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Benefits, Drawbacks, and Ethical
Considerations for IT Organizations
Many organizations are exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI)
in their daily operations, from customer service chatbots to content
creation and data analysis. One technology that has undeniably gained
attention (for better or for worse) is ChatGPT. Are you trying to wrap your
head around ChatGPT and its impact on IT? Check out this compilation
where we explore both the benefits and drawbacks of ChatGPT and
examine how ethical concerns surrounding the technology are being

Overall, while ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way

businesses and the world operates, it's imperative that organizations
proceed with caution and carefully evaluate the potential benefits and risks
before adopting this technology.
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8 Ways to Put ChatGPT

to Work for Your
Welcome your new business partner. Here are
some ways ChatGPT can help your organization
become more competitive.
Love it or loathe it, ChatGPT has generated a great deal of controversy over
the past few weeks. Lost in all the uproar is how the powerful new AI chatbot
technology can help businesses work more efficiently and productively.

While it's impossible to list every potential ChatGPT business application,

here's a quick look at eight ways businesses are already using the technology
to build sales and streamline staff performance.
Document creation
Jeff Wong, chief innovation officer at business advisory firm EY, believes that once organizations
have adequately assessed ChatGPT’s capabilities, they will use the tool to write documents
faster and more efficiently.

Whether it's in the form of letters, PowerPoints, or agreements, financial organizations, for
instance, will be able to use ChatGPT to deliver new ideas from an accounting perspective, or
give analysts the risks associated with a certain situation, Wong explains. “Eventually,
companies can even ask the application’s recommendation on a financial portfolio as well as
create hedge fund algorithms.”

A process that so seamlessly acts like a human is groundbreaking, Wong says. “We're only
scratching the surface of what it can achieve.”
Summarizing massive records
Businesses should look to ChatGPT to summarize massive amounts of written text, advises
Vladimir Lukic, managing director and a senior partner with Boston Consulting Group. Document
summarizations mark a critical step in leveraging ChatGPT for business applications, and can
even be used to summarize speech or interview transcripts, he notes.

“There's such a large volume of information floating around that the task of managing all of it,
and working toward surfacing common patterns or themes, requires a lot of individual effort,”
Lukic explains. “ChatGPT could help streamline or expedite much of the tedious manual effort of
summarizing and communicating that information.”
Faster, easier database queries
Imagine a physician looking for an answer to this question: “What was the average age of
patients who spent five or more days in hospital due to COVID?” Ordinarily, acquiring this type of
information would require a database specialist to craft a query for retrieval from a relevant

No longer, says Alex Jenkins, director of the WA Data Science Innovation Hub (WADSIH), a joint
partnership between the Western Australian Government and Curtin University. “ChatGPT can
easily craft that query for you and return the results from your hospital’s database systems,” he
says. “The time savings will be significant.”
Speedier code creation
While still in its early phases, ChatGPT technology shows considerable promise in code writing,
says Muddu Sudhakar, CEO of applied AI company Aisera.“While developers, programmers and
software engineers can spend hours writing code for applications, using ChatGPT anyone can
write a description asking to automate a process and they will receive a code,” he explains. “This
process of prompt-based automation eliminates the need to work with complex code and allows
teams to easily update or include new features.”
Rapid social media content
ChatGPT can be a time-saver for people who want to make an impact in social media channels
yet lack solid communication skills. “For example, small business owners who handle their own
social media and have to produce a lot of content to keep the algorithms happy,” says Clara
Burke, an associate teaching professor in business management communication at Carnegie
Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business. “Such individuals could offload some of their
writing and video scripting to ChatGPT.”
Flexible idea generation
Ideas flourish when people gather together in groups. “We often build on what one person says
with something else,” explains Wayne Butterfield, a partner with global technology research and
advisory firm ISG.

Yet in a work-from-home environment, or when team members are dispersed over multiple sites,
such tribal knowledge is often impossible to collect. “ChatGPT is a great alternative to build out
examples that can be augmented,” Butterfield says. “When you utilize ChatGPT in tools like
WriteSonic or, the improved interface and additional capabilities makes it even easier.”
Custom job descriptions
Job descriptions frequently contain too much, not enough, or inaccurate information. ChatGPT
can analyze a particular job role and within seconds specify the exact skills, knowledge, and
experience levels needed. “It can even, if directed, provide all this using inclusive language,” says
Cliff Jurkiewicz, vice president of global strategy for human resources firm Phenom.

