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Year 5 Term 1A Overview

Spelling | Year 5 | Term 1A

Objectives that are in pink are a Y5/Y6 statutory requirement and individual words highlighted pink are from the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. The additional sets either: revise
previously visited spelling rules from lower year groups; practise a spelling rule linked to a Y5/Y6 statutory spelling word or relate to a word, sentence or punctuation objective
from the English Appendix 2 of the NC 2014. Each set of spellings contains 10 words linked to the objective.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Words with endings Words with endings Words with the short Words with the long Homophones & near Homophones & near Review Week
that sound like that sound like vowel sound /i/ spelt vowel sound /i/ spelt homophones homophones
/shuhs/ spelt with /shuhs/ spelt with with y with y
–cious –tious or -ious

vicious ambitious symbol apply past farther Within this assess &
review week, use the
provided Year 5 Autumn
gracious cautious mystery supply passed father Term 1 Dictation Passages
and the Spot the Mistake
with Mr Whoops self-
spacious fictitious lyrics identify proceed guessed correction activities to
assess pupil’s progress
against the objectives that
malicious infectious oxygen occupy precede guest have been covered within
this half-term.

precious nutritious symptom multipl aisle heard

conscious contentious physical y isle herd

delicious superstitious system rhyme aloud led

suspicious pretentious typical cycle allowed lead

atrocious anxious crystal python affect mourning

ferocious obnoxious rhythm hygiene effect morning

Year 5 Term 1B Overview
Objectives that are in pink are a Y5/Y6 statutory requirement and individual words highlighted pink are from the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. The additional sets either: revise
previously visited spelling rules from lower year groups; practise a spelling rule linked to a Y5/Y6 statutory spelling word or relate to a word, sentence or punctuation objective
from the English Appendix 2 of the NC 2014.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Words with Words with Modal verbs Words ending Adverbs of Statutory Spelling Review Week
'silent' letters 'silent' letters in ‘ment’ possibility and Challenge Words
doubt wrestle can equipment certainly vegetable Within this review week,
use the provided Year 5
Term 1B Dictation
lamb wrapper could environment definitely vehicle Passages and the Spot
the Mistake with Mr
Whoops self- correction
debt island may government possibly bruise activities to assess
pupil’s progress against
the objectives that have
thumb aisle might parliament perhaps soldier been covered within this

solemn debris must enjoyment probably stomach

autumn mortgage shall document frequently recommend

column Christmas should management often leisure

knight yacht will movement occasionally privilege

knuckl guarantee would replacement rarely occur

e guilty ought statement always neighbour


Spelling | Year 5 | Term 1b

Year 5 Term 2A Overview
Objectives that are in pink are a Y5/Y6 statutory requirement and individual words highlighted pink are from the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. The additional sets either: revise
previously visited spelling rules from lower year groups; practise a spelling rule linked to a Y5/Y6 statutory spelling word or relate to a word, sentence or punctuation objective
from the English Appendix 2 of the NC 2014.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Creating nouns Creating nouns Creating nouns Homophones & Homophones & Homophones & Review Week
using -ity suffix using -ness suffix using -ship suffix Near Homophones Near Homophones Near Homophones

community happiness membership stationary alter principal Within this review week,
use the provided Year 5
Term 2A Dictation
curiosity hardness ownership stationery altar principle Passages and the Spot
the Mistake with Mr
Whoops self- correction
ability madness partnership steal steel ascent profit activities to assess
pupils’ progress against
the objectives that have
visibility nastiness dictatorship wary assent prophet been covered within this

captivity silliness championship weary bridal descent

activity tidiness craftsmanship who’s bridle dissent

eternity childishness fellowship whose cereal desert

flexibility willingness apprenticeship fate serial dessert

possibility carelessness citizenship fete compliment draft

sensitivity foolishness sponsorship complement draught

Spelling | Year 5 | Term 2a

Year 5 Term 2B Overview
Objectives that are in pink are a Y5/Y6 statutory requirement and individual words highlighted pink are from the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. The additional sets either: revise
previously visited spelling rules from lower year groups; practise a spelling rule linked to a Y5/Y6 statutory spelling word or relate to a word, sentence or punctuation objective
from the English Appendix 2 of the NC 2014

