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Tnabgio Aigns ‘Traffic signs are designed and installed to help you drive safely, but you must under- stand exactly what they mean, The shape and color of the sign are important, Even if the Jettering cannot be read, because of darkness or fading light, the shape of the sign tells you what to do. By ns always meon Stop Right-OF- Way Round signs clways mean Railroad Crossing ‘This fs a WARNING sign, It is posted in ‘edvonce of @ rurel stop light when the for @ distance of } DO ovo Saakereyean cee NOT |e PASS| imtet"e 20 sain RIGHT ine rH | oe (oer | | ae aaa TO PASS ee OS aheuys ae on a loon a morked like this mocks Tike thie morked like this highway signs ted and ble shields with white lettering. SPEED LIMIT signs ore olwoys REC TANGUIAR, Such RECTANGUIARREG- UIATORY signs ore always white with block 24 WARNING SIGNS This one warns thot you are ap: proaching @ cressrood. Although you may hove the tightofway, You thovld watch corefully for trafic opproaching from either side. 1 succession of curves or @ wind ing rood, without Further curve. signs. This curve is @ sharp one, perhaps a square turn. You must sh down 42 the potted speed in 10 make it safely. ‘A reverse curve it indicated here The mosimum safe speed will usually be pasted. DIVIDED HIGHWAY AHEAD, A curb, porkway oF medion strip You have been driving on o divider the pavement ohead. You way having two lanes in enh ion. The sign worms you Il the highwoy cheod has only on lane in each direction. should be prepared to edjust your porition necessary to keep to the ROAD REPAIRS D The highway being subst traveled has been cheod, repairs con prbsent Yeried.sitvations, p running off the pave- ment edge. TO GO LEFT || GRADE MAKE TWO | | SEPARATION RIGHT TURNS || No LEFT BEYOND BRIDGE | =o 22 RIGHT Lane USE LEFT ] | MUST | LANE FOR TURN RIGHT] LEFT TURN Set ONE WAY) 00 NOT ENTER [END - ONE WAY {STREET GREEN ARROW. Green urn arcows moy RED LIGHT, Motor vehicles, bi oppest either olone or in combination with les ond pedestrians mest STOP. other signol lights. If you ore facing @ green | Drivers must not block intersee- ‘arrow you must obey the other lights (if i fions or pedestrian crosswalks. Shy), but you may cautiously make the tm : which Is indicated by the arrow You most ts Field the ightofway to pedestrians end: i rng ‘ther vehicles | hich ina YELLOW LIGHT. Warning... red light coming up! When the steady yellow light Sppears you must moke on immediate de- Shlon:if you ore ot the intersection, end i there it plenty of fime to cross before the Masiino vue signal changes te. red, you may proceed © cavilen.signol. Slow down ond athenwide, you must stop fer the sbserve carefully Toome entering the nearest cros- omTY DON'T WALK. Pedest ine oto prohibi y highwoys ore tke tis GREEN LIGHT. Drivers ond pedestions == a the roodney in the facing the signal may proceed with the green | ignal when it is light, Ife pedesion signal len operation froted. However, drivers must i padestions must wait forthe "WALK" ight ] signs . ] be FLASHING RED LIGHT. This signal is used of horord- Xe )) inal may proceed across the roadway and foo. tet inlenectons. It requires ov complete stop. Before Sut be sian the sightafaay by the ing you must yield the right-of-way to pedes- main highwoy. (0 not PASS ON HILLS OR CURVES SIBLEY BLVD i ahs KEEP RIGHT worning fo the SIBLEY BLV oe it forfher on marked as below. NOT CROSS } YELLOW LINE IN YOUR LANE J Racer ea ck tee speed int dig crying slower yeu will be onoth fare ee This sifa_probibits stopping or id ing @ vehicle on the pore So ‘on the STOP ON | PAVEMENT SCHOOL ‘SPEED ZONE AHEAD. ‘SCHOOL ‘SPEED 2 LIMIT 205 |: ox scHoot oAYs| END SCHOOL ‘SPEED ZONE SPEED AND STOPPING DISTANCES Special speed limits apply when passing schools. Illinois law states that no person shall drive a motor vehicle at a sneed:in excess of 20 miles per hour while passing a school zone or while traveling upon any public thoroughfare on oF Reross which children pass going to