Before The Bell GR

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(We open on a blank stage.)

enter. They stand in a line at the front of the stage, facing the audience. Here, they function as a
chorus. ERIN, MIKIE, and JESS enter upstage of the chorus at the same time, getting into places
without being noticed by the audience.)

(During the following, the chorus speaks directly to the audience. After they each say their line,
they turn away from the audience, get into positions to start the first scene, and freeze.)

SAM: That shouldn't have happened.

MARCY: I thought they were just talking to him. Maybe scaring her a bit, but that's it. I
didn’t expect them to...

KIM: I mean, she was kinda asking for it.

KAYLA: Someone needed to do something.

DOMINIQUE: I wanted to help, but those girls freak me out.

EDDIE: Hey, better her than us.

MILLY: It was just a joke, she didn't have to take it so seriously.

JADE: I woulda told a teacher or something, but there were so many of us, I figured
someone else must be going to get some help. (beat) You know? (As EDDIE turns into his
position, we now see MIKIE, JESS, and ERIN - frozen, mid conversation, in the middle of the
stage. As the ANNOUNCEMENT starts, everyone unfreezes. The kids are in little clumps
throughout the stage, creating a semi- circle, within which MIKIE, JESS and ERIN stand.
Unless indicated, the kids in the clumps pantomime their own conversations, like they're all
hanging out outside the school before classes start.)

(The kids talk quietly amongst themselves during the following:)

ANNOUNCEMENT (OLIVIA): Good morning, students. Today is Friday the

seventeenth. The weather is expected to be sunny and mild all day, so all extra-
curricular activities will happen as scheduled. Tickets are still on sale for tonight's
grand final, - go Saint Mary’s! After the game, the ticket will get you into the cafeteria,
where there will be refreshments, pizza slices, and a DJ. Final bell is in twenty minutes,
so start heading to your lockers. And have a productive day!

(Once the announcement ends, we hear ERIN, JESS and MIKIE talking - already mid-friendly

ERIN: (to JESS) But she's immortal. Immortal.

JESS: Tell that to the rest of the Titans.

ERIN: What does that have to do with anything?

JESS: If she’s a Titan, and Titan’s can be destroyed, then so can she.

ERIN: That’s an insane argument.

JESS: How?

ERIN: Because she’s a goddess and totally immortal, she can’t be destroyed.

JESS: Well neither can Kahlesi, she’s the mother of dragons, duh.

ERIN: You can't say Kahlesi would beat Wonderwoman in a fight if the only way
Wonderwoman loses is cuz Kahlesi sicks her dragons after her. (then) Right, MIkie?

MIKIE: I never saw it.

JESS: Saw what?

MIKIE: Wonderwoman versus The Mother of Dragons.

JESS: (horrified)/No!

ERIN: (grossed out) No, no, no.

JESS: (to MIKIE) Are you insane?

MIKIE: What?

JESS: That movie's the worst.

ERIN: Like actually the worst.

MIKIE: You were the ones talking about it.

ERIN: We were talking about what would happen if they actually got into a fight. Not
that really badly shot film.

MIKIE: (joking) I think it was shot on digital.

JESS: You know what he means - this is a serious discussion.

MIKIE: (smiles, enjoying this) Oh, yeah?

JESS: Yes.

(As he takes a comic from his backpack.)

MIKIE: More serious than the new comic I just got?

ERIN: We’re talking Game of Thrones and Wonderwoman - not Batman.

(MIKIE goes to show JESS the comic.)

JESS: (to MIKIE, re: ERIN) Yeah, she's got a point, we’re- (sees the comic, suddenly super
excited) Dude, how'd you get that?!

MIKIE: (shrugs, pleased with himself) Amazon.(ERIN, a little annoyed she got ignored, comes
over and looks at the comic.)

ERIN: You did not get that on Amazon.

MIKIE: How do you know?

ERIN: Cuz it's crazy rare.

M: Maybe I just got lucky.

JESS: (re: the comic) Dude, that is nuts. I've been looking for this one for, like, years.

MIKIE: (tries to suppress a smile, to JESS) Yeah, well...happy birthday.

ERIN: What?

JESS: (confused) Yeah, uh, what?

MIKIE. It’s your birthday present. (A surprised beat.)

JESS: (not sure what to say) My, uh, my birthday's not for a couple weeks.
MIKIE: Yeah, but it just got here last night, and I couldn't wait, I guess, so... (a slight
beat, then joking) Just don't expect anything else on your actual birthday.

JESS: (still surprised, but really pleased) Thanks, Mikie. This is awesome.

(JESS hugs MIKIE as he smiles, a bit embarrassed. ERIN watches, looking a little jealous. The
hug ends.)

MIKIE: (embarrassed but pleased) It was nothing. (JESS admires the comic during the

ERIN: (quietly, to MIKIE) How much did that cost you?

MIKIE: (waves it off) Not important.

ERIN: (quietly) Mikie, that's like a lot of money. (stops, realizing) You like Jess.

MIKIE: (knows what she means, but trying to ignore it) Of course I like her - she's my best
friend. And you, too.

ERIN: (quietly, to Mikie) Not like that. Like-

MIKIE: (suddenly nervous, changing the subject, louder so JESS can hear) What were you
saying about Wonderwoman? Before I interrupted you.

ERIN: (trying to stay on topic) Mikie, do you-

MIKIE: (ignoring ERIN, to JESS) Jess, Wonderwoman's better than Spiderwoman, right?

JESS: Pfft - no. Spiderwoman's a ga-jillion times better than Wonderwoman.

MIKIE: Erin, you have anything to say about that?

(A slight beat as ERIN decides whether to push the topic of MIKIE liking JESS. Finally, he sighs,

ERIN: Wonderwoman is the best superhero ever - like, literally. End of story.

MIKIE: What makes her so special?

ERIN: (getting really into it again) Everything. Everything about her is special. She is a
goddess, she's super strong, and, most importantly, invincible.

JESS: One, no, she's not - take a look at the Battle of the Titans.
ERIN: (exasperated) That's not-

JESS: (barreling on) And two - her near-invincibility is what makes her super boring.

ERIN: No. No, it doesn't. It-...Knowing she can't get hurt, or beat up - it's a hall pass,
you know?

JESS: (confused) To, like, go to the bathroom?

ERIN: (passionate) To be, like, free, I mean. It gives her the freedom to be herself.

Without being scared of being hurt for it.

(Beat.)MIKIE: (gently) You talk to your parents?

(ERIN looks away, shrugs.)

MIKIE: Erin, you need to talk to someone-

ERIN: No, I did, I did.

MIKIE: Really?

ERIN: Yeah.

JESS: What’d they say?

ERIN: That everything Molly and Tess are saying isn't true.

JESS: (obviously) Well, yeah.ERIN: And that bullies are bullies cuz they're scared and



ERIN: (shrugs, trying to make light of it) And what? That's what they said - to remember
that. And to ignore them. (imitating her mother) "Words can't hurt, Erin. Not if you don't
let them."

MIKIE: (still concerned) ...Maybe the guidance counselor could do something?

ERIN: Dr. Krueger said they can't do anything unless they catch Melanie and Tess
picking on me or they start doing it on social media. And even if they do, they can't do
much about rumors and insults . But if they catch Tess and Melanie actually physically
hurting me-

MIKIE: (more concerned) They haven't, though, right? You'd've told us if they'd touched

ERIN: No, they haven't. And probably won't. So, the best Dr. Krueger could offer was
breathing exercises.

JESS: Breathing exercises? In case, what, they try to choke you?

ERIN: For my anxiety.

(Beat.)MIKIE: (deciding to focus on the positive) Well...we got your back.

ERIN: (embarrassed but appreciative) You don't have to.

JESS: You kidding? We'll go Khalesi and get the dragons on their butts.

ERIN: Wonderwoman.

JESS: Khalesi.

MIKIE: (definitively) Wonderwoman.

JESS: But-

(JESS sees MIKIE'S face - let ERIN have this one.)

JESS: (agreeing) Wonderwoman.

