus, a rank. (Exception: this spell machine to tip over. He can not
caster with a Remarkable cannot increase the rank or cause something to happen if
Levitation spell can reach an effects of Link spells.) If the that event is impossible; tables
altitude of 5 areas). The spell involves a range factor, can not be created from
movement speed (rising or the range is increased to nothing, and machines just
descending) per round is 1 area that of the shifted spell rank. If can’t cease to exist. When the
for a character with Good the spell inflicts damage, the caster uses his spell, the player
Psyche with an additional area area of effect and the spell rank describes exactly what effect is
for each Psyche rank above is shifted, for purposes of FEAT wanted, and the Judge decides
Good. The character cannot rolls, but damage is increased whether or not that effect is
use this spell to lift any weight by 10 points (not 1 rank) for within the spell’s power and
greater than his normal clothing each additional mind linked. assigns an appropriate FEAT
and equipment. This spell (For example, if three magic color. To use the spell the
affects the caster only. The wielders are linked to a caster caster must make a successful
character can perform other with an Incredible rank in spell rank FEAT roll. If the
actions while airborne, including Eldritch Crystals, he would caster is trying to alter
combat, but is limited to one receive a + 3 CS for the area of probabilities around magic
spell per round regardless of effect and chance of a materials or energies, such as
the type of energy (personal, successful spell rank magical artifacts or temples,
universal, or dimensional). FEAT roll, but any damage apply a - 2 CS to the spell rank
If knocked unconscious while caused would be 70 points, not when making the FEAT roll.
levitated, a character will 100. Only the caster who
immediately fall to the ground. initiates the Link spell can Manipulation. This spell
This spell should not be perform any actions. All other creates invisible magic tendrils
mistaken for the ability to fly magic wielders who are linked that can manipulate materials.
(see the Flight spell). Levitation must remain place and “Soft” materials, like organic
only allows vertical movement. concentrate. If the caster tissue and fabric are easily
Sideways movement is only they are linked to sustains manipulated while “hard”
achievable by the levitating damage, they absorb one-tenth inorganic materials require a
character pulling himself of that damage too, rounded successful spell rank FEAT roll.
along an object. A levitating down. The link also increases No material can be manipulated
character cannot create forward the caster’s Psyche for if its Material Strength rank is
momentum to affect the resistance to mental attack. For greater than the spell rank. The
direction of his ascent. It is every additional mind linked, caster can easily manipulate
always straight up. While wind apply a +1CS to the caster’s the hair or clothing of another
has no affect on a floating Psyche when defending character, causing them to
caster’s ascent direction, it can against mental attack. The link constrict or bind the target
slow him down if the Judge is automatically broken if the (Strength for grappling would
feels it is strong enough. caster is rendered unconscious equal the spell rank). If the
or if he loses control of his own caster is attempting to affect
Link.** The caster can link his mind (due to Confusion spells, organic tissues or muscles in
mind with other, willing magic Fear spells, Mental Control another creature, the caster
wielders, thus giving him spells, etc.) must make a successful Psyche
additional power. Up to four FEAT roll. If successful, the

victim must make an Endurance preventing illusions, telepathy, Mental Probe. The caster
FEAT roll or suffer damage empathy, etc., from affecting the creates a tiny, magical tendril
equal to this spell rank. The caster. It also protects him from that can probe another person’s
spell can only be used on one magical attacks on the mind mind. If the caster succeeds in
target at a time. (Emotion Control, Confusion, his spell rank FEAT roll, the
Fear, Mental Control, etc.) probe will reveal the target’s
Matter Rearrangement. The by giving him a +3 CS for any true identity and details
caster can magically reshape Psyche FEAT roll to resist the concerning it. This spell should
inanimate objects in the same attack. While the barrier is up not be confused with Empathy,
area that he occupies (ignore the caster can perform no spells Mental Control, or other,
normal area of effect). He that require/a great deal of stronger spells. This spell does
cannot change the material concentration. Treat the spell not allow the caster to
rank of the object or increase or rank as body armor for the sake manipulate the target’s mind.
decrease the mass. (Examples of defense against attempted
of how to use this spell include: mental penetration by non- Mesmerism. This is a basic
changing a hood’s pistol into a magical powers. The Judge magical form of hypnotism that
wrench; turning a wooden door should make sure this spell is permits the caster to
into a table; altering a not abused. A character who communicate with and
bulletproof glass windshield into constantly has the barrier up command specific creatures of
a large bulletproof glass salad will become easily exhausted less than human intelligence. To
bowl; etc. The caster can only and can even suffer Psyche communicate with a creature
change objects whose Material loss due to the mind damaging requires a successful Psyche
Strength are equal to or less effects of trying to always be FEAT roll. Commanding a
than his spell rank. Once mentally protected. The creature is possible only if the
magically altered the item maximum safe duration rank is caster’s spell rank is greater
remains that way unless this Excellent. than the creature’s Endurance
spell is used again. The Judge rank, and also requires a
should start the caster with a Mental Control. The caster can successful spell rank FEAT roll.
