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The Rocky Road to Legacy: Lessons from the 2010 FIFA World Cup South
Africa Stadium Program

Article  in  Project Management Journal · May 2015

DOI: 10.1002/pmj.21502


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2 authors:

Eamonn Molloy Trish Chetty

University of Oxford University of Oxford


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PAPERS The Rocky Road to Legacy: Lessons
from the 2010 FIFA World Cup South
Africa Stadium Program
Eamonn Molloy, Tutorial Fellow in Management Studies, Pembroke College, University of Oxford
Trish Chetty, Director, K40 Group


This article describes how the management he South African Government described the 2010 FIFA World Cup as
and organization of the South African 2010 “one of the biggest infrastructure investment projects in South Africa,”
FIFA World Cup stadium program shaped with the explicit purpose of “fast-tracking growth and development”
the current legacy of an oversupply of (South African Government, 2010). The direct cost to South Africa of
overdesigned and underutilized stadiums. hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup was a minimum of R37 billion or US$4.9
The article identifies seven key factors that billion (X-Rates, 2010) with the stadiums and precinct program compris-
explain the differences between expected ing two-thirds of the total spend (Sports and Recreation South Africa, 2011,
benefits and the actual legacy. Identification p.  124; Cottle, 2011, p. 88). Such expenditure was a significant investment
of these factors contributes to the increasing for an “upper middle income” country like South Africa, where 23% of the
academic interest in explaining the poor leg- 50 million residents live below the poverty line (World Bank, 2012a, 2012b).
acy outcomes of mega-events. In conclusion, The justification for committing to this level of expenditure was that major
we recommend that future host country sporting events or “mega-events,” such as the FIFA World Cup or Olympic
governments defragment their stadium pro- Games, enable the acceleration and realization of the host country’s develop-
grams by establishing a World Cup Delivery ment goals, which include poverty alleviation, infrastructure provision, and
Authority (WCDA), with responsibility for the job creation. Yet, the extent to which these expected benefits are realized is
leadership and coordination of the stadium increasingly questioned by researchers, policymakers, and local communi-
program. ties (for example see: Alegi, 2007; Bond, Desai, & Maharaj, 2011, p. 429; Pillay,
Tomlinson, & Bass, 2009, p. 15; Tien, Lo, & Ze, 2011).
KEYWORDS: mega-event; megaproject; The gap between expected benefits and actual outcomes, the event
major program management; stadium “legacy,” is most obviously manifest in the venues built to host the mega-
legacy; fragmentation; South Africa 2010 events, including stadiums, swimming pools, and velodromes that are often
FIFA World Cup; grounded theory characterized by cost overruns in construction and post-event underutiliza-
tion (Flyvbjerg & Stewart, 2012; Barclay, 2009). High-profile examples include
Stadium Australia (Searle, 2002), the Beijing Olympic Stadium (Liu, Zhao, &
Wang, 2010), the venues used for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games (Mathieu,
2010), and some of the stadiums built for the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/
Japan (Baade & Matheson, 2004). Perhaps the most infamous example is the
“Big Owe” Montreal Olympic Stadium, which took Canadian taxpayers 30
years to pay off and was not built in time for the 1976 Olympic Games (New-
ton, 2012). This effect is known as the “winner’s curse” (Andreff, 2012, p. 45),
where a city or even an entire country, becomes financially worse off as a result
of winning the bid and hosting the mega-event. Still, there are rare examples
of where a positive legacy results. For example, The City of Manchester Sta-
dium, now host to Manchester City Football Club (MCFC) is an example of an
effective legacy plan, because the stadium was an integral component of the
city’s long-term strategy prior to hosting the Commonwealth Games (ARUP,
Project Management Journal 2003), supporting Matheson’s (2010) reasoning that legacy planning should
© 2015 by the Project Management Institute be undertaken at key stages, from event conception to post-event.
Published online in Wiley Online Library In this article we examine the expected benefits arising from the construc-
( DOI: 10.1002/pmj.21502 tion of the 2010 FIFA World Cup stadiums in South Africa and contrast these

Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 1

The Rocky Road to Legacy

expectations with the actual legacy that and urban renewal), information and (Baade, 1996; Baade & Matheson, 2004;
is an oversupply of underutilized stadi- education, symbols, memory, and his- Coates, 2007; Coates & Humphreys,
ums. We then show how the manage- tory. Stadiums and venue infrastructure 1999; Collins Flynn, Munday, & Roberts,
ment and organization of the stadium more generally are important objects 2007; Matheson, 2002; Noll & Zimbal-
program led to this shortfall between of attention because they often form ist, 1997; Porter, 1999). The consensus
expected and actual benefits. In order the major part of the physical or “hard” is that there is no discernible positive
to do so, we start with a brief review legacy (LERI, 2007; Preuss, 2007) and direct impact on development to the
of mega-event legacy research and, in account for a major proportion of the host city of the mega-event (Barclay,
particular, the roles of stadiums and cost of hosting mega-events. However, 2009; Crompton, 1995) or the mega-
venues in contributing to legacy and stadiums are increasingly perceived as event stadiums as businesses in their
highlight the need for more research icons, or what Sheard (2000) calls, a own right (Baade & Dye, 1990; Coates &
on connecting legacy outcomes to the “symbol of our times,” a fact reflected in Humphreys, 2008; Leeds & von Allmen,
program management of mega-events, the niche but expanding field of sports 2005; Siegfried & Zimbalist, 2000, 2006),
as well as the legacy of mega-events in architecture. As such, stadiums also adding further weight to the critique
developing countries. Next, we describe play a role as part of “soft” legacies that ex-ante economic impact studies
our research approach and discuss our such as the symbolic effect of hosting are generally “weak” (Swinnen & Van-
findings, which identified seven key the event, and the cultural effect of demoortele, 2008, p. 3) when compared
factors that led to the failure of the enhanced national pride (De Moragas, with the actual post-event economic
expected benefits to materialize from Moreno, & Kennett, 2003; Preuss, 2007). benefits. Flyvbjerg (2009) notes this
the FIFA 2010 World Cup stadium pro- From an economic perspective, is most likely explained by “strategic
gram in South Africa. We conclude with stadiums are interesting because there misrepresentation” by interested par-
a summary of implications for theory appears to be a widespread belief among ties rather than technical incompetence
and practice. host countries that financial legacy ben- or political factors. Further, Szymanski
efits will automatically flow from build- (2011, p. 91) believes there is a “mis-
Mega-Event Legacy Research ing stadium capacity. The Association match between the social perception
The concept of “legacy” has been widely for Project Management (APM, 2011, of an event and its true economic sig-
used by governments in developed p.  2) label this the “Field of Dreams” nificance.” He argues that the economic
and less developed countries alike to belief, anchored in the assumption that impact of mega-events, which is typi-
justify bidding for and hosting mega- “if we build it they will come.” The per- cally associated with construction costs
events such as the FIFA World Cup sistence of this supply side reasoning and event-related revenues, is negligible
and Olympic Games, yet the term itself is remarkable given the extensive and in comparison with the entire economy
appears to be evolving (Agha, Fairley, & tangible evidence to the contrary in the of the host country and thus questions
Gibson, 2012; Cashman, 2003; Cornelis- forms of abandoned and derelict sta- the economic booster effect claimed by
sen, 2011; Cornelissen, Bob, & Swart, diums and venues. Barclay (2009) and many ex-ante studies (Szymanski, 2011).
2011; Davies, 2011; Dickson, Benson, Nuttall (2011) have persuasively shown While there is a wide range of lit-
& Blackman, 2011; Getz, 2002; Gold & that these “white elephants” (venues erature on the actual legacy of mega-
Gold, 2008; Gratton & Preuss, 2008; Hall, that are a financial burden or underuti- events, as noted above, there is limited
2001; HSRC, 2011; Matheson, 2010; Pre- lized post-event) arise from a complete research such as that found in urban
uss, 2007). This situation led Thomson, failure to strategically plan and manage regeneration (Davies, 2011; Matheson,
Leopkey, Schlenker, and Schulenkorf for effective after-use grounded in reli- 2010; Smith, 2012), that directly links
(2010) to call for an agreed-on com- able demand-side analysis, an observa- specific legacy outcomes to the man-
mon definition in the context of mega- tion further supported by Masterman agement processes and practices that
events. In the absence of an agreed-on (2009) and Alm (2012). led to them. In light of this, Flyvbjerg
definition, in this article we settle for a The situation outlined above has (2007a, p. 22) and Flyvbjerg and Stew-
broad definition of “legacy” as simply attracted the attention of researchers art (2012) call for further research to
what is left behind after a mega-event or in the development literature, the proj- test ex-ante estimates against ex-post
a major program, while remaining cog- ect and program management literature outcomes in order to understand the
nizant of Preuss’s (2007) analysis and (e.g., Breese, 2012; Simon, 2003), as well causes of success and failure on major
framework, which identifies the differ- as the research area of sports studies. programs, including mega-events. By
ent elements of legacy as follows: social, There is now a growing body of ex- linking the expected benefits, legacy
cultural, environmental, political, eco- post studies that criticize overoptimis- outcome, and the management and
nomic (including tourism), sporting, tic ex-ante impact studies that promote organization of the FIFA 2010 World
psychological, physical (construction mega-events as economic boosters Cup stadium program, this article aims

