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The Real Meaning of Christmas Illustrated London News 1
We're Selling America Short American Scholar 4
Cancer by the Carton Christian Herald 7
Thls, Too, Is Infidelit y . Your Life 9
He Wanted to Fight for Uncle Sam Redbook 12
Are We All Destined to Be Paupers? Charles Ste v enson 17
A Giant New Air Dase at the Top of the World Life 21
England Prepares to Crown a Queen Cosmopolitan 25
We Haven 't Been Getting the Facts About Korea .
Nieman Reports 29
Toscanini Records the Ninth Atlan tic Monthly 32
A Bible for the 20th Century .Collier 's 36
Who Shall Pay for Our Roads? . Harper's Magazine 41
A Most Unforgettable Character Benedict Thi elen 45
Plain Thoughts on Fancy Language .Holiday 49
Egypt 's Promising Strong Man .Time 51
"We Gave the Reds Everything" "Major Jordan's Diaries" 55
Life in These United States 62

' Durable Dietrich

Berlin 's Fighting University
Birth of a City
.Die Woche
Baltimore Sunday Sun
Life 65
Why Kids Behave Lik e Little Children . . Household 77
The Anatomy of Graft . Harper 's Magazine 80
A Faith for Tough Times . From the Boo k 86
A Young Lady Leaves Her Mark . New York Time s 89
Hero When He Had to Be American Weekly 91
Two Hundred Chemicals from a Lump of Coal . .Fo itune 96
What You Should Know About Your Eyes .Collier's 100
Train to Genoa . This Week 105
Every Dog a Gentleman Dickson Hartwell 109
Germany's Lon ely Jews . Look 113
"Not Charity, But a Job" .Christian Advocate 117
The Reindeer As He Really Is United Nations World 121
Jungle Doctor . Saturday E v ening Post 124
Network to Catch International Crooks Cavalier 128
The Splendor of December Ski es Donald Culross Pea tti e 132
The Man Who Dreamt Winners "Tell Me the Next One" 136

g~ {Cyclone in Calico Nina Brown Baker 141

Picturesque Speech, 44-Word Power , 103- Laughter, 112-Index, 163
Recentmedicalresearcheson the rela-
tionship of smoking and lung cancer

Cancer by the Carton

Condensedfrom ChristianHerald
Roy Norr
,0:: --

OR THREE DECADES the medical
controversy over the part
played by smoking in the rise
increases the heart rate, raises the
blood pressure. In many involve-
men ts of heart disease, the first order
of bronchiogenic carcinoma , better from the doctor is to cut out smoking
known as cancer of the lung, has immediately.
largely been kept from public notice. But what gives grave concern to
More than 26 years ago the late Dr. public-health leaders is that the
James Ewing, distinguished patholo- increase in lung-cancer mor tality
gist and leading -spirit in the organiza- shows a suspicious parallel to the
tion of the American Association for enormous increase in cigarette con-
Cancer Research (now the American sumption (now 2500 cigarettes per
Cancer Society), pleaded for a pub- year for every human being in the
lic educational campaign . United States) .
"One may hardly aim to eliminate The latest study, which is pub-
the tobacco habit," he wrote in his lished in The journal of the American
famous essay on cancer prevention, MedicalAssociation(May 27, 1952),
"but cancer propaganda should em- by a group of noted cancer work-'
phasize the danger signs that go ers headed by Dr. Alton Ochsner,
with it." former president of the American
No one questions that tobacco Cancer Society and director of the
smoke irritates the mucous lining of famous Ochsner Clinic in New Or-
the mouth, nose and throat, or that leans, discloses that, during the
it aggravates hoarseness, coughing, period 1920 to 1948, deaths from
chronic bronchitis and tonsillitis. It bronchiogenic carcinoma in the
is accepted without argument that United States increased more than
smoking is forbidden in cases of ten times, from 1.1 to 11.3 per 100,-
gastric and duodena-I ulcers; that it 000 of the population . From 1938 to
interferes with normal digestion; I 948, lung-cancer deaths increased
that it contracts the blood vessels, 144 percent. At the present time
Cltris1ian Herald (October, 1
5:z), copyright 195:z by Christian H,rald 11.ssn.,Inc., 7
27 E. 39 St-, N,111
York 16, N. y_

cancer of the mouth and respiratory factor in the induction of bronchio-

tract kills 19,000 men and 5000 women genic carcinoma ."
annually in the United States. More recently Wynder, now asso-
"It is probable that bronchio- ciated with Memoria l Cancer Cen-
genic carcinoma soon will become ter in New York, expanded the state ·
more freql!ent than any other can· ment: ''The more a person smokes
cer of the body, unless something is the greater is the risk of developing
done to prevent its increase," is Dr. cancer of the lung, whereas the risk
Ochsner's conclusion. "It is fright- was small in a nonsmoker or a light
ening to speculate on the possible smoker."
number of bronchiogenic cancers In his summary Some Practical As-
that might develop as the ·result of pects of Cancer Prevention, Wynder
the tremendous number of cigarettes lists tobacco as the major factor in
consumed in the two decades from cancer of the larynx, the pharynx,
I 930 to I 950." the esophagus and the oral cavity.
A survey recently published by "In 1926," he points out, "Ewing
the United Nations World Health wrote that 'though a great body of
Organization cites the conclusion of clinical information shows that many
an investigation carried out by the forms of cancer are due to prevent-
Medical Research Council of Eng- able causes there has been little
land and Wales that "above the age systematic research to impress this
of 45 the risk of developing the fact on the medical profession or to
disease increases in simple propor- convey it to the public.' This was
tion with the amount smoked, and true then, as it is today."
may be 50 times as great among After a study of world-wide medi-
those who smoked 25 or more ciga· cal opinion, Wynder reaches the
rettes daily as among nonsmokers." same conclusion arrived at by Ewing
A study of 684 cases, made by 26 years ago. "Cancer of the lung,"
Ernest L. Wynder and Evarts A. he reports, "presents one of the most
Graham for the American Cancer striking opportunities for preventive
Society and pub lished in the AMA measures in cancer ."
Journal, May 27, 1950, stated this Cancer workers want something
conclusion: "Excessive and pro- done, and done now on the basis of
longed use of tobacco, especially cig- present clinical knowledge, to alert
arettes, seems to be an important the smoking public.

Whatever a woman looks askance at,

Her husband takes a second glance at .
- George \Valton in Tho Saturday Evening Post

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