size or mass limitation (“about magically attack another The target must be able to see
the size of a bread box”) and character’s mind and attempt to the caster to be affected by this
let him slowly build it up as he control it. The target must be spell. If the caster is affected
becomes more experienced. visible and the attacker’s spell by an attack in the round he
This spell does not penetrate rank-must be equal to or higher casts this spell, the mesmerism
force fields of any type. than the victim’s Psyche rank to is automatically broken. When
attempt the control. The caster this spell is obtained, the caster
Mental Barrier. This spell must make a successful spell will be able to mesmerize only
creates a magical invisible rank FEAT roll to control the one specific type of animal:
headgear which does not hinder target. The victim is controlled mammals, birds, reptiles,
the caster’s normal senses. It until the attacker releases him amphibians, fish, insects, etc.
allows the caster to know when or until the duration of effect is As he becomes experienced he
someone is trying to intrude on up, whichever comes first. If can learn how to mesmerize
his thoughts, magically attack the victim is ordered to do other types (Judge’s discretion).
his mind through mesmerism, something he would normally
illusion, etc. It does not indicate be strongly opposed to, such Mesmermechanism. This spell
who is doing the attacking or as hurting himself or a friend, operates in the same fashion as
intruding, nor does it reveal turn himself in to the police (if Mesmerism, but communication
what spell is being used. In the he’s a villain), etc. he is allowed and command is between the
round following the one in which a Psyche FEAT roll, and, if character and intelligent
the hostile spell is detected, the successful, breaks the mind artificial life forms, such as
caster can, secure the barrier, control. robots and androids. The

caster’s spell rank must be as the caster are protected. knocked unconscious after
higher than the mechanism’s Offensively., this spell creates a controlling the weather, it will
Reason. A mechanism that has whirlwind that functions as a return to normal the following
an organic brain, such as a grappling attack. This spell can round, unless the caster is
cyborg, receives a Psyche push objects around, using the knocked unconscious during
FEAT roll to resist this spell: if it spell rank as Strength. wildly violent weather (storm,
is successful, the target is tornado, blizzard, etc.), in which
unaffected. Earth Control. This spell case the caster must make a
enables the caster to spell rank FEAT roll; if
Nature Control. The caster can manipulate naturally occurring successful, the violent weather
manipulate one of the four minerals or items consisting abates, if unsuccessful, the
elemental materials (fire, water, mostly of minerals, such as weather goes wild.
earth, air) or the weather. In all concrete, pavement, refined
cases, the spell rank functions metal, and glass. It does not Net. The caster can weave an
as Strength. A caster with include artificially manufactured enchanted net from his magical
Incredible Strength can lift 10 devices, such as guns or plastic energy. This net radiates from
tons; a caster with Incredible items. the caster in all directions, and
earth control can use his spell imprisons anyone within a one
to manipulate up to 10 tons of Fire Control. The caster has area range, whether it is friend
mineral matter. The spell only the spell to increase or or foe (ignore the usual area of
affects existing elements within decrease the intensity of an effect). The web is a physical
the area of effect; the caster existing fire, or the temperature manifestation that has a
cannot create elements. Any of an object, causing damage material rank equal to the spell
Nature Control spell can be up to his spell rank number. The rank. It can be ripped or
used as an attack by forming caster cannot, however, shredded, and will disappear if
columns of the elements generate fire from his body. the caster is knocked
which strike the target; the unconscious. The caster can
damage caused equals the Water Control. The caster can move when radiating this net
spell rank number. A caster can control the movement of water, only if he makes a successful
manipulate the appropriate creating whirlpools, water red Psyche FEAT roll; the net
elements within the area of spouts, etc, Any boat or ship disappears if he fails the roll. If
effect, but they must be within with a Speed rank below the he will teleport out of the net, or
sight. Affecting anything further caster’s spell rank can be in some other mystical way
away than five areas requires a stopped in the water. leaves the net without
successful yellow FEAT roll; a physically moving it, the net will
successful red FEAT roll is Weather Control. This spell is remain in place and intact for
needed to affect anything a unique combination of all four the duration of effect.