2 Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

to modestly extend the literature that cities, using a mixed method research these works were found in journals
focuses on benefits management and design (Maylor & Blackmon, 2005). This primarily in the field of management
benefits realization (e.g., Sapountzis, consisted of primary data collection and organization theory. Although
Harris, & Kagioglou, 2008; Jenner, 2011; using semistructured interviews with the data collection was within a case
McCartney, 2000). selected individuals and secondary data study approach (Remenyi, 2012), the
Dickson et  al. (2011, p. 292) argue collection using key documents for tri- grounded theory methodology drove
there is a “paucity” of empirical research angulation and validation (Maylor & the investigation. Crucially, as stated
on mega-event legacy and, specifically a Blackmon, 2005). Thirty-two interviews in the Introduction, the focus of the
dominance in commentary and the use were conducted (10 at the program level research was not only on establish-
of secondary data resources in legacy and 22 at the stadium project level) ing the stadium legacy outcome itself,
research on the Olympics and Para- totaling 37 hours (see Appendix). In but also on contrasting this with the
lympics. Further, most mega-event lit- addition, seven meetings were held with expected benefits and the management
erature is set in a developed economy academic and industry experts at the and organization of the program, with
context, reflecting the fact that most outset of the research to establish con- a view to explaining the failure of the
mega-events have, to date, been held text and later to provide further clarity expected benefits to be realized.
in developed economies. Based on the on emergent issues. The primary field- A program life cycle budget history
International Monetary Fund’s (IMF, work was conducted over a four-month was compiled from triangulated sources
2011) identification of “emerging and period, between April and July 2012. of data and traced the budget from
developing economies,” since 1896, the Interview participants were bid stage to final estimate and high-
Summer Olympics has been held only prompted by the interviewer to reflect lighted key shifts in the program that
twice out of 30 games in a developing and relate their stories of involvement were discussed at the interviews. This
economy (Olympics, 2011); since 1930, with the stadium program (Gabriel, is graphically presented in Figure 2 and
the FIFA World Cup has been held only 2000). This process allowed for the will be repeatedly referred to later on.
six out of 19 times in a developing econ- “historical development of each case” Each interview was transcribed, coded,
omy (FIFA, 2011a). This is an important (Burgelman, 1983, p. 224), leading up and categorized (Barrett & Sutrisna,
point, because the next Olympic Games to its current state, and formed the 2009, p. 938) to develop its story. Ini-
will be held in Brazil in 2016, and two of “basis of a comparative analysis” (Bur- tial open coding resulted in approxi-
the subsequent FIFA World Cups since gelman, 1983, p. 224; Pettigrew, 1997). mately 160 codes, and refined using
South Africa have, or will, take place Interviewees were contacted via intro- axial and selective coding (Barrett &
in developing countries: Brazil 2014 ductions and in advance by email. The Barrett, 2008; Isabella, 1990), leading
and Qatar 2022. In short, mega-events list of potential interviewees developed to the emergence of core categories.
appear likely to feature strongly among as the research progressed, and par- Frequent memos were written to extract
emerging or developing economies in ticipants recommended other contribu- theoretical meaning. An axial coding
the future. As a result, the extent to tors. Eventually, relevant contributors framework for emerging theory (Strauss
which our understanding of the factors were interviewed, to the point of satu- & Corbin, 1990; Barrett & Barrett, 2008)
that contribute to mega-event legacy ration (Isabella, 1990) from all 10 sta- was used to dissect central issues that
expectations and outcomes in develop- dium projects, and this formed the 2010 emerged into actions/interactions, con-
ing economies will apply in these con- World Cup stadium program. ditions, and consequences. Keywords
texts remains unclear and is a valuable Given the high degree of complex- and codes from the cross-case analy-
subject for investigation. In the follow- ity within the data (Barrett & Sutrisna, ses were pulled out of a general con-
ing section, we describe our research 2009, p. 936), and the exploratory cept map to identify interconnections.
approach to connecting legacy expecta- nature of the research study, Glaser Finally, key insights and findings, such
tions, outcomes, and management pro- and Strauss’s (1967) grounded theory as “overoptimistic estimating” emerged
cesses in the context of the FIFA 2010 method was adopted. Grounded theory as explanations for how the stadium
World Cup in South Africa. required starting the research without a program failed to deliver the expected
commitment to a particular theory, so benefits. These are discussed in detail
Research Approach that the theory that emerged from the in the subsequent sections of the article.
Data relating to both the overall sta- data was not “contaminated” (Glaser A number of limitations and chal-
dium program and each individual & Strauss, 1967, p. 37). The choice of lenges to this research approach need
stadium project were collected (Bur- using grounded theory was informed to be highlighted here. First, the explo-
gleman, 1983) to form one program by Barrett and Sutrisna (2009), Burgel- ration of the stadiums’ legacies is lim-
case (overview) and 10 stadium proj- man (1983), Eisenhardt (1989), Isabella ited to a relatively narrow timeline both
ect cases (detailed view) in nine host (1990), and Korica and Molloy (2010); pre and post the event in 2012. As a

Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 3

The Rocky Road to Legacy

consequence, some relevant factors in the highest integrity and stored securely Similarly, in relation to the expected
shaping the legacies may have been so that the participant’s anonymity was benefits of job creation, a prominent
overlooked, and of course, the ultimate protected. critic of World Cup 2010 (Meeting 2)
future of the stadiums is uncertain. Sec- noted the following:
ond, the research was limited to the Results
Leading up to the World Cup, job
South African context; implying that Expected and Perceived Benefits of the creation and economic growth were
generalization to other national contexts World Cup Stadiums perceived to be the two main benefits
should be made with caution. Third, the Table 1 shows the key drivers for World of the World Cup. This was shaped by
estimated final cost of the stadiums var- Cup stadium development, which ulti- the media and government to legiti-
ied across sources. The highest credible mately influenced its legacy and the mize a rip-off by FIFA and Co.... Early
figure was used in most cases, because “knock-on” benefits, as perceived by optimistic estimates by Company
different sources had different inter- the interviewees. The perceived ben- X,  based on simplistic calculations
pretations of what the final cost meant. contradicted the reality of job losses
efits can be split into two categories:
This ambiguity surrounding definitive immediately post the event.
(1) one-off benefits, such as “acting as
costs is a reflection of the difficulty in a catalyst for public sector investment,” The observation that there wasn’t
researching such events, and also indic- “free money,” “increased productivity,” a complete consensus or agreement
ative of the extent to which apparently “pull through financial crises”; and around expected or perceived benefits
objective financial data are used strate- (2) long-term benefits such as “social draws further attention to the political
gically and politically (Hopwood, 1976; good,” “economic booster,” “image nature of decision making within the
Macintosh & Quattrone, 2010). In addi- booster,” “tourism booster,” “invest- overall stadium program. This is dis-
tion, the competing sources of reliable ment confidence booster,” and “readi- cussed further later in the article.
data also present a challenge for poli- ness for future mega-events.” Most city
cymakers and practitioners involved in managers interviewed confirmed that The Actual State of the World Cup
such events. Finally, given the temporal the key drivers for development of the Stadiums
nature of mega-event programs, as well mega-event stadium was that it acted Table 2 compares the stadiums pro-
as significant political reorganization as a catalyst for infrastructure fund- posed in the Bid Book with their legacy
in the South African cabinet and some ing and investment and, quite simply, outcome. The final stadiums used for
cities during the period leading up to was regarded as “free money” from the the World Cup were six new stadiums,
the World Cup (including the election national government. Both these driv- including FNB Stadium, and four exist-
of a new president in 2009), many of ers are categorized as one-off indirect ing upgraded stadiums. FNB Stadium,
the job roles referred to in this research “benefits” from choosing to develop sta- referred to as “Soccer City” during the
were historic; therefore, interviewees diums for the World Cup. World Cup, was “practically new-build”
were found in different environments It is also important to note at this (Interviewee 19) and is thus referred to
from those they occupied during the point, however, that we found a degree as new-build in this article. Although
organization and delivery of the 2010 of skepticism among some interviewees research findings, discussed later in this
World Cup. Again, this is a hazard for all regarding the actual extent to which this section, show that the overall speci-
ex-post research into mega-events. economic booster effect would mate- fications for all 10 stadiums changed
The research was carried out in rialize. For example, in the following substantially post-bid, an overview in
accordance with established social sci- quote, Interviewee 1 describes the per- Table 2 shows that four stadiums (Moses
ence ethical codes of conduct. This was ceived benefit of the stadiums as an Mabhida, Cape Town, Peter Mokaba,
particularly important in this study, economic booster, a “fallacy”: and FNB Stadium) were significantly dif-
because a significant number of the ferent from the original Bid Book intent.
participants could be described as Now the other fallacy was that we Table 3 shows that all of the six
“elite interviewees” (IRDEC, 2008, p. 1); needed to upgrade this infrastruc- new stadiums built for the World Cup
these were senior, well-known people ture because we have got this large had annual maintenance costs that
in South Africa. Thus, careful consider- scale influx of people going to come exceeded revenue, as confirmed by the
into our city and flood our city, etc.   
ation had to be given to the management city and stadium interviewees. Five
Except for Johannesburg there was
of informed consent, confidentiality, of the six new stadiums continued to
no large scale influx of people in any
and anonymity. All participants were of the other cities.... And you will find
require taxpayer support. FNB Stadium,
emailed a participant explanatory sheet that the other issues of legacy like on the other hand, though still publi-
and consent form prior to agreeing to the hotels, the tourism industry etc., cally owned, was being administered by
meet. All paperwork, transcriptions, didn’t make as much as they thought an independent company, along with
and recordings were administered with they would. three other City of Johannesburg sta-

4 Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

Expected and Perceived Benefits Illustrative Comments by Interviewees
Catalyst for infrastructure funding and “What the WC [stadiums] did do is give us the impetus and kick-start and also the ability to get funding
investment and “fast track” develop- that we wouldn’t have otherwise got” (Interview 4, 2012).
Free money from the government “We knew that National Government was going to give us 70% of the cost of the stadium, now we had
one option which was to sit back and go with the old stadium or we grab that money now and make
sure that we can get a new stadium and other infrastructure” (Interview 31, 2012).
Social good “In many ways a stadium is like a social good” (Interview 4, 2012).
Economic booster “Although the stadium itself is one cost center—we bid for and look for hosting events that bring
people from a wider field into the city—[they spend]. So it is very difficult to look at the stadium as its
own entity” (Interview 4, 2012).
“There was a huge amount of employment, etc., created, a lot of people got jobs working on the
stadium and other projects—and a lot of training that happened—that’s always a win” (Interview 4,
Increased productivity and “The intensity of work around the World Cup stadium—and the productivity we got out of people was
discretionary effort phenomenal. I have never seen anything like that before or since” (Interview 4, 2012).
Aesthetics—flagship/landmark—image “Having an iconic piece of structure makes a significant difference to a country’s brand image
and tourism booster internationally” (Interview 5, 2012).
Proved to investors that Africa was “The stadiums are world class—we had inspections from the FIFA people who said these are the best
technologically advanced (investment stadiums they had ever seen anywhere” (Interview 24, 2012).
confidence booster)
Catalyst for building post-apartheid “The legacy is ... the [rugby club] in the new dispensation was also perceived as a white brand,
relationships and bridging the gap Afrikaans and opposing the new dispensation. The stadium investment gave us an opportunity to let us
between rugby and football know each other” (Interview 21, 2012).
Readiness for future mega-event bids “We have strategically set up…to have the stadium…to maybe get the Commonwealth Games and
thereafter pushing towards the Olympics” (Interview 10, 2012).
Pull through financial crises “One of the things that sustained South Africa through this international financial crisis is the fact
that we had a huge infrastructure project, the stadiums, the roads ... It’s short term, but it played a
particular role” (Interview 11, 2012).
Table 1: Expected and perceived benefits from the stadium projects.

diums, on a “full financial risk basis,” What’s happening is that the stadiums of poor stakeholder engagement during
where the company “independently are being run where the costs sides of the stadium planning phase. Cape Town
funds the commercial business and the stadium is often disguised in city was in the process of negotiating with
manages the venues without receiving budgets, the revenue sides is in the the local rugby club but had a number
account of the operating. Now it means
any management fee, subsidy, or grant” of challenges to overcome. For example,
it looks good … [but it’s] actually not …
(SMSA, 2013, p. 8). according to the chief executive of the
None of the stadiums management Consequently, the burden on the local rugby club, the city, among other
was able to commit to an exact mainte- taxpayer was significantly higher than challenges, needed to revisit the record
nance cost figure. The figures at the time that reported in the media or by sta- of decision relating to the stadium and
of interview ranged from R30 million to dium management. precinct, which restricted commercial
R70 million per annum, depending on Two new stadiums—Moses Mab- activity, and the number of suites within
what was included and excluded from hida (Durban) and Cape Town Sta- the stadium needed to increase from
the reported cost. These figures were dium—had existing well-utilized rugby 140 to 250 to make a move viable. In
comparable with European stadiums, stadiums of similar size in the same city. Durban, the local rugby club had no
such as the City of Manchester Stadium, In Durban, the new stadium was right plans to move at the time of the inter-
but widely incomparable with European next door to the old one; both new sta- views.
stadium revenues (Interview 18). Inter- diums, according to their city managers, To summarize the utilization of
viewee 31, a city executive, noted the included rugby as part of their viabil- the new stadiums by professional soc-
deception, lack of “transparency,” and ity plans in August 2006 (see Ethek- cer, we developed a Premier Soccer
“creative accounting” used by cities in wini Municipality, 2006), which had not League (PSL) Index (see Table 3). This
reporting maintenance costs: been realized post-World Cup because index does not necessarily relate to

Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 5

The Rocky Road to Legacy

Stadiums: Pre-Bid 2003 Bid Book Post-Bid Stadiums: Post- Post-Bid

City Pre-Bid Ownership Proposal Change Bid (Legacy) Ownership
New stadiums built for the World Cup that were a major change to the Bid Book
eThekweni/ Kings Park (Rugby) City Long Lease Minor Upgrade Existing to New Moses Mabhida City
Cape Town Newlands (Rugby) Private Minor Upgrade Existing to New Cape Town City
Polokwane Peter Mokaba (Soccer) City Minor Upgrade Existing to New Peter Mokaba City
Johannesburg FNB Stadium (Soccer) City Long Lease Minor Upgrade Existing to FNB Stadium City
Practically New
New stadiums built for the World Cup that were also in the Bid Book
Mbombela Mbombela City New New Mbombela City
Nelson Nelson Mandela Bay City New New Nelson Mandela City
Mandela Bay Bay
Existing stadiums upgraded for the World Cup that were also in the Bid Book
Johannesburg Ellis Park (Rugby) City Long Lease Minor Upgrade Upgrade Ellis Park City Long Lease
Tshwane Loftus Versfeld (Rugby) Private Minor Upgrade Minor Upgrade Loftus Versfeld Private
Rustenburg Royal Bafokeng (Soccer) Private Minor Upgrade Upgrade Royal Bafokeng Private
Manguang Free State (Rugby) City Long Lease Minor Upgrade Upgrade Free State City Long Lease
Stadiums in the Bid Book that did not get built/used for the World Cup
Other Cities Kimberly New Not Built
Oppenheimer Upgrade Not Used
Rainbow Junction New Not Built
Source: Bid Book (2003) and Sports and Recreation South Africa (2011).
Note: Only a small portion of FNB Stadium (known as Soccer City during the World Cup) was retained for historic reasons and is thus considered new for
the purpose of comparison.
Table 2: The state of the World Cup stadiums at bid proposal and at final legacy.

