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Ani Gorgodze



The following succinctly describes the traits of Wheelspin's assembly jobs:

1. Specialization: Each employee is given a particular portion or parts to put together into the fundamental
frame. The repetition of the same duties throughout the day encourages specialization and the
development of skills in the jobs they are assigned.

2. Assembly lines that run at consistent speeds: Wheelspin's assembly lines maintain a steady flow of
output. This enables effective work synchronization and coordination among the employees.

3. Job Stability: Employees are often hired for specific positions and continue working on the same assembly
line with the same items. This promotes productivity and efficiency by giving the assembly process stability
and familiarity.

4. Periodic Model Changes: The model being put together changes every two to three months, necessitating
modifications to the assembly procedures. Staff members may adapt and keep their specialized abilities
since even when the models change, the overall assembly duties are generally stable.

5. Low Noise Levels: The factory's noise levels are low enough for employees to converse and joke with their
close neighbors as they work. This encourages a welcoming and cooperative workplace

The following adjustments might be taken into consideration to alter the features of the assembly tasks at

1. Implement work rotation to provide employees the opportunity to transition between various assembly
lines and jobs. By giving a wider knowledge of the assembly process, can assist avoid boredom and improve
skill development.

2. Assembly Lines with Variable Speeds: Install assembly lines with variable speeds to meet various product
models or changes in manufacturing demand. This adaptability can increase production and meet shifting

3. Cross-Training: Provide staff employees with opportunities for cross-training so they may learn skills for
various assembly activities. This can improve flexibility, increase work satisfaction, and offer back-up help
during moments of high production or when employees aren't present.

Encourage staff members to submit process innovations and improvements for the assembly duties in order
to promote continuous improvement. Create frequent feedback channels and incentive programs to inspire
workers and promote a continuous improvement culture.

4. Quality Control Integration: Instead of including quality control checkpoints just at the end of the
assembly process, think about including them throughout the process. This would make it possible to spot
any problems right away and fix them, lowering the need for rework and improving the quality of the final

By putting these ideas into practice, Wheelspin can increase worker productivity, skill development, and
engagement while simultaneously adjusting to shifting customer demands and maintaining constant quality
control all through the assembly process.

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