(ERIN smiles.)

ERIN: (to JESS) So, we having a Netflix marathon tomorrow night?

JESS: Um, do Ben and Jerry’s make my favorite food?

ERIN: Sweet.

MIKIE: (hesitant about asking) Hey, so, uh, my plans fell through for tomorrow night.

ERIN: Oh, yeah?

MIKIE: Yeah.
ERIN: That’s a bummer.

(A slight beat.)

JESS: (to MIKIE) Did you, um, wanna join us?

ERIN: /What?

MIKIE: I mean, yeah, if that's cool.

ERIN: I thought you Pretty Little Liars.

MIKIE: I don't hate it. I just haven't watched it. But I was thinking- (a quick, embarrassed
glance at JESS) -it might be cool.

JESS: (shrugs, cool with it) I mean, yeah, /sure-

ERIN: (a little thrown) Wait.

JESS: Whaddayamean, "wait?"

ERIN: (a little weird about it) No, it's just...we’re up to season 5.

JESS: I’ll get him up to speed.

ERIN: Yeah...But, like, what if there's not enough ice cream?

MIKIE: (getting embarrassed) It's okay, I don't have to.

ERIN: I’m not saying you can't, /it's just-

JESS: Mikie, it's cool, you can-

MARIA: (trying to be positive) I'm sure I'll have homework I can do. Free me up for the
rest of the weekend.

(ERIN feels bad, has trouble making eye contact with him. An awkward beat.)

MIKIE: I, uh, forgot one of my books. I'll be right back. (MIKIE exits. Once he's gone:)

JESS: Erin, what was that?

ERIN: I didn't mean to upset him, I just... (awkward) ...Netflix bingeing is our thing, you
JESS: (still not seeing why it's a big deal) Yeah, so? We can all watch . It'll be fun.

ERIN: (sighs) Yeah, yeah, you're right. When he gets back, I'll tell him I want him to
hang. I was just thrown, cuz, you know, he's never wanted to before, but yeah, yeah, he
should come.

JESS: Cool.

ERIN: So, Should we watch something other than ‘Liars’? Might be cool to watch
Vampire Diaries, so-

(During ERIN's line, KIM and SAM cross downstage in the middle of a quiet but heated
conversation. They stop walking when they see JESS and ERIN, KIM ribs SAM. When JESS
notices KIM and SAM:)

JESS: (whispers, to ERIN) Hey, hey, shh!

ERIN: (hasn’t seen KIM and SAM) Why?

(JESS discreetly gestures toward KIM and SAM.)

ERIN: (awkward) Oh.

(MIKIE, unnoticed by JESS and ERIN, comes back on during JESS's line:)

JESS: we still have a deal?

MIKIE: What deal?

JESS: (didn’t realize she was back) Oh, hey. Erin and I made a deal that if-

ERIN: (looking nervously at MIKIE, quickly) It's not important.

JESS: (incredulous) Not important?

ERIN: (giving MIKIE another worried look) I just mean, we don't have to discuss it now-

JESS: The grand final's today.

ERIN: Yeah, but-

JESS: If we're gonna ask Sam and Kane to go with us, we need to do it now. Sam is just
over there with Kim now….we’ll go ask Sam then we’ll go find Kane…
MIKIE: (a little stunned) a date?

JESS: (“what else?”) Well, yeah.

MIKIE: (to ERIN) You'd go with...?

ERIN: (awkward) Uh, Kane.

MIKIE: (to JESS, not wanting to believe it) Which means you'd go with Sam.

JESS: (a worried glance in SAM and KIM’s direction) Shhhh! (then, to MIKIE) Yeah.

(ERIN watches MIKIE as this information hits him hard. JESS is oblivious, distracted by
looking at Sam.)

ERIN: (with sympathy, quietly to MIKIE) Mikie-

JESS: (to ERIN, whispers) Erin, you promised - you'll ask Kane if I ask Sam.

You know you wanna, you’re just scared to admit it.

ERIN: (still worried about MIKIE) I mean...

JESS: Don’t make me talk to them on my own. Please. Is my hair ok?


(ERIN is torn. Then:)

ERIN: Okay, yeah.

JESS: Sweet! (then, calling to Sam) Hey, Sam!

(JESS starts to cross toward KIM and SAM.)

ERIN: (whispers, panicked) No, not right now!

(But JESS's already crossed to KIM and SAM. SAM smiles at JESS. KIM looks sullen.)

SAM: ’Sup?

ERIN: (to MIKIE, quietly) Hey, you okay?

MIKIE: (trying to cover his hurt) Why wouldn't I be?

(ERIN still looks at MIKIE, concerned.)

JESS: (trying to act cool) So, me and Erin were-

(JESS gestures to her side, expects to see ERIN there. JESS is surprised when she realizes
ERIN’s still over with MIKIE. JESS tries to cover her confusion.)

JESS: (to SAM) I, uh, mean "I." I was thinking. About the, uh, grand final. Today.

SAM: Uh-huh.

JESS: And I was wondering if you were going. (quickly, changing his phrasing) I mean, if
you wanted to go - together.

SAM: Really?

JESS: (getting more awkward) I mean, you know, only if you, uh, wanna. Or you could go
to the game and not go with me. You can do that, too. That's totally...up to you.

SAM: (genuinely excited, smiles) Of course we can go together! (then, feeling like he showed
too much excitement, pulls back) I mean, yeah. That'd be cool.

(Unnoticed, MIKIE looks crushed. )

JESS: (overjoyed) Sweet. Sweet. (turns to ERIN, whispers) Erin, come on, ask where Kane

MIKIE: (quietly to ERIN) Go ahead.

(ERIN takes a step toward JESS, KIM and SAM, but stops again, uncomfortable.)

KIM: (to JESS, teasing) It's funny, for a second I thought you'd be going with Erin. (KIM,
sullen and distracted, looks at the floor.)

JESS: (laughs, but confused) Whaddayamean? Erin's going to be there. (to KIM) I mean,
especially if... (whispers toward ERIN) Girl, get your butt here, and ask where Kane is so
you can ask him!

(ERIN takes a deep breath, crosses over to them.)

ERIN: Yeah, hi, thought you might know where Kane is….

SAM: (to JESS, wants the attention) No, I thought she'd go as your date.
(ERIN freezes, horrified.)

KIM: (exasperated) Sam! Seriously?

SAM: (innocently) What?

JESS: I dunno what you mean.

(SAM whispers to JESS. We can't hear what he's saying, but it's clearly making JESS

ERIN: (to SAM) What are you saying? (to JESS) Jess, what'd he say?

KIM: (uncomfortable, not making eye contact) He's saying you're gay. And that you're in
love with Jess. (then) ...Is it true?

(ERIN is dumbfounded.)

MIKIE: (coming to ERIN's aid) Of course it's not.

SAM: Melanie says it is.

ERIN: Melanie? And you believed her?

SAM: (to ERIN, re: JESS) You are a little possessive.

ERIN: Possessive?

SAM: Always spending time with her.

ERIN: (defensive) Cuz she's my best friend.

JESS: Yeah. (then, quietly to KANE) And, hey, she was about to say yes to going to the
footy with Sam - how can she be gay?

SAM: (quietly to JESS) Really?

JESS: Yeah.

SAM: (looks at ERIN, to JESS, a little too loudly) Doesn't seem like she wants to go with

(It’s clear everyone heard him. The silence is very awkward.)

(Beat.)SAM: (like everything's fine) Anyway. (to JESS, re: him and KIM) We gotta get to our
lockers. Seeya later?

JESS: (at a loss) Uh, yeah...yeah.

SAM: (smiles) 'Kay.

(SAM crosses to KIM. SAM keeps his head down as he exits.)

(JESS, MIKIE and ERIN are left in an uncomfortable silence.)

MIKIE: We should get to /class-

JESS: (to ERIN) Why would she say that?

ERIN: (hoping JESS is talking about something else) Who say what?

JESS: Melanie. Say that you love me.

