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To our school principal, maam Sheila G. Milla, faculty, staff members, dear parents and
guardians, guests, and fellow graduates of junior high school batch 2023, a pleasant morning.
First of all, I’d like to congratulate my batchmates for overcoming the whole school year.
A lot of you may be wondering. Aha magsesenior high na pala ako, it only felt like a blink of an
eye. Just yesterday, we were still in our 7th grade. Parang natulog lang ako saglit. Don’t worry,
I’m in the same boat as you.
Now, I just want to share some words of inspiration as we go our own ways. I know it
was a hard and strenuous school year, not because of the compilation of activities or the
groupworks that only one person finishes, but because of the sudden shift to face-to-face classes
or is it just me? No. Actually, it was not hard at all. The knowledge and learning were in our
hands all along. We have devices to view our modules, we were even given OTGs to view it in
offline mode. Even our school WiFi’s password is learn anytime.
You see… everything in our school encourages us to learn by ourselves, that’s why I
wonder why many of us still fail to comply to a single instruction, a single activity, and a single
request here in this generation where the knowledge is vast and plotted across the internet, why
would some choose to go astray? Well, this is what I realized in my stay in this school. One, “As
we take for granted the things that we have, the more that we fail to realize the value that it
holds.” Why? Even with the accessibility of all the self-learning modules, and the internet, many
of us still fail to answer the question of “How”. Two, “Everyone has talents, many just chose to
be lazy or to exert effort on thngs that won't let them grow.” And here goes the third and the last
one, “Success is not often for the smartest or the lazy, but rather, for the hard worker.”
This is just the beginning of our journey and we still have more to learn, heartbreaks to
feel, and joke to laugh at, but never forget to treasure each and every moment. Journey is more
important than the destination, and happiness is within it, so thrive on J. Dela Penians! We will
surely make it.
On behalf of my fellow completers, I delightfully express my gratitude to our
hardworking principal, ma’am Sheila G. Milla, to the faculty members for guiding us throughout
the years, TLE teachers for setting up the stage and making this entire event possible, to the
school staffs especially to ate Fe and kuya Menor for maintaining the school conditions, to my
family for always being there, and to the one who created us all and gave us life, God. In
conclusion, I want to thank the whole community of Jesus Dela Peña National High School for
making me who I am today as I stand in front of you.
Thank you and God bless us all!

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