Jurkiewicz notes that a recruiter can also request the most effective keywords for search engine
optimization and direct ChatGPT to include those words in the generated text. “In seconds, the
recruiter has an accurate job description, using inclusive language and optimized for SEO.”
Rapid website updates
ChatGPT can help businesses and other organizations create engaging content and keep their
websites fresh and updated with minimal effort. The technology can deliver an interactive and highly
personalized customer experience, offer round-the-clock support -- even post-sale -- and increase
online brand engagement on social channels, explains Vijay Talreja, practice head, digital commerce
and customer experience, at digital engineering professional services firm Apexon.

ChatGPT will be particularly useful in creating compelling product and marketing content, such
as product descriptions, promotions, offers, and other types of website content, Talreja says.
“Most businesses will value the speed at which ChatGPT can update large amounts of content to
reflect a new product enhancement or time-sensitive promotion.”

Digital content creation is only the start, Talreja predicts, since ChatGPT can be used to automate
multiple aspects of omnichannel retail and marketing. “For example, ChatGPT can be trained to
deliver smart product recommendations to customers, reduce cart abandonment, and enhance the
experience across multiple touch points.”
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Top ChatGPT Fails (and

Why You Should Avoid
When failure isn’t an option, you might want to
think twice before turning to ChatGPT. It turns out
that the AI technology isn’t very good at a lot of
Last week, top technology and artificial
intelligence leaders called for a pause to the
rapid pace that AI-powered chatbots are being
developed and deployed. They urged for
regulations on emerging AI technologies
because they fear the risks to society and
humanity. Top ChatGPT Fails
Meanwhile, everyone seems fascinated with
ChatGPT and eager to figure out how to apply it.
But early experiences reveal that the chatbot and
other generative AI technologies struggle in
several areas. Here are five examples:
Innovative Thought
ChatGPT frequently fails at tasks that require creating new ideas. Large language models like
ChatGPT rely on or summarize existing information. Yet they’re unable to add any knowledge,
such as designing new medicines, vaccines, or business technologies, says Udo Sglavo, vice
president of advanced analytics at AI and analytics technology provider SAS.

ChatGPT and related technologies are new, and the data used to train them must still come from
humans. “The results of generative AI are, at their core, a reflection of us,” Sglavo says. He notes
that there’s an inherent risk that models can be informed by inaccurate data, misinformation, or
biases. “Users must continue to apply critical thinking whenever interacting with conversational
AI and avoid automation bias -- the belief that a technical system is more likely to be accurate
and true than a human.”
Accurate Insights
ChatGPT utilizes huge amounts of Internet data, meaning that it can draw from an almost
endless amount of content when generating fresh text. While this makes ChatGPT remarkably
adept in many use cases, the model struggles to accurately develop usable content for topics
that are either rare or artificial. “Algorithms are like golden retrievers -- they will try really hard to
do what you ask, even if that means chasing after an invisible ball,” says Sarah Shugars, an
assistant professor of communication at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. “Ask
ChatGPT to describe the importance of a made-up historical figure and it’s likely to hallucinate a
detailed, fake biography for you on the spot.”

Additionally, ChatGPT lacks the creative ability to generate new insights by uniting ideas. It can
produce boilerplate language, give meaningful summaries, and even write screenplays or poems,
but it can’t think in the same way humans do, Shugars explains. “That lack of creative synthesis
can come across in its generated text. “A lot of its output is very bland; missing the surprising
connection and elevation of new ideas that can occur in human writing.”
Motivating People
ChatGPT fails as a persuasive communicator. While the technology has access to an almost
endless amount of information, good communicators must also understand their audience’s
priorities and values. “ChatGPT can’t do that in a meaningful way yet,” says Clara Burke, an
associate teaching professor of business management communication at Carnegie Mellon
University’s Tepper School of Business.

Consider the words that stay with and move people. “When Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed the
crowd at the March on Washington, he described their purpose in language that has echoed and
stuck over decades to remind America of the fierce urgency of ‘now’, Burke says. King’s words
fired people’s imaginations and helped them view their experiences and hopes from a new

Motivating People
Meanwhile, ChatGPT’s version of a rousing call to action is: “The time for change is now,” Burke
explains. “It clearly asks for change but doesn’t offer audiences a new way of imagining change
or connecting to change so it’s unlikely to actually effect change,” she notes.