(Two students, MARC and DILLON, cross downstage during the following. They stand nearby,
but engrossed in their own unheard conversation.)

ERIN: I don’t- (stops, then) Cuz Melanie's a bitch.

JESS: But you didn't answer him About if it's true.

ERIN: Are you serious?

MIKIE: Guys-

JESS: I just-

ERIN: (very defensive) Are you being serious right now?

JESS: If people are saying it-

ERIN: Melanie. Malanie's saying it.

JESS: And others.

ERIN: Because of Melanie.

JESS: And Kane said you were seen...

ERIN: ”Seen?" Seen doing what?

JESS: (uncomfortable) Never mind. (then) But...if you are, I should know - you know?
Cuz it's about me, too.

ERIN: How is this about you?

JESS: If you' love with me, then that's not fair to me.

ERIN: (incredulous) Not fair?

MIKIE: Erin-

JESS: To not know, I mean.


ERIN: I cannot believe you're asking me this.

JESS: I just want to know-

ERIN: (defensive, trying to guilt JESS) It shouldn't matter.

JESS: So...are you saying you are-

ERIN: I’m saying you're supposed to be my friend.

(Beat.)JESS: (hurt, not making eye-contact) I'm gonna go to my locker.

MIKIE: Jess, /wait-

ERIN: (upset, cold) Fine.

JESS: (not looking at them) Seeya at class.

ERIN: (hurt, trying to hide it) Whatever.

(JESS walks off.)

ERIN: (to MIKIE, re: JESS) Can you believe that?

MIKIE: ...It was a little harsh.

ERIN: Seriously.

MIKIE: (delicately) No, I mean, what you said to her.

ERIN: What?

MARIA: You know she's still your friend. She just didn't know how to respond.

ERIN: There’s nothing to respond to! It's a stupid rumor.

MIKIE: (very gently) Erin, it's...okay, you know. If you have feelings for her.

(ERIN is at a loss. Then:)

ERIN: We are not discussing this.

MIKIE: I’m your friend, you can tell me.

ERIN: It’s just some stupid thing Melanie said, probably cuz Tess told her to.

MIKIE: I are possessive when it comes to Jess.

ERIN: (can’t believe she's hearing this) What? Why? Just cuz I didn't wanna watch Pretty
Little Liars with you?

MIKIE: Not just that.

ERIN: (lashing out) Just cuz you're in love with Jess doesn't mean I am.

(This hits MIKIE hard.)(Beat.)(ERIN realizes that she went too far.)

ERIN: I didn't mean /that-

MIKIE: I’m gonna go find Jess.

ERIN: Mikie, wait-

Mikie: I’ll talk to you later.

ERIN: Let’s talk now.

MIKIE: (kind, but firm) No. No, I really don't want to. Not when you're like this. (MIKIE
starts to walk off. ERIN starts follow.)

ERIN: I’m sorry, okay?

MIKIE: (still walking off) Just gimme some space - please.

(ERIN stops as MIKIE exits.)

ERIN: (loud, upset) Melanie and Tess are bitches! Idiots with nothing better to do than
pick on me. It's not my fault they're losers!

(Hearing this, MARC and DILLON stare at ERIN. ERIN sees this.)

ERIN: (embarrassed, defensive) What are you looking at?

(Offended, MARC and DILLON walk away as they whisper and glance back at ERIN.)

(ERIN starts pacing back and forth, breathing heavily and starting to panic.)

ERIN: (to herself) Breathe. Remember what Dr. Krueger said. Breathe deep, into my

(She puts her hands on her back, breathes deeply into them.)

ERIN: (a breath for each number, calming as she goes) ...Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six...
Five... Four... Thr-

(The school bell rings, startling ERIN.)

ANNOUNCEMENT (V.O.): Five minutes to first period. Five minutes.

(The students start to collect their stuff, pick up their backpacks, etc, and walk toward their
classes. ERIN takes another second to close her eyes and breathe. She then starts walking-)

MELANIE (O.S.): Tess, she's over here!

TESS (O.S.): Erin!

(ERIN stops, mortified.) ERIN: (under her breath) Please, no.

(With panic in ERIN's eyes, everyone onstage suddenly freezes.)

(After a beat, the chorus turns toward the audience. ERIN exits while the chorus shifts into their
positions during the following (note: MELANIE enters during the following, getting into her
starting position then freezing):

SAM: They’re just bitches

KIM: Hey, no one died, so what's the big deal?

JADEN: I have to look after myself.

DOMINIQUE: Those girls are mean.

EDDIE: Best thing I can do is stay outta the cat fight.

DILLON: ’Til the end, it was pretty funny.

MARC: If she just stayed quiet, everything woulda been good.

KAYLA: They definitely started it.

(The chorus lands in their starting positions and unfreeze. They have whispered conversations
again, while MELANIE, sitting on the ground, looks at her binder and textbook - struggling
with her homework. She's concentrating very hard, muttering to herself.)

ANNOUNCEMENT (V.O.): Good morning, students. Today is Friday the seventeenth.

The weather is expected to be hot and sunny all day, so all extra-curricular activities
will happen as scheduled and please don’t forget your hat when outside. Tickets are
still on sale for tonight's football grandfinal, - go Saint Mary’s! After the game, the ticket
will get you into the Mary Knoll Centre, where there will be refreshments, healthy
snacks, and a DJ. Final bell is in twenty minutes, so start heading to your lockers. And
have a productive day!

(Once the announcement ends, we hear what MELANIE's saying:)

MELANIE: (reading from the textbook) "The equation is balanced by a device called a
variable. A variable is an unknown number represented by any letter in the alphabet,
but most commonly 'x.' The value of each variable must remain the same in each

(MELANIE sets down the textbook, looks at the binder.)

MELANIE: (muttering to herself) 'Kay, so "x." Where's “x?" (finding it) "X!" Okay. So. If "x"
is a number, it must be... (struggling) Must be...

(MELANIE, getting frustrated, picks up the textbook again.)

KAYLA (O.S.): Melanie!

MIKE: (under breath) Crap.

(KAYLA, a very smart student MELANIE's age, crosses to her.)

KAYLA: Hey, I was waiting for you at the picnic tables. That's what we said, wasn't it?
(checking her notes) I thought that's what I wrote down.

MELANIE: (trying to hide her homework) Yeah, no, I just got distracted.

KAYLA: It’s just, Mrs. Sudull asked me to help you with this, and I really don't want to
let her down. (then) Or you.

MELANIE: Yeah. (a slight beat) We should probably get to class, right?

KAYLA: Melanie-

MELANIE: Don’t wanna be late-

KAYLA: (a little louder) Melanie, your homework.

MELANIE: ...What about it?

KAYLA: Can I see it, please?


(MELANIE takes out the homework, hands it to KAYLA.)

MELANIE: (trying to be hopeful) I think I'm getting better. (then) A little.

KAYLA: (looking at the paper) Oh, God.

MELANIE: (embarrassed) It's not-

KAYLA: (still looking at the paper) Oh, God.

MELANIE: (defensive) Hey - I tried the tricks you showed me, they didn't work.

KAYLA: I thought you said you were getting better.


KAYLA: If anything, this is worse.

MELANIE: (defensive) And who's fault is that?

KAYLA: (a little hurt) That's not fair. I'm trying to help.

MELANIE: Yeah, cuz Mr Dalton told you to.

KAYLA: Yes, so?

MELANIE: Not cuz you really wanna help.

KAYLA: Of course I-

MELANIE: (suddenly sulking) No one does.


KAYLA: I want to help. I really do. I don't want you to get held back. /Do you?

MELANIE: (whispers) Shhh! (looking around, making sure no one heard) How do you know

KAYLA: (quieter) I'm sorry, it's just, when I was hanging back to go over notes with you,
I heard Mr Dalton give you the letter to give your parents saying that if things don't get
better soon, you're gonna be held back. (then, quickly) I didn't mean to eavesdrop. (then)
What'd they say?

MELANIE.: (sulking again) Who?

KAYLA: Your parents.

MELANIE: Oh. Nothing.

