Vocabulario Segundo Semestre2

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Universidad Especializada de las Américas

Facultad: Educación Especial y Pedagogía

Carrera: Licenciatura en Dificultad de Aprendizaje


Arleny Bailey










20 de Agosto de 2021

1. ACHIEVEMENT /ABILITY DISCREPANCY: 1. Discrepancy exists when there are

differences of opinions between people on a particular issue. ... For example, when in a
chat one of the individuals says to the other "I'm sorry but I don't share your opinion".
Ability is the ability that a person has to carry out a certain activity. Skill derives from the
Latin habilitatis that indicates the quality of skillful. ... We can find among the synonyms of
ability the following words: ability, dexterity, talent, aptitude, competence, intelligence.

2. ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURY: Acquired brain damage is the involvement of brain

structures in people who, having been born without any type of brain damage, suffer brain
injuries at a later time in life that led to impaired cognitive, emotional, behavioral and / or
physical functioning.
3. DECODE/DECODING: The first step that we are going to take to know the meaning
of the term decoding is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to state
that it derives from Latin, since it is the result of the sum of several components of that
-The prefix which is used to indicate “from top to bottom”. -The noun "codex", which is
synonymous with "registration" or "code". -The verb “facere”, which can be translated as
“do”. -The suffix “-cion”, which is used to indicate “action and effect”.

4. ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR: Adaptive behavior is behavior that allows a person to get

along with their environment with greater success and less conflict with others. This is a
term used in the areas of psychology and special education.

5. ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Adapted physical education is physical

education that has been adapted or modified so that it is as appropriate for the person
with a disability as it is for a person without a disability.
6. ADVOCATE: M. and F. Person who in court is in charge of a defense, and more
especially the one appointed by the judge to defend the assets of a contest, in order to
uphold the rights of those who are absent.

7. READABILITY: Readability is the ease with which a reader can understand a written
text. In natural language, the readability of the text depends on its content and
presentation. Researchers have used several factors to measure readability, such as:
Perception speed Perceptibility at a distance.
8. BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION PLAN: A behavior intervention plan (BIP) is a plan
that is developed by a team from the IEP or the school to deal with behavior that
interferes with a child's education. All BIPs are based on the idea that children act to meet
their needs unique. Children who have the same behaviors, for example, interrupting the
child teacher, they can do the same things, but they can have very different motivations.
Michael may be interrupting the teacher to get positive attention for their resourceful
comments. Jill may be interrupting the teacher because she doesn't understand the
lesson. Each child has challenged behavior and an important need, but they may be
required different strategies.

9. MENTAL RETARDATION: Mental retardation (also known as mental retardation or

mental deficiency) is a condition that is diagnosed before the age of 18 and assumes that
the individual who suffers from it has intellectual functioning that is below average.
Mental retardation is formed by a series of disorders of a psychological, biological or social
nature, which determine a lack of the necessary skills for daily life. Generally, a person is
considered to be mentally retarded when their intellectual functioning is below an IQ of
70-75 and when they have significant limitations in two or more areas of adaptive skills.
10. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER: A graphic organizer, also known as a knowledge map,
concept map, story map, cognitive organizer, advanced organizer, or concept diagram, is a
pedagogical tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge and concepts through the
relationships between them.

11. AT RISK: Risk is a measure of the magnitude of the damage in the face of a dangerous
situation. Risk is measured by assuming a certain vulnerability to each type of hazard.
Although this is not always done, a proper distinction must be made between dangerous,
vulnerable and risky.

12. META COGNITION TRANSITION: Metacognition is defined as "cognition about

cognition", or "knowing about knowledge." It comes from the root word "meta", which
means beyond. It can take many forms; Includes knowledge of when and how to use
particular strategies for learning or problem solving. There are generally two components
of metacognition: knowledge about cognition and regulation of cognition. Metamemory,
defined as knowledge of memory and memory strategies, is an especially important form
of metacognition. Differences in metacognitive processing between cultures have not
been widely studied, but they could provide better results in intercultural learning

between teachers and students. Some evolutionary psychologists hypothesize that

metacognition is used as a survival tool, which would make metacognition the same across
cultures. The writings on metacognition can be traced at least as far as Perì Psūchês; And the
Parva Naturalia of the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

13. GUARDIAN: A guardian is known as the individual who is dedicated to keeping

something, protecting it. Guardians, therefore, work for the preservation and security of
what they guard, which can be physical or symbolic. Some examples For example: “At the
door of the king's room there is always a guardian who is in charge of controlling that no
one bothers the monarch”, “My grandchildren say that I am the guardian of family
traditions since I try not to lose customs and the habits that we have been carrying for
several generations”, “ I want each citizen to be a guardian of democracy so that we never
have to live in a dictatorship again ”.