more than ten areas away. Only elemental control spells. It
nonliving, inanimate material allows the caster to manipulate Paralyze. This spell creates a
can be manipulated. The player the weather within his area of magical tendril that attacks the
may pick the type of control his spell. Storms, rain, wind, and target’s mind, making him
character will possess. snow can be summoned. The unable to move. If the caster’s
temperature can be raised or spell rank FEAT roll is
Air Control. By using this spell, lowered. Lightning bolts can be unsuccessful, the target will not
the caster may create winds or called down. Each weather even suspect he has been
a partial vacuum. Defensively, effect requires a spell rank attacked. It the caster’s spell
thrown objects and missile FEAT roll to succeed, and rank FEAT roll is successful, the
weapons are deflected (as causes damage equal to the target is allowed a Psyche
if the caster was dodging) and spell rank if used to attack FEAT roll to resist. If the target’s
all character’s in the same area someone. If the caster is resistance roll is successful, he

is unaffected but knows that he Post-cognition. The caster, by is out of the caster’s area, but
has been attacked. If the remaining immobile and those powers cannot enter the
target’s resistance roll is concentrating fully, can look area and operate (for example,
unsuccessful, he becomes back in time, seeing a vision of power beams that are fired into
completely paralyzed for a past events. The maximum the caster’s area will dissipate).
number of rounds equal to the area he can observe is his area Natural phenomena created
roll of one die, plus 2 additional of effect. He cannot be seen outside of the area, such as a
rounds. A paralyzed character by those shades of the past and storm delivering lightning bolts,
cannot move or speak, but he can hear no sound. This will not affect the caster’s area.
he can see, hear, smell, and spell requires full concentration.
use mental spells (it he has A successful spell rank FEAT Power Duplication**. The
any). Only a creature with a roll is required. The range of caster can duplicate one of the
brain (including cyborgs) can time that may be traveled back powers of a being possessing
be paralyzed. Medical treatment is 3 months multiplied by the natural, non-magical super
cannot cure magical paralysis. caster’s Psyche rank number. powers. The caster must touch
For example, a character with the character to use the spell. If
Plant Control. The caster can an Amazing Psyche (50 points) the other character is willing,
communicate with and control can go back 150 months, or 12 the normal spell rank FEAT roll
all forms of vegetation within years, 6 months. The vision is not necessary. Only one
the area of effect. Plants can be starts at the far end of the time power can be duplicated at any
used to attack (damage and span and runs towards the one time. The duplication of
Strength or Agility equals the present. If the caster makes power does not remove the
plant’s Material Strength +1CS, another successful FEAT roll power from the target. The
usually Typical or Good), as he can “freeze” the vision, or duration, area, and damage
spies (the caster can verbally replay an event already shown. of the duplicated power is that
communicate with the He cannot interfere in any way of the caster’s spell rank, not
controlled plants) and a wide with time, only observe what the power rank of the original
range of miscellaneous uses has happened in the space he power. The caster can choose
(as ladders, cushions, bindings, is concentrating on. Note: The the power duplicated, if the
etc.). A magic wielder of a Judge can rule that magic caster knows the other
Nature magic school using this artifacts or ancient rites will character. If the character who
spell shifts the plants’ attack allow a character to look back is touched is relatively unknown
abilities up another + 1 CS, and over millennia. to the caster, and the powers he
can communicate through a possesses are not completely
chain of plants (for example, a Power Block.* The caster fills known, than the Judge should
tree talking to a field of wheat, the area he is occupying with randomize what power the
which asks a moss covered an enchantment that prevents caster duplicates. The caster
embankment what the caster the use of all natural non- cannot duplicate magical spells,
wishes to know) as well as magical super powers talents, artificial abilities (like
directly with one plant. Note: (regardless of origin) with a Iron Man’s Strength), or extra
Whenever communications with power rank less than the spell limbs or other extreme physical
plants occur two things must be rank of the Power Block. This differences (like Nightcrawler’s
kept in mind: plants are not too does not work against any spell tail.)
bright and cannot identify things or power that has a rank
by sight but by feeling their size exceeding the caster’s Power Protected Senses. The caster
and weight as they pass by; Block spell rank. Technological creates an invisible, magical
fields and other large groupings powers, natural talents, and headgear that completely
of small plants are considered magic are not affected. surrounds the head without
as one entity. Dampened powers are returned hindering his senses. Four of
to normal once the character the caster’s senses (sight,

hearing, smell, and taste) are resistances. the Revival spell, then the
magically protected against Atmospheric. Resistance to caster must make a successful
damage from attacks based on the effects of all types of gases, spell rank FEAT roll to break the
sensory overload (such as loud spores, and airborne microbes. spell subtracting as many ranks
noise, blinding light, or Cold. Resistance to the effects from his spell’s normal spell
nauseating smells.) If the caster of cold. rank as the holding spell
would normally make a FEAT Corrosives. Resistance to exceeds it. A Revival spell can
roll to resist one of these acids and corrosives of all only be used against a specific
sensory attacks, use the types. spell enthralling a specific
spell rank of this spell if it is Electricity. Resistance to character once a day.