KAYLA: (confused) "Nothing?" What do you mean, "nothing?"

MELANIE: I mean they didn't say nothing.

KAYLA: (confused) That doesn't make sense. (then, realizing) Mel - you did give them the
note, didn't you?

MELANIE: Yeah.KAYLA: Please don't lie to me.

MELANIE: (confused) Whatayamean, "lie?"

KAYLA: If you didn't give them the letter, you'll be in so much more trouble.

MELANIE: I gave it to them.

KAYLA: Then what did they say?

MELANIE: They didn't say nothing.

KAYLA: (confused) But why wouldn't they say-?

MELANIE: (frustrated) Cuz they don't they care. They're never around, they never
check my homework, I dunno if they even look at my report cards. They don't say
nothing. So, if I fail it don't matter to them cuz they don't care.


KAYLA: That can't be true.

MELANIE I’m not lying.

KAYLA: No, I know. I just...where are they? If they're not home.

MELANIE: (shrugs) Working.

KAYLA: Okay, so they're probably just busy, right? I'm sure they care.

MELANIE: I ask 'em to look at my stuff, they say I must not be paying attention in class.
"That's what school's for. What we pay school fees for," they say. Ground me, like it's
my fault I don't know something. That sound like they care?

KAYLA: (not wanting to make her feel worse) ...I don't know. (Beat.)

MELANIE: Whatever. (vulnerable) I just - I can't fail, okay? I can't get held back. Cuz
then my friend, she'll, she'll just keep going, and I won't. And she's all I got. All I got.
And I won't have her as my friend any more. I'll just be here, alone, with everyone
thinking I'm dumb.

KAYLA: (sympathetic) You're not dumb.

MELANIE: (defensive) I know I'm not.

KAYLA: (backing off) Okay.

MELANIE: I just need... (an idea) Hey...Hey. Can you give me the answers?

KAYLA: (not fully comprehending) ...Give them to you?

MELANIE: Yeah, yeah. Just 'til I start to get it. Maths, I mean.

KAYLA: (worried) You wanna copy my work?

MELANIE: Only for a while. So I have time to figure it out. Then I'll stop.
KAYLA: (uncomfortable) But that's cheating.

MELANIE: You’re supposed to be helping me. Help me by not letting me fail before I
have a chance to get better. Please.

(KAYLA thinks about this.)

KAYLA: ...It would only be for a little while?


KAYLA: And in the meantime you'd keep working to improve?

MELANIE: Every day, yeah. (then) Think about how happy Mr. Dalton would be that
you helped me improve so quickly.

(A beat.)

KAYLA: I don't think that's a good idea. (off MELANIE's disappointment, quickly) If he
caught us, we'd both get suspended - or worse. I- (then, correcting herself) -we can't risk
it. (SAM and KANE cross to the SR side of the stage, talking quietly to each other, they laugh.)

MELANIE: (quietly, to KAYLA) I'll pay you.

KAYLA: (really worried) What?

(KAYLA looks toward SAM and KANE, anxious.)

MELANIE: Money. My lunch money.(MELANIE goes to take lunch money from her pocket,
discovers she doesn't have any.)

MELANIE: Mom and Dad forgot to leave some before they left this morning, but they
sometimes remember. And when they do - you can have it.

KAYLA: (a little firmer) I think we should just go over the homework - together.

MELANIE: But I don't-

KAYLA: Melanie, please - I'm not gonna help you cheat. But I'll help you. Now, I get
that quadratic equations are confusing. So there's a trick you can use if all else fails.

MELANIE: There is?

KAYLA: Yes. If you can't remember the formula, you can figure out "x" by just choosing
a number at random and seeing if, when you use it to solve the equation, the number
you come up with is the same as the number on the other side of the equal sign. And if
it isn't, you pick a different number and try again. It takes longer, but you'll get the
answer eventually.

MELANIE: (a bit more hopeful) So...I can pick any number?

KAYLA: Yes. (then) Well, if all the numbers in the equation are single-digit, you
probably don't want to choose a three-digit number. Probably. Does that make sense?


(Clearly MELANIE's confused again, getting frustrated.)

(MELANIE hears SAM and KANE laughing, is worried it's about her. MELANIE is distracted
by their presence during the below:)

KAYLA: (looks at the binder) Let's start simple - three "x" plus five equals fifteen. Now,
can you choose a number for me, Melanie? (beat) Mel?

MELANIE: (to SAM and KANE) Something funny?(After a second, SAM and KANE notice
she’s looking at them.)

SAM: (genuinely confused) Excuse me?

MELANIE: (louder) I said, something funny?

SAM: Were we talking to you?

MELANIE: Heard you laughing. Got something you wanna say, say it.

SAM: Well, we don't, so-

MELANIE: Don’t lie.

SAM: I’m not.

MELANIE: (trying to embarrass him) You crushing on me? That it?

SAM: (perplexed) What? /No.

KANE: (laughs) Trust me, it's not you he's crushing on.

SAM: Kane, shut /up.

KANE: (to SAM) I can't believe you find her hot.


KAYLA: Melanie, we should really-

KANE: Erin Leyden.

SAM: (angry) Kane! I told you not to say anything.

KANE: Oh, you know I'm just baiting you.


SAM: I already said, we weren't talking to you. (to KANE) Come on.

(He goes to walk away.)

MELANIE: (calling after them, to upset SAM) Doesn't matter - cuz she's a lesbian.

(KANE and SAM stop.)

KANE: (intrigued) What?

SAM: Kane, let's /just-

MELANIE: Tries to hide it, but everyone can see she's in love with Jess. Doesn't take a
genius to see that.

KANE: (genuinely concerned) Jess isn't gay - is she?

MELANIE: (making it up as she goes) No...That's why Erin pulls up pics of Jess on her
phone and practices kissing them.

KANE: (loving it) Oh. My. God.

SAM: She does not.

MELANIE: Saw her. In the bath room.

KANE: That makes so much sense. (to SAM) You even said, she's so possessive of Jess.

SAM: (embarrassed) I said she's protective of Jess. And I didn't mean it in a bad way.

KANE: But you're right - she's always around Jess.

SAM: (starting to get defensive) That's cuz they're best friends.

KANE: We’re best friends, I still don't wanna stick my tongue down your throat.

SAM: (getting really annoyed) ...I'm going to my locker.

(SAM goes to leave.)

KANE: Oh, come on, wait - Sam. (to MELANIE and KAYLA, conspiratorially) He really
liked her. (following after SAM) Sam!(KANE quickly follows after SAM.)(MELANIE turns,
sees KAYLA looking upset with her.)


KAYLA: That wasn't nice.

MELANIE: Doesn’t mean it's not true.

KAYLA: Erin’s okay. She's nice. And pretty smart. (This annoys MELANIE more than she

KAYLA: And even if she is... (not wanting to say "gay") know... (then) I don't think
it's your business.

MELANIE: (starting to feel ashamed) Yeah? Cuz I don't think my homework is your

KAYLA: I’m your tutor.

MELANIE: Cuz, what, Mr Dalton told you?

KAYLA: And because I want to help.

MELANIE: No, you don't. You want everyone to know how smart you are. And how
nice you are. But you're not. Everyone knows you're a stuck-up teacher's pet and that's
why they hate you.

(This stings KAYLA badly. She struggles but maintains her composure.)

(Upstage, TESS (the other bully) enters on her phone, facing away from MELANIE and
KAYLA. She remains upstage during the following.)

KAYLA: Take that back. /Please.

MELANIE: No. No, it's true, so I won't.

KAYLA: You can't just say things like that-

MELANIE: Yeah, I can. And if you don't leave me alone, I'll say worse.

(She believes her.)


(She hands her binder back to her, then walks away.)

(Giving up on her homework, MELANIE puts her binder and textbook in her backpack. As she
does, she notices TESS on her phone upstage.)

(MELANIE turns back downstage, starts prepping herself for talking with TESS, wanting to
sound cool. She pulls out her phone, looking at the joke she has saved on there.)

