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Pipe networks: Edit pipe networks

using pipe network tools

You will modify pipe and structure

properties and test out several changes and
the impacts they have on the rules. You will
also merge two pipe networks and rename
the pipes and structures.

Learning Objectives:

• Edit a pipe network using properties.

• Use pipe network vistas.
The completed exercise
• Merge pipe networks.
• Rename network parts.

1. In the Start tab, click Open. In the Select File

dialog, in the Iowa City 07_07/04 Design Models
folder, select Drainage Design.dwg. Click Open.

2. In the plan viewport, select pipe P7.

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3. Right-click and choose Pipe Properties. In the
dialog box, review the contents of the
Information tab.

4. Click on the Part Properties tab. Review the

contents. You can test out several by specifying
a different option, for example, set the End
Invert Elevation to 647 and click Apply. Notice
the difference in the profile view. Return the
Elevation to 648 and click Apply.

5. Set the Resize Behavior to Crown. Change the

Inner Pipe Diameter to 24 and click Apply. The
profile updates. Change the Pipe Diameter back
to 12 and click Apply.

6. Click on the Rules tab. Two rules have been


7. In the Part Properties tab, in the Geometry

section, change the Pipe Slope (Hold Start) to -1
and click Apply.

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8. Return to the Rules tab. The minimum slope
violation is removed. Click OK.

9. Select the structure MH 7. Right-click and

choose Structure Properties.

10. In the Part Properties tab, change the

Reference Surface to Existing Ground. Click
OK. The structure changes in the profile view.
Return the Reference Surface to Finished

11. Review the other properties. For example, set

the Inner Structure Diameter to 96. Click Apply.
The structure updates in the profile. Return the
size to 60 and click Apply.

12. In the Connections tab, select P7 and change

the Invert Elevation to 648.80ʹ. Click Apply.

13. Select both pipes, right-click and choose Match

Elevation. In the Match Elevation dialog box,
select P6 and click OK. P7 takes on the Invert
Elevation of P6. Click Apply.

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14. Review the rules tab. No rules are violated at
this time. Click OK.

15. In Prospector, expand Pipe Networks >

Networks. Right-click on Storm 1 and select
Edit Network. In the Network Layout Tools
toolbar click Pipe Network Vistas.

16. In the PANORAMA palette, click on the Pipes

tab. Review the properties that are available.

17. Click on the Structures tab and review the

properties that are available. Close the palette
and the toolbar.

18. Select inside the plan view. In the View tab,

Model Viewports panel expand Viewport
Configuration and select Single. Zoom out to
see the intersection of Woodside View and
McCollister Blvd.

19. In Prospector, right-click on Storm2 and choose

Select. In the Pipe Networks contextual tab,
Modify panel, click Merge Networks. In the
Select pipe network to be merged into another
network dialog, select Storm2. Click OK.

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20. IN the Select destination pipe network dialog,
select Storm1 and click OK.

21. In Prospector, you can see that there is now

only on Network, Storm1.

22. Zoom in on MH 2. There are two structures


23. In Prospector, select expand Storm 1 and

select Structure. In the Item List view, click on
the Name column header to sort the list. Select
Structure (15), right-click and choose Select. .
Move the cursor into model space and press
Delete to remove the selected structure.

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24. Select the pipe and drag it away from the
structure and then back to it until the
connection icon displays. Click to connect the
pipe to MH 2.

25. In the Modify tab, Design panel, click Pipe

Network. In the Pipe Networks tab, Modify
panel, expand the title and select Rename

26. Select the first structure on the run (on the

top)and then the last pipe on the run (near the

27. In the Rename Pipe Network Parts dialog, in

the Structure name template section, click the
Name Template button. In the Name Template
dialog set the Name to MH, a space, and then
apply Next Counter. Click Insert. Set the
Starting number to 12. Click OK.

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28. In the Rename Pipe Network Parts dialog, in
the Pipe name template section, set the Pipe
name to P with a space and Next Counter. Set
the Starting number to 11. Select Rename
existing parts and click OK.

29. In Prospector, review the Pipe and Structure


30. Save the project.

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