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Profiles: Modify profile view styles

You will modify the vertical exaggeration,

axis, and grid of a profile view and apply
hatching between profiles.

Learning Objectives:
The completed exercise
• Modify a profile view style.
• Add profile view cut and fill hatching.

1. Open the /Iowa City 04_11/04 Design

Models/road design.dwg drawing.

2. Zoom in to the McCollister Blvd profile view.

3. Select the McCollister Blvd profile view, right-

click, and choose Edit Profile View Style.

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4. In the Profile View Style dialog, on the Graph
tab, confirm the Vertical Exaggeration is 10.0.

5. On the Grid tab:

• Select Clip Vertical and Horizontal Grid.
• Select Clip to Highest Profiles and Omit Grid
in Padding Areas.
• Modify the Left and Right Grid Padding to

6. On the Title Annotation tab:

• Modify the Title Text Height to 0.5”.
• Click the Edit Text button .
• Edit the title contents to be uppercase.
• Deselect Border Around the Title.

7. Accept the settings on the Horizontal and

Vertical Axis tabs.

8. On the Display tab:

• Turn off the visibility for all right axis title,
annotation, and tick components.
• Repeat for the top axis.
• Turn on the visibility for Grid at Horizontal
Geometry Points.
• Click OK.

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9. Select the McCollister Blvd profile view, right-
click, and choose Profile View Properties. The
Profile View Properties dialog is displayed.

10. On the Hatch tab:

• Click Cut Area.
• Click Fill Area.
• Accept the defaults.
• Click OK.

11. The Profile View Hatch is displayed.

12. Save and close the drawing.

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