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Words with an /or/ Words with /or/ Convert nouns or Convert nouns or Convert nouns or Convert nouns or Review Week
sound spelt ‘or’ sound spelt ‘au’ adjectives into verbs adjectives into verbs adjectives into verbs adjectives into verbs
using the suffix -ate using the suffix -ise using the suffix -ify using the suffix -en

forty pause pollinate criticise amplify blacken Within this review week,
use the provided Year 5
Term 2B Dictation
scorch cause captivate advertise solidify brighten Passages and the Spot
the Mistake with Mr
Whoops self- correction
absorb sauce activate capitalise signify flatten activities to assess
pupil’s progress against
the objectives that have
decorate fraud motivate finalise falsify lengthen been covered within this

afford launch communicate equalise glorify mistaken

enormous author medicate fertilise notify straighten

category August elasticate terrorise testify shorten

tornado applaud hyphenate socialise purify thicken

according astronaut alienate visualise intensify tighten

opportunity restaurant validate vandalise classify toughen

Spelling | Year 5 | Term 2B

Year 5 Term 3A Overview
Objectives that are in pink are a Y5/Y6 statutory requirement and individual words highlighted pink are from the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. The additional sets either: revise
previously visited spelling rules from lower year groups; practise a spelling rule linked to a Y5/Y6 statutory spelling word or relate to a word, sentence or punctuation objective
from the English Appendix 2 of the NC 2014.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Words containing Words containing Adverbials of time Adverbials of place Words with an Statutory Spelling Review Week
the letter string the letter string /ear/ sound spelt Challenge Words
‘ough’ ‘ough’ ‘ere’

though plough yesterday nearby sincere amateur Within this review week,
use the provided Year 5
Term 3A Dictation
although bough tomorrow everywhere interfere ancient Passages and the Spot
the Mistake with Mr
Whoops self-correction
dough drought later nowhere sphere bargain activities to assess
pupil’s progress against
the objectives that have
doughnut brought immediately inside adhere muscle been covered within this

through bought earlier downstairs severe queue

cough wrought eventually outside persevere recognise

trough thought recently upstairs atmosphere twelfth

rough ought previously underneath mere profession

tough borough finally behind hemisphere develop

enough thorough lately somewhere austere harass

Spelling | Year 5 | Term 3a

Year 5 Term 3B Overview
Objectives that are in pink are a Y5/Y6 statutory requirement and individual words highlighted pink are from the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. The additional sets either: revise
previously visited spelling rules from lower year groups; practise a spelling rule linked to a Y5/Y6 statutory spelling word or relate to a word, sentence or punctuation objective
from the English Appendix 2 of the NC 2014.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7

Unstressed vowels in Adding verb prefixes Adding verb prefix Convert nouns or Convert nouns or Convert nouns or Review Week
polysyllabic words de- and re- over- verbs into adjectives verbs into adjectives verbs into adjectives
using suffix -ful using suffix -ive using suffix -al

definite deflate overthrow boastful attractive musical Within this review week,
use the provided Year 5
Term 3B Dictation
desperate deform overturn faithful creative political Passages and the Spot
the Mistake with Mr
Whoops self- correction
literate decode overslept doubtful addictive accidental activities to assess
pupil’s progress against
the objectives that have
secretary decompose overcook fearful assertive mathematical been covered within this

stationary defuse overreact thankful abusive functional

dictionary recycle overestimate beautiful cooperative tropical

Wednesday rebuild overuse pitiful exhaustive professional

familiar rewrite overpaid plentiful appreciative central

original replace overlook fanciful offensive global

animal revisit overbalance merciful expressive industrial

Spelling | Year 5 | Term 3b

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