MELANIE: (practicing) Tess, hey - you hear this one? (stops, then tries again) Yo, Tess -
check this out. (grimaces at that one, tries again) Hey, Tess, I got a joke for you. (happy with
that, she looks at the joke on her phone, reads it) What do you call a Jedi in denial? (then, still
reading, still and awkward delivery) Obi-Wan. Cannot. Be. (shakes her head, tries again, much
more natural) Obi-Wan Cannot Be. (happy with it) Nice.

(MELANIE sees TESS get off the phone.)

MELANIE: Yo, Tess. (realizes she said it wrong) I mean, hey.

(TESS sees MELANIE, they meet center stage. TESS seems distracted, not very interested in the
conversation with MELANIE.)

TESS: Hey.

(TESS looks at her phone. MELANIE notices TESS’s lack of interest, gets a little self-

MELANIE: You, uh, wanna- (stops, then) I got a joke for you. (no response) Tess?


MELANIE: You okay?

TESS: (defensive) Yeah - why?

MELANIE: No, nothing, I just, I got a joke for you. (a little self-conscious) I know you find
'em funny, so...

(A slightly awkward beat since TESS's still distracted.)

TESS: (trying to be interested, failing) Okay, yeah.

MELANIE: (trying to make it sound natural, failing) 'Kay, so - what's a jedi that-
(correcting) -I mean, what do you call a jedi... (then) In denial. A jedi in denial.

TESS: Dunno.

MELANIE: Obi-Wan Kenob- (stops, corrects herself) I mean, Can’t- (stops again) Cannot
Be. (a slight beat, then lamely trying to explain) He's Cannot Be.

(TESS nods solemnly.)

TESS: (her mind elsewhere) Mm.

(TESS looks at her phone, like she's willing it to ring.)

(MELANIE’s disappointed by the reaction, but tries not to show it.)

MELANIE: Yeah, you're right, it's not funny.

TESS: What?

MELANIE: I said it's not funny.

TESS: (confused) Then why'd you say it?

MELANIE: (struggling) ...I-

(TESS’s phone rings. She instantly picks it up and turns upstage away from MELANIE.)

(As soon as she knows TESS isn't looking, MELANIE crosses downstage and hits herself in the

MELANIE: (whispers, as she hits herself) Stupid! Stupid!(JADE moves downstage, to a place
where she ends up seeing MELANIE hit herself.

JADE stops, stupefied by the sight of MELANIE hitting herself.)

(MELANIE sees JADE watching her - stops hitting herself.)

MELANIE: (defensive) What are you looking at?

JADE: ...Nothing.

MELANIE: (more defensive) "Nothing?" What, you mean like I'm nothing?

JADE: (alarmed) What? No.

MELANIE: So, what'd you see?

JADE: (carefully) Just you, Melanie.

MELANIE: You think it's funny, what you saw?


MELANIE: It made you laugh?


MELANIE: What didn't?

JADE: What?

MELANIE: What didn't make you laugh?

JADE: (confused) I don't...

MELANIE: (self-consciously angry) Just say it - me hitting myself. You thought it was

JADE: I didn't, I swear.

MELANIE: (feeling like she trapped JADE) So you did see it! (a little more confident) You're
not so smart, you know that? (a beat, then defensively angry) Quit staring at me.

(JADE looks away from MELANIE, takes a step the way she'd been heading - past MELANIE -
but thinks better of it, and goes back the way she came.)

(MARCY and MILLY cross downstage, see MELANIE. Start to cross to her-)

MARCY: Melanie, hey-(Suddenly, they hear TESS yelling upstage, into the phone.)

TESS: (loud, mid-sentence) -I don't care-(TESS keeps speaking into the phone, but the rest of
what she says can't be heard.
Thrown by how upset TESS already seems, MARCY and MILLY hesitate.)

MILLY: (to MELANIE, re: TESS) Is, uh, this a bad time?

MELANIE: (to MARCY and MILLY) What do you want?

MARCY: We just wanted to tell Tess something, but it can-

MELANIE: (defensive) Why Tess?


MELANIE: Why not me?

MARCY (surprised by this) I mean...

MELANIE: (suddenly suspicious) Is it about me?

MARCY (getting worried) What? No, no, it's about Erin.

MELANIE: What about her?

MARCY: She’s saying - well, yelling - yelling stuff about you and Tess.

MELANIE: (already getting upset) What kinda stuff?

MILLY: (regretting this choice) It's, you know, it's not a big deal, really. Let's just-

(MELANIE crosses toward them.)

MELANIE: Tell me.

MARCY: (quickly) Bitches. She's calling you bitches. And losers and idiots. (quickly) We
wouldn't have said anything, but she's yelling it for everyone to hear, and-

MILLY: (jumping in) -and we thought you should know.


(Suddenly, MELANIE cross upstage to TESS, who’s still on the phone. MARCY and MILLY

MELANIE: Tess, hey-

TESS: (to MELANIE, but not looking at her) Not now, Mel!
(TESS goes back to talking into the phone, but we don't hear what she's saying.)

MELANIE: But it's important.

TESS: (to MELANIE, harsher) I said not now.

(MELANIE is surprised, a little hurt by this tone from TESS. TESS goes back to talking into the
phone - still unheard - as MELANIE turns back to MARCY and MILLY.)

MELANIE: (to MARCY and MILLY) Erin just said this, like just now? (While MILLY

MARCY: Yeah.

MELANIE: So everyone heard?

MARCY: Yeah.

(MELANIE turns back to TESS.)

MELANIE: (back to TESS, almost desperate) But she called us bitches and losers - and, and

TESS: (to MELANIE, confused) Who?

MELANIE: Erin. Said we're pathetic. And sluts. Yelling it so the whole school can hear

(This is enough to distract TESS from the phone for a second.)

TESS: (shocked, to MELANIE) Erin? But she- (then, firmer) Just gimme a minute, 'kay?

(TESS goes back to talking into the phone, unheard. After a second of this:)

TESS: (loud, upset) No!

(TESS stares at her phone, fuming - clearly the person hung up.)

MELANIE: (approaches TESS tentatively) Tess...We can't let Erin say that. Stuff like that.
That, that crap about us. Can we?


(TESS looks up, rage in her eyes.)

TESS: Where is she?

MARCY: Near the picnic tables-

(TESS’s already started moving, MELANIE in tow.)

(The bell rings.)

ANNOUNCEMENT: Five minutes to first period. Five minutes.(TESS has trouble seeing
through all the students, getting increasingly frustrated.)

TESS: I can't see her.(MELANIE spots ERIN walking near the edge of the stage.)

MELANIE: Tess, she's over here!(MELANIE points - now TESS sees her, too.)

TESS: Erin! (ERIN hesitates, facing away from TESS and MELANIE. She mumbles something
that we can't hear.)

TESS: Look at me when I'm talking to you. (Everyone freezes.)

(After a beat, the chorus turns toward the audience. MELANIE and ERIN exit while the chorus
and TESS shift into their positions during the following:)

SAM: They should be expelled.

KANE: (shrugs) Girls can be bitches - it's kinda funny.

JADE: I get picked on enough by my sisters, I don't need it here. DOMINIQUE: (a bit
defensive) There's nothing I could have done. Nothing.

EDDIE: If it's gotta be her or me - I choose her.

MILLY: Yeah, Tess can be mean, but it's always funny.

MARCY: It just went too far.

KAYLA: There has to be something wrong with you to do something like that.

(The chorus lands in their starting positions and unfreeze. This time, the announcement starts
partway through.)

ANNOUNCEMENT (V.O.): ...after the game, the ticket will get you into the Mary Knoll
Centre where there will be refreshments, healthy snacks, and a DJ. Final bell is in
twenty minutes, so start heading to your lockers. And have a productive day!
(As the announcement ends, TESS enters. TESS looks around, thinks no one's paying attention
for the moment. She stoops a bit, goes to touch her back, as-)

KEVIN (O.S.): Hey, wait up!(TREVOR stands back up straight as KEVIN, TREVOR’s
brother (8-9 years old), comes


TESS: Hey, Kev.