14. HOME CARE: Home health care, or home care, can be defined as a wide range of
health care services that are provided in a person's home for illness or injury and can be
short-term or long-term.
15. Mental health: is, in general terms, the state of balance between a person and their
socio-cultural environment that guarantees their labor, intellectual participation,
relationships to achieve well-being and quality of life. Commonly, the term "mental
health" is used analogously to "physical health" or "physical state"; thus, for the World
Health Organization, However, the mental reaches more complex dimensions than the
merely organic functioning of the individual. Mental health has been defined in multiple
ways by authors from different cultures. Mental health concepts include subjective well-
being, autonomy, and emotional potential, among others. However, the WHO
specifications establish that there is no official definition of what mental health is and that
any definition will always be influenced by cultural differences, assumptions, disputes
between professional theories, the way in which people relate their environment to
health. reality, among other issues.

16. BASELINE: In the field of chemistry, a substance that can accept hydrogen ions in water
and can neutralize an acid. Foundations feel like soap or slippery on skin and can turn
certain colorants blue. An example of a base is sodium hydroxide. Alkalinity is measured
on a scale called the pH scale. On this scale, a pH value of 7 is neutral and a pH value
between 7 and 14 shows increasing alkalinity.
17. MAINSTREAM: Conventional is an adjective that refers to something linked to an
agreement: that is, to an agreement or a pact. The concept can also refer to what is
established by tradition and what is not very original.

18. CARE COORDINATOR: They are healthcare professionals (such as nurses or social
workers) or office staff who help schedule, organize, and monitor the services necessary to
maintain the health and well-being of someone with a serious or chronic illness.
19. CASE MANAGER: As “a method of service provision in which a social work
professional assesses the needs of the client, and their family when appropriate, and
organizes, coordinates, monitors, evaluates and supports (mediates) a group of multiple
services to meet complex needs.

20. CATEGORICAL PLACEMENT: to a combination of words that appears in the

language more often than you might expect. Thus, for example, categorically denying is a
placement, since it is common for the word deny to be followed by categorically.

21. CHRONIC: The term chronic comes from the Latin word chronĭcus, which has its most
distant etymological antecedent in the Greek chroniká. The concept is used in different
ways depending on the context. In the field of medicine, a chronic condition is one that
extends over time and is common for the patient. These diseases usually have a slow
progression. Genetics, harmful habits and the absence of formal education are factors that
can influence when acquiring and developing a chronic disease. It is important to bear in
mind that chronic illnesses are generally incurable.
22. COMORBIDITY: Comorbidity, also known as "associated morbidity", is a term used to
describe two or more disorders or diseases that occur in the same person. They can occur
at the same time or one after the other. Comorbidity also implies that there is an
interaction between the two diseases that can worsen the evolution of both.

23. DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: Developmental assessment is the process of

assigning a child's performance compared to children of the same age. The comparison
group is obtained from a representative sample of the population from which the child
comes. Several factors contribute to performance, varying widely among different
population groups. In a multicultural society, it can be difficult to find appropriate
benchmarks for these standards.
24. DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: Durable medical equipment (DME) is any
equipment that provides benefits for a patient who has certain medical conditions and / or
diseases. DME has a medical purpose and is not useful for people without illness or injury.
It is usually prescribed or prescribed by a doctor. Some examples of DME are: Oxygen,
Gastrostomy, supplies Respirators, Apnea monitors Preparing a patient for discharge is
more than just handing in some medications and discharge paperwork. We must consider
what the patient may need at home. Can they move around your home safely? Are there
stairs that can prevent them from entering the house? These are questions to ask
ourselves as soon as a patient is admitted. And the fact is, most of these problems can be
solved with the use of durable medical equipment. Durable medical equipment is home
care devices that allow the patient to perform activities of daily living. When a patient is
able to stay in their

own home, they generally report a higher quality of life. Let's look at some commonly
prescribed equipment and how to tell if this is the right equipment for your patient.

25. EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES: It is the term used to describe the services and
supports available to infants and toddlers, with developmental delays and disabilities, and
their families. It may include speech therapy, physical therapy, and other types of services
based on the needs of the child and family. It can have a significant impact on a child's
ability to learn new skills and overcome challenges, and it can increase their success in
school and in life.

26. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT: In medicine, the diagnosis or clinical propaedeutic

is the procedure by which a disease, nosological entity, syndrome, or any state of health or
disease is identified (the "state of health" is also diagnosed). In terms of medical practice,
the diagnosis is a clinical judgment on the psychophysical state of a patient, whether animal
or human, represents a manifestation in response to a demand to determine such a state, the
only one that can indicate a diagnostic process or management of the disease. patient is the
Professional (Clinical doctor who carries out the reception of the patient and performs
emergency treatment according to the clinical cases of the patient).