World Cup Stadium Size (Legacy Maintenance Cost City/Taxpayer PSL Index PSL Attendance
Name Mode) Exceeds Revenue Bears Burden 2011–2012 Rating 2011–2012
Moses Mabhida 56,000 2.80 3
Cape Town 55,000 1.53 4
Peter Mokaba 45,000 4.92 1=
Mbombela 43,500 1.62 5=
Nelson Mandela Bay 46,000 1.60 5=
FNB Stadium 95,000 2.32 1=
Source of attendance figures is Soccerway (2012).
Note: PSL Index = total attendance at Premier Soccer League (PSL) Matches/Stadium Capacity.
Note: PSL attendance rating is ordered by total attendance for PSL games in the 2011–2012 season.
Table 3: Current status of the six new stadiums of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

how total revenues were generated by showed how many occasions per sea- PSL Index revealed was that the PSL
the stadiums. For example, in the case son the venue was theoretically filled games filled each new stadium, on
of Durban, sport matches only com- up for the PSL games. The idea of the average only twice a year (except for
prised 25% of the total revenue accord- PSL Index was derived from the World the Peter Mokaba Stadium), indicating
ing to the stadium manager at the time Stadium Index (Alm, 2012), which was very poor utilization by professional
of interview. Instead, the PSL Index based on total utilization. What the soccer teams.

6 Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

In the city of Polokwane, the Peter mega-event stadium projects from the These factors are discussed in the fol-
Mokaba Stadium showed the highest Bid Book (2003) to the legacy of the lowing section.
PSL Index and attendance rating for stadiums in 2012. Using the grounded
the 2011–2012 season. These figures theory approach to analyzing our inter- Overoptimistic Estimating
were distorted by the fact that the city view data (described earlier), we found A desire to win, within a competitive
adopted a “pay to play” strategy in which seven main factors that explain the dis- bidding environment, resulted in over-
teams were paid as much as one million connect between expected benefits and optimistic bid submissions at three key
rands to play at the stadium in return the legacy outcome and they are as fol- decision-making points (country bid,
for (according to their city executive, lows: Overoptimistic estimating; lack of city bid, and tender bid), which led to
who was interviewed for this research), national direction on funding; political significant cost overruns on all 10 proj-
economic benefits and cost-effective decision making, that took precedence ects as illustrated in Figure 1.
marketing via television. However, at the over economic rational decision mak- Figure 1 shows an increase from
time of the interview, the city was look- ing; unclear requirements from FIFA, Bid Estimate to Final Estimate of 965%
ing for an alternate strategy to help with including lack of knowledge about (unadjusted). Despite this significant
utilization and viability, because the “pay the complexity of hosting the World cost overrun, there were conflict-
to play” approach was, according to their Cup; focus on the “TV Show,” which ing views between the interviewees
city executive, not sustainable in the long resulted in technical overdesign beyond about whether the city or the country
run. Alm’s (2012) World Stadium Index the country’s needs; opportunities for was “worse off ” (Interviewee 1; Inter-
found an association between success- collusion and corruption; and finally, viewee 6) or whether it was “worth  it”
ful legacy and high utilization; however, a failure to engage key stakeholders. (Interviewee 11). At this point, it is
the Peter Mokaba Stadium showed that
this measurement of successful legacy
could be misleading because it did not 18.00
take into account other influencing fac-
tors, such as the “pay to play” strategy. 16.00
Although a strategy of “build it and pay
them to come” increased utilization, it 14.00
also increased the financial burden to Worse off or
12.00 worth it?
the city and its taxpayers.
In summary, we found that the
R (Billion)

World Cup had left behind a physical 5%
legacy of six new, “gigantic” (Cashman,

2002) stadiums in a country that had


a low attendance demand for football, 6.00

and already had sufficient existing stadi-
ums to fill its pre-World Cup rugby and 4.00
football needs. Further, five of the six
new stadiums were still burdening the 2.00 1.58
taxpayer with high maintenance costs.
2003 Bid Book Estimate 2003 Bid Book Estimate Final 2009 estimate
How the Management and
(in Billion Rands) for 13 (in Billion Rands) for (in Billion Rands) for
Organization of the Stadium stadiums (4 new, 2 major comparable 10 stadiums 10 stadiums (6 new
Program and Its Associated Projects upgrades, and 7 minor (2 new, 2 major upgrades, and 4 upgrades)
upgrades) and 6 minor upgrades)
Shaped the Stadium Legacy of the 2010
FIFA World Cup Source of Bid Book Estimate: Bid Book (2003) and Cottle (2011).
Having looked at the expected benefits Source of Final Estimate: Initially used Cottle (2011, p. 88), but verified and adjusted with
from and the actual stadium legacy out- data from Sports and Recreation South Africa (2011) and Interviewees.
Note: No adjustment has been made for inflation. Construction on stadiums started in
come of the World Cup (i.e., what was
2007. There is varying interpretations of Final Estimate depending on source. Research
left behind), we now turn to the ques- used highest estimate from credible source.
tion of “how things changed over time” Note: Andreff (2012, p. 3) describes the winner’s curse hypothesis to exist where for
(Van de Ven, 1992) and how this resulted example the total investment in stadiums is significantly higher than the initial event bid
in the stadium legacy, by exploring the budget.
Figure 1: Graphical representation of cost overrun.
management and organization of the

Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 7

The Rocky Road to Legacy

worth noting that there was a signifi- It was not possible to check how these Book stadiums. They confirmed that the
cant time gap between 2004 and 2006, budget estimates were reached, nor estimates for the stadiums were based
corresponding to the period when FIFA was it possible to understand fully the on FIFA compliant stadiums (Bid Book,
selected the final host cities after South philosophy behind them all … We did 2003, B13/9) and provided Declarations
not receive clear information explain-
Africa won the bid, which was normal of Undertaking. However, Interviewee
ing how the building of the prospec-
FIFA practice engrained in the host city 31 explains the inaccuracies found in
tive stadiums would be financed if
contract and has since changed. Once the proposed venues were actually
the Bid Book estimate post-bid:
the host cities had been selected, a real chosen for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
and significant change was found to the The proposal in the Bid Book had
budget estimate of the stadium projects, With respect to estimated revenue nothing to do with City Council, nor
the National Government. The Bid
increasing from R1.58 billion to R9.77 from ticket sales, FIFA observed that
Book said that we could upgrade the
billion, as illustrated in the program life (FIFA, 2004, p. 66):
[existing] stadium for something like
cycle budget history shown in Figure 2. R48 million. Well, we started looking
In the opinion of the Inspection
At bid stage, in an enthusiastic at that and it wouldn’t even cover
Group, the total amount of ticket sales
attempt to win the 2010 bid, and fol- revenue [$467,459,448] will be very some of the consulting costs. Once we
lowing an unsuccessful and controver- difficult to reach. had won the bid, I then urgently now
sial 12–11 voting loss to Germany in had to look into the issue as to what to
the 2006 bid, the bid company grossly The actual ex-post ticket revenue was do. The figure went in the space of a
underestimated the overall cost and the lower, at US$300 million, which more few months from R48 million to about
cost per seat of the stadium program, as importantly was not directly given to R700 million to upgrade the stadium.
illustrated in Table 4. the country but was offset against FIFA’s
Furthermore, FIFA (2004, p. 64) were Local Organizing Committee expenses.
The South African Football Association
Lack of National Direction
well aware of South Africa’s overopti-
(SAFA), which formed the core of the
on Funding
mistic financials, when they observed
Bid Company, had provided financial Lack of understanding about project
15 days prior to awarding South Africa
guarantees to FIFA for 10 of the Bid roles, definitions, and overall complex-
the right to host that:
ity of the mega-event program resulted
in the national treasury failing to offer
Budget History of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Stadiums (Billion Rands)
a national direction for stadium invest-
18.00 ment. This had several effects, the first
May 2004 March 2006 of which was that the Bid Company
SA win bid Final stadium selection and neglected rigorous accuracy of the Bid
14.00 appointment of host cities ?
ys Book estimate. Second, at the post-bid
12.00 ho 11.07 stage, it resulted in “iconic” or overde-
9.77 signed stadiums, which went beyond the
8.40 FIFA compliant specifications because of
8.00 i ft!
l the initial belief that all the “free money”
6.00 liti was coming from the government.
4.00 The gap observed in Figure 2—
2.00 1.58 between 2004 and 2006—resulted in a
slow start at the national level in prepar-
2003 Bid October August 2006 October 2007 2009 Final ing a strategy on sources of funding and
Book 2005 Host City 2006 Winning Estimate (f)
Estimate Preliminary Business National Tender later, with only four years remaining to
(a) cost estimate Case Treasury Prices (e) deliver the stadium program, impacted
(b) Budgets (c) Initial Cap (d)
significantly on the completion program
Sources: (a) Bid Book (2003); (b) National Treasury (2007); (c) National Treasury (2007) and
and acceleration costs. Interviewee 26
Cottle (2011, p. 88); (d) National Treasury (2007); (e) Cottle (2011, p. 88) and verified and reflected on the slow state of prepara-
adjusted with interviewees post-interview where available; (f) Initially used Cottle (2011, tion in September 2006:
p. 88), but verified and adjusted with data from Sports and Recreation South Africa (2011)
and Interviewees. I would say there was a lot of talking
Note: Cape Town supplied an estimated final cost of R4.14 billion, which was different to but there was nothing concrete that
the Sports and Recreation South Africa (2011) figure of R4.5 billion. had happened by that time. There was
Note: All figures are in Rand billion. not even finance that was allocated for
Figure 2: Program life cycle budget history showing cost shifts.
the stadiums at that time.