KEVIN: (joking) You running from something?

TESS: (joking) Yeah, you. Tough guy.

KEVIN: (smiles) Shut up. (then) You not so tired now?

TESS: What do you mean?

KEVIN: Last night. You went to bed so early.

TESS: Right, yeah, I was just tired.

KEVIN: (teasing) Lazy.

TESS: (playing along) That's me.

(A slight beat.)

KEVIN: He wasn't angry, right? About the bins?

TESS: (waves it off) Nah, you know Dad. Alotta hot air, but... (trails off for a second as She
touches her back, then) But all good. Don't worry about it.

KEVIN: I dunno why you didn't just tell the truth. (shrugs) I forgot to take out the bins,
so what?

(TESS pauses for a second - like she's considering telling KEVIN the truth - but quickly changes
her mind.)

TESS: You’re right, it's no biggie - so don't worry about it.(During the below, JADE
crosses the stage. When he spots TESS, she slows down, a little nervous as she passes TESS.)

KEVIN: Yeah, but-

TESS: Hey, if I wanna take the blame for your screw-ups, that's my right. As your big

KEVIN: (re: JADE, amused) Why she look at you like that?

TESS: Like what?

KEVIN: Like you so scary.

TESS: (fake-serious) Maybe I am, Kevin. Maybe I am.


(KEVIN laughs.)

KEVIN: Yeah, okay, and I'm, like, the Easter Bunny.

TESS: (smiles a little) What'd you want, anyway? Lunch money?

KEVIN: Yeah.

TESS: Yes, what?

KEVIN: (purposefully defiant) Yes, Tessy. (off Tess's look) "Yes, please."

TESS: Thank you.

(TESS goes to take money out of her pocket, remembers she doesn't have any.)

TESS: Ya know, I just remembered, I left it in my locker. I'll get it to you before lunch.
How much you need, three?

KEVIN: (hopes he's not pushing it) ...Five?

TESS: (a little incredulous) Five?

KEVIN: Have you had the chocolate-covered strawberry ice cream cone?

TESS (a bit amused) No.

KEVIN: It’s so good. (then) But if you don't got it, it's okay.

TESS: No, no, I'll get it. I'll get you five. Just wait 'til after the meal for ice cream, 'kay? I
know we're not eating as good as we do when Mum's home, but I’ve still gotta keep
you eating right.
(KEVIN’s mood noticeably slumps.)

TESS: (quickly) Just, ya know, 'til she's back. (a joke) Then she can be the one worrying
about you.

KEVIN: It’ll be soon, right?

TESS: (lying) Yeah.

KEVIN: (hopeful) You spoke to her?

TESS: I-...not since she left, but-

KEVIN: (disappointed) Oh.

TESS: -you know how it goes - she takes off for a couple weeks, stays with Grandma,
then she’s back and everything's awesome.

KEVIN: I wish she'd stop. Leaving, you know?

TESS: I know.

KEVIN: It’s, like, selfish.

TESS: (gently disagreeing) Well-

KEVIN: Doing that to us. And Dad.

TESS: She wouldn't if she didn't have to.

KEVIN: She don't have to just leave like that. It's like, like she doesn't even love us.

TESS: (stern) Hey. Don't ever say that.

KEVIN: But it's-

TESS: No. If there's one thing I know, it's how much she loves you. She wouldn't do
something like this unless she had good reason.

KEVIN: Like what?

TESS: What?

KEVIN: What good reason?

TESS: ...You just gotta trust me. 'Kay?


(TESS playfully scruffs his hair.)

TESS: I said, "'kay?"(TESS puts KEVIN into a playful headlock, gives him a brief noogie.)

KEVIN: (laughing, trying to fend off TESS) Okay, okay! (TESS lets KEVIN go.)

TESS: Where you wanna go when she gets back? Last time, dad took us to Macca's to
celebrate. Before that, I chose Dream World. This time, it's your turn. What are you

KEVIN: (enjoying the moment) Hmmm... (a thought) Oh! (embarrassed, changing his mind)
Nah, never mind.

TESS: What?

KEVIN: Nothing.

TESS: (encouraging) Just tell me.

KEVIN: ...I always wanted to go to Australia Zoo.

TESS: (surprised) Australia Zoo?

KEVIN: I know, it's dumb.

TESS: No, no, I just didn't know that. Yeah, Australia Zoo. That'd be awesome. I think
we could talk Dad into that.

KEVIN: Yeah?

TESS: Yeah. What animal do you most wanna see?

KEVIN: (smiles) The Dingoes.

TESS: (laughs) The Dingoes? Why?

KEVIN: Cuz they remind me of warewolves, which are my /favorite monsters.

TESS: Your favorite monsters, yeah. Cool. I'm down.

KEVIN: Sweet! And that'll be soon, right?

TESS: Soon, yeah. (trying to make herself believe it) Real soon. (KEVIN is very pleased with

TESS: Now, get to your locker. I don't want you late for /class. KEVIN: (used to this
lecture) I won't, I won't.

(KEVIN goes to exit.)

KEVIN: (calling back) Seeya!

TESS: Bye, Kev. (KEVIN exits.)

(TESS watches to make sure KEVIN is out of sight. Once she's certain KEVIN's gone, she puts
her hand on her back and winces. Making sure no one’s paying attention to her, she faces upstage
(so her back is facing the audience) and lifts the back of her shirt, so it doesn't touch her back. We
can see some bruising and welts on her back. She takes deep breaths, trying to control the pain.)

(She touches a particularly painful spot, bending over from the sudden pain. At that moment,
EDDIE quickly crosses forward, followed at a distance by DOMINIQUE. EDDIE calls back to
DOMINIQUE - not looking where she's going.)

EDDIE: (still moving) Come on, Dominique, we gotta go practice before-(EDDIE bumps
into TESS. TESS, startled, jumps back, screams, and puts her hands up as if to protect herself -
an instinctive, scared reaction.)(Seeing this, and not sure how else to react, DOMINIQUE starts
to nervously laugh.)

(TESS, breathing heavily from the scare, glares at DOMINIQUE. She stops laughing.)

EDDIE: (nervously, to TESS) Sorry! (to DOMINIQUE) Let's go. (They go to exit.)

(TESS keeps her voice down throughout, so other students can't hear her, but it's still very

TESS: Hey.(EDDIE and DOMINIQUE stop walking.)

TESS: Come here.(EDDIE and DOMINIQUE don't move)

TESS: Come here.(EDDIE and DOMINIQUE, terrified, cross over to TESS.)

TESS: What’s your name?

EDDIE: (“me or DOMINIQUE?”) Uh, you talking to me or...?

EDDIE: Eddie. I'm Eddie.

DOMINIQUE: Dominique.

TESS: ’Kay. So...Eddie. Dominique. What you laughing at?

EDDIE: I wasn't.

DOMINIQUE: We weren't.



TESS: (calm) No. Cuz I just imagined it. Cuz I'm some moron who just makes stuff up.
That it?




(TESS suddenly gets right in DOMINIQUE's face.)

TESS: (intense) Then why were you laughing?

(DOMINIQUE, terrified, jumps back. She stares at the ground, too scared to make eye contact
with TESS.)

DOMINIQUE: (quietly) I'm sorry.

TESS: You’re what?

DOMINIQUE: (a little louder) I'm sorry.

TESS: You think I care if you're sorry?

DOMINIQUE: (quieter again) No.

(TESS stares at DOMINIQUE for a beat. Still staring at the ground, she's so scared she seems
like she’s about to cry. Suddenly, TESS switches her focus to EDDIE.)

TESS: (to EDDIE) And you. You're worse - just standing there when your friend's about
to cry. I bet you’d run away if you could, and just leave her here. You think that makes
you a good friend?


TESS: A nice person?


TREVOR: No - it makes you a coward. And I hate cowards.

(EDDIE and DOMINIQUE stare at the ground.)


TESS: Gimme your money.

EDDIE: (“which one?”) Uh, who?