higher than the appropriate damaging electrical currents
ability rank. If the ability rank is and lightning. Sensing-Clairaudience. The
higher, shift the ability rank one Heat and Flame. Resistance to caster can listen through any
column to the right for the fire, flames, and natural or objects or structures that
resistance FEAT roll. If the artificial heat sources. normally would baffle sound
attack normally succeeds Poison. Resistance to all types within a specific range. The
automatically, the spell rank of natural and synthetic range equals the area of effect
acts like body armor that poisons. (see the Magical Limits Table).
protects the senses. Radiation. Resistance to a The character can quickly scan
specific type of radiation, such the area of spell for
Reflective Aura. The caster as gamma rays or cosmic rays. conversation, unusual sounds,
surrounds himself with an The player and Judge should etc., but the actual area listened
invisible aura that reflects non- agree on a useful resistance. to, within his range, cannot be
magical energy attacks Solar. Resistance to sun stroke, larger than a 20 foot radius.
back to the sender or device. sunburn, light attacks, and solar When zeroed in on, sounds
Energy attacks with a power radiation. from the area can be heard as if
rank equal to or less than the Sonic. Resistance to all types the caster was there himself.
spell rank literally reflect off him of damaging sonic waves and Any sound attack in the area
and are directed, in full force, sounds. has full effect on the character
back at the attacker. Energy using this spell. This spell
attacks of a greater spell rank Revival. The spell counters the requires a great deal of
are reduced by one rank for the effects of other spells that concentration. It can be used
purposes of damage caused to preventing a character from simultaneously only with similar
the target. This has no effect acting or thinking with complete Sensing spells.
on mental or magical attacks. control. Spells that can be
The spell requires full countered by a Revival spell Sensing-Clairvoyance. The
concentration by the caster. It include Mesmerism, Emotion caster can see within a specific
cannot be used while the Control, Confusion, Fear, range through obstacles and
caster is engaged in physical Illusion, Charm, Mental Control, structures. The range is equal
combat. Paralyze, Forgetfulness, and to the area of spell (see
the like. If the spell rank of the the Magical Limits Table). The
Resistance Aura. The caster Revival spell is stronger character can quickly scan the
surrounds himself with an than the spell rank of the area of spell for any unusual
invisible magical aura that controlling spell, then the activities, but the actual area
protects him against a specific controlling spell is automatically focused in on and viewed,
type of hostile environment broken. If the spell ranks are within this range, may be no
or condition. The spell rank is equal, a successful spell larger than a 20 foot sphere. It
treated as body armor against rank FEAT roll is needed to is affected as sight normally
the hostile effect. The following break the spell. If the holding would be by darkness, light
are the most common kind of spell is a higher spell rank than attacks, and so on. This spell

requires a great deal of Unlike some of the other and useful. The caster can
concentration. It can be used sensing spells, this spell does automatically talk to or
simultaneously only with similar not require a great deal of otherwise communicate with
Sensing spells. concentration. the servant. This spell cannot
use human beings as servants.
Sensing-Danger. The caster Sensing-identity. The caster
can scan the area of spell using can mystically scan the mind of Shape-Shifting, Limited. The
mystic waves that will warn him anybody he can see within his caster can mystically change
of danger. If this spell rank is area of spell and determine that into the shape of one animal,
higher than the caster’s person’s true identity. If the plant, or object of his choice.
Intuition rank, use this spell target is another magic wielder The exact creature or object
rank when the caster makes or a character with mental must be specified when the
Intuition FEAT rolls. If the spell powers of any kind, he is spell is first learned and
rank is lower than the caster’s allowed a Psyche FEAT roll to whenever the character
Intuition, increase his Intuition resist the probe. If the changes, it is into that shape.
by one level when making resistance FEAT roll is Changes to the shape are
Intuition FEAT checks. successful, he is unaffected. automatic, but to become a
perfect duplicate, complete with
Sensing-Evil. The caster can Sensing-Mystical Detection. its abilities, requires a
mystically sense the presence The caster is sensitive to the successful spell rank FEAT roll.
of great evil in his area of spell. use of magic. He can detect The caster cannot change into
This includes the presence of magic use and its specific another super powered
evil creatures (demons, evil source within the area of character. A shape shifted
magic wielders, super villains effect. Among the specific magic wielder can only use
bent on destruction, etc.), things he can detect are: spells that rely on his own
artifacts of evil design or magicians casting spells, personal energy. Universal
exceptionally evil deeds. This magical items that are being energy spells and dimensional
spell is automatic (FEAT rolls used or that have a protective energy spells are not
are not needed). As the caster spell cast on them, magical usable unless he is in his
gets closer to the source of the portals, and magical creatures. natural state.
evil emanations, his sensing Unlike some sensing spells, this
gets stronger. Thus, he can spell does not require a great Shape-Shifting, Unlimited*.
usually root out the evil if he deal of concentration. The caster can mystically
goes looking for it. If the spell change into the shape of any
duration is permanent, the spell Servant. The caster can animal, plant, or object he
functions constantly, even when summon forth his own, personal wishes. He retains his normal
the caster is asleep. servant to do his bidding. This size and mass, unless he also
servant will require quite a bit of has the Growth or Shrinking
Sensing-Fields. The caster Judge’s discretion as to its spell. Changes to a the shape
can magically detect the nature, abilities, spell, etc. The are automatic, but to become a
presence of force fields, in the servant’s abilities are generated perfect duplicate, complete
area of effect. The caster as for any other character. The with its abilities, requires a
must make a successful yellow Judge then gives it two spells, successful spell rank FEAT roll.
