CharacterWorksheet Y9

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Character Worksheet

Before the Bell

Yr 9 Drama Semester 1, 2018
Teacher: Sally Tatterson

Student Name:__________________________

Due Date: To be handed in with your annotated script

in your drama folder at the end of the performance in
term 2
To develop a character, it is important to think through some details and “background” of
the character. This worksheet will help you understand your character and the
relationship they play with the other characters on stage.

Character’s Name:___________________________

How old are you?

Where do you live?

How would you describe yourself? (i.e. moody, temperamental, calm, passive, quiet, etc.)

How intelligent are you, and how much education do you have?

What is your social status? Are you wealthy, poor or middle-class?

How would you describe your relationships with the other significant characters on
Character 1______________________________________________________________

Character 2______________________________________________________________

Character 3______________________________________________________________

How would you describe your family?

What do you do when you get home from school?

What are my religious or spiritual beliefs?

What kind of clothes do you prefer?

Are you an emotionally expressive person? In what ways do you express your emotions?
(For example are you angry? If so do you scowl all the time and snap at people? Or are
you shy and therefore speak quietly and find it hard to make eye contact with people?)

What is your sense of humor like?

What is your best trait? Your worst trait?

What do you love to do?

Who or what bugs you the most?

What about yourself are you most proud of?

How would like to be remembered?

What frightens you?

What do you want more than everything?

What are your character’s goals?

What is your posture like?

Describe some of your typical movements and gestures.

What are some of your mannerisms?

What does your voice sound like?

Who is your best friend? Since when have you been best friends?

Do you think you one of the ‘popular’ kids at school? Why or why not?

How is this character different from you? (A paragraph)

How is this character the same as you? (A paragraph)

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