(Beat as TESS stares at EDDIE.)

(DOMINIQUE and EDDIE take money out of their wallets. TESS takes the money, counts it.)

TESS: (counting) One, two, three... (reaching the last bill) Four?

DOMINIQUE: That’s-that's all we’ve got.

(TESS just stares at them. Finally, EDDIE nervously takes out another dollar. TESS takes it. As
she puts the money in her pocket:)

TESS: (to herself) And five. (to DOMINIQUE and EDDIE) You gonna laugh again?



TESS: (“good”) No.

(TESS steps out of their way, allowing DOMINIQUE and EDDIE to pass. They walk away as
fast as they can. Once they're gone, TESS stops acting tough, goes back to showing that she's in

(TESS takes out her phone, looks at it, deciding whether to make a call. She starts to dial -
changes her mind. Goes to put her phone away - changes her mind again. She quickly hits the
"Call" button. She tensely holds the phone as it rings. We can tell by her reaction that it goes to

(During the following, we see MELANIE enter upstage, look at TESS, then go back to facing
upstage, practicing her joke.)

TESS: (into the phone) Hey, Mom. Just calling to see when we can expect you to...come
back. It's just, um, it's a been longer, a little longer this time, and, um, well, Dad's been
saying some stuff. Stuff like... (her voice starting to break) you aren't gonna come
back this time. That this time's for good. And I- (trying to convince herself) I know he's
angry. That he's lying. But please. Come back. Just come back. So he'll stop saying it.
And so he'll stop... (touches her lowerback) ...stop being him. For a little. (a slight beat) Say
"hi" to Grandma for me. I love you, Mum.

(TESS hangs up, looking like that took a toll on her.)

(Seeing that TESS got off the phone, MELANIE calls to her.)

MELANIE: Yo, Tess. (realizes she said it wrong) I mean, hey.

(TESS walks upstage, meeting MELANIE center stage.)

TESS: Hey.(TESS looks at her phone. MELANIE notices TESS’s lack of interest.)

MELANIE: You, uh, wanna- (stops, then) I got a joke for you. (no response) Tess?

TESS: (looking at her phone) Hm?

MELANIE: You okay?

TESS: (defensive) Yeah - why?

MELANIE: No, nothing, I just, I got a joke for you. (a little self-conscious) I know you find
'em funny, so...

(A slightly awkward beat since TESS's still distracted.)

TESS: (trying to be interested, failing) Okay, yeah.

MELANIE: (trying to make it sound natural, failing) 'Kay, so - what's a jedi that-
(correcting) -I mean, what do you call a jedi. (then) In denial. A jedi in denial.

TESS: Dunno.

MELANIE: Obi-Wan Kenob- (stops, corrects herself) I mean, Can’t- (stops again) Cannot
Be. (a

slight beat, then lamely trying to explain) He's Cannot Be.

(TESS nods solemnly.)

TESS: (her mind elsewhere) Mm.

(TESS looks at her phone, like she's willing it to ring.)

(MELANIE’s disappointed by the reaction, but tries not to show it.)

MELANIE: Yeah, you're right, it's not funny.

TESS: What?

MELANIE: I said it's not funny.

TESS: (confused) Then why'd you say it?

MELANIE: (struggling) ...I-

(TESS’s phone rings. TESS instantly picks it up and crosses downstage, away from MELANIE.)

(As soon as she knows TESS isn't looking, MELANIE crosses upstage and hits herself in the

(During the following, JADE enters upstage, has the same interaction with MELANIE, this
time unheard.)

TESS: Mum, hey! Thanks for calling me back so fast! (listens, then smiling) I missed you,
too. How's Grandma? (listens, then) Kevin's good, yeah, he's good. Grades are
improving. I don't let him watch TV 'til he’s done with his homework. And he wants-
(laughs a little) Get this - when you come back, he wants to go to Australia Zoo. (laughs a
bit more) Can you believe that? He used to be scared of Mrs. Myers' poodle, now he
wants to go see aa actual dingo. (listens, then she seems confused) Whaddayamean, "when
you come to visit?” (listens, then her mood gets worse) You mean, for like a couple weeks.
That you'll be staying with her for a couple more weeks. (listens, then getting upset) That
doesn't make sense- (listens, then cutting her off) Of course I want you to be safe, I just-
(listens, then trying to be positive) 'Kay, 'kay, then you're taking us with you, right?

(Upstage, JADE exits.)

TESS: (into phone) Me and Kev. We'll move with you to Grandma's. We’ll- (listens, then
incredulous) But the summer's months from now.

(MILLY and MARCY enter upstage, start talking to MELANIE. TESS doesn't notice.)

TESS: (listens briefly, then annoyed) I don't care if you pull us outta school! We'll go to
another school. (listens, then scared) You can't leave us with him. He’ll- (listens, then
annoyed) Of course I'll take care of Kevin. I'm already taking care of him more than you
are. (listens, then backs off) I'm sorry, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Mum, I- (stops,
then) No, I-. I'm just- (her voice breaking) -scared, okay? Really scared. He's - Dad - I...I
haven't seen him like this before. (listens, then) Not this bad. (really scared, vulnerable) I
don't know how much more I can take. really hurts. (listens, then upset) He's not
gonna "get better" if you don't come back!

(MELANIE crosses toward TESS, followed by MARCY and MILLY.)

MELANIE: Tess, hey-

TESS: (to MELANIE, but not looking at her) Not now, Mel. (back into phone, quickly) Mum,
just give it one more-

MELANIE: But it's important-

TESS: (to MELANIE, harsher) I said not now.(MELANIE talks with MARCY and MILLY,

TESS: (listening to phone, then) No, it's nothing, I can talk, I just-MELANIE: (back to
TESS, almost desperate) But she called us bitches and losers - and, and sluts!

TESS: (to MELANIEE, confused) Who?

MELANIE: Erin. Said we're pathetic. And sluts. Yelling it so the whole school can hear

(This is enough to distract TESS from the phone for a second.)

TESS: (shocked, to MIKE) Erin? But she- (then, firmer) Just gimme a minute, ‘kay (turns
away from MELANIE, back into phone) Mum, listen- (listens, doesn't hear anything) Mum,
you there? (a slight beat) Mum? (realizes she's no longer on the line, frustrated) No! (TESS
keeps looking at her phone, fuming.)

MELANIE: (approaches TESS tentatively) Tess...We can't let Erin say that. Stuff like that.
That, that crap about us. Can we?

(TESS looks up, rage in her eyes.)

TESS: Where is she?

MARCY: Near the picnic tables-

(TESS’s already started moving, MELANIE in tow.)

(The bell rings.)

ANNOUNCEMENT: Five minutes to first period. Five minutes.(TREVOR has trouble

seeing through all the students, getting increasingly frustrated.)

TESS: I can't see her.(MELANIE spots ERIN walking near the edge of the stage.)

MELANIE: Tess, she's over here!(MELANIE points - now TESS sees her, too.)

TESS: Erin!(ERIN hesitates, facing away from TESS and MELANIE. She mumbles something
that we can't hear.)

TESS: Look at me when I'm talking to you.

ERIN: (trying to be friendly) Hi, Tess. Melanie.

TESS: What are you doing?

ERIN: What do you mean?

TESS: Acting nice. Like we're friends. You think we're friends?

ERIN: ...I don't know.


TESS: You dunno?

ERIN: I mean-

TESS: You dunno if we're your friends. Like if you like us or not. You dunno? (then)
You do know.
ERIN: Tess-

TESS: (harder, taking a step toward ERIN) You do know - so say it!

ERIN: (getting nervous, quickly) No, we're not friends.

TESS: No, cuz friends don't tell the whole school that you're stupid sluts.

ERIN: (looking away, starting to panic) ...I didn't...

TESS: Didn’t what? Didn't say it? Cuz that'd mean I'm lying. Is that what you're


TESS: So you did say it.

ERIN: I wasn't thinking.

TESS: No, you weren't. You know, you're pretty stupid, aren't you?