8 Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

Stadiums Egypt Libya Morocco S. Africa Tunisia
Cost of new stadiums 872,710,000 1,227,600,000 670,900,000 141,100,000 87,000,000
No. of seats in new stadiums 370,000 456,200 369,000 221,825 43,500
Cost per seat in new stadiums 2,359 2,691 1,818 636 2,000
Cost of renovated stad. (USD million) 192,830,000 68,800,000 56,400,000 182,571,000
No. of seats in renovated stadiums 162,000 147,000 141,025 239,000
Cost per seat in renovated stadiums 1,190 468 400 764
Cost of partly renovated stadiums 26,600,000 7,280,000
No. of seats in partly renov. stadiums 303,600 110,000
Total cost of stadiums 1,065,540,000 1,227,600,000 739,700,000 224,100,000 276,851,000
Source: FIFA (2004, p. 94) in U.S. dollars.
SA had an optimistically low cost per seat on new and renovated stadiums compared to its competitors’ stadiums.
Note Tunisia: 43,500 seats per stadium till quarter final and 65,000 for semifinal.
Table 4: Extract from Bid Book construction costs.

“Drift” (Macintosh & Quattrone, requires that you only have a roof on Patron of the South Africa 2010 World
2010, p. 208) became evident when host the western side. It does not require Cup bid stated: “We have the structural
cities were called to submit business roof all over the stadium but the and organisational capacity. By nature
plans in August 2006. For many host cities designs that came forward were beau- in our hotels, and stadiums, in our
tiful but quite expensive.
this was a retrospective exercise because transport systems …” (Bid Book, 2003,
they were already in the advanced stages p. 5) Similarly, President Thabo Mbeki
In addition to going beyond the
of design working on “iconic” and “sus- claimed: “Our mission is to demonstrate
minimum FIFA requirements, host cit-
tainable” design proposals (Interviewee our modern stadiums, world-class infra-
ies presented budgets that could not be
4). At this stage, almost two years after structure” (Bid Book 2003, p. 2).
compared with the Bid Book (2003). In
winning the bid, the source and amount FIFA concurred with the view that
the Bid Book, South Africa presented a
of budget funding were still not clear. South Africa had good sporting infrastruc-
strong and valid case for having existing
The assumption outlined in a typical city ture by observing this in their inspection
stadiums and infrastructure far supe-
business plan (Ethekwini Municipality, report (FIFA, 2004, p. 68) and identifying
rior to its African competitors, which
2006) was that the national government eight stadiums, which were already ready
would be used for the event. According
was going to pay the full cost. According or required partial refurbishment to host
to Interviewee 19, who helped prepare
to Interviewee 26, the Treasury planned the tournament. This raises the question
the Bid Book, the goal was to build the
to base its budget on what the city of how the South African mega-event
minimum requirements:
designed and told them. This left the city stadium program drifted from a state of
designers with a free hand to design and near-readiness with respect to eight stadi-
The goal we set ourselves [SAFA, the
build what they wanted. When the busi- ums in 2004 to the August 2006 business
LOC, and the technical team] was that
ness plans were received, the Bid Book everyone was to present stadiums to
plans in which six new stadiums and four
figure increased from R1.58 to R9.77 FIFA in the bid documentation that upgrades were being proposed at a sig-
billion, as illustrated in Figure 2, with dealt with their minimum require- nificant cost variance.
proposals for new “iconic” (Interviewee ments set by FIFA and could be con- The reason why some of the cities
4) stadiums. These stadiums went far structed as cheaply as possible. opted for grand new stadiums despite
beyond the definition of a FIFA compli- having a large pool of existing stadiums
ant stadium as noted by Interviewee 26 There was a clear intention to use to choose from is explained in the fol-
below (and supported by Interviewee 1 existing facilities, and where new facili- lowing section.
and Interviewee 7): ties were being built, it would be done
to the minimum standard. In the Bid Political Decision Making That Took
Book (2003) letters to FIFA, senior polit- Precedence Over Rational Decision
The designs of the stadiums [we
saw were] not necessarily necessary ical figures wrote about the strength Making—First Price Shift
… because what we’re looking at is of the countries existing facilities. For Fear of “losing-out” on the opportunity
a FIFA-compliant stadium … [that] example, Nelson Mandela who was the to invest in luxury sports infrastructure

Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 9

The Rocky Road to Legacy

in order to address the historic imbal- In South Africa because of history, to work because this [Company X] is
ance of sport in South Africa (an oppor- partly, soccer is a very politically assuming that this particular stadium
tunity that could not otherwise be charged game. And so is rugby. And is the only stadium in South Africa.
justified beyond the World Cup given when you put the two in the same
room—it is very hard to see eye to eye. Interviewee 11, a senior government
the challenges with unemployment,
minister, summarizes how politics took
health, and education) resulted in a The second observable reason was precedence over rational economic rea-
political shift from the Bid Book with that South Africa now found itself com- soning:
respect to stadium investment and peting, not with other African nations to
development. This was despite ratio- win the bid, but with past host cities for [It was an] endeavor to address an
nal financial and technical indications status. Interviewee 6 expressed concern imbalance at that point in time taking
that the stadiums would not be viable about the political shift to build icons to into consideration the peculiarities of
(Interviewee 1; Interviewee 26). This compete with past hosts and the effect the structures of our soccer, it was the
shift is illustrated in financial terms in on the taxpayer: right thing to do … but using a keen
Figure  2. Subsequently, it was found logical economic agreement, it’s not.
that the World Cup stadiums’ prime We should spend within our means.
use was not for soccer; many stadiums I think we could have hosted a great Hence, after a flexible approach
were primarily used for rugby or were World Cup event —not trying to outdo to the budget, the Treasury eventually
the rest of the world in terms of the capped the government contribution to
considering partnering with rugby to
way we design these buildings—cre- stadiums to R8.4 billion in October 2005
attain viability. Many of the PSL teams
ating icons—you are always going to absorbing the political shift illustrated
preferred to play in smaller stadiums lean on your population to fund …
because of low attendance rates. In in Figure 2. Interviewee 31 reflected on
[these mega-events]
comparison with past FIFA World Cup the impact of the political shift on the
hosts (Deutsche Fussball-Bund, 2012; Furthermore, Interviewee 14 ob- opportunity cost of the Treasury using
ESPN, 2012; Nielsen, 2012; The Best served that South Africa wanted to the money elsewhere:
Eleven, 2009; Wikipedia, 2012), South “show what we can do” to the rest of
Treasury in the end were hit with the
Africa had the lowest attendance with the world.
fact that there were political decisions
the lowest gross national income (GNI) When presenting the host city’s
made around the additional stadia,
per capita (World Bank, 2010), yet went business plans, Interviewee 26 made an which means they probably weren’t
on to build the best stadiums FIFA “had important observation about the pre- able to do what they should have been
ever seen anywhere” (Interviewee 24). sentation of clearly incorrect ex-ante doing.
The most valid explanation for the studies that promoted and approved
political shift was that the two-year gap projects known to be unviable: The gap period between 2004 and
between 2004 and 2006 mentioned ear- 2006 allowed for the political shift
lier allowed sufficient time for the con- We had a session with all of them because there was not a shared, coor-
templation of a political shift to build [Cities] and they all used a company dinated vision for the stadium program
called [X], oh, not all, most of them, at the national level from the onset.
stadiums that addressed the historic
9 out of the 10. Company [X] is a
“imbalance” (Interviewee 11) of the Instead, decision making for individual
market research company, okay? And
sport due to the history of apartheid. stadiums was delegated in a fragmented
[Company X] was supposed to do a
This decision was strongly influenced business plan for them. It was laugh-
way to various local actors. Interviewee
by the “free money” the cities were able for me because [Company X] 31 highlights the lack of national direc-
expecting to receive. Fifty-percent of the would say to stadium A: this thing tion and the fragmented set-up at the
participants interviewed mentioned this would work but you’ll have to have project level:
country’s specific issue in their stories five major matches of Bafana Bafana
as the reason for the “shift.” Politicians [the national football team] in your Remember all of that direction and
stadium in a year. And they’ll say the investment was done by the cities
in some cities did not want to invest
same thing to all of them. As if there’s themselves. So in effect there were
in the bid-proposed rugby stadiums as
just one stadium in the country ... That nine program managers, the nine cit-
observed by Interviewee 31 and Inter- ies’ managers across the country for
business plan, in my opinion, was
viewee 10, whereas other cities opted the bulk of the expenditure—those
very flawed. We had a meeting at the
to refurbish the existing rugby stadiums DBSA (Development Bank of South were your program managers.
and not burden the city with additional Africa) with the DBSA, the cities, and
costs (Interviewee 32). The political bat- one representative from FIFA and offi- Hence, the cities felt that there was
tle between rugby and football was also cials from the LOC. We said it in those no central program-level organization
commented on by Interviewee 5: meetings that this thing is all not going and each city was allowed to organize