FEAT to detect fields smaller and gives it an origin The caster cannot change into
than man-sized at ranges appropriate to the character it another super powered
greater than five areas. At serves. Various types of character. The caster can also
ranges of a mile or more, the magical servants exist, shape-shift other, willing
caster must make a successful including jinn, demons, characters, but must make a
red FEAT to detect fields familiars, ghosts, and the like. successful spell rank FEAT roll
smaller than building sized. The servant is obedient, helpful, with a - 1 CS penalty to the

spell rank. The caster retains to harm the caster during appears when the previous
his normal consciousness and that round. A caster can have shield has been shattered. For
can magically see and hear, only one great shield in effect at example, a caster with a
even if in an “inanimate” form. A any time. Remarkable spell rank has
shape-shifted magic wielder three Individual Shields, one
can only use spells that rely on Shield-individual. The caster right behind the other to protect
his own personal energy. create a mystic shield to protect him. If the outermost shield is
Universal energy spells and himself. The shield has an struck by an attack that is at
dimensional energy spells are armor rank equal to the spell least two ranks higher than
not usable unless he is in his rank. This shield is usually the shield rank, one or more
natural state. invisible to all but magic inner shields are also broken; if
wielders and can be projected the attack is 2 ranks higher, a
Shield-Aura. The caster out away from the caster’s second shield is broken, at 3
surrounds himself or another outstretched hand a few feet. ranks higher, a third shield, and
character with a shining aura The caster moves the shield to so on. No damage will reach
that acts as body armor against block attacks. If the caster is the caster in the round the last
all forms of attack. It does not attacked from a number of shield is broken.
hinder the caster in any way. An sources at once the shield
aura shield has an armor rank will only protect him from one Shrinking. The caster can
equal to the spell rank - 1 CS. If attack. If the caster is surprised, mystically shrink himself. The
it is hit by an attack with a or if the attacking character limit depends on his spell rank,
higher power rank it is succeeds in targeting a magical and is listed on the Magical
shattered and disappears, beam or bolt as a bull’s-eye, it Size Changes table, under the
though no damage reaches the means the caster could not Growth spell. The caster’s
caster during that round. Only move his shield fast enough to Strength rank is unaffected by
one aura shield can surround a deflect the attack. If the shield is size reduction, but he gets a
character at any given time. hit by an attack with a higher +1CS when attacking, and
spell rank it shatters, though no opponents have a -2CS when
Shield-Great. This shield damage penetrates it to harm they attack him. Damage
protects an area. Unlike the the caster during that round. caused is as normal. Area effect
other shields, the great shield is The caster can also use this attacks do not use these
immobile and the caster spell to encircle himself with modifiers
assigns it to a fixed position four weaker shields (armor rank
when he casts it. The size of equaling the spell rank -1CS). If Shrinking Others. The caster
the great shield can be any of the shields are broken, has a magical spell that is
anywhere from the size of an the remainder are unaffected. almost identical to the Shrinking
individual shield up to a plane The caster cannot leave the spell, but instead of being able
that is 1 area wide and 3 stories circle of shields until they to shrink himself, he can shrink
tall. It can be located anywhere dissipate or are destroyed. other characters and objects. If
within the area of effect, but the the character to be shrunk is
caster must see the location to Shield-Multiple**. This spell willing, then the caster must
place it. The great shield has an uses extra dimensional make a successful spell rank
armor rank equal to the spell energies to create a Multiple FEAT roll to shrink him. The
rank +2CS. It is usually Shield. It is identical to an character will regain his normal
transparent, but strange runes Individual Shield, except that height after the duration of spell
can be seen scrawled around there are actually multiple or when the caster wishes,
the edge. If it is struck by an shields behind the one that whichever comes first. If the
attack with a higher power rank appears. For every spell rank character to be shrunk is not
it is shattered and disappears, above Good, the caster has willing, then not only does the
though no damage penetrates it another Shield that immediately caster have to make a spell

rank FEAT roll, but the target is spell rank determines how to teleport to, or is able to see it,
allowed a Psyche FEAT roll to much weight can be moved, as then he need make no FEAT
resist the effect (see the Magic if it were Strength. This spell roll. If he is attempting to
Effects Table). The target will can be used to attack in two teleport into an unknown
return to his normal height after different ways. The caster can location he must make a
the duration of spell or when the ensnare someone kinetically; spell rank FEAT roll. A failed roll
caster wishes, whichever the victim is considered means he could not complete
comes first. If an object is to be grappled by a Strength equal to the movement and was
shrunk, its material rank must the spell rank, The caster may “bumped” back to his original
be equal to or less than this also form a telekinetic fist and point of departure. If a caster
spell rank. To shrink an object, attack from a distance (but tries teleport into a solid object
the caster must make a within the area of spell), making (because he is unaware of its
successful spell rank FEAT roll. a Psyche FEAT roll to hit his presence) he must make an
The object will return to its target. This will cause damage Endurance FEAT roll; if this roll
normal size only after the equal to the attacker’s Psyche fails, he materializes outside the
duration of effect has lapsed. rank. object but suffers damage equal
to the material rank of the
Static Field. The caster can set Telepathy. The caster can object. The character is
up an invisible static field with direct his Universal or automatically slammed (1 area)
his magical energy. This field, Dimensional energy broadcast and may be stunned (make a
which blankets his area of his thoughts to others and to FEAT roll for exact result). The
effect, disrupts television, read ‘ their thoughts. The visual effects that accompany
radio, CB, walkies-talkie, and person receiving the caster’s teleport (vapors rising, flash of
other broadcasting devices. It thoughts is not forced to light, slow fade out, etc.) are
also disrupts all closed-circuited respond. If attempting to up to the player.
