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Papatripas y sus destripadores (Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (2021)) [10 EP]

Necron Warrior Fire Team (Tomb World) [4 EP]


Game Type
Selections: Matched

Categories: Configuration

Operative [4 EP]

Necron Warrior [2 EP]

Selections: Bayonet, Gauss flayer, Starfire Core [2 EP]
Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Necron Warrior, Operative
Abilities: Living Metal, Starfire Core, Operative: Necron Warrior, Weapons: ⌖ Gauss flayer, ⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior)

Abilities Ability Ref

In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Starfire Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that
Core shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, you can retain one of your failed hits as a successful normal hit.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Necron Warrior 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Gauss flayer 4 3+ 3/4 - -

⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior) 3 3+ 3/4 - -

Necron Warrior [2 EP]

Selections: Bayonet, Gauss flayer, Starfire Core [2 EP]

Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Necron Warrior, Operative

Abilities: Living Metal, Starfire Core, Operative: Necron Warrior, Weapons: ⌖ Gauss flayer, ⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior)

Abilities Ability Ref

In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Starfire Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that
Core shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, you can retain one of your failed hits as a successful normal hit.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Necron Warrior 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Gauss flayer 4 3+ 3/4 - -

⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior) 3 3+ 3/4 - -

Necron Warrior
Selections: Bayonet, Gauss flayer
Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Necron Warrior, Operative

Abilities: Living Metal, Operative: Necron Warrior, Weapons: ⌖ Gauss flayer, ⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior)

Abilities Ability Ref

Living Metal In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Necron Warrior 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Gauss flayer 4 3+ 3/4 - -

⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior) 3 3+ 3/4 - -

Necron Warrior
Selections: Bayonet, Gauss flayer
Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Necron Warrior, Operative

Abilities: Living Metal, Operative: Necron Warrior, Weapons: ⌖ Gauss flayer, ⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior)

Abilities Ability Ref

Living Metal In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Necron Warrior 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Gauss flayer 4 3+ 3/4 - -

⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior) 3 3+ 3/4 - -

Necron Warrior
Selections: Bayonet, Gauss flayer
Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Necron Warrior, Operative
Abilities: Living Metal, Operative: Necron Warrior, Weapons: ⌖ Gauss flayer, ⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior)

Abilities Ability Ref

Living Metal In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Necron Warrior 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Gauss flayer 4 3+ 3/4 - -

⚔ Bayonet (Necron Warrior) 3 3+ 3/4 - -

Flayed One Fire Team (Tomb World) [6 EP]

Game Type
Selections: Matched
Categories: Configuration

Leader [2 EP]

Flayed One (Leader) [2 EP]

Selections: Flayer claws, Tesla Weave [2 EP]

Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Flayed One, Leader

Rules: Rending
Abilities: Living Metal, Equipment: Tesla Weave, Operative: Flayed One (Leader), Weapons: ⚔ Flayer Claws (Leader)

Abilities Ability Ref

Living Metal In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Equipment Equipment Ref

Tesla Each time an enemy operative finishes a Charge move within Engagement Range of this operative, roll three
Weave D6. For each result of 5+, that enemy operative suffers 1 mortal wound.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Flayed One (Leader) 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 10

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Flayer Claws (Leader) 5 2+ 4/5 - Rending

Operative [4 EP]

Flayed One [2 EP]

Selections: Flayer claws, Tesla Weave [2 EP]
Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Flayed One, Warrior, Operative
Rules: Rending

Abilities: Living Metal, Equipment: Tesla Weave, Operative: Flayed One, Weapons: ⚔ Flayer Claws

Abilities Ability Ref

Living Metal In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Equipment Equipment Ref

Tesla Each time an enemy operative finishes a Charge move within Engagement Range of this operative, roll three
Weave D6. For each result of 5+, that enemy operative suffers 1 mortal wound.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Flayed One 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Flayer Claws 5 3+ 4/5 - Rending

Flayed One [2 EP]
Selections: Flayer claws, Tesla Weave [2 EP]
Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Flayed One, Warrior, Operative

Rules: Rending
Abilities: Living Metal, Equipment: Tesla Weave, Operative: Flayed One, Weapons: ⚔ Flayer Claws

Abilities Ability Ref

Living Metal In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Equipment Equipment Ref

Tesla Each time an enemy operative finishes a Charge move within Engagement Range of this operative, roll three
Weave D6. For each result of 5+, that enemy operative suffers 1 mortal wound.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Flayed One 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Flayer Claws 5 3+ 4/5 - Rending

Flayed One
Selections: Flayer claws
Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Flayed One, Warrior, Operative

Rules: Rending
Abilities: Living Metal, Operative: Flayed One, Weapons: ⚔ Flayer Claws

Abilities Ability Ref

Living Metal In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Flayed One 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Flayer Claws 5 3+ 4/5 - Rending

Flayed One
Selections: Flayer claws
Categories: TOMB WORLD, Necron, Flayed One, Warrior, Operative

Rules: Rending
Abilities: Living Metal, Operative: Flayed One, Weapons: ⚔ Flayer Claws

Abilities Ability Ref

Living Metal In the Ready Operatives step of each Turning Point, this operative regains up to 2 lost wounds.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Flayed One 2⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 9

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Flayer Claws 5 3+ 4/5 - Rending

Selection Rules
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or
shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits you can retain one normal hit as a critical hit.

Created with BattleScribe

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