and from school during school days when school children are present. Special school speed limits are not applicable unless appropriate signs are posted upon streets and highways wherein the school zone is located ‘Such signs must give due warning that a school zone is being approached, and must indicate the zone and the maximum speed limit in effect during school days when the children are present. Speed limit signs are not intended as an invitation for drivers to hold their vehicles at these rates, They represent the maximum legal speed (and at which a vehicle may be driven on a particular road under jdeal conditions. A driver is required by law to reduc eed below the posted limit whenever hazardous conditions exist, when approaching, an Intersection, going around a curve, approaching the top of a hill or when traveling upon a narrow or winding roadway. It fs illegal to drive anytime at a speed which is greater than reasonable and proper with regard to traffic conditions and the use of the highway. ‘A speed of 20 miles per hour in a 30 ‘mile per hour zone at certain times: and under certain traffic or weather conditions MAY BE A VIOLATION OF LAW. Always watch for speed limit signs which may provide for lower limits than are discussed above. To stona moving vehicle, three separate acts are required: First, the eye must see the danger; Second, the brain must command the foot to apply the brakes: Atop Lik Hashing Red Lights, Stop Signa hi) is facing you fou must come (STOP-and- When the RED Tight on a traffic at an intersection, or at any location between intersections, y to a COMPLETE STOP. When 2 FLASHING RED light is facing you at an intersection, or at Bi ‘a crosswalk between intersections, you must come to a COMPLETE STOP. When a STOP sign is facing you at an intersection, or between inter sections, you must come to a COMPLETE STOP. In each instance mentioned above, you MUST STOP YOUR VE- HICLE BEFORE ENTERING THE NEAREST CROSSWALK, OR AT THE POINT INDICATED BY A CLEARLY VISIBLE LINE OR MAR) ING ON THE PAVEMENT SHOWING WHERE THE STOP SHALL BE MADE, If there is no line or marking, STOP at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where you haye a view of approaching traffic. AFTER COMING TO A COMPLETE STOP, ALWAYS YIELD THE RIGHT-OF-WAY TO PEDESTRIANS WHO ARE CROSSING THE STREET OR ROADWAY IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. sane) se TRAFFIC gy EXIT ry : A FOOD - PHONE f SERVICES im] GAS-LODGING MMM NEXT EXIT ) Eis) 3m (1 Is) Foret ace, I SIBLEY BLVD cae a ae aa) | ( D ase SILT e ATO) is 4 Such... Listen... 2 to Stop qt m Railroad crossing accidents increased sharply in 196%, Many of 1 resulted in multiple fatalities. 11 is difficult to sletermine the probable caus Way it inattention or day-dreaming? Was it a rec ess, foolhardy decision on the part of the driver to take a chance and gamble with his life. . . and with the lives of his passenger ‘A driver receives advance warning when he approaches a railroad, ‘The familiar round, yellow sign with the black crossbars is posted approxi- mately $00 feet in front of the crossing. When you see this sign, you should Juice speed, listen carefully and look in botl directions. Roll down the car Window, If the wind is in the wrong direction, you may not hear the whistle if the windows. are tightly closed. If approaching... STOP. Don't try to figure time and distan have another chance if you get a wrong answer. ‘After stopping for a train, be sure to note the number of tracks indi- cated gn the crossing J. If there are two or more, look for another train before you proce i CROSSING GATE! Not only is this practice extremely dangerous prohibited by Jaw. This sign is vied to inform di have reacked the ond ef © no p You moy now pass onather fo dos. ign, you must expect to sed to ind ‘veld a ponie stop oF an occident AHEAD JUNCTION 24-36 Stop sign you must obey. 1d epproximotely 300 fect Ent where two roadways Ii warns you thet you n 19 avoid @ colon

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