monitoring security systems communicate with a being of a
and scanners, most computer higher Psyche rank, the caster Tongues. The caster mystically
systems, robotic “brains”, must make a successful spell alters his senses so he can
and any other highly rank FEAT roll. While this spell read, write, speak, and hear
sophisticated electronic is mainly communicative it unknown language spoken or
devices. The field moves with is also a support spell which written in his presence. The
the caster and once an item is adds a +1CS for any of the area of effect has no
outside the field, it works as following spells used by the significance with this spell. If the
before. Any attack that uses caster at the same time as language is native to his world,
broadcast power, such as a he is using Telepathy: Mental no FEAT roll is needed. If the
maser (microwave), must Probe, Mental Control, and language is an alien one, he
punch through the field first. Mesmerism. must make a successful spell
Treat the spell rank as body rank FEAT roll to be able to
armor for purposes of defense. Teleportation** The caster can comprehend it.
channel his Universal or
Telekinesis. The caster can Dimensional energy into a Trance. The caster has two
use his Universal or special type of movement that options with this spell, he can
Dimensional energy to move allows him to travel mystically slow down or speed
objects within the area of effect. instantaneously from one spot up his metabolism. The
He must see the object to to another without physically slowed metabolism reduces the
initially move it, but once crossing any of the space potency of any poison in his
moving he can keep it moving if between. The caster can body (- 3CS). The character
he loses sight of it. However, if teleport as far as his area of can almost hibernate, thus
he drops an object he cannot effect allows. If the caster lasting longer on fewer
see, he cannot lift it again. The is familiar with the location he is supplies in harsh climates, The

character can feign death and victim. This requires the use of which causes half of its normal
has a chance to fool even the dimensional energy. damage.)
best doctors into believing he Energy. There are many Trap. The caster uses this spell
has died; feigning death options available: solar, it he expects to be mentally
requires a successful spell rank electrical, various types of attacked (magical or otherwise).
FEAT roll. While the caster’s radiation, etc. The Judge should Once set, the trap will last for 5
body metabolism is slowed assign any special abilities that rounds (ignore the normal
down, healing also slower (one- are unique to the particular duration of spell) or until the
half his Endurance rank number energy’s nature. character is successfully struck
per day). The accelerated Fire and/or Heat. The caster by a magical mental attack or
metabolism speeds up has limited body armor equal to other form of mental probe.
medicinal drugs injected into the spell rank against weapons When this happens, the
the caster’s system, thus that melt or burn. The grasp of caster must make a spell rank
doubling the effects of healing. a character transformed into fire FEAT roll. If he succeeds, the
He can feign a fever, heart causes damage equal to the caster’s stored magical
attack, and other maladies. spell rank number and can Universal or Dimensional
Once the character has ignite flammable items. energy lashes out, causing
started his mystical trance he Gas. The caster decides on damage to the attacker’s mind
cannot move or do any action whether he wishes to be air, that is equal to the trap’s spell
except concentrate. He can smoke, toxic gas, etc. Nothing rank. If he fails, the attack
come out of the trance affects the gaseous caster that against the caster will be
whenever he desires, but it would not normally effect gas successful, but apply a - 2 CS
takes 2 rounds for his body to (but his mind can be attacked to the spell rank of the hostile
return to full consciousness. by mental spell). spell.
