Emf Lab Report

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Qasim Salahuddin

EMF and internal resistance

In this experiment we use a voltmeter, ammeter, variable resistor and cell to work out the
internal resistance of a cell, which we calculated to be 20 ohms, while EMF was calculated to be
1.6 volts, based upon multiple readings of voltage and current with varying values of
resistance, which were then plot on a graph, a line of best fit drawn (as well as a line of worst
fit) and the negative gradient and y-intercept were calculated, which were the internal
resistance and electromotive force respectively. The formula of ε = I(R + r) was also used to
calculate values.

In this experiment we investigate the internal resistance and electromotive force inside a circuit.
We use various equipment and methods to determine the internal resistance and EMF of a cell
and the whole circuit. The aim is to find an accurate and precise value for EMF and internal
resistance, reducing human error and random error where possible. This will be done mainly by
repeating the experiment in unchanged conditions and taking an average from obtained values,
while discarding anomalies. We also aim to produce a graph from our table of values, which
would then be analysed for further study.

• Voltage (dependent)
• Current (dependant)
• Resistance (independent)
• EMF of cell (control)
• Internal resistance (control)1

• 1.5V cell
• Resistor with unknown resistance (for internal resistance to be unknown)
• Variable resistor
• Voltmeter
• Ammeter
• Wires
• Switch
Voltmeter and Ammeter should have sufficient resolution, and the cell should not be too old to
prevent it from providing a varying EMF or internal resistance.

Qasim Salahuddin


Using the cell, resistor, ammeter, variable resistor and switch, connect these components in series in
the order listed using wires. Then connect the voltmeter in parallel to the variable resistor. Then set
the variable resistor to its maximum value and read off the voltage of the voltmeter and the current
of the ammeter, while the switch is closed. Between readings open the switch to preserve the
battery. Repeat this 3 times for each resistance you set it to. Then lower the resistance slightly and
repeat this process. Repeat this until the variable resistor is at its minimum resistance, aiming for
roughly 8 to 10 intervals. With this gathered data, calculate an average value for each resistance
value, excluding any anomalies. Then plot this onto a graph of voltage against current, along with a
line of best fit. Then choose any two point and calculate the gradient using them, while also noting
down the y-intercept. These two values respectively are the negative internal resistance and the
electromotive force.


Qasim Salahuddin

Results obtained were plotted into the above graph, where a line of best fit was then drawn. The y-
intercept can be seen to be 1.6 volts, which is the EMF, and the negative gradient is calculated to be
(-1) x (0-1.6)/(0.08-0) = 20 ohms. Analysis of the results showed that the results produced were
indeed expected, as the cell used provided 1.5 volts, with the EMF expected to be slightly higher
than that, which it was.

The conclusion is that the EMF and Internal Resistance of a cell and circuit can be worked out by
taking readings of current and voltage over varying resistance, as was done in this experiment. It was
worked out to be 20 ohms of internal resistance and 1.6 volts of EMF. The experiment would be
described as a success as our results were align with our predicted values, with the setup and
method being straightforward and easy to undertake with little mistakes.

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