27. ESTATE PLANNING: Real Estate Planning refers to the definition of the
development potential and characteristics that a real estate project must have. It begins with
the definition of the vocation of the Site, the Market Study for the different uses with
probable vocation, the determination of the development potential and the definition of the
type of project and feasible product to develop so that the best use is generated. of the site
and the largest possible real estate business.

28. FACILITY BASED- INSTITUTIONAL CARE: Health: It is a state of complete

physical, mental and social well-being and not only absence of disease (according to the
Constitution of the World Health Organization). Public Health: Medical-health specialty
related to the promotion, protection and recovery of the population's health (it has two (2)
large technical areas: the Epidemiology and Health Administration). Survey: Brief
investigation of an activity or organization, carried out to assess the existing situation or to
obtain specific information on certain mechanisms or a historically given situation. External
Consultation: It is the medical or dental act provided by a qualified professional, to a non-
hospitalized (outpatient) patient, in medical units or at the patient's home. Health facility: It
is a physical structure where promotion service is provided, preservation and surveillance
of the health of the population and the environment. It resolution capacity depends on the
type of human resource you have (in quality and quantity) the equipment and technology
used and the physical structure it has. According to resolution capacity, will be of the
following levels of care. First level of care: Health centers, sub-centers and posts. Second
level of care: Polyclinics, polycentres and regional hospitals. Third level of care: National
hospitals. Hospital: Facility that provides hospitalization services and that has facilities for
the observation, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of long or short duration of persons
suffering from or suspected of suffering from disease and trauma, or of parturient (women
who are going to give birth). You can also have outpatient services (emergencies and
external consultation). Health Center (C.S.): It is the establishment that, within the medical-
health organization regional, provides preventive-curative service at the local level, either
isolated or operating in conjunction with a Maternity, Pediatric Station or as part of a
Center Urban or Rural Integrated Physician. Polyclinic: Facility for Medical and
Paramedical Care in the population of an area assigned geographic location. Health sub-
center: It is a health establishment whose activity is the promotion and prevention, in some
cases provides first aid services. For the Generally, it has a permanent Nursing Assistant;
are visited by human resources from the nearest health centers to provide the population
with medical care.

29. EARLY AND PERIODIC SCREENING: To conclude with this series of diagnostic
elements, we will discuss an important point: the early diagnosis or diagnosis of pre-
symptomatic disease, since until now we have discussed the diagnosis of the disease when
it becomes symptomatic or when there are obvious signs of its presence. The objective
seems clear, there are diseases that for a better control or prognosis must necessarily be
identified in a pre-symptomatic stage. Among the strategies designed for this purpose we
have the well-known screening, which is carried out in the general population and outside
health care centers (example: blood pressure measurements in work centers or in banks as is
done in our environment). A sophisticated version of this type of intervention is multiphasic
screening which takes, in addition to blood pressure, a urine sample for glucose, a blood
sample for lipids and a spirometry sample to assess lung function. The problem with
screening is that it is generally sporadic, it does not represent a true search for a disease in
susceptible people, it does not cover 10% of the population and necessarily if an
abnormality is found, it is necessary to refer to a healthcare center to confirm the diagnosis.
A second, more sophisticated way is the periodic health examination, which is nothing
more than a screening in a healthcare center in addition to the preparation of a medical
record and a physical examination. This strategy includes more specialized tests, such as
digestive endoscopy or stress tests. The problem is that people are scheduled for a “routine
visit” and therefore the desired coverage is not achieved. The last strategy to be defined is
that of finding a case in which the personal risks of each patient are identified and initial
examinations are requested, taking advantage of any consultation for which, the patient
goes to a healthcare center. The latter is preferred in developed countries as both screening
and periodic health examinations do not achieve significant coverage. In developed
countries, 90% or 95% of the population go to the doctor at least once a year, figures not
comparable to those of countries like ours, which is why this condition is used to identify a
case. Now let's go on to explain what early diagnosis is based on and its relationship to the
natural history of the disease.
30. COGNITIVE: Cognition (from the Latin cognoscere, 'to know') is the ability of a living
being to process information from perception, acquired knowledge (experience) and
subjective characteristics that allow the information to be valued. It consists of processes
such as learning, reasoning, attention, memory, problem solving, decision making, feelings.
The human being has the ability to know with all the aforementioned processes. However,
the concept of cognitive process also applies to artificial entities, as well as conscious or
unconscious ones. Therefore, the concept has approached its study from different
perspectives, including neurology, pedagogy, psychology, psychoanalysis or other theories
of the mind, sociology, philosophy, the various anthropological disciplines (cultural
anthropology, philosophical anthropology, anthropology medical ...) and information
sciences (artificial intelligence, knowledge management, machine learning). Cognition is
closely related to abstract concepts such as mind, perception, reasoning, intelligence,
learning, and many others that describe numerous capacities of humans and other animals
(animal cognition). According to the strong theory of artificial intelligence, some non-
biological entities would also have these characteristics.

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