Ice. The caster can freeze
Transformation. The caster anything freezable. His grasp Vapors-Enhancement. The
can, upon a successful spell causes damage equal caster can conjure forth magical
rank FEAT roll, magically turn to the spell rank number, when vapors, which pour out from
his body into another he is transformed. around his feet, hands, or just
substance, retaining his own Metal or Mineral. Among the suddenly begin to swirl in the air
shape. There is a 15% chance options are sand, steel, (caster’s discretion). These
that this spell is the type that diamond, etc. vapors are thin and wispy and
can transform the caster into Sound. The caster’s body can constantly swirl around the
any substance he wishes. be composed of “living sound”, caster’s body. During the
Otherwise the caster must pick very similar to the villain Klaw. duration of these vapors one of
one of the transformations listed He has mass, so he can be the caster’s abilities is
below. In his altered form, the touched or hit, but the only enhanced; the player picks the
caster may assume the environment he needs is ability when the character
properties of that material: some type of matter around obtains the spell-it can be
water flows, energy travels at him, a medium through which Agility, Strength, Endurance,
the speed of light, fire ignites sound can travel. Sonic attacks or Psyche). The caster can then
flammable materials, and so on. will have no effect on him. perform as normal without
If the form is solid or sonic, the Water. The caster can retain his having to concentrate on his
caster can use its material rank body shape, or collapse and enhancement. If the
as body armor. flow through small openings rank of this spell is higher than
Darkforce. A caster who and cracks. Body armor also the caster’s normal ability, use
transforms himself into the equals spell rank because the spell rank. If the ability is
Darkforce can drain Health attacks pass right through him higher than the spell rank, add
points equal to the spell rank (except for heat attacks, which one rank to the ability when
by touching or enveloping the cause full damage or electricity using this spell.

Vapors-Obscurity. The caster sufficient density to affect at will. Once gone, by the
can conjure forth magical anyone’s vision. Everyone but caster’s will or at the end of the
vapors, which pour out from the caster who is in the duration of spell, the character
around his feet, hands, or just vaporous area(s) must make an starts dying and must follow
suddenly begin to swirl in the Endurance FEAT roll or fall the procedure on page 11 of the
air (caster’s discretion). The asleep for 1-10 rounds plus an MARVEL SUPER HEROES
vapors resemble dense smoke additional 2 rounds. Loud Game Battle Book. If the
of a color specified by the noises, being nudged, and character the caster is trying to
caster. They fill the area he is other “awakening” conditions save has been dead for over 2
occupying in one round. The will arouse the characters rounds, but less than 3 hours,
caster can continue to fill areas affected. These vapors only last the caster can try to create a
at a rate of one per round until for one round, then dissipate. special, potent vapor which will
some or all of his area of effect have the same effect as
is full. These vapors prevent Vapors-Resist Death. The described above. To create
anyone from seeing the caster, caster can conjure forth magical this special vapor requires the
and even radar, sonar, and vapors, which pour out from caster to make a spell rank
infrared devices cannot around his feet, hands, or just FEAT roll and deduct one rank
penetrate them. The caster, on suddenly begin to swirl in the from his Psyche (for a week)
the other hand, can see through air (caster’s discretion). These whether he succeeds in the
the vapors perfectly. The effect vapors will only cover one spell or not. The caster can
that the vapors have on combat individual the caster chooses keep attempting this spell, but
is to provide the caster with a within the area of spell. This must deduct the Psyche rank
1 CS when striking an opponent character must be dying or each time he tries. If his Psyche
who is in the vapors and to dead for no more than 2 rounds rank drops to Feeble or below,
penalize the opponent with a -2 when the spell is cast. These due to the exercising of this
CS Shift for striking at the extremely powerful vapors will spell, he permanently loses a
caster, while the opponent is in bring the character up to 0 Psyche rank.
the vapors. Health points and keep him
there (if he has died) or will Wave. The caster unleashes a
Vapors-Sleep. The caster can freeze him at the level of his sorcerous “wave” of mystical
conjure forth magical vapors, current Health and Endurance. force causing damage equal to
which pour out from around his This “freezing” of the character the spell rank. The wave can be
feet, hands, or just suddenly will last for the duration of effect linear and directional or cover
begin to swirl in the air (caster’s and allows for time to treat his the complete area of spell,
discretion). These vapors wounds or the condition which effecting everyone and
resemble soft, billowy, white is killing him (taking him to a everything in its range.