10 Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

its stadium project around its own goals “FIFA compliant” as observed by Inter- and shows an overall 72% cost over-
and political desires with an under- viewee 18. The high provisional sums run between the 2006 revised host city
standing that such desires were to be from lack of detailed requirements was budget estimate of R9.77 billion and
funded by the national Treasury. noted by Interviewee 14 as a key reason, the final estimate of R16.77  billion.
in addition to the construction boom, This was the second big price shift to
Unclear Requirements by FIFA and for the second significant shift in pricing the stadium program as illustrated in
Ignorance—Second Price Shift from tender to final estimate: Figure  2. The government contribu-
Lack of clarity about FIFA stadium tion to the final estimate was eventually
requirements, under the broad contrac- … very bad provisional sums that were R9.80 billion (Sports and Recreation
tual umbrella of “FIFA compliance,” and in the tender documents—in other South Africa, 2011, p. 124), leaving the
an ignorant appreciation of its complex- words, some of the contractors couldn’t cities facing the difficult question of
ity, resulted in projects being designed, essentially bid accurately because, say who would pay for the R6.97 billion of
tendered, and built with incomplete you got in a tender document, 60% of unplanned expenditure. For some cities
the cost is provisions rather than accu-
information. This resulted in high lev- this involved drawing down significant
rate bills of quantities—so that essen-
els of provisional sums for “unknowns” sums from the city reserves as well as
tially pushed it out. At the time we had
and continual changes to the specifica- a really booming economy … and that
city loan funds. For example, one city
tions and, consequently increased cost, pushed the escalation up to 15%. So used R500,000 from city reserves and
including acceleration costs, and “wast- it was a combination of a number of an additional R306,000 from city loan
age” (Interviewee 4) under critical time factors—but mainly provisional sums funding. Another city executive com-
constraints. Generally, lack of clarity in the tenders were high so accuracy mented that they had a current debt of
from the onset on what “FIFA com- of tenders was low and the booming R1.5 billion from the stadium project,
pliance” meant resulted in ignorantly economy at the time. and the effect might have resulted in a
assuring FIFA compliance in the Bid “slow down” in “water or power” invest-
Book and then proceeding to design sta- Table 5 shows how each stadium ment (Interviewee 17). In contrast to
diums, which were interpreted as being was affected by the two big price shifts most of the other stadiums; for example,

2006 Host Percentage Increase Percentage Increase from

2003 Bid City Budget 2009 Final from 2003 Bid Estimate 2006 Budget Request to
Stadiums Estimate(a) Request(b) Estimate(c) to 2009 Final Estimate 2009 Final Estimate
Original Budget 1st Price Shift 2nd Price Shift
Rands Rands Rands
Moses Mabhida 53,750,000 1,893,607,000 3,100,000,000 5,667% 64%
Cape Town 14,375,000 2,961,473,000 4,500,000,000 31,204% 52%
Peter Mokaba 150,000,000 699,637,572 1,300,000,000 767% 86%
Mbombela 300,000,000 904,452,970 1,071,756,034 257% 18%
Nelson Mandela 250,000,000 963,040,125 2,063,779,231 726% 114%
FNB Stadium 195,000,000 1,565,752,100 3,700,000,000 1,797% 136%
Ellis Park 34,375,000 267,052,632 254,000,000 639% –5%
Loftus Versfeld 15,000,000 89,047,612 115,000,000 667% 29%
Royal Bafokeng 11,250,000 141,700,000 300,000,000 2,567% 112%
Free State 37,500,000 283,408,896 370,000,000 887% 31%
Sub-Total 1,061,250,000 9,769,171,907 16,774,535,265 1,481% 72%
Other Stadiums 513,750,000 Not built Not built
in the Bid Book
Total 1,575,000,000 9,769,171,907 16,774,535,265 965% 72%
Sources: (a) Bid Book (2003); (b) National Treasury (2007) and Cottle (2011, p. 88); (c) Initially used Cottle (2011, p. 88), but verified and adjusted with data
from Sports and Recreation South Africa (2011) and Interviewees.
Table 5: Details of cost overruns for each stadium and overall program.

Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 11

The Rocky Road to Legacy

Mbombela—a new stadium—had a cost FIFA’s financial accounts (FIFA, 2011b, In South Africa, the cost per seat of the
increase between 2006 and 2009 of 18%. p. 37) state that FIFA earned US$2.35 Moses Mabhida Stadium was approxi-
Observers, for example Interviewee 14, billion out of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, mately US$7,200 (in legacy mode) and
believe their performance can be attrib- mainly from television rights, approxi- in Cape Town was US$10,600 (in legacy
uted to adopting a strict fixed-price con- mately equal to R19 billion. This is more mode). Even more striking is the very
tract at tender. than all the stadiums combined at their low cost of the Orlando Stadium, a fully
final estimated cost of R16.77 billion. compliant FIFA stadium used as a World
Strong Focus on the “TV Show” Rather Interviewee 7 commented on the con- Cup training venue, which was com-
than the Needs of the Country flict between FIFA’s interests and those pleted in South Africa in 2008 at a cost of
FIFA’s focus on delivering a high-quality of the host country. US$1,150 per seat (N. Fourie, personal
television show (Interviewee 7; Inter- communication, August 27, 2012).
viewee 14), given its major revenue It’s the way FIFA operate. FIFA is try- Collusion and corruption are sig-
comes from television rights and market- ing to blind-side its potential cus- nificant challenges to development in
ing (FIFA, 2011b, p. 37) was a contributory tomer into a very elaborate event
South Africa. Although collusion and
factor to technically overdesigned stadi- because that’s what makes television.
corruption are by no means restricted to
They are in the business of TV—and
ums, which were in many cases beyond developing countries, corruption indices
for country, you are in the business
the needs of South Africa. The result such as those compiled by Transparency
of delivering infrastructure and cost
was specification of expensive techni- curtailment. Therefore, those two are International suggest there is a relation-
cal requirements that were often not always in conflict. ship. Further, as Flyvbjerg and Molloy
used post-event and, in some instances, (2011) note, infrastructure projects in
were not even used for the event but still Although FIFA’s interests and developing country contexts can provide
required high post-event maintenance. national interests may not have been an ideal environment for illegal oppor-
For example, the installation of 99 ISDN aligned, as described by Interviewee 7, tunistic behavior; Interviewee 4 reflects
lines for broadcasting in one stadium, the fragmentation of the stadium pro- on the personal disappointment she felt
where only three lines were used for the gram did seem to be to FIFA’s advan- working in such an environment:
event for only one match (Interviewee tage, because the focus on infrastructure
23), which impacted further on the leg- development at a local level, for which … and there were stories of collusion
acy benefits. Interviewee 23 describes the city took the risk, detracted atten- and all of that. We sat around the
the extent of the over specification of tion from the real source of revenue table with some of these guys and
certain technical requirements: they would say: oh it’s so expensive to
generation associated with the World
do this et cetera, but when you read
Cup event, which was the sale of televi-
Even up to now you can run the some of the competitions collusion
sion rights. stuff—that it was just collusion [sighs].
whole exchange for the province, not
even the city alone—we can use the When it comes down to that personal
Collusion and Corruption level when you look people in the
exchange right here in the stadium.
When you look at the proliferation Private desires to benefit from the eye and they say ... [Interviewee stops
of requirements their [FIFA] require- mega-event resulted in cases of alleged conversation in discontent].
ments were way too much. collusion and corruption, which under-
mined the contractual process, result-
A focus on what looked impressive ing in breach of the law, the murder Failure to Engage Key
on TV was also reflected in the political of whistleblowers (Yende, 2012), and Stakeholders
choice of the unviable location option overpayment for the construction of Failure of the Bid Company to fully
for Cape Town Stadium over a more stadiums. The cost-per-seat pricing of engage with host cities in the bid pro-
viable alternative (Interviewee 2; Inter- many of the stadiums in South Africa cess resulted in lack of commitment by
viewee 10; Interviewee 19). were far in excess of other past “expen- the cities to the contents of the bid pro-
On the question of who benefits sive,” “iconic” stadiums. For example, posal. Subsequently, stadium proposals
and who pays (Cottle, 2011), the biggest the cost of stadiums such as the Alliance that emerged from the cities conflicted
losses fell to the taxpayer as noted by Stadium Germany (built for FIFA 2006), with the original intentions of the win-
Interviewee 4. The findings discussed Stade de France (built for FIFA 1998), ning bid and impacted significantly on
above show how the investment of pub- and the Beijing National Stadium (built the baseline bid estimate as illustrated
lic resources shifted from an ex-ante for Beijing 2004) all ranged between in Figures 1 and 2. The host cities pro-
figure of R1.58 billion and ex-post final US$5,500 and US$6,300 per seat (The ceeded by ignoring the Bid Book and
cost of R16.77 billion, resulting in some Stadium Guide, 2012; VINCI, 2012; setting their own baseline budgets in
cities taking on the additional debt. Wiseman, 2012) adjusted for inflation. August 2006.

12 Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

Discussion affected” by mega-events and Cunha’s decisions without long-term account-
Our research findings support and (2010) research on the “Olympic State” ability as highlighted by Andranovich,
extend a number of insights from the taking over the preconceived regulatory Burbank, and Heying (2001). Further-
existing literature on megaprojects, state. more, despite the poor forecasting in the
mega-events, sports infrastructure leg- Third, the findings support existing Bid Book identified by FIFA, South Africa
acy, and major program management literature on the “mismatch” (Szyman- went on to be awarded the right to host
discussed earlier. First, the existing state ski, 2011, p. 91) between perceived and the 2010 World Cup, suggesting that the
of the 2010 FIFA World Cup stadiums actual economic benefits. For exam- quality or accuracy of a bid’s estimated
adds further weight to the existing lit- ple, the “huge amount of employment” financials was not a key consideration in
erature on “poor” legacy (Barclay, 2009; (Interviewee 4) creation was tempo- FIFA’s bid selection, echoing Jennings’
Nuttall, 2011; Swinnen & Vandemoor- rary, evidenced by the 5% increase in (2009) argument that overoptimistic
tele, 2008, p. 5) insofar as it is “underuti- unemployment between 2008 and 2012 mega-event bids are a result of the com-
lized” and is a “financial burden.” The (Klein, 2012; Statistics South Africa, petitive process in host selection.
findings also revealed, as in the case of 2012). Furthermore, contrary to some, A fifth observation, related to the
the Peter Mokaba Stadium, where teams but not all, interviewees’ perceptions above, is that the gap between what the
were paid to play at the stadium, that of events as economic boosters, a grow- Bid Book proposed and what emerged
high utilization does not always equate ing body of ex-post research shows that out of the cities can be attributed to lack
to long-term sustainability and there are mega-events have no significant direct of coordinated national direction on
exceptions to Alm’s (2012) association impact on development to the city of funding. At the bid stage, it meant that
between successful legacy and high uti- the mega-event (Baade & Matheson, the Bid Company was speculating and
lization. Furthermore, the Peter Mokaba 2004; Coates & Humphreys, 1999; Noll making assumptions about funding and
Stadium case also supports the critique & Zimbalist, 1997; Porter, 1999) or the facilities that would be used for the 2010
made by authors, such as Coates and mega-event stadium (Baade & Dye, World Cup. Overoptimistic estimating
Humphreys (2003) and Zimbalist (2000) 1990; Coates & Humphreys, 2008; Leeds justified the public spending (Cash-
that sports teams and sports facilities & von Allmen, 2005; Siegfried & Zim- man, 2002; Crompton, 1995; Matheson,
intended as catalysts to stimulate the balist, 2000, 2006). Thus, an event-led 2008), thus encouraging cost estimates
local economy do not always yield the urban strategy (Interviewee 4) appears to be kept low with no accountability on
expected benefits. In addition, the sub- unlikely to boost economic growth. the side of the Bid Company. At post-
stantial change to stadium requirements Fourth, through exploring how the bid, cities were free to design with an
post-bid, driven at the local project level stadium program changed over time, open budget with no central leadership.
rather than the national program level, we found over-optimism throughout Overall, there was no program account-
led to six new “gigantic” stadiums that the program. This supports findings by ability and leadership with responsibil-
far exceeded the needs of the country, Flyvbjerg, Massimo, and Lovallo (2009), ity to translate and implement the vision
a criticism cited by Cashman (2002) for where misinformation—the root cause of the Bid Book and oversee the stadium
mega-events and their “luxury” projects being optimism bias and strategic mis- program. By the time FIFA selected the
generally (Cashman, 2002, p. 9). representation—undermines project host cities in March 2006 and treasury
Second, it is evident that the deci- implementation (Flyvbjerg, 2007b). capped the budget in October 2006 the
sion making that shaped the legacy What is evident is that a fragmented proposed Bid Book stadium vision of
of the 2010 World Cup stadiums was internalized view of individual projects 2003 was lost to a completely different
a reactive, fragmented approach, blinded decision makers who failed to stadium program. The focus thereafter
informed by the hosting of the mega- adopt an “outside view” (Flyvbjerg, 2008, was a reactive approach by the cities
event and the associated indirect p. 4) in their estimating of costs and to deliver their stadiums by the event
drivers. This finding is contrary to deci- benefits either at the project or program deadline.
sion-making approaches for a viable level. Indeed there is little evidence that Sixth, the research found that politi-
legacy suggested by Masterman (2009), bench-marking or comparisons of costs cal decision making took precedence
Matheson (2010), and Preuss (2007), or benefits between the stadiums within over rational decision making, which
which involve early planning for after- the program or with previous World Cup impacted on the first major price shift
use and consideration for the cities (and events took place. For example, the Bid in the stadium program. Furthermore,
nation’s) long-term development plan. Book, which was prepared by the Bid business plans and viability studies
However, the finding does offer sup- Company, was clearly overoptimistic that supported political decisions later
port for Haferburg’s (2011, p. 33) obser- in its financial forecast. This raises the proved to be unviable and inaccurate.
vation that urban development and question about the legitimacy of the Bid This finding is supported by numerous
governance in host cities “are severely Company in making critical public policy other studies (Baade, 1996; Baade &

Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 13

The Rocky Road to Legacy

Dye, 1990; Coates & Humphreys, 2008; Conclusions and and viewed as a single organization.
Leeds & von Allmen, 2005; Siegfried Recommendations The projects, by their very nature, were
& Zimbalist, 2000, 2006) that question This research set out to investigate how interdependent (through, for example,
the credibility and accuracy of ex-ante the management and organization of the sources of funding, the mega-event
stadium viability studies. However, South African 2010 FIFA World Cup sta- itself, liaison with various stakeholders,
while the companies that prepare these dium program shaped the current leg- post-event utilization, understanding
reports can be criticized for professional acy of an over-supply of over-designed FIFA requirements); their success was
inaccuracies, this research shows that hence dependent on a single clear strat-
and underutilized stadiums. We began
cities and government knowingly use egy. The lack of such integration under
with a review of the expected benefits
them as an “ammunition machine” a single clear strategy was a critical fac-
from the stadium construction program
(Macintosh & Quattrone, 2010, p. 330) tor in the organization of the 2010 World
and contrast these with the actual leg-
to make “unfit” (Flyvbjerg, 2009) proj- Cup stadiums and ultimately the legacy
acy at the time of writing. Interview and
ects look good. This was exacerbated left behind.
documentary data relating to both the
further by lack of overall program direc- To avoid such issues, future World
overall stadium program and each indi-
tion and leadership at the national level, Cup hosts may consider establishing
vidual stadium project was collected to
with each stadium project vying to jus- a World Cup Development Author-
form one program case and 10 project
tify its own stadium business plan. ity (WCDA), which is responsible for
cases in nine host cities, using a mixed-
This dynamic is manifest in how the managing all World Cup venues and
method research design, Our conclu-
unclear requirements by FIFA allowed direct infrastructure for the host coun-
sion is that the dynamic activity of the
for a second major price shift and signif- try. Such an entity would distinguish
2010 FIFA World Cup  stadium program
icant cost overruns. In turn, the strong itself from the role of the LOC and
and its associated stadium projects
influence of FIFA on the stadium tech- provide a similar function to the Olym-
(which shaped the stadium legacy) were
nical specification supports the obser- pic Delivery Authority (ODA), an idea
organized in a fragmented way that
vation from Erten and Ozfiliz, (2006, that originated for Sydney 2000 and
started at the bid stage, with significant
p.  539) that the interests of event orga- was developed during the London 2012
nizers such as FIFA and the IOC influ- changes over time resulting from poor Olympic Games (Jacobson, 2011). Rio
ence the development of stadiums. Our central organization, leadership, and de Janeiro, the city, has also adopted
findings suggest that the concern for the strategic direction. The cities found that this strategy for managing the Olympics
TV show and therefore the influence of they were operating independently, in in 2016; however, the country of Brazil
such sponsors and organizers may be “splendid isolation” (Buijs & Edelenbos, did not use anything similar for FIFA
greater when the stadium program is 2012, p.  29). Even though the govern- 2014 (Padovano & Bertacchini, 2011).
fragmented and more “projectified” in a ment had appointed a Director General According to Padovano and Bertacchini
“divide and rule” fashion. in 2010, this individual did not have the (2011, p. 5), the venue decision-making
Finally, although difficult to explore power to become a key central decision process for the 2014 Brazil World Cup
for reasons outlined earlier, there was maker, and the CEO of the LOC was not was also highly fragmented with high
a strong suggestion that collusion and responsible for the stadium develop- capital expenditure and a legacy that
corruption may have played a part at ment and legacy program. was being “haunted by the white ele-
multiple levels within the stadium pro- Further, the research concludes phant syndrome.” One of the challenges
gram. Flyvbjerg and Molloy (2011) have that the stadium legacy of the 2010 the WCDA will face will be program
highlighted how major infrastructure World Cup may have benefited from management across an entire country,
projects, including mega-events, can the organization of a clearly defined which in the case of countries such as
become ideal environments for enabling stadium program at the central govern- Brazil and Russia, could be a vast land-
collusion and corruption, particularly ment level that was effective across all scape, compared with the Olympics,
in countries where institutions may be phases until handover for legacy. This which takes place in a single city.
relatively weak and decision making major program needed effective leader- To overcome the lack of experience
is carried out in a fragmented way. It ship, capable of successfully managing with major infrastructure programs, and
is our argument that the organization the demands and influences that came the limitation with being an organi-
of the stadium program reflected local with the “duality” (Deng & Poon, 2011, zation that needs to mobilize quickly,
political arrangements, which in turn, p. 25) of delivering the program for a the WCDA could partner with an expe-
exposed the program to opportunism successful mega-event while ensuring rienced, well-established organization
and exploitation in ways that may have a positive post-event legacy. The mega- that can provide the specific skills and
been avoided had it been coordinated event stadium projects as part of the resources. This approach was taken
by a central authority. major program needed to be integrated by the London 2012 ODA by having a

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Projects. She is a certified Chartered Award for Best Overall student in the MSc
arrested. City Press. Retrieved from
Surveyor and Project Cost Consultant, with in Major Programme Management pro-
over twenty years industry experience gram. She holds an MBA in Management
working on large projects in the United from Imperial College, University of London
Kingdom and South Africa. She has worked receiving the Ford Prize for Excellence in
Zimbalist, A. (2000). The economics
closely with public and private sector Industry Research where she developed
of stadiums, teams, and cities. In W. C.
clients, providing independent and impartial a forward strategy for Ernst & Young’s
Rich (Ed.), The economics and politics of
advice on the viability, investment, and Programme Management Division. Trish
sports facilities (pp. 57–69). Westport, CT:
management of their projects from incep- also holds a Bachelor of Science, with
Quorum Books.
tion through to final account. Merit for Outstanding Research, from the
University of Natal, South Africa. She has
Dr. Eamonn Molloy is the Fellow in Trish started her career in 1993 as a Cost been a professional member of the Royal
Management Studies at Pembroke Consultant for Schoombie Hartmann and Institute of Chartered Surveyors since 1997.
College, University of Oxford. He is a Associates in South Africa before moving Trish currently sits on the Alumni Advisory
multidisciplinary organization theorist who to London in 1995 to work with Gardiner Council Board for SAID Business School,
is interested in the logics of temporary & Theobald, a leading independent global University of Oxford. She has been invited
governance arrangements. In addition to project and cost management consultancy. to speak about her research on gover-
his research, Eamonn teaches in the MSc Trish set up K40 Group, a property develop- nance, legacy, and mega-event program
in Major Programme Management at the ment and investment company, in 2002. management at a number of international
Saïd Business School, Oxford, and is part Within her company she has acted as conferences. She can be contacted at
of the team that delivers the Major Projects Project Owner and Advisor on all aspects

Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj 19

The Rocky Road to Legacy

Meeting Number Organization Job Role

1 University of Oxford Academic expert on the Olympics
2 Union World Cup 2010 Critical Author
3 FIFA/LOC Board Director/Bid Company
4 SA Treasury Executive
5 LOC Chief Officer
6 FIFA/LOC Board Director/Bid Company
7 FIFA/LOC (Zurich) Board Director/Bid Company
Interview Number Stadium Type Organization Job Role
1 DBSA Senior Executive
2 LOC Chief Officer
3 Existing Stadium (Rugby) Manager
4 New City City Executive
5 New Stadium Consultant and Manager
6 LOC Executive
7 SA Treasury Executive
8 New Lead Professional Project Manager
9 Existing Stadium (Rugby) CEO
10 New City Manager
11 SA Government Minister
12 New Stadium Consultant
13 New Stadium Manager
14 SA Treasury 2010 Unit Senior Executive
15 Upgraded City and Stadium Managing Director
16 New LOC Venue Manager
17 New City Project Management
18 New Stadium Consultant and Manager
19 New Lead Professional Consultant and Bid Preparation
20 LOC Executive and Bid Preparation
21 Upgraded Stadium CEO
22 Upgraded Stadium Director
23 New City and Stadium Executive
24 LOC Chief Officer
25 PSL Senior Executive
26 LOC Executive
27 New Stadium Consultant
28 New LOC Venue Manager
29 New Lead Professional Consultant
30 New City and Stadium Executive
31 New City Executive
32 Existing City Executive
APPENDIX: Interview schedule.

20 Project Management Journal ■ DOI: 10.1002/pmj

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