ChatGPT is only as interesting as the prompts fed into it. “A good communicator will create
memorable stories out of mundane prompts,” Burke states. “That’s what we all need to do in the
workplace to create a report, status update, or proposal compelling to our audience.”
Balancing Outcomes
ChatGPT stumbles when asked to make recommendations that require balancing multiple
potential outcomes. “In the case of incident response, ChatGPT struggles to make a risk-based
decision from an investigation,” says Adam Cohen Hillel, software engineering team lead at cloud
forensics and incident response service provider Cado Security.

Additionally, since ChatGPT relies entirely on the data it’s trained with, it has trouble staying
current with the latest attack techniques. “This will likely be the reason why ChatGPT won’t be
used as a threat detection mechanism,” Hillel says. “There are already better ways of doing so.”
Dispensing Specialized Knowledge
ChatGPT generally fails at tasks that require specialized knowledge or a nuanced understanding
of context. The model often struggles to answer questions related to highly technical or scientific
subjects, or provide accurate legal or medical advice, says Iu Ayala, founder and CEO of data
science consulting company Gradient Insight. “In these cases, ChatGPT’s lack of expertise and
limited training data may lead to unreliable or even harmful responses.”

Language models like ChatGPT are trained on vast amounts of text data but may lack the
necessary depth of knowledge in specific domains, Ayala notes. Additionally, such models often
rely on statistical patterns and associations rather than a true understanding of the underlying
concepts. “Therefore, when faced with new and complex information, ChatGPT may struggle to
provide coherent and accurate responses.”
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ChatGPT: Enterprises
Eye Use Cases, Ethicists
Remain Concerned
Everyone seems to be testing OpenAI's new AI
chatbot with commands and questions. So
InformationWeek asked ChatGPT to write a news
story about itself. Enterprises foresee a number
of use cases, but ethicists are concerned about
how real the responses seem.
Everybody seems to be testing We were curious about ChatGPT,
ChatGPT right now, whether they are too, but we're also super busy
asking it to write a sonnet or short getting ready for the holidays. So on
piece of fiction, asking it scientific December 13 we asked ChatGPT to
questions such as the distance write a technology news story about
between the earth and the sun, its introduction, enterprise use
telling it to write a short javascript cases, and the ethical concerns that
program, or having it compare and have been raised about it. Right off,
contrast Hebrew and Yiddish it was clear that there were some
languages. issues, since it said that ChatGPT
was released on December 13, not released the AI chatbot the correct date of November 30.
publicly on November 30 and invited
the public to check it out and provide
feedback so that it could learn about
its strengths and weaknesses. And
the public has accepted the
invitation. Ask ChatGPT a question,
and the results often sound
frighteningly real, even if they aren't
always completely accurate.
ChatGPT's improve the customer experience, as
well as reduce the cost of customer
Overall, Chat GPT is a powerful
technology that has the potential to
concerns that need to be carefully
considered before it is widely

News Story service for businesses. transform many industries. However,

its use also raises significant ethical

However, ethicists have raised concerns that need to be carefully

"On December 13, 2022, the artificial concerns about the use of Chat GPT
intelligence research lab OpenAI in customer service. They argue that ChatGPT certainly was faster at writing a story about itself than I ever
announced the release of Chat GPT, it could lead to a loss of jobs for would have been, clocking in at just about a minute. However, as an
a powerful language model that is human customer service agents, editor I'm sorry to see a lack of original quotes from enterprise users
capable of generating human-like and could potentially result in a or analysts about how this might be applied in businesses. This story
text in real-time. The technology has worse customer experience if the could also use some original quotes from the ethicists who have
already sparked excitement among technology is not able to adequately expressed concern about ChatGPT and a deeper look at how those
enterprise businesses, who see a handle complex or sensitive ethical questions might come into play in the enterprise. I'd also like
wide range of potential use cases for inquiries. this story to provide some perspective for CIOs on the benefits and
Chat GPT. However, ethicists have pitfalls of this type of technology.
raised concerns about the potential Another potential use case for Chat
misuse of the technology. GPT is in journalism. The technology To wrap this up with a bit of humor, I asked ChatGPT to tell me a joke
could be used to automatically about an IT professional. Here's what it said: "Why was the computer
One potential use case for Chat GPT generate news articles, saving cold? Because it left its Windows open."
is in customer service. With the journalists time and allowing them to
ability to generate human-like text, focus on more in-depth reporting and
Chat GPT could be used to analysis. However, ethicists have raised
automate responses to customer concerns that this could result in the
inquiries, freeing up human spread of fake news, as Chat GPT
customer service agents to focus on could potentially be used to generate
more complex tasks. This could false or misleading information.
improve the customer experience, as
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