clouds and will only cover the hospital, applying spells that Whenever a wave of
caster’s immediate area (if the heal, etc.) Once applied, these Remarkable intensity or higher
spell rank is Good or less) or vapors wrap the target in a ripples forth, all in the area(s)
the caster’s area and one black, swirling shroud. The must make an Agility FEAT roll
adjacent area of his choice (if target remains unconscious to remain standing, otherwise
the spell rank is Excellent of while in the vapors. The they fall to the ground. The
better). The vapors are not of caster can dissipate the vapors duration of the wave is one

Entreaty Spells
These spells request an extra succeed. The Judge can use
dimensional being, artifact, or his discretion in assigning • Assumes that the being
entity to allow its energy to be FEAT colors, but the following entreated is friendly to the
used by the caster for guidelines are suggested: caster or his school. If the
completion of his spell. These being is neutral, increase the
require the caster to call out the FEAT* Effect Required FEAT result needed by one
name of the being entreated, Green Entreaty color (from Green to Yellow,
usually in some prosaic chant duplicates effect for example). If the being is
(the player does not have to do of a Personal or hostile to the caster, increase
this aloud!). The Miscellany of Universal spell** the FEAT result by two colors
Mysticism features a section on Green Entreaty spell is (from Green to Red, for
these entities, their intentions one normally •example). An increase beyond
and inclination towards associated with ••Red is not possible.
order or chaos, and some of the the being* • ** Assumes that the effect
more famous entreaty spells Yellow Effect desired is does not duplicate any group
associated with them. The not one normally sub- spell that the caster has
player tells the Judge the associated with chosen for that day’s use (see
desired effect of the entreaty the being, but not Group Spells). If the effect
spell and the Judge assigns a contrary to its duplicated would normally
colored FEAT roll result that he nature or allow a Psyche FEAT roll to
feels is appropriate for success. purpose. avoid its effect, the target is
The player must then make a Red Effect desired is allowed the FEAT roll.
FEAT roll that equals the contrary to the
assigned result in order to being’s nature

The Enhancement Spell

This spell is presented out of character is granted a power, each* and grants one
alphabetical order because it is go to Table 5.0 to determine magical power
one that a player character the power’s “school” , then to 61-75 Raises 2 select abilities
would not normally obtain for Table 6.0 and treat the power by 2 ranks each*
his own use. This powerful as personal energy. If no 76-90 Raises three random
enchantment is used by the powers have been granted, abilities by 2 ranks
Judge to create magically determine the enhanced each*
enhanced characters-Altered abilities, then go to Talents. 91-95 Raises 3 select abilities
Humans of magical origin. The by 2 ranks each*
Judge can use this spell to Magical Enhancements Table 96-98 Raises 3 random
create player characters as well Roll Enhancement abilities by 2 ranks*
as NPCs. To create a character, 01-10 Raises 1 select ability by each and grants one
roll percentile dice on the I rank* magical power
Magical Enhancements Table 11-25 Raises 2 select abilities 99-00 Raises 3 select abilities
for the type of enchantment, by 1 rank each. * by 2 ranks each* and
then again on the Special 26-40 Raises 2 random grants one magical
Conditions Table for special abilities by 2 ranks power
conditions of the enchantment. each* *Abilities have an upper limit of
Read and note any descriptions 41-60 Raises 2 random Amazing: any enhancement
below the Tables. If the abilities by 2 ranks above

Amazing is ignored. Raising a 71-80 Abilities and wealth (character must not
select ability indicates that the powers require exceed a Resource rank of
player can choose the ability he self sacrifices to Poor), his personal life (no
wants raised. The ability is then maintain. secret identity allowed), friends
increased. Raising a random 81-90 Abilities and (character is thought of as a
ability indicates that the referee powers require a rogue or questionable hero, at
should roll a die randomly for keyword or best), and so on. The Judge
the ability that will be increased: gesture to makes the final decision).
1 or 2 = FIGHTING, 3 or 4 = activate. Keyword or gestures indicates
AGILITY, 5 or 6 = STRENGTH, 91-00 Abilities and the character can only increase
7 or 8=ENDURANCE, 9 powers require a his abilities and/or gain his
=REASON or INTUITION condition laid power when he performs a
(player’s choice), and 10 down by Judge certain gesture or says a
= PSYCHE. It is then increased. to maintain. keyword, such as “By the Mists
Granting a magical power of Merlin, let the Silver
indicates that the character has No special conditions indicate Sorceress appear” or some
been imbued with one magical that the character’s symbol must be displayed
power that uses personal enhancement is constant (Judge’s discretion). The
energies (roll on the list of and permanent. Effective during character would then be
personal spells). certain time periods indicates magically enhanced for a set
that the powers only work time period, say 1 day.
Special Enhancement Condition during night, do not work for Conditions laid down by the
Dice Roll Special Conditions more than 8 hours at a stretch, Judge indicates some other
01-60 No special or whatever period the Judge requirement than those listed
conditions, abilities decides. Requires self beforehand must exist for the
and/or powers are sacrifices to maintain indicates character to become enhanced
permanently that something must be given (Judge’s discretion).
imbued. up by the character to keep his • duplicated would normally
61-70 Abilities and magical enhancements. allow a Psyche FEAT roll to
powers are only Possibilities include sacrificing avoid its effect, the target is
effective during allowed the FEAT roll.
certain times


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