(Everyone freezes - except SAM, who speaks directly to the audience (like the opening),
articulating his inner-monologue.)

SAM: I’m not watching this. Sometimes I really hate this school.

(The action unfreezes as SAM walks off. Seeing SAM exit, KIM follows him offstage.)

KIM: (as she exits, to SAM) Hey, wait up!

TESS: (to ERIN) Say it. I wanna hear you say how dumb you are.

(By this point, the kids still onstage are watching - some of them, including MARCY and
MILLY, laughing. MELANIE sees this, wants the students to think she's funny, too:)

MELANIE: (louder, to make sure everyone can hear) Yeah, say it. ERIN: (quietly) ...I'm

TESS: Louder.

ERIN: (a little louder) I'm dumb.

TESS: I can't hear you.

MELANIE: Yeah, I can't hear you, too.

ERIN: (loud, embarrassed) I'm dumb, I'm dumb, I'm dumb!

(The action freezes as JADE turns to the audience.)

JADE: Someone else will help. I just need to stay out of it. (The action unfreezes as JADE

TESS: You better than us?


(The other students laugh some more.)

TESS: (quickly, intense) No - cuz you're a loser. A no-good loser that everyone else
would be better off without. You make everyone else's life worse and they'd all be
happier if you just disappeared. Isn't that right?

ERIN: ...Yes.(A beat as TESS stares at ERIN, taking comfort in her misery.)

TESS: (firm, confident) That's right.(TESS, satisfied, starts to walk away. The other students
start to move off, too.

MELANIE, sensing this, jumps back in:)

MELANIE: (to ERIN, loud) And who's gay?

(A slight beat.)

TESS: (not sure what MELANIE's talking about) What?

MELANIE: (quietly, to TESS) Sam was laughing at me earlier, so I told him- (louder, so
others can hear) -Erin's a lesbo. (to ERIN) Lesbo in love with Jess. (then) Say it.

(The students whisper to each other and snicker - clearly this rumor's going to spread fast.
MELANIE likes the reaction this is getting.)

MELANIE: (to ERIN) You heard me - say it.(Everyone freezes as EDDIE and DOMINIQUE
turn to the audience.)

DOMINIQUE: I’d help, but... (an embarrassing admission) ...Tess and Melanie really scare

EDDIE: (re: ERIN) Hey, better her than me.(The action unfreezes as EDDIE and
(A beat as ERIN looks at the floor, unable to make eye contact. MELANIE doesn't like being
ignored, starts to feel self-conscious.)

MELANIE: Erin. Say it.

ERIN: (quietly) No.


ERIN: (louder) No, no, I won't, cuz, cuz you know what? (anger and frustration pouring
out of her now, to both TESS and MELANIE) Cuz my parents are right - you are losers.
You're dumb, and, and no one likes you. You think being bitches to me is gonna make
you cooler? Calling me gay makes you more liked? Well, screw you - I don't give a crap
what you say. Cuz you're nothing.

(A shocked silence.)(Then, the final bell rings.)(The action freezes as MARCY and MILLY turn
to the audience.)

MILLY: It was just supposed to be a joke.

MARCY: I am not getting in trouble for this.

(The action unfreezes as Milly and Marcy exit.)

(A long beat as ERIN, MELANIE and TESS stare at each other. KAYLA (the last chorus
member onstage) watches nervously.)

ERIN: I, uh, gotta get to class...(ERIN starts to back away. When she turns her back on TESS
and MELANIE, TESS quickly crosses toward ERIN.)

KAYLA: (a warning) Erin!

MELANIE: (to KAYLA) Shut up!(ERIN turns back around as TESS reaches her - and pushes
her to the ground.

The moment ERIN lands, the action freezes. KAYLA turns to the audience.)

KAYLA: Someone needs to do something.(The action unfreezes as KAYLA runs offstage.)

(ERIN tries to get to her feet, but TESS kicks her in the stomach.)

MELANIE: (under her breath) Oh, no.(ERIN is now on her stomach, her hands covering her
head to protect herself.)

TESS: (to ERIN) Get up. I said get up.(TESS smacks ERIN's hands, trying to knock them off
her head.)

(During this, KEVIN steps onstage (at an angle where TESS doesn't notice him), watching in

TESS: (to ERIN) Don't you dare ignore me. (to MELANIE) Help me flip her over. (a slight
beat as MELANIE hesitates, then commanding) Melanie!.

(Melanie moves forward to help TESS turn over Erin. Erin tries to struggle, but the two larger
girls are able to turn her over.)

(TESS pins ERIN to the ground with her knees and punches her. TESS stands back up, looks at

TESS: Kick her.

MELANIE: W-what?

TESS: Kick him.

MELANIE: (really doesn't want to) Tess, I don't think-

TESS: (yelling) Do what I said!

(MELANIE, scared, rushes forward and kicks ERIN.)(TESS stares at ERIN, who isn't moving,
as MELANIE starts to cry.) (Overwhelmed, MELANIE runs off. TESS turns to look at
MELANIE - and sees KEVIN.)

TESS: (surprised) Kev?(KEVIN looks at TESS, suddenly afraid.)

TESS: (friendly) Hey, I-(TESS takes a step toward him. Terrified, KEVIN quickly backs away.)

KEVIN: (scared) Don't.(TESS is hurt and confused by this response. She tries to move more
quickly toward


TESS: Kevin-(Freaked out, KEVIN runs off. This clearly hurts TESS. Shee stands shocked for a
second, then:

TESS: Kev, come back. (TESS exits after KEVIN.)

(ERIN lies on the ground alone for a beat...)

(...then KAYLA suddenly runs on, followed closely by JESS and MIKIE.)

KAYLA: Over here!

JESS: (seeing ERIN) Erin!

MIKIE: Oh, God. (to KAYLA) Go get the nurse.

(KAYLA nods as she runs off.)(MIKIE and JESS both kneel next to ERIN.)

ERIN: (mumbling) Jess?(ERIN tries to move so she can see them better. MIKIE gently puts a
hand on her shoulder.)

MIKIE: Hey, hey, don't move 'til the nurse gets here. It's okay now.

JESS: Yeah, yeah. We're here now, buddy. We're here.

(They freeze as the chorus members - plus KEVIN - file back onstage and stand in a line in front

KEVIN: How could I not know my own sister was like that? SAM: How could anyone
be that horible?

KIM: How is this my problem?

JADE: What could I have done?

DOMINIQUE: Is it my fault if I can't help?

EDDIE: Why am I the one who has to help?

MARCY: Why’d it have to go so far?

MILLY: Why can't she just laugh it off?

KAYLA: Is there more I could have done?

(The chorus opens in the middle, leaving space for ERIN, MIKIE and JESS, all three now
standing. They step into the line on the following lines:)

JESS: All are fair questions.

MIKIE: But maybe not the right ones.

ERIN: Or maybe it's not about asking questions at all.

(The chorus looks offstage - where TESS and MELANIE enter.)

MELANIE: Maybe it's about listening.

TESS: To the other person's story.

ERIN: To their pain.

MELANIE: Frustrations.

TESS: Insecurities.

ERIN: But also their hopes.


TESS: Likes.

ERIN: It’s not a solution...

(The chorus, MIKIE and JESS back up into a semi circle around MELANIE, TESS, and ERIN.)

CHORUS: ...But it's a start.

(ERIN, MELANIE, and TESS stare at each other for a second, then sit on the floor and begin
talking to each other, trying to share their stories. The chorus watches them. The lights slowly
fade out during the following...)

TESS: My dad's angry a lot. Takes it out on my mum. 'Til she finally left.

MELANIE: (a little surprised, feels sorry for TESS) I didn't know that.

ERIN: Me neither.

TESS: (shrugs) Well... (to ERIN) What about you?

ERIN: Oh. I guess, I'm scared of losing my best friend. My other friend, Mikie, is
around a lot more, and, I mean, I like him, but I'm afraid she's gonna lose interest in me.

MELANIE: (a moment of understanding) Yeah. Yeah, I get that... (...fade to black.)


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